The streets in District 118 are still hot in the early morning. Before the sun shines on some places, people have gathered around North 3rd Street where the 13th Section store is located.

At this time, in the crowd, some people wearing ordinary clothes but with extremely serious eyes walked towards North 3rd Street after passing the temporary inspection of the business department. At this time, two people walked past each other, and one of them, an old man, suddenly Stuffing a red headband and armband into the young woman's bag.

The tall Rubens rented a place on the back street of the main street of North 3rd Street. He stared quietly at the street below and only rested for 4 hours a day. The rest of the time Rubens was busy investigating. All suspicious characters.

But today Rubens obviously felt something was wrong, because he saw many times that some of the people dressed in different clothes were from this neighborhood, and some were from outside. People from outside gave some headbands and armbands to this street. some people inside.

Rubens was a little upset early this morning. His Vulture Team missed the opportunity to perform in Area 79 that night because of this mission. When he met with the team members at around 4 o'clock in the morning to exchange and collect intelligence, everyone's expressions were obviously uncomfortable.

Rubens wanted to call the people in Section 5 and ask them to strengthen patrols near the store in Section 13. These people probably wanted to organize a protest in front of the store in Section 13. There were also many reporters in this area. Digging for news, today is the best opportunity.

After weighing the situation, Rubens decided to do nothing. They could not be exposed. Several team members had already called and told them about the upcoming protests.


Rubens punched the window sill with a hammer. As a member of the special operations team, he has always been looked down upon in Cone over the years. Many things cannot be announced. Rubens has watched some news videos of the battle. As reported here, one can imagine how fierce the battle was, but their Vulture Team did not participate.

But the mission was still important. Rubens took out a mission-specific liquid compression phone, a quadrilateral brooch, enlarged it and sent a command. He turned around, grabbed his coat and went out.

When he walked on the street, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere was completely different from the previous few days. He planned to go directly to the store of Section 13 and wait for an opportunity. People from Section 5 could be seen everywhere on the street, and the flow of people continued to flow. Walking through the streets and alleys towards the store in Section 13, Rubens and his team members have been observing for nearly 2 hours. The number of people in this demonstration should exceed 500.

At this time, Rubens noticed a guy passing by him. He keenly smelled the smell of mixed flammable liquid. Although it was masked by the perfume on the man's body and could not be smelled by ordinary people, Rubens could not smell it all year round. They are all exposed to these flammable and explosive materials, and it is very clear.

Simple Molotov cocktails are the most effective weapon for such protests. In the past, most protests took place at the middle level. Because there were large and small gangs in most areas at the bottom, and the voices from the bottom were too weak, most people were indifferent to such demonstrations. With a nonsense attitude.

But today is different. Since yesterday, the city's attention has been focused on the bottom. There are still a large number of businessmen here. Today's protests may turn into bloody conflicts. Rubens was a little panicked, but he could only abide by the order. If you tell the people in Section 5, it will definitely be very troublesome, and you may be listed as a suspect and arrested.

These protests and demonstrators seem to be organized and premeditated. Most of them are ordinary people on the street. Several members of the team also found that these people had a rally yesterday, although many of their actions were very secretive. , including the headbands, armbands, flags and other items used for protest demonstrations, were all passed quietly among the crowds of people on such congested streets.

At this delicate moment, the protests that took place today can be transmitted to all parts of the city. At this time, Rubens finally came to the vicinity of the 13th branch shop. More than 100 people from the 5th branch were around to maintain order. The businessmen We lined up in front of the store in an orderly manner, waiting for the store to open.

What surprised Rubens was that he saw some businessmen from big companies in the team, Chen Qiao and Honghong, which shocked Rubens.

At this time, Rubens was squinting at the two sneaky guys. He took advantage of the situation and came to the back of the crowd, hiding his figure while others were not paying attention.

"Tom, where did this come from?"

Rubens quietly looked at the two people who were leaning against the wall and handing over things. Among them, the young man with yellow hair named Thom was holding a small round ball in his hand. Rubens immediately recognized it. , is a directional bomb used for blasting.

"It might come in handy today."

As he spoke, Thom handed the coin to the older man next to him. Rubens knew that he was the owner of a snack bar on this street. Rubens looked a little embarrassed. He planned to arrest these two people directly. However, at this moment, the crowd surged. Rubens missed the opportunity for a while. Not far away, Le Xiao, secretary of Section 13, came over here.

"That's basically it, Master Ye Jiao!"

Phil stood cautiously in front of Ye Jiao, lowering his head, feeling his cheeks burning. She knew that this factory was originally used by this small gang to launder money for the superior organization, and deliberately defrauded the original boss. Now all the evidence is being investigated. came out, which made Phil feel embarrassed.

Leti sat quietly in the yard of the factory. Yao Jun and the people from Section 8 stood aside, but at this time Leti looked a little unhappy.

"Is it your first day at work?"

Letty tapped on the light and shadow screen the legal provisions that would later be used as the basis for prosecution.

"Economic crimes, intimidation of others, illegal drug trade, etc., these things all need to be detailed. What did you write? When it is presented to the Law Hall, will it be enough to pass it off in one go? And the witnesses you are looking for Why is the testimony so neat?"

Ma Tao, who was leaning against the factory gate, wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled awkwardly. Even if people from the administrative department came to investigate, many people were still a little afraid of the retaliation from the gang above Zhang and Lao San. They didn't dare to testify, so Ma Tao personally persuaded them and asked them to record a confession of illegal abuse in Section 5 that night. They thought the matter would be solved so easily, but it seemed that the situation was a bit serious, and the three secretaries were not close at all. As a favor, in less than an hour, half of the salary of everyone present this month has been deducted.

"Phil, have you grown a head?"

Ye Jiao said in a cold voice. Phil didn't sleep all night and glared at Ma Tao with a sideways look. Last night, Ma Tao said it was almost done, but this morning the situation was different. This year's Comprehensive Review of the Work Efficiency of the Business Department 20 points have been deducted. I will definitely fail this year and may be demoted.

Yin Cai led the people in Section 7 and directly handed over data records with them, instructing them on how to successfully save the information about this incident in Section 6.

The current atmosphere is a little bad. Crum is not here. He is assisting the director of Section 1 in the district power office to investigate the power economic crimes of the district councilors.

"Such a financial statement was obviously made overnight based on fake financial statements. What I want is a real financial statement. Once you figure this out, give me the financial statement. If you just want to get away with it, , I will ask your immediate superior to bring someone down for review, and you can go home tomorrow!"

Phil nodded immediately.

"I know Master Ye Jiao, I will definitely figure it out."

Ma Tao felt that he was one head and two older, and he might also be implicated, even though he was in Section 5. When he was feeling sad, Ma Tao's phone rang.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss Ma, there is a large-scale demonstration at the intersection of North 3rd Street!"

Ma Tao's heart trembled and he roared angrily.

"What do you do for food?"

5 minutes ago

At the door of Section 13's shop, 10 people from Section 5 stood in a line. In addition to handcuffs on their left arms, they also had a special character with the number 33 underneath, indicating that they were from Section 5. Among the people, Cheng Chen stood at the front, standing up straight and full of energy, waiting for Le Xiao, secretary of Section 13, to come over. Their mission was to come and attack Section 13 indefinitely.

At this time, Le Xiao was escorted by Section 5 personnel to the door of the store. The businessmen all smiled. Le Xiao was a little confused when he saw the members of the special management team standing next to the door.

"Master Le Xiao, we are members of the 33rd Special Operations Team of the 5th Public Security Management Section. I am the captain Cheng Chen. Our mission is to assist Section 13 in the work. We must obey Master Le Xiao's arrangements and command!"

Cheng Chen led the 9 team members behind him with his right fist on his chest, bowed, and then immediately opened the order document signed by Niya. Le Xiao took a look at it and said with a smile.

"Let's go in first, and I'll ask Duoduo for help in the future."


Along with a fierce sound, a blood-red light group appeared in the sky above the street on the right. The sound was very violent. Before everyone could react, a huge voice came from the loudspeaker. out.

"Oppose differential treatment, oppose marginalization, and oppose differentiated treatment through colored glasses."

A tsunami-like voice shouted in unison. Le Xiao and Cheng Chen looked over at the same time. Flags were held in the air, with various words such as rights, demands, differences, etc. on them.

Suddenly, a team leader from Section 5 who was near the store rushed over with a bunch of people.

"Is this happening again!"

Cheng Chen's expression was complicated, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. Just as he was about to rush over, he was grabbed by a female team member behind him.

"Captain, Master Le Xiao hasn't spoken yet, why are you so impulsive?"

Le Xiao stood there in shock. Alpha behind him exhaled a puff of smoke and glanced casually. There were many people on the street who were already preparing to participate in the demonstration.

"What should I do, Secretary?"

Alpha asked, and Le Xiao calmed down. She had seen this battle many times. When she was still working as a reporter, she had seen such demonstrations at the scene many times. She was involved in it again and almost died. Dead.

The shouts were getting closer and closer. People from Section 5 had already taken out their shields and rubber rollers and held them against the street entrance. At this time, the demonstrators began to sing a song, a song that had been forcibly removed from the shelves. The song "We Are Not Dumb".

The lyrics are full of sarcastic words, the melody is exciting and exciting, and the whole song is very intense.

"Lord Le Xiao, let me go."

"Let them in!"

Le Xiao said, everyone present looked at her solemnly, and Le Xiao immediately explained.

"If we don't let them in, won't it turn into a bloody conflict?"

Cheng Chen rushed over quickly. Some people on the street who didn't want to be involved had already entered the store, or ran directly towards the hospital on the back and left.

Lexiao was a little scared, but Alpha behind her pushed her.

"Go ahead. If there's any problem, help will appear on this street in an instant. Besides, I'm here."

Le Xiao nodded and walked over directly.

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