Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 138 Fierce fight! General Affairs Section 1 (Part 2) 7 updates please subscribe!

10 minutes ago

On the rooftop where the wind was howling constantly, Jiu Ming wore a black human-shaped mask, and people with nine different letters were still watching.

"Finally the chaos begins."

Delta, with a sharp voice, spoke first, and then giggled. The smile was already extremely excited, with a hint of intoxication, soft but sharp.

The purpose of the group was to cause chaos. What they did not expect was that the General Affairs Department would conduct the inauguration ceremony of the Secretary of Section 13 so quickly. The largest large-scale ceremony for the rulers in the city was the inauguration of the 9th Secretary at the end of the quarter half a year ago. When I was the head of the Business Section.

"The guy at the end of the season is really not from the same group as us."

The gamma of the old man's voice spoke, with a hint of helplessness and bitterness in his voice.

"Since he is not the same person, he can only be eliminated. The plan is perfect. At the end of the season, he was killed by Jean himself."

Beta said in a cold voice without any emotion.

"Don't talk too early. Don't forget that Ji Mo is one of the people brought here by Gene. Maybe Gene will let Ji Mo go because of his old friendship."

Zeta, the tallest woman, analyzed calmly.

"In the end it's just speculation, but a long time ago when you were all just little kids, I was one of the witnesses."

The old man Gama said with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Old man, how many times have you told this story? Although I don't doubt the authenticity of what you said, is it possible? Bloodbathed the entire area, that guy who is called the criminal in the legend of Brilliant City, wise man, I remember it is It’s no big deal if you bark.”

Just as Gama was about to refute, Beta immediately stopped the conversation between the two, because something was wrong with the situation in front of them. The purpose of the 120 C-number modified people they dispatched tonight was just to create chaos.

The first step is to send a large number of killing officers, the second step is to invade the square of the General Affairs Section and cause casualties, and the third step is to show off one's strength against the 13 operational sections.

As long as a large number of department members die tonight, the news will spread uncontrollably. Those who have lost their family members will definitely spread such things on a larger scale, and lose their colleagues and face-saving department personnel. The anger vented everywhere will eventually pour into the lower levels of the city, because there are a large number of criminals mixed there, as well as most people with citizen levels 1 to 2. They are the most vulnerable and at the same time the most incompetent, regardless of People who are guilty or not are considered dangerous, and poverty is the biggest source of chaos.

In this way, as long as they continue to implement follow-up plans, the people at the bottom will eventually break out again, and the Xingke Branch will adopt the same expulsion method. When the oppression reaches a certain level, resistance is inevitable.

Ignite everything that can be ignited. The nearly 15 million people at the bottom have long been dissatisfied with the existing order. As long as the anger and dissatisfaction in people's hearts continue to be ignited, it will definitely explode in all aspects over time.

And if the people in the administrative department are hit hard tonight, and if the congressmen and businessmen are harmed, the conflict between the administrative department and the congressmen will become more intense tonight, and the administrative department will definitely be embarrassed tonight.

The original plan might have to wait until Ivy took office as the chief of the Ninth Business Section, but they changed the plan midway because this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When the identity of Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, was announced that day, they It has been learned that the people in the business department have tampered with her identity and turned her into a phoenix. Now the business department has begun to become chaotic because of Jean's actions. Coupled with the speculation from the outside councilors, they can only I wanted to resolve the current commotion as soon as possible, so I announced the inauguration ceremony for the next day on the night when the candidate for Section 13 Secretary was announced.

As long as they seize such an opportunity and launch an attack suddenly, they will be unable to defend themselves. The breakthrough rate of the 120 modified people is at least 80%. When they react, the area has turned into a sea of ​​blood.

"There seems to be something wrong."

At this time, Epsilon, the tallest man, said doubtfully, and Gamma immediately adjusted a light and shadow screen with 120 light spots scattered on the map, making it easy to break through.

The 120 biochemically modified people all have optical camouflage invisibility technology, which allows the special coating on the skin to be physically invisible under the control of brain neurons. Moreover, their bodies have been cooled and are in a low temperature state, making them perfect. Those who avoid the heat sensors on the surveillance cameras have also undergone rigorous training in actual combat. They have been injected with special drugs and deprived of self-awareness. They will only rely on the signals from the special chips implanted in their heads to act. , is a complete killing machine.

"There's something really wrong."

Zeta, a tall woman, said that the other eight people also clearly felt that something was wrong, because in less than two minutes, the people from Section 3 began to retreat. There were no obstacles on the way, and it was very smooth.

"What happened?"

The light spots on the screen were disappearing rapidly. More than ten light spots that had just approached the General Affairs Section Square disappeared instantly, and some of them stopped moving.

"The plan appears to have failed."

Gama said, and others had doubts in their eyes. At this time, Delta, who had a sharp voice, looked at the dark streets around him in surprise. It was clear that half an hour ago, there were many houses nearby with lights on, because Due to martial law, people in this area were unable to go out at night, or had to leave, but it was just after 7pm.

At this time, all eight people heard the explosion sound coming from the breeze, and the sound was getting closer and closer, as if something was constantly exploding.

It has been 8 minutes since the operation began, and the number of modified humans has been reduced by half, and is still decreasing at a rate of one every few seconds.

"The plan failed. It seems that the section chiefs took the lead. These modified people were killed instantly in the past."


Just when the nine people were still planning to discuss the next plan, a light blue light suddenly appeared, with a little purple light in it.

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies, you are under arrest!"

Gene grinned slightly and sneered, and Mo Xiaolan let out a devilish laugh on his back.


In an instant, the nine people had already dispersed in all directions. Under the gaze of Jean's light blue eyes, the nine people flew out in all directions at an extremely fast speed. With a loud bang, the nine people were suddenly standing where they were. A hole instantly appeared in the ceiling, and dust was everywhere.

Jean slowly stepped onto the rooftop, bowed his body, and took out a cigarette from his pocket. His smile had disappeared.

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