Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 140 Fierce fight! General Affairs Section 2 (Middle) 9 updates please subscribe!

"It was."

Beta was not afraid at all, and took off his mask, revealing an old but pale face. He grinned. Many of his teeth were blackened and incomplete, and he looked like a dead person.

"Okay, now please come back with us."

Jean said as he took out a silver coin from his pocket and found it at the back door of the building facing the General Affairs Department.

"Is it your thing? Beta."

Beta shook her head.

"The coin you threw will not return to my hand until it has some effect, Mr. Jean."

Gene smiled and tossed the coin, then put it on the back of his hand.

"Head or pattern?"

"I choose the head, Mr. Jean."

Gene smiled and raised his hand.

"Sorry, I guessed wrong, it's a pattern."

Beta chuckled and shook his head.

"I actually want to have a good talk with you, Mr. Jean, but you don't like to hear those truths, right? After all, you are much older than us, and you have seen and done more truths than we know. Much, much more than what’s in the textbook.”

Gene looked at Beta quietly. The more he looked at him, the more he looked like a dead person, but he still handed over the coin.

"I picked up the coin you threw before it fell, and everything is over, if you"

Suddenly Beta laughed heartily.

"This is just the beginning."

As soon as the words fell, Beta fell to the ground. Gene squatted on the ground, pressing Beta's neck with one hand, already dead.

"What's going on? These guys... look like corpses that just crawled out of the cemetery."

After Mo Xiaolan inspected a few corpses, he saw corpse spots, which were found on every corpse, and their flesh also had some signs of decay. The most important thing was the blood, which was very sticky. Mo Xiaolan just now I noticed that when Jean crushed the woman's fist, the amount of blood sprayed out was a little small.

At this moment, members of the special air combat unit from Division 3 had already flown over, and searchlights were shining over them.

"It's this thing."

Jean said as he dug a finger into the back of Beta's corpse's head and took out a black chip. There were obvious surgical techniques on the back of the head.

The refrigerated light and shadow cabinets had been opened one by one, and the people from Section 3 carried the bodies in. Jean looked around.

"It's really cowardly to use dead people to come here."

Mo Xiaolan muttered, and Gene stood next to her with a smile, pulling her blindfold and helping Mo Xiaolan put it on. At this time, Mo Xiaolan leaned on Gene's leg looking slightly tired.

"Sorry, I'll take you to have a nice meal later."

Mo Xiaolan looked unhappy and bit Jean.

"There will be a next time, if we don't find them out completely."

Mo Xiaolan hummed, sighing slightly tiredly.

"I'm tired Gene."

Gene gently picked up Mo Xiaolan and let her lean on his chest. Mo Xiaolan quickly closed his eyes. The achievement tonight was all due to Mo Xiaolan and the staff of Department 2. , they have captured the enemy's tools and handed them over to the 10th Scientific Research Division and the 4th Medical Division. The results will be available soon.

in a basement

Eight oval mechanical cabins standing on the wall have been opened at this time, and there are eight people, four men and four women gathered at the table, with dull faces. Most of them look young, maybe five or six at most. They were ten years old, and the eldest among them looked nearly a hundred years old.


In the dark mechanical cabin, a cabin in the middle was opened. The man sleeping inside was grinning in pain, his body was naked, and there were thin threads piercing the left and right sides of his head. He pulled out the thread bit by bit, and then trembled. He walked out under the cold fog clouds, shivering violently.

"Hurry up and get dressed."

The oldest man stood up and took a set of clothes over. The voice sounded a bit like Gamma, but it was slightly different.

"No matter how many times I still don't get used to it, it is not my own body after all. How much storage capacity does the body have with this remote brain control chip technology?"

The man who spoke quickly put on his clothes and his voice sounded a bit like Beta's.

At this time, the petite girl in the corner started to tremble, and she said in a shivering voice.

"Those two guys are ridiculously strong. The corpses we used belong to S-class mutants. How could they be killed so easily?"

Then one of the tallest women stood up.

"It is still necessary to proceed with the next plan."

The man who had dressed sat down.

"Because they are too strong, we have absolutely no chance of winning head-on. But they are just humans at best. Even the six guys who are called gods in Brilliant City are just people claiming to be gods. The plan has been set long ago. Just follow the steps, this is just the beginning, start S034."

Didi didi

Mo Xiaolan woke up from Jean's arms. A series of emergency contact signals were floating on the pop-up light and shadow screen. At this time, everyone saw that something like a red meteor flying from the west was coming. Approaching quickly this way.

In an instant, the speed and angle were displayed on the light and shadow screen, and it would eventually land on the square of the General Affairs Department.

Gene's eyes widened, and he immediately put a hand on his heart, but Mo Xiaolan grabbed Gene's hand.

"Don't worry, Section 10 has arranged everything."

In just a few seconds, the red meteor in front of him was approaching like a ball of fire. Jean stared quietly, and with a whoosh, the red flames passed over their heads and headed towards the General Affairs Department three kilometers away. flew over.

At this time, the square in front of the General Affairs Department building was already panicking with the sound of a large mechanical ball in the air. The mechanical balls floating on the table in the middle instantly moved to the edge of the square, one by one. The eyes of the mechanical ball emitted red rays of light.

"All personnel are requested to retreat behind the red line. All personnel are requested to retreat behind the red line. The particle defense wall will be activated soon."

There was a loud bang, and a white figure had landed on the stairs. Locke stared angrily at the rapidly flying object in the air that would approach the General Affairs Department in less than a minute.

"Asshole guys, always looking for trouble for me."

"Your Excellency, Chief Steward, please step back behind the red line."

A director of the General Affairs Department shouted hurriedly. At this time, the beam of light emitted from the mechanical ball began to flicker, and white light particles in the air spurted out from the small holes opened under the mechanical ball. , and then quickly gathered together, becoming more and more dense.

Locke unbuttoned and took off his coat.

"If that thing really hits the General Affairs Department, what dignity will our General Affairs Department have?"

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