Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 146 The Source of Danger (Part 2) 15 updates please subscribe!

Le Xiao stood quietly in Michelle's office, surrounded by busy General Affairs Section staff. The crowd was already heading towards the Congress Hall behind the General Affairs Section.

"Wait, your Excellency, Secretary, I just took office today, and"

"Recite your identity information to me again. Don't panic. I will tell you later what will be discussed at the city meeting. You just need to listen quietly. Come on."

Le Xiao swallowed and had no choice but to bite the bullet and start memorizing it like an endorsement. She really couldn't imagine that she would step into the supreme hall of Congress today.

At this time, in Locke's private lounge not far next door, Gene was leaning quietly on the sofa. Locke was gnawing on the pig's trotters desperately, and the oil stains had spread all over the scarf.

Tianhen and Niya just ate a little fried rice and then started to rest. At this time, Tianhen was soaking in the steaming bath and seemed very comfortable. Niya stared at him unhappily.

"What's the matter? If you want to take a shower, let's go together."


Gene silently looked at the instructions for tonight's operations and the autopsy report that had just ended, and smoked silently. He didn't eat, and Niya next to him crooked him with her elbow.

"I say you'd better eat something."

Gene stood up, then turned his head and said.

"I won't be attending the meeting later. My secretary will attend. I have to go to Section 2."

Niya's eyes widened, and then she smiled helplessly.

"The meeting that is about to start will be a disaster for that child."

"Little Fatty, please remember to submit that report for me."

Locke, who was chewing the pig's trotters, was startled. He glanced at Niya, who was still staring at Tianhen, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and showed an extremely innocent expression.

Gene walked out slowly with a smile. When he came to Michelle's office, he heard Michelle inside constantly talking about things that needed attention during the meeting. Le Xiao lowered her head and was very careful. listen.

At this moment Michelle stopped and held her nose.

"Lord Jean, I have told you so many times that I don't like the smell of smoke."

Lexiao's eyes were filled with joy as if she had been liberated, but she didn't dare to move. Gene opened the door and walked in.

"I'm sorry Michelle, I have to rush to Section 2 now, so I'll leave this child to you."


Lexiao exclaimed, turned around and stared at Jean with wide eyes, pointing at herself.

"You want me to go alone?"

"Is there a problem?"

Gene asked with a smile, Le Xiao was speechless for a moment, and after seeing the angry glare of Michelle next to her, she hurriedly changed her words.

"Mr. Section Chief, I still have some questions about the work process."

"You have to take the first step in everything. Don't worry. Do you still remember what I told you before?"

Le Xiao stood there quietly, while Gene had left quickly.

Jean went directly to the top floor and stood on the rooftop. The cool evening breeze kept blowing on his face. All the fatigue just seemed to be blown away by the wind. He took out a cigarette comfortably. At this time, the phone rang. En took out the phone, 0004.

"Lord Jean, this is Ning Ning. Our section chief asked me to help with the transfer. Something big happened in the General Affairs Section."

"Ning Ning, please come to Department 2 in person later. I need help from your medical department."

There was a hum on the other side of the phone, followed by Hua Shen's voice, which was a little faint.

"There are really unrests in the city one after another, Jean."

"When will you come back?"

At this time, there was a cough on the other side of the phone.

"Find a place where no one is around."

"Just say I'm on the rooftop."

Huashen said with a smile.

"Gene, I found the end of the season. The genetically mutated cells in his body have begun to eat away at his body. I just finished the surgery on him."

Gene's eyes widened.

"I won't say anything more about Jean. He should have been abandoned by those guys. I had a little chat with him during the operation. Your method is too rough. You are not a qualified teacher. Don’t say anything and let the students figure it out on their own.”

Jean was silent, did not speak, and his expression was slightly moved.

"Although this approach is essential for students' growth, it's just that, Gene, every child is different, and so is that little girl."

Gene raised his head and blew out a puff of smoke. He didn't say anything, but smiled with some sigh.

"Sorry Huashen, I said a long time ago that as long as there is light in your heart, you are not afraid of darkness."

"I hope you will send me something tomorrow. I will tell Ning Ning to send it to you later."

Gene smiled.

"Do you think I'm a courier?"

"You owe me a lot. There are too many patients here and not enough medicine. You can also come and see how this guy is doing at the end of the season. After all, you have to thank me. If I don't operate on him, wait for his daughter. If I see him, I'm afraid I won't recognize him as my father."

Jean glanced at the sky to the west, then smiled and nodded.

"I understand. You will wait for me near the west ravine at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

In the dark and lightless barrier area, the lowest temperature at night is close to minus 30 degrees. The cold is a test for everyone living here. Some people who don’t know the situation here may not survive the first night here. The cold will kill you little by little over time.

At dusk, most people here will enter the house that has been taken to keep out the cold, and huddle up in a group. At this time, Huashen has already felt the chill, but he has brought heating equipment, and some are doing some work in the corner of the house. The children receiving the infusion had smiles on their faces.

At the end of the season, you are still in a coma, and the persistent high fever has not subsided. This kind of genetic mutation is extremely risky. Although it can give you extremely powerful power, once the power is imbalanced, these mutated genes will begin to self-destruct. Devouring mutant individuals.

Most mutants who are unable to control themselves need to receive special vaccines regularly to stabilize the alienated genes in their bodies.

There were more than 20 children in the house, big and small. They had a good meal today and a doctor was looking after them.

Huashen has received nearly 40 mutants in the past few days. There are a lot of mutants here. Although the appearance of mutants is a common phenomenon, the probability of their appearance in Brilliant City is not high.

Because most people here have been in such a difficult environment for a long time, the genes in their bodies have begun to unlock and evolve on their own. This is the instinct of organisms to survive, and these genes that cause human alienation come from the life-extending vaccines received.

In recent years, more and more mutants have appeared in the barrier area, which is closely related to the population growth and food shortage here.

"The root cause still lies in food!"

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