"You can't do this at all."

There was a gasp, and Jean sat on the ground. There was a shocking wound on his right shoulder that had exposed bones.

Rose squatted in front of Jean. A large number of cyan particles were floating around, and Tang Rao could no longer see anyone.

The special alloy on the ground is flowing slowly like water, constantly filling the sunken holes.

At this time, the cyan particles like fireflies began to gather, and Tang Rao appeared behind Jean.

"I played against Alpha a week ago, and her reaction ability is much better than before. This is due to the dark environment underground. To be honest, it won't be a problem for you to teach the current section chiefs a lesson. , but if you want to fight Alpha, you will definitely need the third form, and you will no longer have any advantage in speed."

Jean nodded. The violent alienated particles contain explosive power. If Alpha takes action, this explosive power will become stronger and stronger.

Gene held up a finger, black particles swirled around his fingertips, and Rose nodded.

"In the worst case scenario, just try using it and see."

Gene stood up again. The wound on his shoulder had almost healed. The moment Rose stood up, the ground began to become like boiling water, and metal balls that looked like bubbles were steaming on the ground.


Following a violent explosion, Jean's body flew into the air lightly, and black and blue particles echoed on the surface of Jean's body.

Rose had already retreated, and Gene knew very well that the two of them were about to get serious.

There was a banging sound, and Jean kept colliding and exploding the particles under his feet in the air. The instantaneous airflow generated acted as a stampede, and he quickly moved towards Rose in the air.


Beams of cyan light streaked across Jean's body. He was spinning in the air, completely avoiding these cyan light beams. However, blood marks immediately appeared on the surface of his body, and metal balls floated in the air. In an instant, It flew towards Jean.


Black particles instantly replaced the blue particles around Jean's body, creating an isolated space. The metal balloon exploded instantly, but the fine metal turned into thousands of needles in the air, densely attacking Jean. passed.


With a loud noise, Jean instantly moved in front of Rose. Black flame patterns appeared on his cheeks. His fist hit Rose quickly and accurately, and the liquid metal instantly covered her like a film. Rose's body.


Jean struck with his fist, and in an instant the metal was broken down into fine small beads, which exploded in all directions, but stopped in the air. Jean didn't think much, curled up in the air and retreated.

He had already felt something in his mind. The moment he was about to move to the left, a metal wall stood up. Jean bumped into it. The ground was completely muddy. Once he landed, he would be caught. Jean had only one hand. He grabbed the metal wall, but at this time the metal wall blocking his path was bulging in many places.

Thick black particles were released from all over Jean's body, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in black balls.

There was a sizzling sound, and the erected metal wall began to be decomposed and burned, turning into black ash. However, the moment Jean exposed his body, a streak of cyan particles passed across his eyes, and Jean's eyes flashed. It was so tight that the chest area was penetrated mercilessly in an instant.

With the blood flying, Jean fell to the ground with a splash. The two holes in his chest were opened, and blood flowed like a pour. However, the blood that sprayed out stopped at this time, as if there was life. En's chest was intertwined and free.

The ground began to harden little by little, and Gene sank in completely. Rose walked over with a finger raised. At this time, the blood that spilled out began to return to Gene's body, and Gene got up. , the ground is like the sea surface, with pits and pits that are very three-dimensional.

"No, your senses have become a little numb. You have been in the killing and blood for so many years, and you have no desire to win. You can't beat Alpha in this state."

Gene smiled bitterly, Rose sighed, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff, then squatted helplessly in front of Gene.

"It's already relatively easy to control metal. If it's water and sand, it's not as simple as opening two holes in your body now."

Jean knew very well that if the two of them did not use the power of the third form, they would not be opponents at all. Tang Rao's visual limit was very terrifying, invisible attacks, and the ability to find all the loopholes in the attack trajectory. Just now, he The black particles released were full of mass and explosive power, but Tang Rao still found a loophole that could be exploited.

Rose's ability lies in freely manipulating material atoms, the most powerful of which is air. However, Rose did not use it, otherwise she would be even more unable to move.

Gene lay on the ground, resting his head on his hands. He really couldn't think of a solution. Facing this student who used to be his best student, he really had a headache now.

On that rainy night, Jean was still able to suppress this student, but now he simply cannot do it.

"How about I take photos of the other guys too."

Tang Rao said, and Jean smiled and shook his head. The most important thing in a battle is the instant reaction ability and the transition between offense and defense. The battle with Alpha will be extremely difficult.

"Go on, I have to continue to adapt to this violent alienated particle. There will always be a way."

In the headquarters of Section 2, Chen Qiao and a group of businessmen were strolling in a garden behind the main building. The group was restricted from leaving Section 2, but no one looked sad, and the matter had been settled.

Wu Qun walked quietly to a small pavilion, turned on his mobile phone, and looked at the current developments in the city. As the mutant examination began, many people's eyes were drawn back, and there were no problems on the ground floor.

The people from the Food Association have promised not to cause any food problems for the middle and upper classes. Now they have to wait for the storm to pass before they can leave Section 2.

Many people are already blaming the accident and the Food Association, and such voices are becoming more and more frequent.

Although many businessmen were dissatisfied, under Wu Qun's persuasion, everyone nodded in agreement to this solution. However, now that they have lost the bottom market, Chen Qiao feels extremely uncomfortable.

"I said, Lao Wu, is there really nothing we can do this time?"

Wu Qun smiled and shook his head. Changes must be made, and now is the time when changes have to be made. The structure of the city has been completely broken. No one can survive this torrent alone. The merchants are still It is no longer realistic to want to be like the past.

"Everyone, it's already 5 o'clock. You can go to the dining room below to wait for your meal."

Although the merchants had dissatisfaction on their faces, they could only swallow their anger. R made a gesture of invitation with a smile on his face, and the merchants also began to stroll, planning to watch the mutant combat examination for a while.

Each meal consisted of liquid food, which made many businessmen feel uncomfortable. Wu Qun did not go, but sat at the small pavilion and watched the crowd disperse. R walked to Wu Qun's side.

"Time really flies by!"

Wu Qun said with emotion, R nodded and sat next to Wu Qun.

The two had had many interactions in the past. Wu Qun had pointed out long ago that the practices of Section 2 were not rigorous enough. The former Section 2 was actually the Secret Criminal Investigation Section, and the trained officers were all designed to lurk throughout the city. Investigate potential criminals.

However, during the period when the Executive Branch was established, there was great chaos. This chaos lasted for more than 30 years before it gradually stabilized. Collusions between the Executive Branch and some gang forces were common and difficult to eradicate.

Section 2 started to change when Mo Xiaolan came to power. The approach was slightly different from the past, and the aspects involved were wider.

"You have to make certain changes now."

R said with a smile.

"Nothing is set in stone, and our section chief has already found a candidate."

Wu Qun smiled.

"Who is it?"

"Ji Qing!"

Wu Qun was a little surprised.

"It's really surprising. No one can predict whether the situation will be better or worse. After all, we are only mortals!"

"Yes, there was a time when I felt that I was extraordinary, but now that I look back, I am no different from ordinary people, except that I am a little smarter than others. Don't you plan to retire?"

Wu Qun shook his head.

"The next step is the beginning of something more exciting. After all, is there anyone who can take over my position now?"

R shook his head.

Le Xiao watched the last cake being eaten by Leona and swallowed a mouthful. The work was still going on, and all the section chiefs and secretaries were still immersed in their work.

Currently, subjects 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 have the largest workload. Jewell and Ye Chunwang have already handled the work. They are playing chess, and Mo Xiaolan is Watching from the side.

Locke's expression became a little more relaxed. The people at the bottom have begun to rely on business. The loans opened early this morning and the crackdown on loan sharking have played a very big role.

However, at this moment, along with a beeping sound, Deguna opened a light and shadow screen, on which Huashen looked tired but relaxed.

"The first batch of antibodies has been produced and will be sent directly to the barrier area."

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at Le Xiao, who blushed in embarrassment and lowered her head.

"Ning Ning, I will leave everything in the city to you for the time being. I am going to the barrier area now."

"Doctor, can it succeed?"

Le Xiao asked excitedly, Huashen nodded.

"The probability is as high as 99%."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Le Xiao sat down with a smile and raised her head. At this time, Deguna came over.

"Commander, go to the canteen below and inform the chef. It's almost time for us to prepare for dinner."

Le Xiao stood up hurriedly, started holding her mobile phone, and asked everyone what they wanted to eat. After the recording was completed, Le Xiao turned around and walked out of the conference room.


Jewell pressed his forehead and lost another round. Ye Chunwang on the other side laughed.

"You can come over when you have time and play chess with me."

Jewell leaned back.

"But don't hit my granddaughter's doctrine. If you use your head in the right place, you will definitely achieve greater things in the future."

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became cheerful. For many people, the atmosphere throughout the day was a little less serious.

A Section 4 takeoff and landing aircraft quickly passed through the northern guard station. Huashen closed his eyes tiredly and finally developed it. The result was amazing. It has been performed on a stage 3 critically ill patient at the Section 4 headquarters. clinical experiments.

The antibody had been developed 2 hours ago, but still needed to be adjusted. The experimental results were surprising. One hour after the injection, the tumors on the blood vessel walls of the stage 3 patient stopped proliferating, while the cancer cells in the body gradually of death, this antibody activates immune cells in the human body and gives birth to more powerful immune cells, thereby killing cancer cells.

The deterioration of some human tissues also improved, but unfortunately, the patient still died because his body had been almost worn away by the long-term pain and suffering.

This large helicopter carries more than 30,000 vaccines and will go to an area in the north that currently has the largest number of sick people.

Although it is unclear how many days it will take to get an accurate cure plan, there is now hope.

Soon the lift slowly landed on the cold ground. Next to it was a food distribution point. Many people were still lining up in a long line, waiting to receive food. People from Section 3 were maintaining order. There are takeoffs and landings constantly, and food is constantly being delivered from afar.

As soon as Huashen got off the lift, he led more than 200 people carrying large boxes to a patient gathering place under the guidance of the local armed forces.

There are still many people carrying corpses to the surrounding dismemberment pits for burning. The number of deaths has been impossible to count. People are dying every minute and every second.

In such a place without any medical conditions, once the patient becomes ill, he or she usually does not survive for a week.

After Huashen explained for a while, he took out the antibody directly from his backpack, found a dying patient, and began to inject him. The staff behind him also became busy.

Looking at everything in front of him, Huashen felt happy in his heart. At least some people could be saved. This is the worst outcome and the best outcome. This new type of antibody, after being injected into the body, will stimulate the birth of antibodies in the human body. New antibody cells are produced that are enough to kill cancer cells, but these antibody cells will die quickly after completing their work, requiring the body's lymph to divide to produce more new antibody cells, which will cause the body's lymph to secrete a large amount of After fighting against diseased cells, it begins to fail.

"It's like a double-edged sword."

After Huashen injected a patient, he immediately injected another highly concentrated nutrient solution. These people have been in a weak state for a long time and will most likely collapse because their bodies cannot provide enough nutrients.

At this time, Huashen saw several patients who died in just a few minutes after being injected with antibodies. Several armed men came to move the patients away.

Time passed by, and Hua Shen walked tiredly to the large room on the other side. There were many second-stage patients in it. Their bodies had various abnormalities, including blindness, deafness, and disabilities. etc.

Once a stage 2 patient breaks out, the physical damage caused by the disease is basically irreversible, but the disease can be prevented from entering stage 3.

The effect was very fast. After some Phase 2 patients were injected with antibodies, Huashen specifically tested more than 10 patients and found that their bodies had begun to stabilize, and the discomfort in their bodies was gradually disappearing.

At this time, some people from the 3rd department began to carefully move some stage 3 patients onto the lift. Many people were very surprised.

After learning that they would be placed in a temporary medical point set up on the edge of the ravine area until their symptoms were cured, many people expressed envy.

This move surprised many people in the barrier area. At this time, the leader of an armed force came over with hundreds of his men.

"Sir, do you want our help?"

Huashen looked at this group of people, his eyes full of longing, the desire to return to the sun. Huashen thought for a while and nodded.

"But you are not allowed to bring any weapons into the city, and you are not allowed to leave the medical point, okay?"

Many people nodded for a while. Huashen turned on the light and shadow screen, came to a room, and quickly contacted the General Affairs Department.


"There are no ifs, Lord Deguna. I think this is a good opportunity. Things cannot be hidden after all. It would not be surprising even if some big problems happen again now."

Deguna finally nodded.

"Niya, ask the people from Section 5 to guard the medical points. Tianhen asks the people from Section 3 to tell those in the barrier area who are willing to come in to help, and shoot them on the spot if they cause problems!"

Deguna said forcefully, and Le Xiao, who had returned at this time, swallowed.

Immediately, Gu Yi called out some of the stinking areas that Huashen had selected as temporary medical sites. There were many vacant houses in those places, and barbed wire fences were put up in most places. They were left over from stone mining in the past. There were 18 resettlement rooms in total. Okay, people from 4 subjects have already gone over to prepare.

Everyone in the room looked a little nervous. Xima had already begun to contact the directors at various food distribution sites in the barrier area, so that some people in the barrier area who were strong and willing to help at the resettlement site could enter the lift in Section 4. Enter the city.

Le Xiao kept nodding aside. This is the right thing to do. This is what they should do now, because even if the patients in the barrier area are injected with antibodies, they want to survive in the harsh environment of the barrier area. Down, the probability is slim.

This food crisis, which has threatened 15 million people in the city and nearly 3 million people in the barrier zone, must be resolved as soon as possible.

A large lift slowly landed in a smelly area full of dilapidated houses near the Western Guard Station. At this time, some people from Department 4 had used medical environmental films to open up rooms as temporary medical treatment. room, the membrane is filtering out bacteria in the space.

"Back again!"

As soon as they got off the lift, some militants cheered. In an instant, a large number of people rushed out of the lift. Some people knelt on the ground and cried sadly. Some people directly pressed their cheeks to the ground. superior.

"It's hotter than the barrier area, haha!"

"You guys, stop making trouble and come help quickly."

One of the leaders saw the people from Section 5 and Section 3 holding guns across from them, and shouted hurriedly. Although many people were dissatisfied, they still helped to carry the patients.

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