Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1476 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 1 (Part 1)

Late autumn in October 2187

A woman wore a brightly colored shawl and was walking down the street in despair. Her lavender dinner dress was splattered with mud.

It had just rained, and the originally clean streets were splashed with mud as cars passed by. From time to time, sports cars would speed across the streets, completely ignoring the slow down signs on the streets.

This is the upper-level area, with an extremely luxurious construction style. You can see exquisitely crafted high-rise buildings. The buildings are full of rich decorations, carvings, and beautiful colors.

This place was just built recently and is the residence and work place of the people at the top of the entire Brilliant City. Unlike the lower level that looks like a dim night sky in the distance, only dim lights can be seen.

The bright colors on the street resonate naturally with the well-dressed people on the street. This is the world of the rich.

Banknotes all over the sky suddenly spilled down from one floor, most of them in small denominations. Some waiters at the door of a large warehouse hurriedly ran over to pick them up. In an instant, some street administrators on the street left. They came over, holding sticks, and stopped their behavior by shouting, and then the waiters obediently gave the money they picked up to the administrator.

Several young people who were throwing money upstairs laughed happily. One of them was explaining the history of his fortune. He climbed here entirely by his own ability.

The woman looked sad. She held her hands in front of her body and clasped her shawl tightly. Her ten white fingers were trembling slightly. Finally, she couldn't hold back the tears in her heart. The woman walked to an electric pole. He squatted on the ground and cried hoarsely.

People on the street would sneer from time to time as they walked by. This situation was quite common on the streets at night. Looking at the woman's glamorous appearance, she must have been lovelorn and had just come out of a banquet hall.

The woman was indeed broken in love, and was abandoned in a banquet hall. The makeup on her face was a little smudged, but she was still a gorgeous and unparalleled beauty. Many people wanted to strike up a conversation, but they held back. Because many people know that Violet, the woman of the Kuhn family.

Many people have been talking recently that the Kuhn family has reached a high point because Jiang Hao, the son of the Jiang family, one of the eight major families, is about to marry Violet, and the two are already engaged.

At this time, a flashing sports car with a very three-dimensional and dreamy front stopped beside Violet. Jiang Hao, wearing a white suit with red flowers on his chest, got out of the car with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Things are not what you think, Violet, she and I are just"

Seeing her familiar boyfriend, Violet became even more excited for a moment, crying and shaking her head.

"Jiang Hao, come here."

At this time, accompanied by a burst of anger, a woman in a red dress walked over. She was enchanting and sexy, exuding a fascinating charm.

"Honghong, come here"

"I tell you Violet, I already have Jiang Hao's child in my belly. This matter is a foregone conclusion. You are only engaged, not married yet. There is no law that prohibits stealing other people's boyfriends."

Violet looked at Jiang Hao with despair. At this moment, Jiang Hao's face became even more ugly. The young and handsome man was also very troubled in his heart at this moment.

"Jiang Hao, get over here. If you want to embarrass the whole family, just kick me away. It doesn't matter. Come and take a look."

In an instant, Jiang Hao's somewhat childish face turned extremely serious. He stood up and took a swallow.


Violet, who seemed to have a little bit of expectation, was already heartbroken when she heard Jiang Hao's words.

Honghong forcefully dragged Jiang Hao into the car.

"Don't blame me, Violet, you can only blame yourself. For men, which part of a woman do you think is the most pleasing to a man?"

Violet raised her head, with one hand on the steering wheel.

"It's the body, little idiot. You've been with him for so long and you haven't even had sex once. I don't know what you're pretending to do. Men are often animals that think with their lower bodies. But I'm not just a body, I can You can't do it, I'm sorry you are just a mediocre woman, just a vase."

Jiang Hao no longer looked at Violet. Honghong turned around and sped away in the car. People who witnessed all this on the street laughed. They knew to some extent that although Kuhn was just a small family, no matter it was Violet, as well as her sisters and brothers, are all well-educated people in the true sense, and the family's rules are also very strict.

The raindrops began to fall again, and Violet cried even more uncomfortably. She knew that she was indeed a useless woman. She was not good at school and had a bad mind. After falling in love with Jiang Hao, she was immersed in everything. In this relationship, Jiang Hao felt that Jiang Hao was a woman he could trust for life. However, at tonight's dinner, because of Honghong's intrusion, he lost everything.

A year ago, because of this relationship, Violet decisively dropped out of school, a high-level school specially established for the children of the family. Unfortunately, Violet's grades were very poor.

At this time, an umbrella was placed on Violet's head. Violet raised her head slightly. She had a handsome and gentle face and striking white hair. As soon as she appeared, she attracted a lot of attention. A woman's gaze.

"Lord Jean!"

"What's wrong, are you unhappy, miss?"

While Jean was talking, Violet noticed a young man following Jean who was wearing glasses and looked a little submissive. He had curly hair and a round hat. He looked a little nondescript in his clothing, light brown. A plaid top, black pants, and a pair of leather shoes.

A few minutes later, Violet cried and complained about her experience. She dropped out of school because of Jiang Hao. She was originally engaged when she came back, but the wedding was canceled tonight.

Violet kept drinking, one glass after another. She lay on Jean's body, tearing at him and talking about her feelings.

"How about finding someone else? For example, this young man opposite."

Jean jokingly pointed at the cowardly man opposite, and for a moment Violet burst into laughter. She slapped the table and hit the bench with laughter. She looked completely different from her previous elegant and slightly sad temperament. In the tavern The other people also looked over in surprise. Violet walked to the young man's side and suddenly put her arm around him.

Gene put his hand on his chin, took out a cigarette and nodded, looking at the young man opposite who was shyly lowering his head and completely at a loss, his cheeks were completely red.

"I see this kid who has never even touched a woman's hand, hahaha."

For a moment, the young man turned his head and looked at the beautiful and enchanted Violet in front of him. His heart seemed to fly out. He just watched quietly, and suddenly Violet kissed her.


Gene looked at the young man named Avano in front of him with some surprise. He was the only son of the Angus family, the eight major families in the city. He was an out-and-out genius and the smartest among the children of the eight major families.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, little brother, sister, I tried too hard."

As Violet said, she took out a tissue and wiped the nosebleed for Avano playfully. At this time, Avano's mind went blank. Gene was holding his stomach and was laughing so hard. It was his parents who wanted Gene to take care of him. I want my son to go outside more often, because this son is a nerd. He reads and studies all day long and has no other hobbies. He is 29 years old, but he has never even dated a girl.

Violet was completely drunk, and Jean knew it. This little girl revealed her true colors once she got drunk. She didn't look like a lady at all, but more like a crazy woman who often hung out in bars.

Avano looked quietly at the crazy woman in front of him who was still pinching his cheeks, playing with them like rubbing noodles.

"Try kissing me again, little brother."

Violet suddenly kissed Avano again, and nosebleeds came from his nostrils again.

"Okay, if you continue to play, the Angus family will lose its heir."


Avano's head fell on the table, and he fainted. He was too excited. Violet sighed boringly, sat next to Jean, and took out a cigarette from Jean's pocket. Come, after Jean lit it for her, Violet threw her hair back, held the cigarette between her fingers, drank a glass of wine in one gulp, and then blew out a puff of smoke into Jean's cheek.

"You have to be responsible for Sir Jean. I don't care. You have to comfort my injured innocent girl's heart."

Jean lowered his head slightly and stared at Violet sideways.

"Obviously you were such a lovely little girl before. I really don't know how to say hello to you. How can you be a lady of the Kuhn family like you? You are very similar to those shrewd women standing on the street."

Violet put her feet up on the table and swept over some wine bottles on the table.

"Sister, I am like this. Jiang Hao's grandson, thanks to me treating him like that, he was seduced by that vixen. He is a scumbag."

Only then did Violet remember the joke that Jean had just made. She blinked and stared at the young man in front of her who had fainted from excitement after kissing his cheek twice.

"Is this kid the genius from the Angus family?"

Gene nodded, and Violet roughly pulled Avano up, then looked at him carefully for a long time and shook his head.

"A freak!"

"I really don't know how to say that you are better, Violet, do you want to follow me, exercise your body well, and become a mutant? I will teach you how to fight. Your body is very flexible."

Violet leaned on Jean's shoulder and shook her head.

"No need, I plan to waste my whole life. Love and other things are meaningless to me."

On First Avenue late at night, the dense trees on both sides were swaying gently in the breeze. Gene was carrying Avano in his left hand and Violet on his back, planning to take them to the Angus family's manor. After all, if Violet goes back in this state, she will definitely be severely beaten by her parents. It is not appropriate to leave her in a hotel when she is so drunk that she has no cognitive ability. After all, wandering the streets at night is not suitable for her. There are not a few drunk women who have evil intentions.

From time to time, a car passed by Jean, and at this time, a long black car stopped, and a middle-aged man stepped out of it. His skin looked a little pale and his eyes were sharp.

"Lord Jean, when did you come back? Come and sit at my house if you have time."

The man said, his eyes quickly scanning the two young men that Gene was carrying.

"Let me give you a piece of advice. Although certain things may seem to be done very cleanly, not all people in the city are fools. There is no need to do something so ruthless as the doctor and his daughter."

"I'm sorry, Sir Jean, I don't know what you are talking about. That is our family's own problem. You have no right to interfere with the family's problems. Master Jean, this is what you promised to all our families."

Jean hummed and walked slowly. He could feel the sneer of the man behind him. At the beginning of the establishment of the city, they agreed to eight forces that were originally hostile. After the city was established, they became the eight major forces. Family, and the gods will not interfere with the internal affairs of their family, as long as it does not involve the safety of ordinary people, and there must be no rebellious intentions.

After that, after the eight families used their technical resources and manpower, the city was able to be built in a short time, and the barriers were all built ten years ago. Now the city's climate is much more stable than before. .

The food base in the east is also being gradually established. Now there is no need to worry about food shortage. Many subsequent developments will require the joint cooperation of the eight major families. Even with the prosperity that has begun to appear, there are still many shady people. At this time, Gene and the other six guys could only choose to remain silent.

"Sorry, I brought someone else."

After arriving at the Angus family's manor, Gene put Avano and Violet on the sofa. After the Angus couple asked why, they all laughed. They were relieved to hand over their children to Jean, because before the city was established, the person they trusted the most was Jean.

"Lord Jean, do you think it is possible for our boy and this little girl?"

Gene shook his head.

"The contrast in their personalities is huge. I'm sorry, I was just talking casually."

Gene spent the whole night in the underground library of young Avalon. He saw some sketches drawn by Avalon, urban traffic routes. Although they were only sketches, they were indeed drawn very carefully, including some physical aspects. engineering design drawings.

Early the next morning, Violet got up from a large white bed with a splitting headache. After drinking some water, her head still hurt, but after smelling the fragrance of flowers, Violet The moment Te opened the curtains, he was stunned by the vast sea of ​​violet flowers in front of him. This sea of ​​flowers was bigger than their home.

After walking around the room for a while, Violet was convinced that she was not dreaming and that she was in the territory of the Angus family. Then she greeted the Angus couple in a ladylike manner, and the warm and cordial couple invited her. We had breakfast together and Gene had already left.

Asking the Angus couple where their son Avano was, Violet went down after learning that Avano was in the basement.

Passing a staircase that spiraled down, Violet originally wanted to speak, but she stopped her voice. She sat on the staircase with a smile, resting her chin on her hands as she watched Avano leaning on the workbench. Drawing the lines carefully, a bright smile would appear on his lips from time to time.

The kind of world where you are completely immersed in your own world, feel happy from the bottom of your heart, a world that only you can understand, with the brilliance and enthusiasm in your eyes, and devote yourself wholeheartedly to your own things.

About half an hour later, Violet yawned, but it was this move that made the overjoyed Avano come back to his senses. He instantly realized that there was an outsider, and he returned to his previous dull and submissive image.

"Nerd, I've been watching you for a long time. I'm really sorry about what happened last night. I was drunk."

Avano was at a loss, trembling a little, and didn't know where to put his hands.

"Thank you for your hospitality. Thank you. I think I have to go home, otherwise I will be beaten when I go back."

After a while, Avano, who was immersed in a state of bewilderment, rushed upstairs. After asking, he found out that Violet had left. He ran quickly. He, who was not good at exercise, ran. When he was sweating profusely and exhausted, he finally caught up with Violet.

"I send you."

Violet was a little surprised, but still laughed and helped Avano sit on a bench nearby.

"Why do you suddenly think of sending me a gift?"

"My parents said this is the etiquette a gentleman should have!"

Violet laughed and slapped Avano on the back.

"At least you have to have a car."

Avano panicked and took Violet back home and into the garage. There were many colorful and cool-looking cars, but Avano couldn't drive.

"Come for a run with me."

After a while, Avano screamed, Violet drove a sports car, speeding down First Avenue at a speed of 300 horses.

"You really have nothing to add?"

Before leaving, Avano was almost unsteady on his feet. He always lowered his head, not daring to face the beautiful Violet, but kept moving his hands in his trouser pockets at a loss.

"Goodbye, our family will be going down there soon, and we may never have the chance to meet in this life, nerd."

Avano's eyes widened. He looked at Violet who was getting further and further away, and stopped where he was. For a moment, aches and pains filled his chest, and he felt that his vision was beginning to blur.

"The Kuhn family has run into problems, and they can no longer maintain their lives at the upper level, so they plan to move their family to some small towns below, sell off their assets, and if they want to do something, they can catch up. If everything fails If not, go back to your basement and continue drawing."

Gene appeared next to Avano, but looking at Avano who was still hesitant, Gene took off his glasses.

"You can't see anything now. After all, you are highly myopic, but you can still see colors. If you think the colors are beautiful, just run over!"

Avano started to move, from running staggering to taking off his coat and running wildly. His mind was filled with everything from last night. For Avano, who had never been in contact with a woman, all this was magical. , wonderful and indescribable.


Violet turned around and looked at the nerd in front of her who was almost unable to walk. Her eyes were blurry and she couldn't see clearly. Violet walked over and held his cheek with her hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you marry me! Miss Violet."

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