Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1494 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 7 (Part 1)

At the entrance of an electrical appliance store, several men panicked when they saw King Xue getting out of the car. Hui Hui looked at them angrily.

"There just happened to be a special inspector here to make an evaluation. It was obviously you who broke the electrical appliances artificially, but you still insisted on saying that our electrical appliances are not good."

Whit stood at the door of the store with his hands on his hips. The parents inside were trying to persuade their daughter, but Whit had no intention of giving up the argument.

King Xue glanced at a heater held in the hands of several men. The men also looked like they wanted to escape. King Xue knew that these were a group of gangsters from the nearby streets. They always came to some places on weekdays. When looking for trouble in the store, he has a good relationship with the local management officer.

Hui Hui, a girl with whom he had a close relationship at the construction site, has grown into a tall and graceful girl and is the most beautiful woman on the street. King Xue often comes out to help the gods do some things. When he sees Hui Hui I would chat with her later, and the two of them would have dinner together from time to time.

At this time, some nearby neighbors also came over, accusing the men of blackmail. Some of the neighbor's children called Huite their teacher, because she always taught the children nearby some basic knowledge from time to time.

“It’s the quality of your store.”

Just as a man was about to speak, King Xue approached him.

"Get out of here before I arrest you."

After several men dropped their electrical appliances, they ran away quickly. Huite wanted to chase her, but King Xue grabbed her.

"What's the point of chasing after you? You compete with rubbish. Do you also want to become rubbish?"

Whit glared at King Xue fiercely.

"Why are you becoming more and more like those guys in black uniforms? King Xue, as an inspector now, you should at least serve the ordinary people."

"I'm sorry Whit, I'm just a student for now, Ombudsman? I'm sorry Whit, but I'm not what you think."

Just as King Xue was about to leave, Huite grabbed his collar from behind, pulled him back directly, and dragged him into the shop. When his parents saw Huite acting like this, they lectured King Xue again and continued. I apologized to King Xue and hoped that King Xue would bear with me.

"I'm leaving it to you. You can at least do something. There are no schools nearby, and no businessmen are willing to invest. Do you know anyone who can help?"

King Xue frowned slightly.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you Whit, I have something else to do."

Huite stood in front of King Xue and opened his arms.

"You're not allowed to leave until you agree to it."

"Even if the procedures for running a school are approved, can you serve as a teacher? Are you alone enough?"

Huite gritted her teeth and lowered her head in discomfort for a moment. When King Xue walked past Huite, he patted her on the shoulder.

"You are very smart, Whit. The school I am currently in should be recruiting students soon. I will help you register then."

Whit looked at King Xue in confusion. He often heard King Xue say that he studied in a school, but King Xue never mentioned this school, although Whit speculated that it might be the School of Gods opened by the gods before. Academy, but that school is no longer mentioned. It is just a secret research base.

There are no buildings within a radius of one kilometer, and a cordon has been set up. As long as anyone approaches, they may be arrested in less than 5 minutes.

Watching King Xue leave, Whitt looked with some discomfort as a pair of managers who seemed to be free and unhurried walked by on the street. They were managers in name only.

Looking down from the upper level, you can see a clearly visible circle of ravines beginning to appear on the east, west and south peripheries. A large number of quarrying companies are quarrying stone there day and night, and then transporting it to the city for sale. Buildings in the city Tall buildings continue to rise, and ravines become more and more visible.

At this time, on a street on the lower level, a man looked at a bunch of administrators who fell on the ground with a smile. He angrily pulled the head of an administrator. The other administrator cried and wanted to beg for forgiveness, but However, the man pinched his head open and died on the spot.

A large number of men and women were surrounded, cheering and shouting, and began to come over, holding sticks and knives, and beat up the administrators who were still on the ground.

"It doesn't matter if the child is ignorant. Are you ignorant too?"

A management officer stood aside, trembling, looking at a dead subordinate, and many people on the street gathered around. This is the southern edge area near several quarries. A new gang has recently emerged. With more than a dozen mutants, they completely ignored the law and controlled two areas.


The leader said, taking out a wad of money from his pocket and throwing it to the administrator.

"Settle the matter yourself, remember it, and look more clearly next time. If you dare to touch my shop again, don't blame me for being rude."

The manager wiped his sweat and picked up a large bag of money on the ground. At this time, with the leader's order, a large number of young people dispersed.

Guns that had been crushed into scrap metal could be seen everywhere on the ground.

The manager then found some people and carried his men back. He took the money and discussed with some of his men how to cover up this incident. The leader gave him 200,000.

Several people looked at the money in the bag and talked about countermeasures.

"What on earth do those new people do and why do they go to check that store? They really don't know how to live or die."

An administrator said, and the management officer nodded.

"Hey, neither do we."



At this time, a woman in black uniform walked in at the door of the management office. She was 1.7 meters tall and had a graceful C-shaped smile on her mouth.

After seeing the coat of arms of the inspector on his right arm, several people hurriedly put away the money and stood up straight. The administrator hurriedly walked over.

"Your Excellency, Inspector, have you eaten?"


The administrator's eyes widened, his throat had been cut, and with the blood flying, the few people behind him didn't react at all. They only felt a breeze pass by, and they fell to the ground clutching their necks.

"The evidence is conclusive and there is no need for a trial! Execute him on the spot."

Banknotes were scattered all over the ground, and the ground was soaked with blood. C took out a cigarette and took a puff. K came in with a camera from outside.

"It's really troublesome. I want to go back for dinner early, so I'll reluctantly let you go with me this time, K."

R began to clean up the scene. C and K closed the door after walking out of the management office. They walked along the street. This is District 113. Recently, a kind of drug has begun to circulate in the four districts of 112, 113, 114, and 115. Chemically synthesized drugs are addictive drugs that also have hallucinogenic effects. Many people are addicted to them, and some people who come to these four areas for stimulation are also addicted.

Because of the problems caused by this drug, there were as many as 298 cases in three months. The three people investigated here for nearly a month before finally finding the source today.


C twisted his neck and stood outside a factory. There was only one door to enter, and even the windows were tightly blocked. A pungent smell came from inside.

"Just be responsible for blocking the door. No one is allowed to let go."

As C spoke, his body fell into a state of invisibility. K leaned against the door and lit a cigarette.

"I'll give you 10 minutes. If it can't be solved, I'll go in."

"Idiot! 5 minutes is enough."

K smiled slightly. C was a genius in fighting. Under the all-round guidance of the seven gods, her strength could compete with Locke. Every mission ended very quickly for them.

At this time, inside the factory, in an office, a group of people were counting money. A large amount of crumpled and scattered money was put into boxes in batches by a group of people.

"Haha, this month has been a blast."

A guy said, but the next second, his head tilted, and blood flowed from his mouth. The moment other people screamed, there were sharp sounds in the air, and more than a dozen people in the room instantly He fell into a pool of blood.

Bang bang

Accompanied by bursts of gunfire, some people on the assembly line started shooting at a shaking shadow. The bullets leaked out like a tide. C had already revealed his figure, pressed his body, and directly ejected into a group of people. before.

Accompanied by bursts of sharp cutting sounds, screams were heard in the project, and the metal production tables were cut off directly. At this time, accompanied by some brown particles, the leader came up from the basement with the mutants.

"you wanna die."

While the leader was speaking, more than a dozen mutants used telekinesis at the same time, but it only took a blink of an eye, followed by a streak of red particles floating past.

Bang bang

Accompanied by the sound of cracking scabs, one by one the mutants covered their hearts pierced by fingers and fell to the ground. A finger with blood still dripping was pressed on On the leader's forehead.

"Yo! You must be the leader. First tell me the chemical synthesis formula of these things and why you want to sell these things."

Cold sweat remained on the leader's forehead, and he swallowed. This was the first time he saw a mutant of this level. He and the other person were not at the same level at all, and the other person looked very young, no more than 20 years old.

"I beg you, let me go."

K was smoking. At the entrance of the factory, people were lying in a pool of blood. Only a few women were left. They looked at K like a pleading.

K smiled and looked at some translucent crystals in their pockets and the money they carried.

"You go away, don't do this kind of thing again."

Several women rushed to the door with tears of joy, but along with bursts of screams, the women had their necks broken and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, C will be unhappy if I let you go."

At this time, there was a loud scream in the factory. K sighed and threw away the cigarette butt. The cigarette butt soaked in the blood on the ground made a sizzling sound after it was extinguished.

In the factory building, the leader was leaning against the wall in pain, his legs and feet had been twisted off.

C looked at the chemical synthesis equation on a piece of paper.

"Where did you get it?"

The leader shook his head and said that a stranger gave it to him. He just told himself that eating it would make people happy.

C clicked his tongue and walked up to the leader with a smile.

"You should be very happy now. Didn't you kill someone this morning? On the street."

The leader was crying and shaking his head. His mouth was opened little by little by the powerful telekinesis. C grabbed a handful of crystal-like substance from the side and stuffed it into the leader's mouth.

"I will make you happy to the heavens now."


K looked at the leader who was constantly being stuffed with lenses. At this time, his eyes were white, he was foaming at the mouth, his nostrils and mouth were bleeding, and he was struggling painfully.

"Are you happy?"

After a while, C let go of the leader's head, turned and walked away with a smile, and K sighed.

"The mission is over. We have been out for half a year. I don't know how the school is doing."

C chuckled.

"You'll know when you get back. I should have a chance to beat Locke now."

K shook his head.

"It's difficult. His battle is rock-solid. His reflexes are above yours, and his number of alienated genes is also above yours."

After the two people walked out of the factory, they left quickly.

More than ten minutes later, a lift came down, and a special inspector led a large number of inspectors into the factory. Money was floating in the breeze.

A strong hand grabbed a bloody banknote.

"Lord Hawke, there are no survivors."

A rough-looking man with a pair of glasses, clean cheeks and a thick beard frowned slightly. He took out his phone and the call was connected after a while.

"It's really an incredible monster, Jean. What are you doing? Basically, you kill them all in one hit, except for the leader who died a bit miserably."

"Hoke, thank you for your hard work. I'll leave the rest to you. I'm busy now."

This was the answer he received again. The phone was hung up just as Hawke was about to ask.

In the past three years, Hawke has dealt with a lot of things, all of which were scenes of large-scale one-hit killings. The people who killed this living organization did not hesitate at all. And their identities, Hawke only knew three letters, C , K, and R.

Looking at the metal manufacturing table that was cut inside the factory, and the leader's hands and feet that were twisted like twists, Hawke probably knew the strength of the other party. He was now taking a back seat to deal with some problems on the table. For such a scene, he still There is lingering fear in my heart.

"Still the same rough approach as always!"

Hawke himself was also a spy trained by the gods. During the war years, he was responsible for collecting intelligence and conducting assassinations. After the city was founded, Hawke was also active in secret, constantly traveling around to solve some problems, but now he He has given up, because he knows very well that if he continues, his heart will collapse one day. Gene also allowed him to take a back seat and only gave him some work to deal with the scene.

“What a damn time.”

Looking at a bunch of special inspectors counting banknotes at the scene, Hawke sighed.

"Try to take as little as possible, and put the rest into taxes and education."

Many people nodded with smiles and began to discuss how to distribute the money.

After a while, Hawke returned to the door, squatting on the ground and smoking a cigarette. A cordon had been set up nearby, and many people who came to watch stretched their heads to find out.

Hawke is not opposed to this method of secretly handling some serious situations, but every era has its own approach. This is what Gene often said, but no matter how the times change, someone needs to bury it.

Jean basically doesn't pay much attention to these small problems now, and leaves them to these three guys. Only when a large-scale riot occurs, or even a large-scale firefight, Jean will personally come to the scene and bury everything. .

At this time, an inspector came out, holding a bag full of money, and handed it to Hawke. Hawke took a look and saw that there were a lot of blood-stained bills, and he took it out.

"Give part of these banknotes to the families of these deceased people."

Hawke really wants to meet those three-letter guys. They have no names. As a senior, he also wants to give them some advice on life. After all, as a person, he is not willing to have his hands covered with blood all the time. .

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there was a fierce argument, and many people who were resting noticed that Noah and Noah were arguing so hard that neither one would give in to the other. Yu Wanrou hurriedly approached with a smile.

"Stop arguing. Wait until the teachers come back and listen to their opinions."

"Noah, you idiot, how can you make such improvements to the things I made?"

Noah smiled disapprovingly.

"I just thought your housework No. 11 was a bit cumbersome, so I made it lighter and improved. What's wrong?"

Bang bang

Following two violent knocks, the two people fell directly to the ground.


Locke raised his fist and Yu Wanrou smiled awkwardly.

Sitting in the small pavilion, Huashen covered his stomach and laughed, and Hanazi burst into tears. He became cheerful in the short year he was here, because he felt that although the people in front of him were strange, everyone was happy. Be like-minded.

King Xue, who had already returned, was lying in the pavilion reading a book. He glanced at it casually and then continued reading.

At this time, along with a landing plane, everyone looked over and saw that the three guys who had not been back for half a year were back.

"Aunt Yu, please give me a bowl of ice powder."

After getting off the lift, the three people walked over, and everyone smelled the smell of blood on their bodies.

"What the hell are you three doing?"

Just as Hua Shen was about to ask, he was frightened into silence by C's sharp eyes.

"Don't ask, little brat. You are a medical student and have no right to know what we did."

Locke looked at the three of them worriedly, but walked over.

"You three come with me."

"Master Luo, I think it is enough for everyone to have a clear division of labor. There is no need to interfere too much in other people's work."

King Xue muttered, and Locke turned around. King Xue had already stood up and left. He walked in the corridor and stared sideways at the three guys behind him. He naturally knew what the three guys had done, but it was inevitable. In the end, after all, it was the choice of these three guys, as long as they were happy, and for these people who were willing to contribute to the city, King Xue never felt that there was anything wrong with their actions.

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