Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1497 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 8 (Part 1)

January 1, 2193

"The test begins!"

On the top of two cylindrical machines with a height of one meter and a diameter of 50 centimeters, a white light can be seen in the convex crystal. At this time, along with the white light emitted, the light began to flow slowly into the air, and the light filaments began to change color, and then seemed to Like a sketch, a three-dimensional teacup was carefully constructed. With the gradient of the light color, a white teacup with golden patterns gradually stood in the air after the light faded. Jean's His hand caught the tea cup.

With a burst of warm applause, the lights in the laboratory turned on. Locke crossed his legs and chewed gum. However, everyone saw that there was a small gap in the base of the tea cup, and the hand-drawn tea cup on the screen next to it was exactly the same. There is also a gap at the base.


A smile broke out on Deguna's face. Tang Rao and Li Chu next to her also showed unprecedented happiness. Werther played the guitar happily. Gu Yi patted Noah and Noah on their shoulders. Si seemed to be relieved, but she quickly stood up and said.

"This is just the beginning, the problems will come later."

R, C and K were sitting in the back row. Although they were equally excited, they had no idea how they did it.

Huashen's face showed excitement.

“There’s so much that can be done if you apply it to the medical field.”

At this time, everyone looked at Yu Wanrou, who was sitting next to Locke. She smiled and lowered her head with flushed cheeks.

"Don't feel embarrassed. An unexpected good idea can often solve insurmountable obstacles. Wanrou, you are really smart."

Yu Wanrou always lowered her head. For more than two years here, she and her mother were responsible for cooking. Every day she and her mother would go out to buy ingredients, and then come back here to cook. Everyone in the school Someone would teach her something, and she was learning it very hard. It took Locke Ka Fai more than a year to teach her how to read.

The seven gods in the school also taught her something. A few months ago, Yu Wanrou was very interested in the mural painted by Witte on the top of the corridor at the main entrance of the teaching building, so Witte taught Yu Wanrou a simple sketch. .

When light and shadow are materialized, at the most difficult time, after the third material transformation is completed, there will always be some problems with the atomic arrangement of the actual material, resulting in the difference between the object and the model and it will become extremely deformed.

One day, several gods were worrying about how to express matter exactly as shown in the modeling design. The research almost came to a standstill. In order to construct a complete physical object, a teacup must be accurately calculated. Here, the number of atoms that make up the teacup is then simulated through the mimic object

This extremely complex giant puzzle structure generation mechanism cannot be completed manually and must rely on AI. Each convex crystal is connected to a small quantum computing processor. Although it can accurately calculate a teacup How many atoms are required for each part, and the conditions under which various substances are generated, are finally manufactured through a simulated reactor in a cylindrical machine, and then a second corresponding simulated memory is performed, and then emitted in the form of photons, and finally Restore the real thing.

It was at this time that Yu Wanrou suggested that it would be better to draw an extremely accurate sketch of the food directly from a human perspective, overlay it on the accurate modeling, and then use AI to automatically correct the paste. Combined functions, this may be possible.

In the end, the experiment was successful, but the original painting was not accurate enough, so there was a deviation, but the material would not become deformed after it was generated.

"Let's all celebrate today."

Jean said, and everyone agreed. King Xue, who was sitting in the corner, stood up and glanced at the time on his pocket watch.

"It's just 7 o'clock. I think we can all go shopping together. Today I will cook a sumptuous dinner for all the teachers and students."

Many people looked at King Xue in surprise.

"Xiao Xue, can you cook?"

Tang Rao looked at King Xue in disbelief and lifted up his sleeves.

"Of course, I think cooking can make people feel relaxed and happy, so I suggest that the school open a culinary arts department. This will be better for us in the future, because Auntie can just teach the basics."


Mo Xiao climbed out of bed. Alpha next to her had already gotten up and started exercising. She looked at the admission notice she received at 6 o'clock this morning and the assigned classes. She was actually in Class F.

This is a one-week trial course for admission to the school in November last year, and then based on each student's learning ability, IQ, daily activities, psychological conditions, preferences and many other comprehensive factors, the class will be selected. Arrangement.

This is a systematic and complex screening system established by the gods in order not to waste any educational resources. There are a total of six levels of ABCDEF classes.

Very precisely, students are assigned to corresponding classes according to their daily behaviors to a certain extent. Students with strong learning ability, strong social skills, and high IQ are generally placed in Class A. Teachers can spend the least time to transfer knowledge Teach them, freeing up your hands to teach students in the classes below.

Class F, which has weak learning ability, almost zero social skills, and average IQ, needs to spend more energy and time to teach. The students in Class A may understand the same problem in one go, but the students in Class F need to Teach repeatedly.

Because the quality of teachers is also uneven, a good teacher can use several different methods and even set teaching goals based on a student's own situation, and can teach students regardless of whether they are stupid or smart.

But there may not be one such teacher among 100, and the distribution of educational resources in all classes is even and equal. This is a rigid rule imposed by the gods after the family started running the school independently a few years ago.

There are many teachers who can teach but have poor teaching quality. Teachers are already scarce. In the past, many teachers in schools tended to be rich, powerful and smart, while those stupid students were basically ignored by some teachers. See you soon.

The current education system is different. Each batch of students is directly linked to the teacher's income. There is a chain reaction. If the students in the ABCDEF six-level classes have a perfect score of 100 in the exam of Class A, most students in Class F may not have the same score. The passing score of 60 points has not been passed. All teachers who teach this class of students will have their salaries deducted in an incremental manner according to the number of students who fail to pass. They may not even get the last penny of salary for a year of teaching.

Education that treats everyone equally is the minimum bottom line that a qualified teacher in Bright City should have. Under the tough regulations, many teachers have become active and put more thought into it than usual, because the better the year-end performance test of each class of students, the better. , teachers’ salary bonuses are also increasing incrementally.

Since the gods introduced such a policy, the cost of school education has indeed increased a lot, but the quality of education has risen linearly over the years.

Education starts from the initial primary school education, and most of the knowledge taught is closely related to the city. Once students understand the basic subjects such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, they begin to expand into divergent aspects. Education is no longer boring, but Social practical education for every student from childhood to adulthood is also an extremely important part.

At this time, Mo Xiao looked at her results, took out Alpha's phone from under the pillow next to her, and opened it directly by entering the password. Mo Xiao sighed. She knew that Alpha must be in Class A. She could figure it out with her toes. .

Mo Xiao was a little tired of studying. She didn't really want to go to school. She just wanted to stay at home and live a life of ease. At this time, the door to the room was opened, her hair was tied up, and the wet Alpha came back. .

"Why did you just get up, little lazy boy? Uncle Gene asked us to exercise every morning, but you haven't exercised in the morning for several days."

Mo Xiao blinked, glanced at the comfortable pillow, lay down directly, turned around and pulled the quilt, intending to take a nap.

Alpha quickly walked into the bathroom, with a joyful smile on her face. Because she had a goal, Alpha started making gestures in the bathroom. She would practice every move that Jean taught her over and over again.

In the process of growing up, Alpha gradually became aware of class, position and other things. Jean took her to many places on the bottom floor. She once asked Jean why we didn't all live together on the upper floor.

Alpha even felt sad when she saw some children who were about the same age as herself but who lived in completely different ways. She didn’t know what was wrong. Gene just told her that someone was needed to close the distance between the middle and upper classes, as long as she was straight. If you continue to walk, you can become such a person. The higher a person stands, the more things he has to shoulder, because Alpha stood tall when he was born.

After attending some banquets with his parents, Alpha also saw something ignorantly. No one of these tall people was willing to shoulder this responsibility.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. After taking a shower, Alpha lay on the bed and dialed Gene's number.

"Uncle Gene, will you come to our house tonight? There is a grand banquet at our house tonight."

"Sorry Alpha, I can't come over tonight. Have you had a good workout lately? When you start school, I will come over and take you to school."

Alpha nodded happily.

"Uncle Gene, we agreed, you have to come over."

"What a lazy boy!"

Alpha glanced at Mo Xiao, who was still sleeping, and slapped him.

"Get up now and I will supervise her to complete her exercises."

"Why do you always hate Alpha so much? I really hate you."

Mo Xiao said, pressing the painful forehead, Alpha directly dragged Mo Xiao off the bed.

"No matter how much you hate me, we are friends!"

"I advise you to stop drinking, Mr. Reed."

The man named Reed in front of him had sunken eyes and a face as white as a sheet of paper. His blue eyes were filled with excitement, and his whole face was filled with madness.

This is the first mentally abnormal patient that Fry has taken over. For this reason, he has read a lot of spiritual books. Reed is a drama actor who has recently come to their area. He is also the best in the troupe. An actor, every time some plays are performed, they are successful. In order to be able to fully integrate himself into the role, Reed in front of him imagines himself as such a character in his mind, usually using countless deep imaginations. to complete the character building.

But over time, many people seemed to live in Reed's body. His brain suffered a mental disorder and his daily life was also affected. Frye's suggestion was that Reed should not continue.

"We have a show tonight, Doctor Fry, do you want to come over and watch it?"

Frye looked at the long queue of patients at the door of the clinic and shook his head.



Reid stood up a little disappointed, but the steps from standing up to turning around were elegant. His walking was a little abnormal, as if there were several people overlapping on Reid's body, and the movements of every part of his body were different from ordinary people.

Fry was the only one in the clinic today, and Nabe went home. Recently, she and Kuhl were conducting some research on DNA medical treatment.

Now the clinic is the only source of income to support their research and cannot close. Fry also enjoys the feeling of treating patients.

"Dr. Fry, thank you very much last time. Thank you so much."

Frye nodded, and a patient opposite took out a small pack of tobacco from his pocket. Frye took it, because the medical prices here are very cheap, and the medical effects are amazing. Many people are directly diagnosed by the hospital as malignant diseases and require expensive medical treatment. Diseases that can only be treated by Fry only require long-term treatment, and many patients can be cured.

Among the patients queuing up, there are also many people from the upper class. There is only one rule here at Frye, no matter who you are, you must queue up to see a doctor.

At this time, it was finally the turn of a businessman. He looked at Frye solemnly, and Frye began to collect his blood and conduct a comprehensive physical examination.

"If you still want to live, stop smoking and drinking, otherwise your body organs will fail."

The businessman directly took out a lot of money.

"Dr. Frye, I hope you can be my personal doctor. I can give you a salary of 5,000 yuan a day."

Frye ignored the businessman, but after prescribing some medicine and telling the businessman the daily dosage, he started to receive the next patient.

"Miss, although the hospital recommends that you undergo a hysterectomy, my suggestion is that you please continue to exercise for a long time, take a small amount of medicine, and pay attention to food issues, including your personal life, and please have a fixed partner."

Looking at the distressed woman in front of him, Frye gave a suitable suggestion. Many diseases of the human body require long-term and slow treatment. Although most drugs can quickly solve the abnormality of the human body, they will also be accompanied by side effects. As well as the impact on the human body's subsequent life, drugs are only auxiliary, and the human body's self-healing is the general direction of future medical treatment.

However, many patients still cannot bear the slightest bit of pain, so they choose intense drug treatment, and their physical condition worsens.

"Miss, if you believe me, please follow my instructions and endure it for up to three years. You only need to come for a review every three months. After three years, you will be healthy and have no problem even if you give birth to a child. "

At this time, a little girl walked in carrying a bag of things.

"The doctor has breakfast."

Frye gave the little girl 2 yuan. She nodded with a smile, put down her breakfast and left. It was a bowl of steaming dumplings. It was still a bit overwhelming to eat liquid food every day.

"Kid? Are you looking for death?"

At the door of the infirmary, several vicious people walked in, and a wheelchair was carried in by several people. Frye stood up with serious eyes and walked over, pulling up the little girl who brought him breakfast every morning. Made in their store.

"I already told you, you are hopeless."

Fry quietly looked at a skinny middle-aged man in the wheelchair. More than a year ago, he was the leader of a local violent gang. He fell into a coma suddenly and was sent to the hospital, where he was sentenced to death. They found Frye, and Frye came to the same conclusion. This man was hopeless.

This kind of multi-organ failure caused by alienated genes will lead to death even if the organs are replaced. The man has obvious surgical incisions on his chest and abdomen. It seems that he had his organs replaced in a short period of time, but the mutated gene I won't give this man any chance.

"Doctor, please save me, no matter how much money you have."

The man said, and the man's son looked at Frye fiercely.

"If you can't cure my dad, I..."

"It's hopeless if it can't be saved."

Frye was pinned down on the table by several people. Someone had already called the administrator, and many people gathered around him angrily.

"What are you doing!"

The patient spoke and looked at the angry crowd outside the room before several people let go of Frye.

"Dr. Fry, please, haven't you ever cured a patient with organ failure?"

Fry shook his head.

"That's luck. With my current knowledge, there is no way to treat this type of disease caused by genetic mutations."

After watching a bunch of people leave, Frye paused the consultation and tried to calm down. In recent years, the most common diseases in the city are deformed children and multiple organ failure. This is a problem caused by the unstable life-span vaccine. .

Although Congress claims that such a human vaccine can extend human life by 20 to 30 years and is safe and reliable, it is actually not safe and is even at a very preliminary stage of research.

Frye has been conducting research on the longevity vaccine provided by Congress for a period of time. There are many things in it that he cannot analyze with his current knowledge. This vaccine can effectively increase the number of human genes, thereby extending the length of DNA and increasing lifespan. , but throughout the process, human beings will have genetic mutations, and the good ones will be mutants. If the bad ones are bad, humans may be disabled at some stage, or suffer from organ failure at worst, and the probability of deformed children in the next generation is very high.

At this time, a call came over. As soon as Fry picked it up, his expression became serious and he nodded.

"I'll go, I'll be there tonight."

Frye stood up and could only explain to some people at the door that he was going to participate in voluntary medical treatment and go to the area in the middle of the northwest where deformed people gathered.

"Doctor, there is no need to worry about those monsters."

"Yes, yes, those things might be carrying infectious diseases."

Frye quietly scanned the surrounding sounds, smiled slightly, turned around and began to prepare.

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