Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1514 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 13 (middle)


Nabe sat in the car and leaned back on the driver's seat drunkenly. The car had entered the AI ​​driving mode and was heading towards her home. It was surrounded by patches of farmland. There were many large and small farms here. They all belong to some families or contribute to the family.

Nabe was happy in her heart at this time. She believed what Jean said that a city would not be able to survive if it had only one voice.

“What do you think a city is!”

"A monster capable of devouring everything!"

Nabe still remembered the time when Jean came to talk to her alone.

"If there is only one mode of city management, when this monster breaks everything and starts to run rampant, no one can suppress this violent monster. Once the monster goes crazy, it will devour everything, so act accordingly Cohe and the council members are the two hands that hold the monster. When the monster starts to go berserk, the two hands can divide the monster's power. So Nabe, please wait patiently after you go back and cultivate it under our elite education. The iron-blooded managers produced by the city and the managers cultivated under the education of the city are indispensable to build their own stage."

Nabe looked at a three-story duplex wooden house in the distance. She had already arrived home. She knew that everything Jean told her would come true, because her father seemed to have known about it for a long time, but he just didn't tell her.

Over the years, my father has basically stopped seeing doctors. Instead, he often attends small doctor gatherings, and he often goes with his father.

After getting off the car, Nabe felt a chill. The temperature difference between day and night at night was getting bigger and bigger. Nabe shivered and wanted to go home and drink another sip of hot tea, then sleep and wait for the results from Fry.


Opening the door, Nabe called out. However, as soon as he took a step forward, Nabe felt something was wrong. There was a hint of weirdness in the air. In an instant, Nabe turned around, but was covered by a hand stretched out from the darkness. Shut up.

A few minutes later, Nabe trembled and looked at her father who was fixed on the chair and unable to move. There was a hole in his head. Although his father was not tied up, he could not move. His breath was weak. There was something in the room. 20 people, every one of them tall, all men.

Nabe had been gagged. She saw a man in black holding some research reports and the NDA sub-particle substance. It was a substance that she and her father discovered during accidental research. It had no practical application in medical treatment. significance.

"Hand over the formula for the DR potion."

For a moment, Nabe began to sob. These guys were from the Hillman family. After a while, Nabe's eyes widened, and she watched a sharp blade pressing on her father's neck. Nabe sobbed silently.

The cloth strip tied around Nabe's mouth was removed. She was trembling, holding a pen, and began to write the formula slowly. She was still thinking about ways to save herself. If this matter continued like this, she and her father would die. , and at the beginning of the new year this year, there were few people around here, and when thinking about the appearance of the Hillman family, I am afraid that the people nearby have already been bribed.

While Nabe was writing, a man suddenly smiled and took off her coat.

"Miss, out of the 20 of us here, 13 are doctors. Do you really think we are idiots?"

Nabe's eyes widened in horror, tears overflowing from her eyes. A long awl pierced her heart directly from behind, and the last scene before her eyes was that her father's throat was cut.


Fry woke up in the breeze. Although he was not hungry, he was a little thirsty.

"Can't sleep?"

Frye shook his head, and Huashen next to him smiled and said.

"After you go back in a few days, have a good talk with Miss Nabe. Although it may be a little harder in the future, I think you will be extremely happy with her."

Frye nodded awkwardly, and Huashen patted him on the shoulder.

"Go to sleep, it's already January 2nd, and tomorrow will only be more difficult."

The light in the city gradually disappeared with the arrival of the cold night. The city in the dark night was like a monster with a huge outline standing in the dark night.

It wasn't until 4 o'clock in the morning when a drunk man collapsed at the door of a pub that the city became completely quiet.

In the morning light, there was a noise in the station, which woke Wang Ying up from her sleep. She glanced at her mother who looked very peaceful in her sleep next to her, and stood up with a smile. Her whole body was sore. There were already many people at the station. Wang Ying walked out of the station and took a look at the Eastern Farm, which was a little misty in the morning light.

Wang Yin took his mother all the way to District 29 in the east, where a close friend of his father's was running a hotel, and Wang Ying could work here.

But at this time, Wang Ying looked at the gray sky with some surprise. A light blue light flashed across the sky. Wang Ying felt something strange. She quickly took out her mobile phone and quickly took a picture under the gray sky. A touch of light blue appeared, and the light blue slowly disappeared. Wang Yin yawned.

"It's okay, it will get better."


Accompanied by a violent whistling sound, a large number of people from the special inspection team were investigating a robbery and murder scene in a house in the family farm territory located in the northeast corner.

Hawke came over early in the morning. At around 5 o'clock in the morning, someone noticed a fire in Dr. Kuhl's house from a distance and hurriedly reported the incident.

"There were signs of resistance during his lifetime. Money and belongings were robbed, and most of the house was burned down."

Gene sneered slightly, raised his head, and took out a cigarette from his pocket tremblingly. Hawk looked at Gene's expression in shock. He stood up instantly and stood in front of Gene.

"What are you going to do, bastard Gene."

Jean glanced at Nabe, who was lying on the ground with her heart pierced and being violated. There were still tears on her face.

"Kill those bastards!"

With a flash of scarlet flames, Gene lit a cigarette, with a look of madness on his face, and Hawke had begun to use telekinesis.

"Don't destroy the scene, Lord Blue God!"

Gene walked past Hawke step by step.

"Lead people to surround Hillman's house. No information is allowed to leak out."

Hawke's eyes widened.

"Do you want half a century of hard work to come to nothing? Didn't your god say that if a city wants to be stable, it must solve problems step by step. War will break out. There is no airtight wall in the world."

Gene ignored Hawke.

"This is an order, Inspector General Hawke. If 100 people are not enough, 1,000 people, 10,000 people, call the army and go to various places to be ready to stop the suppression."

Hawke just nodded quietly, and there was only murderous intent in Gene's eyes. Hawke could not stop Gene like this, and he had no ability to stop it. He had not seen Gene showing such an expression for many years. .

Gene left the scene, exhaled a last breath of smoke, and looked back at the half-burned home behind him. When he turned his head, he had a slightly sad face.

"Sorry! Fry, I'm really sorry!"

Gene clenched his fists, and Hawk behind him lowered his head and held up the phone. He had already sent the matter directly to several other gods.

"You are responsible for the students' work, Lolita!"

Werther looked at Lolita who was still curled up in bed.

"What's wrong, teacher, what happened?"

Lolita noticed the irrepressible anger on Werther's face, as if something serious had happened.

"Your principal wants to destroy the entire city."

Lolita's eyes widened.

Soon Werther came to the roof. In a prepared rapid takeoff and landing, Tang Rao was already sitting in the driver's seat.

"Hurry up, you're the last one."

Everyone in the lift had solemn expressions, and Deguna pressed her head with one hand.

"There is no other way but the six of us to stop him."

Li Chu sighed, asked Tang Rao for a cigarette, lit it and took a puff, then coughed.

"According to my calculations, the most suitable location is the top of the mountain, where we have flattened it. Based on my knowledge of Gene, there is a 100% chance that he will pass by the top of the mountain."

The lift flew up slowly, and the entire machine body was roaring. This lift, which was manufactured by Noah and Noah and used as many as 200 aerodynamic energy conversion elements, was not stable yet and was a test product. .


With a violent roar, the helicopter flew directly towards the distant mountain peak.

Gu Yi was still checking the accident scene.

"The choice between rationality and sensibility is understandable. Jean cannot be allowed to destroy the city. For half a century, we have suffered countless days and nights, and finally we have the dawn of a new era, and those ugly Dirty things can only be buried when the time comes.”

Witte just nodded. He knew very well that everyone at the scene was angry. This seemed to be just an ordinary case of robbery, murder and house burning. Three people had been arrested and three people had confessed. A large amount of money had also been found. The three of them were prisoners, but everyone knew that it was someone from the Hillman family who did it.

"It has been detected. Jean is already on his way here. Be mentally prepared. Rose, please, don't give Jean any chance to rush out."

As Tang Rao spoke, he immediately increased his speed to the maximum. With a violent friction sound, Tang Rao instantly saw a beam of blue light at the top of the mountain, and drove the lift directly into it.


There was a loud noise, and a violent flame exploded in the sky.

Along with the falling debris, Jean squatted down and landed on the ground. His clothes were still covered in smoke and dust, and part of them was burned. Jean calmly took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Where are you going Jean."

With a touch of purple particles, Deguna walked out of the falling debris first, her purple dress half burned.

"Of course I'm here to watch the sunrise. What's wrong? Why are you all here?"

Jean glanced back at Werther and Gu Yi behind him, as well as Li Chu in the distance, Tang Rao on the left, and Rose didn't know where they were, but Jean soon felt a sense of suffocation, and the air was After being pulled away, sand and gravel appeared on the ground about to be crushed.


Gene instantly turned into a beam of blue light and rushed towards Deguna, his eyes glowed with blue light, but what he saw in front of him was a sea of ​​fire.

With a loud rumble, Jean turned sideways, spinning and falling to the ground. Next to him, a huge dent appeared, and the dust raised was crushed directly.

"Do you want to kill me, Tang Rao?"

Tang Rao giggled in the distance, with anger in her smile. Her body turned into blue particles and disappeared in the air in an instant.

Gene felt as if his eyeballs were about to explode. The air had been sucked out, and the entire mountaintop was in a vacuum. His skin began to turn slightly red, and blood seeped out directly. However, Gene recovered soon. Emitting light blue particles, Witte behind him already held two orange samurai swords in his hands.

Li Chu floated in the air, and streaks of red lightning spread out like water in the sky.

Accompanied by rumbling sounds, the outer mountain wall began to rise, and the rocks made crunching sounds. Soon the top of the mountain became like a cage, and the sky was directly blocked.

A circular stone hall appeared, and Gu Yi walked towards Jean quietly.

"I know you are angry, but this flame will burn down the current stable city, so it will be difficult for you to calm down now. This is the best way, as long as the students pass the test."

Jean threw away the cigarette butt. At this moment, the surrounding area turned into blue sky and white clouds. He could even feel the sea breeze blowing and the salty smell in the air. Jean laughed.

"Deguna, hallucinations only make me angrier."

Instantly accompanied by a fierce blue light, the surrounding blue sky and white clouds seemed to be burned. Jean pinched Deguna's neck and pulled her out directly, while Gu Yi and Werther It has been attacking from two directions.

Jean moved instantly, but it was accompanied by a violent red thunder and lightning.

"I can barely keep up with your speed Gene."


Following a burst of violent kicks, Gene crossed his hands and flew straight back. Guyi and Werther were intertwined on the left and right, and they were already attacking.

With two bangs, Gene rolled sideways on the ground several times, then squatted on the ground. Werther looked at the two katana swords in his hands that had been smashed directly. After letting go, the katana swords turned into pieces. Gu Yi looked at the green scab-like material on his hand that was like a fist glove, and then laughed.

"If we don't attack with all our strength, you will be injured."

Gene stood up, standing on one foot, tapping the toes of one foot casually on the ground, and arching his body slightly.

"We don't need to use all our strength, Jean. It's our responsibility to stop you. No matter how many crimes are hidden in this city, no matter what happens to the city next, a new era has begun. No matter how angry you are, it's gone. His life can only be turned into the cornerstone of the city, and that's it for now. The trial of those cold-blooded and extremely selfish guys will have to wait until later. Justice will not be absent, but it may be late. However, delayed justice can no longer be called justice. It’s about justice, it’s about the price you need to pay after committing a crime!”

Jean smiled slightly, and instantly accompanied by bunches of blue light, a large amount of blue light appeared in the entire space, intertwined.

"They need to pay now!"

With a roar, Jean had torn a hole in the extremely thick rock wall.

The six people behind him seemed to be completely locked by the blue thread for a moment. Tang Rao looked at the torn wounds on his body. Even his arms were cut off in an instant, and his body began to fall into pieces. About to scatter.

"It's a pity that you don't have a chance, Gene. When facing the six of us, you can indeed release the third form in an instant and seize the opportunity, but the premise is which form I am in!"

Gene's eyes widened, and he was in a trance for a moment.


With a loud noise, a green fist hit Jean's chest. He vomited blood and flew back, and a spiral blood hole appeared directly in his chest.

Deguna floated quietly in the air, her figure seemed to be in a trance like a flame reflected on the water.

Jean got up from the ground, and Tang Rao looked angrily at the small wounds that were healing on his body.

"Don't force me Gene, otherwise I will take action without hesitation."

Rose breathed a sigh of relief. At the moment when Jean was liberating the third form, several people were restrained. However, Deguna had already liberated the fourth form before him. Jean's sense of distance was misplaced, allowing him to see a hole in the rock wall.

"Go on Gene! I am also very angry. We are all the same, but we are more rational than you. If you do this, the city will collapse."

Thin orange beams of light were flying in the air, and gradually began to gather towards Jean like sharp blades.

"How cruel, you bastards!"

Jean rushed over angrily, and Deguna closed her eyes.

"You forced me Gene, limit, mirage, liberation!"

"Uncle Gene!"

Alpha climbed up from the bed in fear. She swallowed. Mo Xiao was still sleeping next to her. It was 6 o'clock in the morning.

The feeling of hunger spread all over the body, but Alpha felt a little uncomfortable. She held up a finger, and a touch of light blue particles flowed out from Alpha's fingertips. This was the stability that Jean would extract from her body every once in a while. Alpha cannot control this blue particle due to the mutated reaction caused by injecting the cells into itself, but this blue particle protects his body from being eroded by the mutated cells.

Alpha felt uneasy, and an indescribable complex emotion rose from the bottom of her heart. Although Alpha didn't know what was wrong, she knew very well that when these particles appeared before, Alpha felt warmth and happiness, but now Now that these particles appeared, Alpha felt an extremely violent anger and sadness.

There was a noise at the door.

Alpha stood up and walked out. At this time, a big man stood at the door of Latis' room. It was the weird guy who was still exercising late at night, Osman.

"No means no."

Latis stared at Osman angrily, and he shook his head.

"Just a little bit will be enough. There is a young child who is really hungry."

"Haha, I think you want to eat it yourself."

Osman shook his head and said that he was still energetic.

"Give him some Baratis."

In the end, Latis returned to the room with some annoyance, took a small piece of biscuit, and handed it to Osman, who bowed solemnly.


On the other side of the gate, there were many students who got up. Although it was very cold, they still walked to the long slope. They could already feel the sun shining on them. Although it was still very cold, many people wanted to enjoy the morning. Sunlight.

Most of the people were already suffering from varying degrees of dehydration. As doctors, Frye, Huashen and Akimi had already checked everyone's physical condition early in the morning.

A new day is a joy for everyone. Hungry and thirst seem to have been temporarily forgotten at this time. Many people's eyes turned to the locked school door.

Frye smiled, full of expectations. After entering here, he went home and formally told Nabe what he had wanted to say to her for so many years.

"It will get better and better."

Huashen barely slept all night, but now he is very energetic. It is the happiest thing for him to find some like-minded people.

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