Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1517 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 14 (Part 2)

Society is a huge furnace, and the furnace itself requires carrying capacity, endurance, and temperature. The temperature can only get higher and higher, dissolving all metal lumps, forming molten liquid, and filling the furnace. When the temperature reaches its peak, society is formed. At this time, the temperature that is too high or too low will either dissolve the furnace itself, or the cooled metal block will return to a solid state.

What color is the future?

What you see is like a furnace, hot and steamy, with a pungent metallic smell everywhere.

Everything you see, think, and know will eventually disappear in this melting pot!

What I want to explain is just a concept, or an effect. Your life, your career, your emotions, everything you expect will become part of the molten liquid. The funny thing is that people will always be stupid.

People have built the huge melting pot of society time and time again, and the melting pot has been overturned time and time again. When the furnace is overturned, the molten liquid released will swallow everything, and finally leave hard and dark condensation on the ground. Things, the only lingering thing is the wailing all over the sky.

Be warned, don’t try to build a layer-by-layer society. A stable society should not have only one form, one model, and one structure. How to build all of this? Please refer to geology, pressure and Time coexists and becomes a direct proportional relationship.

I believe you can find the answer. Human beings have failed time and time again in the melting pot society. Please stay vigilant and pay attention at all times. Once the melting pot is overturned, everything will return to the starting point.

Finally, what I want to say is that you may not be able to change everything, but just like geology, pressure is directly proportional to time. If you have time, please remember that time is a good thing. Excessive pressure will eventually As time goes by, more powerful carrying capacity is produced. Geology is so wonderful!

The land can carry more and more things as time goes by, and time is the catalyst!

BY——Destroyer of Worlds

X stood quietly on the street, reading a pamphlet from a small bookstall on the ground floor.

"Sir, it only costs 50 cents. This is something from many centuries ago and is valuable for collection and preservation."

X took out 100 yuan from his pocket unhurriedly and handed it to the boss. His eyes were serious and extremely angry. The boss was a little embarrassed because he had no change.

Keep the change, please.

X put away the panking of this black leather cover, printed with the words of the world destroyer. The memory of the past was constantly awake. He was really unexpected. author’s remarks.

A madman, a paranoid man, a madman in the scientific community, and a topical figure in the public opinion community, X burst out laughing and walked quickly through the streets.

In X's eyes, the Destroyer of Worlds is more like a vigilant standing on the edge of human society, watching human society. He warned humans again and again, until the disaster dragged the arrogant humans into the abyss.

Looking at the brand-new streets and the laughing crowds, X closed the booklet and carefully put it into his arms, clenching his fists.

"It's a very smart way to extend human lifespan, delay the time when the furnace is torn down, and start planning the countermeasures after the furnace is torn down. You guys are really excellent, so good that I am surprised."

X pressed the head of the head, and the memory had begun to recover. He walked on the street and enjoyed all the pleasure he brought to himself. , took off his black leather gloves, revealing a pair of mechanical hands. Light blue gas was sprayed from his fingertips, and the booklet was soon burned.

"It's better to seal these useless memories at this stage. After all, they will affect my decision-making! Just enjoy the day first."

"What are you doing!"

A man shouted at the entrance of the alley, and immediately he shouted that someone was setting a fire. X immediately put on his gloves and ran away quickly.

Ten minutes later, , but X knew very well that the targets of these arsonists were members of the Hillman family.

"Oh, we have guests so early!"

A woman wearing only gauze pajamas came out of the room. She looked at X with a smile.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong door."

As X said this, he was about to leave, but the woman came over first and blocked the door.

"Now that you're here, I don't care if you are an arsonist or anything else, you are a guest when you walk in."

The woman's enchanting hands were spread on X's chest, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes.

X took out two hundred yuan. After putting it away, the woman leaned on X's shoulder.

"Guest, the service this time costs 10,000."

X's eyes widened, the woman was completely wrapped around her, and she opened a corner of the door.

"Let's have some fun, guest. I can provide you with any service, but..."

"It's too expensive. It's only worth 50 yuan at most."

The woman shook her head.

"It's true that the maximum is 50 at a time, or even less than 50, but as a guest, you can only be slaughtered by me now. If you don't decide, I will call someone."

X took out a wad of money from his pocket and was helped into the back room by the woman with a smile on his face, but at this moment X seemed to have thought of something.

"If you are willing to do me a little favor, I can give you more than just 10,000. Well, I will send you to heaven first!"

The woman giggled.

"can you!"

Located in District 118 on the ground floor, this is a neighborhood on the edge. In a quarry workers' factory, there are many people gathered. Today is the morning of January 3, just after 8 o'clock, these people gathered here .

Some people came here last night, while others came early this morning. The sound in the warehouse seemed a bit noisy, and in the noise, there was anger. These large and small gang organizations came from various areas at the bottom.

They were summoned by a mysterious man today, who said he would give them a way to make a fortune. It was just up to them to see if they dared to do it. They were also guaranteed that this matter would be absolutely safe and would not involve any legal issues. As long as it was done slowly, If you do it slowly, you'll be fine.

Many people come here with a skeptical attitude. One of the most powerful organizations is the Crimson Tide. Porter, the leader of the gang, has been on the streets since he was more than 10 years old. He is brave and fierce. As a powerful The mutant, now just 25 years old, already has nearly 1,000 subordinates.

"What's the fuss about?"

Following Porter's roar, everyone in the factory instantly fell silent. The large and small organizations that came here all had been entrenched at the bottom for a long time and relied on many black or gray industries to make a living.

Drugs, women, and gambling are the three pillar industries currently engaged in by these large and small organizations. There are a total of 139 gangs, and many of them have hostile relationships due to interests.

In recent years, many gangs, large and small, have been directly destroyed. Weapons are something that these gangs dare not touch. In the past, many gangs continued to do so even after the city explicitly banned weapons. They all knew the outcome. The entire gang was directly destroyed. They were tortured and killed, and no one survived.

Everyone knows that it was done by people sent by the Congress. Nowadays, most of their operations rely on gambling and women. The risks of drugs are too high and can easily cause problems. Only some small groups are still doing it, but the output is small. Don't even dare to mention it.

Potter looked around angrily. The mysterious people who summoned them had not come yet. At this time, a masked man wearing black tights came in, followed closely by a masked man in the same costume. They were all carrying large, heavy boxes in their hands. Many of them were wondering what the items inside were. Many of them sensed that they might be weapons.

"Okay, everyone, thank you for being here."

As the leader of the men in black spoke, Porter felt keenly that the matter was not simple. This was the mineral property of the Hillman family. The guy behind the scenes was most likely someone who had a very good relationship with the Hillman family, or was a member of the Hillman family. The family itself.

snap, snap, snap

For a moment, everyone present widened their eyes, and the gang leader who had just been joking about killing them if it was a weapon also shut up.

The big boxes on the table were filled with banknotes.

"real or fake?"

Someone casually walked over suspiciously and picked up a wad of money. The moment he held it in his hand, the man took out a gun and pointed it at the man in black.

"No matter what you want us to do, you should know that wealth should not be exposed, and who are we! Hahahaha."

In an instant, a large number of gangs blocked the surrounding doors, took out their guns, and pointed them at the man on the stage. The man did not panic at all despite the gun being pressed against his head.

Porter made a casual estimate. The 10 boxes of money were worth at least three to four hundred million. With such a huge sum of money sitting here, he would be a fool not to grab it. Porter also winked at his men.

A group of gang leaders walked up laughing and grabbed the money inside.

However, in an instant, with a stream of air visible to the naked eye, the heads of each gang leader were cut off directly.

In an instant, many men in black appeared around the warehouse, accompanied by slanted bullets. However, at this time, everyone raised their hands obediently and had no intention of resisting. Potter's eyes widened. There were so many high-level mutants. , several of them were mutants who could use red particles, and the whole place was silent for an instant.

Along with the corpses of the leaders falling to the ground, the leader of the men in black said with a smile.

"These 8 guys died because they thought they were stronger than us. But don't you know that we have the ability to put money in front of you and not have the ability to deal with you? Okay, you should quickly choose a successor and the leader will stay. , the rest of the guys can go back."

In a short time, there were 139 bosses, 8 of whom were successor bosses who had just been killed.

Potter stared at the money quietly, and the only thing he could think of was loan sharking.

At this time, a tall leader named Batu with braids came over.

"Loan shark?"

The leader of the men in black clapped his hands and looked at the man with approval.

"We will provide the funds, and the lending business will be carried out by you. We 7 you 3!"

The leaders present were a little unhappy for a moment, but soon the leader of the men in black laughed.

"Any comments?"

Many people nodded in agreement. They were also doing loan sharking, but they didn't have that much money at all, and it was a little difficult to live. They had a large number of people to feed, and they had to give benefits to the local management officials.

"See for yourselves, we don't care how much you earn or lose, the minimum is 1 million. You need to pay us 500,000 a month, and the remaining 20% ​​must be paid back at the end of the year."

Everyone was shocked for a moment. They had to pay 8.4 million yuan a year, and even if they made enough loan sharks of 10 million yuan, they could only earn 600,000 yuan.

"Okay, now you can start getting the money. Don't think about escaping. We can make you disappear without leaving any trace, including your family members. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Each of the leaders is still hesitating, but making 600,000 yuan a year is already a huge sum of money for them, and the more they do, the more they make.

Many leaders only dared to take 1 million. Potter stared quietly. It was a good thing that this kind of blood-sucking practice could be profitable, but the risks also increased exponentially.

The annual income of many organizations is only 100,000 at most. Under the guidance of some men in black, many people were told that they could leave after counting the money and that the accounts would be collected on the 3rd of next month.

"If the part is not enough, everything of the user can be used as collateral. What you do is up to you. Remember it, don't forget it. Starting from today on the 3rd of every month, if you do well, the higher the limit will be." Gao, we can also give you part of the bonus. As for the bonus issue, we will discuss it next year."

Porter showed a smile and clicked 5 million. Many people looked at him in surprise, and the leaders of some organizations also clicked several million. Porter already understood what the other party wanted to do. Now the boss at the bottom Some areas are still under construction, and many businessmen are investing. As long as you target those businessmen and take their assets through loan sharking, you will make money no matter what.

There are nearly 10 million people at the bottom, and most people are short of money. With compound profits within a month, you can easily create a performance of more than 10 million.

Frye stood quietly on the long slope at the gate of the Academy of Gods, staring at the dazzling artificial sun in the east. His skin was white, his lips were cracked, and there was no strength left in his whole body.

Most of the people were so hungry that they could not move. For nearly two days, hunger tortured everyone's will every minute and every second.

It's just that no one is willing to back down. Even for many people, the feeling now is more uncomfortable than death, but they clearly understand in their heads that as long as they step into this door, they can rewrite their own destiny.

In the past two days, many students have talked about their own affairs. Frye looked into the distance with a smile. There really are similar people here. Frye is very clear that the sadness and anger in his heart may be the same as that of most people here. Nothing in comparison.

Everyone wants to seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because everyone knows that the opportunity to change one's destiny may only come once in a lifetime. Once let go, everything will return to the sorrow of the past.

"I would rather starve to death than leave even half a step from here."

An eight or nine-year-old child with weak breath and weak smile. He came from an orphanage. He knew very well that if he went back, the ending would be the same. He would die, maybe a few days later, maybe a few years later.

Although Locke was hungry, he leaned against the door and looked at the group of students in front of him. Their determination became stronger and stronger. They had never thought about what the world behind the door was like and what life in school would be like in the future. But For them, it is full of hope.

The students inside the college are even more miserable. They don't need to endure the cold or thirst. The only thing they need is to endure hunger.

There was no one at the entrance of the cafeteria hall, and there were no students around. Most of the students stayed in the dormitories, and there were body data measurement systems in the dormitories. If any students had any problems, Lolita would rush there.

Yu Susu was making breakfast. Lolita was sitting in front of the long food table, waiting quietly. The seven gods had not returned yet.

Tonight is the grand opening ceremony. Yu Susu has already started preparing food for more than 600 people early in the morning. After suffering from hunger, as long as they can survive, they can drink a bowl of thick soup and eat slowly. stuff to restore body functions.

At this time, accompanied by waves of landing sounds, Lolita hurriedly ran out and looked at the seven gods falling directly from the city wall, but there was a hint of indifference on Gene's face.

"Principal, what exactly"

"Sorry, Lolita, I want to take a rest."

Jean walked quietly to the school dormitory, and soon he came to the door of Alpha's room. After knocking on the door, Alpha opened the door after a while. She seemed to be quite energetic.

"Uncle Gene, where were you before?"

Jean weakly entered Alpha's dormitory. Alpha also noticed something was wrong with Jean's expression, so she sat over.

"What happened?"

Jean nodded and put one hand on Alpha's head.

"Is it difficult, Uncle Gene!"

Gene nodded.

"Is it so difficult that even strength can't solve it?"

"Ah, even strength can't solve it."

Alpha looked at Jean with confusion, then squatted at his feet as if to comfort him.

"Then start school as soon as possible and leave all this to us."

Gene smiled, but there was still bitterness in his smile. He looked at the sunlight sweeping in from the bed, looking at it in a daze.

A brown Beetle was speeding and stopped at the door of a hotel in District 29 with a crunching sound.


Pullman stuck his head out. Wang Ying said a few words to the boss behind him, then turned around and walked over and got into the car. Freya and Baozhen were both there. The car started to drive quickly. They were going to Area 88. to the hospital.

Chris was hospitalized, his life was in danger, and he had fallen into a severe coma. He heard that it was a car accident. The doctor only found a few people's numbers from his mobile phone. He first called Wu Qun, and then Wu Qun notified him. Everyone.

Everyone decided to rush to the hospital. Freya in the car looked a little scared, and Baozhen kept wiping tears.

"It's okay. He has a strong body. It's okay."

Wang Ying looked horrified, holding on to the door handle with one hand. Pullman quickly drove onto the regional connecting highway and directly increased the speed.

"This matter may not be that simple. Wu Qun passed by this morning because he was the closest."

Pullman said and called Wu Qun directly. Wang Ying took the phone and Wu Qun picked up after a while.

"The vital signs are almost gone. Where are you?"

"Just went out."

Wang Ying replied.

Wu Qun laughed helplessly, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Old Wu, this matter is not simple. A car accident? Today's cars have AI automatic recognition systems. If they encounter pedestrians, they will definitely activate the upgraded braking system. Car accidents are already rare."

"Of course I know. He was sent here by the local management officer and said it was an accidental car accident. I have seen Chris' body and there are signs of being beaten."

In an instant Freya held the phone angrily.

"Call the inspection team."

Pullman shook his head.

"Old Wu, think of a way and keep the evidence. You can't be impulsive in this matter."

Wu Qun nodded and said.

"I have already saved all the evidence that should be kept early. The hospital is not planning to provide proof. I am still dealing with it, but the results should be available soon."

In a long corridor, Wu Qun hung up the phone and looked through the glass window at Chris, who was lying on the hospital bed with his head wrapped, a tube inserted in his mouth, and his body covered in bruises and bruises. On the instrument next to him, The heart rate and pulse are very weak, and brain death may occur at any time.

Wu Qun looked at another trampled mobile phone. This was Chris's. He called Pullman yesterday and retrieved the communication records. Wu Qun probably understood that Chris's school was short of money and he Today I probably went to the local management office and asked them for the funds that should belong to my school, and the result was like this.

"Don't you think it would be better if you give me a call and I can give you an idea, Chris."

Wu Qun smiled helplessly. He pressed his hand on the glass and pondered quietly. Wu Qun checked Chris's school files and found that there was no such person as Chris. On the day of graduation, Chris returned directly to the school. At the lower level, he should be taking the place of someone from a certain family to go to school. He wants to get a diploma. Otherwise, the people who can enter that school have some wealth, and Chris will not go around raising funds.

This situation was quite common in Dan, when schools had just emerged on a large scale and the gods had not yet issued relevant regulations.

Wu Qun sat on the bench, pressed his forehead with his hands together, and kept stroking his cheeks. At this time, the dean came with some doctors. Wu Qun stood up with a smile, but there were still some management officers behind him.

Wu Qun directly blocked the door of the ward.

"What do you want to do? His symptoms require transfer to a hospital now."

Wu Qun stretched out his hands.

"If the ventilator and life support device are removed now, he will die in less than 10 minutes."

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