Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1522 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 16 (middle)

"I'm so sorry Fry!"

Huashen stood behind Frye. At this time, he noticed that Frye was extremely excited. He already held a sedative in his hand and was ready to inject Frye at any time.

Gene left without saying anything. He just put the facts in front of Frye and let him slowly notice the facts.

"There are three biggest doubts!"

Whit quietly held an investigation document in her hand. It was full of loopholes. She really couldn't imagine that this was an investigation report issued by someone from the inspection team.

King Xue didn't say anything, and the gentle smile on his face disappeared. He was wiping his flat lenses.

"The garbage always leaves traces when they do things, but why doesn't anyone notice it? The question this time is very simple, and it's not difficult to find evidence. What do you think the principal really wants us to do?"

King Xue asked, Whit had already walked up quickly, and Billy did not read the investigation report.

"Don't you look at it, Billy."

Billy shook his head.

"Classmate Whit, it's better not to read preconceptions like the investigation report. Preconceptions will often affect the results of the investigation."

Whit laughed disapprovingly.

"Billy, do you think you are smart!"

"At least smarter than you."

Whit giggled. She had realized in school these days that this somewhat unsociable 13-year-old kid, who was 6 years younger than herself, was a bit annoying.

Frye was still standing dumbfounded in the ruins of the half-burned house, his mind went blank. He just stared blankly at the outline of a human figure drawn with white lines on the ground. This was once the living room of his home. Two meters away from the human figure, under a burnt chair, there is a white outline.

There are many things that Fry is not willing to believe. He doesn't want to believe it, it's just that he hasn't seen him for six days.

The corners of Fry's eyes were twitching slightly. He remained motionless, and his body seemed to be petrified. His strength was drained out in an instant. Fry swayed and sat on the ground, his hands falling weakly on the charred floor.

"I haven't done or said anything yet!"

Frye murmured, Huashen behind him nodded and squatted next to Frye.

Whit and Billy had already found some things in the nearby fields, and they carefully collected them with plastic wrap.

"Looks like you're pretty smart too."

Billy smiled and Whit sighed.

"Hey, you guys."

At this time, accompanied by bursts of sound, more than ten people came out of a small manor nearby, and they quickly gathered around.

"Kids, what are you doing here? This is now the place of the Hillman family."

King Xue wiped his glasses slightly and ignored them, but one of them came over directly and reached out to grab King Xue's collar.

Following a burst of screams, the person who reached out was pinched by King Xue's arm, and more than ten others rushed forward quickly.

However, in less than a minute, all 11 people were lying on the ground. King Xue put on his glasses and then took out a certificate of special management officer. More than ten people were stunned and hurriedly stood up to apologize.

"We are here to conduct follow-up investigations. Even though this is the place where the Hillman family belongs, it is also the scene of the murder. If you have any objections, please ask Mr. Eddy of the Hillman family to complain to Congress."

King Xue said, looking at the investigation report in his hand, and then directly used telekinesis to ignite the flame. The report was directly burned. He raised his head. The moment he saw the investigation report, he immediately knew that this report It's fake.

Because someone deliberately wanted to lead the case in the direction of a robbery and murder on New Year's Eve, and the details were done very well. No one would doubt such an investigation report.

"It's really a heavy subject, principal."

King Xue somewhat understood what Jean meant.

"found it!"

Whit carefully lay down in a wheat field near the burned house, and found some fiber from an electric pole standing next to the wheat field.

"People can only invade from here."

Billy was wearing a pair of special micro-vision glasses. The dust on the windowsill looked very uneven. The air in the agricultural base was extremely uniform. Because the humidity was relatively high, the temperature difference between day and night would not be too big, so there would be no Strong wind.

The dust on the windowsill was obviously unevenly distributed. Billy carefully put his head out of the window and looked at the traces on the ground. They should have entered wearing special fiber clothing, so they would not leave any traces. , but the pole behind Whit was different. A lot of fibers had been found.

It was certain that someone had passed by this electric pole. Whitt was still looking for any clues around him. The two of them had just found a lot of pressed soil in the field, and they could already determine where the criminal invaded.

King Xue watched quietly. Although he had returned to the manor, he still looked here at the guys who had just been knocked down by him. Their identities had been exposed by their calm rising up, which seemed to be fine.

"You are so lucky. It was me who came. If it were those three guys, you would be dead by now."

Looking at the whole case, it seems that it was done by someone who was very familiar with everything here.

King Xue seemed to understand something, and his gentle smile returned to his face.

At this time, in a small manor opposite Fry's house, a man held up the phone with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, they are just here to take a look and won't do anything. Even if they find clues, you don't need to worry, because I am the king of the city now."

Huashen was still guarding Frye. Frye seemed to have calmed down, but he just refused to say a word. Then Frye stood up.

"Where are the remains?"

"The nearby No. 61 Hospital, can you accompany me there, Huashen?"

Huashen nodded, and the two left the scene and walked slowly. It was not far from Hospital 61. King Xue looked at the two people leaving slowly, raised his head and sighed.

Looking at the two classmates in front of him who were still looking for evidence seriously, King Xue laughed.

"What you want to talk about is a matter of choice, principal. Is the truth more important, or a relatively stable truth? It's a pity that no matter which truth it is, this matter will only be buried deeply."

No one will care about this trivial case, the only ones who will care are the murderer and the victim.

King Xue looked at the two people in the distance, and there were only white dots left.

"It's really too much, principal, the whole day has been wasted like this again!"

King Xue walked to the back of a nearby garage, sat on the ground, and looked quietly at the wheat field in front of him.

Everything now is not an interview, but the real leader test has begun.

"Why did you come here?"

Huite stared at King Xue with an angry face. She was sweating profusely and holding up the evidence in her hand with a smile. If many things only needed to be tested and investigated, the murderer would definitely be found.

Listening to Huite talking about the investigation, King Xue's mind was already somewhere else.

Billy is still looking for all traces. He is eager to know the truth and everything. He has found as many as 18 discrepancies with the investigation report. There are two kinds of expressions on Billy's face under the sun. The expressions, one looked sad, the other angry.

"Are you listening, King Xue?"

King Xue woke up from his past memories. He stood up with a smile and patted Whit on the shoulder.

"You and Billy just keep investigating, I'm going to go walk around."

"You guy, didn't you hear what the principal said?"

King Xue bowed, ignored Whit's shouting, and walked slowly onto the path. He admired the scenery of the wheat fields and smiled gently.

"Unfortunately, neither of you are suitable to be managers! Huashen is the same, Fry is the same. You have both lost your qualifications."

"Okay, okay, stop practicing. If you continue, you will faint. If you don't have food to eat in a few days, I will share some of my food with you."

Locke looked at several children who were about to collapse and pulled them off the training ground. There was chaos all around. The students began to exercise in one fell swoop, because it was related to their meals for the whole day tomorrow.

"Fat brother, are you telling the truth?"

"Can I lie to you? You have to slowly adapt to your own rhythm. The muscles you have suffered tonight have been strained. Little fools, if you can't stand the pain at night, come to my room. I'll give you a massage, and my techniques are very good."

Locke said, clasping his hands behind his back, he walked slowly. When he saw some tired students, he went directly over and dissuaded them from continuing to exercise. It was only 10 o'clock in the morning.

On the other hand, there was a training ground where a guy named Osman was leading more than 30 students to do gymnastics. He looked respectable and was teaching these younger students very carefully.

With a sudden movement, Locke was catapulted into the middle of a training ground, instantly stopping the fight between Alpha and C.

"Okay, okay, stop fighting, otherwise you will be injured again tonight, Alpha."

The cheers on the sidelines also stopped abruptly, and many students looked at Locke with some confusion.

"You guys, go and gather everyone here."

After a while, many people came to the training ground diagonally opposite the teaching building. Locke moved a table over and stood on it. After waiting for all 608 students to come over, he coughed twice.

Students all know that Locke came here very early. He is now the second oldest at 29 years old.

"I know you are all in a hurry and are afraid that you will not have food to eat in the future, but it is useless no matter how anxious you are. Okay, now everyone can take a moderate rest."

As soon as Locke finished speaking, noise broke out among the students. Many students were about to leave. They originally thought that Locke was going to reveal something to everyone, but they didn't expect that what he said was nonsense.

Looking at the students who had begun to leave, Locke finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Listen to me."

Following a violent roar, the students fell silent instantly.

"Tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the morning, please gather at the school gate on time. I will divide you into groups according to age and your physical fitness throughout the day. In this way, people with similar physical fitness can exercise together. Exercise is necessary Take your time, you guys like this"

Voices of dissatisfaction started again, and soon the students dispersed. The whole school was in chaos. Many students had been in groups in the past few days, and students with good relationships gathered in piles. There have been serious divisions into groups and isolated individuals.

Looking at the students who were dispersing one by one, Locke sighed. It was like a mess. At this time, many students began to exercise.

This was the reason why Locke didn't want to stay. He had to take care of these troublesome guys younger than himself. He stared sideways at the teaching building in the distance, sighed, and walked down from the table.

Many students always follow C, R and K because they are the strongest ones in the school. Noah and Noah are basically isolated. There is also a boy named Marcus who is also alone. .

Alpha, Latis, and Mo Xiao have become an inseparable trio. Large and small groups have been formed, and training grounds have even begun to be divided, because the gods, who are teachers, say nothing and are responsible for cooking and Yu Susu, who teaches cooking, is also silent.

Locke scratched his head and felt strange. He didn't know what to do with the students' current situation.

"Forget it, just ignore it and go back to the dormitory to sleep."

When he got off the table, Locke realized that there was no one around him and everyone dispersed on their own.

At this time, Yu Wanrou walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Fat brother, you are also isolated."

At this time, the beautiful girl named Keying came over with a girl named Vivian. The three girls looked at each other and left each other with a smile on their arms. Locke squatted on the ground.

"Little Fatty, are you okay? You are not a student union cadre designated by the gods. If you say this, most people will be dissatisfied."

Yu Susu just walked out at this time. She was nearly 40 years old and had been cooking in school for the past few years without taking a step outside.

"Aunt Yu, how do you think we should deal with these naughty kids?"

Locke looked at the children who were already playing in the corridor, a bunch of men and women, and Yu Susu laughed.

"You can take care of it yourself, Little Fatty. You still have one year to go. Aren't you quite good at taking care of others?"

"Aunt Yu is very tired. I'm afraid I can't hold on."

Locke started walking while he was talking. After seeing a child climbing up the vine, Locke ran over with quick eyes and hands. The moment he slipped, he caught him with one hand.

"Fat man, thanks."

Locke put down this energetic boy and he was about to join in the fight, but Locke didn't let go yet.

"Stop climbing. If you fall and break your leg, you'll be in trouble. Go play."

At this time, outside the teaching building not far away, several boys aged eleven or twelve were throwing a rag doll, and a little girl who was only eight years old was being played with by them.

dong dong dong

Locke held the doll, and all six boys pressed their foreheads, crying with pain. Locke raised his huge fist.

"How can you bully your classmates and bully a girl?"

"Fat man, we were just joking with her."

Locke walked up to a boy and picked him up directly.

"You're joking, can I have some fun with you now?"

As he spoke, he directly threw the boy into the air, and after catching it, he threw it into the air again. The faces of the boys who had been beaten on the head suddenly changed.

"Fat brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, I won't dare to do it next time."

Locke looked at the little girl who was still sobbing, picked her up and put her on his neck.

"What's there to cry about? Well, I'll take you over there to play with them."

Several boys made faces at Locke. Locke turned around and glared at them, and they hurriedly dispersed.

"The training equipment for those students over there is very expensive. If you do it like this, you will damage the training equipment. I won't be able to afford the compensation if I sell it to you."

I watched several boys posing and hitting a training dummy, but they pushed the dummy to the ground and then took turns riding on it.

Locke walked over directly, picked up the noisy children and threw them aside.

"Really, what can you do now."

A nine-year-old child clenched his fist, gestured in front of Locke, and punched him on the tall belly. Locke laughed, raised a finger, and hit the child directly on the forehead. , he rolled and crawled on the ground several times before wailing loudly.

"You are all brats who deserve a beating. Next time you play like this, I will definitely let him know how painful it is to be a training dummy."

The little girl riding on Locke's neck smiled.

"Little fat man, come here."

Looking at Hemio sitting at the entrance of the corridor wearing broken glasses, Locke pointed at him.

"Take this little girl to play for a while."

While talking, Locke continued to patrol the school. Behind the cafeteria, he saw more than a dozen students standing furtively at the window. Looking at the movements in the cafeteria, Locke disappeared directly and tiptoed. He came among several students. They were discussing how to sneak in to get something when Auntie left the cafeteria. Several people were discussing the issue of surveillance.

"If you enter from this angle, you should be able to avoid surveillance perfectly."

A little girl said, extending her index and middle fingers on the window edge.

"No, you will definitely be discovered if you go in."

"Yes, you have been discovered. I have recorded everything you just said. I will submit the evidence to the principal later."

In an instant, more than 10 students stared wide-eyed, looking at Locke who suddenly appeared among them. Each student wanted to run, but Locke directly used telekinesis to grab them.

"Come on, come with me to the principal's office."

"Fat brother, we won't dare next time, we are just talking."

Locke let go of the children, and then sighed.

"It won't happen again."

As he spoke, Locke took out a pen from his pocket and waved it in front of a few people. More than a dozen students left in despair.

The moment he arrived at the dormitory, Locke frowned and jumped directly to the guardrail on the fifth floor. He looked at a noisy room where several older children were cuddling in each other's arms.

"You are not suitable for doing this kind of thing at your age."

"Fat you"

Just as a boy was about to say something, Locke had already walked in and separated him from the girl next to him.

A few minutes later, 5 men and 4 women in the room all knelt down and sat in front of Locke, with their heads lowered and their hands on their knees.

"Are you awake?"

All nine people nodded.

"What should I do if I get pregnant?"

"Fat brother, we are just"

Just as a girl was about to speak, Locke's eyes widened and he crossed his legs.

"When I was your age, I also experienced puberty, but you are much better now. Okay, let me tell you a story. Don't you really like this thing between men and women? I will give it to you Tell stories about men and women.”

All day long, the school was full of noise. These energetic students were all having fun. The fun started with a very small number of students and then became the majority of the students. Even Alpha was playing with a few girls. A game of catch.

As the sun went out, a helicopter landed back, and many students passed by. Gene came back with the five students who had gone out before. Fry lowered his head and walked toward the dormitory without saying a word. After walking over, King Xue looked at Locke Jiahui who was sitting in the corridor connected to the main teaching building, holding his stomach with a tired look on his face.

Gene walked slowly towards Locke, took out a cigarette and lit it, and then started talking to Locke about Frye's situation. Locke's face looked a little solemn.

"That's what happened, little fat guy. I hope you can take care of Fry when you have time."

Locke nodded, and Gene looked at the students running towards the cafeteria.

"Thank you for your hard work, little fat boy."

"If you want to find someone to help you take care of your children, just say so. I'm not a student."

Gene patted Locke on the shoulder.

"You have been the king of children since you were a child. It is the nature of children to have fun and play. I am afraid that many children here cannot play and play carefree like they do here!"

Locke sighed.

"I'm going to be tired from now on. Mr. Jean, give me a salary, at least 3,000 a month."

Gene turned his head and looked at Locke, who immediately snorted and crossed his hands.

"Forget it if you don't pay, huh, such hard work."

"I'll give you 5,000 a month."

Locke's eyes widened, he stood up and said with a smile.


But Locke soon knew that what Gene said always counted. Locke started to count his fingers. He had taken care of these guys here for 10 years and had 600,000. He nodded with satisfaction.

"We have agreed, Mr. Jean, that after we go out, I will open a restaurant."

"We can talk about it then, okay, little fat guy."

At this time, many children came out of the dormitory. After greeting Jean first, when they ran to the cafeteria, a few children turned their heads.

"Fat brother, it's time to eat. If you don't come over, everyone will eat all your food today."

Locke hurriedly got up and ran over. Gene breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the little fat man in front of him. From a very young age, Gene discovered that he could easily integrate into any group and always seem to be the leader. Like a sheep, he takes care of all aspects.

"I'm really going to have to work hard on you in the coming years, little fat guy!"

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