Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1531 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 19 (middle)

Cruelty is the nature of rulers, but please remember, future rulers, when you use cruelty to govern everything, whether the cruelty is conscious, unconscious, or helpless, everything is relatively!

Regarding this cruelty, there is no praise or derogation in my words, but a kind of warning.

In the future, if you are unfortunate enough to become a transcendent being, a so-called god!

For you who were once human, this might be more appropriately called a curse.

Life evolves step by step in the vast universe, but what is the climax?

In my opinion, the one who stands at the top in the end is neither God nor man!

The devourer and the nurturer, in my opinion, are the pinnacle of life. Just like the literal meaning, the devourer can swallow everything, and the nurturer can nurture everything.

All things are so wonderful and wonderful. Please remember that from the day you become a god, the horizon you see will be broader, and the impermanence you experience will be more pungent, maybe sweet, maybe bitter. !

Give everything back to others. Please remember that the human heart often has very powerful power. This power may be the path to the ninth-level life form!

This is my signal to you, gods! In other words, the vigilants who are qualified to call themselves gods!

BY——Destroyer of Worlds

In the dark night, a tall figure, 2.5 meters tall, was striding on the street. His bare, thick and strong arms were covered with dirt, and his whole body exuded a stench.

The giant man wore a hood made of linen, with only his mouth, eyes, and two small holes in front of his nostrils exposed for breathing.

There was a hump on the back of the giant man. Many people were a little surprised. It was a deformed person. They had not seen a deformed person for many years. Many people took pictures with their mobile phones out of curiosity. The giant man lowered his head. Soon he entered an alley.

"You're finally here, Quasimodo!"

A man sitting on a sack, holding a wine bottle, looks drunk. This is District 79 near Montenegro. Most of the mines that were recently closed due to the decline of urban industry have now begun to mine again.

The man's name was Chen Si, and he was a foreman in a mine. Just when he was having dinner with his family in the evening, the boss called and asked Chen Si to find workers as soon as possible, and work would start early tomorrow morning.

But Chen Si couldn't find any workers in a short period of time, but he thought of a man, Quasimodo, a very strong porter who recently came to this block.

Chen Si took out 1,000 yuan, and Quasimodo stretched out his hand and took it.

"Follow me. There was a landslide in the previous mine and the rocks need to be cleared. You seem to be quite strong."

Quasimodo nodded. He left the area with deformed people more than a year ago. There are still many deformed people waiting for surgery, but the doctor has not come in the past year. Everyone thinks that maybe the one named Huashen is Something happened to the doctor, or he no longer pays attention to that place.

Everyone wanted to escape from that place, and Quasimodo finally left because it was very hard every day and he never had enough to eat.

After a while, Chen Si took Quasimodo to a mine that had been idle for almost a year with tools lying around. The outside of the mine had been blocked by big rocks, and a broken engineering machine was there. Crooked to the side.

"How about you clean it up as soon as possible. If you clean it up early tomorrow morning, I will give you another 1,000 yuan."

Quasimodo nodded. Chen Si accidentally saw an out-of-control overloaded truck about to overturn on the street. When pedestrians on the roadside were about to suffer, it was Quasimodo who used his hands to support the nearly 50-ton truck. truck.

Quasimodo didn't say anything, just nodded, and quickly went down to the mine. The boss gave Chen Si 100,000 and asked him to do everything possible to clean out the collapsed mine.

A huge stone collapsed at the entrance of the cave, completely blocking the entrance. At this time, Chen Si's eyes widened, watching Quasimodo directly embed his hands into the boulder, and move the boulder little by little.


At this time, not only this mine, but also mining companies in other places had opened their doors, and most of the workers were called back overnight.

Many people on the street were spreading rumors that the gods had announced some new technology, so the businessmen began to take action.

A man in his 20s was walking lonely on the street. He stared quietly at the passers-by. He looked a little painful and took out the wine from his pocket and took a sip.

He had just been fired from the company.

"Tamayi, where are you going?"

A woman chased after him and hugged the man named Tamai from behind with a look of embarrassment.

The woman looked aside with evasive eyes, not daring to look directly at Tamai who turned around, with a pair of angry but extremely upright eyes.

"Look into my eyes, Helen, you ungrateful fellows."

The woman named Helian didn't say anything, she just lowered her head.

"It doesn't matter where I go, but please remember, Helian, I can leave the company. Those who are capable will take the position, and those who are not capable will get out. I don't have any talents, at least compared to you, I have no talents, haha! "

Tamai smiled and pushed the woman away and walked quickly. Helen was still following behind, but he ignored her. Gradually, Helen stopped following her. She could only watch Tamai leave silently. .

As the head of the company's administrative department, the man in front of him climbed up the ranks by following the trend and judging the situation. Originally, most of the people below thought that there was something wrong with his character, but over the years, he has promoted many capable people to the company. Newcomers came up, and Helian was one of them.

Yao recalled that a few years ago, Helian was the receptionist of the company, and that night Tamai came to see her. Helian originally thought that he wanted to sleep with her, but it turned out that it was about promotion.

Gradually, everyone also changed their attitude towards Tamai. They felt that he was a good boss and promoted many useful people. But now it is different. These people who were promoted by Tamai ended up squeezing him out. Get out because he really has no ability, especially at work.

Tamai walked aimlessly on the streets. He just felt a little bored. He often did this kind of thing of making wedding dresses for others, but when he saw those capable people being excluded and suppressed, he felt that he couldn't bear it. , it is obvious that the other party can stand higher and use his talents to do many things, so Tamayi does not hesitate to help these talented people time and time again, and the result is still the same, whether in school or outside. .

After these talented people went up, they forgot about themselves.

Tamai was very sober at this moment, and this sobriety was cruel.

"I have no talent!"

Once a person recognizes his own limitations, it is a very painful thing. At this time, Tamai stopped and looked at a hawker on the street. The business was very good. He had seen this hawker a year ago. From the handicraft stalls that no one cared about at the beginning, now many handicraft jewelry are bought by people and used as decorations at home.

Looking at the exquisite and small handicrafts, the design of these things is simple and powerful, and the color matching is also very good.

Tamai noticed the talent of this small vendor a year ago. As the first customer of this small vendor, he gave the vendor a lot of advice and felt that he could make better things, but it needed to be tempered repeatedly. , business may get better.

The vendor seemed to have listened to Tamai's words and was really serious about what he was doing. At this time, the onlookers dispersed and the vendor began to close the stall. All the ornaments were bought, and Tamai walked over. .

"Sir, I'm sorry, the items have been sold out. The next batch of goods may not be available until next month. Please come back next month."

Tamai smiled, took the wine bottle, took a sip of wine, and strode forward. For a mediocre person, his talent was unreachable.

"You must be the gentleman who gave me advice that day, thank you."

The sudden hawker chased after him, a little excited, but with an uncertain look in his eyes.


Tamai said, shook his head and left. After checking again, the vendor began to close the stall.

For Tamai, the talent he possesses may be the ability to appreciate talented people, but this may not be called a talent.

Looking at his trembling hands, Tamai didn't know where to go next. Nowadays, he relies on following the trend and judging the situation to climb up. It is a bit difficult. The structure of society is gradually changing, and those who are able will live there.

With the shrinkage of most markets, many upper-level businessmen have also begun to adjust their strategies. They no longer rely on occupying market share to count money, but vigorously recruit talented people.

"In an elite society, people without talent can only lie on their backs!"

Tamai pressed her chest in pain and exhaled a long breath.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Wang Ying was clearing the dishes. Her mother had already fallen asleep. She was pressing her ankles. It was another busy day, but there was no gain. The result was still the same.

This year has been nothing for Wang Ying, and social activities have become more and more distant to her.

From time to time, bursts of laughter from men and women could be heard outside the house. The entire neighborhood was the same tonight. No matter where you went, it was filled with an aura of confusion.

Men's paradise and women's hell are the true portrayal of this place.

Wang Ying once persuaded some women who frequented hotels, but most of them just sneered at her and even encouraged her to go to Qinglong Street, where she would be able to sell it at a good price.


Wang Ying put down the dishes, her voice was a little loud, and her sleeping mother started to move. Wang Ying hurriedly continued to tidy up quietly.

Soon Wang Ying returned to the front desk of the hotel across the street. All the rooms were full. Wang Ying sat at the front desk, quietly watching an eye-catching news on her phone. A criminal organization called Crimson Tide had been destroyed. Due to conflicts between administrators, nearly 358 criminals died and 1,397 criminals were arrested. Porter, the leader of the Crimson Tide, faces up to 100 years in prison.

Wang Ying put down her phone. She felt a little tired. It was too difficult to gather her voice in this melting pot of society.

"Maybe it's really just a bubble."

Wang Ying looked at the neon lights flashing outside the house and lay down at the front desk. She felt sleepy and soon fell asleep.

"I won't go, you can just go."

Zou Yun looked at the drunken laborers. Each of them had a woman in his arms and threatened to play until dawn. The women were also teasing them.

"Boss, go ahead. I have some sisters over there. I guarantee you'll be satisfied."

Zou Yun shook his head and started walking. He was a little uneasy. He opened his phone again and saw a photo of Wang Ying. He always felt strange. This feeling in his heart was that she was obviously just a beautiful woman like a fashion model, but she was so interested in her. Zou Yun is extremely attractive, perhaps this attraction is fatal.

Zou Yun was a little tired. He wanted to find a hotel and rest quietly until tomorrow morning to meet his friend in trouble, Chen Qiao.

Wang Ying in the photo is really beautiful, very beautiful. Zou Yun stood on the street corner, watching quietly under the flickering lights, feeling a little hot, a little sad, and perhaps more regretful.

Zou Yun walked through an alley and entered a hotel with lights on. As soon as he walked in, he saw a woman wearing a blue work skirt lying on the table.

"Miss, I want a room."

The woman woke up with a start. The moment she raised her head, Zou Yun was shocked. He saw that this woman with sleepy eyes, red eyes and a few tears was Wang Ying.

"Wang Ying!"

What was thinking in her head became words. Wang Ying looked at the man in front of her with dry skin and looking extremely tired in confusion.

"Sir, who are you?"

Zou Yun hurriedly lowered his head and expressed that he wanted a room, but Wang Ying smiled and shook her head.

"It's fully booked sir."

Zou Yun turned around and walked out of the hotel. He felt a little uneasy for a moment and his heart was beating violently. He smiled bitterly and planned to leave.

"Sir, have we met somewhere?"

Wang Ying's clear and sweet voice came from behind. Zou Yun was a little panicked and held his phone.

"Miss Wang Ying, can I give you some advice?"

Wang Ying felt confused and Zou Yun turned around.

"I think 1.5 million is too cheap for a girl like you."

Wang Ying was even more confused and looked at Zou Yun inexplicably.

"Sir, I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe you have the wrong person."

Wang Ying smiled and returned to the front desk. At this time, Zou Yun felt that something was not right. He was hesitating and struggling in his heart. This girl might have been deceived by someone, so he took some photos. , and those photos look very strange, not taken from normal angles.

None of my business!

Zou Yun turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, a strong feeling filled his body. He took a deep breath, turned around and walked in. He took out his mobile phone and placed it in front of Wang Ying. .

For a moment, Wang Ying was stunned. She looked at the mobile phone handed over by the man in front of her. In an auction software, she had become a commodity, and all her missing underwear had been auctioned off at a high price.

"What's going on?"

At this moment, Wang Ying woke up from her dream. She knew immediately that it was the old man who provided her job. Wang Ying's cheeks turned red with shame.

"Thank you for telling me sir."

With that said, Wang Ying took out her phone and planned to notify the nearby administrator. Zou Yun looked at the woman in shock. She was not voluntary and seemed to have been deceived.

In an instant, Zou Yun snatched Wang Ying's phone number.

"If you notify the management office, maybe they will take you away now. Miss Wang Ying, you should know what this place is."

Wang Ying calmed down for a while. It was indeed such a high amount. If she was really caught, the matter would be covered up. Even the management officer here would have been in cahoots with the boss.

Zou Yun told Wang Ying that this software can only be used in this district and is an independent regional network.

"You perverted old man!"

At this time, Zou Yun saw an angry old man walking in at the door, accompanied by more than ten people.

"Take her away."

Zou Yun's eyes widened and he looked at Wang Ying, who was already confused and overwhelmed. He suddenly grabbed Wang Ying's hand, turned around and ran away.

The people behind him chased after her. Zou Yun kicked open the back door, pushed Wang Ying out, and then held the door open.

"Run quickly and find someone from the inspection team."

Wang Ying, who fell to the ground, turned around and started running. She glanced back at the room door that was pushed open. The man who saved him had been knocked to the ground.

In a panic, Wang Ying took out her cell phone and dialed Freya's number tremblingly. Freya knew the manager Jean, and this was the fastest way to contact the inspection team.

"Find a place to hide, Wang Ying, listen up, calm down, don't come out, I will contact Jean, calm down."

Zou Yun fell to the ground, his head had been smashed. He was trembling, covering his abdomen, and a man was still beating him hard.

"Okay, you guys hurry up and look for me. If I hadn't installed surveillance, tonight would be terrible. Hurry up and bring me someone to look for me. 1.5 million, you losers."

The old man angrily raised his crutch and hit Zou Yun on the head hard. Zou Yun only felt a little groggy. However, at this time, someone saw an eye-catching ink mark on Zou Yun's arm.

"It's the criminal."

"Beat me to death."

Wang Ying was trembling. She hid in a remote alley when the phone rang.

"Wang Ying, don't you want your mother?"

There was a burst of harsh laughter and whimpering on the phone. Wang Ying stood up and ran quickly.

At this time, Zou Yun's whole body was covered with blood, and his whole body had begun to convulse. He was being pulled by his head, and blood flowed out from his mouth. He grinned slightly, knowing that he was about to die, but it seemed that he was not in so much pain now. .

Perhaps this year of working on the farm has made him a little stronger.

"Stop it, you guys stop it."

Zou Yun slightly opened his eyes that could no longer see clearly. He saw Wang Ying. He quietly looked at the increasingly dark ground. He had done many bad things in the past, such as deception and abduction. This might be his retribution. .

In the end, I finally did something right, and maybe it was not bad!

The old man walked to Wang Ying's side with a smile.

"You eat my food, live in my food, and use my food. I am helping you. Think carefully about who is the person who can spend 1.5 million to buy you. He must be a rich person. You don't have to do this."

Wang Ying stared coldly at the men who had caught her, and they began to move.

"I have informed the people in the inspection team that the results waiting for you in the future will be the worst."

As soon as Wang Ying finished speaking, the old man slapped her.

"It's useless even if the inspection team comes."

At this time, a management officer came over with many administrators, and they took a look at Zou Yun, who was still breathing on the ground.

"Fortunately, there is this criminal. After the incident is completed, we will ask for 500,000."

The manager said, and the old man looked disgusted, but he still nodded. After all, if it hadn't happened tonight, it wouldn't be like this.

Wang Ying trembled as she watched several administrators dragging Zou Yun away, planning to fake the scene.

"Okay, please stop immediately. Now you are all criminals, guilty of kidnapping, dereliction of duty, attempted murder, and illegal human trafficking. Please hold your head with your hands and lie on the ground. Those who resist will be executed on the spot!"

Along with the smell of smoke and the floating light blue particles, everyone present instantly looked over. Gene fell from the roof with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Sorry miss, I'm late."

As he spoke, Gene took the phone.

"There is a seriously injured person here. Bring Huashen and the others over. He needs emergency surgery. He will be there within 5 minutes."

Jean walked over slowly, and instantly the people around him turned around and ran away, but they couldn't move.

"Today is the New Year, and I don't really want to take action. Please put your hands on your head, lie on the ground, and give you 5 seconds to think about it."

Jean said and walked slowly into the house, took out the bruised Zou Yun, and lay on the ground with his head in his hands. At this time, the management officer in the distance kept swallowing, and Jean flirted with him. Hooking his fingers, he immediately ran over.

"Lord Jean, we also received it."

"Okay, find a room, this young man needs surgery."

Jean quietly looked at the criminal mark on Zou Yun's arm and smiled slightly. At this time, Wang Ying opposite her was wiping her tears, and Jean walked past her.

"It's okay. I'm sorry. This kind of thing should never happen again in the future."

Gene was stunned for a moment as he opened the door of a house. Behind the door, there was a rope tied to the handle. At the end of the rope, an old woman who had climbed out of a wheelchair had been hanged. At the door handle.

Time passed by, and Jean never moved. Instead, he treated Zou Yun's injury directly on the spot. Light blue particles wrapped Zou Yun's body. The bleeding area had stopped bleeding, and his vital signs were still there. , but getting weaker and weaker.

Wang Ying stood there quietly without looking back. She was trembling and already a little unsteady. More than ten meters behind her was the place where she and her mother had lived for a whole year.

There was a violent roar in the sky, and a helicopter with a slightly reddish appearance landed. Deguna drove the helicopter down.

Huashen, Frye and Akimi walked out quickly, already carrying multi-functional surgical bags.

At this time, the outside area has been blocked by other administrators who have arrived, and the guests in the hotel are leaving one after another.

Freya and Wu Qun also followed. After they came down, they saw Gene standing at the door of the room. Freya walked over, squatted on the ground and checked, then shook his head.


Gene nodded. Akimi took Zou Yun from Gene's arms and went into a nearby house that had been temporarily requisitioned. He closed the door. After Frye stood up, he followed him, with a look in his eyes. have no choice.

C leaned quietly on the still warm lift, smoking a cigarette, scanning the more than 20 people lying on the ground, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

No one spoke at the scene. Freya hugged Wang Ying tightly. Her face was pale and her body was trembling.

Wu Qun stood quietly at the door where the old woman hanged herself. It could be clearly seen that the old woman climbed out of the wheelchair, hung a rope on the door handle, then wrapped it around her own neck, and finally suffocated to death. of.

Wu Qun knew that this was Wang Ying's mother. She had been here during parent-teacher conferences at school before.

"There are probably many more such things in invisible places."

Wu Qun squatted on the ground as he spoke. Gene leaned against the door, raised his head, and blew out a puff of smoke. Deguna walked down from the lift with a solemn expression.

"They will all be executed on the spot, and the garbage will be left behind to continue wasting food."

As Deguna's voice fell, the person lying on the ground just raised his head, and C threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and walked over.

"Don't do anything, let Hawke and the media come over."

Jean said, C stared at the guys lying on the ground.

"You have ruined a person's life, haha, principal."

Gene shook his head.

"Killing often doesn't solve problems!"

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