Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1543 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 23 (middle)

January 1, 2202

"Move quickly!"

A large number of students are carrying square machines around the main teaching building, which are used to contain light and shadow materials. The entire teaching building was originally built using Mimic Object X. Now the students have completed the entire building. Measurements of objects and reconstruction of the internal structure of the teaching building.

Research on the direct generation of larger-scale light and shadow buildings has been completed. What surprises many students is that there is no conclusion yet on where the containment limit of light and shadow materials is. This kind of system can simulate most of the buildings. Known substances with inanimate elements, primitive mimetic substances have a density as high as 10 to the power of 5 per cubic meter.

Depending on the atomic arrangement of the mimetic substance, different mimetic substances

Today, there are about 100 cubic meters of original mimetic material left, and 1 cubic meter of original mimetic material weighs about 10 tons. There are less than 1,000 tons of mimetic material left in the city.

Gene once brought back more than 19,000 tons of mimetic material. However, the fuel required for the artificial sun every day is very huge. The amount per day is about 1 ton. After so many years of artificial sun illumination, only the mimetic material is left. More than 4,000 tons.

Now, Jean has to go outside the barrier once again, to the Great Pit of Heaven's Punishment, to search for mimetic substances. Starting three years ago, while magnetic monopoles were being gradually studied, resource-carrying warships had already begun to be built.

When building the academy, the main building, underground and peripheral walls alone consumed more than 2,000 tons of mimetic materials. In the end, the resource ship was built using more than 1,000 tons of mimetic materials, and magnetic monopole technology was also successfully used in On the resource ship.

It can fly at ultra-low altitude to create a magnetic field isolation layer, effectively avoiding the super gravity from more than 3 kilometers above.

At this time, the students placed light and shadow material storage containers around the teaching building.

"Have you put it away?"

Alpha, who was standing at the door, shouted, and each student on the light and shadow screens next to him answered. This building of more than 1,000 tons will be contained in 109 1 cubic meter black boxes around the building.

After confirming everything, Alpha looked at Noah who was standing at the gate of the teaching building. Noah signaled Alpha to start, and then Alpha activated the button.

As beams of light shone on the teaching building, the entire periphery of the teaching building began to decompose into particles in an instant, and a large number of radiating particles slowly flowed into the black box.

Gradually, the entire teaching building seemed to have been transformed by wind and sand, starting to dissipate from the outside in. The students around the corridor looked at everything in front of them in surprise, and every student participated.

The 613 students in the college will spend three hours every day to conduct on-site measurements of the entire building, then map out specific line drawings, and use AI to directly capture and measure the number of atoms contained in each cubic centimeter, which is time-consuming. After nearly half a year, all the structure and decoration of the entire teaching building were finally completed.

Accompanied by waves of enthusiastic cheers, the entire building has been folded up, and now a large piece of metal ground is exposed, with a gap in the middle. This huge main building teaching building covers an area of ​​nearly 3,000 square meters. Successfully included in 109 black boxes.

At this moment, a large number of students were very excited. Noah walked out of the basement entrance next to the center line and shouted.

"Spread out, it's time to start."

Many students stood in the distance and took out their light and shadow mobile phones, all wanting to record this historical moment. The entire battleship took two years of hard work by the students in subject 10, and students in other subjects will also Help with some simple drawing and manufacturing.

The carrying capacity of this resource ship reached an astonishing 2.38 million tons under the test of the electromagnetic gravity system, but the safety value has been revised to 1.87 million tons through long-term and extensive testing.

After carrying 1.87 million tons of things, it can float at a height of more than 500 meters at a constant speed of 200 meters per second. This resource transportation is the largest resource transportation in history. Jean has been out twice before. This is The third time, the first time was for the resources of the artificial sun, and the second time was for the research needs of the city to start the next era.

The purpose of this trip is to transport back mimetic substances that can be used by 20 million people. Using 50KG per person as an average calculation, 20 million people only need 1 million tons of mimetic substances to meet the needs of the next few decades.

"Ready to start building!"

Noah said, as a violent rumble sounded, and the center line on the metal floor began to slowly open toward both sides, accompanied by bursts of huge creaking sounds and the sound of gears turning.

A semicircular sphere-shaped machine of nearly 50 square meters slowly rose up, with a height of nearly 6 meters. At the bottom of the sphere, there was a string of white apertures that were getting bigger and smaller. Jean was standing in the semicircular sphere-shaped machine with a circle. Sitting on a chair at the same height as the outer wall of the ball, he was holding a cigarette and smiling.

"Ready to start building!"

As the hemispherical machine rose, Tang Rao and several other gods also came out of the underground research room. At this time, convex crystals with a diameter of 1 square meter were exposed around the open floor.

As beams of strange-colored light shot into the air, the crystal surface on the outer wall of the hemispherical machine where Jean was located also emitted light.

Lines of light intertwined slowly in the air, and soon a huge orange outline appeared. The outline of a huge disc-shaped carrier had already appeared, and light particles of various colors began to be continuously injected into the outline.

Gradually, the huge round cake in the sky began to take shape. The bright silver metal color dazzled under the surrounding lights, but soon the metal began to turn black.

In less than 10 minutes, a round pancake-shaped carrier ship appeared in the sky. At the bottom of the carrier ship, there were disc-shaped metal objects. The outer magnetic pole circles were flashing evenly. There were a total of 15,689 magnetic pole conversion circles provide powerful kinetic energy for the carrier ship.

The maximum flight speed of the carrier is 1.855KM/s, but such a speed is risky, especially in the unknown world outside and the super strong gravitational field formed by the unknown material surrounding the earth, so the most stable The speed range is between 500 and 800 meters per second. Once more than 1.8 million tons of mimic material is carried, the speed must not exceed 200 meters per second. The constant value is 150 meters per second. This will be a long trip. The journey of 14,943 kilometers will be long and full of unknown dangers.

Especially the process of loading mimetic substances is very long. The fastest round trip takes half a year. There are no problems in the middle. And only Jean made this journey.

At this time, 10 science students carrying rectangular flight bags came out of the basement one by one. White circles of light behind them were breathing slowly. They accurately flew to the surface of the carrier and began to open the light and shadow screens. , undergoing final debugging of the battleship’s values.


The battleship in front of him floated more than 200 meters in the air, and Noah floated in front of Alpha.

"Want to go up! Say goodbye to the principal."

Alpha nodded. Noah put one hand around Alpha's waist and held her in his arms. Instantly, the white halo on his back began to glow red. Noah felt the machinery on his back begin to heat up, but soon he hugged Alpha. It flew onto the surface of the pancake-shaped carrier ship.

The students in the 10th subject were conducting tests one by one, while Noah was looking at some battleship values ​​on the light and shadow panel, carefully examining each item.

Gene is located on the seat in the center of the hemispherical sphere. There is a space for resting and eating below, and there is a whole box of tobacco, which is grown by the students.

"Principal, I wish you good luck!"

Alpha walked over, looked at Jean who was leaning on the seat, and bowed seriously.

"Principal, there are a total of 1,036 light-killing turrets set up on the edge, but I don't think you can use them. After all, there is nothing that can threaten you in this world at the moment."

Noah said and Gene nodded.

"So I plan to reduce the number of 500 light-kill turrets, and the extra parts will be used as backup supplies for the battleship's energy loss. What do you think?"

Noah said, Gene nodded, he looked at Alpha who was still looking at him from a distance, and said with a smile.

"While I'm away, manage the school well, if anyone disobeys"

Alpha raised his fist.

"I'll beat him up."

"It's already 5 o'clock in the morning, principal. It's almost time to set sail."

Noah said as the students who had completed the final data adjustment left the surface of the carrier ship. Noah picked up Alpha and planned to leave.

With a roaring sound, the rings at the bottom of the battleship began to turn purple, and the huge carrier began to move. All the students in the school stood on the ground, clenched their hands into fists and pressed them on their chests, standing up straight. , watching the battleship slowly start.

"Take it! We don't want problems like last time to happen on this trip."

Tang Rao finally jumped onto the battleship, holding a dark blue stone in his hand, and threw it directly to Jean, who stretched out his hand to catch it.

"AI3 will accurately help you determine your location. Maybe the world map in our minds has changed, but the framework is still the same."

Gene looked at the dark blue stone in his hand and smiled slightly.

"I really don't want to use this kind of thing."

Tang Rao walked slowly to the edge of the carrier ship. The moment the carrier ship left the sky above the college, he jumped onto the city wall. He looked at the carrier ship that had begun to take off and quickly moved to the distance. He sighed helplessly.

"I just want you to solve your trouble quickly. These things are also part of our bodies, aren't they! There is no one who hates part of his body."

At this time, in the college, the teaching building that had been put away began to be restored bit by bit in the light released by the black boxes. Everyone watched this scene excitedly, fearing that there would be the slightest problem somewhere.

"It's okay. Everyone measured it carefully and in detail several times."

Noah looked at Alpha who was a little nervous. At this time, a large number of students gathered at the main entrance of the teaching building.

With a burst of fierce cheers, the entire teaching building was restored again, and the students ran into the teaching building happily.

Alpha glanced back at the night sky behind him. On the horizon, he could still see a hint of purple, but there was only a speck of light left.

"Hurry up and clean up. Your Section 5 will go on a mission with our Section 2."

C said and Alpha nodded.


At this time, in the cafeteria, the students in the 4th subject had already begun to have breakfast. Akimi pushed Lolita in the wheelchair into the cafeteria. Many students in the 4th subject said yes. Laughing, the future cloning plan started a year ago has already achieved some results.

No one mentioned anything about the future cloning plan. Once they entered the basement, they would start researching with all their strength. The students in Section 4 also reached a consensus to let Teacher Lolita suffer less torture and let the experimental subjects The best way to avoid suffering is to speed up the research process.

There was only one student in Section 4 who withdrew from the project. Although many students complained at first and thought he was a coward, as time went by, no one complained about him.

Huashen put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand and put the bowl and chopsticks directly into the light and shadow disposal box. The bowl and chopsticks would turn back into Mimic Object X, and the oil stains and some food residues would fall into the waste disposal box below.

"Hua Shen, thank you for your hard work!"

A student from Class 4 said something. Huashen just smiled and took the medical backpack and planned to leave. Huashen would regularly go to the deformed community to see a doctor and go to some places with relatively backward medical conditions to see a doctor, and he also He is conducting research on new drugs. Because of his connections, many difficult genetic diseases in the city have gradually found solutions in recent years. He is also using his own methods to do something for the patients in the city. Most people Everyone understands, so I no longer have any complaints about his actions.

Students from other classes would chat with students from Class 4 from time to time and go outside to relax.

A year ago, all the students in the school were extremely shocked after learning what Lolita did. No student criticized the right or wrong of this kind of thing, or discussed issues such as morality and ethics, because most students Some students know that this can only go so far.

Alpha is looking at some criminal cases on the light and shadow screen with Jill. Many of them have been backlogged throughout the year. Section 2 needs to cooperate with the students of Section 5 to handle the crimes.

Among the 120 districts in the city, the lower floors are areas with high crime rates, while the crime rate in the middle floors has been significantly reduced in recent years.

R and K are allocating manpower, and the information of the handled cases will be directly given to Section 6 and Section 8. If it involves economic crimes, it will be handed over to Section 7.

King Xue is also preparing to lead 59 people in the class to various parts of the city to conduct an on-site industry qualification review.

Osman is leading a group of students from subjects 3 for daily training. He will assign all the students to the four military camps in the southeast, northwest and northwest to conduct military affairs review later.

Latis yawned and looked at the students in Section 11. Later they will go to the prison to directly examine criminals, and to conduct some field calculations in various parts of the farm. Their current topic is to Prisoners can be quickly transported to the farm to work, and must be able to effectively avoid prisoner riots.

Students in subject 12 have already begun to get on the lift, planning to go directly to the farm to conduct large-scale experiments.

Students in subject 9 will go to the management office of each district in the city to conduct topic analysis and research on the economic structure of the region, as well as subsequent discussions on the regional economy and assessment of the scale of each industry.

Under the leadership of Heathcote, the students of Section 8 will go to the law halls of 120 districts to directly review the data of the cases decided throughout the last year.

Under the leadership of Jin Mian, Section 7 will first go to major banks to directly review bank account assets. There are many and huge things that need to be dealt with, but for these more than 40 students who are already completely familiar with all the details and points of finance, Said, it is much easier than going to class.

Keying needs to lead students from 6 subjects to accurately classify, screen and review the messages sent back by students from each subject. For any doubtful points, it is necessary to wait for the students from each subject to come back and conduct a second review of the doubtful points.

After the three-month review that starts on January 1 of each year, students have a week's vacation, and then return to school to continue studying and continue to deepen the topics given to the students by the gods in the three months. research discussion.

Everything has gradually become a system. Students in the 12 subjects have become familiar with this sense of connection in the overall operation, and can habitually know how to cooperate with students in other subjects.

At this time, the six gods also began to push Lolita back to the laboratory on the ground floor to conduct research after the students in Section 4 had breakfast.

6 am

In the eastern sky, a red dot began to appear. Instantly accompanied by a steaming and expanding flame, a fiery red sphere instantly appeared in the sky.

The whole city was covered in blood. Jean stood up and quietly looked at the artificial sun rising in the distance. The carrier flew over the barrier. He smiled helplessly.

This journey is lonely, and it can only be done by him alone. The 50 students who went to the outside of the barrier with him last time have all slept underground. In the process of transporting resources, they encountered a large-scale attack. Attacks by alienated creatures, especially when on the sea, the giant beasts in the water opened their mouths.

Jean looked at the gray-black world and lit a cigarette. He glanced at the dark blue crystal stone placed at his hand and smiled slightly.

The last time he lost contact with the students due to a large-scale magnetic storm, Jean was missing for eight months. His memory of these eight months is vague, and he can't even remember it now. Jean only remembers a touch of scarlet, which seemed to be... A huge eye, and a heart-rending female cry.

The city behind him moved away in the blink of an eye. Jean looked at the land under his feet. After returning, Jean realized that the last three remaining students still desperately returned the resources to the city, but at the same time they also Brought back the hidden virus Aikala.

"Mr. Jean, did you remember something sad?"

Along with a childish voice, a beam of light appeared in the air and turned into the incorporeal body of a little boy.

"AI3, you seem to be very good at observing micro-expressions."

AI3 bowed.

"Of course, Mr. Jean, there are countless corpses buried deep in this land. More than 100 million human beings once came here, and in the end only 17 million are left. It is indeed very sad. A Many centuries of changes have led to the gradual demise of human beings. But now we still have a chance. Mr. Jean, you don’t have to be sad. Nothing will be left after death. After all, you are a god. As a god, you should not It has human emotions, doesn’t it?”

Gene lay comfortably on the chair and did not continue chatting with AI3 next to him.

"I just hope that one day I can see the stars again!"

Waves of warm applause rang out. Eddie stood quietly in a circular hall, surrounded by family members. He smiled slightly and saw that the place where the round table was originally had been covered by a strip of light flashing with a large number of different colors. The light point is replaced by a columnar body.

At this time, Eddie's eyes were extremely excited. It cost the family a lot of financial and material resources, and relied on a large number of technical talents to build the Eddie family's data recorder, which was equipped with a pair of young people in the field of quantum computing science. The new AI designed by the couple can control everything related to the Eddie family business.

This Prometheus has the most stringent protective measures. It has collected all of Eddie's data and is even connected to the chip implanted in Eddie's head. Once Eddie dies, the entire machine will explode in an instant. , all data will be deleted within 1 second, the flames of Prometheus will be completely released, and the city's economic system will completely collapse.

This 15-year-long research and design that has been carried out secretly within the family has now been announced to important people in the family.

"Please do it freely without fear of any threats. We will take everything and become kings in the true sense! A family that has enjoyed the treatment of kings for generations."

Eddie raised his hands as if singing loudly. Everyone in the family stood up and bowed to Eddie.

At this time, there is a huge underground space underneath Prometheus. A man and a woman are conducting a data connection test on Prometheus. They are very successful and have successfully circumvented the Congress network.

The man has a handsome face, with a look of contempt on his face. The woman is sweet and beautiful, with blond hair and blue eyes, but there is a trace of sadness on her face at this time.

"Honey, we do this"

"In the future, only those who can control data can be called kings. Although that boy Eddie has long been aware of all this, so he imprisoned us here, but he doesn't know who controls whom in his so-called control?"

The man's name is Leng Shi, and the woman's name is Hathaway. The couple once worked in an Internet company, but were later poached by the Hillman family. They began secretly researching AI independently very early on.

But this secret plan was discovered, and the two fell into the trap set by Eddie. After it was exposed, Eddie threatened the two, and then the two entered the Hillman family like ordinary network technicians. After working for an Internet company, the two were secretly moved here and began to develop Prometheus for Eddie.

"Don't worry, Hathaway, everything is under my control. There is a hidden code that needs our children to open. I have already designed the future into Prometheus, and I All the data has been connected to Prometheus."

"no problem!"

There was a trace of worry on Hathaway's face, and she smiled coldly, pressing her wife's shoulder comfortingly.

"The future is an era of virtualization. Haven't we understood this very early and made plans for it? Following Mr. X's instructions, we will definitely succeed."

Hathaway lowered her head, always feeling that something was wrong. The two of them had already extracted their respective genetic materials with the help of stand up.

These two children are considered their children, the children who can inherit everything from them. The boy is called Leng Rui and the girl is called Leng Yan.

"The construction of the virtual world is imminent. We just need to follow the plan. In a hundred years, it will all be ours, and we will become new humans and gain eternal life, artificial digital life."

"Is this still us?"

Leng Shi laughed, and after kissing his wife, his eyes were full of excitement.

"As long as we have emotions, we are human beings. The body is just a form of existence for us, and people in the future should not continue to continue this ancient way of existence and convert everything about us into quantum. As long as these data have our Our own consciousness is us, but we exist in the form of signals. This is the perfect new human being."

Hathaway found it difficult to agree, so Leng Shi hugged her from behind and kissed her neck.

"Should we really trust Mr.

"Then do you believe me!"

At this time, accompanied by a burst of laughter, a group of flames with a human face appeared on a huge screen.

"Eddie's down."

The two immediately separated, and then began to continue working in front of the computer. The door to the room was opened, and Eddie walked in with a smile.

"Thank you both for your hard work."

Eddie bowed and began to check the data. In order not to be fooled by these two professional quantum information scientists, Eddie had mastered a large number of high-end quantum mechanics and quantum mechanics in just two or three years. Quantum information science, so it is difficult for them to deceive themselves, because Eddie has a clear and complete understanding of most of the things they study.

"Can we get some sunshine today?"

Leng Shi asked, Eddie scratched his head, and then laughed.

"I'm sorry to ask you two to continue your research. Just tell me what you want, and I will deliver it to you personally."

After a while, Eddie found nothing unusual and left the research room.

It is not easy to discover these two guys accidentally. The mutant army that I have trained to carry out various activities in the city discovered these two secretly carrying out various activities during a certain network technology robbery. Research guy.

Eddie had suspected before that the city's telephone network, surveillance network, and other networks were not regulated by humans. The city's control over the network was much stricter than Eddie thought.

Private AI development is not allowed in the city. Once discovered, it will be a felony. Eddie used this to threaten the two of them. Finally, the two obediently came to their home. After questioning, they learned that the network of Bright City The system is under the supervision of AI, and the gods are still collecting various data about the city and developing more powerful AI.

Stepping out of the underground, Eddie returned to the lawn of Hillman Manor under the light, quietly looking at the Angus house opposite.

"The last obstacle is the Angus family. Let's go and ask about Alpha and my marriage this year!"

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