Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1549 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 25 (medium)

Bang bang

With a flash of light blue light passing by, Jean landed on the ground, and the strange alienated creatures were instantly divided into several segments.

Gene looked a little tired and took out a cigarette. This was already the last one. This was a rugged rocky land, surrounded by large and small undulating rocks, but at this time, it was surrounded by piles of rocks. A large number of corpses of alienated creatures.

These have been completely mutated, between living and inanimate things. They still retain certain characteristics of living things, but they do not have most of the characteristics of living things and cannot reproduce. Where did these things come from? Until now, Gene still has no idea. Not clear.

It's just that these things are very enthusiastic about mimetic substances and will eat mimetic substances. He glanced back at the huge disc-shaped carrier parked behind him. There was a huge hole on the left side, with a diameter of more than 30 meters. It was far away. It looked like a piece had been chewed off by something.

There were a large number of potholes on the right side. The surface of the entire 10-meter-high carrier ship was filled with so many small holes that it was almost impossible to count them. Jean helplessly continued to run quickly, solving some more approaching ones on the way. Alienated creatures.

When you come to the right side, you can see those protozoa-level alienated creatures, still eating and building nests in these densely packed holes like pinpricks. Fortunately, they cannot reproduce, otherwise the carrier ship will not be able to come back here. .

After inspecting a full circle, Jean jumped onto the disc. On the entire surface of the carrier, black special steel cables tied up pieces of colored metal stones. Under the dim light, the surface of these metal stones exuded The shimmer creates a beautiful halo.

There are more than 2 million tons of mimetic substances in total, enough for the city to use for a century. Jean smiled and looked at the burned cigarette butt in his hand, finally exhaled a puff of smoke, and returned to his seat in the dilapidated central control room. There were many blocks. The light and shadow panel can no longer be generated.

The protozoa that had penetrated into the carrier were eating the Mimic X inside the carrier day and night. Jean could only wait for these protozoa to grow up before he started catching insects.

The entire deck of the carrier ship was covered with a large number of impact holes, and not a single turret around the carrier ship was left.

At this time, there was something black moving in the distance, like quicksand, slowly crawling towards this side. Jean took a look at the distance. It was about two or three kilometers away. It was another place on the earth. A completely unanalyzable substance, plant-like, with habits similar to those of plants, but it is afraid of light. When exposed to light, it will burn without fire, and then turn into something that cannot be captured and disappear.

This kind of plant can swallow everything, metal, dust, stones, everything that can be seen will be swallowed, it just takes a short time.

In his memory, Gene encountered several students he was taking with him when they went out to search for resources for the second time and were eaten by these plants.

These things seem to be able to convert what they eat into energy for their own growth. They crawl slowly on the ground and can increase and split infinitely.

These things are meaningless to the city. The only idea that can be provided for the city is only one thing, biological matter. The biological matter between animate and inanimate is an extremely important foundation for future mechanical biological science.

Gene put his hand into his pocket again and found that there was no more cigarettes. He could only walk around casually on the deck. The whole world seemed to have returned to ancient times. The alienated creatures nearby were not big yet. Near the Pacific Ocean, monsters that look like tall buildings abound.

Jean looked at the half of the dark blue crystal left in his hand. He could only rely on eating this thing to release stronger power to deal with those behemoths. The bitten part on the left side of the carrier was after encountering 10 When there were multiple giant mutated creatures, Jean accidentally created them.

At this time, many alienated creatures began to appear on the mountainside not far away. Coming towards this side, Jean sighed.

"No more cigarettes."

Then Gene took off his already tattered coat and prepared to go over and eliminate them before they got close.

"We're here Jean!"

Li Chu's voice came from the electronic dashboard that was still lit behind him.

"There are some alienated creatures due north, please go over and clean them up."

At this time, dense red dots appeared in the distant sky. Suddenly, a group of crimson light turned into red thunder and lightning, zigzagging across the sky, and fell to the north in an instant.

"Take a good look at them all and get a little familiar with them."

Werther was driving the lift, and Alpha in the co-pilot looked quietly at Li Chu, who had instantly fallen into the middle of a bunch of alienated creatures in the remote shooting equipment.

Along with a violent red storm, it streaked across the mountain peak. In just a blink of an eye, a large area of ​​alienated creatures was crushed in the storm.

The students on the lift looked at the scene in front of them in amazement. Everyone was ready to land, and AI3 had already calculated all the landing locations.

As a crane landed around the carrier ship and on the deck, the students below opened the hatch and began to move some equipment out. On two relatively flat pieces of ground, four rooms Square rooms with an area of ​​100 square meters for students to rest have been slowly built, with two rooms for boys and two rooms for girls.

Some students quickly entered the rest room and started to remove harmful particles with equipment. Then they activated the external air replacement machine and directly generated some facilities in the room using light and shadow material boxes.

At this time, many students gathered around Jean. King Xue handed a cigarette to Jean. The students around him were surprised to see such a large amount of mimic material and asked Jean some questions.


Alpha shouted, and her eyes were a little moist under the mask. Gene smiled and lit a cigarette.

"Thanks a lot!"

Alpha bowed hastily, and the students around him also bowed with smiles.

"Hurry up, I haven't been in the sun for a whole year and I feel uncomfortable all over."

Soon the students dispersed and began to use various equipment to clean out the protozoa inside the battleship.

"The next large-scale plan is almost ready, but it is estimated that it will take more than 10 years to complete. It needs to be specific to every detail to build a city that does not need to start construction for two hundred years. It may rain in many places recently."

As Witte said, Gene looked at a light and shadow screen held in Witte's hand. He saw that except for the eastern and northern parts of the city, which were relatively stable, the climate stabilizers over the outer ravines in the south and west had been extensively damaged and had reached the time of use. In terms of lifespan, the humidity there has been relatively high recently, and the humid air has begun to sweep into many areas in the middle level.

The climate inside Brilliant City is constructed by climate stabilizers floating on the edge of the city.

It uses a transparent machine that automatically absorbs harmful particles brought by the wind from high altitudes. It is about 1 cm in diameter. It relies directly on the internal photoelectric sensor to maintain its floating state. It requires a large amount of climate maintenance every day. Mechanical will do.

Once the internal space for storing harmful substances is too full, the internal nanocomponents will be slowly squeezed. The damaged climate maintainer will fall directly, and most of it will fall accurately into the ravine. A small number of them may follow the wind to the areas on the edge of the city, but most of the areas on the edge of the city are deserted places. At night, the surface temperature drops, and the hot air that originally evaporated into the sky during the day and is higher than the surface temperature If they fall, the wind will push these things into the barrier area.

These small climate-stabilizing decorations are released into the skies above the ravine area first thing in the morning every day at the four military outposts.

Nowadays, there are such a large amount of mimetic substances. The next step is to no longer need these small climate stabilization machines. Instead, mimetic substances I are directly used to create a film with extremely good ductility and stability, which can be directly used here. This kind of film relies on the properties of mimetic substances to transform and change form. The film with memory will cover the entire city like a bubble, and light can pass through the film instead of failing. This transparent film will Membranes can completely control the city's climate.

But the problem of urban heating must be solved. The large number of cars is part of the reason. As long as the plan is successful, the city's year-round temperature can be controlled within 15 to 30 degrees during the day, neither too hot nor too cold. The temperature at night can be controlled at 5 to 15 degrees without being too cold.

The production of this kind of plexus is currently only used for medical treatment. After everything is set up, a sterile operating space can be quickly created. The step of converting the mimetic type I into a superfluid state is extremely time-consuming. Time, but now there is a large amount of mimetic substances that can produce many machines. It originally took at least 30 years to complete, but now it only takes 5 years to complete.

At the same time as the underground transportation and logistics network is established, light and shadow materialization technology will also be opened up. The two need to be carried out simultaneously, because during the underground construction, access points for light and shadow materials can also be built. In the future, many furniture will not need to be purchased. If you want to change the appearance and function, just go to some light and shadow material display stores to buy it.

You only need to purchase the template, and then you can go home and input it directly into the light and shadow material access port to materialize light and shadow. You only need to pay for the light and shadow material used every month. Everything will become very convenient and resources will not be overused. By eliminating consumption and waste, the entire city's economy will be more stable and healthy. There will be a creative era in the future, and the city's technological level will develop more rapidly.

All this is to lay a good foundation for the next era, the era of mechanization.

"Is it really necessary, in the age of mechanization!"

Gene asked, but Werther did not nod or shake his head.

"It depends on the situation. If humans are still unable to control everything and will continue to repeat the same mistakes, our only way is to start the mechanization era. Once the mechanization era is started, the fourth era of space colonization will have a good foundation."

"I really don't want to see that day come. This planet is the home of mankind. If we can only spend a lot of time in the self-sleep cabin, traveling across the sea of ​​​​stars, when we arrive at the next destination, Maybe it’s hope, maybe it’s despair, it’s like gambling.”

Vittor nodded. He knew very well what Jean said. Although centuries ago, humans had detected many planets with similar structures to the Earth in galaxies hundreds of light years away.

It’s just that what humans see are images from hundreds of light years ago, and if we really reach that galaxy, it may not necessarily be that the galaxy has disappeared. For humans, interstellar colonization is a huge gamble towards the future, and The problems that need to be faced are ones that humans cannot imagine in advance.

Mars, the closest planet to humans, may be the next destination for humans. This planet is dying. Nowadays, there is indeed technology to build a climate circle, but there is too little specific information about Mars.

Most of the information was controlled by NASA two centuries ago. The core top-secret information is impossible to release to the outside world. There are only fragments of reports. Many people who do not know the truth feel that Mars is definitely suitable for human habitation.

But no one knows what the real situation is.

"Get ready to study the sky. As long as there is a way to break through the solid-gas-liquid mixed layer outside the earth, I wouldn't mind taking a trip to Mars to help you investigate."

Werther smiled bitterly.

"Aren't you lonely Gene!"

Gene scratched his head.

"Maybe a little bit, but some things have to be done by someone who is willing to do it and actually do it. Don't you already know this? Even if the spacecraft has an accident on the way to Mars, I think I can How long does it take to get there at the speed?”

"It will probably take several years, but you have to swim in a vacuum until you reach the floating rocks to get a good acceleration point. It's really hard work, hahaha!"

Witte said, his smile disappeared and his serious expression returned.

"I'm not kidding you. Once the business is officially established, we have to start this plan. We have to get at least half a century in advance to get the really valid information on Mars."

"How about this? I remember that NASA's headquarters is in WA. How about I go take a look next time I go out? Maybe I can find something!"

The two looked at the students who were already busy, and Werther shook his head.

"It must be difficult. You should know the extent of the damage that impact caused to South America. You should have a good rest. I'm going to start working."

Jean jumped back to the seat in the central control room comfortably, lying on his back quietly, almost wanting to sleep. He had not slept much for nearly a year. Unlike humans, gods cannot fall asleep. For Jean, sleeping only temporarily cuts off his consciousness, allowing his consciousness to return to nothingness in the darkness, without dreams or any feelings.

There was darkness all around, there was nothing, and he couldn't feel anything. Jean floated quietly in the air, not knowing whether he was sinking or rising. This was sleep. Although he would be mentally exhausted, the fatigue was not physical. , but a feeling, without getting sick, dying, or feeling anything. Although pain can be simulated, this feeling is a bit nostalgic for Jean himself.

"Really! What kind of sleep is this, right Ellie!"

Gene sat up. He just hoped that everything going on would go smoothly. As long as humans could gain prosperity and stability in the second stage of the era, there would be no need to start the third stage of the mechanical age. Rapid technology should If we can find a way to remove the earth's wrapping, when the real sun returns to the earth again, humans should be able to purify the world after the disaster.

3 a.m.

There are many drunkards on the streets late at night. They are walking crookedly on the streets with support in twos and threes. The streets are full of administrators patrolling. After the introduction of internal disciplinary regulations, most of the administrators are here. Be cautious when planting festivals, as you will be expelled if you are not careful.

Last year, 1,021 administrators were dealt with, including 38 management officers. Most of them were thrown into prison, and some serious cases will even spend the rest of their lives in prison for decades to come.

The security on the streets is pretty good. When the administrators see some people causing trouble due to drunkenness, they will directly take them to a nearby management center and hold them until they sober up before releasing them.

"Hurry up, you're so clumsy."

There was a clicking sound, and in the back kitchen of a restaurant, Su Xin came in with a stack of plates in her arms. She was scolded by the manager as soon as she came in. She smiled and hurriedly sorted out the overturned plates.

Su Xin has been working at this place for a whole year. She has no skills and can only serve plates in the restaurant. Only her father knows about this, and her mother always thought she was in college.

Su Xin is the kind of person who is very capable of action. Instead of using her brain, it is better to do it first. She doesn’t know what she wants to do in the future, or has any clear goals. Things that are too complicated are not suitable for her. She just wants to Just live happily every day.

Work hard every day, and then during your break, chat with friends or watch a few movies. The most important thing is to find someone you love and spend the rest of your life with him.

Although she was always scolded, Su Xin was happy here because she was surrounded by peers, and she also became friends with several girls in school.

At this time, Su Xin walked out with a plate of dishes and came to a table full of men and women. Several girls made faces at her, while some other boys asked her to sit down.

"No, I'm still working."

Su Xin hurriedly ran as she said that. At this time, several girls at the table laughed.

"I really don't know what she's doing here? She's not going to college."

"She's so stupid."

"Yes, you are too simple and easy to deceive. Do you want to give it a try?"

The boys opposite who were almost drunk laughed, and each of them planned to volunteer to give it a try. If they succeeded, they would still have sex tonight.

"I really don't know what's going on in your head every day!"

The manager looked at Su Xin's clumsy appearance, and Su Xin could only smile awkwardly.

"Forget it, I don't need your help here. You go to the back of the store to sort out the garbage. Remember to take it out tomorrow morning."

Su Xin nodded, walked out of the back door, turned around and stuck out her tongue at the door, sat on the steps, took out a small piece of candy from her pocket and put it in her mouth, the sweet feeling instantly flooded my mind.

At this time, Su Xin saw a man sleeping next to the garbage dump not far away. He was startled. Su Xin hesitated for a few seconds and ran over.

"Sir, you can't sleep in a place like this, you'll catch a cold."

Su Xin said, trying to move this gentle and quiet boy wearing glasses. Judging from his uniform, he should be a student in a certain university.

At this time, the boy lying in the alley struggled to open his heavy eyelids. He was about to vomit for a moment, so he turned around and lay on the ground, vomiting violently. Su Xin patted his back from behind.

"Sir, do you want hot water? I'll bring you a cup."

After a while, Su Xin got a glass of warm water from the kitchen and wiped the vomit from the man's mouth with a tissue.


The boy still looked drunk, but he still supported his body and shouted thank you. After drinking a glass of hot water, Su Xin helped the boy to an unmanned employee resting area next to the store. After he lay down, he took his light blue floral lace coat and covered him with it.

Su Xin then sorted out the garbage and returned to the store, continuing to prepare to help. However, there were fewer people in the store at this time.

"Here, take it. I see you're working hard. Why would a little girl like you end up in a shop like this?"

The manager gave the salary to Su Xin. She smiled and watched as she worked hard for a whole month and got 600 yuan, and there was an extra 100 yuan, making 700 yuan.

"Thank you manager, thank you!"

Su Xin almost jumped up with joy, and many people in the kitchen laughed. Although it was only a short month, this little girl put a lot of smiles on the faces of many people around her.

"I said Su Xin, you go and have a rest. You are not needed here. If there are no customers later, you should go back to bed early. You must come to the store before 11 o'clock tomorrow. Don't oversleep."

A chef said, and others smiled and nodded. Su Xin planned to go over and get together with some friends.

"I can rest."

When she passed by, Su Xin found that the people at the table were still chatting and laughing, not paying attention to herself at all.


It wasn't until after standing aside for dozens of seconds that a female voice finally noticed, and she immediately pulled Su Xin over with a smile.

"Miss, I like you, please date me."

Su Xin was startled as soon as she sat down. A drunken boy opposite her suddenly confessed to her. Her eyes widened in surprise and her cheeks immediately turned red.

"I me, me this, that"

Su Xin was shocked. This was the first time since she was a child. She didn't react and couldn't adapt.

People at the table laughed happily, and the boy on the other side was still talking. Su Xin felt her head buzzing. Suddenly, the girl next to her gave way, and the man opposite sat over and grabbed Su Xin's hand. Hand, she was startled in horror, stood up, and said a little nervously.

"This is not good. This is the first time we have met."

"Have you never heard of love at first sight, miss! I really like you, can you come with me for a walk outside?"

Su Xin looked at the boy in front of her, but quickly bowed, and then formally refused.

"I'm not that easy girl, I."

People at the table burst into violent laughter, laughing at the boy who failed to confess his love. Su Xin just woke up from a dream. Everything was just a joke.

"Why are you so stupid? You still take it seriously when I'm joking."

Su Xin smiled awkwardly and nodded, but she had mixed feelings in her heart. She didn't think this kind of thing could be used as a joke. It was obviously a very formal matter and also a very important matter. The longing for love made Su Xin feel This matter should not be joked about. Su Xin felt a little uncomfortable at this time, so she left with an excuse.

"What's wrong Su Xin?"

The manager looked at Su Xin who was so sad that she was about to cry. She just pursed her lips and shook her head, turned around and walked out of the back door, wanting to go to the back door to get some air in the air to soothe her mood.

As soon as she left the house, Su Xin sniffed and started to cry. She was a little sad and wiped her tears. She didn't know why she could joke about this kind of thing. Although she refused, she also wanted to tell the boy that she could try it. It was a pity that it was just a joke to get along with each other, and the looks and words of the people around him made Su Xin very uncomfortable.

Gradually, Su Xin calmed down. She sucked the tip of her nose. Suddenly, a piece of wings exuding pure white light fell down. Su Xin looked at it in surprise and saw this kind of feather again. It was very beautiful. She had been doing this from time to time since she was a child. Everyone can see it. His father also said that now he can see it occasionally.

Su Xin stretched out her hand and watched the feather fall into her hand. She laughed again. A breeze blew by. Su Xin followed the place where the feather fell. She put her hand on her chin and regained her bright smile. .

"Is there anything, hum!"

However, Su Xin's face became embarrassed in the next second. She ran down the stairs quickly, her eyes widened for a moment, she pressed her hands on both sides of her head, and let out a horrifying cry.

"Hey! Where did that person go?"

Su Xin looked around, then ran to the street, looked around, then ran to the back street and looked around, then remembered and hurriedly went to the street to ask people, but no one noticed.

"I spent 108 yuan on my coat, my God!"

Su Xin screamed. She was kind enough to help the drunk man, but he even took her coat away. Less than 5 hours after the start of the New Year, Su Xin suffered a double blow. For a moment, she ran away crying. The only thing in my mind is the discounted jacket that I bought for 108 yuan.

Bursts of laughter broke out, and many people on the street suddenly moved out of the way and laughed. A crooked young man was walking on the street. He only knew that he had to go back to the dormitory quickly and climb into bed. Then he took a nap. He was so tired and drunk that the young man could hardly walk.

Lewen staggered on the street. He didn't know why the people next to him were laughing at him, but Lewen felt much more comfortable now because he had a coat to wear, but he was already drunk. My eyes were blurred, and I didn't notice at all that I was wearing a woman's light blue waisted jacket, and it also had a lot of pleated lace, which looked particularly eye-catching under the lights at night.

Unconsciously, Le Wen returned to school, and the security guard at the door did not stop him. He just laughed, and Le Wen also laughed.

Finally crawling onto the bed in his dormitory, Lewen fell on the bed. A sweet fragrance filled his heart. Lewen opened his eyes and looked at a white wing full of brilliance placed in front of him. Accompanied by the aroma, , smiled and closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

"The world is not spinning unconsciously. Similar things will always attract each other. Go to sleep!"

A glaze-colored light drifted through the darkness, drifting towards the sky.

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