Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1556 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 27 (Part 2)

"I'll just ask you guys to stay here, we have to deal with something."

Tang Rao exhaled a puff of smoke with a tired look on his face. Archimi, Frye, Marcus and the other 6 students from Section 4, a total of 9 people, stayed in the underground laboratory.

"Take care of your teachers. If anything happens, call me."

He looked at Lolita, who was lying on the bed in a ward on the side, her head bald. She had just taken medicine and fell asleep.

Tang Rao was the last one to leave. He had not gone to a city meeting for many years. They had to attend tonight. The meeting would start at 7 o'clock, but Tang Rao never wanted to go.

"Whatever you want to eat, I will make it for you later."

Marcus said with a smile, Fry leaned tiredly on the wall next to the stairs and shook his head.

"I'm too tired to eat anymore."

"Lately, I see that you and Lolita No. 1098 have a lot of fun chatting from time to time, Frye."

Akimi looked at Frye seriously, and several others were also worried.

"I know."

Fry lowered his head, looking a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Teacher Lolita has already told me not to have any relationship with the clones."

Frye hummed. Akimi wanted to say something else, but several other students stopped him.

Frye smiled bitterly. He not only chatted with Lolita No. 1098, but also with other clones of Lolita, and also with the clones of criminals imprisoned here. He always felt that Li always felt that he should not do this, but should actively choose to quit with Huashen.

As night approached, a long-lasting heavy rainstorm swept through some areas on the ground floor. Many streets were flooded in an instant, and communications in many areas were interrupted in an instant.

There was drizzle in some places on the middle level. This natural weather, which had not been seen for more than ten years, was back. However, Congress had already issued a warning, and the local management officer immediately dispatched all administrators to deal with some of the people who were affected. Drainage treatment measures have been carried out on the streets that were seriously flooded.

At this time, the six gods are already making preparations in the Congress Hall in District 1. Night is approaching and a city meeting will be held at 7 o'clock.

"Why hasn't Song Man sent the documents from the prison?"

Li Chu looked at the light and shadow panel in his hand in confusion.

"Maybe there is a communication problem due to the heavy rain. The AIs will debug it."

Gu Yi said, the six guys must prepare everything now. Tonight seems to be a meeting, but in fact it is a negotiation.

"How about we open up the light and shadow materialization technology in advance, like this"

Tang Rao said mischievously, and for a moment the other five people looked at her.

"Please don't make such silly jokes, Tang Rao."

Hawk strode in from the door of the conference room and quickly came to the stage.

"It's a terrible situation."

Hawke smiled bitterly, and Deguna laughed.

"We've seen worse than this."

"Indeed, I just want to remind you gods about what to do next. I think you should have heard what the young man said today, or do you plan to turn a blind eye?"

Werther walked to Hawke who was sitting on the edge of the table, sat down and patted his shoulder and said.

"If you don't choose to ignore it, what else can you do? Are you going to continue to let the situation expand and cause more problems?"

"This is a dilemma. If you want stability, you must control it. If there is no control, stability will not come. Without stable basic support, it will be difficult for the city to transition to the next era."

Hawke looked at Rose and knew that what she was talking about was the core of the essence.

"I see you are in a good mood recently."

Li Chuthief said with a smile, and Hawke snorted coldly.

"You move quickly and develop a life-span vaccine. My wife and I both want a child. I am not a cold-blooded guy like you. I also need my own space and time."

"How's the situation with Little Fatty?"

Hawke sighed.

"I am still too young and impulsive, but my resilience should be pretty good. Before I retire, I can slowly hand over everything to him. After all, he is much more stable than other students in your school. He is now with People from other national committees are getting along well, and from time to time they are invited to banquets by some family businessmen, and tonight he also received an invitation from the Hillman family."

6 o'clock sharp

As a series of messages were sent, Li Chu opened a light and shadow screen.

"Finally sent it, prison."

The smile on Li Chu's face froze. Tang Rao noticed something and asked.

"What's wrong? Did something terrible happen?"

"The prison was taken."

For an instant, Hawke's eyes widened, and the cigarette in his mouth fell directly to the ground.

"Call Jean and ask him to handle it personally. Hawke, ask the army to quickly seal off the surrounding area and nothing is allowed to pass."

Hawke immediately took out his phone and quickly told the person in charge of the eastern military camp the current situation and what they needed to do later.

Deguna clenched her fists angrily.

"Is this really okay if you really leave everything to him?"

As Hawke said, Tang Rao closed his eyes and smiled helplessly.

"He said before that he can do a better job as a scavenger than any of us. Let us not interfere. We just need to manage everything in the city. He alone is enough for this kind of thing."

Gu Yi took out a long breath, smiled helplessly and took out the phone.

"That's what happened. 17 students are still trapped inside, and the more than 500 administrators inside are probably in danger."

"I understand. I will arrive at the scene in 5 minutes and will be processed within half an hour!"

The blood-colored light filled the entire city, and the artificial sun was gradually extinguishing. After a moment of darkness, it was the lights that lit up, and the city became bright and dazzling again.

"What's wrong, principal?"

Alpha looked at Jean in confusion, holding a large plate of barbecue in his hand. Jean only took a piece of barbecue in his hand, and stuffed the hot barbecue directly into his mouth.

"I've eaten Alpha, and there's something I need to deal with."

Dozens of students nearby all noticed that the tenderness on Gene's face disappeared at the moment of the call, revealing a frightening smile.

"What happened? Principal."

King Xue asked, and Gene returned to his usual smile and shook his head.

"No problem, don't worry. I'll be back at 8 o'clock at most. You three come with me."

Jean looked at C, R and K who were chatting and laughing with some girls in the school.

The three of them quickly stood up and followed.

Just after entering the lift, the three people's mobile phones received the scene footage at the same time. The entire prison was completely destroyed, and a large number of prisoners were shouting in the square.

"Why didn't the door open even though the prisoners were released?"

C looked at it suspiciously. The lift had already taken off, and two crossed red rings appeared behind the lift.

"Sit tight. You will pick up the students first, and then sneak into Prison No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 to see if there are any survivors. If there are any, rescue them first."

"I know the principal needs our help."

Just as C was about to say something, the takeoff and landing machine accelerated in an instant, and she almost bit her tongue. Jean stared quietly at the prison in the middle of the dark farm in the distance, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

"By the way, I figured out what happened. Before I complete the suppression, you need to do everything possible to figure out what happened."

At 6:07, the lift had arrived over Prison No. 1. After Gene adjusted the lift to autopilot, he jumped directly from a height of several hundred meters.

A light blue light fell in the night sky, and the prisoners who were reveling in the playground were shouting. Each administrator was trapped on the pillars inserted into the ground, and the prisoners beat them wantonly.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the black soil on the ground instantly dented, and someone screamed. Light blue particles floated to the surrounding prisoners. Instantly accompanied by bursts of screams, Jean had already moved towards A large number of prisoners gathered around a warehouse and rushed over.

There were gunshots in an instant, but the bullets hit some prisoners in the distance. A beam of light blue light flashed across. Each prisoner's eyes widened in horror, looking at their slashed necks with blood flowing out.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Song Man stared at Gene standing at the door with his eyes widened.


For a moment, the students gathered from where they were guarding. The 17 of them seemed to have experienced one cruel battle after another, and they were all extremely tired.

"Can you still drive the lift?"

Jean asked, and the students all noticed that Jean today was slightly different from the past, and Song Man ran over.

"Is there anything we can do to help?"

"All you need to do now is go back to school to recuperate and prepare for tonight's holiday dinner."

A helicopter landed directly. At this time, there were fierce screams outside, and a large number of prisoners began to retreat towards the city wall, intending to hold on.

Song Man hesitated.

"This is an order!"

The 17 students quickly ran towards the lift. When they came to the back, they saw a large number of corpses lying on the ground, as well as blood that looked dark under the light.

After the lift slowly rose, Jean took out a cigarette from his pocket and walked slowly out of the warehouse. A large number of prisoners in the exercise yard returned to the canteen and prepared to hold on. Jean walked to the exercise yard. Above, the administrators were hung up on metal equipment one by one. All of them were dead. There were men and women. Among them, women had suffered more brutal treatment during their lifetimes.

Gene quietly raised his head and saw that the elevator had left the prison. He exhaled a long breath, then took out his light and shadow mobile phone, and quickly connected to the prison's internal network.

"I'll give you half an hour. Those who don't want to die should go back to their cells. Please listen clearly. You only have half an hour. Once the time is up, any prisoners outside the cells will be killed!"

Gene's voice clearly reached every corner of the prison, and at this time, some prisoners began to move.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to die."

"Haha, we are a community of destiny. We have already discussed and hijacked this prison. We still have at least 300 hostages in our hands. What are we afraid of? Let them prepare everything and let us go to the barrier area."

The leading hundreds of prisoners in the four prisons have discussed this and this is the safest approach.

At this time, in the corridor of a floor, several naked women had their hands tied and were dragged on the ground while dying. There were eye-catching blood stains on the ground.

Soon, a prisoner shouted from the window with a loudspeaker.

"We have only one request. Help us prepare vehicles and supplies, let us leave the prison, and open the way to the barrier area. Don't forget that we have hostages in our hands."

More and more hostages were hung to the windows, many had insulting words written on their bodies, and more and more prisoners started to scream.

Jean stood quietly in the middle of the field, his eyes never leaving these dead administrators.

"I'm sorry! I only have one head and one body. I'm too busy every day. I'm sorry."

In the long corridor, several criminals wielding weapons at the windows were laughing and discussing what they were going to do after they went out.

A stream of air slowly blew past a prisoner's ear.

"You can never get out again."

C appeared instantly, and in just a blink of an eye, the necks of each prisoner were twisted directly. One of C's fingers was pressed against the throat of a prisoner who wanted to shout. His eyes widened in horror, and he just wanted to Raising his hands, his neck had been penetrated by a stream of air, and blood was flying. C quickly pulled the ropes and pulled up the administrators hanging outside. The entire corridor was filled with corpses. C quickly handed the gun to them and opened a cell.

"No matter who opens the door, don't hesitate to shoot wherever the others are."

Just when C was about to question a male administrator, a gunshot rang out behind him. C did not look back. Someone committed suicide. Another gunshot rang out, and then several women shot themselves. .

C stood up quietly.

"Why don't you stop it?"

C took out a cigarette, looked at the person lying beside the bed, and closed his eyes.

"It's useless to stop them. What will be waiting for them in the next few decades? I don't know, but I only know that once you have seen hell, there is no way to look back. I'm sorry! Remember what I said, anyone Open the door, shoot directly, don’t hesitate.”

C stepped out of the cell. She probably knew that someone should have controlled the network inside the prison, and the only people who could provide convenience for these people were the prison administrators. The money and power transactions in the prison were much better than those outside. are much more rampant, and some have committed crimes, but those with rich families can enjoy very good treatment here.

The moment C stepped out of the door, violent gunshots rang out from both sides. C rushed directly to the right, with a large number of red scabs covering his body, blocking the bullets.

With the banging sound, several mutants rushed over in an instant, but soon they fell to the ground, and the scabs on their necks shattered and disappeared. C looked at the shouting people with calm eyes. Looking at the prisoners who wanted to escape from the stairs, he jumped directly from the gap in the stairs ahead of them.

"Didn't I already warn you?"

C pushed away a dead prisoner and kicked open a house opposite.

At this time, on the periphery of the prison, 500 meters away, the army had erected a temporary protective net, quietly waiting for the impact of the criminals who might arrive.

"You really don't need to go in, Master Hawke?"

A military official asked, and Hawke shook his head.

"No, we just need to make sure that no prisoner crosses the cordon."

At the entrance to a female prisoner's floor in Prison No. 2, many female prisoners were holding weapons. Many prisoners were already lying down at the stairs outside. The floors of some female prisoners had been breached. The situation was very tragic.

Crystal was still hiding in the room, looking at the swollen and blue body with its head still soaked in the bucket. She locked the door. The two female prisoners just did not kill her because she was mentally ill, paranoid, and always... He talks like crazy and only has a normal living standard. He is often bullied by other prisoners and never says anything.

Crystal knew very well that she had thought of a countermeasure the moment she was caught making counterfeit money. Sure enough, she was only sentenced to 15 years in the end. Now she only needs more than 10 years to get out. She doesn't want to stay here all her life.

The sounds outside were getting more and more chaotic. Crystal covered her head. Everything in her mind was like a nightmare. She could hardly stand it anymore.

Located in Prison No. 3, in a separate cell, Peristan was lying on the bed with his face covered in blood. Tamai was still standing at the door, holding an iron rod in his hand, sitting in the corner on one side. There is also Hydra on the head.

The noise outside has begun to fade away. It seems that many people have returned to the cell. Tamay and the others heard the sound just now clearly. It seems that many people feel something. In the sound coming from the door, Tamayi Ma Yi realized that something was wrong, because after the prisoners on the city wall came down, they said that the military was on the outside and there was no forceful raid.

The most important thing is that there is no one to negotiate, which is very strange.

K sat quietly at the door of a cell. Several male administrators passed by carrying a female administrator who was no longer conscious, and soon entered the guard room at the end of the floor. There were corpses in the corridor.

The place with the most hostages is the underground cell used to hold mutants. In Prison No. 1, C has now rushed in and eliminated the guys guarding the hostages.

The half hour is almost here, now 6:25, 15 minutes have passed, and some prisoners have returned to their cells obediently.

It's just that some prisoners naively thought that negotiations could still be done and were still waiting.

K sighed helplessly. People always make mistakes, but this time the mistakes made by these prisoners were fatal.

The gods have already taught the history of this prison in class. What is the purpose of the prison? On the one hand, it is to make criminals pay for the crimes they committed, and on the other hand, it is to reform them.

Therefore, the original purpose of the prison was to allow criminals to eventually return to society, so there is actually a certain degree of freedom here. As long as you can stay in prison without causing any problems during half of the sentence, you can be paroled. , you can leave prison after being paroled.

Most minor offenders whose sentences are not too long, and even some serious offenders, have such regulations. Once problems are caused in prison, the sentence will be extended. However, in recent years, although fights have often occurred, for some minor fights , the sentence will not be extended.

The prison also maintains an inherent order. Prisoners can freely choose where to eat, where to relax, and to work, and they only need to apply.

You can ask about your own food problems. If you want to eat better, you can work for the prison, clean up garbage, or repair some utensils in exchange for better food. There is a fixed time period for outdoor breaks every day. For those who don’t want to be in a certain place, For criminals who are released during certain periods of time, a time period can be set for them to go outside for activities.

The last step is work. After most petty criminals apply for work, they will receive a working fee for the day. These fees allow the administrator to help them bring in some food and drink from outside. Alcohol and cigarettes are the most common.

Here, the prisoners in Prisons 1 to 2 and Prisons 3 to 4 can even conduct barter transactions once a month. It is more like a small prison society.

But now this society has collapsed. K has asked many prisoners what happened, but most of them said they didn't know the source of the riots.

Even the prisoners who captured the guard room on the floor didn't know what was going on. They only knew that the administrators were not in the guard room, so they went in. Then a riot broke out in the prison, and some people who were still alive were in the guard room. Those who have been sentenced will undergo extremely severe interrogation, and their sentences have been changed to life.

The surveillance equipment in the prison is not broken. You can clearly see what the prisoners did and how long the sentence will be extended. We will rely on these videos as evidence in the future.

Time is still moving, and many of the prisoners in the cafeteria of Prison No. 1 have returned to their cells, but there are still thousands of prisoners waiting here, planning to wait for negotiations.

"It's time, everyone!"

At this time, a serious voice came from the radio again.

The prisoners at the door of No. 1 Canteen only saw specks of light passing by. For a moment, many people whimpered and fell to the ground in pain. The light shuttled through the canteen. Some people knelt down and begged for mercy, but soon fell to the ground.

The frightened prisoners wanted to escape to the elevator and return to their cells, but Jean did not give them any chance. Wherever they passed, there were only corpses lying on the ground.

In less than 2 minutes, all the prisoners in the cafeteria on the first floor had been cleared, one floor after another.

All the guys who were still waiting in the corridor fell to the ground before they even had time to run into the cells.


In a holding area for mutant criminals on the bottom floor of Cell No. 4, more than a dozen mutant prisoners had fallen to the ground, and Jean took out a cigarette.

"It's over, Hawke, let some older guys go to jail."

Jean slowly walked up a staircase. At this time, the blood on the entire staircase was slowly flowing down like water. Jean walked step by step into the hall of the cafeteria, and the entire prison became quiet.

The cafeteria was filled with a strong smell of blood. Jean slowly walked out of the cafeteria and came to the exhibition area of ​​Prison No. 4. Many criminals in this prison only had some newly imprisoned guys who did not go back. Some were already here. The prisoners who had lived there for more than ten years had already gone to bed, and even many mutant criminals obediently returned to their cells after being warned.

The doors of the four prisons opened one after another, and Hawke ran in quickly. What he saw made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"What are we going to do tomorrow Gene!"

As soon as they found Jean, the two returned to the city wall. Soon C, R and K had also come over and stood quietly behind them.

"What can be done?"

Jean smiled bitterly.

"A deliberate criminal entered the prison, probably just to implement this plan. Who did it? Has it been found out?"

Hawke asked, and C shook his head.

"We can only interrogate them one by one."

Hawke immediately squatted on the ground and beat his fists on the ground.

"No one will reveal which managers are involved and what kind of transactions they have with people outside. Everyone will just continue to hide it."

"I suspect someone deleted some part of the surveillance video."

K said, Gene looked at the wheat fields in the distance quietly.

"Suppress the matter, Hawke. If the murdered criminal has relatives, notify them in a few years. You know what I mean!"

Hawk stood up and nodded his head heavily.

This tragic accident cannot be disclosed to the outside world. Whether it was manipulated by someone or due to the negligence of internal managers, this matter must never be disclosed.

"You three, go back to Angus's mansion quickly. As for what happened, please don't reveal a word. Remember to go back to school first and change your clothes."

The three of them bowed, stood up straight, and walked towards a lift on the side.

"So much has happened in just one day, Gene, I can't stand it anymore."

Hawke smiled bitterly.


Jean looked at the brightly lit city in the distance.

"As long as there is still a trace of light, people can continue to move forward in the darkness. I leave this to you Hawke. I want to find a place to be alone."

Just as Hawke was about to say something, Gene turned into a blue light and streaked towards the distance.

"I can only grit my teeth and hold on for a few more years. After all, you are still holding on, Jean!"

At this time, a large number of fireworks began to appear in various places in the city. The annual formal holiday dinner is at 8 pm, and the whole city once again became a sea of ​​celebration.

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