Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1569 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 32 (Part 1)


A large number of cracks appeared on a piece of stone after being beaten by a huge fist. Xiong Dabiao gasped and sat down on the ground.

"Not bad, you are quite smart."

Xiong Dabiao laughed and looked at Rose, who was not far away in his yard. She was sitting on a stone pier, smoking a cigarette.

"Sister Rose, who are you?"

Rose smiled and shook her head.

"I'm leaving here soon, Xiong Dabiao, please be careful in the future and avoid causing trouble."

Xiong Dabiao said oh and simply lay down on the ground. Over the past year, Rose taught Xiong Dabiao a lot of fighting things. He learned quickly. He was not even a mutant before, but he had awakened half a year ago.

"But maybe I will open a dessert shop here in the future. After all, I am very confident in what I make."

Xiong Dabiao stood up and planned to go to the construction site to work again. Just when Xiong Dabiao was about to step out, he stopped and carried a bag of tools.

"Sister Rose, can I ask you a question?"

Rose nodded.

"What do you think I can do in the future?"

Xiong Dabiao grinned. He didn't know what he could do in the future. Now he worked at the construction site every day, but recently he didn't want to continue doing it.

"What do you think you can do?"

Rose held her chin in her hands and smiled, while Xiong Dabiao scratched his head.

“I felt like I wanted to be a manager.”

Rose's mouth was slightly open, and the cigarette almost fell from her mouth. She looked a little surprised. This guy was illiterate. The most important thing was that he had his own way of doing things. He was basically a fool.

"Then I would like to hear what you plan to do if you become a manager."

Xiong Dabiao scratched his head.

"First of all, if I take office, I will definitely arrest all the bastards in the district and throw them into prison."

Rose smiled and nodded.

"Then what!"

"Then, I didn't think about it."

After saying that Xiong Dabiao went out, Rose smiled bitterly. She just thought this stupid young man was interesting, so she taught him a little bit. However, it would be more difficult for people like him to survive in the future, especially when he does whatever he wants. , a guy who doesn’t think about anything as long as he’s full.

The overall geological survey of the west has been completed, and the overall situation in several areas is almost understood. Rose plans to leave here and go to the next place.

Looking again at the small two-story courtyard that was empty but clean, Rose recalled that her home used to be like this.

Rose sighed. She couldn't stand life like this anymore. She no longer had any ordinary friends around her. She had known the other guys for so long that there was nothing new about them anymore.

Now it is more like they have gathered together to atone for the punishment of heaven. Each of them is responsible for everything that happened on that asteroid, as are the astronauts from other countries, but in the end But they survived and became like this.

Recently, more than ten students from Montenegro have passed away. Unlike the other guys, Rose has no way to relieve her inner unhappiness. Everything in front of her is a bit boring, even uninteresting.

Among the seven guys, the one with the strongest heart is Gene. For Rose, she endures a sense of emptiness every day, which makes her uncomfortable. Her relationship with the students in the school is limited to teachers and students. She is considered Among the seven gods, he was the most indifferent. Although many students respected him, Rose could not respond.

In a trance, everything in front of her eyes turned into a structure of countless visible particles. Rose's eyes widened, looking at the dense particles in the air and the world composed of a large number of particles of different colors, like large pieces. The color block is average.


Rose slapped her forehead, her heart beat weakly, and Rose felt that her power began to fluctuate again. Without this power suppressor, everything Rose saw before her eyes were color blocks composed of particles. The world, including people.

"It's really annoying, feeling like this."

As Rose spoke, she raised a hand, and soon the irregular color blocks on the ground began to move. As the particles were squeezed and dispersed, the ground soon became smooth, and Xiong Dabiao knocked on the cracked stone. , Rose also began to continuously compress some particles using force.

"Next time we break a stone with such density, it won't be possible in the next 10 years, so work hard!"

In just the blink of an eye, Rose's body changed and began to evaporate like gas. Along with a touch of light yellow gas, Rose disappeared like smoke into the yard of Xiong Dabiao's house.

11:36 am

On a large, white and clean metal table, with a breeze, Lolita smiled. She was sitting in a wheelchair, her eyes were covered by white cloth strips, her whole body was wrapped with bandages, and her cheeks were covered with bandages. There are a lot of scars, there is basically no good spot on the whole body, and almost all of them have undergone surgeries of varying degrees.

At this time, Lolita grinned slightly, her hands began to burn again, and some turbid mucus oozed from the gaps in the bandages. She raised her head in pain.

A soft sound sounded, and behind Lolita, Werther smiled and quietly sat in front of an old and slightly rusty piano playing Beethoven's sonata.

The two of them were in a facility located in the middle of a flattened mountain behind the General Affairs Department under construction. The disk was surrounded by trees and a sea of ​​flowers. Lolita stretched her nose gently, sniffing the fragrance in the air. Her expression gradually became soothed by the gentle sound of the piano. She leaned on the cushions of the wheelchair and quietly enjoyed the sound of the piano, but only a little bit. Recently, she was almost unable to hear the sound, and her eyes were already damaged. Lost the light a few days ago.

Her voice was almost gone. She could still talk to Werther before, but now she couldn't see or hear. Her body was still deteriorating. Countless self-experiments had caused irreversible damage to her body.

Tang Rao had previously suggested that if she was in too much pain, he could cut off her pain nerves, but soon Lolita would lose her hearing, smell, cold and heat, and speak. Now she He can only rely on the gene complement agent created by Tang Rao and Werther to survive, and he also needs to regularly replace replacement artificial organs.

After a while, the piano sound disappeared. Lolita swallowed in her throat, trying to make a sound, but her brain began to hurt. Werther squatted quietly next to Lolita, guarding her silently. .

Werther planned to accompany Lolita through her last days and not go anywhere. All the work in the city was left to Gene alone. Others had similar problems. If they could replace humans, Werther and The other six guys will do it, but it's a pity that they are no longer human, and the genetic experiment will have no effect on them.

Looking at everything around him, Witte just felt heartache. The students in front of him had once again become the cornerstone.

Werther looked at Lolita quietly. The girl in front of him overlapped with one of his first students. They all asked Werther the same question, but Werther couldn't give any answer because he didn't know either. , when did it appear that people are always like this, or when did it start.

Witte, who was a biological virologist at the time, took his research team and students to South Africa in order to find the immune protein cells of the Ebola virus that might exist in a certain tribe in Africa. However, they were attacked by rebels, and almost none of the students survived.

"Or maybe I abandoned them!"

Witte looked at Lolita quietly. At that time, he received an order from the president that he must enter the special aerospace school established by various countries with huge sums of money to board the asteroid for the country that would arrive in a few years.

The people above also promised to send special forces to rescue other students, but in the end Werther and the others returned to the earth and went to the place where the students were once imprisoned. The one who was like Lolita had been tortured to the point of dying. Students, the last thing to ask is, are people always like this?

When the student closed his eyes, Werther knew very well that he could not answer. It is the same now. The answer without an answer may be the best, but it may also be the cruelest. Werther woke up from nightmares countless times. When the troops rescued me, I should have chosen to resist. If they didn't rescue the students, I would never compromise.

In the end, in front of his family and students, Witt chose his family.

At this time, Lolita tilted her head and fell asleep. Werther sat cross-legged next to Lolita. The only way to save her now was through mechanization, cutting off the parts except the head, and using the brain to directly control the mechanical body.

But at present, this technology is not mature at all. There is no substance that can replace the human body’s nerve signal conduction fibers. If the power is not controlled even slightly, the brain is likely to be burned. Many times when there is a problem with electrical energy, only an electric spark is needed. Human beings who rely on electrochemical signals to work will be directly brain dead if any problem occurs.

Thinking carefully about it, it is already a miracle that Lolita was born from the belly of Aikala who was infected with the Aikala virus. After she was born, antibodies against Aikala were found in her body, saving the city from the raging epidemic when it was first founded. The epidemic crisis has affected most areas of the city, with the death toll exceeding one million.

"We have to do something for her!"

As Witte spoke, he opened a light and shadow screen, and soon a beam of light appeared. On it were a large number of DNA arrays. These things had been checked many times. The countless genome arrays extended out into a huge and beyond. Problems that current medical technology cannot solve.

Lolita's body continues to undergo various mutations, and the only way to physically remove the mutated parts through surgery is to ensure her vital signs. Nowadays, it may only take a breeze, and a single bacterium is enough to kill her. killed her.

Werther continued his research, and must prevent Lolita's life from continuing to wither, because before she could speak, she once said that she wanted to take a look at the future clone plan and what color it would be at that moment in the future.

"Don't worry Lolita, I will definitely find a way!"



Li Chu put down the chopsticks in his hand and kept chewing a charcoal-grilled abalone.

"Yes, it tastes really good. Add soy sauce, garlic, pepper and salt, it's good."

Li Chu said, looking at a table of seafood. Sitting in a wheelchair opposite was an old man with gray hair. There was a medical machine next to him. The old man had the latest injection machine strapped to his hand.

"Master Li Chu, do you still want to eat some lobster? I'll ask them to get you some charcoal-grilled lobster."

Li Chu waved his hand, grabbed a handful of sashimi with his hands, and then ate it with yellow mustard. He raised his head very comfortably, pressed his nose, and raised his thumb.

"Your family raises so much seafood, don't you plan to sell it?"

Li Chu took a look at the Phoebes Manor next to him. Currently, two-thirds of the construction of the manor has been completed. There is still an area in the east that has not been completed. It is planned to be turned into a resort.

The old man's name is Matt, and he is the current head of the Phoebes family. He is 87 years old. His health has been poor in recent years and he rarely goes out. However, fortunately, the life-span vaccine has had some effect, and Matt is still okay. Live a few more years.

"Master Li Chu, you are not here just to eat seafood today, are you?"

Matt said with a smile, waving his hands, the servants and housekeepers around him left one after another, leaving only two people in the small pavilion by the artificial beach.

"Sorry Matt, the money I borrowed from your family may not be available for the time being."

Matt smiled and shook his head.

"Let's get down to business, Mr. Li Chu. It doesn't matter what it is. Even if you want to take back your immunity now, I have no objection."

Li Chu laughed awkwardly. Looking at the man in front of him who had been working with them at the military base on the top of the mountain since he was 11 years old, Li Chu felt a little emotional.

"Borrow three and repay seven. I will definitely find a way to return this money to your family in the future, but that boy Locke doesn't seem to be too interested in business lately."

Matt nodded.

"He fell in love with an ordinary person. Although they were together, they couldn't get married."

Li Chu also understood that the Phoebus family's face still needed to be taken into consideration.

"Let me tell you this Matt, cars may disappear from the city after the next huge city is built."

Matt looked a little surprised, but quickly nodded.

"This is inevitable, isn't it? In recent years, the city's climate has become more and more unstable. If it continues, the situation in the city will be very bad. Abnormal weather conditions will make many people's lives worse and worse. ."

"I'm so sorry, Matt."

Li Chu breathed a sigh of relief. The old man in front of him was still the same as before. There was no change. He could pick it up and put it down. Even if his legs were blown off back then, he never regarded himself as a disabled person. Instead, he moved behind the scenes. , which provided a very beneficial and reliable transportation vehicle for the war at that time.


Li Chu said again, and Matt smiled.

"I just hope that if my descendants are in trouble in the future, I can help them. If they are not suitable for the next era or society, it is not a bad idea for the Phoebes family to withdraw from the stage of history. My little one doesn't like these rights and wrongs very much. It’s nothing wrong, as long as you can live your life!”

Li Chu hummed.

"Matt, when will we really start banning cars from the road?"

"Needless to say, Mr. Li Chu, I have thought of this a long time ago. There are more than 8 million cars in the city. If they are not curbed at some point, this place will become a big furnace."

Li Chu nodded. Today's cities are becoming more and more like deserts. The temperature difference between day and night is too large. Today's cars have very strong heat dissipation capabilities. Even if they absorb a large amount of solar energy and convert it into electricity during the day, the temperature on the car's skin cannot be retained. Yes, the external photoelectric coating will quickly absorb solar energy and continuously convert it into electrical energy. There is a vacuum insulation layer underneath, and the heat energy will only evaporate outward. Nowadays, there are too many cars, and the price Cheap, but in just a few years, it has reached the upper limit of saturation. Many cars that rely on bacterial batteries to generate electricity have been abandoned on the outskirts of the city. Fortunately, this year, the technology of particle-level recycling of materials has been opened to industry. Those scraps of scrap metal also gained some value, and some people began to recycle and clean them.

"But I want to remind you, Mr. Li Chu, according to the plan you just mentioned, it is too large. If there is any negligence, it will have a big impact on the entire city."

Li Chu nodded.

"Don't worry, we have already planned it. Now we are just making energy storage preparations for that plan."

At around 1 o'clock at noon, most streets were exuding heat that seemed to melt people. On a sparsely populated street, most people chose to stay in their houses. In recent years, the temperature changes have become more and more abnormal, and the sun As soon as the mountain sets, the temperature begins to drop rapidly by the minute, and the wind becomes very strong.

Some people think that if this continues, everyone will fall ill. This is also true. Many people have suffered from a kind of temperature difference due to the huge temperature differences in the past few years. Many people have suffered varying degrees of changes in their heart and brain blood vessels, blood sugar and blood pressure. Variety.

This disease is caused by the fact that the atmospheric pressure in the human body changes with changes in temperature. The inability to maintain a constant atmospheric pressure in the human body will cause metabolic disorders in the human body, and various illnesses will occur in the body over time.

The only cure is to live in a temperature environment that does not change too much for one or two months, so that you can slowly adjust and improve. Relying on drugs may be effective in the short term, but in the long term it will be more harmful. Yes, because drugs can also disrupt the body's normal metabolism.

Some people keep working with such thermostatic disease, and the result will only become more and more painful. Later, it will evolve into very serious physical diseases and even cause irreversible damage to the body. Therefore, most workplaces are equipped with constant temperature device.

At this time, on the hot street, a little girl wearing a purple dress and holding a purple umbrella appeared on the street. She looked like she was fifteen or sixteen years old at most, and walked towards the end of the street.

In this middle-level area, there is a large empty space near the edge of the upper level. This open space was fenced off many years ago. I don’t know who belongs to it. It is obviously located near the regional highway and has great value appreciation. A place with great potential, but it is just a large wasteland all year round. There are different opinions. Many people think that this place may have been bought by a big boss early in the morning, but maybe the big boss died and it has been left idle. The city has a lot of questions about the idle land in the area. There are also regulations on disposal. If no one continues to use it, the land will be reclaimed by Congress after 50 years.

This situation usually occurs when the land owner dies without a successor, and is then taken over by Congress. This land has been idle since the city began to develop more than ten years ago, and it has not been taken care of until now.

Deguna quietly came to the outside of the wasteland, looked at the rusty lock, and took out a key. Sure enough, the keyhole had become rusty from the long-term rain and exposure, and the key was inserted and turned. It was broken but could not be opened. In desperation, Deguna could only use telekinesis to directly destroy the broken lock, open the door and walk in.

When she is free, Deguna plans to build an amusement park here, and it is a very large amusement park that can cover all the places with entertainment facilities, and then she will live here for a long time.

"Angel Paradise!"

Deguna smiled slightly and stepped into the hot wasteland. She put away her umbrella and strode across the wasteland. She planned to wait for Werther to deal with Lolita's affairs and then start asking him to help with the design of the park.

"If mom makes money in the future, she will build you a paradise and name it after you!"

Deguna felt a sore nose, raised her head and looked at the light shining down, showing a joyful smile. When the city was founded, she chose this land at Witte's suggestion, and then asked people to surround the land. got up.

This place has been abandoned to this day, although this place is very large, occupying half of the district, about the size of the past three Disneys, covering an area of ​​about 14 square kilometers.

Deguna wants to make this a low-cost amusement park, charging only admission fees and only needing to be able to maintain the basic maintenance of the park.

But to build such a large amusement park, the labor cost would probably be a huge sum of money. Deguna plans to build a 10-kilometer-long super roller coaster that can traverse the entire park, as well as a Super huge Ferris wheel.

I have the impression that these two things are what my daughter likes the most. Although everything in the past has become a thing of the past, this is a way of expression for Deguna to mourn her daughter. She has forgotten everything about her daughter for too long. , Now Deguna can't even remember what her daughter looks like. She only remembers her name is Angel and some outlines. Deguna often looks in the mirror and looks at her face. Maybe this is what her daughter should look like.

"Free labor, six of them."

Deguna chuckled as she spoke. Once everything is stable, she plans to bring those six guys over to help him build this Angel Paradise. She also plans to ask Werther to come up with a design for the park that can be used to innovate within 100 years. .

"But first you have to build your own house. Build it in the center."

Deguna started running quickly, and soon arrived at the center of the wasteland. She looked around and saw that many people in this place recently threw garbage directly into it. There were some garbage everywhere, and no one took care of it. This made Deguna very angry. She planned to build a mansion of her own first to announce that someone lived here.

Along with the streaking purple particles, the ground under Deguna's feet soon rumbled, and then cracks began to appear. Then a large amount of soil was directly dug up and lifted up by the powerful telekinesis.

"No, it's inefficient for me to do this on such a hot day. I'd better ask Rose to see if she's finished her work."


It was the hottest start of the day. At the door of a dilapidated three-story building located on a back street in the middle, Tang Rao was wearing hot pants, a small black shirt, chewing a piece of chewing gum, and wearing a pair of large sunglasses. , carrying a small burgundy handbag and wearing a pair of red high-heeled sandals.

"Count clearly."

As Tang Rao said, the boss in front of him nodded and smiled, his eyes constantly wandering on Tang Rao's long, smooth and beautiful legs.

"Have you seen enough? If not, you can go to the hair salon opposite. There are many young ladies there."

Tang Rao muttered angrily. The boss was startled, smiled awkwardly, turned around and took out the house sale contract. After Tang Rao signed the contract, the boss walked away awkwardly, but soon stopped at a hair salon. At the door, he looked at a row of long legs wearing hot pants, looked at the money he had just received from selling his house, and ran in happily.

Tang Rao took off half of his big sunglasses and watched the boss really run in.

"I really went, Mr. Tang Rao."

Gil didn't know when he felt it out. Tang Rao walked into the somewhat dilapidated wooden house and looked around.

"It's so dirty."

Gil immediately conjured a bucket and a rag.

"How about cleaning up first, Lord Tang Rao."

Tang Rao randomly found a relatively clean staircase and sat down.

"as long as you are happy."

Jill took off her uniform and started cleaning.

"I said Jill, how about you go into a relationship and find a little girl? If there is anyone in school that you like, I can help you match her."

Tang Rao said, Gil thought about it and said with a smile.

"President, what do you think?"

Tang Rao immediately frowned, realizing that Gil was joking, so he took off his sandals and threw them over. After Gil caught them, he respectfully walked to Tang Rao and helped her put on the sandals.

"Master Tang Rao, people outside are watching. Please restrain yourself a little."

At this time, many people passing by outside the store looked at the beautiful woman sitting in the store with some surprise, and started to wander around the door of the store.

"Change your uniform. Don't work here in your uniform. Otherwise, you'll be in trouble if someone takes a photo of you."

Tang Rao looked at the little baby she had picked up from a cold street on a whim. Now it had grown up. She felt a little relieved. For the first time, she felt like a mother. In the past, Deguna would sometimes She chatted with herself about everything she had with her daughter in the past, but often she stopped mid-sentence.

Because Deguna is the kind of workaholic, she and her daughter basically only meet once a month during high-intensity research work. The last time they met was more than three years after the mother and daughter met. During Deguna's preparation When we boarded the rocket, it was just the last time we saw each other.

“Try not to get too emotionally invested in people, or you’ll be miserable later.”

Tang Rao shook her head. She knew that Jill had followed her since she was a child and treated her like a mother. But when he grew up, this relationship gradually changed into another kind.

"Forget it about Alpha. If you want, go talk to her yourself."

"I will be beaten by the president until I can't get out of bed for several days, Mr. Tang Rao, I..."

As she spoke, Jill stared at Tang Rao sideways, with a trace of sadness in her eyes, and then she raised her head and said.

"As long as I can follow you, Mr. Tang Rao!"

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