Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1575 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 34 (Part 1)


Huashen held up two test tubes and carefully placed them on a particle level analyzer produced by Section 10.

A bunch of doctors looked at each other in confusion. This was a hospital in Area 103, south of the ground floor.


As the machine beeped, the dean's eyes widened for a moment.

"Sir, there is definitely a mistake."

Huashen looked at the students from subjects 5, 6, and 7 who were following him. They immediately produced an arrest warrant.

"Your hospital is suspected of illegally selling H84A1 medical chemicals. Now I ask you to cooperate with the investigation."

The dean soon argued.

"It's impossible. Our hospital has been an A-rated hospital for a long time. The people in our hospital are all well-educated. Sir, did you make a mistake somewhere?"

Huashen said with a smile.

"H84A1 medical chemical is a type of controlled substance. Its main function is to synthesize surgical anesthetics with medical reagents. It is something that must be used during some major surgeries to prevent patients from going into shock due to pain. Different from anesthetics that originally affect the central nervous system, this drug may be more appropriately called a sleeping drug. It is also used in trace amounts of some tranquilizing drugs. However, excessive amounts can cause damage to the brain and lead to intermittent memory fragmentation. , but what you may not know is that hazardous controlled substances are purchased directly from Congress, and a long time ago, in order to effectively prevent the harm that this new medical chemical substance may cause, I rewritten the chemical formula , from E-level medical facilities to S-level medical facilities, the H84A1 issued are different models, as well as the use and blending methods of this substance are different. Currently, there are only three levels of S, A and B medical facilities. with permission!"

The dean's eyes widened for a moment, and he instantly understood what Huashen said. Among the six levels of medical facilities that were introduced a few years ago, pharmacies are the lowest, and many drugs can only be purchased in higher-level clinics. Buy it.

Moreover, many medical aspects such as surgical treatment methods have been refined to an outrageous level. Medical facilities are rated every year. For example, only S-level and A-level medical facilities can perform brain surgery, while A-level medical facilities can perform such operations. Not all brain surgeries can be performed, and neurosurgery on the cerebral cortex can only be performed in S-level hospitals.

The dosage of this kind of anesthetic is different for many surgeries, and it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed dosage. Each level of medical facility that allows excessive dosage is different. Class B allows an overdose of 10 to 15 mg, and Class A allows an overdose of 10 to 15 mg. 5 mg to 8 mg, grade S is 1.5 to 2 mg.

The director could only think of one situation at this moment. The purity of H84A1 available to these three levels of hospitals is different. Congress has very strict control over medical performance and does not allow any hospital or individual to use it on patients without passing the test. Congress approves the use of new drugs. Doctors can prepare all drugs allowed for use, but they cannot change the properties of the drug or rewrite the chemical formula of the drug. If you want to improve the drug, you must submit the improved drug to Congress for review.

Huashen quietly put away the machine. At this time, the hospital has been directly sealed off. All hospital staff need to be investigated. People from Department 6 have begun to check the storage capacity of H84A1 in this hospital.

"Sir, I really don't know, this kind of thing."

Huashen said nothing more, turned around and carried the equipment on his back to go to the next hospital.

This new type of drug was invented by Huashen's adoptive father Kull and Nabe. Frye had told Huashen a long time ago that when this new drug appeared, Frye was angry, but there was no evidence. It shows that it was invented by their father and daughter.

Nowadays, the inventors of this anesthetic are the Hillman family, but Hua Shen remembers it very clearly. He also remembers the original molecular formula of this new medical chemical compound. This is something that only people who have seen the early substances can know.

There is only one thing that Section 4 has done in these years, which is to regulate everything in the medical industry. After all, this is an extremely important thing for the city. After the planning, with the support of the Sales of Goods Law, drug prices have stabilized.

Huashen walked out of the conference room, picked up the phone, and quickly dialed a number.

"Thank you very much for the direction, Miss Freya, thank you."

Huashen smiled, half of the credit for the drug's stability was Freya's. Under her leadership, many small private drug raw material workshops continued to appear, and Locke also did some work to make many of the drug production companies recommended by Freya The workshops successfully obtained qualifications.

This kind of small workshop only needs to obtain high-quality cultivation soil from the farm, and then plant it in the solar farmland. The harvest and output are relatively stable.

A long time ago, when Freya went to the Angus family for the New Year's dinner, the students in Department 4 had an in-depth discussion with her about medical issues.

At that time, Freya raised the issue of medical rules. Through medical rules, drug use rights are divided layer by layer. Then for some dangerous drugs, they can be directly distributed layer by layer by improving the purity of the drugs. For some medical skills that are not good, A good doctor can play a protective role. After all, novice doctors often have some problems with the amount of medicine they use, but most experienced doctors with good medical skills will not.

Therefore, the purity of drugs can largely alleviate some of the problems caused by the lack of experience of some novice doctors. Therefore, it can be seen that many of the same drugs on the market are purchased from low-level medical facilities at low prices. The effect of medicine requires accumulation of dosage. The same medicine purchased in high-level medical facilities has obvious effects, but the dosage needs to be strictly controlled. The price of the two treatments is almost the same. .

For example, a certain anti-inflammatory tablet may cost 1 yuan in the lowest-level medical facilities, and you may need to take it according to the number of days and frequency. However, in the highest-level medical facilities, this anti-inflammatory tablet costs 1 yuan, and it costs a lot. Experienced doctors in some high-level medical facilities usually ask patients to use other drugs for auxiliary treatment. This will achieve better results, but only requires less medication.

After these medical regulations were promulgated, many citizens complained about why the same drug had the same price but different quantities. Congress could only provide an explanation. It was because the dosage was different, but the efficacy was the same.

This is also an important part of stabilizing the drug market. In the previous chaotic drug market, when most pharmaceutical companies produced drugs, they would divide the original dosage of one pill into 10 or even 20 pills to make greater profits. , but it is different now. After the drug market is regulated, you only need to regularly test the drugs in medical facilities of the corresponding level to know whether these drugs comply with the regulations.

It's just that most people in medical facilities and even medical companies don't know that this is a hidden regulatory method that eliminates the problem of drug fraud from the root. Last year, some pharmaceutical companies were tracked down through this method. The company is suspected of drug fraud.

Although these same drugs with different dosages will have price fluctuations in many areas, the range of fluctuations will not be too large. Now that medical regulations are constantly being introduced and improved, the drug market is under control.

All major companies have clear rules and regulations on what level of medical facilities they can supply drugs to and what dosage of drugs they can supply.

But now some people should have realized that the medical rules developed by Huashen and all the students in the 4th department after many years of market research are a kind of implicit supervision.

When I walked out of the hospital, it was already 12 noon, and a large number of reporters gathered around, wanting to interview Hua Shen, the youngest special management officer in the city who is also a genius in pharmacology.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency Huashen, if you block the hospital, it will inevitably have a considerable impact on the local medical needs."

"We have just found evidence that H84A1 escaped from this hospital. The hospital can operate normally, but all hospital personnel need to be investigated, and there is no need to leave the hospital in recent days."

Huashen only answered one question, and then, surrounded by nearby administrators, he got into a car and went to a hospital for direct measurement.

Looking back on countless days and nights, the students in the class debated the medical reform under the guidance of the teachers. Finally, the ideas provided by Freya made everyone think about it, and finally the medical regulations were issued. Involves all aspects of medical care.

"I didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly."

Huashen smiled and looked at the passers-by with different eyes on the street. He thought carefully that he had not seen Freya for a long time. He only briefly talked to her on the phone. There were still a few people like Freya in this city. The people behind the scenes are slowly changing the city in their own way.

Recalling the surgery that night, Hua Shen showed a bright smile.

"This is another way and voice what the principal said!"

1:01 p.m.

Accompanied by a burst of screams, Latis walked to the principal's office of a school opened by a female teacher with a solemn expression. The principal had hanged himself, and his body was hanging from the chandelier in the middle of the office.

"It's too late!"

Latis lit a cigarette, clenched his fists, and turned on the light and shadow screen. Song Man made a face at Latis.

"Can you step aside, Song Man?"

Behind Song Man, a prisoner was sitting, nodding with painful eyes.

"The principal ordered it, I'm just the scapegoat."

Latis nodded, and soon two people from Section 5 led the local administrator in and started searching.

Early this morning, Latis released a message in the prison. Regarding the incident of narcotic infringement, if anyone can provide favorable evidence, some minor offenders can be commuted according to the crime exchange law. As expected, as soon as it was announced, everyone Some prisoners in prison enthusiastically began to tell what they had seen and known in the past.

This school was once involved in a serious assault case, but no evidence was found in the end, and the parents of the victim students also chose to remain silent. The case was stagnant for a time, but finally a construction worker at the school reported the case. The case progressed only after a teacher at the school was identified. Finally, after being identified by two female students, the teacher was sent to prison.

But now things have made new progress. There is more to this middle-level school with nearly 800 students.

More and more people were arrested. It was the New Year, and a large number of people on the streets didn't know what was going on. The whole city was in chaos. The arrested people ranged from some businessmen to some manual workers at the bottom, involving From all walks of life, some reporters published rough arrest figures, and at least 3,000 people were arrested.

As the arrests continue, more than 23 people across the city have committed suicide in fear of crime.

The whole city was shaken by this incident. Many people felt the chaos. There were rumors on the Internet that many of the arrests were unjust. Congress should not have handed over the matter to a 22-year-old girl. Many shops Forced to close down, more than 1,000 stores across all industries were investigated.

In just a few hours, the incident began to become more and more intense. Some people complained that the store they had originally booked was closed. In such a festival, everyone was upset because of this incident. There were all kinds of things all over the sky. News reports that have no real clue of what is going on.

Some people are already confused about what happened and why so many things were revealed in a simple case of infringement. More and more people are doubting the authenticity and whether it is an action by Congress to suppress businessmen, because it has already been Some businessmen launched a protest letter, saying that the current actions of Congress will disrupt the overall business order of the city, and asked Congress to seek truth from facts and not engage in suspicious investigations, which will disrupt all daily lives of the people.

A large number of people gathered at the entrance of a large supermarket. The supermarket was originally open, but suddenly closed at 10 o'clock this morning. Most of the people wanted to buy things, and the voices of dissatisfaction increased.

"Lord Alpha, can you please do it for a while?"

Before a manager finished speaking, Alpha shook his head.

"Continue to investigate. I don't care how many people or cases there are. I will uncover one thing after another until the end."

The two management officers looked solemn, and at this time another phone call came.

"Special Administrative Officer Alpha, please immediately terminate the investigation of the Child family."

Alpha hung up the phone without waiting for the man to finish, and then sent a text message.

(If you have any complaints, please go to the gods! You have no authority to interfere with my investigation.)

After sending the text message, Alpha directly blocked the member of the national committee, stood up, shook his head, and planned to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Nowadays, the city-wide investigation has mobilized more than 130,000 managers, including people from the army, but there is still a serious shortage of manpower.

Alpha, who had just arrived at the cafeteria, saw many administrators who looked exhausted. They all looked a little dissatisfied, but they did not dare to say anything. They just looked at Alpha from time to time and muttered a few words to each other.

"I don't know what you are doing on weekdays. Today I just finish the backlog of work you have accumulated at one time. Please finish your meal as soon as possible and then start following orders."

Alpha said as he brought a piece of food. At this time, an administrator stood up and took off his hat, which was still on the ground.

"I'm quitting. I've been doing this since I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning last night. Is this done by humans? It's us who are running outside, you."

Alpha took out the light and shadow phone and opened the light and shadow panel.

"Administrator number 038458745, you can leave now. You will no longer be a member of the 38th District Management Office from a few days ago. Your salary will be paid to you according to the time limit of your work today. Please go to the finance room and settle everything clearly."

While Alpha was speaking, he directly found the administrator's information, marked it in the notes, contradicted his boss, resigned voluntarily, and fired him directly in front of him.

"Fuck you."

"Please leave here and go to the finance room."

Voices of dissatisfaction arose for a while. The administrators here seemed to be a small group, free and loose, and many times they would let new people patrol on their behalf, while I would find a place to sneak in comfortably on the street every day. The students in subject 5 saw it when they were running on the street.

"Whoever doesn't want to do this can resign at any time."

Alpha said as he looked at the administrators who gathered around one by one. They started shouting, but everyone quickly shut up.

More than 30 people all lay on the ground. In just 10 seconds, Alpha clenched his fists.

"Get them out and get on with the job."

For a while, many people who had not finished their meals got up and started cooking in a hurry.

Alpha walked out of the cafeteria and pressed his forehead.

"Uncle Gene, what if your subordinates disobey?"

"You need to reason with them first. After all, we are all adults. If you can't reason with them, just use your fists."

Alpha quickly planned to return to the conference room to continue working, when he saw a few administrators who had just eaten and were still chatting.

"You have so much time to chat, you might as well deal with things. If you hear something, act quickly. If I see you standing in the hall chatting next time, you don't have to come to work tomorrow."

Alpha said as he looked at a group of people who came to the management office to deal with matters and were waiting anxiously. A few people behind him smiled. Although they started to move, they walked over slowly.

Alpha took out the phone.

"Officer Wu Nan, please inform the other 119 section officers to gather together the sections and staff in charge of the school who scored more than 70 points in the last assessment. I will ask Locke to issue you a temporary certificate of assisting the investigator. Please remember Put on your uniforms. I need you to adjust them within 3 hours. During this period, I will issue orders. In the next month, I need you to be able to obey the orders at any time!"

Alpha hung up the phone, lit a cigarette, and watched a family of three anxiously waiting for something in front of an administrator scratching his head. Alpha walked directly over. The administrator yawned and looked at a birth certificate. Documentation to prove.

"You guys wait a minute, me"

"No. 038559954, you don't have to come to work starting tomorrow. Now you can go to the finance office to collect today's salary!"

Alpha said and dismissed this undisciplined man directly and decisively. He turned around and picked up the birth certificate documents for a family of three. In just 2 minutes, he helped the family of three get it done.

After Alpha completed the formalities, he turned around and walked away. The somewhat lazy administrator just now stared wide-eyed and completely froze. He wanted to say something but couldn't say a word, and he didn't know what to do. good.

Alpha quickly came to the interrogation room. After seeing Alpha, several female administrators immediately ran over with smiles. They sorted out the recent interrogation reports and handed them into Alpha's hands. In some interrogation rooms, people who had just eaten The interrogators went to work again.

Alpha breathed a sigh of relief. After staying here for seven hours, he saw the chaos in the management. Many people only regarded the administrator's job as a job. They went to work on time and got off work on time, and then went to work comfortably every month. After receiving a salary, you can also make extra money through the small rights you have.

There are administrators who work casually, and there are also administrators who work more seriously and responsibly, but the proportion of such people is very low. This generation of managers, like the previous one, has begun to become corrupt.

Nowadays, the work of the city's management requires too many manpower. It is obviously unrealistic to completely replace it and introduce the management of the administrative department. The personnel reserve of the administrative department has just begun.

The more than 30 local administrators who had been taught a lesson by Alpha had not once or twice defied their superiors. They had received almost no punishment before, but this time Alpha fired all 30 of them.

Many administrators couldn't even do their jobs well. Alpha found it very unbearable. She felt a little angry at the current chaos.

The basic salary of administrators is at least 2,000, which is 4 times the per capita salary of the lower level and 1.3 times the per capita salary of the middle level. There are also welfare measures such as medical care, education, pension, etc. The upper level administrators in some high-end business districts are even more There is a subsidy that is the same as the per capita salary of 4,000 for the upper class, three free meals a day during work, free phone calls, and free commuting privileges if you go out to do errands.

The attitude of most citizens in the city towards managers is that they have good jobs and are very free. This is also true. Except for some cases that occur in the area, most managers have a very leisurely day, and the current employment of managers is There is no channel. Today's administrators are all trained from 32 schools after the previous batch of students taught in those years. In the beginning, they were indeed largely derived from the previous batch of administrators. He took over the heavy responsibility of city management and did solve some problems. However, as the times began to become stable and stable, most of the problems moved behind the scenes, and corruption began.

When the gods ordered the students of the School of God to conduct an interrogation, a problem-handling system within the management was also introduced, and a large number of problems with money and power transactions were exposed. In the following years, there were slightly fewer problems. No one dared to pay taxes use your brain on certain issues, but you still use your brain on other aspects.

Nowadays, the regulations of the executive branch have been gradually promulgated, but they are only for members of the current executive branch and have not been made public. Alpha does not know when it will start to clean up everything, but the current problems must be solved through this time. The fuse to pull everything out.

More and more problems are surfacing, and Alpha knows very well that if these problems are not dealt with, they will cause huge harm to the entire department in the future. When huge harm starts to happen one after another, the city will be in chaos. .

Just after returning to the office, Alpha received another call from a member of the National Committee, but this time Alpha did not answer the call. She did not want to listen to the nagging of those useless old men. Over the years, Congress has relied on Hawke to pull the strings. Lift, handle all aspects of the problem, and the other members are more like the mouthpiece between the business families and Hawke.

What made Alpha feel even more angry was that most of the members of the national committee were already divided into factions, and almost all the administrators in the 120 districts belonged to factions. Ma Tao told her this morning.

Especially many very obscure things, which made Alpha feel that he had to adopt an extremely tough attitude to deal with things. He could only use his fists to break up the scabs covering the city and let the sun shine into some dark places. in the corner.

Not only Alpha, but the other 11 departments have called on students with better academic performance in the school to help deal with the incident.

The management efficiency of the entire city's 120 districts is very low. Many things have been backlogged for too long and have not been processed. Alpha quickly reviewed a large number of arrest and investigation documents and began to classify and process these documents.

The mutual assistance process of the 12 departments has been practiced countless times in the school. Even in the formal review of things within the area, people from the 12 departments often collaborate.

Many people on the street were confused at this time, and even most of the administrators felt dizzy, because so many things could be revealed in just a few hours, which in most cases It seems absolutely impossible to human eyes.


In a small chemical factory located on the middle floor, R was looking at some material documents inside the factory. On a small table next to him, there was a large amount of diluted anesthetics. According to today's record, 41 100-packs had been sold. Milliliters of anesthetic.

This kind of anesthetic can be mixed with water in a certain proportion and put into a sprayer. This has been the case in many robberies that have occurred in society recently. After being suddenly attacked, the victim lost consciousness, and then all his finances were plundered. .

"It's only been seven hours, but I've already made a lot of money, haha."

R said, after Billy got some information from the four people arrested at 2 a.m. this morning, he launched an investigation on his own. At 6 a.m. this morning, he locked in a suspect who was suspected of selling. Two hours ago, he investigated a suspect. After the transaction was completed and the arrest was made, R got this place from the drug dealer. R immediately brought a bunch of people over. After getting the exact address, they raided the place instantly and encountered a certain degree of resistance. Six people had already Entering the hospital, 19 people were arrested.

Now the source of the raw materials has been found. Three hospitals are under investigation. According to the confession of the arrested leader at the scene, they are making a 100-gram raw material through a chemical addition reaction. After dilution, they can make 10,000 100-ml bottles. It costs 1 million to buy 100 grams of anesthetic from the hospital, and they manufacture it according to the maximum quantity. Calculated at 1,000 yuan a tube, after excluding some labor, channel and other costs, they can earn at least 3 to 4 million.

A 100ml bottle of this anesthetic can make at least three adults sleep for more than 12 hours.

"I want a lawyer!"

On a chair, a man was tied up and his face was covered with blood. He shook his head and was still mumbling.

"Tell me everything you know."

R said and winked at the subordinates he was teaching next to him, some of whom became a little scared.

"This is a practical course, please practice according to what is taught in class."

Finally, a team member in charge picked up a pair of pliers, walked over, and opened the man's mouth.

"Tell me what you know, or I'll keep crushing your teeth into pieces."


Accompanied by bursts of screams, several department staff around him swallowed.

"Very good, you have such courage for your first internship. Please continue to practice according to the instructions in class. You can be promoted when you go back!"

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