Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1577 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 34 (Part 2)


Several administrators looked at each other in disbelief at the sweaty administrator in front of them. There was a smell of chemicals in the air.

"Listen carefully, as long as you don't say anything, nothing will happen. At most, we will only be convicted of malfeasance. But if you say something and it is involved in serious economic crimes, we will all be finished."

A spark flashed, followed by fierce flames. The management officer laughed, and immediately several people left the management office's database.

The internal handwritten records of most management offices must be correct during review. Part of the monthly tax revenue will be returned to the local bank, and how to use the tax revenue is the responsibility of the local management officials. Function withdrawal.

The bank is only responsible for recording the amount of tax used. In addition to the uploaded network records, how the tax is used in the management office requires a handwritten record of when the tax is used. During the review, the special management officer who comes to review will follow the handwritten record. Compare everything on the record one by one and conduct on-the-spot review directly.

The records on the Internet only need to show how much tax money was used in which area, but handwritten records are different. They need to be detailed to how much money was used for each pen and piece of paper. If the final tax amount is different from the tax records recorded on the Internet. If the total amount does not match, it will be investigated.

Many management officials were investigated for this. At this time, with the sound of sirens, everyone in the management office panicked. The fire was quickly controlled. After five houses were affected by the flames, the fire was extinguished.

At this time, many management officials also came after hearing the news, but at this time everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

At 5 o'clock sharp, nine regional management officers had already been investigated and arrested. This matter had spread among the management officers. Many management officers did not want to sit still and wait for death, so they adopted some extreme measures.

Although the administrator who burned down the data room looked embarrassed, his expression was relaxed.

"Thank you for your hard work. As for the follow-up matters, you have to be responsible for handling them. After all, you have earned the most in the past few years."

A management officer behind him said, and the management officer who set the fire nodded solemnly.

The city is becoming more and more chaotic. As more and more confessions are made, one after another completely unrelated crimes are constantly being pulled out.

The number of arrests has also refreshed many people's concepts. Since the arrests started this morning, 13,184 people have been arrested so far. More than 1,000 stores have been closed due to various problems, and more than 300 companies are under investigation.

The people were completely lost. They had no idea what was going on, what was happening, what the managers were doing, or what the 22-year-old Alpha wanted to do.

"I don't know, I really don't know what's going on now. There were still assault cases in the morning, and so many robbery, theft, and murder cases were exposed at noon. Now, why are so many economic crime cases exposed? It's really strange. Strange."

A citizen who had just returned from shopping in the supermarket in the next district was interviewed. The street was still busy, but many shops that should have been open normally were closed.

Many people are complaining that the current actions of Congress have seriously affected their lives. If you want to investigate any cases, don't do it during the New Year season. Nowadays, many people can only go home to cook for themselves and celebrate the holidays.

Some people have analyzed that the current situation will have a huge impact on the entire city's economy. There are different opinions, and many people are confused. Because more and more cases are breaking out, management offices everywhere are already overcrowded.

Some prisoners cannot be taken into custody and can only find some local areas as temporary shelters.

"Everyone, please, those who have worked all day today, please rest until 11 o'clock in the evening, come to the cafeteria to have something to eat, and then continue working. As for other people, please start your work immediately after eating! Eat at 12 o'clock You can rest until 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Alpha looked at the huge yard. Most of the administrators looked tired. Some went directly back to the dormitory, and some went home directly. Only a few planned to go to the cafeteria to eat something before leaving. Many people seemed a little uncomfortable, but they Dare not say anything.

Alpha has asked students from 12 subjects to lead some of the top-performing students in the school to directly conduct various investigations. Most administrators only need to be responsible for arrests and confessions, and crime handling and closing reports. They are all completed by every student in the School of God.

The efficiency of closing cases is very high. In just one day, more than 900 cases have been closed, and the details have been announced. Each of the 612 students currently in the School of God has submitted at least one crime handling result report. Alpha himself I took the time to process 10 copies today.

Watching the administrators in the 38th District Management Office gradually disperse, Alpha returned to the conference room. The conference room was empty at this time, but soon Alpha turned on his mobile phone, and soon a piece of light and shadow screen appeared, a temporary The small meeting began.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Locke said something, and all the section chiefs smiled.

"Fat brother, you have the most leisure time today."

Keying said with a smile, and Locke sighed.

"Is it really necessary to make it so big?"

Locke pressed his forehead, and behind him were a bunch of students who were processing these crime reports for submission to Congress.

"Brother Fatty, we must investigate thoroughly. Large-scale crime is the biggest problem that harms the city's overall economy. If we stop, we may not have such an opportunity in the future."

Jin Mangan, the section chief of Section 7, said, everyone else nodded, and Alpha showed a happy smile.

"President, you have to withstand the pressure. In the future, all the spearheads will be pointed at you."

Akimi muttered something very sophisticated, and everyone looked at Alpha.

"Don't worry, everyone, I have blocked 120 members of the National Committee and the heads of banks. This city is not only the 1% of people who control the city's economy, but also 99% of the ordinary people who use the economy to Threats don't work, Clark!"

Alpha shouted, and Clark, who was lying on the chair, raised his hands.

"When you, President, started taking action this morning, I had already interviewed most of the companies and individual food wholesalers that were not involved in crimes, and granted them large amounts of food wholesale authority. We are still investigating some There have already been many results regarding the food wholesalers working together to raise food prices, so you can rest assured about the food supply, there will be no problem, just go ahead and become the president!"

Alpha nodded, and Locke glanced at Clark.

"Why can you find it so quickly?"

Clark laughed.

"Now we owe that guy Wu Qun more. You just need to know this. Those who are willing to assist us represent the ordinary people!"

Heathcote laughed.

“We cannot continue to allow the mistakes of the past to continue.”

Alpha looked around, stood up, and bowed.

"Please be mentally prepared. Tomorrow will be even more uncomfortable. It will be a fierce battle. However, please pay attention to intermittent rest and work for 4 hours."

"Half an hour's rest is enough."

Osman laughed and turned around to walk away. He looked like he was in an alley on a back street on the ground floor. There were a lot of people lying on the ground.

"I have to take care of this case first."

After everyone exchanged glances, the communication ended. Alpha was about to get up when the door to the room was knocked open, and a little girl walked in with a little fear, holding a bowl of meat rice bowl.

"Master Alpha, it's time to eat."

Alpha smiled and said thank you, and the female administrator stood respectfully behind Alpha.

"what's your name!"

"Lu Mei."

Alpha nodded.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Lu Mei looked at this officer who was similar to her own age but much more powerful than her, and she became bolder for a while.

"Master Alpha, we all think you are so handsome."

Alpha was a little surprised and embarrassed.

"Thank you!"

Lu Mei said and turned around and ran out, planning to continue working.

The sun's light is getting dimmer, and the city is about to fall into darkness and usher in night. However, the streets this year are no longer like before. A large number of neon lights are flashing, people are coming and going on the streets, and cars are moving slowly on the road.

This year, some lively areas across the country seem a bit deserted. Although there are still people on the streets, they are only a few scattered people passing by.

Sure enough, after a moment when the city was dyed red by the embers of the extinguished artificial sun, the lights in the city came on. However, at this time, many streets had broken lights.

On a long street that was supposed to be lit up with neon lights instantly after nightfall, many places were darkly lit. Except for some people in some shops, the whole street looked very deserted in many places.

The whole city was silent. In the morning, when everyone was discussing the various incidents caused by the assault case, they were all in high spirits. But now it is silent, because no one knows what to say, because no one can It is unimaginable that so many crimes would occur around me.

Some people have estimated that if this continues, the number of crimes committed plus the number of people involved may rise to more than 100,000. This is a terrifying and incalculable number.

"First of all, I think everyone should clarify one issue. Many people think that this investigation will destroy the city's good economic structure. However, this perception is actually somewhat wrong. It is not because a large number of criminal investigations have surfaced, triggering It is wrong to think that it will lead to urban chaos and thereby destroy some good market economic structures in the city. Rather, it is because of crime that although the urban economic structure is stable, it is deteriorating under the influence of crime."

"Yeah, I have to add to this point, Lao Hu. In fact, crime not only affects the economy, but also affects the social structure. Lao Hu also said just now that the logical structure of crime and the economy is not due to the investigation of crime. , causing many places to be unable to operate normally, and in such a season of high consumption, it will indeed affect part of the regional economy. Just like some people often say that the poorer the place, the higher the crime rate, so poverty is equivalent to crime, but this is not at all It is an unequal and conceptually confusing logical relationship.”

At this time, in a medium-sized media program, Hu Youran and Duke, who have become somewhat famous in recent years, were chatting about this matter. The ratings had exceeded 1 million.

"Poverty only means that the production capacity in a region cannot be effectively transformed into the economy to feed everyone in the region. It does not mean that they must commit crimes to make profits. Please do not think about this issue based on preconceived concepts. For some People have the impression that poor areas are dirty and messy. They think that the economy in these places is not good, and crime must be rampant. In fact, this is true on the surface! But you can check this matter today. On the page of Congressional crime handling, there is Complete and detailed records of the case, as well as the place where the crime occurred.”

As Hu Youran said, Duke immediately provided a chart that was prepared at 5 o'clock today.

"You can see that among the 120 districts, if we look at it according to economic income levels, there are 60 lower-class districts, 40 middle-class districts, and 20 upper-class districts. These are the cases that were handled as of 5 p.m. today's large-scale crime investigation , a total of 917 cases. Among them, 60 districts on the bottom floor handled 501 cases of various types, 246 cases on the middle floor, and 170 cases on the upper floor."

After Duke finished speaking, Hu Youran stood up and called up another chart.

"In other words, the average number of crimes in each district on the ground floor is 8.35, the average in the middle is 6.15, and the average in the upper floors is 8.5! The bottom floor seems to be huge and has a lot of crimes. In fact, the average crime rate in the area is lower than that in the upper floors. You can see The records of these cases span five years!"

Duke smiled and nodded and continued.

"Nowadays, there are many unscrupulous media people who always like to label the bottom class as criminal and violent. Everyone is bound by preconceived notions. I have been to many places at the bottom, and the security is not as good as everyone thinks. Of course, this involves mobile crimes, but according to our analysis, mobile crimes account for less than 1% of all current cases, and can actually be ignored."

At this time, the boss of the media company below happily watched the ratings continue to rise, already reaching 1.39 million. If calculated based on each household of three, there are at least 4 million people watching now. After removing some things, There are also 3 million.

"Today we want to specifically explain the logical relationship between crime and economy. Although such chart numbers are enough to explain a certain degree of the problem, they are not enough to explain everything. So now I want to put forward a conclusion, the crime rate in a region Whether it is high or low depends to a large extent on whether it is fair in the area. Some areas with high crime rates are already unfair in terms of management, especially those who wander on the edge of the law or want to rely on crime. There are many people who seek benefits through shortcuts, and if these people are allowed to succeed, it will be the greatest injustice to those hard-working workers in a region who still stick to the rules. When it comes to crime and economic issues, what we see is that Fairness and unfairness are the main reasons for the occurrence of crimes in many poor areas!"

Duke glanced at Hu Youran and said.

"As for why people commit crimes, I will not discuss it tonight, because it will be a huge and profound topic. After all, the law is set by humans, and everyone has their good and evil sides! We just I want to tell everyone that crime is harming our overall city economy to a great extent."

Hu Youran immediately clicked on another chart on the screen behind him.

"Nowadays, the number of criminal cases continues to increase. If these unsolved cases are included in the number of crimes handled in the past five years, it is certain that the crime rate is rising because more and more people are looking for unfair crimes. Point, and once they find it, they will try every means to make a profit, and those who encounter injustice cannot get justice. This person may think, others have made a lot of money doing this, why can't I do the same!"

Hu Youran said and opened another chart, which showed the general situation of some cases in this assault case.

"We investigated the tax records of the above-mentioned girls who were violated after they were violated. Without exception, their taxes were reduced after they were violated. This is enough to show that there is something wrong with their work. Some girls even have I suffered from mental illness and was out of business for nearly half a year. During this six months, friends or family would often come to accompany me. Even their family’s taxes were reduced. Reduced taxes mean lower income, and lower income. It means a decline in consumption capacity. Without the support of consumption, the economy of a district will naturally be damaged. If this damage occurs due to crimes again and again, superimposes or even extends into the future, this will have a negative impact on the entire local economy. It’s a catastrophic blow.”

Duke nodded immediately.

"Some people even moved away from the place where they were violated. Now that so many crimes have been exposed, many friends still feel that this incident has affected everyone's lives? Everyone's lives have long been exposed to a lot of hidden crimes. Sexual crimes have an impact, and by the time everyone notices it, you, you, or you will be the next victim."

"We very much agree with this large-scale crime investigation, because the backlog of these crimes has really affected the city's overall economy. I dare to say that if these young managers really put these cases into practice, If the crimes are dealt with, the city's originally sluggish economy will improve. Of course, the nature of many crimes cannot be compared, but please take a good look at these crimes that have been closed and are awaiting trial, and what will happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. More crimes are being unearthed, so I appeal to all citizens to support the managers in this action. If there are clues about a crime, everyone can report it enthusiastically."

Suddenly the live broadcast was interrupted, and the boss of the media company had already walked to the stage.

"You two, this last one is different from what you promised."

Hu Youran smiled awkwardly, and Duke began to explain.

"Isn't it good to have such high ratings?"

At this time, many people were getting excited when the program was suddenly interrupted. Some people were also surprised as to why a good program was interrupted. However, the media channel had already started to play advertisements, and there was no news about the sudden interruption of the program. instruction of.

The streets in District 29 were already dark except for the bright street lights. The entire district seemed to be in a deep sleep. Only some pubs were still open, and they were crowded with people. Many men were still looking around. It was obviously such a time of year, but not even a woman could be seen. The boss also said that many women were arrested today, and some women also temporarily left the place after hearing the news.

Sitting in the corner was a man who looked thin but strong. He was drinking and eating comfortably. He had been here all day. At this time, the man got up and paid and planned to leave.

"We also provide accommodation here. Would you like me to ask the waiter to take you there, Mr. Harrison?"

Harrison shook, waved his hands, and walked out of the door of the tavern. At this moment, Harrison was happy in his heart. He was now a free man. Back then, he was involved in a murder case because of burglary, and he became a murderer. The previous sentence for multiple thefts was 45 years.

After entering prison, Harrison would complain every year that he was innocent and did not commit murder. Finally, a few months ago, the case was re-investigated. Harrison was not the murderer, and his sentence for the grand theft case had also expired. Today, He was released directly early in the morning and received his own salary of more than 20,000 yuan.

The financial losses caused by his own theft to others have been repaid through hard work in the past few years. Harrison is still satisfied with the result. In the past, he lived in prison every day in grief and felt that he might not be able to get out in this life. , but Harrison recalled that a senior manager named Gene once let him go.

Harrison began to complain to Gene. Year after year, the fact that he committed murder was finally overturned.

Harrison started running excitedly, and soon he came to a somewhat deserted street at the junction of the 29th and 30th arrondissements. Sure enough, he soon saw Gene sitting next to a shared license plate, smoking a cigarette.

"Mr. Jean."

Harrison walked over happily.

"Congratulations on your release from prison."

Harrison smiled awkwardly and bowed.

"Can you find me a job, Mr. Jean? I have changed my ways and will not steal again."

Gene glanced at Harrison, a criminal who submitted complaints to him every year. In the end, during the process of handling the unjust, false and wrongful cases by the 2nd Department students, although the case was not solved, it was indeed not done by Harrison.

"Okay, let me introduce you to a job. I have some friends on the upper Qinglong Street. I can introduce you to work in their store."

Harrison became a little excited.

"What do you think, doorman?"

Harrison nodded. He wasn't picky either.

"I'll call you in a few days to let you know. You've really changed a lot."

Gene smiled happily. He came today just to take a look at what this criminal he let go of in the past is like now. He looks much better now.

Soon Gene jumped to the roof and looked at Harrison quietly from a distance who was still waiting for the night bus. Gene still remembered the anger and unwillingness he showed for a moment when he was arrested that day. This was most of it. This is the reaction that criminals will have. Many people start to complain after entering. They have never thought about why they are here. They just want to use various methods to reduce their sentences and get out.

There is a grievance system in the prison. This system was proposed by the students of Section 11 after the prison riots. Some senior management officers were named as the targets of the grievances. If the prisoners are dissatisfied with the prison, there will be one every year. Opportunities for appeals. Over the years, Gene has been watching prisoners' appeals in his spare time.

Counting Harrison, this is the 100th person Gene has watched go to prison and come out over the years.

Nowadays, many people are going to jail again, and the prison will be overcrowded in the future. Gene smiled and looked at Harrison, who had already boarded the bus.

How should a guilty person return to society, in what form, and what to do after returning to society? This is a difficult problem facing Jean.

As an important link that cannot be ignored in the entire city, crime will destroy the order of the city to a great extent. Many criminals who have returned to society have a high probability of committing crimes again.

In the past few years, Gene has often communicated with some people he met while running around the city. They are also willing to hire these criminals, but this is still not a solution. Many criminals who commit crimes again are looking for jobs. When I was there, I was turned away because of the criminal record on my identity information.

Many people have completed their rehabilitation in prison and regret everything they have done, but society will not give these people a chance.

In the past, some people thought that many of the legal sentences in Brilliant City were too long, but this was already determined when the city was founded. Severe punishment is a necessary means. Without strict punishment, it will not be possible to demonstrate the acceptance of crimes. Severity of Punishment.

The crime rate has indeed gone down a lot over the years, but the secondary crime rate has gone up a lot.

As long as everyone makes mistakes, the law defines some crimes that are caused by emotions as the punishment will be lighter.

Today, there are still 50,000 criminals in prisons, and in the next five years, nearly 20,000 light-duty criminals will return to society.

Gene knew very well that something had to be done. This was not a matter of the few and the majority, but that a society must maintain zero tolerance for crime and also be able to give those who rehabilitate a chance, otherwise this group of criminals They will become increasingly marginalized and eventually turn to crime because society will not give them a smile or a warm hug.

Jean quietly looked down at the prison in the distance, and a distant memory came out of his mind. Jean knew exactly what he was like growing up. He was sent to prison more than 10 times. When he was young, he had many problems. He was in and out of prison, as if the whole world was his enemy and the whole world owed him.

But then Gene met Ellie, the person who was willing to give him a smile and a warm hug, which completely changed him.

Everyone has been young, and no one can go back in time to reason with their younger self, or even beat up their younger self. But if you are branded with the mark of sin, you will have no future and will be completely excluded from society. Gene had seen it countless times.

Jean is very aware that today's era is much more stable. There is no need to rely on cold-blooded and cruel methods to govern. Everything is developing in a good direction. A warm society can solve everything. This is what Jean really wants. To be seen.

Gene turned around and put on his coat, lit a cigarette, and looked at the city in front of him, which was not very bright tonight. Many places were dimly lit. He smiled and raised his head helplessly.

Gene knew very well that he could not do it to build a warm society as Ellie said. Because his rationality did not allow him to do those seemingly naive and unrealistic things, Gene planned to hand everything over. To the students, Gene was very pleased with what happened today, because he had never told Alpha and other students, but they had already begun to solve a large number of problems.

"What will the sun look like tomorrow!"

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