Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1601 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 42 (Part 2)

January 1, 2215

"Such a big project is really life-threatening!"

"Yeah, I think it's pretty good now. What Congress is doing is a waste of people and money."

Just after 0 o'clock

In a restaurant on the middle floor, two slightly drunk men were talking about the underground engineering construction project announced by the city at the end of December a few days ago. They have already started recruiting workers, and construction will officially start on January 9 next year.

Two major events happened last year. One was that the Hillman family sold some of its medical properties to other businessmen. Most people used to think that antitrust laws were difficult to implement, but now they have actually started to do so. , the medical prices for many diseases have been reduced a lot, which is a huge benefit to people in the entire city.

Another thing is the huge underground project in the city. Recruitment of workers for the project has begun, and Congress has listed everything in detail.

The standard wage for ordinary workers is 6 yuan an hour, and they work 8 hours a day. The excess is calculated as 1.5 times an hour, which is 9 yuan. Such a price attracts many workers. If they work 10 hours a day, one You can earn 2,520 yuan per month. Excluding taxes and daily food expenses, you will actually have a net income of at least 2,000 yuan per month.

A large number of workers have signed contracts with Congress. The minimum contract is 5 years, and there are also 8-year and 10-year contracts. Different contracts also have different medical subsidies, as well as subsidies and compensation for industrial accidents. If you sign a 10-year contract, When the contract expires, Congress will award a one-time sum of money. Calculated based on 360 days per year, at 10 yuan per day, you will receive 36,000 yuan after 10 years. This has exceeded the expectations of many workers.

36,000 can already buy a three-story, 100-square-meter building on the ground floor. Most of the workers have signed 10-year contracts, and some just plan to work for five years, save some money, and then change jobs.

All contracted workers will go to the local management office for training on the last three days of every month in the next year. They will also receive some construction information and fill in a detailed job description. Do not overestimate the amount. Fill in the form. If any discrepancy is found during the construction process and what can be done in the filled-in information will be deducted three times the basic salary for that day.

Mutant workers can get three times the salary of ordinary workers. Most of the mutants who were originally working as truck porters have basically signed up.

Many people feel that such a project will definitely affect the normal lives of many people, and Congress has repeatedly explained that this is to build a semi-permanent underground transportation hub transportation system for the city.

Transportation network, logistics network, light and shadow material flow network, electric energy transmission network, water transportation network, garbage disposal network, and food waste treatment pools will be rolled out in 120 districts.

Locke said several times that the city will definitely be affected to a certain extent, but this is necessary for the city to develop better in the future. What the people are worried about is whether prices will fluctuate violently. This is not true. Few people are worried.

But in November last year, Congress announced two relatively important technologies in agriculture, one is meat protein multiplication technology, and the other is crop growth technology. The former can increase the production of meat, eggs, and milk. The latter can increase crop yields.

Among them, barley, wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, and beans can achieve a stable crop of five times a year, while other vegetable oils can be stable at around three to five crops a year. Most people are worried about whether such genetic foods will It causes harm to the body, but Congress gave a clear answer. The harm is there. Under the current medical conditions, such harm can be almost ignored.

Many people have realized why the prices of some foods have dropped a lot, but the prices of processed foods have basically remained unchanged.

An uneasy feeling permeates the city. This uneasiness stems from the unknown. No one knows what kind of impact most people's lives will have after the start of this huge construction.

Even though Congress has repeatedly stated that it has gone through long-term research and detailed planning and there will be no problems, such rhetoric cannot calm the uneasy mood.

"Begins Duke, the next era!"

Hu Youran held the wine glass in his hand. Nowadays, he is a frequent guest on many programs. His economic expectations have made him a famous economist in the city.

"You really got it right, Old Hu. Although we see some things, it's better not to say anything."

The two had already discussed some phenomena in the city a few years ago, and these things were ultimately related to the implementation of the anti-monopoly law.

Many people only see the changes on the surface, but they don’t know that these changes involve all walks of life. The changes are not just in the medical field. Since February last year, Hu Youran and Duke began to collect a large number of data. The regional tax data in the city traveled to many places, and many of the changes were shocking.

This is a precursor to the real implementation of the anti-monopoly law. In order to create an economic market with healthy competition, anti-monopoly is necessary and necessary. It is also a means to balance the urban economy.

In today's era of fully open light and shadow technology, we are no longer as passive as in the past era of open technology. In these few short years, it can be described as changing with each passing day, and no new technology has emerged.

Hu Youran raised a glass and drank with Duke. Both of them were a little drunk.

"Duke, what do you think started happening first!"

The deceiver asked seriously, and Duke sighed.

"Financial system!"

Hu Youran nodded. It seemed that Duke also understood that for such a huge underground project, even if it has been accumulated for so many years, in order to prevent the inflation from destroying the originally good economic market, the only way is to stabilize the price. Stable taxes and various savings were continuously collected, and everything was operated in a planned manner by the gods. It was almost perfect that when the times changed, no large-scale riots occurred.

But no matter what we do, there is still no way to stabilize purchasing power. It is impossible for market rules to allow the supply and demand to be unbalanced and remain stable as before.

As people's incomes increase, their purchasing power will be greatly enhanced. However, demand may exceed supply in the city, and prices will definitely rise. This cannot be controlled by humans or by law. The premium of products will definitely increase. Find your own breakthrough.

In the process of laying urban underground projects, all walks of life will be affected by the construction. The city is facing an unprecedented reshuffle. Although many people have felt it, they cannot completely understand it.

Hu Youran has read in detail the underground construction plan announced by the Congress, as well as a series of things such as the public technology corresponding to the plan. If allowed, this construction project will only take 5 years at most to be completed, but this will The harm of the market economy is huge.

Hu Youran quietly stared at some live programs being broadcast on the TV. Many people from the National Management Committee were invited to appear on the TV. They all used various rhetoric to explain the many benefits, but Hu Youran knew very well. This bill is very dangerous.

This year the urban population exceeded 19 million, and Hu Youran estimated that the population should have exceeded 20 million by now, because there are still more than 1 million illegal households.

Too high-speed construction will damage a good market, but the gods decided to use 10 years to build. It has been planned to minimize the impact on the market, but it requires people from the entire city to do this. Mega construction pays for it.

Today, less than 10 million people are working. The remaining 10 million elderly people and newly born or school-going children account for 80%. 5% are sick and disabled, and 13% rely on crime to make a living. And some black households, and 2% are women from the upper class who don't have to work at all.

Within ten years, half of the non-working population will probably gradually reach a conversion rate of 60%, and the urban working population will rise to about 15 million. This will just be able to offset the impact of prices on the city, and the city will begin to develop rapidly again, and The population will also continue to grow.

Once the construction is completed, the city will usher in a more developed society. These ten years will be extremely difficult for the city.

Hu Youran doesn't like this approach very much. The population will begin to enter a state of control in 10 years, because the current maternity subsidy has been reduced by several hundred yuan in this year's adjustment, but this amount will continue to decrease. Until there is no maternity subsidy, the population will be contained at a constant value, and then the city will enter rapid development for half a century.

The city lights that guide countless people into a new era are very scary. All those who see the lights are like moths in the dark, desperately rushing towards the lights to fuel the flames.

Underneath the lights is the bloody fact. No one has seen this. This is what Hu Youran is most worried about. If everything goes well, the future may not be too bad, but if something goes wrong, the whole city will... Like a boiling furnace.

All this is because human lifespan has been extended, and the entire society will accumulate more powerful energy.

"You just worry too much, Old Hu. Since the gods can do all this step by step, they have naturally considered how to deal with risks and crises. No matter how the times change, the one thing that remains unchanged is always People’s hearts!”


On a street called Gold, lights are on in a long, five-story building that was built in October last year.

There are a large number of financial companies on this street that is more than 2 kilometers long. Currently, most of the bank's affairs are handled in this building dedicated to special management officers.

In a conference room, Jin Mian and Vivian led a large number of directors to deal with matters in the 7 departments and review the situation of banks in various places.

There were certain problems in the accounts of many banks. Everyone in the room stared at the light and shadow screen solemnly.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Vivian asked in a serious tone, and Jin Mangan nodded.

"There is no way. 30% of the people in the city still use the financial system provided by the Hillman family. If the money is not controlled, it will be very difficult for the upcoming construction."

The two of them quietly looked at some files in the Hillman family's mobile payment network system. Previously, because the Hillman family began to charge a certain amount of handling fees and management fees, most people and merchants abandoned mobile payment, but after After the Hillman family sold some assets in the medical industry last year, a large number of people returned to online mobile payment because of the high interest rates offered by the Hillman family. The reality is far more than 30%, because this number is still rising.

Banks lost their advantage because they were unable to carry out any commercial activities. They had no interest on deposits, but only interest on loans. The Hillman family launched many short-term interest-free loans, and a large number of citizens returned to online mobile payments. go.

Recently, a large number of savers have withdrawn their funds from banks and deposited them into the Hillman family's online mobile payment company.

Jin Mian and Vivian were troubled by this. The people in Section 7 had discussed it a long time ago. Once the Business Section was established, there would be no physical cash in the city. They would no longer be a bank, but a third party. 7 Wallet Management Section.

They are only responsible for managing the money and tax issues of the city people. Once the system of invalidating physical money is implemented, the black money can be made invisible in an instant. However, the sudden actions of the Hillman family have disrupted this plan. .

In addition, because of the Hillman family's cooperation with the Angus family, their family's stock has risen a lot. Most people who have a good vision for the Hillman family to participate in this giant construction may have a chance in the future. More back to the mobile payment industry.

In addition, many companies have begun to cooperate with the Hillman family, and the Hillman family has used some means to help these companies avoid taxes. Jin Mian and Weiweian have been traveling around the country throughout last year, reviewing the company's financial statements. We still found some clues, and many problems were very troublesome to deal with.

But only the financial report of the Hillman family's mobile network payment company seems to be fine on the surface, but the water hidden in it is very deep.

Brand, who has been completely troubled, doesn't know what to do in such a season. The only way is to cancel the accounts of some users and starting from the morning of January 9, banks in 120 districts are prohibited from providing services to any company or individual. loan.

There have been problems with taxation throughout last year. This is inseparable from the Hillman family. They are gradually handing over the medical market. It is really difficult to do anything at this time. Once something is done, the Hillman family will definitely be tough. To fight back.

A large family and businessmen have begun to stand on a united front with the Hillman family, because they have also suffered a huge impact due to the slow implementation of antitrust laws last year.

"Tomorrow you and Li Xin will go to Vivian for the festival. Just leave this place to me."

Vivian shook her head.

"There is no time to celebrate the holidays now. We must do everything possible to get back the leaked tax collection. After all, this money is for construction. Although life may be harder in the future, we cannot compromise."

Jin Mian snorted. He used to think that as long as universal electronic money was implemented, the city would be more stable, but now in this season, the situation is far more serious than imagined.

In their long-term research, they have found that electronic money is absolutely safe and reliable. The terminal of this electronic money system is directly bound to the identity information of the seven gods in the city. Without the permission of six of them, any No one can modify the amount of money, not even 1 cent. Technically, it is absolutely safe and reliable, without any loopholes. However, in reality, it is very difficult to realize electronic money in the city.

"By the way, Vivian, you call Brandon and ask him to come over. We have to hold a detailed meeting. There are problems with the pricing of certain commodities during our tax review process. We must We have to discuss it carefully and find a reasonable solution."

Vivian nodded. Among the current 12 departments, the most troublesome ones are Department 7 and Department 9. The work of these two departments is getting more and more heavy, although there is support from the investigation report of Department 2 and the assistance of other departments. , but in terms of work intensity, these two departments have become much higher than other departments in the past two years.

Weiwei walked aside and called Brandon first. He said he would come over at 3 o'clock and let them rest first because they were still processing some business activities applied for by merchants and would have to submit them to Duan Kong tomorrow morning. Further on-site qualification review will be conducted there.

"Keying, are you asleep?"

"What's wrong Vivian?"

Vivian sighed helplessly.

"Can you bring some people over to help us? It's really difficult for us now, especially in the next few days, we will need to deploy detailed worker training personnel in various places."

"Okay, but Vivian you have to promise me to accompany me on vacation next time."

Vivian became embarrassed.

"I don't know when the next time will be. I know and I promise you."

Jin Mangan breathed a sigh of relief. Being able to ask Keying to come and help would be a timely help for the current 7 departments.

1:13 am

King Xue sat quietly in the principal's office, reviewing the students' qualifications, holding a glass of wine in his hand and a smile on his lips.

Billy on the side is quietly processing some documents. Now they have only enrolled less than 30 students. This all-field college needs the best of the best. As the only teachers in the school, the two plan to do something for them. To cultivate more talents.

"King Xue, I don't think Duan Kong can handle it. He really wants to discuss it with you. How about I go there in your place?"

King Xue shook his head.

"You must abide by all the rules, Billy. Some things are better to be dealt with later. That kid paid too much attention to certain things and ignored them."

Billy laughed.

"He is not suitable for the job of chief of Section 1. He cannot handle it. It's just that you have done a lot of things secretly, thanks to his efforts."

King Xue smiled, picked up the wine glass in his hand, walked over to Billy, and had a drink with him. Both of them turned off the light and shadow screens.

"Basically nothing happens these days. Go and help the president and Mo Xiaolan."

Billy hummed and looked a little dazed for a moment. He pressed his forehead and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. King Xue stared at him sideways.

"Billy, I have already dealt with those things in the past for you. Just feel at ease and don't let others escape. After all, you are also a rare talent. This school currently needs a capable deputy."

Billy pressed his forehead, his expression became a little ferocious, and he laughed.

"Those guys always want to come out, but don't worry, King Xue. Now I am the boss who dominates everything. Those guys will never want to come out."

At this time, King Xue put his hand on his forehead, smiled and nodded.

"Billy, when you go tomorrow, remember to have a good talk with Mo Xiaolan. She needs someone to provide some psychological counseling for the president's problem. After all, the president is so good, but he has a tough personality. , maybe it will have a certain impact on her in the future.”

Billy hummed, then he took out his phone and pressed the number 0002.

"The target should have appeared. Please R."

"We have found it and are keeping an eye on it. This time we should be able to catch them all in one fell swoop, including that Prometheus."

There was joy in King Xue's eyes. He took off his glasses, wiped them with a rag, and raised his head.

"If caught, the bombing case that year should be solved."

Billy smiled and nodded. They have been investigating this case over the years. Someone is teaching some guys at the bottom to commit crimes without leaving a trace. Some of the criminals who followed the teachings were indeed not caught, but Some people who made mistakes in details are now in jail.

1:43 am

Located on a certain back street in Area 101 on the ground floor, a gang of more than 30 people was waiting anxiously. The leader kept asking the guys who were following them to report the situation.

This gang suffered from a series of business mistakes. One of its casinos and illegal body exchanges were sealed. In the end, more than a dozen of the leader's subordinates resisted all charges and were imprisoned for 10 years. They were spared, but they owed a lot of money to the superior organization, and they were in a desperate situation. Because the leader himself was also a gangster, and there were more than 10 people under him who were also gangsters, the situation was already extremely critical.

Fortunately, the leader had a buddy who had been close to him since he was a child, who gave him a clear path. That buddy suddenly changed his mind last year. He knew very well what that buddy had done, and he didn't leave any evidence. .

Finally, the buddy told the leader to bring people to this street tonight, and someone would show them a clear path.


The door of a dark room opened, and the leader looked over in horror. The subordinates who were still talking and laughing around him also became alert.

A man wearing a black coat, a round hat, and sunglasses came out.

"Excuse me."

"Want to make money?"

The man's voice was cold, and the leader immediately asked his men to disperse around him and continue to be on guard. He only brought two of his closest men with him and approached with a smile on his face.

At this time, the man's right hand stretched out from his pocket, holding a bulging bag.

The leader was startled. He originally thought it was money, but found out that it was some old-fashioned telephones, some identification documents, and a paper document.


"If you 30-odd people want to make money quickly, go commit fraud! I have already selected the targets for you, and they are all elderly people with a relatively high success rate. You just need to follow the information in detail. When you go back Practice well and within three months, you can get at least 300,000 to 500,000 yuan."

The man waited for a moment, and just as he was about to take out the information, the man in black in front of him raised his hand.

"You can leave now. After everything is done, I want 30%. Is there any problem?"

The leader nodded and swallowed. It was exactly what his friend said, only 30%. At this moment, the man in black in front of him just turned around and planned to go back to the room, but the leader smelled a scent.


Just when the leader was confused, along with a strand of hair, a woman suddenly fell from the roof and grabbed the man in black by the neck.

"Please all of you get down, you are under arrest."

For a moment, the leader's eyes widened and he looked at the woman in black uniform in front of him. The moment he turned around, he found that his men standing at the entrance of the alley behind him had fallen to the ground. Looking around, he saw that all his men were lying down without exception. on the ground.

There were two men in uniforms on the left and right sides. One of them, a man with squinted eyes, pulled the hair of one of the leader's men and walked towards them.

"It has nothing to do with us, it doesn't matter."

The leader put down his things and lay on the ground obediently. The look in the woman's eyes in the dim light was extremely terrifying. He knew very well the consequences of resistance.

"What's wrong? You're not talking anymore?"

C looked at the man in black quietly. She felt a little strange, because she couldn't feel any warmth in the hand holding her neck, and the man had stopped moving.

"has a problem."

While C was talking, K had already torn off the man's coat. For a moment, the three of them were stunned. The guy in front of them was not a human. Except for his head, which looked like a human, his body was made of a metal skeleton, with a lot of cute features. The movable joints have a layer of soft polyester on the outside, just like human skin.

"Let Noah bring the people over."

At this time, the robot in front of them has stopped moving. Although the three of them want to try to disassemble it, it is better to leave it to Section 10 to handle it at this time.

The three of them looked at the translucent polyester body of this robot, which contained a large number of very fine mechanical structures. They had seen robots made by Noah, and the level of precision was completely different from this one.

"Who is controlling this thing?"

K began to mobilize a large number of nearby surveillance cameras.

R has told Noah what happened and took a picture of the robot to Noah.

Also horrified were the three people lying on the ground. Their eyes widened and they looked at the robot in disbelief.

"Wait, we really don't know anything and haven't seen anything, we."

R looked at C quietly. She had already taken care of the three people lying on the ground and started to fake the scene.


K said, C shook his head.

"This is my own judgment. They are related to several murder cases. In addition, this matter must not be leaked. Do you understand? Someone has mastered such refined mechanical technology. This is not a technology that should be available in the city. You understand Is that what I said?"

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