Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1620 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 49 (Part 1)

In the smoke-filled office of Section 11, Latis looked at the prisoner in front of him with a solemn expression and a phone in his hand.

"Sir Latis, you can't do this. I pay every year, but this year my son's business situation is not very good. You just need to give me some grace."

"No money, no single cell! Next."

The man looked at Latis angrily.

"Is this what you are doing?"

The man didn't say anything. In an instant, a clerk who was escorting him took out a rubber roller and hit him hard several times. The man left crying.

A single cell costs 2,000 yuan a month. It has a shower and a toilet, and the beds are softer. The most important thing is that some weak people in the prison will not be bullied by some strong men in the same dormitory. The man just now owed a single cell for half a year. Room fee.

There are also enhanced single cells in the prison. It depends on how much you pay. The more you pay, you can get the reserved cell, and you can even eat whatever you want every day. The most expensive one is the 60-square-meter apartment-style cell, which costs 80 In case the price starts every year, the highest bidder will win, and some wealthy businessmen who have committed crimes can bid.

As long as some bullying behavior in the prison is not life-threatening, most officers will not care about it, especially those with serious crimes.

Latis looked at some trustees who were counting banknotes and shouted.

"You guys, don't make a mistake, and don't keep it for yourself."

"Okay Latis, who do you think we are."

Latis smiled as he watched a male prisoner walk in. She was holding a cigarette, clasping her hands together, and moving her ten fingers rhythmically.

"Lord Latis, let me make a phone call."

Latis winked, a director took the phone over, and the man made a call.

"Hey, wife, why haven't you paid the money from the prison yet? If you don't pay it, I will be kicked out of the single cell."

Latis took a look at the information of the prisoner in front of him. He lived in a cell with a salary of 4,000 yuan a month and some food options. He could listen to music and watch movies, but he could not access the Internet. Some department staff would regularly give him a few T-movies.

At one time, Latis also thought that the prison should be reformed and treat the prisoners a little better, but the prisoners formed gangs, fought against each other frequently, even communicated with people outside to bribe the officers, and even caused some troubles in the prison. Things happened, so Latis also gave up the idea of ​​treating them as human beings.

In addition, there is no money for prisons. In the past, every time he went to Congress to ask for money, Latis felt extremely angry. Now that the city is facing such construction again, it is impossible to invest more money in prisons. Yes, you can only figure it out yourself.

In addition to the super genetic food for heavy-duty prisoners, the quality of food in the other two prisons with large populations began to decline a few years ago. The prisoners who did not have enough to eat were making trouble every day, and Latis was very annoyed. , after thinking about it, we can only make the prison the same as the outside society, where rich people enjoy a good life, and people without money can only live a miserable life.

This also eliminates bribery, improves the food of the prisoners, and subsidizes the welfare of the 11 section members. In the past, the prison managers were the section with the worst welfare, and they had to watch these prisoners every day and conduct With boring jobs and lifeless prisons, many people are unwilling to stay here.

After much deliberation, Latis can only make a little money from the prisoners. If family members want to visit the prison, they will pay a visiting fee based on the prisoner's condition and the length of the visit. Some of the prisoners' labor income has now been used by the 12th Section. It was cut, and Clark took the cut because it was necessary to build a newer prison.

Finally the man in front of him stopped talking. He kept trying to persuade his wife to come over and pay, but for some unknown reason, his wife just didn't want to pay.

"I know, I'll tell you the password!"

The man said, and after a while he hung up the phone.

"My wife will come over to pay Sir Latis in a few days."

Latis nodded, then said hello, and the council officers sat over.

"These places have been transformed into 60-square-meter apartment cells. Now only one of them is unsold. A businessman will come in today and it should be sold."

"How many years will the sentence be?"

"13 years."

Latis said, a bunch of people laughed, Latis held the head.

"If Alpha knew, he would say we are rotten."

For a moment, everyone's faces lost their luster, and a director said.

"Just don't tell the president. After all, we have nothing to do. Now the food in the prison has been improved, the prisoners have fewer complaints, and some things have been added to them. They should be satisfied."

Latis hummed.

"Richard, please warn Section Officer No. 27 to be more careful and pay attention to safety measures next time they accept the body trade of female prisoners. In the past two months, among the female prisoners under his command , 3 of them are pregnant.”

At this time Latis seemed to have thought of something.

"I almost forgot. Freya's child should be able to crawl. I have to go see her."

Several council officers also nodded, and finally everyone decided to let Latis and two of the female council officers go to visit Freya. Everyone was recording what gifts they wanted to give, and asked Latis to buy them first.

Latis plans to save money and store it in the prison. After the construction in the city is completed, he will start building the prison tower. After all, if it is built now, the construction speed cannot keep up. When the city returns to normal, he will directly let 10 Coins be collected. If giant construction machines come out, it will be done in two or three months at most.

Latis pressed the number 0005.

"Alfa, I'm going to visit Freya at her home this afternoon. Will you go?"

"Do I have time to go? Latis, I've got rid of Fat Brother and will buy me a gift later to visit."

Latis smiled helplessly.


Charles looked at the powerful chief of Section 1 and some of the directors of Section 1 in front of him with a smile.

"Everyone, please leave after dinner. I've already asked people to prepare it."

Duan Kong shook his head.

"Sorry Mr. Charles, we still have some work on hand, so I'm sorry to disturb you today."

Charles smiled and looked at the eight people leaving. They seemed to have a good relationship with Freya. Since last year, people from the power circle and businessmen have been coming to visit Freya with gifts. The gifts have already filled the house. of 6 large rooms.

The relationship with Freya also eased a bit, because Freya said that she hoped that her daughter Michelle would enter the world of power in the future and asked Charles to reject all marriages. Charles naturally agreed, after all, instead of marrying those families , it is better to rely on Freya's relationship to push Michelle into the world of power. This is a huge benefit to the entire family.

After all, there was the example of Princess Alpha Angus of the Brilliant City. Nowadays, some people in the family have also changed their concepts, especially some small and medium-sized families. Because of the examination system for business affairs, most of them have Decided to put the child in the administrative department.

As long as you have the rights, there is no need to worry about making money. At this time, an old brown Beetle parked at the gate. Charles was a little confused because the car seemed out of place with the upper class, but he saw the person walking out. The people in Section 1 and the people in the car were talking about something, and Charles hurriedly came over.

"Lawyer Pullman, it's you, come in quickly."

Charles unexpectedly looked at the little girl who came in with Pullman, as if she had arrived at some incredible place. There was a strong sense of freshness in her eyes. To put it bluntly, she had never seen her before.

"It turns out that a big family lives in a place like this. It's so beautiful."

Fang Qin said, Pullman smiled and nodded.

"Can Charles find someone to receive this young lady?"

Charles nodded and took out the phone. After a while, the housekeeper came over. Although she didn't know who the little girl was, she came with Pullman.

"Just so Lawyer Pullman, I have something to trouble you with."

Looking at the things Pullman brought over, they were basically the same as those brought by others. They were all fresh fish and seafood, or some precious metal products. What Pullman brought was a set of laws, and it was Physical book.

This thing is very rare now and has great collection value.

"No, Lawyer Pullman, can I go up with you and take a look? I want to take a look too, after all, she is a legendary woman in the city!"

Charles looked at Fang Qin doubtfully and didn't know what to say. He put his arm around Pullman and said with a smile.

"Pullman, can you help me? One of our properties is now involved in black market transactions. Can you say hello to me? I have something to do."

"The only way I can help you is to introduce you to a good lawyer in this area, Charles."

Charles was a little disappointed, but he couldn't say anything, so he accepted the business card from Pullman.

"You are classmates. You should have a lot to talk about, so I won't interrupt you."

Charles said that he planned to go to the lawn and continue waiting. After all, Gary Locke, who was coming later, was a figure who could only hold the sky with his hands in the power world.

dong dong dong

Pullman stood at the door of the nursery market and knocked on the door. At this time, Freya was telling a story to her daughter Michelle, who was staring blankly at the light and shadow panel next to her.

"Really, you guys come one by one, can't you join us together?"

Freya said and glanced at her daughter.

"Michelle, go over there and play."

Michelle looked up at her mother, slowly crawled to a pile of toys, and started playing quietly.

"Wow, such a well-behaved little baby, does she understand?"

Freya smiled and nodded, looking at the little girl who followed Pullman in.

"Who is this?"

"Hello Ms. Freya, my name is Fang Qin. I am here with Attorney Pullman. I want to see you."

As she spoke, Fang Qin ran over excitedly and held Freya's hand. Freya nodded with a smile, looked at the straightforward little girl, and then at Pullman.

"It just so happens that I have some legal issues that I need to discuss with Miss Fang Qin today, so I brought her over by the way."

Freya stared at Pullman suspiciously. He immediately pulled off his coat uncomfortably, pulled it carefully, and then placed it on a chair.

"What a cute kid!"

Fang Qin ran towards Michelle, and Michelle laughed. Fang Qin took her little hand, and then hugged her directly.

"Miss Fang Qin, please help me keep an eye on my daughter. Pullman and I have something to discuss."

"Okay Ms. Freya."

The two came to a nearby living room, where the servants were still cleaning up.

"Tell me the truth Pullman, that girl is..."

"It's my client's sister, do you remember? After the case in which my client committed suicide, I was depressed for a long time. The overwhelming abuse and the suppression by the Bar Association made me depressed for a long time. For a period of time, apart from drinking, I just slept every day.”

Freya nodded in understanding.

"That's not what I want to tell you. Why does a girl pester you? Don't you feel anything at all? Or maybe your nerves as a man have been dulled and broken!"

Pullman smiled helplessly.

"It's really to the point as always, hey! I don't know what to say. That girl is quite nice. She works at Baozhen. I have been going to her house often since she was 11 years old, but we are not suitable for each other. Bar!"

"I don't think so. That girl seems to be a good match for you. It's time for you to think about marriage."

Pullman felt a little embarrassed.

"How can I settle this matter? I..."

"No matter what you do, my daughter will be able to crawl, and in a year or two she will be able to run and talk. She also needs friends."

Pullman nodded.

"I have also heard from Beckinsale that you are planning to push Michelle into the power circle. Are you making a premature decision?"

Pullman noticed Freya's serious expression and nodded understandingly.

"If she doesn't enter the circle of power, she might marry a man from a certain family. I know you don't want to see these things, but now the family as a whole has changed a little bit because of Alpha, hasn't it?"

Freya hummed.

"Only a small number, some poor and weak families place their hopes on their children, hoping that they will enter the circle of power to seek benefits for the family, but you should know where the business department is!"

"In a place like a meat grinder, meritocracy is the only thing. People without talent cannot climb up. The news last night amazed me. The operation led by Alpha to clear out the criminals in Area 58 was completed in less than 2 hours." After completing the suppression, our Bar Association has dispatched a large number of lawyers this morning and started accepting clients. By now, more than 5,000 cases should have been convicted. It is really like a machine that works efficiently, it is scary."

Freya nodded.

"I haven't seen Alpha for a long time. What she did is indeed a good thing for the city as a whole, but sometimes being too tough is not a good thing. I also hope that Michelle can follow Alpha as an example in the future and learn from her. The good part.”

At this time, on the lawn, Charles smiled and watched as Locke came over carrying a bag of things. There was a woman next to him, Latis, the section chief of Section 11. She was looking relaxed and smoking a cigarette.

"Both of you, Lawyer Pullman is still in Freya's room. Would you like to have a cup of tea first?"

"All right."

Charles took the two of them for a stroll. In the unique pavilion that had been set up, snacks and tea were already prepared.

"By the way, Mr. Locke, my daughter may enter the circle of power in the future, and I hope you can give her more support when the time comes."

Locke was a little surprised, but still nodded.

"A poor and weak girl cannot bear the high-intensity work of the business department."

Latis said, Locke coughed twice.

Charles said with a smile.

"Our family has a good education tradition, and I believe Michelle will be able to do the job."

After the three chatted for a while, Pullman came out with a little girl, and the two of them greeted her.

"General Manager, Your Excellency Latis."

Pullman said, and after the three of them exchanged greetings with each other, Pullman left, and Charles sent him out all the way.

After a while, the two came to the nursery. Freya was holding her daughter and coaxing her to sleep. The two did not go in, but waited for nearly 10 minutes. After Freya put down the child, the three of them arrived. living room.

"I'm really sorry for bothering you two."


Locke sighed with a sad look on his face, then took out the wine he carried with him and took a sip.

"Why are you drinking in broad daylight?"

"This place is about to explode."

Guy Luo pointed to his head.

Latis laughed, but still stood behind Locke, pressing his shoulders and the back of his head.

"It's probably because of the investigation of black market transactions!"

"I have already told Alpha to slow down. If we continue to work like this before the factory starts, our entire business department will have to work non-stop for a long time."

Latis hummed.

"Recently, our department has taken in a large number of economic criminals. To be honest, the prison is already overcrowded. It is okay to postpone the processing of some matters, instead of focusing on the most critical juncture."

Freya smiled and nodded.

"That stone head, I didn't listen no matter how I tried to persuade her. I just smashed it down with my fist. Now I'm fine. I was the one who got scolded because everyone thought I agreed with Alpha's actions and that's why she let her go. I can What do you say, Freya, if only Alpha had half, no, one-third of the feminine things you have."

Freya laughed and held up her phone.

"I secretly recorded it."

Locke's face turned serious for a moment.

"I'm just kidding, Your Majesty."

"I think if you have time, you can advise Alpha. Really Freya, now she has made our departments not only have to deal with corresponding matters, but also the problem of black market transactions. Next, she plans to crack down on the illegal body trade industry. ."

Freya and Locke both looked at Latis in horror.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"That would make the situation more complicated."

Freya said and Latis nodded.

"This is what she secretly told me when we were sleeping when she came over to my place to play too late a while ago."

"Then does Alpha have any means to deal with it?"

Latis nodded.

"She wants to negotiate with some businessmen first, so that these women who illegally trade bodies can work with them. She also plans to open some simple skill teaching centers across the city. Whitt has already responded. And Chris is also willing to help provide some teachers who can teach skills.”

After thinking for a moment, Freya nodded.

"It's a very complete plan, but it's a bit difficult to implement. The key is to invest a lot of money. This kind of thing cannot be rushed. As far as I know, for many women who are engaged in this industry, the longer the time, the harder it is to change. , it may be difficult for them to break away from this kind of career throughout their lives. I have helped some such girls in the past, but the good times did not last long. They soon left the workplace I recommended and returned to their old lives. "

The three of them fell into silence, and Locke stood up with a solemn expression.

"Alpha must not be allowed to take action now, otherwise the city will be even more chaotic."

"With Alpha's temper, fat brother, do you think you can convince her?"

Freya sighed.

"When Alpha comes home, I will go find her and discuss with her how to solve this problem. After all, the root of the problem lies in Qinglong Street, because the city has opened up legal body trade very early. Therefore, they are allowed to exist and operate. After all, too many things happened on Qinglong Street in the past, so instead of letting them grow wildly, it is better to legalize and regulate them. Most of them go to the upper Qinglong Street and work hard for a few years before returning. There are countless women who have gone to the lower class, and those who have been eliminated are now gathered in District 29, where no one controls, everything is free, and there is no need to be exploited by gang members and businessmen who have failed."

The two looked at Freya in surprise, not expecting that she knew these things clearly.

"Wang Ying lived in District 29 for a long time before. She also discussed this problem with me. It is really difficult to eradicate. We also discussed the future development trend of District 29, and in the end we only came to this result."

"It's true what you said. When I passed through District 29 a few times, I was a little surprised, because the quality of the women there was much higher than that of the lower class, but compared with the upper class, the price was a bit lower."

Locke looked at Latis suspiciously.

"What are you doing over there?"

"Can't you do something?"

Freya looked solemn and pressed her forehead with one hand.

"There is a way to solve it. There are no leaders there. We must select some leaders to develop the characteristic industries of District 29. Only in this way can they be competitive in a short period of time and survive, instead of relying on Lying in bed every night for others to enjoy, and gathering together early the next morning to wait for night to come, passing the time meaninglessly.”

"What kind of characteristic industry do you think is better?"

Freya laughed.

"It depends on whether you are willing to do a little favor, Mr. Manager."

"You tell me, I'll listen first."

Freya turned on her phone, then called up a detailed report on the medical industry, pointing to one of the drugs with a small annual output.

"Turn District 29 into a pharmaceutical industry zone, and let people from the 4th department teach the relevant technologies. If it's simple planting and cultivation, they should have the strength to do it. I will also find a way to coordinate all aspects of things. As long as To improve District 29, we must first block some of the sources, and then gradually solve this problem through Alpha's heavy blows, and through the Education Society to improve basic education and open some girls' schools."

Latis was a little shocked, and then Freya said again.

"There is also a more direct way, let that boy Noah develop robots for men and women. The realism and functional effects should be stronger, meet some of the deepest needs of men and women, and directly eliminate them."

Latis immediately laughed.

"It's impossible. The cost is too high. To reach the level you mentioned, how much would it cost to sell it?"

"Where's the rent?"

Locke coughed and stood up. At this time, Charles also came up. The two of them also planned to say goodbye to Freya. Latis needed to go to the General Affairs Department with Locke to hand over some financial issues in the prison.

After the two left the Abron house and strolled on First Avenue, Locke patted Latis on the shoulder.

"I know some things."

Latis looked at Locke in surprise, his eyes turned to one side for a moment, and his face turned red.

"Who told you that!"

"Don't care who told me, there are some things you can't do."

Latis became a little shy, and Locke was also a little surprised. He heard from Natasha about the internal rectification of the prison, and felt that Latis' method of using prisoners to make money was a bit too much, but he didn't expect Latis Being so shy, it seems very difficult to speak.

"I see."

"Ailatis, your change caught me off guard, after all."

Latis paused.

"Stop talking, I will have less contact with Alpha in the future, don't"

"What does it have to do with Alpha?"

Latis blinked, feeling that Locke was not talking about her and Alpha's problem.

"It's really none of Alpha's business."

"I'm not going to tell Alpha about this, just be moderate. After all, although the guys inside are prisoners, they are still human beings. There is a problem of violence inside the prison. At least do something."

Latis regained her usual coolness, shook her head and lit a cigarette.

"It's hard to say, every subject has its own problems."

Locke sighed.

"I know, that's why I tried to persuade you to deal with some problems in a humane way. It is a place for reforming prisoners, not a place where they continue to deteriorate. I have ordered everyone who knows about it to never tell Alpha. She If you knew, you wouldn't be able to lose face, you two are the best friends, if..."

Locke stopped, then closed his eyes and said.

"In case Alpha knows what Clark and you have done in the past and now, you can just push it on me. I will tell Alpha that I ordered you to do this."

Latis' eyes widened and his nose felt sore for a moment.

"Fat brother, you"

"The same applies to other people. If everyone knows about this, it will cause divisions. The position I stand in is to reconcile everything. I don't want to see everyone in the school become strangers in the end, just like a cold movie. Do you know about the machine? Latis, if it is really exposed, just push it to me, and don’t think about anything else."

Latis hummed.

"I'm sorry, fat brother, really."

Locke patted Latis on the arm.

"It doesn't have to be humane, but I hope you can be a little gentler and kinder when it comes to treating prisoners. This is much more effective than any harsh punishment or strict system. Do you understand! "

Latis hummed and bowed slightly. The man in front of him, who was much shorter than himself, was really watching them all the time, giving them help and care.

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