Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1629 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 52 (Part 1)


This sound makes many people feel at ease at this moment. It is completely different from the noise caused by the construction in the past three years. This sound is the sound of machinery.

Many places have turned into a sea of ​​celebrations. Outside a large number of factories, people are constantly shouting to ask workers queuing to enter the factory to complete the preliminary registration before they can go in and start work.

Some people simply slept on the street, many of them dealers related to factories. On the highways, the traffic flow that had not been seen for a long time began to become congested again, and lights like ribbons kept flowing. Towards the factory area that is now like daylight.

Most people who had gone to bed have also gotten up, and all walks of life are about to start operating.

It was just 2 o'clock in the morning in the ravine area on the western edge.

Noah and Noah and a large number of Section 10 members were waiting. On a light and shadow screen, waste had been discharged to an area less than 5 kilometers away from here, and nearby was a closed quarry.

A large amount of testing equipment has been set up. People from 10 departments will conduct detailed inspections on this waste discharge line for a month. They need to ensure that this waste discharge line is fully functioning normally, as well as the bridge machine in the middle. There won't be any problems.

Now is the time to start testing in the true sense. Previously, only phased tests in the region were done. If the factory does not start operation, the city's problems will only increase.

Coupled with the fact that such a problem has arisen now, Noah smiled easily and looked at Noah who was still staring at the light and shadow screen.

"Aren't you worried? You are her boyfriend after all."

For a moment, everyone around him looked over, and Noah smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay. If it's Alpha, there's no need to worry."

Noah waved his hands helplessly. Every time he asked Noah, he always said not to worry. In fact, he was very worried. Sure enough, Noah's eyes began to become serious. Noah stood up and patted his back.

"I think it's better for you to talk to her about some things. It might be of some use."

Noah shook his head.

"Did we meet Alpha on our first day? No matter what she does, I will support her."

Noah sighed. In order to get the western factory started all day today, Noah had not rested from morning to now. Later, when the problems caused by Alpha began to ferment, Noah was a little shaken for a while, but he still took the lead. Those who studied 10 subjects completed all their work just after early morning.

The city now urgently needs something inspiring to dilute the impact of the slave trade.

The wind began to get stronger, many people wore masks, and the wind carried a very unpleasant smell.

Noah thought quietly, things had become a little out of control, and no one could interrupt Alpha's actions, because everyone knew that this was a problem left over from the past 30 years. These problems were layered on top of each other, forming a chain. A huge net covers the city. It won't work unless it is dealt with, but once it is dealt with, it will affect the whole body.

Now Alpha's behavior has indirectly affected this construction project. The Angus family is bound to be criticized by all parties because of the problem of family slaves. The connection between the eastern and western construction projects is even more complicated. As for precision engineering, many projects cannot be stopped and must be worked on day and night.

The number of workers will be completely withdrawn from the construction after the factory starts. It is impossible to raise wages. Now the city is already in a state of overload. Even if the market prices of the most basic food and some commodities are suppressed, However, since the price of materials is in urgent need, suppressing it will restrict the development of the industry.

Nowadays, Section 7 and Section 9 are discussing to re-price some raw materials that are urgently needed. This is understandable. The price of construction materials will be relatively high in the future. No matter how to suppress it, inflation in some industries cannot be suppressed. Avoided.

Overflowing capital will flow to other places uncontrollably. The supply of food is now causing some problems due to pollution from construction. Even if the wall built by the gods has prevented the pollution problem from getting worse, there is still no way. What has changed is the shortage of labor force in the eastern grain base.

Coupled with the increasingly severe crime problem, the Angus family will encounter an unprecedented impact. Slowing down the construction speed means that the economic impact will be longer, but the amount of the impact will increase, and it will continue to remain the same as before. The speed of construction means that the economic impact will become more severe. If the Angus family cannot bear it, their family will be doomed.

The Angus family has invested nearly 20 billion in funds so far. The money is burning every second. The entire underground construction is calculated at more than 100 billion. It is impossible for Congress to get this money and can only pass it. Year by year taxes are slowly being paid to the Angus family.

Originally, the underground construction in the east and west could be completed with a maximum of 18 billion, but now it has exceeded the budget, exceeding the budget by as much as 6 billion. There are factors of crime, problems in various parts of the city, and Hillman. Fortunately, the Hillman family only recovered the investment principal and did not even ask for interest.

Now the Angus family is independently carrying this huge debt, and coupled with 200% of the stock market, the economic volume has exceeded 50 billion.

Enthusiasm for investment in all aspects continues unabated. Today, the Angus family must resume its normal business activities. Otherwise, it will be difficult to survive for a long time, and because a large number of incidents occurred throughout last year Construction accidents, and some members of the Angus family were involved in some criminal accidents and died, which has resulted in the current Angus family being exhausted.

Construction requires money, and the Angus family's industry also needs money, and Congress has now settled 10 billion to the Angus family, which is a drop in the bucket for the Angus family.

In Noah's opinion, the taxes in Brilliant City are relatively low. Starting from 3% of the monthly average personal income tax of 500 yuan, it reaches the highest point of 15%, which is already relatively low. The same is true for other taxes, which are all flexible. Under the tax system, we try our best not to hinder industrial development, and it is a relatively balanced tax system.

Over the years, tax revenue has basically been able to be maintained at less than 20 billion yuan each year. On average, a person's tax is less than 200 yuan a year. This is also a necessary means to stabilize the urban economic balance.

But now with the construction of the city, these have been disrupted. Congress has tightened all budgets. In addition, the money sold by the city is to support the research of Section 10 and the normal maintenance and operation of the agricultural base. , including the repair of some urban facilities.

Congress can no longer come up with too much money, and it is impossible to issue more banknotes. This will create a more serious vicious circle. The biggest disaster is the rapid disappearance of the demographic dividend, which has been controlled at a balance line. , but no matter what we do, there are still voices of dissatisfaction, and there are not just one or two such voices.

Noah and many other people in Section 10 are relatively supportive of the implementation of the citizen hierarchy. The gods have been discussing these matters from time to time recently, and Section 6 will continue to provide a large amount of statistical data in the city. These data are all in It indicates that if the city wants to continue to develop better, it requires the concerted efforts of all mankind, but this is obviously impossible. Where there are diligent people, there will naturally be lazy people, and even those who want to speculate and rely on criminal schemes. Benefits.

During the recent period, Noah has thought of many methods. The most effective method is to reduce the amount of solar radiation to reduce the consumption of mimics. It only targets the eastern and middle and upper layers where the photoelectric coating covers a relatively large area. This is the most effective approach.

Otherwise, the energy of the artificial sun will be consumed meaninglessly, and it will not even be converted into electrical energy, which is a failure.

But at a time when the climate sphere is not yet stable, the artificial sun must shine for a long time in order for the climate sphere to have a certain degree of greenhouse effect and stabilize the city's temperature.

In recent years, due to the relatively large temperature contrast, countless people have become sick, and because these people are sick, they will waste a large amount of medical drugs. As a result, the medical market has begun to increase prices unchecked in recent years. In addition, industrial District stagnation.

These are practical and realistic problems. At this time, Noah stood up, and everyone looked at the place under the edge. Along with a sharp and pungent metallic smell floating in the air, everyone instantly saw a Some black water flowed out of a large pipe with a diameter of 3 meters, and soon there were specific values ​​on the light and shadow panel, which contained a large amount of industrial toxic substances.

Everyone in Section 10 has begun to get busy. In a short period of time, it is necessary to see how much waste is excreted in the entire factory currently under construction, so that we can continue to provide reliable and powerful data for the subsequent construction of urban pipelines.

"Hey! I think I should take a good vacation."

As soon as Noah finished speaking, many staff members looked at him, and Li Guoguo said with a solemn expression.

"Rest? That's a nice thought."

Many people laughed for a while, and Noah stared quietly at the brightly lit place behind, his eyes filled with uneasiness.

2:13 am

The wind was floating quietly, and Freya stared quietly at the underground training ground of Section 5 in front of her. At this time, a large number of directors of Section 5 were standing aside, and her daughter Michelle had been handed over to a female director. As the officer watched, everyone felt something strange at this time. The two people in front of them, one was serious, the other was relaxed, both had a cigarette in their mouths, and everyone was sweating for Alpha.

In the past academy career, Alpha often fought with Jean, and the battle between the two of them was extremely fierce for everyone. Jean would not show mercy, but it was almost the last time the two of them fought. It’s been 10 years.

At this moment, both of them are looking at each other, and the battle will start in an instant until the winner is determined. This is the rule of the Academy of Gods. This is for every student in the school in the past, and the gods All battles are like this.

"Give up! If you continue, the situation will be very bad."

Alpha shook her head. Her drunkenness had begun to fade away. She exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at Jean opposite her, her expression becoming serious.

"What do you want me to do?"

Jean smiled and looked at the stairs on one side.

"Everyone is worried about you Alpha!"

Alpha shook her head, looking at the half of the cigarette left in her mouth, she grinned slightly.

"I've been thinking about a question for a long time, Uncle Gene!"

Gene nodded.

"You once said to all of us that justice requires a price. This is indeed true. I have been thinking about this issue since the Hydera case. The two people who came to prevent this unfair verdict , and paid a corresponding price!"

"This is also inevitable Alpha!"

At this time, Alpha lowered his head quietly and looked at his feet, with his shadow dragging long behind him.

"But I still don't have an answer after thinking about it. The price is inevitable, but when this price is paid, what comes with it? I have thought about this question countless times, Uncle Gene, when should we see the problem arise? When it comes time, choose to handle it properly or deal with it directly, the two choices will bring completely different results!"

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke, sat cross-legged on the ground, smiled and nodded.

"Of course there are differences, issues with conservative treatment and aggressive treatment!"


Alpha shook his head, took the last puff of cigarette, threw down the cigarette butt, and raised a fist.

"Remember when you talked to me? Uncle Gene."

Gene stood up from the ground, smiled and nodded.

"As long as you have the power, you can do anything!"

Alpha nodded, bowed down little by little, turned his body slightly sideways, raised his left fist slightly, and placed his right fist on his abdomen close to his ribs.

"But Alpha! Something's up"


Along with a violent roar, Jean had raised his right hand to block it.

Alpha landed instantly, causing the entire ground to dent, and large-scale cracks began to appear on the entire ground. Jean grinned slightly and flew backwards quickly.

The power released by Alpha in an instant directly tore the special alloy ground used for combat. At this time, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and a large number of cracks extended to hundreds of meters before stopping.


Jean's whole body hit the wall, and cracks appeared in large areas of the wall behind him, but soon these cracks slowly disappeared, and Jean easily slipped from the wall and fell to the ground.

"It seems like I can't suppress you anymore, in this form!"

There was a knowing smile on Jean's face. He looked quietly at Alpha who was walking slowly across from him. Over the years, she had become stronger. In the past years, Jean had met Alpha countless times. Fighting, carefully guiding Alpha in everything he does in battle, time flies by so fast, it has already been so long in the blink of an eye, Alpha is already 30 years old.


Jean stabbed his chest with one hand, and the blood that flew out instantly was like exploding water droplets. However, the blood gathered in the air, changing color little by little. Jean took out a drop of blood from the heart. A spider-shaped machine was thrown directly at the door.

The color of huge blue particles is changing from light blue to dark blue. A large number of blue particles are floating on the surface of Jean's body, and his eyes have become like a vast blue ocean.

"It's time to start Alpha!"

Alpha closed her eyes and raised her head slightly, as if she was feeling something. The moment Alpha opened her eyes, purple and cyan particles echoed around her body.

"The president seems to have successfully controlled the use of two kinds of divine power!"

Suddenly, Alpha suddenly retreated to the left, a violent sound broke through the air, and a blue light fell instantly. Alpha's eyes widened, and a gray vision appeared in his mind. Such a feeling and body The organs feel differently, but can see the short-term future.

Bang bang

With the sound of violent punches, Alpha caught part of Jean's fist and successfully dodged part of it.


Jean's attack fell instantly, and Alpha sideways dodged. The flying blue particles were like fireflies. In an instant, Jean's figure broke away from the blue ocean, and his fists smashed down directly.


Purple particles wrapped around Jean's fists, and Jean was caught instantly.

With a roar, Alpha suddenly jumped up, and his right elbow hit Gene's heart unceremoniously.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by splashing blood, and Gene's chest instantly turned into a piece of flesh.

Many people outside the venue exclaimed, and many directors were shocked, because they had never seen this before. Every time, Alpha was pushed to the ground by Jean, and every time, Alpha was pushed to the ground by Jean. En was beaten until he fell to the ground.


With a loud noise, everyone looked at the sunken ceiling, and Gene's entire upper half had sunk into the ceiling. Alpha exhaled and landed on the ground.

Purple and cyan particles are always surrounding the body. The entire battle field, which is made of special alloy and looks like an extremely strong iron box, is in a mess. Many upturned metals have devastated the entire ground.

Gradually, Jean made a move. He raised his hands and pressed them on the edge of the metal wall that had been completely raised and cracked. With a click, Jean came out from the ceiling and landed easily on the ground. , looking at Alpha across from him.

"You're still not familiar with Deguna's power. If you have time, you must take the time to train with her. The purple power of God is not so easy to control, Alpha!"

At this time, Alpha had dispersed the purple particles, which gradually disappeared into the air. Alpha felt that both sides of his brain began to feel unusually tired.

"This blow will give you 6 points."

The moment Jean finished speaking, blue rays of light appeared on Alpha's side.

The banging sound continued, and the cyan scabs continued to crack and peel off from the surface of Alpha's body. Alpha could hardly see Jean's attack speed clearly, and could only rely on the visible limit of the cyan god's power for 2 seconds. In the future, we will continue to defend. Although the purple god's power just now is used as the strongest telekinesis power, which can perfectly capture the actions of all mutants, using it will rapidly consume physical strength. Now we must continue to wait for the opportunity. Just fine.

It is impossible to completely defeat Jean, but Alpha once heard Li Chu say that their gods have four forms. The power of the normal gods is already very powerful. In order to suppress the power that will continue to spread, With the collective efforts of the 10 departments, a powerful suppressor was installed on the hearts of all the gods, which can stop the heart directly.

Jean's speed seems to have no limit. Alpha can no longer feel the angle, force and direction of the attack. She can only stand on the spot and constantly rely on creating blue scabs to defend, but this perception of God's power It is super first-class, but the density of the scab cannot be compared with other divine powers.

The ground was constantly shaking, and Alpha kept walking around, enduring rapid and powerful attacks again and again, constantly changing its position.

Suddenly, with cyan particles spreading all around and then disappearing, Alpha found an opportunity.

"it's here!"


Among the countless blue beams of light that passed through Alpha's side, one of them fell instantly. With a violent collision, dense invisible fists fell instantly like a rainstorm, and Gene's figure was pulled out.

Alpha jumped away quickly, panting and half-crouched in front of Gene, her feet already bowed, and she was ejected in an instant. The ground behind her could no longer withstand such a huge force, and the whole piece was chipped away. .


Gene protected his body with both fists, and Alpha's fist landed on the point where Gene's fists crossed. At this moment, Gene noticed a flash of black. In a sudden move, Gene flew out again, and his two fists flew out again. The dark blue scab on his body shattered directly, but Jean did not fall on the wall. Instead, he was accompanied by violent air-breaking explosions behind him. He stabilized his figure in the air, and Alpha exhaled. Already half squatting on the ground, some black particles began to appear from Alpha's eye sockets.

"Stop fighting, President!"

Gil shouted in shock, and instantly his whole body was flashing with red particles. Along with the red current, the person had already rushed over. At this time, Alpha felt an extremely subtle feeling, and the huge roar in his heart was about to come out. , a feeling of being about to break out of the cocoon filled her whole body, and her head felt a little hot.

Gil, who landed next to Alpha, felt something strange. Jean had already arrived at Gil's side first, holding Alpha's suddenly attacking fist with one hand.

There was a loud bang, and Gene's entire arm instantly turned into dust under the impact of black particles. Gene grinned slightly, Alpha pressed her chest, and Gene pinched her with his other hand. neck, directly pressing her to the ground. Jill looked solemnly at the black particles that had pierced her palm, feeling an unprecedented chill.

"Adjust Breathing Alpha!"

Others also ran over worriedly, and gradually their eyes, which were already beast-like, began to return to normal. Gene let go of his hand, and Alpha got up, pressing his forehead with one hand.

"I lost!"

The people around looked at Alpha worriedly, and everyone was sweating. The moment these violent alienated particles suddenly appeared, everyone followed Gil. At this time, Alpha seemed a little lost, and Jean squatted. In front of Alpha.

"You've passed this time, it's up to you to do whatever you want!"

Gil looked at Jean in shock, who had already stood up and was about to leave, and ran over and grabbed him. Everyone looked at Jean. The only one who could stop Alpha from continuing was Jean, but he did not stop him, as if he was Confirm what is normal.

"If you all believe Alpha, it'll be fine!"

Freya looked at Jean walking towards her quietly, and then a smile appeared on her originally serious expression.

"Mr. Jean, are you really not going to say anything to Alpha again?"

Freya looked at Alpha whose expression had softened and his eyes were no longer confused. Jean smiled and shook his head.

"It's time to go back to bed, miss, you drank tonight!"

Freya smiled and held Jean's arm. This was the first time she had seen such a battle, and it was also the first time she clearly realized that Jean and the other six gods were really not human beings.

Alpha stood up, a little shaky, and the council officers next to her supported her.


Gil glanced back at Alpha and looked at the punctured place on his palm. Although it had begun to heal, it left a black spot.

"Please believe me! We can no longer deal with these things slowly. Maybe we can wait for the city to stabilize and deal with it next year or the year after that, but then there will only be more people involved in crime. It's like A huge cycle, we must cut off the chain of evil and cultivate enough soil for the city to allow the next generation to grow up healthily!"

Jill looked up.

"Just rest well until tomorrow morning, section chief. I will take everyone to deal with the rest."

Alpha looked at the students around him gratefully and wanted to bow, but was helped away by two female council officers.

At this time, Gene was already sitting in a Section 5 takeoff and landing aircraft. Next to him, Freya was holding her sleeping daughter and sitting in the co-pilot.

"Maybe I should have believed her from the beginning!"

Freya shook her head.

"Your relationship is really indescribable. Mr. Jean, this trusting relationship makes me feel a little envious! Indeed, as Alpha said, she may have seen the essence of the problem early on, and just wanted to It is very difficult to deal with and requires too much time and energy.”

Gene nodded.

"Because of this, someone has to do it. As long as the city can cross this threshold, the situation will be much better. After all, we don't want to forcibly put shackles on everyone. The matter of citizen level can be done for the time being. Slow down.”

There was a trace of panic in Freya's eyes. It was the first time she heard this thing, but Freya understood it in an instant.

"This is not a good thing Mr. Jean!"

Something happened tonight, so I can only update once, sorry!

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