Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1636 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 54 (middle)


The temperature in the entire city has risen a bit, and many people can only hide in their houses. The entire city is like a steam room, and the feeling of humidity and heat pervades every corner of the city, except for the edges where the temperature is slightly cooler.

Ye Chunwang took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was walking in a quiet neighborhood with a bunch of things in his hand, surrounded by small single-family buildings with front and back yards.

It used to be quite lively here, but now it is a place where managers live for their retirement. Ye Chunwang’s home is also here. Both of his sons and daughters have entered university. His wife will attend some events held by retired managers with some friends with whom she can talk. Ye Chunwang occasionally goes to banquets.

After a while, Ye Chunwang came to the entrance of a courtyard located behind Area 10. In the courtyard, Hawke was watering flowers, humming a tune, wearing a women's sun hat, a white sports vest, and a blue coat. shorts.

"I heard that Kailin is sick."

Ye Chunwang said as soon as he passed by. Hawke was a little surprised and then opened the door. He and Ye Chunwang had some differences in the past. They were both from the same era and are now in their 70s.

They were injected with the original life-span vaccine before the life-span vaccine was officially developed, but as mutants, they live longer than ordinary people, especially Hawke who can't even see the slightest bit of aging now. In the prime of life.

The two had disagreed on many issues, especially on agricultural planting. Hawke initially felt that it was necessary to replace humans with machinery, but Ye Chunwang insisted on using human power. Both of their views had their own drawbacks.

"It's just a slight cold, it's okay, but it really surprised me that you came over."

Hawke took the gift from Ye Chunwang and took him into the living room. Ye Chunwang looked at the mostly youthful decoration style in the house, which was very warm.

"Tell me what you want to talk about. You won't come to my house once in a few years. I'm retired, and so are you. It's up to young people to make their own decisions. They are no longer children."

Ye Chunwang frowned slightly. He had indeed come to Hawke to talk about something. However, numerous disputes with Hawke in the past, as well as numerous fights due to disagreements, had made the relationship between the two very bad.

"It is true that we are no longer young Hawke. I once asked Jean, but Jean did not give a clear answer, and the same goes for several other gods."

As Ye Chunwang said, he called up a joint internal report of Section 12 and Section 11. These reports were sealed by the General Affairs Section. Except for the section chiefs and secretaries of Section 11 and Section 12 who wrote the report, no one else had the authority to view it. Yes, if you want to view it, you must get approval from Gary Locke and the permission of at least one god.

Hawke's expression became serious, and suddenly he angrily grabbed Ye Chunwang and pulled him directly into the air.

"I said I've retired, and you still want to show me something like this? What the hell do you mean? What bothered me the most about you since a long time ago is your hesitation. If you have anything to say, just say it. I watch these things.”

"Hawk, what's wrong?"

His wife's voice came from upstairs, and Hawke immediately calmed down and let go of Ye Chunwang.

"Sorry Hawk."

Ye Chunwang lowered his head. He also knew that he could not make a decision. In this report, 432 serious criminals died during the experiments on super genetic food over the years. People from the 4th Department helped cover up the truth and gave specific details. Reports of illness and death.

Nowadays, 90% of serious criminals are sick to varying degrees. By stimulating plant hormones through chemical and physical means to cause differential proliferation and growth, some giant crops will be obtained by chance. If you use these giant crops to cultivate and grow, the plants that grow will become giant, and giant plants need to consume more nutrients. After eating this super genetic food, your body will usually develop symptoms within half a year. The most common problem is hormone imbalance, and hormone imbalance can cause different types of disease problems.

As well as a variety of genetically modified plants that were cultivated under previous multiplication technology and were able to mature several times a year, they succeeded at the cost of the death of 1,392 serious criminals.

This super genetic food is far more harmful than before. According to some current test reports, more serious criminals may die in the future.

Nowadays, Prisons 1 and 2 and Prisons 3 and 4 are two completely different places. In the two prisons where serious criminals are held, in addition to the prisoners who died due to genetic food, 21 serious criminals were directly executed. of.

Now there are some rumors in the society. Section 11 is abusing prisoners, while Section 12 is using heavy-duty prisoners to secretly research higher-yield food. There is no airtight wall in this world, although many rumors have been made by Section 2 who have tried every means. I suppressed it, but in fact, people who work on the farm have seen these things to some extent.

"You want to ask me if I should stop the people from Section 12, but I can clearly tell you Ye Chunwang, you are the one who took them out hand in hand. It is up to you to decide, rather than hoping that someone can help you."

Ye Chunwang said yes, things are always relative. When they inflict cruelty on others, they don't know that they are cruel to themselves. Ye Chunwang talked to Clark several times about this issue, but Clark didn't take it seriously. In the end, Ye Chunwang had no choice but to do so. Speaking of this issue, he is now a little worried about the people in subject 12. These students who used to be his are now completely separated and opposed except for the handover of work.

This was what Ye Chunwang was most worried about. He really couldn't make up his mind, so he came to Hawke, a man who had always been on the opposite side of him in the past. He hoped to get some pertinent advice from him.

"Sorry Hawke, you have obviously retired."

Ye Chunwang stood up and was about to leave, but Hawke pushed him down on the sofa.

"Since you're here, let's have a meal before leaving."

Ye Chunwang hummed, lowering his head with a slightly embarrassed expression. Hawke shook his head and saw that Ye Chunwang had turned off the light and shadow screen.

"Ye Chunwang, I think there are some things that we really shouldn't interfere with anymore. This era has its own practices. We are already people of the previous era. Many times I feel anxious when I am at home. Those During the year, I often couldn't sleep or eat at night. It took me nearly 3 years to get out of that high-pressure state and finally live a normal life. Don't interfere anymore. This is what I give to you. Views."

Ye Chunwang had a look of helplessness on his face, but he still nodded.

"The population will continue to increase in the future, Hawke. So many people need to eat every day, but it is never a good thing to be too eager for success. Even the current genetic food is not 100% safe, if these things are exposed."

Ye Chunwang did not continue, but Hawke nodded in understanding.

"Lies need to pay a price. I just hope that such a price will not be in the near future, preferably after my death."

Hawke laughed loudly, and the tangle on Ye Chun's face relaxed a little. He also knew that there were some things. If he intervened now, it would only make the situation in Section 12 worse, so he could only wait.

Ye Chunwang looked at the flowers swaying in the breeze outside the window, and his frown relaxed.

"Do you really plan to spend your whole life just on the land? Ye Chunwang, now that your two children have gone to college, do you plan to let them enter the professional field in the future?"

Ye Chunwang shook his head.

"What about you? Hawke, aren't you planning to have children?"

Hawke shook his head.

"The genetic material of my wife and I has been stored. It will be fine in a few years. I have just enjoyed it for a few years. Ye Chunwang, you have thought it over yourself. If you are really worried, go there yourself." Not pointing fingers from the sidelines.”

Ye Chunwang hummed, and Hawke turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Come and help, after all, the food you make tastes better!"



Along with the sound of breaking wine bottles, people in the tavern looked at each other in disbelief as they looked at a few guys who usually idle around in the area, gathered around a long-haired beauty.

The woman is tall and has a beautiful face. Although there are some dark spots on her nose, it is really difficult to see a beauty of this quality in a place like this. She is wearing a pair of tight jeans with a black sports vest and jacket on top. Just putting it aside, his smooth arms looked a bit strong.

"Miss, we just want to treat you to a drink. How about a favor?"

The wine glass had just been broken on the ground, and the foam was gradually dissipating. Seven people gathered around the slightly drunk woman. Everyone knew what they wanted to do, but the seven people did not force it. After all, it was the season now. Here, criminals will definitely be taken away by Section 5.

It's just that intimidation and threats are the usual methods of these people. At this time, a middle-aged man stood up.

"Forget it, I think this young lady is in a bad mood today."

The man who took the lead in the harassment instantly pushed the man away and looked at him fiercely. The middle-aged man walked aside with his head down in a sensible manner, and no one dared to care.

"How about Miss, let's take you to a fun place."

A man put his hand on the beautiful woman's arm, and she just watched quietly. There was no anger in her heart, and she had no intention of resisting. There was despair in her eyes that were as gray as ashes.

The people next to them all lowered their heads, and they were too angry to say anything about this idle little gang that usually relied on coercion and inducement to make money.

The guy who takes the lead is called Eric. He is just in his early 20s this year and is already part of this small gang.

"It's fun, the place we took you to."

Eric lowered his head and moved his head towards the woman. He squeezed the woman's arm with a little more force, but he was surprised to find that the muscles on the woman's arm were very hard, and he felt a little timid.

"Oh, I'm exhausted. The boss brought me a bowl of salt-and-pepper chicken drumsticks and dried fish to go with the wine. I'm going to eat until I die today."


The door of the tavern was pushed open, and Xiong Dabiao walked in with a dismayed face. Everyone seemed to feel at ease for a moment.

"Dabiao, why did you take over the shift again?"

Xiong Dabiao took the tattered black towel and wiped the sweat from his cheeks.

"Hurry up, boss, I'm going to starve to death, hurry up."

The boss at the bar glanced at Xiong Dabiao.

"Be careful of choking you to death."

Everyone in the tavern laughed, when Xiong Dabiao noticed Eric and his group.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Xiong Dabiao coming over, several people immediately got out of the way. Everyone knew that you couldn't mess with a stupid guy like Xiong Dabiao in this place. No one wanted to have anything to do with this stupid guy. Eric let go He lifted his hand and sighed.

"I'm helping this lost lady solve her problems."

Xiong Dabiao glanced at the broken cup on the ground and the drinks on the ground.

"You think I'm a three-year-old? Eric."

Eric looked hurried for a moment, turned around and wanted to leave, but Xiong Dabiao grabbed him by the back of the collar.

"What are you doing Xiong Dabiao? If you want to fight, I'll call the people from Section 5."

This group of people was severely beaten by Xiong Dabiao in the past few months. All of them went to the hospital, and people from the 5th Department also came over. Xiong Dabiao went to the farm for two months and then came back. This group of people also So it's a bit more restrained.

At this time, the hotel was filled with joy. It was completely different from the atmosphere just now. The woman raised her head and looked at Xiong Dabiao, feeling that this guy was a little strange. Everyone around him greeted Xiong Dabiao.

Xiong Dabiao looked around blankly, but there was no one at the woman's table in front of him, so he sat down.

"Miss, let's share a table together. Boss, hurry up. The bones must be fried to a crisp."

After a while, a large pot of fried chicken legs, a side of dried fish and a bucket of beer were brought over amidst the laughter of everyone. Xiong Dabiao picked up the bucket, took a sip, and then sat down. He buried his head in eating.

The woman opposite was stunned. She looked at Xiong Dabiao as he was gobbling up the bones. He chewed the bones twice and then swallowed it. He held the wine barrel with one hand and ate the meat with the other, like a beast that had been hungry for many days. , people nearby sent some of their leftover food to him.

After a while, there was a lot of food on the table.

"You gave me so much food, I can't finish it."

"Just pack it up and take it back."

Xiong Dabiao thought so. At this time, his face was covered with sauce, some hops, and some food crumbs. The woman opposite put her hands on her chin and smiled on her face.

"My name is Olivia!"

"My name is Xiong Dabiao."

For a moment, everyone around was dumbfounded that such a beautiful woman would take the initiative to say hello to a rude and disrespectful guy like Xiong Dabiao.


Xiong Dabiao put down the wine barrel comfortably, leaned directly on the chair comfortably, raised his head, yawned, and patted his belly, and Olivia laughed.

"Aren't you afraid of bursting your belly?"

"What can I do? My stomach is only half full. I'm just a little full after drinking so much wine now. I can eat it all after I pee a few times."

Olivia just quietly looked at the man chatting and laughing with the people next to him. Although he was indeed rude, she could tell that he was a relatively straightforward person, very casual, and seemed not to have any worries.

Olivia officially resigned yesterday. Even if the people above her are very optimistic about her and can send her to further her studies and improve her position, Olivia does not intend to continue to stay in Section 12. Those few hours just now The gangsters, she could deal with them with one hand, but she felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

Olivia could no longer do the work in Section 12. She had been depressed in that depressing environment for many years.

The resignation application that was written before has been postponed because the secretary Natasha wanted her to stay and talked to her many times. In the end, Olivia stayed. However, the most recent time, she shot and killed her with her own hands. After killing a serious criminal, the tight string in his head was broken.

At that time, they urgently escorted a serious criminal who had fainted on the farm back to the prison for treatment. However, after removing the collar, the serious criminal took one of Olivia's female colleagues hostage.

The situation continued to escalate. Olivia would always remember that when the heavy-duty prisoner who roared at her asked what he had given them to eat, she could not answer anything. There was something wrong with the food they were given every day. After Olivia was promoted to squad leader.

Finally, when the severe criminal became more and more agitated, he fainted again. She originally thought she could subdue him, but Olivia was still too naive and was choked by the extremely angry severe criminal.

Olivia didn't want to die, and these were the only three words that came out at that moment. Finally, she fired, one shot after another, until the serious criminal let go, firing 15 shots in succession.

Olivia was not at fault after that, and even the death of this serious criminal was falsified into some kind of disease. The superiors just told her not to say anything, and there would be no problems.

Olivia has received psychological counseling, but it is meaningless to her and has no effect at all. Now she can only rely on drugs to make herself fall asleep.

Suddenly, Olivia watched the wine in front of her slowly turn red, and it turned bit by bit like blood. She folded her arms in horror. In a daze, her face and body were covered with blood, and she trembled. stand up.

"Hey, are you okay?"

A pair of rough hands held down her arms. Olivia came back to her senses, pressed her forehead and shook her head. This incident had caused great harm to her. She knew that she could not get over it. , so she wanted to go to that world after having a drink today.


Olivia stood up, turned around and walked out of the tavern after paying the bill. Xiong Dabiao looked at this tall beauty and felt something was wrong for a moment. Then he stood up to pay and a bunch of people booed him mockingly.

"Stop making trouble Dabiao, what kind of beauty would you do with a migrant worker like you who has been carrying bricks at construction sites all year round?"

Xiong Dabiao waved his hand and walked out with a smile. What he saw was bottomless despair. He had actually observed this woman. He seemed to have had combat training and his skills should be good.

Olivia came back here today to take a look at the director of the orphanage, but the orphanages have gone bankrupt, and the place where the orphanage used to be has been turned into a store, with nothing left.

Looking back carefully at her life, she found that she had been patrolling the streets during those years. In addition to going to school, she also participated in handling some major incidents. This kind of work was really not suitable for her. After that, she was assigned to Section 12.

Resigning is not that simple. Olivia went to Section 2 yesterday and signed a confidentiality agreement and received an additional salary of 10,000 yuan. She must keep everything at work secret. If she violates it, she will be punished. He was regarded as a criminal and was directly arrested by Section 2.

Olivia knew this was no joke, because someone who had resigned before leaked what happened on the farm was really arrested.

"What on earth have I been doing all these years!"

Olivia was walking on the street helplessly. In a daze, she saw that when she was in school, she had a little ideal. She wanted to be an upright manager in the future. But after she really started to become a manager, Olivia is disappointed. She is deeply disappointed with this system.

Soon Olivia walked into a back street. At this time, a man on the street followed quickly. Xiong Dabiao also noticed that the man following him was very fast and agile. He was not an ordinary person.

Soon Olivia came to a deserted street, surrounded by some dilapidated houses. It seemed that no one lived here anymore, but Olivia could still recognize that this was her starting point, and her impression was There was some confusion in the story. Her mother asked her to wait for her here, but after waiting for two days, her mother still did not come back. In the end, she was sent to an orphanage.

A black pistol was taken out from Olivia's pocket. She smiled bitterly and sat in the place abandoned by her mother in Dannian, next to an old black electric pole that had long been abandoned. .

Olivia looked at the gun in her hand quietly. She pointed the gun at her head and held it up with one hand.

"Can I say something?"

A man suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley. He walked over slowly and showed a certificate from the 2nd Section Officer, which only contained numbers and numbers.

"I just want to find a place to die quietly. Am I not allowed to die? I have donated all the money to the orphanage. I will not reveal anything about you."

The member of Section 2 nodded and squatted next to Olivia.

"There are many people like you who can't stand some things within the system. In this high-pressure environment, we can only move forward and work like machines. When an order comes from above, we must move, as cogs! Because if we don’t move, the huge machine of the city will be paralyzed, I have read your information!”

Olivia pressed her head in pain and slapped it with one hand, pain clearly visible on her face.

"Look ahead, maybe this is a bit cruel for a depressed patient like you!"

The staff member of Section 2 looked at the woman in front of him. She had potential depression and it was in her genes. Her mother also committed suicide in the past. When the orphanage was demolished, these information were found and included by Section 6. The mother of the woman next to her committed suicide, but no one in the orphanage told her.

Olivia's cheeks were twisted and she kept shaking her head. She could no longer bear the pain in her heart. She just wanted to be relieved as soon as possible.

"Sorry, I can't help you much!"

The member of Section 2 stood up and watched Olivia point the pistol to her head little by little. He had to follow and then, based on the situation at the scene, recover the pistol that Olivia had smuggled out of the operations section. gun.

The staff member of Department 2 knew very well how tortured this disease is for people. The reason why he followed Olivia was because he knew that she had depression and might commit suicide at any time, and she had just committed suicide yesterday. Resign.

This matter cannot be allowed to be taken advantage of by those who are interested. This is the responsibility of this Section 2 staff member, especially since Olivia has no relatives and what she has encountered before, that is what caused the depression in her body to awaken. fuse.

Olivia raised her head quietly and took one last look at the dazzling sunshine, with a smile and a look of relief on her face.


A black shadow fell, and Xiong Dabiao's eyes widened. The gun had been crushed into scrap metal by him, and the bullet scratched Olivia's cheek, leaving a blood mark.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Xiong Dabiao's eyes widened and he looked at the member of Section 2 next to him with a solemn expression.

Olivia lowered her head and said nothing. Xiong Dabiao hurriedly took out a bottle of hemostatic spray from his pocket. This thing is often used on construction sites, so he will bring it with him.

With a touch of coolness, Olivia raised her head, her eyes blank and downcast.

"Isn't it good to be alive?"

Xiong Dabiao asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Give me the gun."

The member of Section 2 stretched out his hand. Xiong Dabiao handed the scrapped gun to the member of Section 2 next to him. He looked back at the sturdy man. He didn't know what to say to him, so he turned around. He left quickly.


Olivia looked at Xiong Dabiao blankly.

"Yes, alive!"

Olivia smiled bitterly and kept shaking her head, and suddenly she punched him in anger.


Xiong Dabiao hit his head directly.

Olivia's eyes widened as she looked at the pair of faces that were as big as copper bells, clear and clean, and looked a bit simple.

"What exactly are you"

"Who would watch others committing suicide without being indifferent, except of course the cold-blooded guy just now!"

Olivia raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and her hand was already red. She just punched hard, but her hand was injured.

"Come on, I'll take you to my house and have a nice drink. If you need anything, you can tell me. I can help you if I can."

Olivia shook her head.

"You can't help me. I have depression. Maybe I don't even know if I can."

"What is it? I've never heard of it."

Just as Olivia was about to say something, she was hugged directly by Xiong Dabiao and started running quickly.

"Xiong Dabiao!"

The men in Section 2 looked at the light and shadow panel and saw a series of bad records. Basically, they may have spent a lot of time working in Section 12 throughout the year, but they were basically released early. The people in Section 12 basically refused to change. , the god of plague who is full of nonsense and rude is avoided.

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