Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 166 Mine Town (Part 1) 35 updates please subscribe!

After replenishing some water and eating some dry food, Gene curled up quietly and planned to take a nap. It was indeed too uncomfortable to move at night.

This area with a large number of metal reservoirs was built by humans more than a hundred years ago. Gene still clearly remembers the underground structure, but a serious accident occurred later. In order to compete for water sources, a battle started here. A brutal fight.

Nowadays, many bullet marks can still be seen on these old water tanks, as well as some long-abandoned guns.

The wind poured in from time to time through the broken holes. Jean didn't sleep very peacefully. The water storage tanks around him would make whining sounds from time to time. Fortunately, Jean was in the water storage tank in the middle, so it was so cold. He could bear it.

Jean just wanted to rush to C139's home mining town without stopping. At that time, Brilliant City was under construction, all kinds of resources were scarce, and various forces, large and small, were fighting on their own. In the end, these forces were integrated little by little, and everyone was able to achieve the goal. Consensus, building a stable city requires a large amount of mineral resources.

Fortunately, a large amount of mineral deposits were discovered in the eastern part of the barrier, and the mining town was established. However, when the mining reached a certain level, the mining town was abandoned. There are still a large number of wooden houses built with wood there. As well as shallow tunnels, these places have become the most ideal residences for residents of the barrier area.

The straight-line distance from Mining Town to the East Guard Station is only 70 to 80 kilometers, and you only need to make one trip every month before the relief grain distribution.

The temperature was getting lower and lower. With a thought from Jean, light blue light particles floated out, and a rusty iron plate on a water tank opposite was removed. It happened to be the same size as the hole through which Jean came in. The hole was blocked, leaving only a small hole.

The temperature will get lower and lower as time goes by, and it may exceed minus 50 degrees in some places. Gene can finally sleep peacefully. He has not had a good rest for many days.

"Lazy bastard, get up, the sun is shining on you."

"What time is it Ellie?"

In a daze, Jean opened his eyes wide and pressed his forehead with one hand. He felt a biting chill as soon as he moved. Jean looked at the time. It was just past 5 a.m. and the temperature would start to rise in an hour.

After drinking some water, Jean walked out of the water tank directly. With firm eyes, he stepped onto the cold land again, jumped onto a water tank, exhaled, and light blue particles began to float around his eyes.

"I no longer have time to take it easy."

There was a loud whooshing sound, and a large piece of a water storage tank was dented, and Gene turned into a blue light and flew out.

There was a sound of crying, Le Xiao kept wiping her tears, and her nose continued to flow out. Huashen silently began to recycle the needle injection machine on the patient.

"At 5:56 a.m., the sixth patient died."

This was the first time Le Xiao had truly seen the moment of death. She and her mother had attended other people's funerals before.

It was obviously normal a few hours ago, but Le Xiao almost didn't sleep a wink all night, and Huashen was also working hard. Three old people, two women and a child died in just two hours each.

Huashen began to pack up the bodies, then wrapped them in their original clothes and began to carry them out one by one, placing them casually at the door.

"This is my first time seeing this kind of thing, Le Xiao."

Hua Shen, who came in, looked at the child sitting in front of the child whose condition had begun to worsen and the ulcerated part of his chest had been removed. His heart rate was still falling.

"It happens here every day. People in the barrier area are not easy to get sick because they have already adapted to this harsh environment. Moreover, the temperature here is extremely low, and it is difficult for viruses to survive. In addition to many bacteria and toxic particles, once here When people are infected, the only way is to heal themselves, just like the beasts in the woods in the past. However, self-healing requires the body's metabolism to accelerate cell division and finally produce antibodies to resist, and all of this requires nutrition. These people have been infected for a long time. When you are hungry, when you are sick, there is only death.”

Le Xiao's eyes were red and she looked at Huashen quietly. He seemed to be used to it. Huashen smiled helplessly.

"These people are like garbage thrown out from the city. In such a doomsday, all this is understandable. Survival of the fittest. Only the winners have the right to live under the sun. The losers can only set foot on this dark land. The sound of the mourners in this land will cease abruptly in that ravine, and no one will hear it.”

Le Xiao looked at Huashen blankly. He smiled helplessly and tiredly.

Didi didi

At this time, Le Xiao looked at the light and shadow panel popping out of the syringe of the child in front of her in panic. Her heart rate was constantly decreasing. She hurriedly came over and grabbed the hand of the child in front of her, choking and crying. It's rolling down.

"Come on. Come on."

Le Xiao felt the little hand in her palm trembling slightly. The child in front of her eyes widened and smiled slightly, but soon the smile solidified, and the pupils began to expand, gradually turning gray, darkening little by little, and losing their luster.

"The seventh patient died at 6:09."

I don't know how much time passed, but Le Xiao couldn't calm down. Her heart was empty. She looked at her trembling hands, unable to do anything at the moment when her life passed away.

After a while, Le Xiao realized that Huashen was still busy, carefully observing the condition of each patient, changing the needle water, and Le Xiao quickly stood up and wiped away her tears.

"I'm sorry, Doctor Huashen, I"

Huashen smiled and shook his head.

"After all, people are just emotional animals. They will feel uneasy when they see tragic things. The same goes for people in the city. Anyone who comes here and sees all this will be the same as you. It's just that the people in the city are concerned about everything outside the ravine. Choosing to forget is the right thing to do, and it is also cruel. Indifference to life is the greatest sorrow for people. It’s okay. There is no need to remember everything here, and there is no need to forget it, but you must remember that in this way In a world that has long been destroyed, weakness is the original sin."

Huashen stood up and yawned, keeping a smile on his face.

"Jean should be able to see and hear this, right? Why."


Huashen sighed with emotion and continued.

"That guy is also exhausted, trying his best to maintain the existing fragile order, because once the order collapses, mankind will return to an era of only blood and violence. Work hard after going back, time is really It’s a good thing.”

Huashen said, stood up and walked out, while Le Xiao looked at everything in front of her with dull eyes.

"Food, as long as there is food, can't we solve many problems?"

The image of working in a restaurant and pouring the wasted food into the processing tube came to mind.

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