Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1653 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 60 (Part 1)

“It’s been almost 60 years since our city was founded!”

Pullman stood on the middle stage with a relaxed expression. At this time, everyone in the auditorium was sweating for Pullman, because the key point of the ruling was still immunity, no matter what rhetoric and Means, it is still difficult to overcome the issue of immunity.

"The city's laws were established 40 years ago, and the family's immunity has existed since the city was founded! I said from the beginning that this dispute should not revolve around immunity! The reason why I will Well, it’s because there are clear provisions in the family’s immunity. After any member of the family breaks the law, he does not need to bear criminal punishment, but only needs to bear financial punishment!”

"I object. This issue has been discussed in detail in the previous two lawsuits. Pullman's lawyer's remarks have seriously violated the Law Department's regulations on not repeating issues!"

One of the justices banged his hammer.

"Objection valid!"

Pullman smiled and bowed.

"Lawyer Pullman, please don't repeat the issues in the past two lawsuits. We have already seen the trial materials and carefully considered them."

"Now I want to ask a new question!"

Pullman raised a finger, stood up straight, and looked at the Chen family and the legal team.

"In fact, because of the indifference of the Chen family, Ms. Wilsey suffered countless physical and mental violence from her husband Chen Liang, which ultimately led to Ms. Wilsey being unbearably humiliated and choosing to commit suicide. Presumably she had The mental state is very bad!”

"be opposed to!"

The other side's lead lawyer stood up again.

"Please tell me the reasons for your objection! Lawyer Zheng Cheng."

The family's chief lawyer named Zheng Cheng stood up and bowed.

"Lawyer Pullman is secretly changing the concept. In fact, although the Chen family collectively lives in the manor belonging to the Chen family, there are independent families of all sizes. If indifference can lead to a person's death, then this Society has long been dead! This is a domestic violence issue arising from the family built by Chen Liang and Wilsey. I hope Attorney Pullman will not involve other members of the Chen family! Moreover, this point of debate has already been discussed in the first session. There was already an argument in the legal trial! So Attorney Pullman is subverting the concept.”

Zheng Cheng came out, directly brought up a light and shadow screen and continued.

"The logical question should be like this!"

Zheng Cheng said as he clicked on a file on the light screen. After the file was opened, he continued.

"Because Wilsey married into the Chen family and married Chen Liang, the couple had conflicts during the marriage. In the end, these conflicts could not be reconciled, which ultimately led to Wilsey's suicide! It was not caused by the so-called indifference mentioned by Pullman's lawyer. , someone from the Chen family has indeed seen it, but the problems between husband and wife should be solved by the husband and wife themselves, rather than relying on other people in the family! For example. "

Zheng Cheng said, turning to the people in the auditorium.

"Let me ask you, if you have a conflict with your partner, from verbal to physical, is it one-sided? Or is it both sides?"

Pullman understood what Zheng Cheng said. He was directing everyone's thinking towards the conflict between husband and wife. They each insisted on their own opinions. The real situation was not clear to outsiders because these problems arise little by little in life. Little problems pile up.

"The objection is valid! Lawyer Pullman, please raise new questions directly instead of repeating old ones!"

Pullman bowed and nodded.

"So what about the actual harm! What I want to elaborate on now is this issue. My client Jewell has been identified by a professional psychologist! It is already a third-level psychological disorder and is likely to develop into a fourth-level psychological disorder. Abnormality will eventually turn into a complete mental illness, which is difficult to cure!"

The five justices also began to read. On the light and shadow screen were diagnostic reports for Jewell. There were a total of 30 authoritative psychiatrists in the city.

"My client, Jewell, has begun to have mental illness, which was caused by being in a family environment like the Chen family for many years. Now there is a shadow in Jewell's heart, and he often can't sleep at night because of his mother's death. I wonder if we continue to let him Back at the Chen family, his father Chen Liang has been convicted of LV1 crime of violent injury. According to the Violence Law, he is not qualified to continue to raise Jewil!"

After Pullman finished speaking, he bowed and left the center stage. At this time, the five justices were watching, and some people in the gallery were also watching.

"The defendant!"

Zheng Cheng stood on the middle stage with a smile.

"Of course, the Chen family has decided that Chen Jie's second aunt will raise him. As for Chen Liang, he will be sent to a mental illness treatment center for compulsory treatment. In the future, the Chen family will also hire professional psychological counselors in the city regularly. Provide psychological counseling for Chen Jie, so I don’t think Chen Jie should leave the Chen family.”

A satisfied smile appeared on Chen Dong's face, and Zheng Cheng added at this time.

"As for the marriage issue, the Chen family has indeed signed a marriage contract with the Angus family. We will naturally give a clear answer to the questions that Pullman's lawyer raised in the second trial!"

As he said this, Zheng Cheng immediately brought up a light and shadow screen and started talking about things in school.

"According to our investigation, the relationship between Chen Jie and Nia Angus, the second daughter of the Angus family, is very good. Lawyer Pullman once said in more sensational words that Chen Jie will make the same mistakes again and fall into misfortune. marriage, but there is a lot of evidence that shows that men and women who had a good relationship as children have a higher probability of a happy marriage after they finally live together!"

After Zheng Cheng finished speaking, he bowed and returned to the dock.

"Adjourn the court for half an hour!"

The five judges turned and walked into the reconsideration room at the back.

Pullman was silent, and the lawyers next to him were still discussing countermeasures. Because in the last trial, public opinion overwhelmingly supported Jewell's separation from the Chen family, so the five justices were dismissed before the final trial. jury.

Originally, if the jury was present, it would be more beneficial to Pullman and the others. Now it seems that the situation is not good. The plan failed. The other party did not give themselves any chance and clung to the immunity.

Pullman originally planned to guide the other party bit by bit, bringing the matter into the issue of whether the environment is suitable for Jewell's growth, and then began to cite some children's problems caused by environmental problems in the past to proceed to the next stage of the debate. , but now the first stage of the trial has ended suddenly, indicating that the five justices have now reached a preliminary conclusion on this case.

Now it's obviously not feasible. The other party has made all preparations. The implication is that it will give Jewell a good living environment and there is no need to continue the debate. The situation is terrible.

In a legal lawsuit that was fundamentally unequal because of immunity, this lawsuit ended in vain from the beginning just like last year's lawsuit against everyone in the Chen family.

The five justices also knew this, so they ended the trial and adjourned for deliberations.

Pullman looked at Jewell next to him worriedly. He should also know at this moment that this child is quite smart and there is actually no room for maneuver in this lawsuit.

The assumption that Chen Jie wants to leave the Chen family will only have a chance unless no one in the Chen family except Chen Jie is able to continue raising Chen Jie. But now that the other party has blocked all the places, Pullman feels that for the first time Powerless, as if you are clearly stronger than the opponent, but you can only let the opponent defeat the weak in the ring, and you are powerless on the sidelines.

9:21 am

The five justices are still looking at various materials over and over again. The matter must be concluded today. Although the five justices sympathize with Jewell's experience, it is unfair to mix sympathy and pity into the law. practice.

The faces of the five people looked a little bitter. This lawsuit is related to the future of the family as a whole. If this breakthrough is opened, the law will lose its fairness and public opinion will prevail. This is not what the five people want to see, nor what they want to see. It should be the ultimate result pursued by the law, with public opinion overriding the law.

The facts are very clear. Jewell has lost his mother and his father has been sent to a mental health center. However, this does not mean that the relatives of the Chen family and Jewell who are related by blood cannot afford to raise Jewell, as long as someone is willing to take the responsibility. , and the Chen family has already done everything, as well as the subsequent psychological treatment, the Chen family has also promised.

No matter how you look at this kind of thing, it is impossible for the plaintiff to win. The five people had decided long ago that they would not let the Hydera case happen again. The city's situation at that time did not allow it, and the gods became decisive. intervening factors.

God's orders cannot be violated. In the Hydera case, the pressure they suffered came from the gods, not the bar association, nor people from the business and political circles.


The window of the room opened. At this time, all five people looked towards the window. Gene was squatting at the window with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Lord Jean!"

The five people looked at Jean quietly and stood up and bowed. Jean nodded and motioned for the five to sit down.

"Are they gods?"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"No one will interfere with you this time. The last time was 6 vs. 1, in order to appease the city, so Hydera is guilty! Even if I think he is innocent, nothing can be changed, but this time is different. I believe in what you hope in your heart. and establish your faith in the law.”

The five justices looked at Jean in surprise. The moment the five saw Jean coming here, they clearly felt the pressure, so they did not make a conclusion and chose to adjourn the court temporarily. But at this moment, the five judges I was excited inside.

"You are the founders of the laws of the Brilliant City when the city was founded. You should be very clear that the divine authority is above all else, and that the Brilliant City does not need laws, only systems, but the city still has laws. Why is this? "

Gene smiled, nodded at the five people, and planned to leave.

"So, Mr. Jean, what are you doing?"

"I just brought a little girl in. I have to go back to work. You, the knowledgeable people, will make a fair judgment this time!"

After Jean disappeared, the five people bowed to the place where Jean disappeared. At this time, the five pairs of eyes that looked confused just now regained their luster. After the five people looked at each other, they nodded to each other and walked out of the review room. .

"Plaintiff's lawyer! Do you have anything else to say?"

Pullman nodded, patted Jewel on the shoulder, stood on the middle stage, bowed again, and then bowed to the people in the auditorium behind him.

"The last thing I want to say is, please think carefully about the future of my client, Jewell, a young man. If you continue to send him back to that sad place, what will happen to him in the future? Very cruel!”

Pullman bowed. At this time, Jewell, who was sitting on the plaintiff's bench, lowered his head. He was in a daze, his hands clenched the rope in his clothes, and his emotions became excited again.

Looking at Pullman who returned to his seat expressionlessly, Jewell looked across at his uncle Chen Dong. He looked angrily at some of the family members sitting behind him, but after seeing Chen Qiao , Jewell’s eyes softened.

"Defense lawyer! Is there anything else you want to say?"

Zheng Cheng stood up and shook his head.

"The plaintiff invites you to make your final argument!"

Jewell stood up from the chair tremblingly and walked slowly to the middle stage.

"I hate the Chen family. I hate them. No matter what the verdict is today, I have already changed my name. In my heart, they are the ones who killed my mother!"

After Jewell finished speaking, he walked off the stage and walked directly into the side door, no longer intending to hear the outcome of the verdict.

Jewell quickly walked through the corridor of the Law Hall, intending to return to the lounge, but the door of the lounge was open at this time.

"Judgment! Plaintiff Jewell dismissed."

Niya hurriedly closed the light and shadow screen and looked at Jewell who walked in with a smile.

"Chen Jieweier, how are you?"

Jewell shook his head, shrugged his head and sat on the chair. Niya walked over and closed the door.

At this time, a hand stretched out, and Jewell raised his head blankly.

"Give me!"

Jewel shook his head, and Niya suddenly pounced on him. Jewel roared angrily, but Niya pushed him directly onto the sofa, and the rope in his arms was snatched by Niya.

"give me back!"

Niya is holding the rope, which is still warm from Jewel and is getting cold.


Jewell rushed over angrily, and Niya, who was originally smiling, suddenly looked like a roaring lioness, and her fist hit Jewell's nose unceremoniously.


Jewell raised his head, lifted his feet off the ground, and hit the sofa directly.

"Idiot! I won't give it to you even if I say you won't! Instead of watching you commit suicide, it would be better for me to beat you to death today!"

Jewell got up angrily and rushed towards Niya. The two fought directly. Niya did not dodge. Jewell punched herself and she would hit back twice as hard.


"My head is very tough. It's impossible for you, a weakling, to defeat me!"

Niya's eyes widened, and Jewel's fist was still on her forehead. She used her thumb to scratch away the nosebleed, and suddenly punched him. Jewel staggered to the ground and fell to the ground again. Can't get up.

From sobbing quietly to crying loudly at the end, Niya sat quietly aside, and the two of them never said a word.

"Have you lied down enough? Get up when you have lied down enough!"

Niya said, Jewel looked at the ceiling blankly, still at a loss, Niya directly pulled him up from the floor.

"You idiot! If I were you, I would go home. I want to eat this today, eat that tomorrow, buy that and so on the day after tomorrow. I just want to torment everyone in the Chen family to collapse. If you are dissatisfied with my behavior, just tell me to get lost. If you dare to hit me, you are abusing me. I am mentally ill!"

Jewell looked at Niya in surprise as the spitting stars were splashing. Niya let go of Jewell's collar, took out the rope, and then took out the lighter.

"Niya, wait."

"What's this thing for?"

The blazing flames ignited. Under the firelight, Chen Jie's expression was very calm, and Niya next to him hugged his neck.

"Don't worry. It is absolutely impossible for me to marry you. Don't even think about it in your life. They may be able to arrange everything for you, but my parents want to arrange everything for me. In my life, there are only three Words, impossible!”

After Niya finished speaking, she slapped Jewell on the shoulder, and he sat down on the ground with a grin.

"A friend of mine once told me that as long as your body and mind are strong enough, you have nothing to fear! Listen up, Jewell, don't give me such weak thoughts as suicide. You are different from your mother. Jewell, your mother She is the bravest woman I have ever seen in my life, but what you are doing now is not brave, but cowardly! Remember to come to school in a few days, you idiot!"

Niya kicked open the door to the lounge. The corridor was full of people. Niya stared sideways at the leader, Pullman, who was smiling at herself.


Niya clapped her hands as she spoke, rubbed the black embers on her hands onto Pullman's lawyer uniform, and walked away.


Pullman said, Jewel, who had already walked over, shook his head, and Chen Qiao was already waiting aside.



Chen Qiao left with Jewell who was in an embarrassed state and his face was full of injuries. Pullman looked at the two people who left quietly.

Pullman knew from the beginning that the lawsuit would be lost, but he still came all the way here.

"Although the result is regrettable, don't be discouraged! If you want to change anything, you can't rely on us, nor can you rely on the huge public opinion."

At this time, a large number of people outside the Supreme Law Hall shouted that the verdict was unfair. People from the five departments formed a human wall, directly blocking the surging crowd. Alpha and Heathcote walked out side by side, and reporters immediately followed.

Alpha still looked serious under the camera. Faced with the reporter's questions, Alpha didn't want to answer, but was pulled back by Heathcote next to him.

"As I said at the beginning, I can't help those women who are suffering in unhappy marriages within the solid walls of immunity! If they refuse to come out, there is nothing I can do! Please give way, I will return There’s work to be done.”

Alpha quickly walked down the stairs, and Heathcote next to him said with a smile.

"As long as someone is willing to come out, this trial is not the end, but the starting point!"

Alpha hummed and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It is precisely because of this that the existence of our department has the meaning and value. Let's prepare well. On May 1 this year, the first city meeting will be held."

At this time, reporters rushed to the Law Hall again. The presidents of the eight major associations came out. Freya held the hand of her daughter Michelle and walked at the front.

"President Freya! What do you think about whether this legal judgment is unfair?"

Freya looked at Alpha who entered the lift and said with a smile.

"I am also a victim in such a family-style marriage. I will not remain silent. The future needs to be fought for and created by the women in our family. I will end it. This kind of marriage has only business and no love. Marriage will not be allowed to continue to the next generation."

Freya's words surprised everyone present. She glanced at her indifferent daughter. Her daughter didn't like to smile since she was a child. This may be due to the influence of herself and her husband Charles. The child is like a mirror. , in such a cold family, a smile is a very precious thing.

Various questions continued, and the other seven people helped Freya answer some questions. Freya held her daughter's hand and looked back at the crowd of people pouring out behind her.

"Look at all this Michelle!"

The daughter nodded.

Today's verdict is unacceptable to many people, especially those happy families where love exists.

Many people know that because the family has immunity, but in this trial, the plaintiff has no point at all to leverage immunity.

Many people feel sorry for this child named Jewell, because everyone knows how cruel it is for him to return to the home where his mother committed suicide.

With the breeze caressing, Gene sat quietly on the top of the building of the Law Hall, looking at a Chen family helicopter that had gone away. He smiled and took a puff of cigarette, exhaling the smoke softly.

"I will keep my promise, Wilsey! If that child really encounters a big problem in life that is difficult to decide one day, I will give him a push!"

Gene glanced at the letter in his pocket that Wilsey intended to send to her son, and shook his head.

"Maybe it's no longer needed!"

In the lift, Jewell was leaning against the window, looking at the city filled with sunshine. Chen Qiao next to him lowered his head. The uncle and nephew were both the same, very sad. The uncle and nephew loved each other most in their lives. The woman left.

"Uncle, I don't want to go back today!"

Chen Qiao nodded and immediately asked the people in the cockpit to change the route.

"I'll take you to Qinglong District to have some fun."

Jewell nodded, and Chen Qiao patted Jewell on the head with one hand.

"I'm sorry, Xiaojie, it's all my uncle's fault."

Jewell shook his head.

"I have decided that I will slowly take control of everything in the Chen family. Then I won't need you to marry into the Angus family."

Jewel laughed and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, uncle, I don't want to rely on anyone from now on!"

There were discussions everywhere in the city, and many people could not accept it. Some people spontaneously organized a sit-in at the door of the local law hall.

Although most people were dissatisfied, they did not take any extreme actions, because last year's riots had made most people sober up. Once a riot broke out, what impact would it have on everything in front of them.

The results are disappointing and unacceptable, but life will go on, and most people begin to feel that something must be done.

At this time in the family area, many women took to the streets, many with their children, and they began to walk toward the family territory of Abron.

Violet quietly looked at the women who had entered the Eberron family manor in the distance, knowing that everything would begin to change, because Freya was about to take action. She had already made a decision a few months ago. A family women's rights association was established within the family.

Many women have joined in. At the end of last year, Locke announced the date when the parliamentarian group and the executive branch were officially established. On January 1 this year, the executive branch was officially established, and a three-year handover was carried out. Although the results There were a lot of surprises, but overall, it went smoothly.

At this moment, Violet realized that Alpha could not do anything for the women of the family, at least not to end this transactional marriage, and now this issue was thrown back within the family.

Freya will personally lead the women in the family to fight for their rights and interests. Marriage will definitely be on the table in the future, and family marriages will eventually be included in the supervision of marriage laws.

Violet sighed and put a hand on her forehead. Avano walked over beside her.

"Perhaps we haven't known much about Alpha since she was very young. She is obviously our daughter."

Violet nodded.

"What she sees in her eyes is much deeper than ours. If the women in the family cannot stand up and resist on their own, no matter how much help the city gives us, it will not help!"

At this time, Charles was sitting quietly in the study. There was a silver coin placed in front of the table. Charles had never forgotten the fact that he had thrown away the coin that Freya cherished. He had been looking for it all these years, and recently he finally found it.

Looking at the large number of women gathered on the family lawn outside, they were all waiting for Freya to come back.

Wilsey's death made many people realize something, not only those men and women in miserable marriages, but also some children.

At this time, the elevator landed on the lawn in the distance. Charles stood up, glanced at the coins in his hand, put them in the drawer, and quickly went downstairs.

Soon Charles came to his wife's side and happily hugged his daughter.

"Freya, thank you for your hard work!"

Freya shook her head.

"Michelle, take a nap on time at 12 o'clock, one hour, remember it!"

Charles looked at his daughter with some distress. Freya was too strict with her, so strict that Charles couldn't stand it many times.

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