Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1670 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 65 (Part 2)

May 1, 2219

4 a.m.

Wu Qun climbed up from the bed, raising the corners of his mouth slightly. Circles of flame-like red ripples flashed on the surface of the phone next to him. Wu Qun glanced at the phone, and the ripples disappeared. Along with the slowly rising white light, a piece of A light and shadow screen appeared in front of Wu Qun.

Countdown to city meeting starts at 6 hours, 59 minutes and 1 minute

“This day has finally come!”

Wu Qun looked at his broad palm quietly and moved his fingers. Until now, Wu Qun still wonders whether this is a long dream he had.

It has been 25 years since he graduated in 2194. After Wu Qun stood up slowly, he walked to the bathroom next to him. After setting the water temperature, he waited quietly and looked at himself in the mirror. His fat figure started to feel... Rounded cheeks.

All this is too long for Wu Qun, but it is all worth it. Everything that needs to be done next has been everyone's deepest wish for many years. In the past, they have smashed these things countless times and swallowed them in their stomachs, burying them deeply in their stomachs. From the bottom of my heart.

"It's been too long!"

Wu Qun raised his head and stood in the water droplets that began to pour down. Heat steamed up around him, and waves of eager emotions began to heat up his cold body.

No one can go back to the past, and no one can predict the future, but the past can be eaten and the future can be caught.

From the moment he stepped out of school, Wu Qun was full of enthusiasm and wanted to change something and achieve something, but reality poured cold water on him time and time again. In just a few years, Wu Qun felt that he was completely cold. .

"No one is right, the key is what you want to achieve!"

Wu Qun smiled. At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Old Wu, hurry up, we are all ready."

"Don't be in a hurry, you can get to the General Affairs Department in time even if you walk."

Wu Qun smiled, and the councilors under him couldn't wait to hurry up. Today is an important day. The first round of city meetings will start at 10 o'clock. The meeting will last for three days. They need to be there for three days and three nights. In the halls of Congress, solve some of the current problems in the city.

Taking advantage of this meeting, Wu Qun and seven others joined forces to promote the intra-regional economic flow model. If they want to curb the growing capital, they must format the economy. This is the most effective way to solve the economy.

Build each district step by step into a point in the entire economic industry chain, and let the economy continue to flow slowly. Only in this way can everything in the city be stabilized in a steady stream.

Wu Qun knew very well that this was a huge and long-term plan that could only be carried out gradually to slow down the economic growth and stabilize market prices. This was the only way for a city to develop in the long run.

In the past few years, Wu Qun and seven other people have discussed this issue, and for the first time, everyone's opinions are surprisingly consistent.

"Old Wu, hurry up!"

Wu Qun smiled, wiped off the water on his body, turned around and walked into the living room, walked slowly towards the door, and put on the light and shadow bracelet. The moment Wu Qun stepped out of the door, the light covered the surface of Wu Qun's body. , when Wu Qun walked out of the door, the member of parliament had already put on his uniform.

The long corridor of the dormitory area of ​​the district authority was full of people. Wu Qun smiled and nodded and walked slowly. The councilors followed Wu Qun one by one.

“The breakfast in the General Affairs Department is delicious!”

Wu Qun licked his lips, and Yin Xianglin's appearance appeared in his mind.

4:11 am

"Wake up Michelle!"

"Mom, where are you going?"

Freya smiled and pulled back the quilt. Her daughter still seemed unwilling to get up.

"Have you forgotten? My mother told you a few days ago that she has a very important meeting today. She has got rid of the people from the General Affairs Department to take care of you. Can you wait for your mother in the General Affairs Department?"

Michelle nodded obediently and went to the bathroom by herself after getting up. Frye also got up at 3:30 in the morning and had already finished grooming. After her daughter has sorted everything out, Freya will take her daughter to the General Affairs Department. .

Her daughter's movements seemed lazy, which was a sign of reluctance. Freya smiled. She did not rush Michelle. Adaptation requires a process. Now Michelle is more than 3 years old and can do it independently. A lot of things.

Freya often thought that maybe she was a little too selfish and helped Michelle choose a path without permission. Charles had talked to her many times about this.

After noticing her mother's gaze, Michelle speeded up the washing action on her hands. She didn't quite understand why her mother always kept her by her side. She was always very strict. Michelle also wanted to have fun, but now Playing every day is an extremely luxury thing for Michelle. If she doesn't finish what she should do, there will be no time to play.

Looking at her daughter who was taking care of her messy hair after washing, Freya leaned over happily.

"Remember what mom said!"

Freya bent over, looked at her daughter with a cold expression in the mirror, and smiled.

"The future is visible!"

Michelle didn't know what this meant, but her mother would always repeat this sentence to herself.

Freya got up and walked to the door. Next to her, Charles had also gotten up.

“I don’t feel comfortable handing my daughter over to someone else, so I’d rather let her go home.”

Freya shook her head.

"Today is very important, Charles. No matter what you say, Michelle will be waiting for me in the General Affairs Department. She will see everything, although she can't understand it yet!"

Charles hesitated to speak, but finally gave up. His daughter was really well-behaved and sensible, knew many things, and could do many things independently. This was also the reason why Charles felt relieved. His wife did not overly oppress his daughter, but Let my daughter gradually learn self-discipline.

"It's done, Mom!"

Michelle stood up straight, with her little hands behind her back. Freya looked at her for a while and then nodded, reaching out to hold Michelle. At this time, Michelle looked back at her father who was waving and smiling at her, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. .

Michelle likes to be with her father. Her father is very easy-going and not as strict as her mother. As long as she makes the slightest mistake, she will be punished.

After taking another look at her mother with a serious expression, Michelle looked forward. She also liked her mother very much.

Everything today is extremely important to Freya. The next step in the city's medical reform is imperative.

In order to alleviate the increasingly demanding medical market, what Freya wants to do is to popularize medicine and simplify it into all stages of education as an elective course, which can greatly increase the number of doctors.

And it must be implemented starting next year. Although it is difficult, it is for the future of the city.

Nowadays, the population of the entire Brilliant City has exceeded 22 million, and the number of officially registered doctors is less than 7,000. In the worst case, one doctor needs to deal with 3,000 patients, and the gap in medical talents is already quite large.

It takes at least 10 years to train a qualified doctor. If starting from university education, the production cycle of a qualified doctor is 10 years. In these 10 years, there will be a gap in urban medical care.

If doctors can be trained from basic education, this gap will gradually be filled and eliminated. Although this will cost the city more resources, it will be worth it.

If a city really wants to advance to the next era, it must have a good urban foundation. Freya's mind was filled with the sight of the man named Li Fu crying that night.

Taking advantage of this construction to lay a good foundation for the city is what they need to do now.

Beside the fountain of the mansion, the car had been waiting for a long time. After Freya took her daughter into the car, she set the destination, the General Affairs Department.

"You can sleep a little longer Michelle."

Freya said, Michelle obediently leaned towards her mother and closed her eyes. Freya looked at the maple trees slowly passing by outside the window. Some family members who were invited to listen also started to move. .

The first topic had been decided early on. After seeing the Chen family's car, Freya leaned on the cushions with a slightly tired look.

"Where can I go?"

Everything in the past no longer exists, and even the slightest trace is hard to find. All things do not only have good sides, and they can always move towards the good side. Freya glanced at her sleeping daughter and touched her. holding her head.

Although it was a bit cruel, although it was unreasonable, and the child should obviously be given the right to choose, Freya finally made up her mind and planned a set path for the child.

It seems very common for parents to impose their wishes on their children, but Freya has done what she wants. She only intends to give the best parts to her daughter in the future. Her daughter will definitely surpass herself, this is Freya's ultimate goal.

Freya looked at her well-behaved daughter with a smile and gently stroked her back.

Please forgive me, Michelle!

4:16 am


Whit stood quietly in the lobby of the district office. When he saw Chris and a group of people coming down, he walked over with a smile.

"Principal Whit, thank you for coming to see me off."

Whit raised his hand, and Chris extended his hand. The two high-fived and smiled at each other. Vehicles were parked outside the district office. Whit was very happy. The day had finally come.

Education is a topic that will always be debated, and there will always be problems no matter what. Over the years, with the support of Chris, the basic girls' school has been running smoothly.

This time Chris stepped into the halls of Congress with many questions. Whit knew very well that the future would undergo earth-shaking changes after today.

Especially when it comes to education, today's education based on elite egoism is the best education in the city. Whitt has never recognized such a templated education, and many schools have been affected by this trend.

In order to ensure the employment of their graduates and the reputation of the university, some universities have even issued some relatively strict school rules and will even dissuade some students with poor grades.

Utilitarianism dominates education. Whit and Chris share the same philosophy. For both of them, education is the cornerstone of urban development. What they want to do now is to change all this.

The education plans introduced by the gods in the past have provided a large number of talents for the city. However, there are also a large number of people who cannot tolerate such an education system. Although Chris has planned and adjusted many schools, he has never been able to satisfy most of them. people.

This cruel and helpless educational selection system has cultivated batches of elites, and most of the city's job positions are also becoming elites. This is what the gods want to see.

This is an extremely dangerous phenomenon. In the view of Whit and Chris, education has been fragmented and reduced to a tool, a tool for cultivating elite talents. This has become more and more serious under the leadership of the supremacy of professional elitism.

Looking at Chris who was still talking with other congressmen, Whit took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff. She breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at the smoke floating away.

"Didn't you quit?"

Whit shook his head.

"It's up to you Chris, now we have a certain amount of initiative!"

Chris hummed and bowed to Whit.

"Just stick to your own ideas, Principal Whit!"

Without too many words, both of them knew what to do next. The model of elite education had begun to be finalized in basic education, which would completely solidify the already solidified strata in the city.

"Have you ever considered a practical question?"

Whit asked and Chris nodded.

"This is a huge and complex issue. What should we do, or what should we provide to the city, and what should we let the city choose? This is just the beginning!"

Whit smiled, nodded, and patted Chris on the shoulder.

"Don't let this separation continue, Chris, go ahead! Embark on the battlefield that belongs to you."

After Chris nodded, he turned around and led a large number of congressmen into the car. Watching the long motorcade driving slowly, Whit felt an indescribable sense of relief in his heart.

"This is what you said, principal, different voices, everything has been calculated!"

4:28 am

"Fat pig, hurry up, don't you know what you are going to do today?"


The door of Baozhen's room was violently kicked open by Su Li. Baozhen was still sitting in front of the dressing table. She had obviously put on her clothes and arranged everything, but Baozhen was still sitting in front of the mirror, her head bowed. head.

Su Li realized the sadness on Baozhen's expression. She turned around and closed the door to the room, letting the other congressmen wait outside.

"Hurry up, everyone is waiting for you, why are you causing trouble at this time? Miss Leader."

Su Li put her head to Baozhen's ear and smiled. Baozhen started crying at this time. Su Li didn't say anything, just waited quietly. She knew Baozhen was feeling very uncomfortable. Everyone was Have your own emotions.

When you achieve something, it means losing something. Everything is relatively fair. Baozhen is very lonely now. Su Li knows this feeling very well. The moment she really walks up there, What comes is a sense of loneliness and an indescribable helplessness.

"Stop crying, you will be the true king of the clothing industry from now on. How can you have a runny nose as a king?"

Su Li comforted Baozhen like a child. She kept shaking her head and wiping her tears.

Su Li sighed. It is often said that people are often opposites. In the past few years, Baozhen has begun to have some toughness in her bones from the inside out, because she knows that if she does not control all aspects of things, she will What will happen when capital accumulation expands?

The obedient Baozhen who was always timid and kept his head down has disappeared.

"No matter what, this is a treasure of your own choice. No one will force you to do it, but now you can only grit your teeth and move forward!"

Su Li said that Baozhen stood up and began to adjust her mood. Su Li sighed. Everything always has a beginning and an end. Today is the beginning of everything, the official beginning.

Sully can imagine that in the coming decades, the halls of Congress will be filled with smoke.

Su Li didn't quite understand what they were fighting for, or what they wanted to achieve. Maybe it was to realize their personal self-worth, maybe they wanted to be admired by thousands of people, or maybe they wanted to move forward.

"Let's go!"

Baozhen walked towards the door with a serious expression, and Su Li said with a giggle.

"Come on, Fat Pig, it's been more than 25 years!"

Baozhen hummed.

"It has been 25 years, and you are the same Su Li. I have never hated you. Thank you for your help and encouragement over the years!"

Baozhen turned around and bowed deeply towards Su Li. Su Li sat on the chair. She did not plan to go to the Congress Hall, but planned to go to Angus's house. Chatting with Niya would be more interesting. too much.

Everyone was working hard, Su Li smiled helplessly, opened the curtains, and saw Baozhen and the others getting on the bus, and the long motorcade headed towards the upper level.

"Perhaps everyone has overlooked something!"

Uncle Su He's smile appeared in Su Li's mind again. Many things should be simple in the eyes of her uncle, but in the eyes of these people, they have become extremely complicated and difficult.

"Why do you care so much! People live just to be happy."

4:41 am

Lanny was combing Beckinsale's hair. There was a dim light in the small room, and Beckinsale was yawning.

"Are you ready?"

Honghong's voice came from outside the house. Jiang Hao and his wife came over at around two or three o'clock. A large number of businessmen from the film and television industry with auditor qualifications gathered outside the district office at 2 o'clock in the morning last night.

"Am I getting a little older!"

Beckinsale said, picked up the cigarette on the table, lit it and blew out a puff of smoke. Lanny behind him shook his head.

"She is always beautiful no matter what time. Today is your important day, and it is also an extremely important day for our film and television area. It's a complicated feeling."

Beckinsale nodded, and Xingyuan on the sofa yawned and sat up. He had been here yesterday afternoon.

"Ms. Beckinsale, I'm sorry."

"Xingyuan, are you ready to marry Mansha?"

Xingyuan smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not suitable for marriage. I'm only suitable for one person. The same goes for Mansha. That's fine now."

Xingyuan said and glanced at the two people. They had known each other for a long time, but they were still the same as before. Xingyuan was very grateful to these two people. Without them, he might just be an ordinary person working on the construction site now. Worker.

"What about you!"

Xingyuan finally asked, Beckinsale laughed, and Lanny shook his head helplessly.

"Take care of yourself, Xingyuan boy, it's not your turn to worry about our affairs."

Xingyuan smiled and nodded, walking to Beckinsale's side. The three of them looked at themselves in the mirror and smiled.

5 o'clock in the morning

With a puff of smoke floating out of the window, Lin Xiao looked at Wang Ying next to him. The two of them were on a back street in District 1. Councilors from their respective factions were already waiting under the stairs of the General Affairs Section.

"What a chance encounter!"

Wang Ying pursed her lips and smiled and shook her head, looking at Lin Xiao next to her who was still smiling casually as before.

"I think about it all the time!"

Lin Xiao's words came to her lips, but she didn't say them out. Lin Xiao had heard a little bit about Wang Ying. Now she and her husband Zou Yun were separated. There were rumors that Zou Yun was looking for a woman outside, but the two of them There has never been a divorce, just a separation.

"Have you not read the letter I left for you?"

Lin Xiao shook his head.

"Already burned."

At this time, Lin Xiao smiled and tilted his head. Lin Xiao had read the letter Wang Ying gave him when he graduated, but he did not go there. Wang Ying said in the letter that she would wait for him at the station, but Lin Xiao never did. go.

"I've obviously seen it already!"

Wang Ying put her chin in her hands and smiled. Lin Xiao didn't intend to answer directly because he didn't have anything to answer. It's just that both of them are almost 50 years old now and are no longer children.

"Can a grown man stop being so hesitant?"

Wang Ying slapped Lin Xiao on the back, and he coughed and took a deep breath.

"I did like you once!"

"What now!"

Lin Xiao shook his head and looked at Wang Ying next to him. Although there had been changes, he was still the same Wang Ying who always faced the wind and leaned against the wall in the school.

"It's the same now!"

Wang Ying was a little surprised, but quickly shook her head.

"No time to wait, you dissolute playboy!"

Lin Xiao laughed and looked at Wang Ying seriously, then drove the car towards First Avenue.

"Hearing your words, I feel relieved Lin Xiao, thank you!"

"Wang Ying, it's great if you can tell me. It's almost time."

A car gathered under the white stairs of the General Affairs Section, and the congressmen were walking casually on First Avenue, accepting interviews from reporters.

At this time, an old brown Beetle car with the lead appeared at the end of First Avenue, but the car did not drive into First Avenue, but stopped at the square, and reporters who had been waiting for it swarmed over.

With the bodyguards leading the way, Pullman slowly stepped onto First Avenue. At this time, the vehicles under the General Affairs Section Square were also cleared, and the congressmen began to gather there.

"It's all up to you, Old Wu!"

Wu Qun was still saying hello to some businessmen. Some invited businessmen began to enter the square one after another. At this time, the councilors neatly distanced themselves. Wu Qun looked at the seven classmates walking towards the crowd. , waved his hand.

At this time, in the distance, a Hillman family car stopped. Eddie yawned and walked slowly over. He saw eight people starting to climb the stairs, followed by a large group of people. Members, Eddie quickly followed from the side.

There were already a large number of reporters in the square, as well as the section chiefs and secretaries of the General Affairs Section and the 12 administrative departments who were already waiting at the gate of the General Affairs Section.

After Eddie went to the square, he stood in a group with the patriarchs of the invited families. Celebrities and businessmen also stood in a group. Everyone knew that this was a very bad era for them, and it was about to begin. .

"It's really amazing! It's the same no matter which side you're on."

Eddie quietly looked at the two waves of people who were getting closer and closer, the city managers, the administrative department and the council members.

"On behalf of all the members of the Business Department, I would like to welcome you to our General Affairs Department!"

The expression on Locke's face was completely different from the past. The eight people in the front row of the parliamentarian group bowed one after another. Freya stood up, holding her daughter by the hand.

"It's okay to start now, Your Excellency, Chief Steward!"

"Of course Senator Freya!"

Locke made a gesture of invitation, and the people behind him made way. The congressmen bypassed the General Affairs Section and walked towards the Congress Hall. Freya let go of her daughter's hand.

"Look at all this Michelle!"

A large number of people began to march towards the Capitol Hill in a mighty manner. No one said anything, they just wanted to enter the Congress hall quickly. Everyone's eyes looked serious and their expressions were slightly serious, but overall they were relatively quiet. .

"Come on Michelle, I'll take you to have breakfast."

Yin Xianglin said, holding Michelle's hand. At this time, the section chiefs had already entered, and the secretaries needed to stay outside to handle matters in various departments in the city.

"what is that!"

At this time, everyone saw that in the dark night sky at the top of the Capitol, six colors of light lit up, and the Capitol Hill in the middle instantly lit up like daylight.

"It's quite beautiful, Michelle. I'll take you up to have a look when I have time."

Yin Xianglin said, leading Michelle into the smooth hall. This was Michelle's first time here. She seemed a little surprised when she looked at the people walking back and forth in the entire smooth hall, who looked very busy.

"What are they busy with, Sister Xianglin?"

"I'm busy making the city work! Come on, let's get breakfast, and I'll take you to the steward's private lounge. If you feel sleepy after eating, you can take a nap. Your mother is too strict."

Michelle laughed happily. Yin Xianglin looked at this little girl and felt an indescribable helplessness in his heart. Everything he said and did made Yin Xianglin, an adult, feel a little helpless.

In the streets early in the morning, some people were watching TV. Some interviews that had been done on the streets were still being played. Councilors were talking about various aspects of the city's problems. This city meeting will focus on most of the current issues. Let’s start with the problems plaguing the people.

In the breeze, Jean stood on the top of a building, looking up at the dark night sky where the sun was about to rise. He did not enter the Congress, nor did he intend to go in. This is what Jean did, he just had to watch quietly and guard. That's it, this light is starting to shine.

"Finally we did it! Ellie, the city will get better! You should be able to see it."

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