Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1676 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 67 (Part 2)

"Please take a look, this is what District 8 looks like now!"

A large number of members of Section 3 who were mobilized to clean up the ruins looked at each other in disbelief at the center of Area 8 which had been completely reduced to rubble. People from Section 10 brought a large number of equipment to detect harmful particles in the air, including potential bacteria. Threat, a large number of cars were not spared.

People in Section 1 are responsible for receiving reporters and some returning people, people in Section 5 are coordinating in various places, and people in Section 6, Section 7, and Section 9 are calculating losses.

The city began to boil. It was just 10:30. On such an important day, something like this happened. It was all puzzling.

Because everyone doesn't understand why such a large area of ​​damage was caused. There are obviously so many mutants in the industry. Locke has just announced that everything here is caused by a powerful mutant who went berserk and has been subdued by Alpha.

And a video of Alpha and Quasimodo fighting was played, as well as the final scene of Alpha defeating Quasimodo. Although there were still doubts, most people shut up because most people realized it at this moment. The horror of mutants.

This kind of fierce and suffocating battle is unimaginable by anyone, even those seemingly fierce mutant battles in movies and TV series. Compared with such a battle, the realism instantly dropped too much.

Mutant clubs from all over the country, as well as people from some teaching centers for cultivating mutants, gathered together to watch this battle that lasted only five minutes.

Some people from the mutant security company were also watching, and this battle exceeded their imagination.

"Can I really fight?"

An S-class mutant stared blankly at everything in the video, and many mutants next to him were shocked.

Some companies that boasted of having mutants more powerful than Xingke in the past were ridiculed by many people.

This battle made everyone in the city begin to re-examine the battles and levels of mutants.

The best way to fight back against rumors is to tell the truth. Now that Alpha's battle video has been released, with the spread of the video, many doubts have begun to slowly dissipate.

"This is the ceiling!"

In a mid-level tavern, Eric sighed helplessly, and Xiong Dabiao next to him laughed loudly and pressed his forehead.

"Are you so strong?"

Olivia smiled and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I used to think that the difference between the mutants in the city and the mutants in the business department might not be that big. There is a world of difference!"

In particular, the cyan and purple particles that appeared in the video screen caused quite a stir in the entire city, because although this power was occasionally used by mutants in the past, no one knew what it was.

"I once heard an instructor mention it in school when he was drunk. This is the power of God! The ceiling of mutants can use powers similar to those of gods."

Olivia said, Xiong Dabiao was a little surprised.

"Don't think about it, that kind of genius is beyond the reach of us ordinary people."

Eric sighed. As a mutant, he knew very well that this kind of power was abnormal and could not be reached by ordinary people.

Some TV stations have invited a large number of powerful mutants from the mutant club to analyze the entire battle. At this moment, everyone is interested in the mutant battle. As for the deformed man named Quasimodo, why did he Rampage, no one to explore.

Everyone's attention was completely diverted by this wonderful fight in an instant.

In a hotel, Peter was trembling and watching everything in the video. He had already followed Metz's instructions and destroyed the special phone number Metz gave him.


The door to the room was kicked open, and Pete looked in shock at the beautiful woman who walked in with a graceful smile on her lips, but after seeing the silver five-pointed star on the brim of her hat, Pete immediately said.

"It's none of my business, I just"


C kicked Pete on the cheek. Pete whimpered, blood spattered, and several teeth flew out. C went over and grabbed Pete's head, slamming it directly into the chair next to him. Pete raised his head He held his hands with tears flying down his face, as if he wanted to beg for mercy.


Peter screamed, and C broke his arm, then pulled him up.

"Master C, what if this continues?"

"It's okay, I'm very careful."

C said that several people from Section 2 behind him hurriedly went over and closed the door in fear.

"You should know what I'm looking for you for!"

Peter nodded, blood dripping from his forehead.

"My lord, I"

"Take him back to Section 2. I will ask you questions after he goes in."

Peter screamed in horror, and two people from Section 2 went over to treat his injuries. C was going crazy. After investigating half an hour ago, he found Peter. Peter had contacted Quasimodo early this morning, and he had been there several times. I've been coming here often since the days before.

Peter looked nervously at the woman in front of him who was smiling but full of anger. Although he had already thought of a series of words, he didn't know what he would do.

But at this moment, Pete's head is still clear. Even if he is sentenced to ten or twenty years, as long as he hugs the Hillman family tightly, this is Pete's only life-saving straw now.

at the same time

In the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau in District 1, K sat on a chair and looked at Guan Wei, who was still lying on the table opposite him, spitting blood and foam from his mouth. He kept whimpering, and there were marks on his hands. K put his feet up on the table.

"Sir, you'd better speak quickly, otherwise we'll go to Section 2 later. Those guys there won't be as easy to talk to as me."

K stood up with a smile. Guan Wei whimpered in horror. Just as he was about to get up, K smashed his head directly on the table again.

"Don't worry, the human skull is very hard."

At this time, several Section 5 directors outside the interrogation room hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

"K, if so."

"It's okay. I'll control the intensity just enough so that he can't die but still feels pain. This is the most effective."

Guan Wei lay quietly on the table. He didn't intend to explain everything, as long as there was no evidence. He didn't know what was going on in District 8 now, but it could be seen from the people from Section 2 coming over and the attitude of this rough man. Things are getting serious.

K said that he wanted to use violence against Guan Wei again, but several directors from Section 5 pulled K out.

"The man named Pete has confessed. On the night Melanda disappeared, he sent Melanda to Guan Wei's shop and then drove away."

K thought for a while and then laughed.

"So, have you found any evidence? It's impossible for such a big body to have no trace at all."

Several directors of Section 5 looked solemn because no direct evidence had been found yet.

"If there is no evidence, just create evidence."

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked at K. He smiled and continued.

It is not difficult to create evidence. Through biological replication technology, after all, the DNA of everyone in the city has been collected and stored inside Section 10. As long as Melanda's NDA is extracted, her DNA is directly copied, and then placed in the Just go to Guan Wei's old shop or home.

But it doesn’t make sense logically, because I have previously investigated Guan Wei’s store and home, and no traces of Melanda’s NDA were found at all.

"The losses in the entire District 8 should exceed 2 billion. Who will pay the money? Guan Wei also has a large toy manufacturing company and some other small companies. If they are sold and someone takes over, they will at least be worth something. About 1.5 billion, what do you think?”

Several council officers looked serious, and K said with a smile.

"Don't worry, we will create the evidence. You only need to serve as evidence discoverers and turn these evidence into enough evidence to pass the trial of the Law Hall. According to the liability law, asset seizure can be started soon. The logic should be It’s like this, because of Guan Wei’s fault, Melanda died, so he needs to be responsible for this incident and the losses caused during the incident. As for him, he will never come out of prison in his life.”

After K finished speaking, he lit a cigarette and took a long puff.

"Only a few of us need to know about this matter. We will try to make the process as twists and turns as possible. You will continue to detain him on the grounds that he has a major relationship with the crime. Once the time limit is up, you will immediately use the excuse of discovering new evidence to detain him again." The key to arresting him is not to let him leave here.”

"K, the president has already said something about this matter, and she will handle it personally."

K clicked his tongue and laughed.

"This is troublesome, but based on the current situation of the president, it should take at least half a month to recover. We still have half a month. This matter will be announced in a few days after the direct impact has passed. As for Gil, I will go over and tell him now that this matter must be done quickly."

K said, taking out the phone and dialing C's number. He walked quickly, and several council officers behind him nodded.

"That's the thing. You have to act quickly. We have to make arrangements as soon as possible. As for Peter, I ask you to say hello to Latis. I need him to enter the prison and not leave alive."


C hung up the phone, exhaled a puff of smoke gently, and looked back at Peter, who was still shivering and had become incontinent.

"Why are grown men so cowardly? Now I'll give you two ways, either obey us or..."

C smiled and squatted in front of the trembling Peter.

"I will take you to Section 2. As soon as the interrogation period expires, I will arrest you on other charges immediately and I will let you know."

"I listen to you, I listen to you."

Peter said begging for mercy, C smiled and nodded.

"I need you to identify Guan Wei and help us find conclusive evidence!"

Peter's eyes widened and C said with a smile.

"Later we can sign an internal contract between our Section 2 and you. As long as you help us complete this matter, you will get good treatment after entering the prison, and the sentence will not be too long. What do you think? "

Peter immediately laughed and nodded repeatedly.

"Everything is up to you, adults."

C chuckled and ordered Peter to be sent directly to the Public Security Bureau in District 1. She walked directly to the elevator and took out the phone.

"Where is it! Latis."

"In the General Affairs Department, treating Alpha's injuries. What's going on?"

C smiled and asked Latis to go to a deserted place to answer the phone. C started to speak, and after a while, the other side of the phone was silent.

"Isn't this too..."

"I just want to talk to you first, Latis. After all, the damage this time is too great. If you use taxes to fill the hole this time, it will be troublesome. You have to consider Alpha's feelings and safety. How the Gus family feels.”

There was a hum on the other end of the phone.

"I understand, I will arrange it."

After Latis hung up the phone, he turned around and walked into a clean and tidy room. Tang Rao had already treated most of Alpha's wounds. However, what surprised Latis was that Alpha's body was in a very short space. Over time, the skin becomes thin and tender, and it looks very strange.

"This shouldn't be my imagination!"

After Latis glanced at Alpha, he was a little surprised. Alpha seemed to have suddenly become younger.

Deguna took out a color photo of Gulai from her pocket, which had been processed with special gelatin, and was photographed in front of the two of them.

"This is!"

Alpha looked at the middle-aged woman with short hair and a gun in the photo with some surprise. She looked weather-beaten. Latis glanced at Deguna.

"Isn't this you, Teacher Deguna?"

"Alfa, if you want to become like me, you can continue to use the power of the purple god before you can control it. You should be rejuvenated soon."

Alpha grinned and wanted to get up. Latis hurriedly pulled her up, took off his coat and put it on Alpha.

Tang Rao sighed helplessly.

"The worst case scenario is to return directly to the Heidi era. This rejuvenation phenomenon is a side effect of this power. It took Deguna nearly 10 years to finally control this power, but now her body has become She looks like a 16-year-old girl and her breasts are too "

"Shut up, Tang Rao. The control of this power is much more complicated than you think, Alpha. All I can teach you is the basics. You have to explore the other parts on your own. Fortunately, you inherited and Tang Rao, this idiot. The same power will help you somewhat."

Alpha pressed his aching head, Latis handed him a cigarette, and Alpha took a pleasant drag.

"What about the meeting?"

"What else can we do? Everyone is discussing this matter in the hall of Congress. The meeting can only be postponed until 8 o'clock tonight."

Tang Rao said and Deguna sighed.

"After you recover from your injury, the two of us will find time, or you can find time to come to Section 10, and we will be responsible for comprehensively continuing to guide you."

Alpha hummed, looking a little unhappy.

"Don't think about it. That idiot Jean has no time. Besides, your fighting method in the future is completely different from that idiot."

Alpha smiled helplessly.

"He's free to coach Whit!"

Latis helped Alpha up, put her clothes on, and then carried her to Locke's private lounge. Alpha should be able to move until tonight after resting. After all, it was Hua Shen who performed the surgery himself.

At this time, after the two people left the infirmary, Deguna raised her hand, and a light and shadow screen appeared on the purple ring on her hand. Tang Rao took out a cigarette and lit it and leaned over.

"Not bad! It was handled very well."

Tang Rao also nodded in agreement.

"This can also allow a small-scale rapid economic flow in the city. At the critical moment, C and K are still needed."

Deguna sneered and shook her head helplessly.

"Idiot, do you think these two guys would think of such a dirty trick?"

Tang Rao thought about it carefully and found out that with C and K's attitude of being stuck together and being able to deal with problems secretly, they really couldn't think of such a smooth solution.

"It must be that boy King Xue. I always think that boy Duan Kong is too weak and not suitable to be the chief of Section 1."

Deguna said, Tang Rao smiled and hugged Deguna.

"Let's go over to his school and take a look."

9:56 am

The entire Congress Hall was full of people, and everyone was silent, watching the aftermath of what happened in the city this morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Angus stared at the battle video that had just been played on the light and shadow screen. Both of them were a little worried about their daughter's current condition.

Many family members nearby were silent, and no one said anything. Most people were concerned about the two concepts of mutants in the business department and mutants they had seen in the past.

Several section chiefs on the opposite side were also watching quietly. Locke had not returned yet and was holding a press conference for reporters.

The six gods did not show up, and the city meeting was postponed to officially start at 8 o'clock tonight.

Alpha's battle video has refreshed most people's impressions of mutants. In the past, many people's impressions were that the biggest role of mutants was to carry cargo, because they were much stronger than ordinary people and could even carry objects weighing several tons. Move it up.

And mutants can use alienated cells to create scabs to resist attacks, and use the incredible power of telekinesis. As for fighting, many people have gone to some mutant fight clubs to watch, and the fighting looks extremely fierce. .

But at this moment, all the MPs, businessmen and family members, including some celebrities, felt the power of the Xingke Branch, the absolute power. It is true that Alpha's ceiling-like battle shocked many people, but no one present was stupid. , it has been guessed that the Xingke Branch has a detailed and comprehensive combat training method for mutants.

At this time, more people were thinking about the mutant grading and promotion exam applied for by the Business Department during this meeting.

The atmosphere in the entire Congress Hall was dull. Although they were free to choose to leave, everyone chose to stay in the Congress Hall after they were informed that a problem had occurred in the city and entered the Congress Hall to view the incident.

At this time, Eddie, who was sitting in the middle of the family, felt a sense of crisis. He finally couldn't help but stood up.

"Everyone, please forgive me for being rude. I want to confirm one thing with you in the business department over there. Is it really Chief Alpha who dealt with this violent mutant?"

There was a burst of laughter, and Clark, who was leaning on his chair with his feet stretched out on the table, stood up and said.

"Are there any fake ones?"

Eddie bowed gratefully and sat down with a smile. He really wanted to go back quickly, open Prometheus, and conduct detailed calculations on this video.

Eddie's personal semi-mechanical biochemical modifications have already formed an army. Their performance and combat effectiveness are much higher than those of mutants. Even some S-level mutants may not be their opponents. But after watching this video, Eddie I started to get anxious. Not to mention the mutants of Alpha's level, the guys who came out of the Academy of God on the opposite side were not weak. The key was the mutants in the business department.

The current known number is that Xingke has more than 3,000 mutants. If Xingke does have a combat method for cultivating mutants, his plan will be seriously hindered.

Eddie also remembered what , as well as using mutants for direct transformation.

"What's wrong Eddie, you're sweating a lot. Are you hot?"

Su Li asked from behind, and Eddie smiled and shook his head.

At this time, someone stood up, and one after another someone began to stand up and leave the Congress Hall, and more and more people left.

Wu Qun smiled and looked at Freya next to him. After the two looked at each other, they did not leave, but chose to continue watching the news in the city.

"Are you worried?"

Clark glanced at Noah who was beside him, and he smiled and nodded.

"I don't worry about it being fake. After all, she is my girlfriend."

Clark sighed and patted Noah on the shoulder.

"You are all too impulsive. It would be better to get married as soon as possible."

Noah hummed, but quickly shook his head.

"We don't have time right now."

Brandon laughed.

"I always think you guys are weird. It's because of Beta."

Several other people looked at Brandon and he closed his mouth.

Jin Mn and Keying smiled.

"Don't mention those bad things in the past. The problem between Alpha and I has been solved long ago. As for the man named Beta"

Noah did not finish his words, but sighed helplessly.

No one was going to mention this incident. It happened a long time ago in school, but because of this incident, Alpha and Noah had a lot of unpleasantness in the past few years.

Everyone in the Congress Hall left one after another. Everyone could not leave the Congress Hall and could only go back to the cabin in the woods in Central Park.

The secretaries were still handling the matter externally, and the section chiefs could only continue to wait for Locke and the others to come back before they could learn more about the specific situation.

Duan Kong seemed a little depressed, looking at the news footage in a daze.

"What's wrong, if there's any problem, I think you can tell it."

R next to him said with a smile, Duan Kong shook his head and sighed.

"Maybe I'm really not the material to be a section chief. I handled many things too roughly. That guy Julia has also been a little emotional recently. It's all my own fault."

"Just take your time."

Akimi said with a smile.

At this time, Wu Qun also left his seat, and with Freya and six others, he walked towards the chief of the operational section and the directors opposite.

"There are some things we have to figure out."

As soon as Wu Qun came over, he said with a serious expression. The people in the business department looked suspicious and supported each other, as if they didn't intend to tell Wu Qun and others what the cause was.

"You'll know in a few days!"

Clark said with a smile, and Freya looked at him seriously at this time.

"Sir Clark, although we have no right to interfere with the agricultural base, some things always come to my ears from time to time."

Clark became alert and quickly tried to hide it with a smile, but Freya's serious expression and sharp eyes made him feel a little nervous.

"There is one more thing I hope we can discuss clearly, Sir Brandon."

Wang Ying looked at Brandon who looked kind.

"Since everyone knows it well, I won't hide it. It is indeed what you think, but this is also a helpless move."

Wu Qun sighed.

"If you do this, many people will have a hard time."

As the section chief of Section 9, Section 9 has pricing power. The pricing of many items starting this year is intentionally or unintentionally biased towards Angus Construction.

At this time, Brandon's expression became serious.

"This is not something that can be said on the table. If you want to talk about this at the meeting starting today, I advise you to forget it."

Wu Qun and others also nodded. This is indeed not something that can be said on the table. Everyone also understands that the purpose of Section 9 is to protect the construction of the Angus family. This implicit approach will harm the interests of some people.

“It looks like there are already a lot of issues to deal with.”

Freya sighed helplessly.

"Councillor Freya, this is why we are both standing here."

R said with a smile.

At this time, Keying spoke.

"Congressman Freya, I heard that your daughter is quite smart. Do you want her to enter the professional department in the future?"

Freya was a little surprised, pursed her lips, smiled and shook her head.

"Michelle will make her own choice when she grows up. Whether she becomes a member of parliament and inherits my legacy, or joins the executive branch, it is her choice."

Everyone no longer talked about these heavy issues, but talked about some things in daily life. It was like the quiet time before the storm, and everyone's expressions relaxed.

Everyone knows that the city meeting starting at 8 o'clock tonight will become a battlefield, and this time it is a real confrontation between everyone.

"By the way, I almost forgot. You all owed me several meals before, do you remember?"

Wu Qun said, and everyone in the business department laughed.

"Old Wu, you have to talk to the manager about this. In the worst case, you can come to the General Affairs Department to eat more often."

A female director behind said with a smile, and Wu Qun nodded.

"Then I may have to come to the General Affairs Department for dinner more often. I recently dated a woman from your General Affairs Department, and I think it's time for me to get married."

For a moment, everyone looked at Wu Qun in shock, and he patted his belly.

"You will know in a few days, please keep it secret for me and the manager for now!"

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