Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1680 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 69 (Part 1)

At night, the lights in the city light up

The middle-level area located in the west of the city connects to the lower-level area. It is dark. Most of the factories in the west are off work, and a large number of workers have poured out of the factories. When urban construction is not so intense, the western factory area is no longer as hot as before. Workers don’t need to work overtime.

Most factories have experienced significant improvements in efficiency after the last equipment replacement and rectification.

The middle level in the west is slightly north, and is connected to the lower level in the north. There are scattered lights in an area. This is where most people from the south and west built their houses at the beginning of city construction in the past. Because the terrain is slightly higher, it is in the climate circle. When it was not fully built, it was a place with a better climate in the city.

Therefore, most people choose to build houses and live in places where the land is cheap. Many land prices are as low as tens of dollars per square meter. Before the city carried out regional planning, the land here was like crazy weeds, sold by businessmen. There are many people who want to buy houses in the western and southern parts of the country.

But now it is completely deserted. With the completion of the factory area in the west, the development of the south, and the stabilization of the ecological circle, it has been completely deserted from the deformed community at the beginning to the Frye Mental Hospital now.

Most of the residents who still live here are because of the opening of the entire western subway line, and many businessmen have left this barren land.

In the western region, only a few districts around the headquarters of Section 3 and Section 5 are relatively hot and populated. The district where Frye Mental Hospital is located is like a waking monster every night, always in the dark. At night, there were some strange sounds.

A stone path winds down under the dim light. On the old stone road, Frye is slowly walking down with his bag on his back. He can already see the mental hospital with some faint lights in the dark night. The eight tall towers behind the hospital stand like monster teeth in the dark night, giving people a terrifying feeling.

Originally, people from Section 4 would send him here today, but after dinner, Fry planned to come back by himself. He had not moved around for a long time.

Everyone was amazed at Frye's physical recovery. In just one month, he had recovered and all his body functions had been restored. In addition to the three bitten fingers, his lame leg was also repaired.

A building with lights on appeared in front of Frye. Frye raised his head happily and looked at the glimmer of light coming from the tip of the iceberg of the hospital.

In the dean's office, there was a figure in front of the window. Fry knew that Hua Shen was still working. During his absence, Hua Shen had been taking care of the hospital. With some doctors willing to come over and help, Fry hoped that Be able to get back into work in the hospital as soon as possible.

He slept for so long that Frye couldn't remember exactly what he was dreaming about. However, a woman often appeared in Frye's mind recently. This woman Frye had never seen before, but his impression was different. It is extremely clear and even feels intimate.

Frye didn't know what was going on with his body. After reading his medical report, Frye was thankful that it was a miracle that he was alive, let alone recovered.

Standing at the gate of the hospital, Frye looked at the two remaining fingers on his right hand and smiled slightly. He didn't know if all this was a dream or something, whether he was still alive, or whether everything in front of him was just a dream. The world after your own death.

And now Frye has to deal with one thing when he returns here. The clone of Lolita is still sealed in the basement. Frye doesn't know what he should do. He still can't make a decision.

Lolita is still sleeping underground, completely sealed and frozen. Fry has never been able to make up his mind, or is unwilling to deal with this clone Lolita. The scenes in the future cloning plan in the past have made Fry Feeling extremely uncomfortable.


The small door of the hospital opened. Hua Shen yawned and stood at the door with a smile, looking at Frye with his hands in his pockets.

"Welcome back Dean!"

Frye was a little excited, his nose was sore, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he hummed.

"thanks, thanks."

Returning to the director's office, Fry put down his backpack and looked at everything in the room, which was still the same, untouched and neatly tidied up. Everything in the hospital was also clean.

"Would you like a drink? I've seen your physical report and your recovery is going very well."

Frye smiled and Huashen took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, poured a small glass and handed it to Frye.

After Frye took a sip, the chill in his body began to disappear after a while.

"I will leave Fry after I hand over some reports on the patient's condition to you in the next few days."

Frye nodded and looked at Huashen gratefully. He knew that he owed this man a lot. From being influenced by him a long time ago to now, Huashen has given Frye a lot of help.

"It's like having a long dream with no destination."


Huashen smiled and leaned on the back of the sofa next to Frye with a relaxed expression. He tilted the wine glass in his hand and looked at the crystal luster in the glass.

"Fry! All I can do is heal the human body, but not the human mind. I am helpless with everything here, but you are different from Fry!"

Flemosuo held the wine glass in his hand and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"In the future, there will be countless poor patients with mental illness in the city. They will be pushed to this marginalized place. They are like microcosms created by this already sick society, and no one will pay attention to them."

Frye nodded.

"I plan to reclaim the usable land nearby and plant seeds with them. Although the harvest may be a little slower, in a few months everyone will be able to eat the food grown by themselves. I will find a way to let them To restore basic living abilities.”

Huashen smiled and drank the wine in the glass, then put down the glass.

"Get some rest early, Dean. I have to go down and inspect the wards."

When Huashen walked to the door, Frye stopped him.


Fry drank the wine in one gulp.

"I heard that Section 4 wants to establish a medical school, and you are a more suitable candidate."

Huashen smiled easily and shook his head.

"I'm not really suited to teach others anything."

Frye smiled and did not continue. When he came, several students from Department 4 had already told Frye that they hoped Huashen would serve as the dean of the medical school to cultivate medical talents for the city.

At this time Frye also made up his mind and planned to wake up the clone Lolita in a few days.

Huashen sighed as he walked down the long corridor. Strange screams came from the wards around him from time to time. Huashen knew that Frye wanted to talk to him about something, which should be a difficult matter. Huashen did not stay because Huashen didn't quite know what to do.

One of the issues that Huashen was worried about at this time was what exactly he would have to bear once he took over the position of medical school.

In the age of mechanization, a large number of doctors will inevitably be needed to transform the entire human body except the brain, and I now have such technology.

Huashen looked at his hands. After countless surgeries over the years, Huashen did have a set of techniques on how to gradually transform the human body. The gods knew this.

Once the medical school is officially opened and Huashen takes over the position, human beings whose whole bodies have been transformed into machines will be born. Once such human beings are born, the door to the mechanization era will be visible, and eventually human beings will be transformed into machines. Under their guidance, we will open this door and completely subvert the taboos of medicine.

Medicine has been serving mankind since its birth. However, the medical treatment of the next era will begin to deteriorate, cut and transform mankind. Huashen does not want to do this. He is struggling with this problem every day.

Being too smart is not a good thing. In the past few years, they have been in contact with Section 10. Since they obtained the mysterious mechanical body, they have created real robots that can reach the same level as humans.

After seeing these robots, Huashen felt that it was terrible. Huashen could not bear such a responsibility. What was behind the taboo door opened by his own hands?

Annoyed and helpless, Huashen stopped. He sat in the corridor and pressed his forehead with one hand.

Recently, I can only deliberately avoid the gods, as well as the students in subjects 4 and 10. Although they do not force themselves, Huashen knows that someone must open a breakthrough in this matter.

At this time, Frye was also thinking about similar issues to Huashen. Lolita once said that extending human lifespan will prolong human suffering, and in the end this suffering will be infinitely magnified.

It is the right approach to let mankind return to the past era. In just half a century, so many problems have occurred to mankind. The times will continue to change, and more and more points of suffering will expand infinitely. burst out.

Only death can provide true relief. At this moment, Hua Shen's mind was filled with everything Lolita had ever said to him.

Frye has no way of knowing what is right and what is wrong. He only knows that everything today is the same as what Lolita once said. Humanity may have embarked on a road of no return.

The era of comprehensive mechanization and digital control will come. In the near future, it may be twenty years, thirty years, or half a century, but such an era will inevitably come.

There were many things that he could no longer tell the teachers. Fry knew very well that from Gene's eyes, he could see the helplessness. Even though he tried his best to do everything, he was still powerless.

"Perhaps the best way to repay them is to correct the mistakes of the past!"

Fry stood up, raised his head with a smile, and his eyes became moist.

"Perhaps the best way to repay them is to comply with human choices!"

Huashen stood up and looked at the dark corridor in front of him. A lone lamp was lit in the distance. He put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

At this time, the expressions of the two people were somewhat similar. They were both uncomfortable, bitter, and helpless. They could only look at the place where there was light.

Some people say that after tonight, the city will complete a real transformation. Everyone is discussing what will be said at the meeting.

7:23 pm

The streets in the southern part of the ground floor were very lively. A large number of workers came out of the construction site and took to the streets. After working hard all day, some of them went back to the work shed to rest after eating, and some wanted to relax.

There were many suspicious-looking people standing on the street. Their eyes were constantly aimed at some drunk men and they immediately approached them.

"Gentlemen, would you like to relax? We have a great way to relax here."

The man said with joy, and several drunk men immediately nodded in understanding, and the two parties began to bargain.

Jin stood on the street with a cigarette in his mouth. He was still looking for some targets. After seeing a few men walking out of the restaurant, he immediately approached them.

Jin said that he would get better service at the same price. Although several men were suspicious, they still followed Jin.

As soon as he walked around the corner, Jin met two members of Section 5 on patrol. They came over immediately after seeing Jin.

"Two adults, is something wrong?"

Jin said as he took out a package of things from his pocket and handed it over.

"It's okay to do business, don't cause trouble."

Jin immediately nodded.

"Absolutely not."

Soon Jin led the people to a back street, and in a small courtyard hidden in an alley, some women dressed in colorful clothes were talking and laughing.

"It's time to start work."

After Jin smiled and collected the fees from the men, the men ran in anxiously, each holding their favorite woman in their arms and entering the house.

Jin smiled and sat at the door of the courtyard. Looking at the light coming from the alley, he stretched out comfortably and leaned against the door.

"I wonder how she is doing!"

Having escaped from the bottom level to the middle level, Jin originally thought that he could find a job and completely take care of everything at the bottom level, but maybe he was too naive before this year.

Nothing has changed. In desperation, Jin can only continue to do his original business.

It's just that Jin won't force these women, as long as they are willing, and Jin only charges a very low fee, allowing the women to get the bulk of the money.

Section 5 is still very strict about this area, but it has been relaxed a little. Women cannot go to the street to solicit customers, and they will be arrested easily, so now everything is done secretly. There are many around here He does this kind of business like Jin.

Jin himself would occasionally find some female customers and go directly to serve them, but Jin would pick the customers, and he would not take the initiative to go to those women who might get into trouble.

The gang members have almost disappeared, because if they are caught by Section 5, they will end badly.

Jin was a little tired today and came out of a woman's house near dusk. He didn't know how long this kind of thing would last.

There was no hope at all. Apart from having a good face, Jin had nothing and nothing to hold on to. He once wanted to go to school, but after a trial education, he gave up. , he is not this material.

A woman who had a good relationship with Jin used to teach Jin a lot. The woman always said that Jin was very smart and should not stay at the bottom and should escape.

At the last moment, the woman was still talking about escaping. Jin did as the woman said and escaped from the bottom to the middle. But everything here was not as beautiful as the woman said.

Jin only felt that he was being ridiculous now. He didn't know how long this aimless life would last.

Many people at the bottom want to escape, but without exception they all fail and eventually return to the bottom.

Jin stood up and looked back at the small building behind him. The lights in each room turned on, and soon some sounds came out.

Nowadays, the industry in the south is very developed. This is due to the reorganization of District 29. Most of the customers have flowed to the south, and some women with higher quality have also come to the south.

Most women hope to earn a little more money while they are young, and then when they have the capital to open a small shop in a certain area, they can live a peaceful life.

But obviously this is unrealistic. Jin has seen many women in the past who made money in this industry and then opened a store, but in the end they suffered a huge loss and had to continue to return to this industry. It was very strange. many.

Pretty women all want to go to Qinglong Street or the film and television area, but they have to shed a layer of skin first.

"Forget it, go back, I've had enough here!"

Jin took a long breath and ran quickly to the top floor. Standing on the rooftop, he looked down at the bottom floor where many places were dark, but some places were full of light. This was the bottom floor.

Look at the surrounding light, which is connected into one. In this sea of ​​light, it is easy to lose your way, because there are lights of different colors everywhere, and Jin doesn't know where to go.



Accompanied by a loud and crisp slap in the face


Blood flowed to the ground along the corner of Baleka's mouth. She was wearing only a thin piece of clothing and was lying on the cold floor. Her face was bruised and bruised. Her long and delicate legs were covered with mud, and her tears were mixed. Blood flowed out.

Baleka lowered his head in fear, and there was laughter all around. A smoking woman squatted next to Baleka, holding her hair with one hand.

"Listen clearly, this is our territory. If you dare to steal customers again, don't blame us for being rude."


Baleka screamed, and the woman pressed the cigarette butt directly on Baleka's arm. She screamed in pain, and the women who had just been raped next to her opened the door and walked away.

There was a small sob, and finally turned into a howl. Baleka curled up, lying on the floor, looking at the messy things in the four-foot-square small room. She was shaking, still sad from the fear she had just encountered. With.

After finally escaping from her mother's hands and moving to the middle class, Baleka, like most helpless women, could only continue her business of illegal body trading.

It only took a few months for Baleka to come to the top. At first, Baleka worked in a restaurant, but the owner of the restaurant went from being careless at the beginning to asking Baleka to go to his room every night. Finally, Baleka couldn't stand it anymore. He left and started his old business. Because he was born with better looks than many people, Baleka's business was very good every day.

But Baleka was very sad at this time. She didn't know why those people treated her like this, from the warning a few days ago to the violence now.

Baleka didn't know what she would encounter next time. She stood up and closed the door, curling up on the small bed. Looking at the shattered room, she thought she would be able to find a safe haven, but now everything has changed.

Everything in the middle level is still so cruel and helpless, even more breathless than the bottom level. Food, food and accommodation are more expensive than the bottom level.

Looking at the lights outside the window, Baleka felt that she couldn't stay any longer. She didn't know what was going on with her mother. She still made a living by gambling as before. After she owed gambling debts, she would bring men back home to let her Pay off her debt.

At this time, Baleka wanted to go back. She really couldn't stay any longer. She thought that by escaping from the bottom floor, she would be freer and breathe fresher air.

Soon Baleka stood up and began to clean up the scattered room. She planned to leave this area and try other areas. Maybe other areas were different. At this time, some hope surged in her heart.


"I think the activities this business is doing are so stupid. Wouldn't they lose money if they do such activities?"

Ding Manman was carrying a bag of things and held the wise man's hand. The wise man also carried a large bag of goods bought at some discounts launched today. The wise man just shook his head.

"No businessman would do business at a loss. It's just that you don't know. They must have profit points."

Ding Manman asked with a pout.

"Then what do you mean by profit?"

The wise man shook his head. The two of them arrived at home and had just eaten outside. After returning home, they put the things in the kitchen, and Ding Manman began to classify the things carefully.

"I don't know what the profit point is, after all, I'm not very smart either."

Ding Manman smiled and nodded.

Wise people actually know that part of the profitability of business activities comes from tax subsidies within the region, and part of it comes from subsidies from suppliers. These subsidies do not need to be included in taxes.

This is the most common practice that many businessmen come up with to avoid taxes.

Looking at his wife who was still innocent and lovely even though she was over 50 years old, Ran Zhi smiled and leaned over to help his wife organize her things.

"Just go and rest, I will take care of these things."

Ran Zhi hugged his wife tenderly from behind and leaned gently on her shoulder.

"What are you doing? It's all an old married couple."

Ran Zhi returned to the living room on the second floor with a smile and turned on the light and shadow phone. The news was still playing the celebrations on the streets in various regions today, as if everyone was waiting for the results of the first city meeting, just like the city After the meeting, the city will look completely new, but Ran Zhi knows very well that this is just a beautiful vision for most ordinary people.

The city will not get on the right track just because of a discussion of issues. Everyone will have a good life, and some people will have a good life, which will inevitably lead to a bad life for others.

"Should we go to bed early?"

Ding Manman came up after finishing the cleaning. Ran Zhi moved the table, played a soft music, and made a gesture of invitation. Ding Manman came over with a blushing face. Ran Zhi held his wife's waist, and the two of them were talking softly. Dancing to the music.

"By the way, my dear, Xiaoqiu said he would take his girlfriend home in a few days and come over to see us. This time he seems to have decided that he wants to marry his girlfriend."

Ran Zhi nodded with satisfaction.

"You have to be careful. I have been the bad guy since they were very young, and you always say nothing."

"I think the children have grown up, and we don't have to worry too much about everything in the future."

Ran Zhi breathed affectionately into his wife's hair, and Ding Manman leaned on Ran Zhi's shoulder.

"By the way, dear, what do you think our life will be like in the future?"

Ran Zhi thought for a moment.

"Isn't this great?"

Ding Manman raised her head and pushed Ran Zhi away.

"Okay, let's go to bed. I bought a lot of nice clothes recently."

Ran Zhi smiled and let go of his wife's hand. When he turned around, he heard a snapping sound.

"What's wrong?"

Ran Zhi looked at his wife who fell to the ground and pressed his forehead.

"Maybe I haven't exercised enough recently, but it's okay."

Ran Zhi said after watching his wife stand up.

"Go check it out."

Ding Manman hummed.

"Wait a few days."

8 o'clock sharp

Hawke and Ye Chunwang stepped onto the stairs of the General Affairs Section. They both applied to audit. Although they were a little late, they passed smoothly.

"Hey! I'm always a little worried, I always feel..."

"Okay Ye Chunwang, what are you worried about?"

Hawke adjusted his glasses and Ye Chunwang glanced at him.

"You obviously have good eyes, why are you pretending to be polite? Wear glasses!"

Hawke laughed.

"My wife said I look better with glasses."

The two walked leisurely through the square of the General Affairs Department. The General Affairs Department was brightly lit and people were moving around, looking extremely busy.

"I don't know if it's too late to go in now."

"It's too late."

As Ye Chunwang said, the two quickened their pace and soon passed the General Affairs Department and stepped onto the stairs on the right.

Both of them know that today's meeting will largely determine the future direction of the city. This is also a big issue that many people are concerned about today.

Soon the two arrived at the Congress Square, where six colors of light were breathing. The entire square looked colorful, except for a large pillar standing on the far west side that was dim.

"That bastard Jean didn't even come to attend."

Hawke said, and Ye Chunwang nodded.

"After all, he didn't like this kind of occasion a long time ago!"

Hawke nodded, and the two of them walked towards the Congress Hall. The entire Congress Hall, which was illuminated with pure white and soft light, could be seen from anywhere in the city.

"Ye Chunwang, what do you think the focus of this dispute will end up on?"

When he came to the door of the Congress Hall, Hawke stopped, and Ye Chunwang's expression became serious.

"It's an institutional issue, but I think it's very difficult. Everything has been solidified now, and maybe one or two people will raise it."


The heavy door in front of them slowly opened, and the two of them walked in.

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