Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1682 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 69 (Part 2)

9 o'clock sharp

With a violent collision, Whit fell from the air to the ground. Under the flying dust, Gene landed in front of Whit and stretched out a hand.

"Do you feel it?"

After Whit stood up, he dusted himself off, nodded, and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you principal for your guidance."

Gene nodded with satisfaction. Whit was already very smart, and he could see Whit's progress every time he came, which satisfied Gene.

"It's almost time, I should go."

Whit watched as Gene walked to the side of the practice field, picked up his uniform from the ground, lit a cigarette behind his back, and ran up quickly as he was about to leave.

"Principal, you are here once in a while. How about we have a drink tonight?"

Gene shook his head.

"Okay next time."

Gene walked slowly as he spoke, and disappeared after a while. Looking at the messy training ground, Whit felt an indescribable feeling of helplessness in his heart.

"You're going to wander around the city again, principal!"

After leaving the school area, Gene stood on a high-rise building and looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street.

"Where should we go!"

Gene looked around and accidentally thought of the kind couple, Le Wen and Su Xin. A smile appeared on his face. The next destination was decided. He planned to go there tonight to see the couple and go there again. Check out some friends on the ground floor.

One of his friends had recently encountered misfortune, and Gene planned to visit him first, and then go to the couple's home to sit there.

After exhaling a puff of smoke, Gene looked a little sad. When he heard about this incident, it had happened last month, but everything had already happened, and nothing could be changed or stopped.

At this time in the Congress hall, the next bill has already begun.

Alpha stood quietly on the stage, still waiting for Freya who was discussing with Wu Qun and several others. This time the opponent was Freya.

Alpha smoked silently, and Gary Locke next to him looked a little serious. This may be the most serious proposal in this city meeting and it is difficult to reach consensus.

Finally, Freya seemed to have made up her mind and walked down from her seat. Everyone watched quietly. The two most legendary women in the family would soon begin to compete.

Charles, who was in the family, couldn't help but sweat for his wife. He was a little worried about his wife's condition, because opposite him was the princess of Brilliant City, the genius Alpha Angus.

Although most people are reluctant to let the executive department be equipped with weapons, according to the bloody data in the motion submitted by Alpha, certain things are imperative. Most of the wealthy people in the upper class will definitely bring bodyguards with them when traveling. Bodyguards can help solve problems when you encounter them.

But it's different for ordinary people. In recent years, there have been some cases where quarrels turned into criminal cases. Members of the legal department were indeed present at the time, but the sudden fight caught the people in the legal department off guard.

There have been accidents with stun guns in the past. Today's stun guns are difficult to be effective against stronger people.

In the most recent riot last year, there were a large number of casualties at the beginning because it turned into a hand-to-hand struggle. The people in Section 5 had no weapons in their hands and could not suppress the riot in a short time.

"It's time to start, Chief Alpha!"

The cyan god said, Alpha nodded, exhaled a puff of smoke, and put the cigarette butt into the garbage disposal nearby.

"First of all, what I want to say is that this is a dilemma. To equip all members of the operational department with weapons, there must be a complete judgment standard for the use of weapons. When should weapons be used and when should weapons be used? Stay rational, but when the situation arises, I think a lot of people will have trouble staying rational, just like Hydra in the past!”

Alpha said, his expression becoming serious.

"As I put forward in this motion, the only way to ensure that cases like Hydra will not occur due to wrong judgment during the use of weapons is to strengthen the physical fitness of the officers. This is also Our operations department is currently conducting a quarterly physical fitness review system for department members. As well as training on patrol systems and linkage in collaborative incident handling, we have been working hard to integrate the 12 departments into one."

After Alpha finished speaking, he looked at Freya opposite, as if waiting for Freya to speak.

Freya nodded and looked at everything that Alpha submitted. This bill seemed impeccable. First of all, the physical fitness of the individuals in the business department would improve their ability to handle some violent incidents.

On the other hand, the joint patrols of the five departments in the area can be organized into teams, and a team of 30 people can allow nearby officers to arrive in the shortest time to carry out joint suppression and deal with violent incidents. .

And every department member will wear a law enforcement recorder to ensure that no law enforcement violations will occur during the law enforcement process.

This bill should have been made by Alpha for a long time. It is difficult to find fault with it. Even from the multiple cases of joint handling of violent cases carried out by the law enforcement departments, a large number of cases were extracted as illustrations. The purpose of having guns is to To deal with criminals with weapons in their hands, as well as sudden large-scale collective riots at certain times.

Freya was still hesitating. She knew that it was impossible for Alpha to compromise in front of this motion, and it was difficult for her to find a problem in any factual point.

"I would like to ask, Mr. Alpha, can you guarantee the impartiality of law enforcement officers?"

Alpha smiled and shook his head.

"This is not a question of whether it can be guaranteed, but something that must be done. The internal management regulations of the judicial branch include instructions on the impartiality of law enforcement officers, as well as supplementary rules. We are quite strict in this area. Once we find that there is something wrong, Those who commit internal malfeasance will be sentenced to three times the sentence for malfeasance.”

Freya's face was solemn, her brows furrowed, and she quickly thought of it.

"But have you ever considered it, Mr. Alpha? There are now more than 100,000 administrative officers in the city. Excluding the number of mutants, the number is still very large. It is necessary to equip so many officers with weapons every year. The cost is a huge problem."

At this time Noah applied to speak and was quickly allowed.

"Please rest assured about this, Councilor Freya, our Section 10 already has liquid compression technology. This technology allows weapons to be used normally without regular maintenance. The same goes for bullets."

Freya's face became serious. The vote in Congress cannot be biased toward the losing side after a specific debate on the bill because she is a member or a member of the executive branch. This fairness must be maintained. Only when the votes are close When the time comes, the gods will come forward to judge.

At this time, many council members were looking at Freya, and her frown relaxed.

"Whether it is from the perspective of social violence, the handling of criminal incidents, or from the perspective of economic issues, there is no problem with this bill, Mr. Alpha. It's just that I want to explain some issues from the perspective of the people, or from the perspective of the people. Let’s take the past Hydera case to illustrate.”

Soon, the most controversial focus of the Hydera case in recent years appeared on a huge light and shadow screen.

"Why did it eventually turn into a case that everyone in the city is talking about and criticizing? I think you all know that in the past era when weapons were rampant, too many things happened because of weapons problems. I think these things must have happened to me. I won’t explain them one by one!”

Freya pointed to the light and shadow screen. The most controversial point was whether Hydra was guilty or innocent. But after so many years, the result was overwhelming. Hydra was guilty. This is why it is difficult to make any retreat in this case. Or changes.

Some media companies once conducted a large-scale public opinion survey in the city on this case. The final result over the past 15 years is that more than 99% of the people believe that Hydera is guilty.

"It is indeed as you said, Mr. Alpha, your administrative department can use a complete system to redefine the Trinity Law so that the officers of the administrative department have the independent power to carry out law enforcement with guns. But what I want to say is that in this case, The reason why it is so one-sided is based on the people's natural fear of weapons in the past era when guns were rampant, because some vicious incidents did occur in the management in the past, and it was not uncommon for many administrators to commit malfeasance in their duties. Of course, the current era cannot be compared with the past.”

Freya then pointed to the second point of contention in the Hydra case, which was the issue of the system. A newly appointed administrator should not be equipped with a gun. It was only his first day on the job and he had no work experience yet. He had no experience in dealing with violent incidents, but he was equipped with weapons.

The debate at this stage is better than the previous stage. Some people think that Hydra should not be equipped with guns. Such people account for about 69%, while the remaining people think that if Hydra was not equipped with guns at that time, , he was likely to die when he was beaten by so many people, because these people were very drunk at the time and did not know the severity of the attack.

There are also a small number of people who believe that this was a dereliction of duty by the managers at the time. Under such circumstances, a newcomer who had just taken office was allowed to patrol alone. Some administrators who patrolled with Hydera at the time also admitted this. , they were drinking in a store, and the patrol job was left to Hydera.

Later, those administrators were also investigated for malfeasance, but compared with the situation in Hydera, their handling was much easier. At that time, it also involved collective corruption issues in the management, as well as factional issues and many factors. At that time, It would be difficult for them to do anything without Alpha taking over everything.

"The only thing I want to say today, Mr. Alpha, is also the core point of the debate on this bill. How will the public view the amendments to the Trinity Law? The Hydera case has only passed 15 years ago. Most people are already concerned about the law. There are conflicts with the control of the industry, and when the control of the profession is coupled with weapons that may endanger lives at any time, what kind of mentality should the public have towards it?"

Freya said and bowed.

"I hope, Mr. Alpha, you can seriously consider it, and I also hope that all the gods and lords can consider the mood of the people. Now it is not to the point where we have to equip the officers with weapons. Regarding the many tragic events that have happened in the past, , we are not going to ignore him, but the already strict controls, coupled with the current gun control, such controls should be a lot of pressure for many people! And once the people are under pressure, Maybe some problems that were originally simple may eventually evolve into some big problems.”

Alpha lit a cigarette, thought quietly for a moment and then said.

"The birth of a system, good or bad, usually has two sides. The reason why I want to change this law is because there have been too many bloodsheds over the years, although it may indeed have a negative impact on the people's psychology. Part of the pressure, but what is the meaning of the existence of our criminal department! I believe everyone has witnessed the riots in August last year. What was the result? I believe everyone should know, and when the criminals who went forward collectively fled, in When encountering something like this, if we only have stun guns and tear gas, then what should we use to subdue them, especially when some of the criminals are mutants."

Everyone fell into silence. Freya said nothing more. She knew very well that her words were untenable. There had been many problems in the city, and both the people and the managers had suffered casualties.

But in Freya's opinion, the public should not form such an antagonism with managers, because once this antagonism is formed, it will only make management more difficult. People have long complained about managers, and managers Then he blames the people for not understanding their own misfortune.

Under such opposition, everything will be torn apart, which is detrimental to the future. Freya knows this very well. She has spent a lot of time at the bottom in the past, and she knows very well what the people at the bottom need. Although such strong control can purify the environment and allow the originally dirty soil to begin to gain new life, the price is the tearing of classes. Lack of understanding creates everything. If such contradictions cannot be reconciled in the end, it will not be good for the future of Brilliant City. , is extremely disadvantageous.

No one said anything, everyone was quietly waiting for either Freya or Alpha to speak.

In the past, there were anesthetic bombs in the practice, but these types of ammunition can cause a certain degree of irreversible brain damage. After repeated dissuasion from the medical association, the anesthetic bombs were eventually banned.

To equip all members of the acting department with a set of equipment that is sufficient for self-defense, the funds and costs required are quite high. This is currently not available in the city and is no longer within the scope of consideration.

Simple explosion-proof clothing cannot solve all problems. In chaos, explosion-proof clothing is sometimes very fragile. In the last riot, someone threw high-energy incendiary objects, which caused the explosion-proof clothing to be instantly ignited.

9:31 pm

Gene landed from an eight-story building. He was carrying a bottle of wine and a pot of white flowers in his hand. He had just gone to Tang Rao's shop and took away a pot of flowers.

After walking out of the alley, Gene looked to the left. A shop called Li Ji Pastry Shop was closed.

There was a faint light on the second floor of the three-story building. Under the yellowish light, there were shaking figures. Gene smiled and went directly to the back door and knocked on the door.

This man’s name is Li Fu, and his wife unfortunately died in a heavy metal poisoning incident this year.

Gene has known the couple for a long time. When they came to the ground floor, Gene would buy some pastries with Li Fu's wife, the fat woman, from time to time to give to some friends on the ground floor.

The door to the room opened, and a hunched-over man with sunken eyes and a tired look raised his head. The moment he saw Jean, Li Fu suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged him.

Jean looked at the crying middle-aged man comfortingly. Jean entered the house with things. There was still no change in the kitchen. The dough was always kneaded manually and no machine was used, because the fat woman often said , using a machine to knead noodles is soulless.

"Nothing Gene."


Jean put down the flowers, opened the wine with a smile, found two wine glasses, and poured a glass of wine for Li Fu. Jean held up the glass in his hand until his mood stabilized.

"Here's to the lady who's always here making dinner."

Li Fu raised his head tremblingly, looked at Jean with a gentle smile on his face, and glanced at Jean's uniform placed aside.

Jean had helped Li Fu in the past, and Li Fu had always been very grateful to this man who would come over from time to time to buy some desserts, and would also have a drink with Jean from time to time. His wife would happily give Jean a lot of extra things every time, and also He would often chat with Jean while leaving Li Fu aside.

Li Fu originally wanted to call Jean when the accident happened, but he gave up in the end. He could not embarrass Jean.

The two just drank quietly without talking about anything. Li Fu gradually became a little drunk. Gene looked at everything in the kitchen, stood up and rolled up his sleeves.

"I'm going to a friend's house today. I was planning to buy some desserts, but it looks like I have to make them myself."

Gene found everything he needed to knead the dough and started kneading it. Li Fu beside him looked at everything in front of him blankly.

"Will it change Gene!"

Jean did not answer Li Fu, because he did not know that even though he had done so many things, there were still so many tragedies in the end.

"should be!"

Li Fu looked down at the wine glass in his hand, smiled and nodded.

"I believe you Gene!"


After making some simple cakes, Gene put the cakes in the oven. Li Fu was already drunk. Gene carried him upstairs, placed him by the window, and put the flowers in his hands. At the window, looking at a photo of the couple on the bedside, Gene smiled and bowed slightly.

"I will come again next time, I just hope I can taste the dessert you made."

Gene said and turned off the lights in the room. In just one hour, Gene looked at the cake that had been baked. It looked good in shape, but the taste was not good.

Soon Jean was shuttled on the roof. He looked at an area in the distance where almost half of the area was plunged into darkness. Area 118 was already there. Looking at everything on the map, Jean soon found He arrived at the home of Le Wen and Su Xin. The lights were still on at their home, and a burst of hearty laughter came from the house.

It seemed that he was entertaining nearby neighbors. Gene did not go in rashly. He did not want to ruin the happy atmosphere. He just sat on the roof opposite and listened to the cheerful sounds in the small house.

The wind kept blowing on Jean's cheek. Now there is no need to bury things as often as in the past, but there are still many things to do every day. Jean looked at the bright lights on the top of the mountain and glanced at the time. , it’s already past 11 o’clock.

At this time, the guests at Lewen's house also left. The couple saw off seven or eight guests, said goodbye to them, held each other's arms, and looked very happy.

"Good evening!"

Su Xin's eyes widened and she almost screamed out in fright, while the drunkenness on Le Wen's face sobered up a little.

"Mr. Jean, why are you here?"

Gene carried the cake in his hand.

"I dropped by."

The couple enthusiastically invited Jean into their home. Everything in the home seemed to be quite comfortably arranged. There were a lot of old furniture, and the combination looked very warm.

"Would you like a drink, Mr. Jean?"

Le Wen smiled happily and took out another wine from the wine cabinet. Su Xin came over with his hands on his hips.

"Mr. Jean, you can drink some, but you can't drink anymore. It's too much. Look, you've gained a lot of weight recently."

Lewen still poured himself some wine, and Gene looked at the couple with a smile. At this time, the couple also saw that Gene was worried.

"Did you encounter any trouble, Mr. Jean?"

Su Xin asked, and Gene nodded.

"That's right!"

"If you don't mind, you can tell us. Although we may not be able to help, we can listen."

Gene nodded.

"What do you think of the current system?"

Su Xin took off her chin with one finger and answered casually.

"Not great, but not bad either."

Le Wen on the side nodded, holding up the wine glass, and Gene took a sip from the wine glass.

"It just feels a bit cold and impersonal."

Su Xin said, and Le Wen laughed.

"We don't understand these things, Mr. Jean. I think it's not good if people are too smart sometimes. They will have a lot more troubles. Look at her, her head is empty all her life."

Su Xin took the wine glass from Le Wen's hand angrily.

"Who are you talking about?"

Gene smiled and looked at the couple who were still playing around, and looked at the dim lights on the table. At this time, the lights went out.

"There's a power outage again. Sorry, Mr. Jean, we don't have power supply at home, so we can only use candles."

In the darkness, the light blue particles lit up and spread slowly around. The couple looked at the blue light particles blooming in the darkness with expressions of surprise, as if they were children who had seen something new. Su Xin clapped her hands.

Gene's expression also softened a bit.

"What would you do if you were in charge?"

The two looked at Jean in surprise, and Lewen shook his head.

"I don't know these things, Mr. Jean. If she is allowed to manage it, I estimate that the city will definitely collapse."

Su Xin smiled and nodded in agreement.

After a cheerful chat, Gene said goodbye to the couple, and the couple saw Gene all the way to the door.

"Mr. Jean, if nothing happens, you can come and sit here often."

Lewen said, Gene nodded and looked back at the couple.


Returning to the dark night sky again, Jean stood quietly on a high-rise building, looking at the lights on the ground floor that had long been extinguished, and only some of the more lively streets were lit.

"What on earth should I do Ellie!"

Jean thought about this problem countless times. This city meeting might be a good opportunity to do something. But when he thought about it carefully, Jean recalled what the couple had just said. If they were allowed to manage The problem.


A large number of people have returned to Central Park. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, but the meeting will continue at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Everyone's expressions are serious. The second motion came to an end after a fierce debate. The three The first law will be revised this year and will be implemented on January 1 next year.

Peristan sat on a bench with a solemn expression. Xingyuan next to him wanted to say some words of comfort, but gave up. Mansha was smoking a cigarette by the trees not far away, watching the two people.

"No matter how correct your actions are, the issue that ultimately needs to come back is conscience."

Peristan said, pressing his forehead with one hand. He was given the opportunity to speak, but he failed to do anything. There was no way to reverse the Hydera case, and even if the Trinity Law was introduced, the people would not forget it. This case may even be brought forward again due to some friction in the future.

Peristan could not imagine Hydera's life after being released from prison.

Xingyuan is still thinking about the problem of system solidification. He doesn't know if he has a chance to speak, because this may be the only chance to let everyone understand the dangers of system solidification, but it seems that no one wants to face this fundamental issue. There is no physical issue.

Whether it is the executive branch or the group of council members, the attitudes of both sides are tough. The logic of controlling everything in the city and making the city better sounds good, but in fact it is dangerous.

Xingyuan has always felt that high-intensity control will not bring anything, but will allow lies and ugliness to continue to appear. In the end, who will pay for all this, maybe managers, maybe ordinary people.

"Let's have a drink together, Mr. Perestan!"

Xingyuan stood up as he spoke, and Peristan nodded. Neither of them looked relaxed, and there was always bitterness on the corners of their mouths.

Mansha ran over at this time and hugged one with one arm.

"What on earth are you depressed about? There is nothing we can do about these things. The city must develop and people's lives must continue. As long as people continue to ask for newer things, all this will continue."

Eddie stood quietly at the central fountain, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

"The worst era is about to begin!"

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