Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1700 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 75 (Part 2)

Money and power are like a pair of conjoined twins. They have the same heart and the same brain. They cannot be separated. Once separated, they will only be destroyed.

future! The relationship between money and power will be closer. These two things have existed since the birth of human society.

What rights! The strong rule the weak, and the few rule the majority. A very small number of smart people establish social rules for most ordinary people, and under such rules, most people gain rights, down the layers.

What is money! The only thing found in the era of bartering that can balance the value of goods transactions is accumulated as a medium of trade.

This kind of top-down power and bottom-up money will eventually be like magnetic poles. After being closely combined, when the rights change and money flows, they will briefly separate, and the cycle will begin again.

So money and power are inseparable, no matter what era.

In the future, money may have become virtualized. I would like to warn all those who are vigilant that this approach is extremely dangerous. There is an inseparable relationship between money and power. If in order to control this relationship, the currency will be virtualized. , big problems will occur.

I can't give a solution. All this can only be left to these vigilant people in the future. At certain times, rights serve money, and at certain times, money serves rights.

In such an inseparable situation, I only hope that future vigilantes can find a way to balance money and power before money is completely virtualized. These two hands that maintain the huge melting pot of society may one day He will evolve into a pusher and actively overturn the furnace!

at last! What I want to warn you is that the social structure model we will return to in the future may be the original cluster model. Such a simple model may be an effective means to avoid human social problems, or an effective means within a certain period of time. .

BY—Destroyer of Worlds

The lights on the ground floor are a little dim at night. In many places, there are only street lights 50 meters apart. Most places have stopped power supply. As the construction work intensifies, power supply problems begin to occur. Nowadays, the southern and eastern parts of the ground floor have food Most areas on the edge of the base will continue to suffer from power shortages.

Ran Zhi sat quietly on his small balcony on the second floor. In the glass cover next to him, a half-burned chemical candle was emitting dim light. The street was pitch dark, with only the street lights in the distance shining white light. .

There was no one on the street. Except for the hotter place in the center of the area, there were only sporadic lights nearby. Looking up quietly from here, you could clearly see where the upper floor was and where the middle floor was. Ran Zhi smiled slightly and looked at In the distance, like a bulge of day in the night sky, there is the Congress.

Ran Zhi picked up the wine glass at the table. It was just after 10 o'clock, and he couldn't sleep. He had been worried about a lot of things recently. The situation at the bottom was indeed as he expected, and the game of money and power began.

Ran Zhi looked at a booklet on the table with the word "Destroyer of Worlds" and stood up with a smile. During the day today, Ran Zhi had just seen reports that Alpha personally went to some ground floor areas to rectify the problems. The effect was very significant and had already affected many people. Things hidden in the darkness in this area were pulled out.

Everything is just as Ran Zhi thought. Everything now has begun to become the same as in the past. The transaction of money and power has become a must-have for everyone at the bottom.

People in the executive department all have policies and countermeasures. No matter what era, people's greed is endless. Although Ran Zhi doesn't know how many people will be dealt with this time, I'm afraid there will be many.

Money has opened the door to convenience in all subjects. Such problems cannot be eliminated no matter what, and will only resurface again and again.

The same goes for the congressmen. The use of tax revenue in the region is not very transparent in many places. Although ordinary people can't understand it, Ran Zhi can see the clues at a glance. All this cannot be hidden from Ran Zhi. eyes.

Recently, many people from nearby and even other districts have come to look for Ran Zhi, looking for reasonable solutions. But no matter how Ran Zhi tries to find a solution, in the end it will only return to the issue of money and power. In the end, money can make things better. Power helps solve many things.

Ran Zhi has taught many people how to work around it. Recently, some members of parliament and people from the administrative department have even approached him. Ran Zhi also patiently gave them some advice. Ran Zhi looked back at the piles of piles in the four corners of the room. He smiled helplessly at the mountain-like gift, while his wife Ding Manman was a little worried, because the advice Ran Zhi gave to these people was somewhat on the verge of breaking the law. She was afraid that her husband would be caught again, but Ran Zhi had already said, He only provided some methods, but did not instigate, just opinions without any evidence.

After Ran Zhi took another sip of wine, he stood up. He thought of Eddie. Recently, there would be some traces near his home from time to time. Ran Zhi knew very well that Eddie was still monitoring him, but he couldn't do anything. He will not betray Eddie pointlessly, because Eddie is already self-destructing. Ran Zhi only needs to wait until Eddie self-destructs before he can start taking action.

Eddie's destruction is an opportunity for Ran Zhi. This coward will probably spend his whole life in the castle he built.

Ran Zhi knew very well that based on Eddie's current behavior, there was no future. He would definitely be doomed. Now most people in the city, even fools, understood that the Hillman family wanted to annex the Angus family. Now that most of the Angus family's properties have been sold, it is becoming clearer who the final beneficiaries of these properties are.

Under the established city rules, the Hillman family relied on their accumulation over the years to gradually eat away at the Angus family. With the Angus family's predicament, most businessmen rose up in this zero-sum game. There is no winner in the game. Ran Zhi smiled with a slightly evil expression. The faint light shone on his cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot.

Ran Zhi saw everything in the future very clearly. It was time to build this paradise for the bottom. People at the bottom did not need a new era. These people who were thrown off the high-speed train bound for the new era were It's time to return to the small station along the original path.

"It's the same no matter what time it is, you have the final say on everything."

Ran Zhi looked at the brightly lit Congress Hall on the top of the mountain and smiled contemptuously.

At this time, in the distance, a figure walked under the street lamp. Ran Zhi looked over and saw that this person was standing under the street lamp not far from Ran Zhi's home. After stopping, he began to wander around. It seemed that he was What was on his mind? Based on the figure of the man in front of him and the frequency of his wandering, Ran Zhi concluded that he was a young male.

Ran Zhi took the wine glass to the edge of the balcony and looked at the man quietly, who was more than 30 meters away from his home. Time passed minute by minute. It was already half an hour. The man was still wandering around, looking very troubled. At this time, the man was walking over, and Ran Zhi looked at the man quietly.

After a while, Ran Zhi smiled and took a sip. The man stood at the door of his house. It was almost 11 o'clock now.

Ran Zhi didn't speak, turned around and poured a glass of wine. He could feel the man standing at the door of his home, still thinking about something. Ran Zhi smiled, put down the glass, and came to the door of his home.

Ran Zhi was already very familiar with everything in the house. Ran Zhi knew exactly how big his pace was, how many steps he had to take and where to get to the door.

Ran Zhi stretched out his hand and grasped the door handle with precision and precision. In such darkness, even though Ran Zhi couldn't see anything, he could still feel it.


The moment the door to the room opened, with a flicker of light, Ran Zhi saw clearly that he was a handsome young man with blond hair.

The young man at the door lowered his head uneasily and put his hands in his pockets, but Ran Zhi saw the young man's fingers moving in his trouser pockets through the dim light. He looked extremely nervous. He obviously wanted to say something, but the words But it was choked in his throat, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

"If you want to ask something, you can come upstairs young man."

Ran Zhi said, and the young man in front of him said in a panic.

"My name is Jin, Master Wise Man!"

Ran Zhi nodded.

There was a sound of falling, and Ran Zhi turned on his mobile phone. Under the light, the young man named Jin stumbled on a small step and fell to the ground. He stood up in a hurry. He looked a little hurt, but he still held it back. He had a handsome face. , the figure is not tall, looks small, the clothes he wears are a bit old, and he looks very embarrassed.

Jin followed Ran Zhi to the small balcony on the second floor. He looked at the gifts piled up in the living room with some surprise, and was at a loss for a moment.

"The gift can be made up for later. Sit down young man, do you know how to drink?"

Jin nodded hurriedly. As soon as Ran Zhi picked up the wine bottle, Jin quickly picked up an inverted wine glass and held it respectfully in front of Ran Zhi with both hands. Ran Zhi poured half a glass of wine for Jin and asked with a smile.


Jin shook his head hurriedly, but his eyes turned to the other side.

Ran Zhi turned back to the house and took out some snacks that could be eaten. He opened some at random and put them on the table. After Jin swallowed several mouthfuls, he picked up a piece of dried meat and started to bite it. After taking a sip of wine, the trembling of the body slowly stopped.

"I heard someone said that I can get help from you, the wise man, by coming here, so I will..."

"Everyone has a time when they are desperate. Young people talk about it. If I can help, I will help you."

Jin still looked a little nervous, but this mood gradually eased with the wise man's charitable eyes. Jin took another sip. Ran Zhi smiled and raised his hand, indicating that Jin should eat quickly if he was hungry.

Jin ate it with big mouthfuls, which can be described as "wolfing down".

"Thank you, thank you, wise man."

Everyone has a past that they cannot look back on. Jin also started to talk about his past. He was abandoned at the door of a store since he was a child. He was originally adopted by a kind-hearted doctor and his wife, but when Jin was 8 years old, that He happened to be at school that night, and the couple was robbed and killed.

When he heard this, the corners of Ran Zhi's eyes twitched slightly, and he immediately thought of the past when the Hillman family obtained a large number of new drug formulas through crime in order to obtain the formulas for new drug development.

Jin continued to talk. After that, he could only stay in the orphanage, but he was spotted by a gang, and Jin was taken away. Because of his good image and temperament, Jin became a regular doorman for women in the special trading industry. Responsible for collecting money and helping women with housework.

There was anger in Jin's eyes, and he told a lot of unsavory things about his past. Jin originally negotiated with a woman under the control of gang members to steal a sum of money and leave, but it failed and the woman was killed alive. They beat her to death, but before she died, she did not surrender the money. Instead, she hid a sum of money for Jin. As a result, after a large-scale criminal investigation began, Jin used the money to escape to the middle level.

He originally planned to find a legitimate job, but the illegal body trade seemed to be a scar that could never be erased on Jin's body. Jin had no choice but to start his old business again, but a while ago , just when Jin decided to return to the ground floor, the area was investigated, and the women in their hands surrendered the money. Jin could only escape, but after cleaning up the last dime, he finally found out that he had been cheated. Now Jin is wanted and the reward is as high as 50,000.

Jin didn't dare to show up during the day, so he could only go out to get some food at night. Fortunately, he met a scavenger who also lived in an uninhabited and stinky area on the edge of the city. He learned about the wise man from his mouth. Jin came over.

Jin had been hesitating whether the rumors were true or not, wondering how anyone would be willing to help those who asked for help in the past, but now Jin believed that these rumors were true.

"Are you full?"

Ran Zhi asked, Jin nodded, and the pressure in his head disappeared with the alcohol, food, and a middle-aged man who was willing to listen carefully to what he said.

"Can I have some more?"

Jin held up the wine glass and knelt on the ground.

"You don't have to do this."

The wise man walked to Jin who was crying uncontrollably, patted his back with one hand, and nodded with a comforting smile.

Jin kept wiping tears. He didn't know what was wrong with him, why he couldn't get up no matter what, and could only go back to the bottom again and again. He was fed up with this kind of life. Now he had nothing and was wanted. Prisoner, when the woman was dying in the past, Jin was by her side. The woman always smiled, as if all the hopes of this life were pinned on Jin. He often dreamed of that woman recently.

"How do you want me to help you?"

The wise man asked, and Jin shook his head. He didn't know what to do.

The wise man said with a smile.

"You can turn yourself in tomorrow."

Jin's eyes widened.

"A very simple transfer method!"

Jin was a little surprised, and the wise man said with a smile.

"I should be able to tell you the list of some criminals who have escaped to the barrier area. Some of them used to do this kind of business. You can tell the people in the business department who instigated them. If you have enough food tonight and have the strength, just follow the instructions. The route I mentioned is to visit the places where these organizations used to be. As long as you explain why, the sentence will not be more than ten years for the crime of organizing illegal body trade, but for the crime of assisting illegal body trade, within 3 years. Come out, and there will be some money left, and come to me after you come out.”

Jin's eyes widened, he became a little scared, and the wise man stood up.

"The decision is yours. If you are willing to listen to me, you can return to freedom within three years. It doesn't even take three years, but only one and a half years before you can be paroled. And if you decide to continue to escape, like this Life will come to an end in the short future."

"I believe in you, wise master, please help me."

The wise man hummed, nodded, turned around, took two thick coats and gave one to Jin. He put one on himself and took Jin out. The wise man looked around, and soon took Jin with him. He jumped into the alley that could not be caught by the surveillance. He handed Jin a piece of rope and walked in the dark alley. Jin only had to follow the place where the rope pulled.

At first, Jin was a little uncomfortable, and he stumbled several times, but he soon felt at ease. The wise man in front of him was very reliable. From his words, Jin didn't hear a single falsehood.

After a while, the wise man came to Jin and came to the back door of a small building. The wise man took out a key from his pocket and quickly opened the door of the small building. When he walked in, it was very messy, and many of them had been abandoned. The wise man made Jin quickly familiar with everything here, and then took Jin to the basement. There were many things in the basement, including an emptied safe with some document lists in it.

"When you surrender directly to the people in the legal department, take this information with you and tell them the truth. You were abandoned and your poor life experience. When you are in the law hall, the lawyer will help you solve everything. I will give you a number that provides free legal assistance to homeless people. Then you can just go to the lawyers there and they will believe you and sympathize with you."

Jin kept nodding his head, listening to the wise man telling him every detail. He quickly remembered these things. Even if he repeated them again, they would be exactly the same, with nothing wrong at all. Ran Zhi nodded and looked at this head The very useful young man smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Just remember to come find me when you come out."

0 o'clock

Jewel dragged his tired body and looked at the second floor of the amethyst store with lights in front of him. The fatigue on his body suddenly disappeared. He quickly went upstairs and took out the key and opened the door.

"came back."

As soon as he entered the room, a pair of white jade arms came over and hugged Jewel. He hummed and hurriedly pushed Wu Qian in front of him.

"I'm very dirty. I've been working all day today."

Wu Qian, who was taller than Jewell, gently touched Jewell's forehead, kissed him, helped him take off his clothes, and pulled him into the bathroom. Wu Qian was wearing a soft black gauze dress. Soon she helped Jewell rub his back. There were many bruises on Jewell's body, and Wu Qian stroked them gently with some distress.

"Jewell, don't go, I can."

"Stop talking. I'll do it for a while before talking. After all, I'm a man."

Wu Qian leaned against Jewell gently, smiled and nodded.

"Is it really okay for you to come with me?"

Jewell immediately pushed Wu Qian away.

"I said it's okay if it's okay. We'll get married when we're of the right age."

Wu Qian happily wiped the tears of happiness that overflowed from the corners of her eyes, but soon she turned her back to Jewil and showed a slightly bitter expression. She and Jewil only need one tenderness from each other now, two. The hearts that have been frozen for a long time just collided together and sparked, and Jewell may look at himself more because he wants to find a trace of familiar flavor.

Jewell talked about some things on the construction site today and looked very happy. Wu Qian just listened quietly. No matter what, Jewell was still a child.

After taking a shower, Jewel sat at the table and took a sip. Wu Qian was busy in the kitchen. Now they are both extremely happy every day. Wu Qian doesn't think she and Jewel will have any future. , the only thing she knows is that she needs Jewell now, and Jewell also needs her. This is enough. There is no need to consider the unseen future. Living in the present is the happiest thing for the two of them. of.

"Is this love?"

Jewell murmured in a low voice, looked at Wu Qian in the kitchen, and took a sip. He always felt happy, but he still didn't understand, or didn't want to think about it. This period of time was really going on. happy.

Soon Jewell ate the food Wu Qian made, and the two chatted happily, with only each other in their eyes, as if they had endless things to say.

The breeze was blowing, Wu Qian stood up, and seeing that Jewel was also a little drunk, the two hugged each other and entered the bedroom.


Gil woke up from the hospital bed with a burst of abdominal pain. He quickly entered the bathroom next to him. After feeling comfortable, Gil walked out with weak legs. He was still waiting for Marcus to send the test results. He was always uneasy in his heart, and the shadow of Tang Rao was in his head. He didn't want this matter to spread, so he called Marcus himself.

After a while, the door to the room was pushed open, and Marcus walked in with a serious expression. Looking at the panicked Gilmarchus, he burst into laughter. The two had a very good relationship in the Academy of God.

"Don't worry, you just have some violently mutated cells in your body. However, these cells have died and are being gradually excreted from your body. They will be fine after a while. You have to pay attention recently and find ways to relieve yourself. Those cells You have to find a place to release your restless and restless stress, and the best way is to go to Qinglong Street, indulge yourself for a while and you’ll be fine.”

Gil immediately shook his head, and seeing that Gil was still worried, Marcus added.

"You still can't believe it when I personally checked it for you?"

Jill sighed helplessly.

"It would be very embarrassing if word of this got out."

Marcus nodded.

"By the way, what happened to the death case that happened in your 5th department today?"

Jill shook her head.

"That guy Mo Xiaolan is still investigating, and there's no result yet. He says it's a homicide."

Marcus hummed and looked at Jill with twinkling eyes. Although he didn't hide anything from Jill about the physical examination, he extracted Jill's alienated gene without permission. Marcus did not tell Jill about this. There is indeed an unstable situation at present, but for powerful mutants, it is nothing. Although Jill's strength is not ranked high in the Academy of God, as a mutant, his quality is excellent.

"I'll ask the Huashen guy to come over in a few days. We must really develop a drug to solve the problem of mutated people's self-destruction."

Gil hummed, and today's worries were gone. He lay comfortably on the hospital bed and could rest for three days. It was better for Gil. He really wanted to go to the flower house to find Tang Rao, but Tang Rao was not there. He must have gone to the barrier and won't be back in a short time.

"There has been a lot of pressure within your 5th department recently. Please give advice to the president when you have time."

Jill hummed, and knew what Marcus was talking about. As far as Jill knew, many of her classmates in the past were involved in making money. Alpha knew about this, but she used this method to peel off the cocoons. Although the method of verification and circumstantial investigation will indeed have some effect, the problem is still difficult to solve.

Jill originally wanted to talk to Jean about this matter, but in the end he gave up. Jean would not care about it. These problems were problems that they should solve on their own.

Marcus smiled and walked to the window.

"You feel sick to your stomach now, otherwise we can have a drink. It's been a long time since we had a drink."

Gil waved his hand.

"There will be plenty of time in the future, but Marcus, let me remind you that I have heard something recently."

Marcus became a little nervous, he smiled and shook his head.

"I have always felt that as long as animal genes are successfully written into human genes, they can help humans solve many diseases. You can just pretend you haven't seen those things."

Gil nodded. He had indeed received reports of unknown animals being discovered by the public before, but the matter quickly calmed down. Marcus should have used genetic technology to create animals that had disappeared for decades to conduct Research.

"By the way, Gil, I would like to advise you again, find a woman quickly and don't think about the matter with Mr. Tang Rao. No matter what happens, nothing will happen to you. Those adults are no longer human beings, they are just gods."

Jill stared at Marcus angrily. Marcus no longer talked about this matter, but talked about another strange thing. The criminals who were escaping in the barrier area, a gang of more than ten people, all died in it. On the barrier, there were mutilated corpses. The gods had Tang Rao personally come over two months ago to tell Marcus and Archimi to conduct a genetic comparison, and asked the two to set up a special investigation team. Conduct surveys at medical facilities across the city.

"It's really strange."

Gil said and looked over. At this time, he noticed that the corners of Marcus's mouth were raised, as if he had something good in mind, but the smile looked a little cold.

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