Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1704 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 77 (Part 1)

"Move quickly!"

A director of Section 3 yelled, and helicopters kept flying overhead. The team members of Section 3 were moving quickly. Most of the teams had been assigned to tasks, leaving only a few teams to survey the terrain. Accurate surveying and mapping, this is no longer a simple march, but has completely evolved into a war.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, it was already past 5 o'clock, and the sky was starting to get dark. Most people were a little reluctant to continue walking forward, but they could only continue to move quickly with their hands, because the wind and sand were now very small.

More than 30 criminal gathering places in the northeastern region have been identified, and more than 200 teams have directly surrounded them in a fan shape. The overhead cranes are constantly monitoring the situation in the northeast.

Ling Hong is leading 20 teams on a rapid march, and will soon be close to the target location. A criminal gathering place with about 1,000 people is located at the foot of the mountain at the eastern end of the Altan Ula Mountains. The exact information has been obtained Intelligence, this is a small town in the past war years, and now it has become a haven for criminals.

Ling Hong had already thought about it. After conducting fire suppression, she would break through directly. If she only used bombing, this operation in the barrier area would be in vain. A carpet-like cleaning operation had already begun.

Some heavy ground firepower equipment in the eastern guard station is being transported to the front line. According to the information sent back by the forward observers, the criminals in this fortress at the eastern end of the Alata Ula Mountains do not intend to surrender. They have already built strong walls. Get ready.

Ling Hong knew very well that once it started, it could not be stopped. After this battle, as long as military equipment stations were established in some places in the barrier area, the problem of criminals' flight that had plagued the city for a long time could be eliminated.

And the next plan of Section 12 is to reclaim the bad wasteland outside the eastern warning station and conduct land recovery experiments. The genes of most fruits have been analyzed and the seeds of fruit trees have been successfully produced. As long as the land recovery is completed Later, this barren land can be utilized and turned into a dense orchard.

So many criminals in the city can be directly transported to this barren land for reclamation. In order to allow trees to survive normally in the barrier area, the recovery of the land is necessary, and the height of the barrier will be increased to 1,000 meters in the future. , this is an extremely huge project.

If you want to alleviate the pressure within the current city, you can only expand outward. Nowadays, the pressure on the population has begun to increase sharply. With the construction and other problems in the city, this barren land will be used again.

Planning for the next century has begun. The gods have personally visited Section 3 to review the plan. Now Osman has had his authority frozen. He is very opposed to using such a rough method to treat those entrenched in the barrier. District offenders.

In less than a day, 1,389 criminals have been killed and 694 cases have been involved in the city. All of these cases can be closed.

After this march, there will inevitably be voices of dissatisfaction in the city, but the subsequent land recovery plan announced should be able to silence these voices of dissatisfaction in the city. Once this land is utilized, it can effectively solve most of the problems in the city. The employment problem, capital that has begun to solidify, will begin to move again.

The gods also said that no middle-class or upper-class people are allowed to get involved in this land. The use rights of this land and the value generated are enjoyed by the people at the bottom.

Today's economic structure has been solidified. The three-tiered economic structure has led to frequent urban problems. If we continue to squeeze the bottom layer, countless problems will occur in the future.

The outlines of some mountains could be seen in the distance, as well as a high-walled fortress at the end of the mountains. Ling Hong stopped.

"Start pre-war deployment!"

The team behind them began to disperse, began to detect the surrounding environment, and then installed signal identifiers and built signal stations.

Ling Hong glanced at the time. It was just 5:51. She glanced at the city shrouded in the dim sun and took out a cigarette.

"Why exactly!"

On the other side of the line of sight, the command vehicle moving slowly behind the army stopped on a line in the north-east. Not far away, black smoke was still rising.

Zijuan stood quietly beside a large truck that had been cut in two and collapsed on the ground, looking at a panting man whose legs had been broken.

"I ask again, who provides you with liquid food."

The man shook his head in horror. The officers around him were extracting biological information from the corpses of criminals. They had determined that some major cases a few years ago were committed by this gang, including murders, kidnappings, extortion, violations, etc. , this gang that used to be entrenched in the western factory area became extremely rampant and ran to the barrier area after the crime investigation.

"I really don't know adults, I really don't know, it's just that every month someone is trucking in food and water and just asking us to give them some labor."

Zi Juan frowned, and a director ran over.

"The battle ahead is about to begin."

Zi Juan nodded and turned around, squinting at the leader behind her. He looked at Zi Juan longingly.

"There is no equipment to escort you back here, and there is no free food for you to eat after you return!"

The leader struggled to get up, and some reddish-reddish particles appeared on his body. He roared angrily, but the next second he only saw a light blue light passing by, and the leader's head was cut off.

"Leave some people to continue working."

After a while, the command vehicle moved quickly, and at this time, in a depression far away from the solved convoy, a lift landed silently.

Erwin stepped out of the lift with a smile.

"The result of the test is successful, it can be started, and it will be solved within 3 minutes."

A large number of modified people in the cabin quickly came out, and soon hundreds of modified people were ready.

This time the results are quite fruitful and good results have been achieved. Although 48 modified humans were damaged, the combat data obtained is extremely important. Prometheus should be able to evolve and update the combat system soon. In addition, now The war initiated by Xingke allows Prometheus to collect a large amount of data.

Accompanied by a violent explosion, each of the transformed humans raised their weapons and flew over at high speed, and the battle was about to break out.

Erwin walked up the small slope and saw only explosions everywhere. He could see very clearly that everything in front of him, although there were mutants among the members of the administrative department, they were still vulnerable.

The scabs of the low-level mutants were easily cut open by the light-killing weapons on these transformed humans. Soon the explosions gradually faded away. The battle was over in less than 3 minutes, and the transformed humans began to return.

"Evacuate quickly!"

The last embers of the sun turned into blood red, the artificial sun's flame went out, and the city's lights quickly lit up after a brief period of darkness.

The lights at the top of the Capitol Hill are shining brightly, and the six huge pillars on the periphery are already emitting six colors of light. Everyone in the city already knows that the business department is fighting in the barrier area. This matter has been heard from above the barrier area. The flames and subtle explosions were completely exposed.

Mixed opinions about this incident have begun to spread, and many people have questioned whether this action was passed by Congress, but soon everyone saw on the Congress page that this action was carried out by six people. Directly appointed by God.

What most people are concerned about is whether such military operations will affect the city's economy, and thus their own lives. After the war started, it was the economy that suffered losses. Someone captured a black fighter plane that had never been seen before, and today's entire The sky is constantly flying over the city, including the operations department, which has deployed additional manpower in most places today, and people from the 3rd and 5th departments are patrolling the streets.

Many people are waiting for Congress to release some information. War is too far away for many young people today, but some older people still vaguely remember what war is.

At this time, there was silence in the Congress hall. Except for the section chiefs of Section 3 and Section 13, the section chiefs of several other sections were present. Everyone was watching the video on the screen.

This temporary meeting only allowed some patriarchs of big families to come in to listen. The business department and the council members were all thinking, and the six gods were sitting at the table in the middle.

A bill called the resurgence of the land in the barrier area, personally authorized by the six gods to Section 12, was placed in front of everyone.

Freya looked at the light and shadow screen in front of her with a solemn expression and did not look away. Most people no longer watched these battle videos. In the eyes of many people, this was the first time that they faced such a tragic war. Few people were sitting on pins and needles. This was preparation for the follow-up orchard project in the barrier area. According to the proposal, some land will be revived in about three years, and then the orchard project will be started.

Eddie looked at everything in front of him quietly. Although he didn't know the exact number of casualties, he was sure that his combat experiment plan had been successful. What surprised Eddie even more was that the gods had already decided on the next project. plan.

Adding fruits as food can indeed create a new kind of production capacity for people at the bottom, allowing people at the bottom to participate in the economic effects brought about by production capacity and obtain a new round of urban production capacity benefits, thereby ensuring Bottom-level stability.

Only people at the bottom level can participate in this plan. They must hold an ID card from any of the 60 districts at the bottom level to participate. The middle and upper levels cannot participate. Many family patriarchs have seen profits from this orchard plan. But they are unable to participate, and the benefits they can obtain are limited to the entire process of land recovery.

It is obvious that many family patriarchs are dissatisfied with such a bill. They are asked to participate in the Guoyuan Project, but they only get a meager benefit, but they have to make wedding dresses for others. For many people, they do not want to invest. of.

Most lower-level councilors know that the feasibility of this plan is very high, and the huge benefits it will bring to the lower-level if successful can at least bring them closer to the middle-level.

"Six Gods, I have a question. Is the city currently capable of launching this plan?"

Freya was the first to speak. At this time, the video on the light screen stopped playing, and the purple god laughed.

"Of course it's impossible, so we let the family patriarchs come in to listen."

Freya squinted at the family patriarchs in the auditorium. It was impossible for many of them to invest, because once the recovery of the land was over, everything produced on the land would have nothing to do with them.

Freya frowned slightly. She knew that this was a bill directly authorized by the gods, and there was no way to refute it. The current process was a process of brainstorming for this bill.

"It is dangerous to initiate such a motion now, my lords."

Freya said, and the green god laughed.

"The danger is inevitable, but the underlying social structure and industrial structure will collapse if it continues."

As soon as Cyan Shinhwa's voice fell, many people looked at Violet, who looked tired at the family seat. The reason was that there was a big problem with the city construction of the Angus family, which led to the entire city being dragged down. In this quagmire, the underlying economy has plummeted due to the problems caused by this bill. Some places have even begun to turn into slums, with the average monthly income of people in the area being less than 300 yuan.

Once Section 12 starts to revive the land bill, the city's economy will indeed start to move, but it will not be very friendly to the middle and upper classes. The middle class economy needs to be slowly flowing to fill this bill. This approach will only make the middle class The upper level was dragged down.

Freya knows very well that this bill will destroy the existing urban economic structure. Once the bill is started, the price of raw materials will inevitably start to increase. Among them, the price of mimics supplied by Congress should increase in the long term, because if you want to have money To supply 12 subjects for the construction of the proposal, the price of mimics is bound to increase, and the middle and upper classes are now the two main classes that use mimics. In the end, this cost will be passed on to the middle and upper classes by merchants. This is The most critical thing.

Freya is firmly opposed in her heart. Before the Angus family's project has been completed, they have rashly begun to squeeze the middle and upper classes and use the capital of the middle and upper classes to transfuse blood to the lower classes. Although this approach is beneficial to the 1,300 people at the bottom This is a huge benefit for tens of thousands of people, but it will also destroy the current urban economic structure. Once the economic structure is destroyed, many new problems will arise.

"This bill can only be delayed!"

While Freya was hesitant to speak, Alpha stood up. Everyone in the Congress Hall focused their attention on the princess and the queen. They have the most say in the city and can directly act on their behalf. Section and members of parliament spoke to the group.

The two agreed. This is where both factions feel most at ease now. The orders of the gods are absolute and cannot be refuted, so Alpha uses the word "lag".

"Tell me your opinion, Chief Alpha."

The red god said, squinting at Alpha who had already walked forward, and Freya on the opposite side also walked out.

"The current production capacity in the city, the city's social structure and the city's economic situation cannot support this proposal. Dear gods, please make reasonable considerations. In the end, it is the people of the city who will pay for this. The pressure of our 5 departments It’s big enough! Now our entire business department is in urgent need of manpower.”

Alpha didn't say too much, but directly threw out the core key points of the proposal. She looked at Freya opposite, and Freya spoke after the two looked at each other.

"Many problems will arise. We cannot avoid those force majeure factors. Once problems arise during the implementation of the bill, the city as a whole will be dragged down. My lords, I hope you can make reasonable considerations. Many things cannot be concentrated on On one point.”

The congressmen and section chiefs on both sides have stopped talking. Clark, who even accepted the bill, also knows that if this bill is implemented, the manpower will only rely on Section 3, and the price of food for Section 12 will inevitably increase. Otherwise, there would be no money to carry out land recovery. Nowadays, there is such technology, but funding is a big problem. Now the funds of 12 departments are tight enough to maintain all the expenses on the huge agricultural base, and some of the funds are used for research. funds to use.

"Clark, what do you think?"

The green god asked and Clark stood up with a smile and bowed.

"My thoughts are the same as those of Section Chief Alpha. Dear gods, this bill cannot be implemented now. At least it will take some time to raise funds."


Along with a dazzling orange light, a huge light and shadow screen appeared in the middle. After a brief flash, the picture became clear, showing a distant view.

Alpha took out a cigarette and looked nervously at the members of Section 3 on the screen, including Ling Hong. The screen began to split, and you could see the close and distant views, as well as Zijuan and their current headquarters.

The tense atmosphere once again filled the hall of Congress, and everyone could only watch the war that was about to unfold.

"Noah, it's up to you to explain!"

The Purple God said, Noah stood up with a smile, and quickly brought up a light and shadow screen. At this time, in the middle of the screen, a Changxing fort with four mechanical legs fixed on the ground and a diamond-shaped barrel appeared. There was a reddish light shining on it.

"This Disintegrator A1 type turret has a speed of 3025M/s. The shells are mini-shaped, 5 cm diameter spherical shells, which are filled with instantaneous high-energy explosives. They can fire 100 shells per second. The loading capacity It’s 10,000 pieces.”

At this time, on the screen, you can see that some people from Section 3 placed the cylindrical mechanical warehouses behind the turret and started to connect them.

Everyone was watching everything on the screen quietly. No one said anything. Noah looked around and then sat down. He did not intend to continue talking about weapons in such an unusually solemn atmosphere.

Eddie stared at the scene in front of him quietly, with an imperceptible smile crossing his lips. He knew very well that the weapons held by the criminals in this fortress were not weak, because these weapons were provided by the Hillman family. To test the weapons, the fortress had already built an underground fortress 30 meters underground five or six years ago in order to prevent aerial bombings. It was poured with strong mixed metals and could withstand many explosions.

Eddie knew everything in the fortress. As early as more than a year ago, the Hillman family gave them a large number of pocket missiles, as well as machinery that can directly and fully automatically manufacture such missiles, including a large amount of raw materials. , the reason why the criminals in this fortress are so tough is because they have a large number of weapons in their hands, and it is impossible for them to surrender. There are more than 1,000 criminals in the fortress. In the past, there were more than 10 large and small criminals. A gang of vicious criminals.

Many people's hands were stained with blood, and most of them lived a life of licking blood all year round. This group of people had already left the city before the large-scale crime investigation. Eddie had already found someone to notify them in advance. So they dodged a bullet, and most of the criminals who fled after the crime investigation were killed directly that day.

Eddie knew very well that as long as he continued to create new problems and let these problems slowly arise, he could continue to buy time for the Hillman family's huge plan. Everything in the city that seemed calm now would actually be There was already an undercurrent surging above, and Eddie laughed again, but this time his smile was caught in the eyes of Su Li, who was not far away from him.

The businessmen have already planned to use the support of the association to start to move up. Today's situation is no longer dominated by the family. Businessmen of all sizes have the momentum to rise. It is necessary for more business leaders to appear at the upper level. of disputes.

This is a problem that is currently seen by the executive branch and the parliamentary faction but cannot be avoided. They cannot stop these businessmen who are striving for the top. Recently, many families have failed in business competition. Businessmen continue to take advantage of family marriage problems. , as well as some evil deeds in the past, to carry out some covert attacks on propaganda strategies, and the effect is very significant.

Businessmen know very well that the impression of family evil has been imprinted on the minds of most urban people, and the most critical issue is the family's immunity. This right will eventually be abridged by Congress.

The reason why no ordinary businessmen were invited to this city meeting was actually an olive branch extended by the Congress to the families. However, most families did not dare to accept this olive branch, because only the recovery of the land, the establishment of military preparations, and There is money to be made in establishing orchard areas outside the barrier. Everyone knows that the rate of return will not be too high and too dry, so they are not willing to do so.

Everyone is waiting for the gods to finally make a decision on when this bill will be launched, but most of the families have already made up their minds and will not participate. The Angus family is a living example of this. The huge construction in the city has directly dragged down the Angus family, which has always been the richest man in the city, and is now on the verge of collapse.

The gods around the round table had made no move at this time. Everyone knew what the gods were discussing.

"It seems like the family doesn't plan to get involved."

Tang Rao exhaled a puff of smoke. There were six chairs in this small small room, where the six people talked with the people in the Congress hall through holographic projection.

Deguna laughed.

"There will always be people who are willing. After all, if this continues, the underlying urban structure will collapse. That girl Alpha is really going against us at this time."

Li Chu smiled and nodded.

"The countdown to the Angus family's destruction is already beginning. The next person to take over will be the Hillman family."

Witte sighed. They didn't want to see the situation become like this, but this construction project is related to the official start of the mechanization era a hundred years later, and there is no time to delay. Once the project construction is completed, the car will be completely reduced to a Fit, regardless of It only takes you up to 20 minutes to get to any place in the city. Walking will be the main mode of transportation for people in the future. This method can greatly enhance human physical fitness in a slow process.

Many materials that needed to be transported for a long time in the past can also be circulated very conveniently in every corner of the city, which can greatly save travel costs and allow most people to have more time to devote to work.

After the opening of the western subway, after a long period of testing, very surprising conclusions were drawn. For workers who did not live in factory dormitories, the average commute time used to be at least 1 hour, but now it is very convenient, and the commute time is only 1 hour a day. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes, and you can quickly travel to and from your residence and factory.

Cars have become dispensable in the west. Many people no longer travel by car. The next step is to connect the subway to the barrier area. The entire city will have unparalleled carrying capacity and transportation capacity. This is mechanization. Necessary of the times.

The six gods all know very well that the Angus family is almost unable to bear it, and new blood must be injected into the construction. But now no one dares to get into this project, and once they get in, they may lose everything.

"Although I am reluctant, I can only let the Hillman family take over."

Rose lit a cigarette, and the faces of the six guys were helpless. Although the Hillman family was very insidious, the rest of the project could only be carried out by the Hillman family, which had financial resources comparable to the Angus family in the past. Finish.

According to the news, Eddie Hillman has negotiated with the Angus family many times, but the results have always failed. Now the bank no longer provides loans to the Angus family because if it continues to lend money, the situation will be very dangerous. , the Angus family's loan has reached more than 20 billion, which is a very scary figure, and there is interest on the loan account, but in fact it does not include interest.

"Let's take advantage of this city meeting to confirm it."

Gu Yi said, everyone nodded, and Tang Rao put out the cigarette butt. This was also an extremely difficult decision for them, because the Angus family could no longer bear it, but construction could not stop, and there was still more to come. For more massive plans, the cars must be scrapped quickly. Once the cars are scrapped, a large amount of raw materials can be recycled, and these raw materials can be invested in future plans.

"That bastard Jean has been taking care of the kids again lately."

Li Chu said, and Deguna laughed.

"As long as he is happy, let him do whatever he wants! But let him be on standby. If he can't handle Section 3, just let him go directly."

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