Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1706 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 77 (Part 2)

"How long!"

A somewhat serious and slightly gloomy voice sounded, and the atmosphere in the already silent Congress Hall began to change again. Many people looked at Eddie who stood up and bowed slightly in the family gallery.

Everyone present knew that the Hillman family had made a lot of money from sniping this construction project over the years, and the Hillman family became the biggest beneficiary of this construction project.

Wu Qun put his hand on his chin and stared at Eddie sideways. Freya, who was sitting next to him, wanted to get up, but her face changed slightly and she looked a little unwell. Wu Qun checked with several people around him. After a look, he stood up, and the Hillman family finally showed its claws.

Violet turned around and looked at Eddie, who was not far away.

"My lords, please allow me to say a few words."

"Say it Eddie!"

The green god said with a slightly helpless voice, and Eddie walked out of the table with a smile.

"First of all, I want to explain a problem! The essence of business is profit and loss! Please don't point the finger at our family just because our family has made money. Everyone should know the name of this land! Arena! This is a zero-sum game within a limited range. Since it is a game, there will naturally be a winner and loser!"

Eddie said as he leisurely walked up to the stage in front of the family auditorium. His words caused many whispers to temporarily stop.

"A zero-sum game?"

Violet sneered and shook her head.

"It's just for some people! Eddie, if you just think this is a zero-sum game, the city will not develop to this day. There is a difference between zero and one!"

Wu Qun spoke, and Eddie looked at his former classmates with a smile. He knew very well that no one could stop it. The Angus family was going to collapse. They would not survive this year. What happened in the barrier area would be extremely serious. Everything that affects the Angus family.

The crackdown is not as simple as Xing Ke thought. In recent years, a large number of weapons have flowed out of the Altan Ula Mountains and into the hands of criminals. As long as they have weapons in their hands, they will shoot. They will not sit still and wait to be killed. , and Section 3’s plan to build an armament station in the barrier area cannot be completed. As long as there are still criminals, as long as the city’s laws are as strict as ever, and as long as Section 5 is still maintaining social security, those societies The blood and tears piled up at the bottom will definitely lead to the barrier area.

Eddie was convinced that the gods would force the Angus family to make the final choice. It was just a matter of time, because at such an important meeting, the gods would actually put this matter on the table and say that it was already It says it all.

"The difference between zero and one is that there is something and nothing! Councilor Wu Qun, what do you think of the current economic situation in the city?"

Wu Qun was smiling, but he was not at all relaxed in his heart. The current economic situation in the city was due to the construction project. It seemed calm, but in fact there was an undercurrent. Such drastic changes in the city's economy were also caused by the construction. project.

The construction project has driven all industries in the city, but at the same time, the direction of the industry can only follow the construction project. If it cannot respond to the construction project, it will lose money. Businessmen are a group of profit chasers, and they will only Following the footsteps of Angus Construction, the city's economic direction is now following Angus Construction, which is extremely dangerous.

Only a diversified economy can share most of the risks in the economic chain and effectively reduce the unpredictable risks in a single economic chain. Everyone present knows this.

"It is true that the current economic situation in the city is not very good, but it is not irreversible! For example, if privately operated mobile payments are cancelled, what do you think?"

Wu Qun suddenly changed the subject, and Eddie laughed.

"Please don't make fun of our Hillman family, Representative Wu Qun."

Wu Qun shook his head.

"What I'm telling you is a fact. Nowadays, the overall volume of finance has exceeded that of entities by too much, and it is almost overflowing! 200%. Over the years, I believe you all should know what is going on. Finance has been around since the earliest times in history. It has been hundreds of years since the beginning of Baitiao. This is the most effective fund-raising tool in the hands of businessmen. It is also something that constantly attracts batches of ants to fall into the sugar jar. The temperature is not high when entering. But when more and more ants enter the sugar jar, the temperature begins to rise, and I don’t need to explain what happens next!”

Eddie nodded and said.

"Finance! But this link is indispensable for the development of a city. Councilor Wu Qun, do you think a city can be built if the financial link is ignored?"

Wu Qun was about to say something when Violet spoke again.

"I'm hungry. Dear gods, please give our Angus family a little time. We will complete the bill as scheduled."

The six gods beside the round table were still hesitating at this time and did not directly agree to Violet. Eddie spoke again.

"Everyone here is hungry, Ms. Violet. Sometimes acting on impulse is a good thing, but this is a big issue that affects the entire city. I hope you can think about it carefully. Time can no longer solve any problem."

Everyone understood the implication of Eddie's words. He hoped that the problem could be solved today, not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, let alone the day when the Angus family collapsed. Then it would be even more troublesome to clean up. Spending several times the current capital, time and energy to clean up this mess is not what the Hillman family wants to see.

Some congressmen had already begun to calculate on the light and shadow screens in front of them. Pullman looked at the economic model on the light and shadow screen and had already calculated something.

At present, the Angus family has lost at least more than 100 billion. The bank's debt is only a small problem. The important thing is that the Angus family's property has shrunk rapidly. Losses occur every day. Only one point in the west can make a profit. From the bottom to the middle class in the west, 19 regions, with a population of nearly 4 million, of which more than 2 million are floating population. The subway's daily income is about 3 million. After excluding 30% of the technical tax, the remaining 2.1 million is spent on operation and maintenance labor of about 1 million, etc. After costs, the pure profit is only about 1 million.

It seems that there is a net income of more than 300 million a month, but in fact it is a drop in the bucket for the current situation of Angus Construction. The funds that Congress can settle for Angus Construction every month are up to about 1.5 billion, which is simply not enough to sustain it until the end of the year. The construction has been completed, and the frequent crime problems in the past to the current technical problems have made the entire Angus family heavily in debt and difficult to move forward. Even if the Angus family sells a large number of properties that can make money, Industrial land still cannot fill this hole.

The most critical of these is that the Hillman family used reasonable and legal attacks on the financial system in the past. At present, when financial laws have not yet been fully perfected, the only way for the Angus family to curb losses is to do as little as possible. Businessmen or people from families cooperate, but this is obviously impossible. No one is willing to take the initiative to get into this big hole. There is no other way except a comprehensive acquisition by the Hillman family.

"I believe the amount offered by our Hillman family will satisfy you, Mrs. Angus!"

Pullman has probably guessed the amount, 100 billion.

"What do you think of 120 billion? We will pay 50 billion first, and the remaining 70 billion will be settled within 5 years."

For a moment, the venue was shaken again. For such a huge transaction, the only families in the city that could spend 50 billion at once were the current Hillman family and the Angus family.

"Please allow me to reject Mr. Eddie Hillman!"

Violet looked at Eddie with firm eyes and directly rejected his proposal. Now the Hillman family's diversified operations have the shadow of the Hillman family in almost every industry in the city. They have truly He became the richest man in the city. Especially after taking over a large amount of real estate and some industries from the Angus family, the entire Hillman family became prosperous. They are currently the only family capable of solving all the problems in the city.

Su Li said with a smile on her face, "The Su family can also afford 50 billion, but the subsequent construction is impossible to start. Although she is unwilling to admit it, the only way now is to let the Hillman family fully take over the proposal." .

"My conditions are not bad, Mrs. Angus. I hope you can consider it properly. If this continues, it will cause great harm to the city's overall economy."

Alpha stared at Eddie quietly, with anger rising in his heart, but she usually kept her emotions and anger a secret. Only Keying next to her knew it. Alpha was a little angry and looked at her. You can tell by the frequency of smoking. When he is anxious and angry, Alpha smokes particularly fiercely, and he will unconsciously increase the intensity when putting out his cigarette butt.

The gods still didn't speak. It seemed that they wanted to continue to listen to opinions, but in fact they just needed Violet's consent.

Violet was exhausted at this time, and the Congress Hall fell into dead silence again. No one said anything. Although Wu Qun was still thinking about the problem, there was currently no solution to this problem.

Latis looked at Violet and then at Alpha from time to time. She wanted to get up, but held back. Clark next to her had already understood Latis's intention. She had been formulating it on the light and shadow screen just now. What was he talking about? After Clark saw a few words, he completely understood.

"That's good!"

Clark stood up first and said.

"Our 11th and 12th departments actually have a plan. Nowadays, the highest cost of Angus construction is labor cost!"

Latis stood up immediately and stopped moving her fingers. A document regarding prisoners' assignment to work and reform had been submitted. Latis's forehead was already wet. She put out the cigarette butt in her mouth and looked at it. glanced at Alpha.

"Please first take a look at the proposal for prison inmates to be sent to work outside the home jointly drawn up by our two departments. This is an effective method, and those with sentences of less than one year can also participate. Our 11th and 12th departments will take the responsibility. We have full responsibility to dispatch prisoners to every construction site of Angus Construction, and Section 5 will fully assist and monitor the prisoners!"

Alpha was a little surprised, but stood up as quickly as possible.

"This is illegal!"

Eddie's face turned bad instantly.

"It is indeed illegal. Inmates are not allowed to leave the Eastern Agricultural Base, but they are treated specially at special times. Many inmates perform heavy physical labor in the Eastern Agricultural Base every day without any wages, but the prison is now Its function is too narrow. As an institution that rehabilitates criminals, it is now seriously out of touch with society. Although this approach is illegal and poses safety risks, criminals now wear collars. This is absolute. Safety and security.”

As soon as Clark finished speaking, Latis stood up.

"After our long-term and comprehensive psychological testing, you can take a look. Most of the current mental conditions of criminals in prison are not very good. Integration with society is the best way to treat some mental illnesses. Every day we will Using a crane to transport criminals will never allow them to leave the construction site. Angus Construction only needs to pull up the protective net near the construction site."

Violet didn't speak, just looked at the two of them gratefully, and Eddie became a little anxious.

"So I hope that the six gods will give us a little time, and our 11th and 12th departments will introduce a relatively complete system."

"So how to solve the legal problem?"

Eddie asked again, and Pullman stood up.

"Legally, prisoners cannot leave the Eastern Food Base, and they refer to those with serious violent tendencies. However, many criminals have been paroled in recent years, and the results are very good. Many criminals have been released on parole during their parole period. It has been well returned to society, and as for the unclear points in this law, I think we need to revise this law at the next city meeting.”

Eddie was still thinking, but then the orange god spoke.

"Three months! Please come up with a corresponding strategy. This issue will be shelved until the next city meeting. Now you can go to dinner. Please come back here at 9 o'clock!"

As the words of the orange god fell, all the gods disappeared beside the round table. Members of Congress and people from the administrative department began to stand up and leave. Eddie looked at the people who started to leave, with anger on his face. Come on, Alpha had already walked over quickly and supported his mother. She looked exhausted.

"I'll carry you up, Mom."

Violet said nothing and nodded quietly. Latis breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and Clark smiled helplessly.

"No matter what, it is always necessary to fill the shortage of manpower in the Agriculture Department after the prisoners are sent to work outside, and an additional worker salary is needed."

"That's all!"

Latis said, looking at Alpha who was leaving with his mother on his back. No one bothered the mother and daughter. Just when Latis stepped out of the Congress Hall, a message came through.

It's done!

Latis tensed up, knowing it was from Song Man, so she ignored it. At this time, Clark came closer.

"What's finished?"

"You are so lenient."

5 minutes ago

"What are you going to do? Let go, let go!"

Peter yelled, but his mouth was blocked. He was whimpering. He had just woken up from his sleep. He was suppressed by several people with hands and feet. After his mouth was blocked, he could not make any sound. Not coming out.

There was a one-eyed fox smoking a cigarette at the door. There were only three people in the room, and Weiss was among them. He was completely different from the sallow and skinny person who came in. He had become much stronger.

"Listen carefully to me first, Peter, and don't get excited!"

As the One-Eyed Fox spoke, Peter's excitement calmed down, but he still looked at the One-Eyed Fox in horror, because he didn't know where he had offended him. During this period, he and the One-Eyed Fox had a very good relationship. The One-Eyed Fox also said, After going out, I wanted to invest in Pete. I just wanted Pete to introduce some beautiful adult actresses as payment. Of course, Pete agreed.

"Hurry up we only have 3 minutes."

The one-eyed fox said. At this time, the cloth gagged in Peter's mouth was taken out. Weiss was a little panicked. He carried a bottle of high-strength wine and started to drink it hard. Peter struggled. Although a lot of wine was spilled, he still couldn't. He still drank a lot, and in less than a minute, Peter's eyes widened. He had downed a whole bottle of high-strength liquor, but the drinker still refused to stop.

Peter only felt that his whole body was on fire, and his chest and abdomen began to be soaked with strong alcohol to varying degrees. His consciousness began to blur. He drank a whole bottle of wine, and then the one-eyed fox took another bottle of highly alcoholic beverages. The wine was handed over, and Weiss couldn't bear to turn his head away and continued to drink. Peter's struggle became weaker and weaker, his eyes were red, and he was about to lose consciousness.

"I have no grudges against you, but someone doesn't want you to go out. I'm sorry, Pete, you are a good chat friend!"

The drinking stopped. Several people stood up in fear and walked out in the order told by the one-eyed fox. Drinks continued to flow from Peter's mouth. The room was filled with the smell of alcohol. He widened his eyes and raised one hand. The one-eyed fox exhaled a puff of smoke and then turned around.

"Save me. Save me. I'll tell you. A secret. I."

The one-eyed fox walked out of the room, threw away the cigarette butt, and greeted some people in the nearby cell with a smile. At this time, Peter in the room had his eyes turned white and gray, and he had no breath.


Accompanied by bursts of piercing sirens, the red light flashed in the corridor of the cell, and the officers in charge of this floor of Section 11 came down. Soon, the area around Peter's room was filled with prisoners. They all held their heads in their hands, The strong smell of alcohol came from the room.

The test results soon came out. He died of acute alcohol poisoning, and there was only an empty bottle in the room. After a while, several directors came down and began to investigate. As time went by, the one-eyed fox who often drank with Peter A group of people were called to the management room. There were more than 20 people in total. Everyone said that Pete had been very generous recently and often invited people to drink. It was not just the One-Eyed Fox and his group, but others had also been invited by Pete.

After briefly questioning many prisoners, Pete's death was determined to be an accident, and those who drank with Pete were required to undergo three months of heavy physical labor as punishment.

A lot of drinks and food were brought in by people who came to visit the prison. Peter's fiancée came here a while ago and brought a lot of delicious drinks and cans to Peter. Naturally, Peter invited One-Eyed Fox and the others to enjoy them together.

After Song Man finished summarizing his speech, he signed his name. In the secretary's office, only the one-eyed fox was still there, and he stood aside with a smile and respect.

"Is there anyone you want to meet?"

The one-eyed fox immediately shook his head.

"Nothing is needed, Lord Song Man! If nothing happens, I will go back and rest first."

Song Man looked at the one-eyed fox in confusion, and he left the room with a smile. The whole plan went very smoothly. It is very common sense that Pete, who often drank during this period, died of alcohol poisoning. This matter has passed. For this Plan, during this period of time, the One-Eyed Fox and Peter became good friends and talked about everything. The things explained above were finally completed. The One-Eyed Fox breathed a sigh of relief, but at the end of what Peter said, the One-Eyed Fox was a little confused. , but he soon laughed. Don’t know what you shouldn’t know, which is the only way to be safe and secure.

After returning to the floor where his cell was located, Weiss and the two people who had worked together before gathered in the one-eyed fox's room, and the three of them looked livid.

"I'm warning you one last time, forget this."

Weiss covered his forehead with his hands in annoyance. After the one-eyed fox took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, the three of them looked at the wine with lingering fear.

"Have a drink, then go to sleep, and you won't remember anything when you wake up."

The three nodded.

7:58 pm

Ran Zhi and his wife had just eaten out. The couple were walking on the street. His wife was still talking about the good and bad food. Ran Zhi smiled and responded one by one. He quietly observed the street. Everything, the big moves of the business department in the barrier area, there is not even a trace of ripples at the bottom. Everyone is concerned about whether they can make a little more money tomorrow. There is still no change as in the past. Many people Items that use light and shadow materials are no longer used. This thing is really convenient for many people. Although the cost of continuous payment is not too high, the intangible material is still more practical.

Some factories at the bottom that produce physical objects have come back to life. For people at the bottom, many things are simply unnecessary.

Along the way, Ran Zhi said hello to many people. Ran Zhi is very popular around here. Recently, his son and daughter have visited them. His son is about to get married. Ran Zhi has also met his son's girlfriend, who is a rich girl. He looks very gentle and goes well with his son.

Now Ran Zhi just needs to wait for the time to mature, and then leisurely enjoy the life at the bottom. According to Ran Zhi's guess, there can only be one reason why Congress took action against the barrier zone, and something will happen next.

Didi didi

An unfamiliar number called. As soon as the number appeared, it immediately turned into a string of garbled characters. Ran Zhi probably guessed who would call him. Ran Zhi hung up the phone and continued walking home with his wife. , at this time, suddenly my wife staggered again and almost fell. After a brief period of confusion, she returned to her original state. She had already gone for a physical examination. There was no major problem with her, she was just a little anemic.

After returning home, Ran Zhi took care of his wife and then went to the small living room on the second floor.

Sure enough, at 8:21, this garbled phone call came again.

"I'm doing pretty well now, life is peaceful."

"I think we need to talk, Mr. Wise!"

Ran Zhi laughed, Eddie's voice was still the same, but there was anger in it.

"What's the big deal?"

"You should be more or less clear, wise man."

Ran Zhi laughed. He wanted to hang up the phone, but finally gave up.

"Tell me Eddie."

"My plan is currently frustrated, and I urgently need your help."

The smile on Ran Zhi's face disappeared.

"Eddie, the little favor you mentioned shouldn't be simple!"

"It's a simple matter to mess with the bottom layer."

The wise man did not answer, but fell silent.

"I'm sorry Eddie, I've made it very clear to you. Besides, you and I have different ways of doing things. I just want to live a stable life. Goodbye Eddie, this may be our last phone call."

"Then how important do you think your son and daughter, and your wife are to you!"

Ran Zhi grinned and shook his head.

"Eddie, this kind of meaningless threat is unnecessary. If you really want to threaten me with this, let's try it. I guarantee that you will pay a painful price that you have never experienced before. I do what I say.”

Ran Zhi smiled and hung up the phone. He could imagine Eddie's expression at this moment.


Along with a burst of explosions, Eddie smashed the cell phone in his hand and looked at everything in the bedroom angrily. He had applied to leave Congress early, and after getting permission, Eddie went home as soon as possible. Now it is the most What makes Eddie angry is not that the business department intervened in the Angus family issue midway. This was mentioned in the plan designated by Prometheus. What makes Eddie most angry now is that Pete died. Half an hour ago, he died in prison due to alcohol poisoning, but this was obviously very abnormal and there was something fishy about it.

After Prometheus retrieved the prison surveillance, they found traces of data anomalies. During the minutes of Peter's death, there were some minor flaws in the video recording, but it was basically difficult to find evidence.

Eddie stood up angrily. Such an accident was something Eddie had not expected. Pete's existence was just like a bomb. One day he would expose everything he knew. This was Eddie's purpose, but now Pete is dead.

"How is the situation over there in the barrier area?"

"The contact signal has been interrupted. Sir Eddie, in order to prevent being found by the acting department, the contact signal has been completely interrupted and all monitoring robots have been recovered to ensure that the plan is foolproof."

Eddie glared at Prometheus angrily, and soon he sat on the seat. The seat began to cross the passage with flashing light spots of different colors, and came directly to an empty room. It was covered in rust, and one of

"Old friend, we meet again. The method you gave us has a low success rate. What exactly do you think?"

"I've told you Eddie, everything I can say, I've told you!"

Eddie crossed his legs disapprovingly, smiled and shook his head.

"You still haven't told the truth, old friend, then don't blame me for being heartless!"

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