Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1720 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 82 (middle)


On the First Avenue, which has long been dyed red by maple leaves, Ivy and Leona were holding hands. They had just come out of Ivy's house. The maple leaves on First Avenue at this time of year were a beautiful scenery, and both of them couldn't stand it. The atmosphere of the family, I found an excuse to sneak out after lunch.

The streets were filled with all kinds of vehicles, and the streets were deserted. New Year's events were being held in the large family estates that lined First Avenue.

The lawn of the family manor was full of people, but the manor to the right in front of them seemed incompatible with such a festive atmosphere. The two stopped outside Angus' house and looked at the lonely house at the end of the lawn in the distance. There was no one on the ground and the small building next to it. Angus's house was completely in ruins.

There are currently a lot of rumors in the city that the Angus family is finished. Everyone is talking about it. Because Angus Construction is still at a standstill, they no longer have the ability to afford such a huge construction project. There are rumors that their family has already taken every dime. If you don't come out, you will be bankrupt. The Angus family has never made any positive response to these remarks.

Someone went to inspect the construction site of Angus Construction and could not hear any construction sound at all except for the 3 members stationed there.

"Will such a big family really fall?"

Leona said and let go of Ivy's arm, walked to the bench between two maple trees and sat down. Ivy leaned over with a smile. She felt strange that Leona wanted to lie down after eating. How could a person sleeping next to her suddenly want to come for a walk? She really wanted to come and see if Niya was back.

"She probably won't come back, with her temper."

Leona gritted her teeth and stared at Angus' house. Her clenched fists unclenched. She felt a little down, or it was hard to accept. Recently, there were rumors in the family circle that Niya had run away from home and ran away. Some places at the middle and lower levels are fooling around with people and have completely fallen into depravity. A lot of eyewitness information has given the family circle, which has been short of topics recently, something to talk about after dinner.

Ivy's ears have grown calloused. In the week since she returned home from vacation, she can always hear things about Niya when she goes to some dinner parties with her parents.

Even from the mouths of some grassroots staff in the administrative department, there was news about the fight between Niya and her family. She was even arranged to serve in a nearby orphanage for a month, smoking, drinking, gambling, fighting, etc. Things that were not consistent with the status of the second daughter of the Angus family spread to the family circle one after another.

More people are looking at jokes, but there is no way to see such jokes, because Mr. and Mrs. Angus no longer hold any banquets, nor do they interact with any family members, and there are even very few city meetings. If you go to participate, even if you participate, you will leave early.

"What are the efforts I have made during that period of time?"

Leona muttered angrily, and Ivy patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"It's okay. Those rumors are half true and half false, and Niya won't do bad things. It's enough to know this."

Leona sighed. The two of them lived very well at Shengde Women's College. They lived happily every day and found what they wanted to do.

Leona has already made plans to open a statistical company in the future. Such a company is useful in all aspects of the city. It collects data, records data, and then makes statistics. A lot of data from the 6 subjects are in Leona It seems that many places are too vague, so there are more professional statistics companies in the city, which are more accurate and detailed than the statistics of 6 subjects.

And Ivy didn't have too many ideas. She could only continue to follow her established life path, marry Ji Mo, and then work hard with Ji Mo for the industries of the two big families. Ivy chose a design course. , she plans to become an excellent female jewelry designer in the future and create beautiful things, which makes Ivy find many things that make her happy.

Because the person in Ivy's heart once said that the definition of beauty is what Ivy wants to try and believe.

"Are you really thinking about marrying that awkward bastard at the end of the season?"

Leona asked, with a hint of confirmation in her tone, and Ivy nodded. The cooperation between the two families has been so close that they are inseparable, and have even become one, so Ivy can't refuse her parents' proposal. It's the same thing. Although Ivy doesn't have the slightest fondness for a guy like that at the end of the season, but when she thinks about it, Niya's disgusting face emerges from these bad impressions.

Ivy shook her head vigorously and stopped thinking about Niya. At this time, Ivy's cell phone rang. It was a message from a girl in the same class in the past. It was news about Niya, and it was said that It was from Li Ang, their classmate in the past. Ivy was a little surprised when she saw the message saying that Niya was really working on the construction site.

"real or fake?"

Ivy asked immediately, and then got confirmation from the girl, because it was sent to her by her fiancé, and Ivy also knew that this fiancé was in the next class and was a member of the Niya Group in the past.

Leona came closer and soon showed a shocked expression. At this time, the two noticed that the door of the Ablon house diagonally opposite opened, and a large number of bodyguards in black came out, including a white one. The figure, the two looked at with some surprise, was Freya.

This is also a respectable woman in the city today. At this time, in the cars on the street, reporters suddenly poured out and immediately surrounded them. The opposite side also became lively for a while. .

Both of them watched the scene in front of them quietly. They were bright and beautiful, with supporters in front of and behind them. They were the center of attention wherever they went, always enjoying flowers and applause.

"It would be great if I could do this in the future."

Leona said with a smile, and Ivy patted her forehead.

"Don't even think about it, you're so lazy."

Leona laughed loudly, and the two of them also got up and planned to continue shopping for a while and wait for the temperature to rise before going back. However, what the two of them were most confused about was that Freya would bring her 5-year-old daughter Michelle with her every time she went out. Be around.

The two watched for a while, and sure enough they saw Michelle next to Freya, who looked a little serious. It was rumored that Freya wanted to train her daughter to be her successor, and according to reports, Michelle also He is a genius. Although he is only 5 years old, he already knows a lot of things. Even his words and actions are not what a 5-year-old child should have.

"I always feel that the child is quite pitiful."

Leona muttered that she was also raised by her mother, but her mother did not deliberately criticize herself because she failed for most of her life. Ivy also nodded in agreement.

"When we were 5 years old, we were playing every day. I heard that this child was required by his mother to complete one thing every day."

Leona dragged Ivy and continued walking.

"That little girl's life trajectory has been set. With the financial resources of the Abron family and Freya's reputation, she will definitely step into the circle of power in the future, and it will be easy. What a wonderful life."

Ivy smiled and shook her head.

"We just do our best."

Although the two of them were quite envious, it was just envy. Both of them had their own things to do now. After the two of them walked a little further, Ji Mo came out from behind a maple tree. He looked at The two people who left quietly looked at Angus's lawn. After receiving the news from Li Ang, Ji Mo felt more at ease.

Although it was his parents' request that Ji Mo come with him, Ji Mo actually wanted to come with him. Although he didn't know why, Ji Mo just wanted to step into Angus's lawn and have a look. Know that everything that used to be joyful on this lawn is gone.

After thinking about it, Ji Mo still went around the iron fence, quickly climbed up at one place, and climbed into the lawn of Angus' house. Ji Mo ran quickly. There was no one here anymore, and there were even people. Rumor has it that the Angus family intends to sell the estate and move into the mid-rise.

After a while, Ji Mo came to her sister's mansion where she used to do homework with Niya, but the door of the mansion was open at this time.

"I didn't expect anyone."

At the end of the season, he ran over awkwardly.


Ji Mo hit something, and when he almost fell to the ground, his body was dragged by something incredibly. Ji Mo looked at the handsome white-haired man in front of him with some surprise, Gene, the section chief of Section 13.

"Sorry! Mr. Angus, Mrs. Angus, I want to come and take a look."

After Ji Mo got up, he saw the Angus couple behind him and hurriedly bowed and apologized. The Angus couple behind Gene nodded in understanding and looked at the boy who used to come to his home often and was a classmate with his daughter Niya.

"Say hello to your mother for me!"

Gene walked past Ji Mo with a smile and patted him on the shoulder. Ji Mo hummed, turned around, bowed solemnly and said thank you. This man who often appeared in the conversations between his parents, both his father and mother. Have great respect for him.

Gene glanced sideways at the boy behind him. He was Ji Yun's son. Gene laughed and looked up at the sun.

"Has the fourth generation grown up?"

Since the development of the city, the splendid city that was born out of the reconciliation of the first generation began to take shape with the efforts of the second generation, and has begun to develop rapidly with the efforts of the third generation.

Although the third generation is experiencing various problems now, Gene is still confident about the future.

Gene came today just because of Niya. He had already talked a lot with Angus and his wife. The couple also expressed their understanding. Gene told the couple that he would look at Niya, which also made the couple compare. Peace of mind.

In the end, the root of the problem still needs to be solved by people and things related to the root cause. Alpha's temper is also very stubborn. Jean also knows roughly the content of the quarrel between the two sisters. Yesterday, Alpha also asked him to help. Jean smiled helplessly. Shaked his head.

"That's it for now."

Although there are currently a lot of negative discussions about the Angus family in the family circle, most of the criticism revolves around Niya, who was a loser in the past. Now Niya has fallen to the bottom, and there is no way to compare with her sister Alpha. Some people even bluntly said that the Angus family would be destroyed in Niya's hands.

It’s just that Jean doesn’t think so. Instead, he’s not too worried about Niya’s current situation. Although she looks like a degenerate loser in the eyes of many people, Jean never thinks this is a problem. She doesn’t give it any thought. Whoever causes trouble just lives according to his own wishes. This is somewhat similar to Gene's past. He fought in the streets and indulged his youth, but he still had his conscience as a human being. As long as he knows this, Gene will Don't worry that Niya will become a degenerate in the future.

The most important thing is that Niya now has a group of very good friends. Although those people are vulgar, they are a group of straightforward guys who live in this society according to their own ideas.

"Okay, it's time to get back to work."


As soon as Jewell stepped into the house, Wu Qian came over charmingly. She was dressed in a skimpy outfit and helped Jewell take off his work coat in a sexy and enchanting way. Now Jewell was not working at the construction site, but at a house. Work for an errand company.

"Go take a shower. It's a holiday today, let's go shopping, okay!"

Jewel smiled and hugged Wu Qianlai, kissed her affectionately, and the two entered the bathroom together laughing.

In recent times, Jewell has become accustomed to this gentle hometown. There are no longer any cold nights. He can get warmth from Wu Qian's arms. The two of them are getting what each other needs.

In the bathroom, the steaming mist, the water droplets left behind, and the enthusiasm and enthusiasm continued to leak out from the two people.

Half an hour later, Jewell was wrapped in a bath towel, and Wu Qian was wiping his hair behind him, smiling charmingly. She felt a lot younger recently, but Wu Qian's eyes dimmed at this time.

Seeing the innocent Jewil in front of her, still talking about some people and things she met during the delivery, Wu Qian liked him more and more. She lay softly behind Jewil, enjoying the tenderness brought by it. The remaining warmth comes.

But Wu Qian knew very well that she and Jewell could not be together forever in this life. This man was still too young, he had seen too few things, met too few women, and the relationship between the two of them was The age gap is a bit big, Wu Qian is over 60 years old, and Jewell is under 20.

Even in many problems in life, Wu Qian needs to take care of Jewell. He has shown an extremely childish and innocent side in many things in life. No matter how passionate he is, there will always be a day when he will burn out. Wu Qian didn't dare to think about what would be a long and even boring life, and maybe even the man wouldn't understand it.

In addition, many people have been gossiping recently. There is no airtight wall in the world. When Wu Qian was checking the accounts in her clothing store, she also encountered some gossips. Although she didn't care, Jewell didn't care either. But these things will affect the lives of two people to some extent.

Wu Qian knew that one day Jie Weier would return to the Chen family. This was inevitable. Now the new head of the Chen family, Chen Qiao, had officially taken over. Just last year, Chen Qiao was Jie Weier. Will's uncle, Jewell, also said that out of the Chen family, only his uncle Chen Qiao had been kind to him since he was a child. The outside world also reported that the relationship between the uncle and nephew was more like father and son than uncle and nephew.

In Wu Qian's eyes, Jie Weier's father Chen Liang is a scumbag, and the fatherly love he lacked since childhood was filled by his uncle Chen Qiao. Someone from the Chen family came to his shop before and asked about Jie Weiier. Wu Qian Qian just said it casually.

"By the way, Jewel, what do you want to do in the future?"

Jewell stopped talking about those funny things, he thought for a while and then said.

"Open a dating agency."

With a puff, Wu Qian laughed, and Jewell said immediately with a blushing face.

"After all, there are so many unhappy marriages now. I feel that if we solve the problem from the root, it will definitely not work for two people who are not suitable for each other at the beginning. Therefore, we can open a dating agency that is far better than what is currently on the market and collect detailed information about the two people. Their interests and hobbies, living conditions, work situation, etc., and then match them, I think such a marriage should be happier."

Wu Qian asked jokingly.

"So do you think I'm suitable for you?"

Jewell nodded immediately, stood up, hugged Wu Qian, picked her up and spun her around in the living room. The two just looked at each other, laughing and joking.

dong dong dong

The happy atmosphere was interrupted by the sudden knock on the door. Jewel put Wu Qian down. Wu Qian was also a little confused, because she basically had no friends anymore. She didn’t know who would come here during such a big holiday. Come to a lively place.


Jewell said and opened the door. Wu Qian looked at the men in suits and ties at the door followed by some bodyguards. She hurriedly turned around and ran into the bedroom.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Chen Qiao walked in with a smile and carrying a gift. Jewell yawned, turned around and walked in. After glancing at the bodyguards who were about to come in, Chen Qiao motioned for them to wait outside.

As soon as he entered the room, Chen Qiao looked around. After a while, the bedroom door opened, and Wu Qian walked out neatly dressed, smiling and nodding.

"Hello, Ms. Wu Qian, I am Jewell's uncle Chen Qiao."

Jewell sat casually on the sofa.

"Uncle, would you like to have a drink?"

With that said, Jewel went to the cabinet to look for wine, but the moment Jewel turned around, Chen Qiao glared at Wu Qian angrily. Wu Qian also realized something, lowered her head in shame, and checked her head. .

"Uncle, there is no good wine here. I usually drink soju."

Chen Qiao returned to his smile. He had clearly investigated this woman's background. He could never allow his nephew to live with this old woman in her home again.

"Xiaojie, why don't you come to work in my company first? There is a position that is very suitable for you. My uncle is also busy on weekdays. How about you join him when you have time?"

"Whatever uncle talks in his sleep, I have already said that I want to be self-reliant."

Jewell poured a glass of wine for Chen Qiao. He took it and took a big sip. The bitter and spicy feeling made Chen Qiao's heart burn. Although he suppressed his anger, his voice was a little loud when he put down the glass. .

"This is my wife Wu Qian."

Jewell stood up with a smile and introduced.


Chen Qiao couldn't bear it any longer. He absolutely couldn't watch his nephew continue to degenerate.

"Yes, Jewell, we are just boyfriend and girlfriend. Mr. Chen Qiao, please don't misunderstand me."

Chen Qiao looked at Jewell who was laughing and joking, and he said.

"I want to talk to the Angus family again, Jewel. I think Niya is quite suitable for you."

In an instant, the wine Jewell drank spurted out.

"Stop it, uncle, Niya and I are absolutely impossible. Why do you still bring this up now?"

Chen Qiao smiled pleasantly.

"You grew up together and know each other's personalities well. Besides, she's a nice person and pretty."

Every word Chen Qiao said was aimed at Wu Qian, and Wu Qian had also met the second young lady of the Angus family. She was indeed very beautiful. Although she had a somewhat careless personality, she didn't look like the loser she was rumored to be, and she was very similar to her. The relationship between Jewell and Jewell is very good, and Wu Qian also knows that they are just friends.

"Uncle, did you take the wrong medicine?"

As Jewell said, Chen Qiao smiled and took another sip of wine. Although he let Jewell go before, Chen Qiao now wants to understand that he must take responsibility and let Jewell become a talent. He is smarter than himself. Too many. He has inherited his mother Wilsey's intelligence and talents very well. Although Chen Qiao has a son and a daughter, they are just as mediocre as himself, even a little stupid. The thing that makes Chen Qiao worry the most now is his nephew's. thing.

"Uncle, didn't you have a drink before coming here today?"

Chen Qiao smiled awkwardly, and then said after thinking for a while.

"There's no food. It's hard to drink. I'll ask someone to bring some. Xiaojie, do you know where to find delicious food nearby?"

Jewell immediately patted his chest and said.

"I'll just go over and get something delicious. The store where I often deliver food tastes good."

After saying that, Jewell went out directly, but he was neither an idiot nor a fool. He knew that his uncle wanted to get away from him. After going out, Jewell did not leave, but did not close the door, leaving a gap.

"I'll give you 3 million to leave my nephew."

Seeing Jewel leaving, Chen Qiao immediately spoke, and Wu Qian panicked for a moment.

"Mr. Chen Qiao, Jewell and I are each other."

"Don't talk to me about each other, Ms. Wu Qian, have you ever considered Jewell's future?"

Wu Qian didn't say anything further. Chen Qiao stood up and walked to Wu Qian.

"Please, Miss Wu Qian, please"

"Uncle, do you think I'm an idiot?"

The door to the room was pushed open, and Chen Qiao naturally knew that his nephew had not gone far. He deliberately said these words to Jewell in order to directly clarify the purpose of his visit.

"Jewell, have you ever thought about the future?"

"Don't mention this matter again, uncle. If you want to continue mentioning it, don't eat this meal today."

Chen Qiao sighed helplessly and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Wu Qian, I didn't mean any harm."

Wu Qian nodded in understanding, and the atmosphere relaxed a little. Chen Qiao asked his two bodyguards to go to the store Jewil mentioned to get food. He didn't expect Jewil to be so good at drinking.

Chen Qiao hit Wu Qian twice from time to time. Thinking carefully, he might have been a little impatient. Over the years, Chen Qiao had attended various occasions with Wu Qun. Chen Qiao had also learned a lot. He also learned a lot about this matter. I mentioned it to Wu Qun, but Wu Qun gave me the advice not to worry about it, because over time, the viscosity will automatically separate and melt due to the high temperature outside.

"Have a nice drink today uncle."

Chen Qiao hummed and didn't intend to bring it up any more. The three of them drank happily.

2:31 pm

"Tianhen, aren't you going back?"

Tianhen shook his head and saw that many colleagues from Kuai Logistics had left. He was still sorting things in the warehouse and planned to continue delivering goods. His job was easier now and his monthly income was good. The most important thing was Tianhen is alone now.

At this time, Tianhen got a package of cute children's clothes. For a moment, he looked at the white dress in a daze. The shadow of his sister appeared in his mind, and the day the brother and sister parted, his sister cried and shouted, but she always No sound came out of my throat, I could only cry and struggle.

This is also a helpless thing. Tian Hen often thinks this way recently. His father Tianming also knows about this. The kind-hearted family who adopted Tian Ai also said that the father and son can go over to see Tian Ai at any time, even if Tian Ai grows up. Same thing.

His father has been doing light labor on the farm in the east all year round. In order to be able to pay off the family's debts, although Tianhen is now helping to pay off the debts, he still owes a lot. Based on the current wages of the father and son, it will be difficult for him to pay off the debts in a short time. It's very difficult to pay it off.

After Tian Ai was taken away, Tian Hen never visited her once. He had obviously decided that in order for Tian Ai to have a good living environment, he had to hold back the longing in his heart, but every night, Tianhen would always wake up with a start, turn around and want to cover someone with a quilt, but the bed next to him was empty.

More than ten minutes passed. It wasn't until the manager came over to remind him that Tian Hen came back to his senses. He hurriedly started to tidy up.

Recently, Tian Hen has had some time to learn a lot of things by himself, and his colleagues will also teach him some things. Tian Hen wants to learn something as soon as possible, and then find a way to make money. If he can succeed, he can take over his sister. When we came back, the family also said that if the financial situation of the father and son was better, they could do this.

Tianhen quickly put the goods on a small truck and began to confirm where the goods were delivered. Then he got in the car and the car started slowly. It was all in automatic driving mode. Tianhen only needed to arrive at the place where the goods were delivered. Just take out the goods and deliver them to the door when you reach the destination.

"Go take a look in a few days."

After the car started, Tian Hen smiled. Although he didn't want to disturb his sister's time to adapt to her new life, it would be okay to take a sneak peek, at least to see her sister's mental state.

The road in front of him was very empty. Now many people are accustomed to the subway. In the western area, they will no longer encounter traffic jams. Tian Hen thought of the girl who beat him in the past.

"Thanks to the Angus family."

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