Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1741 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 89 (middle)

10 am

A harsh contact sound rang quickly at the bedside. Tamai climbed out of bed with a somersault. On his phone was a deployment order signed by secretary Jill. Tamai needed to take his team to Area 53 in the middle floor. Help maintain order on the streets.

"What's wrong? Are you going to work again!"

Next to him, Baleka, who was confused, curled up and pressed his forehead against Tamai's abdomen. He touched it gently with one hand. Tamai smiled and kissed Baleka's forehead, then got up and got out of bed to quickly wash up. After getting ready, I put on my uniform and went out.

Baleka yawned and continued to curl up back into the quilt. Tamay came back from duty at 5 a.m. and was about to go out again. But after being woken up, Baleka couldn't sleep. She got up and took the cigarette from the table. After lighting one, he leaned against the bedside and looked softly at the light coming in from the window. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He was very happy now.

I don’t know why, but my miserable life for more than ten years has come to an end. After meeting Tamai, my life is now full of sunshine.

After being stunned for a while in bed, Baleka learned that there was a murder case that shocked the whole city this morning, and it was a 15-year-old boy. Although the investigation department has not announced the details of the investigation, The media overwhelmingly identified this young man as the murderer.

"Well done!"

Baleka said with a smile, looking at the middle-level rich man named Commerce who was killed in the photo, he couldn't help but think of something that one of his guests had said to him in the past about the shameful side of this rich man in private. People also participated.

Baleka still looks small and cute. In the past years, she helped her mother earn a lot of money with her small and cute appearance. When she set foot in the middle class, Baleka received a guest. At that time The guest liked Baleka more, and when he was happy, he said something that made Baleka a little disgusting.

The customer had been here many times, and the last time was a few months ago. He once said that if Baleka was younger, she would definitely make a lot of money, and he could recommend her to a famous rich man.

Although Baleka didn't know why the boy killed Comers, the death of this guy wearing a human skin mask was a blessing for Baleka. Before he met Tamai, Baleka I have seen too many guys like this who are glamorous on the surface but filthy behind the scenes.

In the eyes of Baleka, these guys who looked like dogs were disgusting and made Baleka feel angry.

After a while, Baleka dressed up and went out wearing a purple suspender skirt. She wanted to eat, but it was already 11 o'clock, and she was very hungry at this time.

From time to time, people on the street would cast glances at her, attracted by Baleka's beauty, but many people around this street knew her.

"Balayka, Tamai is still sleeping?"

Several patrolling Section 5 personnel greeted Baleka when they saw her. Baleka stepped forward and told them that Tamai had been transferred there urgently. After chatting for a while, Baleka and these Section 5 personnel After saying goodbye, she planned to go to a nice restaurant for dinner. Baleka lowered her head and looked at the news. The moment she entered the restaurant, a somewhat uncomfortable fragrance wafted from the side. As soon as Baleka raised her head, I saw an older woman with heavy makeup walking out on the arm of a blond man.


Baleka looked at Jin in surprise. Jin also saw Baleka, but he just smiled and took the woman to a beautiful luxury car. After kissing the woman goodbye, Jin took out a cigarette and stared behind him while smoking. of Baleka.

"What a fate! Although I just ate, I don't mind having another meal with you."

After a while, the two found a restaurant on the second floor and sat down. Baleka stared at Jin with a solemn expression.

"You're still doing this kind of thing."

Jin hummed.

"I just came out of the farm in the east, and I rely on this for a living. By the way, Baleka, you are now"

Jin looked at Baleka. Her dress still looked attractive, but it could be seen from her expression that Baleka was now out of the sea of ​​suffering, and there was always a touch of joy on her face, which was completely different from before. .

"You seem to be doing well."

Baleka hummed and looked at the evasive look in Jin's eyes across from her. She probably knew that Jin had been having a hard time these past few years.

Jin's eyes fell elsewhere. During these years, he would think of Baleka from time to time. Both of them were the same. They escaped from the bottom. Jin finally chose to come back, but the result was still the same. He could only continue to rely on He trained some women to support himself, but now he is nothing. The only wise man he could rely on was found to be missing after Jin came back.

It's just that the neighbor said that the wise man's wife was sick, and the wise man took his wife out to see a doctor. Jin planned to wait for the wise man to come back in Area 118, hoping that the wise man could help him.

"I found a boyfriend who is a team leader in the business department, and he helped me."

Baleka said, Jin smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations Baleka."

For a moment, Baleka sighed helplessly.

"Do you want me to ask my boyfriend to find you a job? If you continue to do this."

Kim shook his head.

"Thanks, that's it for the time being. Now you can eat. It's almost time for me to leave. I need to take a rest."

Jin stood up and ran out of the restaurant quickly with his head lowered. Baleka looked at Jin with worried eyes.

After eating for a while, Baleka planned to go to the casino to play for a while, then buy food and cook, waiting for Tamai to come back, but soon Baleka smiled and shook her head. She felt that Tamai was going back today. If he doesn’t come, I’m afraid it will take a few days.

Seeing that this incident on the news has become quite a sensation, Baleka said with a smile.

"If an unknown low-level person dies, no one will care about him."

9:13 am

In the Luqi Orphanage, which is located at the top of a remote and abandoned city near the industrial zone on the western edge of the city, Luqi looked at the children who had had breakfast one by one and nodded happily. He began to invite the children to go upstairs to do his own work. Seeing that some children were reluctant, Lu Qi still asked the older children to take the children with them.

Lu Qi smiled and greeted the children upstairs. He walked to the wall and looked at Yincai, who was squatting by the wall and using some stones to draw pictures.

"Yincai, hurry up and go up too."

This child has been in the orphanage for four years and has grown quite strong. Yincai put down the pebbles in his hand and was grabbed by Lu Qi just as he was about to run away.

"You are a girl Yincai."

Lu Qi said, taking out a handkerchief and wiping Yincai's dirty cheeks.

Yincai was a little resistant at first, but after a while she calmed down. This child is a bit introverted, doesn't talk much, and often plays alone. She will also help look after the younger children.

Seeing Yincai running, Lu Qi smiled happily, but the smile on his cheek gradually disappeared. Lu Qi patrolled around again to make sure that there was no child here, and he ran quickly After entering the hall, he went upstairs and locked a somewhat dilapidated door. This was to prevent the children from running around, but there was no other way.

Lu Qi is about to go out now. He is the only adult in the orphanage. There were children who ran away because they were young and ignorant, but did not come back. When they were found, they were already dead.

After Lu Qi made sure it was locked, he turned around and went downstairs. He took out a small key with many jagged edges from his pocket, ran to the middle of the stairs in the center of the hall, and opened a worn carpet placed on the stairs. , then a keyhole was exposed on the stairs. Lu Qi looked around and then up. After making sure there was no one, he inserted the key into the small hole.


Following a crisp sound, followed by the sound of mechanical gears turning, a section of the staircase in the middle collapsed, revealing an underground entrance. Lu Qi entered and stretched out his hand to touch the wall.


The light came on, and Lu Qi immediately closed the door on the stairs, swallowed a gulp, and walked down. Below was a hidden bunker, and inside there was a machine and a large amount of materials. Lu Qi walked over carefully. At this time, there were a large number of finished weapons on a table, including pistols, semi-automatic rifles, sniper rifles, etc., and bullets were also placed.

Lu Qi brought up a light and shadow screen from a convex crystal next to the machine, and then the current required quantities of each material appeared on it. Lu Qi began to sort them, took the bags of raw materials, and placed them on an electronic scale. , after weighing, he pulled out small boxes from the back of the machine. After taking them over, he carefully put the raw materials in. The sound of the machine would not be too loud, and the manufacturing would be relatively slow.

This is the only source of income for the orphanage at present. Although he doesn't know who wants to do what, Lu Qi has completely despaired of the current system.

Of course Lu Qi knew what he was doing and what it meant. Those who sent the equipment raw materials here were definitely not good people, and they were definitely not good at making weapons. Lu Qi's daily job was to help them make weapons. Someone comes every month to take away the weapons.

Lu Qi refused at first, and knew in his heart that if anything happened to him in the future, he would be an indirect murderer. But after seeing the children who were hungry and cold every day, Lu Qi made up his mind. There are now 103 children in the orphanage. If you don't want these children to starve, you can only continue to help those unknown people make weapons.

"No one cares here anyway."

Lu Qi picked up a pile of gun barrels next to him and started working on some small correction machines. Now Lu Qi is becoming more and more proficient. The weapons he made before were scraps, but now they can basically be manufactured smoothly. Bring out weapons, including bullets.

Lu Qi has just been working for a few months, and the children can have milk to drink every day, clothes to wear, and some toys that belong to each child, including some teaching materials to teach children to read.

Everything was fine before, but Lu Qi listened to his younger brother Luneng and took out some materials from the company to produce some counterfeit products of small items that were in high demand on the market.

Everything went smoothly at first, but after finally stabilizing the children's lives, things came to light. His younger brother Luneng was fired from the company, and he resisted all charges. He is still in jail, and the administrative department is here to collect him. A lot of raw materials were lost. Lu Qi had a big fight with the people from the business department that day, but it had no effect. Seeing how pitiful they were, the members of the business department who came over left several hundred yuan each.

After the financial source of the orphanage was cut off, Lu Qi could only continue to humblely look for donations. However, the situation of the orphanage became worse and worse day by day. Finally, when Lu Qi went home one night, he encountered those The men in black immediately gave Lu Qi 100,000 yuan, and Lu Qi agreed to their request without any hesitation.

Lu Qi has long been desperate for the current system. If the children here are left alone, they will not be able to survive. Lu Qi wanted to send some children to other orphanages before, but most of the orphanages refused. Received.

Lu Qi began to assemble the parts of the gun skillfully, and quickly assembled a gun. Then he started to load the gun and fired. There was a bang. There was no problem at all. Lu Qi picked up the test ammunition and loaded it and fired repeatedly. After making sure there was no problem, I put it on the finished product workbench.

What these people negotiated with Lu Qi was that, depending on the type of gun, Lu Qi would be given between 100 and 300 yuan for a gun and between 3 and 3 yuan for a bullet, but each weapon needed to complete its quota every month. .

Lu Qi would be busy until dark every day, and would not come out until the afternoon. Then he would open the big iron door above and start cooking dinner for the children. In the evening, he would teach some children how to read. During this time, he would be very busy every day.

Those who had previously proposed that the output would be higher if these children were allowed to help together, but Lu Qi refused directly. He was unwilling to let any child here take the path of a criminal. Such a path has no future.

Lu Qi knew very well that once this matter was exposed, he would be doomed, or in other words, when he was making these weapons, he had already embarked on a path of no return.

Lu Qi no longer remembers why this orphanage was established and when it started. As long as he sees these children growing happily every day, it is enough. Lu Qi stares at the iron gate and the orphanage gate from time to time. The surveillance footage shows that this place is very remote and no one comes here even once a month.

This bunker in a small wartime fortress was discovered by a child before. This place is very secretive. Lu Qi doesn't know how long those people will want to make their own weapons, but the only thing he knows is that he can afford it. These children, and many more in the future, will be left homeless by their parents.

Cities will always create some problems, and when these problems cannot be solved, they will be pushed to the margins, where no one cares about them and no one knows about them.

Just after 12 o'clock

The afternoon sun began to get stronger. In the eastern grain base, this was the time when the temperature began to rise. Most people were resting after eating.

In a huge hemispheric experimental shed for the 12th Department near the prison, many people and children from the 12th Department were busy.

"Remember the type and color of the soil. This is very critical. The cultivated crops require detailed records and sample preservation."

Ye Chunwang was wearing a white shirt. The temperature in the experimental base was a bit sultry. He took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat from time to time. Bayek carefully recorded it in a small notebook, then gently threw away the soil with both hands and put his face to his face. I went over to observe, and my 3-year-old dark-skinned son Larry stood quietly by the side without making any noise or fuss, watching his mother do things obediently.

This woman is very talented. She is the most talented person Ye Chunwang has ever seen. Her perception of soil and plants is innate, and she can always do some agricultural things very accurately. Now Bayek She is already a specially recruited member of Section 12 and can enjoy the same treatment as a regular member. Moreover, as long as she passes the examination of the Acting Section, Ye Chunwang also said that she will be sent to study in a specialized college. Come to Section 12 as an implant researcher and enjoy the treatment of a level 3 executive officer.

Ye Chunwang quietly observed that Bayek peeled away the soil bit by bit, as if he was feeling something. Then he carefully took out the experimental cultivation soil and began to fill an experimental pot with soil. At this time, the The son also leaned over and looked at the black soil quietly.

"Are you interested!"

Ye Chunwang asked with a smile, Larry nodded, and Ye Chunwang squatted next to Larry.

“These black things breed hope.”

Larry looked at Ye Chunwang in confusion. Bayek was doing it carefully and looked very nervous. Today was the first day of her internship, so now she was very nervous, fearing that if she made a mistake, she would lose it easily. Opportunities that come down will fly away.

Sure enough, Bayek made a mistake and there was a problem with the soil mixing ratio. She became embarrassed, but at this time, the son next to her immediately took some from the cultivation soil. Ye Chunwang looked at the child with some surprise. He knew his mother's predicament. , and the soil that was brought over was what Ye Chunwang had just mentioned, and the amount was just right.


Before Bayek could speak, he was interrupted by Ye Chunwang.

"It's okay, no one will kick you away. Although I am no longer the section chief, my words still count in Section 12. Take your time and relax. When dealing with the land, a relaxed state is the best. Yes, the land will give back everything, and you can move freely here."

After saying that, Ye Chunwang started walking, intending to go to the next researcher. He glanced back at the mother and son behind him, and walked over with a smile. Now that he thinks about it, it is indeed incredible. When he went to the planting experimental shed that day , seeing Bayek working, he noticed this woman.

It can be seen that Bayek is working hard to complete everything for this child and complete the work faster and more efficiently, but this is not the case. If you are not interested in anything but forcefully force yourself to do anything, you will not be able to do better. Ye Chunwang is very clear about this.

Nowadays, very few people in the 12th subject are interested in agriculture. Interest is the best teacher. This is what Ye Chunwang often says to those students, but they all turn a deaf ear to his words. Now Clark has begun to super In the genetic food experiment, he just wanted to solve the problem of food supply, but he never thought about what food actually meant.

This is what Ye Chunwang is very worried about now. It is not a good thing to eat too much after all. In addition, the orchard project is about to start before the Agriculture Department is ready. Ye Chunwang also opposed it in Congress, but his opinion is It is impossible for the gods to listen to it.

Even if there is any subsequent harm, the people who will bear it will always be the people at the bottom. Eagerness for success is a common feature of today's cities, but it is obvious that many things need to be properly prepared before they can be carried out, especially the matter of land recovery. It is far more difficult and complicated than everyone outside imagines, and the preparation of infrastructure before this thing starts is also a big problem. If these problems are not solved, the Pioneer Plan will start, which will undoubtedly make it difficult. 12 subjects increase the burden.

Ye Chunwang has obviously retired, but he still doesn't feel at ease. He can only continue to come back here to guide the plant cultivation researchers here. But most people have the same attitude. They want to see results quickly, and from such high-intensity work Get out as soon as possible.

"I already told you in the previous meeting."

Ye Chunwang looked at the cultivation of some experimental crops. They did not follow what Ye Chunwang said at the meeting. Instead, many mistakes occurred.

"Old man Ye, it's okay. It's no problem for such a small thing."

Ye Chunwang wanted to say something, but finally held back and asked them to start over. Several young researchers seemed a little impatient, but they could only obey. Ye Chunwang was in charge of this laboratory.

Clark led the research team to work in the underground gene crop research laboratory. Watching them talking and laughing as they worked, Ye Chunwang knew very well that not everyone could endure such boring work all year round. He also understood the situation of these young people, so he said nothing more and just patiently guided them in the past.

Nowadays, only the trading station where the grain exchange is located has been completed in the construction of the middle and upper levels in the east. Although there is a separation wall, as soon as the construction starts, a new round of pollution will begin. The land that was previously damaged by the construction is still difficult to recover and is still slow. During the recovery, there are also problems with the crops grown.

After a while, Ye Chunwang planned to go to the next place. Now this was his daily job. Hawke had also persuaded Ye Chunwang before, telling him to leave it alone and leave it to the young people, but in the end Ye Chunwang had no choice but to come back.

Because of Locke's relationship with the General Affairs Department, Hawke basically didn't have to worry about any problems. In addition, Hawke did too many things in the years when the city was established. These filthy things were also done by Hawke. The reason why there is so much reluctance to approach any management these days.

"I just hope that the future will be smoother, and smoother!"

12:31 pm

A car escorting prisoners who had been released on parole stopped at a trading station. After getting off the car, some prisoners ran to some nearby restaurants. Most of the prisoners took the meager wages they received. I want to indulge as much as I can.

"Hydra, remember when people ask you when you go out, don't use your real name. This temporary ID card is specially given to you by the section chief."

An escorting Section 11 officer gave Hydera a temporary ID card. He glanced at the name on the ID card, which was called Peter. Hedera smiled and bowed. He was wearing a white shirt and accompanied by a set of Wearing black trousers, a pair of black round-toe boots, and holding a black book in his left hand, Hydra stopped when he arrived at the place where the escort car went. The street outside was extremely lively and filled with light. the streets.

"Come on Hydra, we have to get back to work."

Hydera hesitated, and the foot he was about to step out turned to stone at this moment. He glanced at the book in his arms, and then turned around.

"I'm sorry, adults. It's better to send me back. I don't want to go out."

For a while, several members of Section 11 persuaded Hydera to go and have fun, but Hydera still insisted on returning to the car. He planned to return to prison.

After persuading to no avail, several people seemed to understand that Hydera might have a mental problem, but they stopped trying to persuade her. The car started, and Hydera leaned against the window and showed a relaxed smile. Regarding the current situation, For him, he was already free. Mental freedom was far more important than physical freedom. He never felt that he was a criminal, and he never felt that there was anything wrong or uncomfortable in prison.

Several staff members were talking about the recent TV series, and they looked at Hydera from time to time. He was sitting on the side where he could bathe in the sun, with his eyes closed, as if he was enjoying the breeze blowing in from the window.

Hydera's performance in prison over the years has been very good. If he follows the normal process, he can already apply for parole. Many senior officials from the administrative department have approached Hydera, hoping that he can write an application for parole himself, but Hydera La never wrote because Hydera knew that he was innocent, so he would never write such an application for parole. Once he did, it would be equivalent to admitting his guilt.

On this issue, Hydera has always refused to bow his head, and everyone no longer advises Hydera, but just allows him to move around freely in the prison.

Hydera quietly looked at some crops passing by her eyes and smiled.

"Everything is just as the wise man said, is it still the same as before!"

Hydera smiled. The first time he saw the street after coming out, Hydera felt that the entire society was the same as it was more than 20 years ago. At the upper level, the so-called new era is unlikely to come, and there will be no so-called new era. There are only opposing classes and people who will never realize their mistakes.

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