Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1745 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 90 (Part 2)


With a violent sound, Alpha and Jean fell to the ground at the same time. A breeze blew by. At this time, Alpha was extremely angry. The interface of the administrative department had announced the investigation details of all cases and classified the case as ordinary. Robbery and murder.

"answer me!"

Alpha said and took out a cigarette from his pocket. This was a closed construction site built by Angus. There were no people at this time and a large amount of equipment was piled around.

Jean said nothing and always smiled, because he didn't know how to tell Alpha. If this matter continues to be investigated, a new round of chaos in the city will begin again.

The middle-level business class has now occupied the dominant position in the middle-level market. During this period, although the family members have thought of many ways to curb the middle-level businessmen, due to the control of the business department and the control of the parliamentarians, the family has been unable to do so. It's hard for businessmen to do anything, but this time things are different.

The executive department has actually lost its restraint, and things have begun to get out of control. The places affected by out-of-control events are diverse. A tiny thing is enough to shake up everything in the middle level, and a variety of problems will be involved. Once these problems break out, they will be fatal to today's fragile cities.

Letting the situation calm down as soon as possible is the most correct choice now. Gene has also thought of many ways, because Commerce is a kind person in society, at least in the perception of most people, even Many people at the bottom who didn't care much about the situation also found it incredible.

Commerce has provided help to many people at the bottom, and even some of his properties at the bottom are still talked about today. He is a kind-hearted rich man who has donated many schools and helped build buildings at the bottom. A lot of infrastructure.

The foundation established by Commerce and his wife is still providing a certain amount of help to some orphanages, nursing homes and disabled people. In the entire middle-level business circle, Commerce is extremely famous. of.

Although the results of the investigation have silenced most of the media, the small episode before the investigation results were announced has now spread. Such a very famous person has been stigmatized, and he acted professionally. During the 5 minutes of posting, nothing was done, even the security guards in the wealthy area did the same.

With the release of the final results of the case investigation, the incident has begun to escalate. Some people have even revealed the misdeeds of this young man named Tianhen. He was once punished and educated for stealing, and he also got into fights with others. He had some contact with them in daily life. Tianhen's employees also spoke out, saying that Tianhen was usually taciturn, did not interact with others, and was cautious in everything he did. He felt that the child might have some mental problems.

All kinds of criticism, as well as those calling for severe punishment of the murderer, swept the entire city.

Those voices that had long been suppressed by the Xingke Branch began to emerge. The Xingke Branch people were nearby at the time, but did nothing.

According to the rumors that appeared at the beginning, the acting department went to monitor and investigate Comers. The specific reasons were not answered directly by the acting department. This result is unconvincing. No one cares about why this 15-year-old boy did this. When such a thing is done, everyone is only concerned about what the business department is hiding. I'm afraid the truth is not that simple. There must be something unknown hidden behind it.

"answer me!"

With a violent roar, Jean remained silent and silent. The Alpha in front of him was completely angry. This was the most angry time since he became the chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section. The gods directly intervened. , Alpha knew very well that once the gods did it the first time, they would do it the second time and the third time.

This is unreasonable in Alpha's view. Alpha still clearly remembers what Perestan said that day. Using lies again and again as an excuse to stabilize the city will only make the problem worse in the end. This incident is the same.

In the past year or two, Alpha has felt more and more powerless. Many things have changed. The rampage like in the past has come to an end.

Alpha smiled bitterly and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Remember, Uncle Gene, you took me to the bottom before. I am almost 36 years old now. What is the purpose of establishing the business department?"

Jean quietly stared at Alpha in front of him. She was like a sharp arrow on a bowstring, and her body was leaning forward unconsciously.

At this time, figures kept flashing around, and the senior management of the business department came over, but no one went in, but guarded the outside.


As soon as Ling Hong jumped onto the wall, she saw Alpha confronting Jean. Zijuan next to her grabbed her arm and shook her head.

"It's useless to say anything."

Everyone who came over knew what happened. Locke had already started a televised speech to answer the doubts that arose in the matter. The reason why the business department went there in the first place was because Commerce might be involved in a kidnapping case. There, someone wanted to kidnap Comers. After investigating, the people from Section 2 received the news and went over to guard the place in advance.

Locke also began to list a series of kidnapping cases of wealthy people in the city. In many of them, the kidnappers ended up dead. In some cases, the perpetrators were caught, and in some cases, the perpetrators are still at large.

"Such an accident occurred. I'm sorry for such a serious mistake this time. I hope everyone will not misunderstand our department just because of a small mistake. We are just ordinary people like everyone else. We are all human beings. There was a mistake, and on behalf of the entire practice department, I would like to extend my most sincere apologies to the family and friends of the victim!"

In the light and shadow screen, Locke's body bent a little bit, but Yin Xianglin behind him hesitated for a few seconds before finally bending down.

After the short televised speech, the director of the General Affairs Section began to arrange for the reporters in the room to go to the next room and further explain some of the situation to them.

"What's going on? Controller."

Yin Xianglin said, looking at Locke who looked helpless, he laughed helplessly. Early this morning, when the case began to ferment, Yin Xianglin had read the relevant materials of the case. It was clear that the case was still under investigation, Ke Meuse was involved in an extremely serious assault case, but now the circumstances and outcome have changed.

"You have no right to know Xiang Rin!"

Locke said with a serious expression. At this time, he stood up, picked up the phone, and pressed the number 000201.

"Go and do your work, Xiang Rin."

Yin Xianglin clenched her fists. She couldn't bear it anymore. Maybe it would be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. She always felt a twitching in her chest, and the pain continued to emerge.

At the same time, in the section chief's office in Section 11, C answered the phone.

"The matter has been settled. Everything about the prison in the hands of the guys outside and inside has been recovered. As for these two guys."

C glanced at Xu Ming and Liz lying on the ground, and the two explained everything.

"Hurry up to Area 53. There's another thing you need to do personally."

C smiled and nodded, having received R's order. C stood up and watched as the two reporters walked over and squatted in front of the bruised Xu Ming. Next to her, Liz glared at Xu Ming angrily. It was Xu Ming who endured it first. No explanation was given, everything was fully explained, and all the 29 people who contacted Xu Ming and others outside were arrested.

"Is this your justice! Isn't it ridiculous justice?"

C said, pulling Xu Ming's hair and pulling him up. Xu Ming looked at C desperately at this time. He didn't dare to look at Liz, because Liz was also tortured, but she didn't say a word.

"If you do things like this, one day you will..."

"Indeed, if there is a hell, I will definitely go to hell after I die. Miss, I have never felt that there is any reason or excuse for everything I have done. I admit that everything I have done is just a qualified person." It's just a hound. You have what you call justice, and we also have our own justice. Wipe your eyes brighter next time, Miss."

Liz started to cry. She felt very uncomfortable. This man who had been working with her for a long time actually said everything. He had spoken so bravely and decisively before, but in the end he said everything, even what he had said. Everything I believed in began to crumble.

"Please remember this is Miss Ren. Whether you can get out of prison safely depends on your attitude. Please remember Miss Ren, if you still want to continue to cause trouble, you will end up getting sick. die."

C said and let go of Xu Ming's hair. Xu Ming's head hit the ground weakly. He looked at everything in front of him blankly and felt that the world was spinning.

"Sorry, I don't have the courage!"

Liz looked at Xu Ming blankly, and C slowly walked out of the section chief's office. Next to him, Latis pressed the brim of his hat, and Song Man's expression was not relaxed.

"Sorry, we were supposed to do this."

"Don't hesitate Latis, everyone has their own path. It may have been decided a long time ago. You just need to go to the end of your path and let a new prison that can accommodate reformed prisoners be completed."

Latis hummed.

"The new prison will not have multi-occupancy cells, only single rooms."

The corners of C's mouth raised slightly, revealing a graceful smile.

"Justice will change depending on the position, maybe!"

Latis took out a cigarette with a smile, lit it, took a puff, and exhaled a long puff of smoke. The figure of C in front of him was getting further and further away.

"Have you ever regretted it, Sister C?"

C stopped.

"Maybe for a moment, maybe not, but someone has to do it."

8:03 pm

The streets and alleys were still immersed in the festive atmosphere, but at this time, all the places where people gathered were discussing the case. Many people were making fun of the embarrassing situation of the business department and felt very happy.

However, the situation soon calmed down. In just half an hour after Locke gave his televised speech, the situation was under control and there were far fewer protest letters from various places.

"I still clearly remember Uncle Gene. When you took me to the bottom for the first time, I saw a teenage boy who worked very hard. I asked you at the time why he worked so hard, but Are you still exhausted every day? Do you still remember how you answered me at that time? "

Gene nodded, of course he remembered. It was the first time he took 7-year-old Alpha to the ground floor, and he lived there for a long time, nearly half a month. During these half months, Alpha would be on the ground floor every day. Some places to look at.

At that time, Alpha noticed a boy named Swain. He was only 15 years old and worked in a restaurant. He was busy from morning to night every day. His busy figure was often seen on the street. He was not only responsible for taking care of the guests, but also responsible for delivering food. Alpha thinks that people who work so hard should have a good life in the future.

So Alpha had a deep impression of this person. It was only when Alpha was more than ten years old that she returned to the bottom block and after asking about it, she found out that Swain had gone to the Eastern Food Base. Alpha was a little surprised, so she ran over. Seeing Swain, he still worked very hard every day and remained the same as before. At that time, Alpha thought that maybe it was a matter of time, and Swain would definitely be able to live without being so exhausted.

However, a few years later, when Alpha saw Swain again, Swain had already participated in an illegal drug trafficking organization and was the backbone of the organization. Alpha personally arrested him.

"Because it's the only thing he can do!"

After learning about Swain's experience, Alpha understood the true meaning of what Gene said at that time. It was not that Swain could only do this kind of job, but that he could only choose this kind of job to survive.

"The child in this case is struggling every day and still cannot support his sister. The same goes for his father. In the end, he had to send his sister away. It has been more than 20 years since Uncle Gene."

Alpha said as he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and leaned forward little by little.

"You said it, Uncle Gene, why do you have power! The beautiful vision of the new era has not come. We are still doing the same thing as in the past, raising monsters! When will it happen that those people who are full of hope every day will honestly Only those who are responsible and kind can usher in a new era that belongs to them! The lies will be exposed one day, and in the end it will be those people who bear all this! Answer me."

A flash of cyan light approached, and in an instant Jean squeezed Alpha's fist with both hands. Looking at the strong and powerful fist in front of his cheek, Jean tightly clasped Alpha's wrist, and Alpha's arm moved a little bit bending.

"I can't give an answer Alpha! You need to find the answer yourself, even if the answer doesn't exist!"


After a violent sound, Jean flew straight out. Just when he was about to hit a pile of materials, Jean turned his body sideways and a large amount of blue particles overflowed. After stabilizing his body, Jean avoided it. The pile of metal behind him slid on the ground for a certain distance, then stopped in a half-crouched position. Gene looked at the dented back of his right hand.

Jean had no intention of fighting Alpha, nor did he have any reason to fight Alpha. He knew very well that even if the two of them were bruised and bruised, the matter had already been settled.


Alpha tore off her uniform and threw it aside. She turned around and walked away with a disappointed expression.

Suddenly, red rays of light fell from all around, and Ling Hong grabbed Alpha's hand.

"what are you planning to do!"

"Step aside!"

Alpha said coldly, his eyes were completely different from the past, a little cold. Ling Hong let go of his hand, and everyone else also moved away.

"I'll drink a glass of Alpha with you"

"Don't follow me."

Soon Alpha left. Dozens of classmates who came after hearing the news stood quietly. The wind howled. Jean climbed up from the ground, and the dented area on the back of his hand began to slowly recover. , he walked step by step towards the uniform of the section chief of Section 5 that was fluttering in the wind, picked up the uniform, and patted the dust.

"None of you should contact her."

Jean said, Ling Hong ran over.

"Principal! Isn't there any room for maneuver?"

Gene shook his head.

"I am not sure!"

8:31 pm

Tianhen looked at the beautiful woman in front of him quietly, she always kept smiling.

"That's not the case at all, sir. It's because of that beast."


C slapped one hand on the table.

"The future lives of your sister and father will be borne by our Section 2. You only need to sign this confession and a confidentiality agreement with our Section 2. If you come out in the future, our Section 2 will bear the burden for you." All life.”

Tianhen looked at the woman in front of him blankly. For a moment, a burst of sadness came over him, and big tears fell down.

"Whether you agree or disagree, boy, the matter has been settled. If you just killed a street gangster, it might not be so troublesome. Use your brain before you act. After you enter the prison , the treatment won’t be bad either.”

Tianhen kept shaking his head, looking at everything in the confession. He owed a huge debt because of gambling, so he had evil intentions, so he broke into the house and robbed him, and accidentally killed Comers.

"How could you do this!"

Tianhen looked helplessly at C in front of him. His heart was broken at this time, and he looked at C in despair.

"Think more of your sister and father."

C said and patted Tian Hen on the shoulder.

"As long as you sign, you don't need to live here during this period. We will also provide you and your sister with a place to live. You can get along with them for a while. Think it over, boy."

C said and walked out of the interrogation room, when an angry roar came from the office opposite.

"How could you do this?"

C walked to the door. There was no one in the entire corridor. At the entrance to the entire third underground floor, Jill was holding the hand alone, and all the monitors had been turned off.

"This has been decided, Fry. You don't need to take care of this child anymore. You just need to sign the diagnosis. You are the unique authority in psychiatry."

Tang Rao pointed to a copy of Tianai's mental diagnosis on the light and shadow panel. He had normal intelligence and normal cognition, but was unable to speak.

"I won't sign it."

Frye said, and Rose sighed helplessly.

"After signing, you can go back to work and calm down for a while. The hospital supplies will be delivered to you in a while."

Frye's eyes widened as he watched his body walk step by step to the light and shadow panel. He raised his finger to sign his name. He could not make any sound in his throat. He knew very well that Tang Rao controlled him. body of.

"give it to you!"

Tang Rao said angrily and took out a cigarette, lit it and walked out quickly. The moment Fry could move, he collapsed on the ground. He covered his head and cried bitterly. C walked over and squatted Be at Frye's side, comforting him.

C couldn't say a word, so she could only stand by silently. At this time, accompanied by a burst of footsteps, K walked in.

"Sorry! I'm really, really sorry."

K bowed deeply.

"Indeed, you can decide everything, even the fate of everyone! But not everyone!"

Fry stood up tremblingly. Just as he was about to move, he was punched in the abdomen by C. Fry's eyes widened and he lost consciousness little by little.


A large number of business owners from medical companies gathered at Freya's home. There were nearly 200 people, including family members and ordinary businessmen. Many of them were chatting away.

Freya looked at the group of people in front of her tiredly, unable to say a word. There was a reason why the businessmen were so impatient. An owner of a medical company was arrested, and Freya knew what they had done.

"I'll go talk to the manager!"

Freya said that the businessmen seemed to be relieved for a moment. Freya walked upstairs a little tiredly. When she just returned to the door of her private living room, Freya smelled the smell of smoke. She Frowning, he turned around and saw Alpha sitting on the window sill, smoking a cigarette, while his daughter Michelle stood beside Alpha, looking at her carefully.

"Michelle, go back and wash up and go to bed."

Michelle nodded and walked straight out, and Freya closed the door when she came in.

"What happened!"

Alpha turned his head slightly, and Freya looked at the two tears on Alpha's cheeks in surprise. She quickly walked over and gave Alpha a hug.

"The monster has been raised! Nothing has changed."

Freya's heart trembled, and her memory was pulled back to the moment when her classmate Bao Yan committed suicide decades ago.

"Tell me what happened Alpha!"

9:23 pm

Niya, Violet, and Xiong Dabiao stood at the door of a ward with a bag of things.


Just as Xiong Dabiao was about to push the door open, Niya grabbed him.

"Think about how to say it better first."

Niya had also reflected on it all day today. She had indeed struck too hard. Finally, she opened the door. In a large ward, six people were lying on the bed with bandages. One of them was startled for a moment. , endured the pain in his legs and hurriedly got out of bed.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Niya, we didn't mean it, please forgive us."

Niya looked at the other five people in the ward with some surprise. They all looked frightened and were talking about their own faults. Niya was about to say something when Xiong Dabiao laughed and said.

"We also made mistakes. Today we are here to formally apologize to you for the medical expenses."

"No need, no need."

Niya's expression was a little tense at this time. Violet pressed Niya's head, and both of them bowed their heads and apologized to each other. After putting down their things, the three of them left the hospital. At this time, Niya still looked unhappy. expression.

"I always feel unhappy. Everything has been arranged, even jail time or punishment and hard work. Obviously we should"

"Okay, just say less. One more thing is worse than one less thing. It's just that this kind of thing is really unpleasant."

Xiong Dabiao crossed his hands and nodded seriously.

"Let's go, let's go. I'm not feeling well. Let's go have a drink first and then go back."

Niya said and the two people next to her smiled helplessly, and the three of them walked quickly with laughter.

At this time, in the Public Security Management Office of Area 53, Tamai stared blankly at the director Qin Xiaoxuan in front of him.

"Here's the thing, starting today you can stay with your girlfriend 24 hours a day until the verdict comes out."

"Sir, why is this happening?"

Qin Xiaoxuan shook her head.

"Did you hear the order?"

Although Tamai had a stubborn expression, he could only nod his head and said that he was accompanying his girlfriend. In fact, both he and Baleka were prohibited from leaving the 53 Public Security Management Station. The regional officer here had already provided them with a In a spacious dormitory, the two people's activities are limited to the dormitory, and they cannot communicate with the outside world.

After a while, Qin Xiaoxuan returned to the section chief's office. Jill was still dialing Alpha's number, but the call never got through, and the phone was finally turned off.

"I'm a little worried about the president!"

As Jill said, Qin Xiaoxuan sat on the sofa a little tiredly.

"There are too many things involved in this matter, this is the only way!"

Gil thought for a while and then nodded. At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and with the sound of footsteps, Tang Rao appeared from the air. Gil looked at Tang Rao with a smile on his face for a while.

"Master Tang Rao, didn't you go back?"

Tang Rao shook his head.

"Can you go back? At this juncture, businessmen from all over the country have gone to the district office."

Gill knew very well that the businessmen were afraid that the business department would attack them, so they gathered together, and now only when they gather can they form an effective force.

"Is this really okay, Mr. Tang Rao?"

Tang Rao smiled and shook his head.

"There's nothing good or bad about it, just keep everything as usual tomorrow."

Gil hummed and replied with a smile.

"It will be business as usual tomorrow."

"Because we still need these businessmen to continue to pave the way for the construction of the city, as long as the city is stable."

Qin Xiaoxuan nodded solemnly.

At this time, in an underground room in the dormitory of the 53 Public Security Management Office, Tianming held his daughter Tianai and waited quietly. He did not believe that his son would kill someone for his own selfish desires.

In his memory, Tianming always told his son to be down-to-earth, and his son would never do such a thing, but Tianming didn't know why, but he always felt that something was a little strange about this time.

On the way here, Tianming learned more or less about what happened in the early morning. Almost all the voices in the city were unanimous, and they unanimously believed that his son Tianhen was the murderer.


The door of the room was opened, and a beautiful female official walked in. Tianming saw the pattern of black books and white thorn borders on this official's arm. She was the secretary of Section 2.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tianming! According to our investigation results, your son Tianhen committed murder, and it was a serious home invasion robbery."

Tianming gently put down his sleeping daughter in his arms. He seemed to be moving a little unsteadily, as if his body was in some pain. He stood up little by little and followed C out of the room.

"It's impossible, my son wouldn't do such a thing."

C directly took out a confession and Tianming swallowed it.

"This is indeed a confession signed by your son. In view of your family's family situation and the possible condemnation and even violence against your father and daughter in this incident, you will live here until the situation stabilizes. Bar."

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