Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1746 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 91 (Part 1)

January 17, 2222

"Sir Gill, we have a more difficult problem here."

A team leader stood up, already impatient, while Jill was still processing documents at the desk. In the centralized processing office of Section 5 headquarters, a large number of director officers, regional section officers and team captains were busy. .

Although only a small number of things need to be reported, there are more or less things that need to be reported every day in the 120 districts. Jill is about to collapse. Ever since Alpha did not come to the Section 5 headquarters more than ten days ago, Jill has been waiting at 6 o'clock every morning. You have to get up to work. In addition to a short one-hour meal break at noon, you often need to work until the early morning to finish, and you may even not finish the work.

Now Jill finally understands the reason why Alpha works from morning to night. It is not only the internal affairs of the 5 departments, but also some things passed by each department that need to be handed over. The General Affairs Department is already urging them, and most of them I have been very depressed for many months.

And Alpha doesn’t know when she will come back. It is said that she is at home now and does not answer the phone. The previous things finally calmed down, but a new round of problems began to appear.

A medium-sized medical company that was investigated before was exposed to a lot of problems, and medicine is related to the vital interests of everyone in Brilliant City. Now the public is using this incident to point the finger at the medical company.

The joint review of the business department has started for a week. The problems in the city are now a bit confusing. In addition, today is the day when the orchard project starts. The first batch of pioneers who are interning on the eastern farm will leave the eastern guard station today, and then Started building some work sheds for development.

We have found a dilapidated town 3 kilometers away from the reclaimed land. A large number of Section 3 personnel have already settled in that place, and everything around it has been strictly inspected.

The goods leaving the factory in each region need to undergo strict inspection, and the inspection work is given priority. In such a busy time, the inspection work falls on Section 5.

Jill was going crazy. Documents were being passed on one after another. Many documents needed to be reviewed and revised. Although many documents had been distributed to the directors, it was finally confirmed that Jill's signature was still required. Just fine.

Things were already in a mess. It was approaching 12 o'clock, and Jill was already dizzy with hunger, but no one dared to go to Alpha, because everyone knew that Alpha was angry because of the previous case.

But at this time, a rumor began to spread rapidly in the society, because Alpha had not been seen on TV for half a month, and the business department announced that Alpha was now at home due to excessive fatigue from long-term work. take a vacation.

This statement was originally completely fine, but careful people found that there was no precise time in this statement as to when Alpha would return to work, so there were rumors from the outside world that the executive department might be involved in an internal struggle for power. In addition, nowadays The section chiefs of each department were collectively silent, and no one knew what was going on.

Rumors have begun to spread rapidly in the city. Many people are speculating on the reason why Alpha suddenly stopped coming to work. Some people think that she may really be sick, but considering Alpha's strong physical strength, such an idea is ruled out. .

Nowadays, the most serious problem in the city is the medical industry. As large-scale reviews have begun, many medical companies have experienced problems of one kind or another. Among them, they have direct business relationships with some small drug production workshops at the bottom that do not meet the standards. contacts.

During the investigation of these workshops, they encountered strong opposition from local district councilors. They asked Section 1 to issue new certificates to these people as soon as possible, and cited evidence of the hardship of life in these small family workshops.

The city has begun to fall into an inexplicable strange circle. No one knows what is going on. Waves are rising again and again. The robbery and murder that occurred on New Year's Eve are still being discussed. The problems of the medical enterprise have already exploded. burst out.

As well as the internal problems in prisons that have made many people suspicious nowadays, some photos and videos from inside prisons have appeared on the Internet before, but they disappeared before any problems were caused. After seeing these photos and videos There are only a few people, but according to those who have seen it, the video and photos show the human-to-human torture of prisoners in Section 11.

Some social groups began to appeal to Congress, hoping to enter the prison to observe the situation on the spot, but Congress rejected the application because the reasons were groundless.

All kinds of chaos in the city are affecting everyone's life. Recently, there have even been some price fluctuations.

Factories supplying materials for the orchard plan have begun construction in the 60 lower-level districts. This is a great benefit to most people at the lower levels. Many neighborhoods on the lower levels have begun to become active again due to project construction, and the congressman They are also adding fuel to the fire, constantly introducing some benefits in the region to attract investment from some businessmen who still have spare money.

This approach is effective and efficient. In less than a week, Section 9 has received more than 200 business applications.

12:19 p.m.

Alpha was lying quietly on the lawn of Angus' house that had just been mopped, enjoying the afternoon sun. She had just finished mowing the lawn, and the servants next to her were still busy taking the trimmed weeds to the back of the residence. into the farmland nutrient cultivation pond.

Although the servants advised Alpha to let them mow the lawn, Alpha got up early in the morning and started mowing the lawn. She didn’t go back to eat until after 11 o’clock. She wore a black sports vest, a pair of tight but elastic ones. Black sweatpants, bare feet.

Alpha held a cigarette in his mouth, put the back of his left hand on his forehead, and closed his eyes quietly. This has been the case every day recently. In addition to exercising, Alpha would watch entertainment programs from time to time, and he lived a bit lazy every day.

"When are you going to go back to work?"

Violet took out the almost burnt cigarette butt from Alpha's mouth and handed it to the housekeeper next to her. She squatted next to her daughter.

"Don't go!"

Alpha uttered two words coldly, and Violet sat on the lawn.

"Mr. Jean came here a few days ago and brought back your hat and uniform."

Alpha checked his body impatiently, and Violet pressed Alpha's arm.

"Without you here, the business department is in a mess now, and I think Jill will be unable to hold on any longer."

Seeing that Alpha still didn't speak, Violet smiled helplessly and stroked her daughter's hair. Violet had already heard about what happened from Jean's mouth. This matter was for everyone who knew about it. It is extremely difficult for both parties to choose, and it is even more difficult to make a choice.

Violet has seen everything her daughter has done since she was a child. The final results of these things are all correct, at least in the subsequent extended results, they are correct until now.

There are many things Violet wanted to say to Alpha very early on. The integrity she upholds in her heart will eventually encounter a similar situation one day, but now it is useless to say anything. Now she still lets her daughter It is better to get back to work as soon as possible.

Locke has been calling frequently recently, and Violet also said that she would give Alpha some good advice.

At this time, a burst of application information was sent. Violet was a little surprised that it was from Wu Qun. She immediately agreed and looked at the gate of the mansion from a distance. The bodyguard team of the Angus family had already gone to open the door. , a car slowly drove onto the lawn of Angus' house, coming towards this side. After the car stopped, Wu Qun walked towards this side alone.

"Mrs. Angus, Miss Angus, good afternoon!"

Alpha frowned slightly, Wu Qun walked over with a smile, and Alpha climbed up from the grass.

"Did Freya ask you to come?"

Alpha asked, Wu Qun smiled and shook his head, looking around. He had been here many times before, and it was still the same as before, basically unchanged.

Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it and walked slowly towards the house. Wu Qun smiled and bowed.

"Excuse me Mrs. Angus."

Violet nodded, Wu Qun followed Alpha into the small building next to the main mansion, followed Alpha up to the second floor, Alpha directly entered the bedroom, there was only a desk, a chair and a bed covered with quilts. , everything in the room was very simple, Alpha sat at the desk.

"It's a surprise that you came here."

Wu Qun sat down on the soft quilt without being polite. At this time, the housekeeper Micah came in with someone, placed a light and shadow furniture box, and brought out a table and some chairs.

"Congressman Wu Qun, come here!"

"No need to bother Ms. Micah, just give me a cup of tea."

Wu Qun leaned against the wall casually, his legs hanging relaxedly over the bed, and his hands pressing his bulging belly.

"If you don't go back, there will be big problems in the city, Your Highness."

Alpha turned his head sideways, as if he didn't want to go back to work at all. Wu Qun also knew what was going on. Although Freya had talked about it with him, Wu Qun also went to confirm certain things. Chen Qiao had indeed found out some things for himself, but these unsightly things made Wu Qun feel helpless.

"The city can function without me."

Alpha blew out a puff of smoke, a bitter look on his face.

"My dear Princess, how about postponing this matter for a little while? Once the storm started by you in the past stops, the storm that does not move forward will form a turbulent airflow, dragging everything into it. You will not go to work for a day. The city will continue to deteriorate for one day. I have asked someone to help with the investigation. Once I find evidence, I will submit it to you immediately, how about it?"

Alpha sneered and shook his head. At this moment, Micah came in with tea and snacks. As soon as he put Wu Qun down, he stood up and bowed slightly, then sat at the table with his back to Alpha.

"I'm not kidding you Alpha, you are an indispensable main component of the current business department. Because of your absence, this machine is now experiencing problems, and our side has also been affected. The chaos will continue. , The chaos in the medical enterprise is just the tip of the iceberg, and many problems hidden in the darkness are about to be exposed."

Alpha still didn't answer. Wu Qun was extremely anxious at this time. He had never been so anxious. Gill, who handled things on behalf of Alpha in Section 5, was too young, and his efficiency and quality in handling things were far inferior to Alpha. Now because of his lack of understanding of medical treatment The scrutiny of companies has caused some companies related to medical companies to also encounter some problems.

In the originally calm city, everyone was fine, but because of the case half a month ago, a lot of backlogged public opinion was released, and such a release is dangerous and immeasurable. Something is getting out of control, and Alpha If we don't take the lead again, this situation will be difficult to deal with.

The current situation is that companies secretly use many means to avoid taxes and increase profits. These means cannot be effectively improved by the current economic-related scientific review system, coupled with some practical problems of bullying and concealment. Alpha personally went to each area to provide work guidance before. In fact, it was to solve the problem of bullying in this department and to sound the alarm to other departments.

Such a thing was just halfway through when such a huge problem arose, involving so many industries and people. It was a huge problem caused by one point. These problems were caused by the chaos in business management over the years. In other words, it is caused by the immaturity of the senior management of the business department.

The accumulation of layers of problems finally turned into complex and deep problems that were difficult to solve, and became more and more difficult. Wu Qun asked Freya, and she didn’t know how to solve it. Once Xingke really took the knife, what would happen? It will get out of hand.

Over the past week, the review process in the Business Department has been very slow, as if waiting for someone to give orders, and no one dared to take action.

"Let me ask you a question, Old Wu, is the truth or stability more important?"

"If what you are referring to does not involve anything, of course the truth is important. Many of today's problems are caused by lies. Layers of lies make the facts more complicated and changeable. In the end, we are the ones who suffer. ."

Alpha smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Obviously everyone knows it, everyone understands it, but why are they unwilling to do it? It may cause serious consequences, but if you are a little more sincere, no matter how huge and distorted public opinion is, it is just an illusory thing, and many things will not The attack is self-defeating.”

"It takes time!"

Wu Qun smiled helplessly. It only takes one second to create a lie. It may take a day, maybe two days, or maybe the next century to explain the truth. This is the most difficult place in human society.

"We have witnessed the ultimate consequences of lies countless times, but we have to use lies again and again to maintain stability. This is the most sad thing. The powerful people are bound by the huge and illusory public opinion. Think carefully about the frequent construction problems in your Angus family in the past, just because some people lied, but everyone believed these lies. Do you still remember the big riot? In the following years, some people still accused the Angus family of downgrading. Their salary led to such a big riot, because they never thought that they were just short of a few dollars, but when added together, it was an astronomical sum for the Angus family, which would make everything collapse. I admire them very much. Mrs. Angus.”

Wu Qun said, Alpha smiled and nodded.

"Indeed, my mother chose to remain silent. This has been the case all these years. Too many words lead to mistakes. With so many thoughts and words, it only takes one wrong word and it's over."

Wu Qun hummed. Nowadays, everyone thinks Angus's family is good. This is the most true feedback from the people. They don't owe anyone half a cent. This is what shocked Wu Qun. One time, he accidentally When Wu Qun was eating in a store, a group of workers sitting next to him were talking about the sadness of working. Some had their wages maliciously deducted by their bosses, some were owed wages for many years without any reason, and some were trapped in contracts. Cheated in, but that never comes up when talking about building work for Angus.

At that time, Wu Qun was extremely shocked. He had never thought about this matter. Wage arrears are a normal phenomenon in the city. Many companies need to turn over, and they will default on some wages or payment for goods, etc., but the Angus family is Wu The only person I have ever met who never owes wages or payment for goods.

"I think it's almost time, Alpha. If you don't go back, you'll be in trouble."

Wu Qun stood up as he spoke, drank the tea in the cup, picked up a piece of mung bean cake and put it in his mouth.

"It tastes great. Just do what you want. No matter what you do, as long as your original intention remains unchanged, Princess of Brilliant City!"

Alpha looked at Wu Qun who had walked to the door with a piece of mung bean cake in her hand. She put out the cigarette butt, turned around and opened the cabinet on the wall, took out the uniform of the Section 5 chief, and quickly changed it. After getting on, Alpha turned on, and sure enough, his inbox was full, with 9,999 messages displayed. When Alpha was opened, there were actually 293,578 messages.

"Send me a helicopter over here Gil!"


Jill's voice sounded extremely happy.

Alpha hung up the phone, and now he can only pray that before the trial, Wu Qun can let people find some evidence that Comers violated others.


Located in District 103 on the ground floor, at the construction site of a reclamation equipment production factory invested and built by the Hillman family, a large number of workers are busy. The factory building has begun to take shape, and some engineers are discussing the construction situation.

The construction of a factory that can accommodate 2,000 to 3,000 people can be completed in only a week if the manpower and material resources are complete, with the current level of lighting technology and construction machinery. The engineers decided to complete the factory in 5 days. Production can start within a week.

At this time, outside the factory, people queuing up to apply for jobs were happily looking at the factory that had begun to take shape. This was just a four-hour project from the start of work at 8 o'clock this morning to now.

Some of the applicants who came here were discussing today's pioneers. Many of them were in the second, third or even fourth batch. Many just wanted to find a temporary job first and wait until they receive the training notice. Just go to the Eastern Grain Base.

In the construction site, you can see some workers wearing orange safety helmets with black lightning silhouettes on their hats. They are people from the Lightning Construction Company, with outstanding abilities and excellent efficiency, and there are many mutants among them.

The person in charge of the factory is the former manager of the sales department of a machinery company. He has very rich experience. He had already recruited this small but efficient construction team before the factory started. The results were as he expected. This factory will be the first to complete construction.

Niya stood next to a machine that was producing metal bonding agents. After watching the paste-like mass in the bag swell, she skillfully put the 300-kilogram bag on her shoulders and ran to the metal steel Next to the rack, after putting down the materials, I took the tool and started to add metal bonding agent to the gaps between the steel materials that had been connected with screws.

The movements were completed in one go, with very high speed and efficiency. Olivia next to her looked at the distance absentmindedly.

"What are you doing!"

Nia asked, looking at Olivia looking towards the gully.

"I wonder if my mom might be in the ramparts."

Niya looked at Olivia in confusion. In the past, her mother left after abandoning her. However, after Olivia entered the business department, she asked a friend who was in the 5th department to check, and there was no file record of her. 's mother has died.

"Didn't she abandon you? Still want to see her?"

Olivia shook her head.

"I don't want to see her, but I want to know why she left me there."

Niya said nothing and continued to work.

"On your part, you'd better go back and see your sister. I think it's necessary."

"She only works every day. She must be too tired. She will be fine after a while. Didn't it say on the news?"

Olivia said angrily.

"I always feel like something is wrong!"

"It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I will never step into that kind of circle in my life. I hate it even thinking about it."

There are always some eyes staring at Niya outside the construction site. These people look no different from the applicants, but their eyes are much sharper than them.

2:09 p.m.

Trucks loaded with supplies parked next to a dilapidated town. Accompanied by bursts of laughter, a group of tightly packed workers were helping to move the supplies, as well as some people from the 3rd Department. They were the first pioneers, and some people had already begun to build metal houses in some flat areas in the town.

There are workers building metal house houses along the street. Some workers are waiting for the cement boards to be produced by cement board production machines on the periphery, and then directly erect these cement boards outside the town. The place facing the wind needs a Cement walls must be built to block the large amount of wind and sand, and the windows of some dilapidated houses on the periphery must also be blocked.

Metal plate houses for 5,000 people are spread out on the streets of the town. The workers look very happy. There are metal sentry towers at regular intervals around the town, with people from three departments stationed inside.

In a sunken land 3 kilometers away from this town, a lift is parked. Some people from Section 12 are moving here. Ye Chunwang kneels on this somewhat soft land. Indeed, the soil here is harder than nearby. All the land must be soft, and this is also the place currently selected as the land for recovery.

"Why lie?"

Ye Chunwang grabbed a handful of sand and then let go. The sand was blown away in the strong wind. Clark, who was standing next to him, lowered his head and said nothing.

"Not enough time!"

Clark said, Ye Chunwang smiled bitterly, and he shook his head helplessly.

"Let alone reclaiming and reviving such land, it is impossible to establish a stable ecosystem for releasing winds!"

Clark stood quietly on the sand. At this time, workers could be seen coming in the distance. They became excited when they saw this land.

Ye Chunwang knew very well that there was nothing here, just a piece of dead land. According to the current recovery technology, which only has names but no actual content, the possibility of realizing the recovery of the land is zero. This is a complete and complete disaster. scam.

Perhaps Ye Chunwang realized it early on. He had often dreamed of reviving the hard land in the barrier area, so that the food yield would be higher, and part of the food could be distributed to the people at the bottom for planting.

Ye Chunwang smiled bitterly, and he slowly entered the lift. Looking at all the serious preparations, it was like a splendid palace made of cardboard in the distance, just a mirage.

Extreme disappointment spread throughout Ye Chunwang's whole body, and he felt a little sad. This orchard plan was only forced to appear from the beginning to ease the pressure on the internal bottom. Although some people questioned the authenticity from the beginning, in the 12th Department of Agriculture In televised speeches, both Clark and Natasha demonstrated the recovery process. These processes are correct, but in fact, to achieve land recovery, too many things need to be prepared and too much technology is required.

Ye Chunwang felt extremely sad. Such a half-prompted plan to rush the ducks to shelves turned out to be just a castle in the air. Looking at the workers who were rejoicing for the castle in the sky, Ye Chunwang didn't know what to say.

"This is considered a preliminary formal experiment, and it is not a wasted effort."

Clark stood at the door of the lift and said, looking at the extremely disappointed look on his mentor's face. Of course he knew what was going on. It was impossible to come up with land revitalization technology in such a short period of time. Impossible, and driven by the boiling public opinion in the city, this pie-in-the-sky drama was staged half-assedly.

When conducting experiments in such a harsh environment, the actual available experimental data obtained will be pitiful. Clark also knows that he is just lying to himself. The research on super gene food has also failed. He has been studying it with enthusiasm for more than ten years, and the results are now No matter what, there is no way to improve the harm to the human body.

This kind of super genetic food uses some radiation to affect the original genes of crops, and then uses the genes of other animals and plants for mixed cultivation. The deeper Clark goes, the more he discovers that the complexity of this super genetic food is something that may never be understood. The instability, like pi, seemed to never end. Clark was already very tired, and he didn't know what to do next.

Ye Chunwang stood up, with a much gentler expression on his face. He walked up to Clark, who had his head lowered, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Get me a studio, right next to this land."

Ye Chunwang said, and Clark's eyes widened in shock.

"Old man Ye, you have already retired, so..."

"What I can do is a little bit. I will start a thorough investigation of this land now."

Looking at Ye Chunwang walking out, Clark bowed.

Ye Chunwang looked at the desolate land in front of him and smiled helplessly. He always dreamed of this land from time to time in the past. Ye Chunwang also worked here in the past. He once asked Jean if he could make use of this land. .

"Everything is up to you to decide!"

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