Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1759 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 95 (medium)

"I think it's better for you to eat something!"


A team leader from Section 5 took away the dinner plate in the detention room. Nothing inside was touched. Tian Hen curled up on the bed. Since a few days ago, Tian Hen hasn't eaten much, and today there is no food at all. eat.

This is the underground detention room of the District 53 Public Security Office. It only has a small room of 10 square meters. It has all the facilities in it and you can watch TV programs. Three meals are provided every day. The food is not bad.

Tianhen couldn't take a bite. The team leader looked at the food that had already cooled down, looked at the young man, and sighed helplessly. Although he had already pleaded guilty in court to the crime committed by the young man, but because of the case There were doubts, which caused the case to be postponed for three months, and the trial will not start until June.

The case should not be as simple as the trial in the Hall of Law, which is why the boy has been detained. Pullman, the most famous lawyer in the city, took over the boy's case. It has been going viral recently. Suddenly According to some rumors revealed, the reason why the boy killed the wealthy Commerce was because he witnessed Commerce violating his sister.

"What do you want to eat? Just tell me and I will bring it to you later."

The captain of the 5th Section said that Tian Hen did not answer. The moment the cell was closed, Tian Hen trembled and pulled away the quilt. His eyes were red and he could no longer shed tears. He lived in anxiety and pain every day. , and with deep anger and hatred, he hated Comers, and at the same time he hated everything that had clearly been settled, but now it had become confusing.

Tianhen had already thought about it before the trial. He couldn't imagine what 30 or even 40 years would mean to him. But the most important thing now is his sister and father. The top management of the business department has agreed to help and help them. That's why Tian Hen confessed in court. However, the situation is different now. Pullman, the most famous lawyer in the city, will come to him every three days.

Tian Hen couldn't hold it anymore. Faced with these things again and again, no one ever asked him what he needed. He just asked about the case over and over again. Tian Hen just wanted to calm down quickly and let his sister and It's okay if my father can live a normal life.

Tianhen also applied to meet his father and sister, but was rejected.

"Who can save me!"

There was a sound like a mosquito, as if it was squeezed out of the throat, Tianhen choked up again, and his eyes were so dry that they hurt.

No matter how much he prays, he can only go on like this. This is not what Tianhen wants. He doesn't want to stay there for another day.

Tianhen thought about everything in the past countless times. Maybe he was too naive. He was honest and responsible like his father. He got up early and worked late every day. In the end, he still couldn't support his sister. In fact, he had a friend who worked together a long time ago, La Tianhen. They worked together to do some work that was on the edge of the law, but Tianhen finally hesitated and refused, because the series of things that happened after he had a fight with Angus’s daughter Niya on the street in the past, Tianhen In Hen's eyes, people who are professional are pretty good.

Therefore, Tianhen has always believed what his father said and is willing to believe it, but the results have become worse and worse. Tianhen does not know where he went wrong, what is wrong, and what should be done.

Tian Hen no longer wanted to think about these issues. He glanced at the time and saw that there was nothing in his stomach. He couldn't eat anything, as if he was holding something in his chest.

Gradually sleepiness came over, and Tian Hen closed his eyes.

10:23 pm

Baleka stood quietly in front of the window, overlooking the lights outside the courtyard wall. Tamai was still drinking wine with his colleagues. He had lived here for more than a month. Baleka could not go out every day and could only stay in the police station. She is an important witness in this case, and most of the public media are digging into her existence, so Baleka cannot leave the Public Security Bureau.

Tamai put down the wine glass at this time, and the team captains on the opposite side also got up and planned to leave. Tamai walked behind Baleka and gently held her shoulders.

"It's okay, things will be settled."

Baleka hummed.

"I'm not worried about anything wrong with me, I just don't know how to say it."

Tamai also knew that Baleka was worried, because she would have to endure tremendous pressure if she appeared in court, and outside voices could drown her. This was something Tamai was very worried about.

Tamai has suggested to the higher-ups many times that only high-ranking people in the city should participate in the next court hearing, and other ordinary people should not participate. But so far, there has been no response from the top. This is Tamai's most important decision. Worrying, because Baleka’s past work was not honorable, the credibility of the testimony would be very low.

Although the prosecution department found some witnesses, their testimony was different from Baleka's. They were not as accurate as Baleka's and seemed very vague. They could not be used as evidence in the Hall of Law.

Nowadays, Baleka spends every day in anxiety. Tamai can only stay with her 24 hours a day, and Baleka's face gradually loses the smile.

"Let's go to bed early and hug me."

Baleka said, Tamai hugged her gently, and the two went directly into the bedroom, and soon hugged each other. Baleka felt relieved because the man next to her made her feel at ease.

"As long as I have you, I'll be fine."

Tamai opened his eyes and stared quietly into the dark bedroom. He knew very well that there was nothing he could do about this matter because he didn't know which way this matter would develop.

11 o'clock sharp

Some voices from various parts of the city have calmed down. Some media and TV stations have stopped broadcasting the previous programs of the Orchard Project. Those dissatisfied voices have gradually calmed down, and more people are thinking about it, because this is indeed how it is. As Ye Chunwang said, it is difficult to achieve in the short term.

The city has returned to its former appearance, with some lively streets and a large number of pedestrians gathering together, ready to enjoy the night life.

Mo Xiaolan wore a large black windbreaker, her hair had been recombed and styled, she had a tall figure of 1.7 meters, and wore a pair of white long-heeled boots. The tight windbreaker revealed her well-proportioned figure, and she was paired with a pair of Zhang's pretty face makes people turn heads when walking in the crowd, and she gets chatted up from time to time.

This is a lively night street located in Area 51 on the middle floor. There are many night places. Mo Xiaolan came to the entrance of a nightclub called Meilan. After she walked over, she quickly bought a ticket at the bar. Ticket, walked in, and a burst of noisy music immediately came. Inside was a dance floor. On the dance floor, a group of young men and women were dancing to the intense music under the constantly changing neon lights.

There were small tables all around. As soon as Mo Xiaolan took a few steps, some men leaned over carelessly. She smiled coldly and deftly avoided the harassment of these men, and walked quickly across the dance floor. Soon we came to a corridor behind the dance floor, where many men and women were chatting and laughing. There was smoke and the pungent smell of alcohol everywhere, and some waiters were cleaning.

Mo Xiaolan glanced at the elevator opposite with the VIP logo. She walked over, and sure enough, a waiter came over to remind her.

"Miss, this is the VIP channel of our store. If you want to use the elevator, you can only apply for VIP qualification at the bar first."

Mo Xiaolan didn't think too much and walked around the corridor casually. This was the nightclub where Comers used to go to parties most often. Mo Xiaolan spent a lot of effort to find this place because most of the shops were named after Due to customer privacy reasons, information will not be released without an investigation order.

Mo Xiaolan originally wanted to come with an investigation order, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do so, because Section 2 had already recklessly investigated some records of most of the places where Commerce had been. The same was true here, and the result was that It shows that Comers has only been here three times in the past few years, which is relatively rare.

Mo Xiaolan had already kicked the people from Section 2 out of the case, and turned the people from Section 5 to be responsible for tracking and other work. The methods of Section 2 were too simple and crude.

Mo Xiaolan has been visiting this store for almost half a month. She has met many regular customers of this store. During the inquiry, she found out that this store is the store that Commerce often visits. She asked again Several people who have a good relationship with Comers can be sure that the data in the internal server of this store has been deleted. Therefore, Section 2 found nothing after retrieving the data. Less than.

"Miss, are you alone?"

A slightly drunk young man came over and put his hand on the side of Mo Xiaolan's head. Mo Xiaolan stared at him expressionlessly.

"I'm waiting for someone, sir, please don't worry about me!"

The man still reluctantly moved his face closer. Mo Xiaolan glared at the man angrily, but the man still looked playful and smiling.

"You'd better go away or I won't be polite."

"Come out and play, Miss. Everyone wants to come to this kind of place to make friends, right? Miss, would you like to go up there and play? I'm a VIP member here. It's much more fun up there than down below."

Mo Xiaolan's initially fiery thoughts suddenly came to an end.

"Okay, take me up and have a look."

The man immediately reached out and wanted to hug Mo Xiaolan, but Mo Xiaolan dodged him, and the man ran over excitedly.

"Oh, Miss, you really have a personality, but tonight we can have some fun and get to know each other better."


The man took the card first and walked to the elevator. After the elevator opened, Mo Xiaolan walked directly in. The man took the opportunity to stumble and hugged Mo Xiaolan with both hands, and stretched his head directly over, but the next second the man did not move. , his face turned pale.



"Be honest, and you can get out."

Mo Xiaolan held a gun in her hand. She stared around the elevator because there was no surveillance here. This was to ensure the privacy of VIP guests. The man wanted to push out of the elevator at this time. He was no longer drunk. .

Mo Xiaolan took out his ID, and the man shivered. When he was about to leave, Mo Xiaolan pulled him back to the elevator, because it would be troublesome if he needed the man's VIP card later.

"Be honest, sir, and cooperate with my investigation, otherwise I will arrest you for harassment and let you stay at the eastern farm for a year to calm down."

The man nodded numbly. He had lost any desire for the beautiful woman in front of him, and there was only fear in his heart.

"Who is your boss here?"

Looking at the man named Qian Le, who had the same surname as the boss here, the man shook his head hastily.

Mo Xiaolan suddenly and roughly pressed the man's head and hit it against the elevator wall.

"Sir, in view of your lack of cooperation, I will arrest you now."

"He's my uncle, he's my uncle."

Mo Xiaolan sneered and stared at Qian Le with cold eyes. Qian Le just hoped that he would not get into any problems, because everyone in the city was afraid of the subject of Section 2, even if there were many abusive voices in the society, Section 2 The methods still make many people feel scared.

When people from Department 2 came over to investigate a while ago, I watched helplessly as my uncle had five teeth knocked out. Many people in the store were beaten to varying degrees, and some were even directly investigated for some crimes. After sending it in, Qian Le is actually in charge of this store now, and his uncle is still hospitalized.

The elevator stopped on the 5th floor, and there was a lobby as soon as it came out. Although Qian Le looked embarrassed, he could only force a smile. He walked over and stiffly greeted a few men and women who were talking and laughing in the lounge. , there are people everywhere.

There were independent private rooms and extremely luxurious corridors, full of people coming and going. At Mo Xiaolan's signal, Qian Le walked into an unoccupied small private room. There were many things in it, which seemed to be all. It's an adult thing.

"I want to ask you, does Comers come here often, and do these people in the photo come here."

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Qian Le immediately shook his head.

"No, sir, haven't you investigated it?"

"People lie all the time."

As he spoke, Mo Xiaolan took out a video of what the regulars here had collected over the past week. A total of 37 people had seen Comers. Mo Xiaolan had investigated the records. Although among the 37 of them, There are duplicates, but the number of times I have seen Comers is 27 times, which means that the boss here is lying, and Section 2 actually went back like this.

"I don't know, my uncle has always taken care of this place."


Qian Le covered his mouth in pain. He had already knocked down a table, and Mo Xiaolan walked over fiercely. Although she hated such a simple and crude method, sometimes this method was very useful.

"I want to find a lawyer, you are doing this illegally"

The black muzzle of the gun was stuffed into Qian Le's mouth, and Mo Xiaolan's finger was on the trigger.

"If you don't tell me, this store will be gone tonight. I now suspect that your store is harboring criminals and hiding a large amount of dangerous objects. Now your store is already a stronghold for criminals who seriously threaten the security of the city. ”

In an instant, Qian Le was crying. He kept shaking his head. Mo Xiaolan pressed the trigger little by little. Qian Le's pants were already wet.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door, and the door to the room was opened, but it was already locked.

Mo Xiaolan continued to look at Qian Le. She really didn't want to use this method, but if no evidence could be found in this case, the situation would become very troublesome, and Mo Xiaolan had had enough of these guys' hypocrisy. Since the other party didn't want to admit it, Mo Xiaolan planned to use the cruelest means to deal with these guys who were full of lies.

"You had better."


Suddenly there was a loud bang on the door of the room. Before Mo Xiaolan could react, red particles floated past. In an instant, Mo Xiaolan felt that he was being restrained by telekinesis, and several mutant bodyguards jumped out. As soon as he came in, Mo Xiaolan was pressed to the ground.


The pistol fell to the ground. Qian Le suddenly stood up, picked up the pistol and put it on Mo Xiaolan's head.

"You're looking for fucking death."

Several mutant bodyguards were also a little confused. Qian Le hit Mo Xiaolan's head hard with the butt of his gun, but the next second he saw Mo Xiaolan's head bleeding, he became frightened again.

"Take her down."

"There is evidence for kidnapping and beating the officers of Section 2, right?"

Mo Xiaolan suddenly said something faintly, and for a moment several mutant bodyguards froze on the spot. Two of the bodyguards who were holding Mo Xiaolan looked scared. Qian Le held up his pistol and held Mo Xiaolan at bay. Lazy brain.

"I'll be fine if I kill you."

Mo Xiaolan grinned, and the moment he let go of his hand, a light and shadow mobile phone fell to the ground, with an orange signal flashing on it.


Qian Le pulled the trigger, and several mutant bodyguards present wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Isn't it available now?"

Qian Le's eyes widened and he collapsed on the ground. Several mutant bodyguards let go of Mo Xiaolan. Blood flowed down Mo Xiaolan's forehead. She licked the blood and stared coldly at the few behind her. A mutant bodyguard.

"Get down on the ground."

Several mutant bodyguards lay on the ground with their heads in their hands.

"You also saw that he just wanted to kill me, right?"

Several bodyguards nodded immediately. At this moment, Qian Le suddenly stood up and wanted to run, but was blocked by Mo Xiaolan with one hand and fell back.

There was a commotion downstairs, and at this time, sirens were blaring outside, and a helicopter flew over quickly. A large number of Section 5 personnel with guns and ammunition burst into the store in an instant, and soon everyone They all squatted on the ground quietly, holding their heads.


With a loud noise, the glass of the window was shattered in an instant. Qin Xiaoxuan rushed in. After seeing the situation at the scene, she looked at Mo Xiaolan with some worry.

"What's wrong with your head, little lazy boy?"

Mo Xiaolan did not start the video when he threatened Qian Le, but started the video after being restrained, so this video was directly sent out along with Mo Xiaolan's request for help.

At this time, a large number of Section 5 members broke into the store and took control of everyone in an instant. At this time, Qian Le was sobbing. He kept shaking his head, but could not say anything. The room was opened, and indeed some contraband was found in some rooms, as well as the people using it.

"You are now involved in serious urban endangerment crimes, Mr. Qian Le, how about it?"

Qian Le wanted to say something, but at this time he was held down by the members of Section 5 who rushed in. The gun on the ground was also picked up. It was not a gun used by the executive section, but one that Mo Xiaolan bought from the black market. After getting it, only Qian Le's fingerprints were on the gun. Mo Xiaolan looked at Qian Le being taken away coldly, and then glanced at the several frightened mutant bodyguards behind him.

"They are witnesses."

Qin Xiaoxuan was treating the wound on Mo Xiaolan's forehead. Although she felt something was wrong, she still said sternly.

"Once I find out any of your criminal records, I promise to send you to prison."

A mutant bodyguard immediately argued that it was Qian Le's actions and had nothing to do with them, but this argument soon became dispensable with the large number of illegal activities that occurred here.

After a while, Qin Xiaoxuan took Mo Xiaolan to the lift on the top of the building and asked worriedly.

"What on earth did you do?"

Mo Xiaolan stared at Qin Xiaoxuan coldly.

"In order to be able to accomplish everything, do whatever it takes! Section 2's approach is too simple and crude."

Qin Xiaoxuan seemed to be aware of something. She quickly used her authority, and sure enough, she got a reply from Section 2 in a short while. Mo Xiaolan was secretly investigating a contraband case alone, and had a secret investigation permit issued by the section chief. .

"If you do this"

Qin Xiaoxuan didn't know what to say.

"Since everyone likes to see the facts, then just let everyone see the facts. The witnesses, testimonies and exhibits are perfect evidence, aren't they?"

The large-scale riots downstairs are still going on. Mo Xiaolan has noticed these nightclubs very early. The reason why there is no large-scale inspection is because the current situation in the city does not allow this, plus some 5 subjects. The department officials in the area are very close to the owners of these shops.

"The thing is that I was discovered while I was investigating alone, and I was almost killed by Qian Le. Fortunately, there were no bullets in his gun."

Qin Xiaoxuan swallowed, and Mo Xiaolan continued.

"They're going to find the bullet."

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Qin Xiaoxuan saw the investigation information on the light and shadow screen, and found a lot of weapons and ammunition from some parts of the nightclub.


Mo Xiaolan said with a smile.

"Xiao Lazy, you weren't like that before."

"Indeed, I used to rely on my head to investigate many things and interact with criminals, and criminals are not ordinary people. It is too naive to want to arrest criminals based on justice. I no longer Imagine spending a lot of time and energy on these scumbags every day like in the past. My time and my brain are very precious, but they have to be wasted by these scumbags again and again. I am telling you now If so, just don’t tell Alpha.”

As he spoke, Mo Xiaolan turned around and answered a phone call. It was from C. C's hearty laughter came from the phone.

"Well done, lazy boy!"

"I don't want to say anything to you idiots. Your approach is too simple and crude. It is full of loopholes. Now you can investigate as much as you like."

Mo Xiaolan grinned slightly and her smile looked very bright. The unhappiness that had been suppressed in her heart for many years had disappeared. At this moment, she seemed to have found another way. There was no need to talk to the criminals about the law. In terms of procedures, this approach will only make the case more and more complicated and involve more things. This is the direction that Section 2 needs to take in the future.

"I will never allow the Hydera case to happen again. Xiaoxuan, arrest all the people related to Commerce, and the identification of the people here. By the way, how many years have it been since the use of contraband and gathering of people to use it?"

Qin Xiaoxuan stared blankly at Mo Xiaolan, who was smiling, her hair fluttering in the breeze, and her face looked extremely comfortable and relaxed.

"The maximum penalty is 30 years in prison."

"This will solve the problem. Send these people who have used contraband and are close to Commerce to prison as soon as possible. This way we have the final say,"

Qin Xiaoxuan felt shuddering. This approach seemed inappropriate, but it was just like Mo Xiaolan's design. There were both witnesses and physical evidence, and the factual evidence was clear. This is what everyone likes to see and what everyone recognizes. There is no need to go to Zhou Xuan at all, because the crime has actually happened. No matter how much you pursue it, you will always fall behind. Once you fall behind the crime, many things will change.

"I've had enough of Xiaoxuan. I've really had enough over the years. Within the law, within the system, within the procedures, many things have become extremely complicated."

Qin Xiaoxuan nodded, not knowing what to say to Mo Xiaolan for a moment, because Mo Xiaolan seemed to have changed at this moment, completely different from the past. She took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"It's so hard to smoke."

Mo Xiaolan coughed and threw away the cigarette in his hand.

"I probably will never touch this thing in my life."

As he spoke, Mo Xiaolan stepped on the cigarette butt that had not been extinguished, and the blood on his cheeks had solidified.

"My approach is essentially slightly different from that of Section 2. It is not to deal with problems after they occur, but to make all preparations before problems occur. As long as there is a problem, there will be corresponding solutions immediately."

Seeing Mo Xiaolan walking out of the lift, Qin Xiaoxuan had already issued an arrest order. The matter had been settled, and a breakthrough should be opened for Tianhen's case.

If Comers' violation is true, although Tianhen will have to accept legal punishment because he killed someone, the sentence will not be that long, but there will still be violent storms in the city.

A light blue light floated by, and the moment Mo Xiaolan was about to walk down, Gene landed in front of her.

"I have done what I can, and it depends on how things progress."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"There will be no turning back, little lazy boy."

Mo Xiaolan snorted.

"I know, of course I know. Once you do this kind of thing once, it won't stop. But someone has to do this kind of thing. Everyone is stuck in the inherent thinking. Now is the era of law. And even behind the scenes, the investigation is still the same, simple and crude methods will only make the incident more complicated."

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