On the street late at night, at 5 o'clock in the morning, a suspicious-looking man staggered forward on the street, and six people from Section 5 immediately approached him.

"Sir, do you need help?"

A female clerk asked gently. This man was wearing thick clothes. He looked a little painful and his expression was twisted.


The man said, holding his chest tightly with both hands. One of the men from Section 5 walked over and patted the man on the back.

"Sir, can we take you to the hospital?"

The man shook his head. His face was getting worse and worse, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He kept swallowing and his breathing became more and more rapid. One of the people from Department 5 picked up the phone and planned to call a taxi. The ambulance came, and at this time the man's eyes were staring angrily at the members of the acting department, and he became more and more agitated.

"It's all you!"

The man raised his head as he spoke, his eyes turned white with extremely angry eyes, and in an instant, several people from Section 5 retreated.

"There are violent mutants here, please support!"

"It's all your fault."

Accompanied by a violent running sound and the scream of a female staff member, the Section 5 staff member who was closest to him was instantly knocked away. With a loud bang, the staff member directly smashed a The wall of a house became motionless after falling to the ground.


The female clerk, whose legs were weak from fear, pulled the trigger. She fired several times, but the bullet stopped outside the mutant's body. The mutant hunched over, as if he was suffering from something. It was like extremely severe pain, and low growls kept coming from his throat. He seemed to be trying his best to restrain something.

The female staff member whimpered and could no longer move. At this time, a male staff member instantly rolled over, hugged the female staff member and ran wildly.

A piercing siren sounded on the street, and a large number of sleeping residents suddenly woke up.

"All residents are asked to evacuate. There are violent mutants on the streets."

Suddenly a large number of people got up from the bed, and there was a loud bang. A street shop owner was so frightened that he saw an electric pole smashing in from the window, smashing the window, and directly hitting the electric pole. In front of his eyes, it stopped just a few centimeters away.

The whole street instantly fell into chaos, and the mutant completely fell into madness. Black particles emitted from his body. He kept raising his fists, smashing cars on the street, destroying everything in sight, and violently Continuously destroying everything crazily.

Telephone poles and cars were constantly lifted up by this mutant and thrown towards some shops on the street. Pedestrians did not run into the street in panic, but left through the back door. Congress often broadcast some correct ways for mutants to go berserk. , will be played every once in a while, and most residents’ response is relatively timely.

However, there are still unfortunate people whose lives are lost due to sudden disasters while they are sleeping.

Not far from the street, members of the executive branch were moving quickly on the roof. Each of them looked depressed. A total of 10 people from the special task force had been dispatched. Most of them looked disheveled and had their hair down. Haven't even had time to sort it out.

"Confirm the target and destroy it directly."

Instantly, with brown particles flying, mutants from the special team fell down one by one. The two of them were in the front, attracting the attention of the violent mutant, while others had already rushed in from the side and back.

The mutant roared and rushed over. The two officers who faced the mutant retreated to both sides the moment they landed. Most of the special team were experienced mutants, and many of them were I have dealt with this type of incident involving violent mutants.


The other eight staff members who landed on the ground had already taken out the weapons used to deal with mutants. Each restraint gun with a caliber of nearly 10 centimeters was fired. In an instant, pieces of white special restraint bombs exploded on the mutant's body. Come on, these mud-like white liquids exploded instantly and stuck to the mutant's body.


There was a loud noise, and the violent mutant whose hands and feet were bound lost his balance. He made a dent in the ground and fell to the ground. He was still roaring furiously and struggling, all over his body. It was covered with a white rubber-band-like substance, and he was still trying hard to break free. Several members of the special team immediately dispersed and continued to fill the restraint bombs.

snap, snap, snap

The mutant used great strength to break off the white substance on his body that restricted his behavior, and the next round of restraint bombs was fired. The special gel that appeared after the restraint bombs exploded became... Like rubber, it can withstand a ton of force and is extremely effective against many low-level violent mutants.

The method to deal with the violent mutant is very simple. You don't need to confront him, you just need to wait for him to die. The scene in front of you makes everyone turn their heads unconsciously. It is too tragic. Every time they see this Everyone felt uncomfortable at the scene.

The mutant's body has already developed skin cracks. He will soon run out of life, and the number of black particles has also begun to decrease. At this time, many people nearby came over to watch. On the street A large number of Section 5 members appeared and began to evacuate the crowd. Gradually, the roar of the violent mutant became weaker and weaker, and he stopped struggling little by little.


The head of this mutant, who was raising his head and roaring, rolled down completely, and his body became like scattered rocks, falling piece by piece, and then turned into dust and disappeared.

A nearly 20-meter-long section of the street had been completely destroyed. Some people started crying, and many people were talking angrily. However, the culprit was dead. This anger could not be expressed. Many people hated mutants, not just Because they take away jobs that belong to ordinary people, and because they are inherently dangerous like unstable bombs.

Incidents of mutants going berserk are common in society. We see them from time to time and even experience them personally. This is not a good experience.

Soon the damage statistics on this street came out, and there were two unfortunate victims. They were directly killed by the mutant's car that crashed into the house while they were sleeping.

At this time, several mutants in an alley were watching everything at the scene, with those harsh sounds in their ears, and several people were silent. They were originally employees of a company, but now all employees have lost their jobs. Now They can only make a living by helping others on the streets, and many companies have limited quotas for recruiting mutants.

Several people have signed up to participate in the mutant level assessment, and they still need to do special training to prepare for the exam.

"How about we go to the business department."

A mutant said, and the leader of the mutants roared.

"Can you have some backbone? They did this to us, us"

The tall mutant said nothing more, because he knew that the mutant who spoke had a wife and children to support, and if he could not find a job, the family's life would be in trouble.

Some mutants who have lost their jobs can only sell their houses. In the past, when mutants' wages were high, most mutants would buy some houses, and some companies that provide loans are also willing to give them loans, but now mutants' original Lives were destroyed.

Having no effort but being unable to find a job is the biggest helplessness of many mutants at present. Many mutants choose to work as security guards in shopping malls and as cargo porters in shopping malls. However, such job positions are limited. There are already Nearly 150,000 mutants are unable to find jobs, and the administrative department is still promoting it, hoping that these mutants will enter the administrative department and become special recruits.

But in fact, less than 2,000 mutants have joined the Executive Branch. Most of the mutants still want to undergo a grade assessment before looking for other jobs. Many people refuse to be excluded from joining the Executive Branch. This is in line with the Congress's The high-pressure policy towards mutants has a lot to do with it.

A large number of personnel from Section 5 began to check the damage on the streets. People from the local Section 7 also came over, and the local councilors also came over. They looked at everything on the streets with great sadness. Such losses were paid by local taxes. Compensation is paid, and as long as such an incident occurs, the impact on the local economy will be visible to the naked eye.

Many people at the scene did not expect that it would cause such serious losses. Incidents of mutants going berserk have often occurred over the years, but many of them were contained within a very short period of time. Most of them patrolled the streets. Members of Section 5 are all equipped with restraint guns, but today this group of team members are not equipped with restraint guns. Some councilors have already negotiated with the local regional officers on this issue.

6 o'clock in the morning

"What happened today?"

Some people looked at the sky suspiciously, but nothing happened. The street lights on the street were still on, the city was still wrapped in lights, and the sun did not rise. Some people thought it might be caused by the experiment in Section 10 last night. , so he didn’t care.

But many people felt uncomfortable, because bathing in the rays of the sun every morning has been the norm for decades. Suddenly one day the sun did not illuminate the city, and some people began to panic.

Eddie sat quietly in his underground room, yawning. He had just woken up, and the light and shadow screens around him lit up. Eddie stood up with a smile, and Prometheus appeared in the sky.

"The plan has been successful, Lord Eddie!"

Eddie smiled and nodded. At this time, on the light and shadow screens, there was a transportation map of the Hillman family's water supply plant. A large number of drugs that would cause mutants to go berserk have been put into the water plant. The Hillman family's 79 water plants can completely cover the water supply in the middle and lower layers. This plan has been put on the agenda a long time ago. The drug that makes mutants go berserk has not been developed, but it was finally successful just a month ago.

"Soon the city will be in complete chaos."

Eddie said, picked up the wine next to him, poured a glass of wine, took a sip, and showed a bright smile.

This kind of effect is long-term and continuous, and no one will find any problems. After years of research, if drugs are not used to promote violent mutants, alienated genes will also become violent due to psychological problems, and these drugs There is only one effect, to speed up the time when these mutated people go berserk.

When the city introduced regulations limiting the wages of mutants, Eddie knew that the plan drawn up by Prometheus could be carried out and would definitely succeed. Most mutants were already unemployed. The regulations took effect from March 1 to April. In the month of the 1st, most mutants have lost their jobs. Now most mutants can only take the grade assessment exam, otherwise they can only get E-level salary.

At first, Eddie was worried that these mutants might join the bureaucracy, but it was obvious that most mutants were unwilling to join the bureaucracy.

The long-standing high-pressure policy against mutants has taken effect, and when the city gradually begins to fall into chaos, the bosses in the barrier area are also ready to raid the experimental base of the Orchard Project.

Then a sound will begin, and once it begins, it is difficult to contain it.

"Water is an indispensable thing for human beings every day, and of course it is the same for mutants."

Eddie said and walked slowly. Today he has to attend an important meeting. He has applied to Section 9 for new business activities. Now that it has been approved, Hillman Pharmaceuticals has decided to withdraw from the medical market. What is the next step? Will enter the food market. In the past two months, Eddie ignored the protests of MPs and still applied for this commercial activity, and poached many food industry talents from some food companies at high prices.

The Food Association has begun to think of ways to deal with the sudden large-scale entry of the Hillman family. Several major food industry giants have begun to unite and prepare for a head-on confrontation with the Hillman family.

Eddie first started with liquid food. Today's liquid food technology is still at the level of the past ten years, but Eddie had already started research in this area under the advice of Prometheus, and the result was very successful. Yes, food distributors are now moving closer to the Hillman family.

In particular, the three guys from Sanlian Company came to his home one after another, hoping to cooperate. Eddie rejected their cooperation proposal.

Eddie has begun to sell off all medical-related supplies from Hillman Pharmaceuticals in the past. The city's medical market is even more chaotic. The Angus family has been experiencing frequent problems and many problems have arisen. This is what Eddie had expected long ago. .

The Angus family, which hurriedly entered the medical market under the arrangement of Congress, has now met most of the production capacity required by the medical industry, but there were a lot of mistakes and confusion in the sales process, leading to chaos. The medical market is now overwhelmed, and most of the medical companies that have had their qualifications revoked are still keeping silent.

A bunch of them are placing their hopes on Freya, and they have to endure it until the election in June this year, because now Freya is not qualified to step into Congress, and the Hillman family is already at odds with most people in the medical industry. , both of whom are slamming the accusations against the Hillman family.

"I can only blame you for being greedy and pushing your queen down, haha!"

In this smoke-free financial war, the Hillman family is still the final winner, because long before problems occurred in the medical industry, the Hillman family had already reduced its holdings of most of the stocks in the medical industry and did not overstock the medical industry. Not only did the raw materials not suffer a loss, but they actually made a huge profit, and the 10 billion fine was just a drop in the bucket for the Hillman family as a whole.

The businessmen thought that by letting Freya take the blame and stepping down, they could control the entire medical market. However, their ideas were so naive that Eddie couldn't help laughing.

"They underestimated Alpha Angus."

Eddie quietly stared at the mutant rampage that had just occurred in District 101 on the ground floor. Most media were reporting that the situation of mutant people would only get worse. As incidents happened more frequently, many mutants would only continue to made mistakes, and then encountered the hostility of ordinary people and stronger control by the administrative department.

No one realized how bad such a thing was. Eddie casually read some comments on the Internet. They were all criticizing mutant people and the improper handling of the affairs department, including the policies introduced by Congress that affected mutants as a whole. policy.

Just focus on everything in front of you, this is human beings. Eddie has known it for a long time. This time when they enter the food market, the Hillman family has openly recruited mutant employees, and their external claims are to solve most of the problems. There was an employment problem for mutants, so Eddie made Hillman Grain a very large company.

Countless merchants, big and small, with food wholesale licenses came to the door, and the two parties quickly reached a consensus. Eddie did not expect that it was so fast, but the reason was because Wu Qun had been so familiar with it over the years. The segmented control of the food market is very strict. The food market has been very stable over the years, but the profits of most food suppliers are not high. Everyone is not satisfied with everything now, so they will naturally turn to those who can bring them short-term benefits. Benefits of the Hillman Family.

Eddy plans to set up Hillman Grain Industry points in 100 districts, a one-stop service industry from food purchase to food processing, and transportation is free, and Hillman Transportation will take care of everything. This is attractive. The reason why most suppliers responded quickly is that a lot of money has been poured into the food market.

7:09 am

Eddie had already washed and dressed up. He smiled and looked at the dark sky. Although he didn't know what kind of experiment Section 10 was conducting last night, it was really rare to not see the sun in such an early morning.

Eddie sat in a living room on the first floor of the manor and looked at the light and shadow panel. A large number of congressmen and food industry businessmen had already come over. In the sixth negotiation today, the Food Association allowed Eddie to enter this market. But size is a problem. In just one month, the Food Association has exploded.

All countermeasures are endless, but Eddie already knows what methods they will use. Some of those who started to use boring means to suppress the Hillman family were sent to the dock, and some were even arrested by the administrative department.

“That’s the law, it’s really fun!”

Eddie couldn't help but say that the chefs were preparing some food. These foods were some new dishes launched by the Hillman family. As long as you have money, you can buy anything. A large number of outstanding chefs in the city have now Entered Hillman Grain.

Along with the sound of going upstairs, the smile on Eddie's face became brighter and brighter. However, the footsteps stopped suddenly at the door. Eddie looked at the open door, and Wu Qun walked in slowly, with a smile on his face. With a smile.

"What about the rest?"

Eddie asked, Wu Qun shook his head, and Eddie motioned to the housekeeper to close them.


The moment the double doors closed, Wu Qun took a sip of the steaming soup placed on the table and smacked his lips.

“It tastes very refreshing.”

"Of course, this is a puree made from fresh vegetables grown in our Hillman family's growing fields."

Wu Qun wiped his mouth. At the rows of long tables, some chefs were still cooking. Wu Qun glanced casually, and several chefs tilted their heads to one side in embarrassment.

"You're still the same Eddie!"

Wu Qun said, and several chefs left the room in time. A long table could seat 30 people. Eddie was opposite Wu Qun, still drinking soup.

"Have you ever considered a question Eddie!"

Wu Qun said, picked up the plate and drank the soup in one gulp. When he stood up, he picked up a bowl of fresh vegetable salad in front of him, put it in his mouth, then licked the salad dressing on his hand, nodded with satisfaction and praised it again. stand up.

"All ears, Lao Wu, we are all old classmates, we can talk about anything."

Eddie said, poured two glasses of wine, walked over, and handed one to Wu Qun.

"The life of an industry!"

Eddie hummed, and Wu Qun's expression became more serious.

"If you don't consider this issue and act recklessly, it will damage the life cycle of the industry."

Eddie hummed, took a piece of vegetable, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

"Old Wu, do you want me to withdraw from this market? If so, just say so. There are only two of us here. I also want to have a good talk with you and discuss it. After all, we haven't debated for decades. ."

Wu Qun smiled, turned around, picked up a piece of vegetables, and shook his head.

"I'm not here to argue with you today, Eddie. I just hope you can reduce the size of Hillman Grain to 50 districts."

"The 50 poorest districts!"

Wu Qun shook his head.

"There are everything from the upper level to the lower level. You should take a look at my plan first."

Eddie walked up to Wu Qun and shook his head.

"It's not you who thinks about it, it's me who thinks about it, Old Wu! I shouldn't have violated any laws of the city, right?"

Wu Qun stared at Eddie blankly.

"You have already messed up the medical industry, and now you plan to attack the food industry!"

"Where's the evidence!"

Wu Qun said nothing. He knew very well that today's discussion was no longer necessary. Eddie had been like this in the past. By messing up something, the Hillman family made profits from it. There was nothing wrong with this approach because it was business. Competition, and Eddie's method of doing things is very clever, Wu Qun admitted this.

"Every industry does have its life cycle. If everything in this industry is consumed too early without control, once the life cycle is over, the collapse of the industry will make many people homeless. But unfortunately, I am A businessman, aren't you, Old Wu! And how to plan the life cycle of an industry, isn't it what you, as the leader of the parliamentarian faction, should do?"

Eddie said as he stretched out a finger and pressed it on Wu Qun's chest. Wu Qun took a slight step back. Eddie smiled and walked slowly towards the door, and then opened the double doors.

"Thank you for coming. It's my honor to prepare our Hillman Grain's latest delicious breakfast for you!"

Wu Qun glanced back at Eddie.

"So Eddie, have you ever thought about it? What is the life cycle of a human being?"

Eddie put his hand on his forehead.

"Maybe it's love, but it's a pity that such a cycle is meaningless to me!"

None of the many businessmen and parliamentarians at the door came in. They just looked at Wu Qun with livid faces.

"That's sad, Eddie!"

Eddie shook his head and closed the door again. The smile on his face froze, and when he turned around, his expression looked a little ferocious.

"Not knowing what love is is the greatest misfortune of being a human being!"

Eddie walked up to Wu Qun step by step.

"It's a pity that I was born in an environment without love, Old Wu. I'm not as naive as you. I gave businessmen too many rights and freedoms. Many people don't even know how to be grateful. Freya's case is an example. , do you think I need to be polite to these people who climbed up from the ditch and think they are successful!"

Wu Qun nodded. This was the collapse of the medical system. The internal fighting against Freya made the entire medical industry chaotic. In the end, they collectively poured all the sewage on Freya, thinking that they would be able to control it from now on. Everything, but Alpha's sudden large-scale censorship put the merchants' dreams in vain.

"Old Wu, let me give you a heads up!"

Eddie said, patting Wu Qun's shoulder and then asked.

"Have you ever seen that movie "The Queen"!"

Wu Qun's originally agitated mood calmed down a bit, and he nodded.

"Our Hillman family is the real king! Not Angus, don't you think? The reason why the Angus family is in the current predicament is because of countless indecisions in the past, isn't it!"

Wu Qun was unable to refute. He knew very well what Eddie wanted to do, and Eddie's doing so would also be of certain benefit to Congress. He did not need to expend too much effort to adjust and control the market. Today's competition keeps most industries at a relatively stable level. At a stable level, if things go on like this, the economy cannot be effectively stimulated. This kind of mild competition is not in line with the laws of the market and will one day get out of control.

It is very effective to let the market start to move on its own in advance before it gets out of control. It can be seen from the fact that the gods do not interfere too much in the market. Throughout the history of Bright City, it has broken the calm of the market again and again, causing As the economy intensifies, the market will rise again for a period of time, and now that the Hillman family has entered the food industry, it has given the city's rapidly growing employment rate a very good carrying capacity.

"Sorry, Old Wu, if you wanted to stop me, you should have stopped me decades ago, remember?"

Wu Qun smiled and nodded.

"We actually lost that debate! Eddie, if you want to start a war, I can only accompany you."

Wu Qun walked towards the door and Eddie shouted with a smile.

"Old Wu, remember to tell me and others that I don't think I won that debate. One day we will have to fight to see who won and who lost, remember!"

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