Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1779 The Furnace (Part 2)

May 9, 2223, 10 pm

Ye Chunwang stood on a bathing platform, washing the soil on his hands. Today was another busy day, but now it has achieved certain results. There are now a total of three experimental fields, and a variety of crops have been produced. The next step The artificial sun's rays will illuminate this land, and after about a month, some experimental fields can be established on a large scale.

Reaching this point cannot be considered a success, it can only be said to be a slight relief. The situation here will be announced to the public from time to time, and some reporters have come in to interview. The doubts about the orchard plan in the city have now subsided, and what I saw is that It is actually the standard for many people, and the green crops grown in the experimental fields make many people extremely happy.

As long as the crops can be successfully planted, the next step is to revitalize a large area of ​​land and actually plant fruit trees. The cultivation of fruit trees has already begun in the 12th branch base, and sheds that simulate the environment of the barrier zone have been built. Experiments in fruit tree cultivation have already begun.

Sure enough, fruit trees grow very slowly and die easily, but there are always exceptions. Some fruit trees can withstand such harsh environments. This is what Ye Chunwang proposed. Synchronous recovery, whether it is fruit trees or land, can greatly speed up the process of the orchard plan. .

Now there are nearly 1,000 workers in the experimental base here to help, and some nearby criminals also come to help every day. Most of them do not want to go back to prison. Ye Chunwang has drawn up a plan authorized by Congress. According to the agreement, as long as they confess their crimes and work here until the orchard project starts, they will be pardoned, but they will not be able to enter the city in the future and can work here in the orchard.

"Old man Ye, hurry up. It's almost done. Go back early. The results will be announced tomorrow."

Ye Chunwang nodded. It has been almost a year and a half since the experiment started, but it has finally achieved some results. The next step is large-scale recovery. The windbreak net has played a certain role, and the use of the secluded film can also ensure that the ecology is suitable for plants. The construction of the circle.

Ye Chunwang came to a spacious hall. Many members of Section 12 were still discussing some interesting things. Many of them were drunk, because today was indeed worthy of celebration. The content of heavy metals in many planted crops had recently been reduced. , as long as certain standards are met, even if it is harmful to the human body, with current medical technology, heavy metal clogging the body is no longer a big problem.

"Old man Ye, I wish you immediate success."

As he spoke, Lu Song came over with a smile and gave Ye Chunwang a glass of wine, which he drank in one gulp.

"Don't be lazy during the past few days when I'm gone. You must exercise every day, especially you, Lu Song."

Ye Chunwang looked at this frail man and patted his shoulder. Lu Song grinned and shrank.

"Don't use so much force, Old Man Ye, your bones will be broken."

For a moment most of the people in the room were laughing.

"You used to cheat and play around in school, and so did you students."

Ye Chunwang said with a helpless smile that in the entire Divine Academy, the students in Section 12 have the weakest combat strength. Lu Song smiled and asked other members to eat and rest early, and they would have to take care of the experimental field early tomorrow morning. After studying, after sending Ye Chunwang to the lift, Lu Song sighed helplessly. Originally, he thought that this plan was bound to fail.

Now this plan shows a little bit of hope, which is why everyone is happy. As long as this plan succeeds, the situation at the bottom will improve a lot.

Lu Song originally had no patience to continue spending time here, but now with the joint efforts of everyone, he finally saw a little bit of light. This castle-like plan that originally had nothing in it has really come back to life. Lu Song Full of emotion, he walked to the experimental farmland next to it where the lights were still on. Looking at the green farmland, he smiled happily.

In the small town where the workers rested less than two kilometers away from the experimental base, the lights were still on. Lu Song smiled helplessly. This was Ye Chunwang's request. When the workers came back to rest, the lighting must be guaranteed. Although It will consume a lot of electricity, but maybe Ye Chunwang's approach is right. The workers are a lot more cheerful. It is very lively there every night. From time to time, the workers will have a drink with some people from Section 3, and even some criminals in the barrier area. They will also come.

All this seemed unbelievable to Lu Song, especially the criminals. Some of the crimes were very minor, but they chose to escape from the city. Asked why they were so reckless, they might only need to go to jail for three or four years, but most of them The criminals have no idea that many of them do not understand the law, and many of them are afraid of prison. The news of prison has spread in the city for a long time.

Many people are unwilling to enter prison, and some even think that they will die in prison after entering prison. Although these rumors are exaggerated, some of them are true, and Lu Song doesn't know what to say.

Lu Song yawned and walked to his dormitory next to the experimental field. It was a row of two-story metal plate houses. These houses were light in structure and easy to build. The only disadvantage was that they had to endure the noise of the gravel, but now they are all there. Some soft cotton products are glued to the outside so that you can sleep more peacefully at night.

Lu Song staggered towards the room. He glanced at the dark barrier area in the distance. The wind and sand were much lighter now. He wanted to rest early and get up before 6 o'clock tomorrow morning to exercise.

It's just that Lu Song felt that there was something unspeakable tonight, but immediately Lu Song shook his head helplessly. Ye Chunwang would be away for several days tonight, and he was used to discussing something with Ye Chunwang every night. Lu Song I returned to my room, lay down directly, and fell asleep quickly.


Osman, who was patrolling the city wall, glanced at the lift passing overhead, smiled relaxedly, and looked at the lights coming from the experimental base more than 30 kilometers away. He continued walking. Every night he I would walk on the city wall for a few hours and think about something.

His wife has gone home temporarily. Now there are not many things to deal with in Section 3, and work is very relaxed. His wife is pregnant. Osman couldn't help but chuckle when he thought about it. It's a daughter. Osman was very happy. He immediately got pregnant. Going to be the father of a child.

At this time, a burst of contact came over, and Osman turned on the light and shadow screen.

"Section Chief, there seems to be something wrong with our network here. It seems to have malfunctioned, and a large amount of unknown data has appeared."

"Let the people from Section 10 come and take a look, if it can't be solved."

As Osman said, several technicians from Section 3 immediately said that they should take some time to solve the problem, and the contact was disconnected. At this time, Osman looked at the place in the distance. The lights seemed to be extinguished a lot, and he was no longer able to see as before. A large area of ​​bright white light appeared, and it seemed that everyone at the experimental base had taken a rest.

Osman planned to wait for the new batch of mutant personnel to come over, and then start to screen the special investigators in the barrier area again, and form a special investigation team composed of mutants, so that he could continue to collect intelligence in the barrier area. What happened in the barrier area in the past was like a thorn in Osman's heart.

The barrier area is always a potential threat to the city. Mining cannot be done in many places in the north and west because if mining continues, it will collapse and can only be stopped. Although there are people patrolling there every day, there will always be some The criminals are lurking back and the problem has not been effectively curbed.

Osman has also thought of many ways. If he wants to prevent criminals from entering and exiting, he can only install some sensors in places where criminals can enter and exit. However, this cost is huge. Obviously, it is impossible for Congress to come up with this now. With the money, the existence of Section 3 is still being criticized by the citizens in the city, and the number of people in Section 3, which is still growing, is approaching 60,000.

One worry after another accumulated in Osman's mind. He just wanted to find a really effective plan quickly. The best plan was to march in the barrier area, but it was obvious that after the first failure, the second march wanted to start. very difficult.

There was a figure in the distance. Osman watched the figure gradually walk in and saw clearly that it was Ling Hong. He was walking over with a cigarette in his mouth and looked worried.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I be temporarily transferred to another department?"

Osman was a little surprised, but nodded quickly.

"Is there something wrong at home?"

Ling Hong nodded.

"Both my parents have been hospitalized, and each of my brothers has talked to me many times. I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a daughter over the years."

"I will give you a deployment order directly. You can go to Section 5 tomorrow, okay?"

Ling Hong nodded and said thank you. Osman also understood what was going on with Ling Hong's always frowning face recently. Ling Hong was different from many students in the college. She came from a relatively wealthy family. At first, many students rejected Ling Hong because her daily life was different from that of most students from poor classes.

But gradually everyone discovered that she was really nice and outstanding. In the past, the person who had the best chance of beating Alpha in the academy was Ling Hong.

"By the way, Osman, you are going to be a father soon. I heard from Zijuan that you plan to send your daughter to King Xue's school. Is it true?"

Osman smiled helplessly.

"I tried to persuade Zijuan, but she didn't agree."

Ling Hong pressed her forehead.

"If we leave it to that guy King Xue, he will be trained like him in the future. How can I put it?"


The two looked at each other and smiled, and then they both planned to go back to their dormitories and rest early.

11:39 pm

In the small town near the experimental field, the lights have been extinguished. There are only some lighting lights around the town. Many people from Section 3 are still on night duty. However, many people feel tired at this time and are waiting for 2 o'clock in the morning. Someone who comes in for a shift.

Within a 5-kilometer radius outside the town, there are many temporary sentry tower positions of Division 3, which will change shifts at 2 o'clock. There are 6 people on duty at each stronghold. If any problem occurs, the alarm will be activated.

At this time, in the Ye stronghold in the northeast, six staff members who were on night duty were playing cards. Everyone wanted to sleep, but they had to wait until 2 o'clock before anyone would come to change shifts.

"Those guys always wait until 2:30, so we don't have to be so punctual next time."

A clerk said, and several others smiled and nodded. They have been on duty here for three months, and the criminals in the barrier area are basically getting along well with them, and they even have a good relationship now.

The six people were already drowsy. At this time, a staff member saw a thermal reaction on a light and shadow screen, and soon saw a person, a mutant.

"Mutant in front, no matter what you want to do."

The clerk froze for the next second. The heat detector stopped responding. He started thinking and checked the nearby surveillance footage.


Following a burst of shattering sounds, a section officer who was still playing cards immediately wanted to run towards the siren. However, the next second, mutants jumped in from the window, and their necks were instantly twisted.

"Tou, it's too easy!"

one of the criminals said with a smile.

"Move quickly."

The night was silent, and everyone in the experimental base was sleeping soundly. At this time, there was a noise, and a staff member opened his eyes irritably. This was a staff rest room in the north of the town. Most of the staff would Sleeping in such a room, a large room can accommodate 30 people. The clerk, who was awakened by the inexplicable noise, opened his eyes. He was a little angry. He glanced at the time and saw that it was just 0:11. Just when he thought When I was about to continue sleeping, I realized something was wrong. In the dim light, there seemed to be someone standing in front of me.

The clerk confirmed again, and his expression suddenly changed. However, the next second, along with the red particles flying by, his head was twisted off.


There were bursts of rattling sounds in the dark night.

"Enemy attack!"

Accompanied by the shouts of a section officer, his head was already missing the moment he picked up the weapon. For a moment, bursts of gunshots appeared in the peaceful base. However, there were more screams, and no one knew what was happening. What.

Lu Song woke up from his sleep. The moment he stood up, he jumped out of the window. A burst of sound broke through the air. Lu Song immediately gathered a layer of scab to cover the surface of his body. Something scratched his body. Overcoming one's own scabs, one is a mutant.

There was a banging sound, and Lu Song flew back. He saw five mutants emitting red particles in front of him. They were not weak. They attacked involuntarily. The gunshots came one after another. They were not very dense, but they screamed. There are more sounds.

"What do you want bastards!"

Lu Song became angry, and red particles instantly covered his body. The moment he was ejected, the five people in front of him dispersed, but Lu Song directly used telekinesis to stop one person in the air. Just when Lu Song was about to hit that person At that moment, he felt himself surrounded by several powerful telekinesis forces. Lu Song saw someone else behind him, and two mutants hiding in the darkness jumped out.

With two bangs, two mutants from Section 12 helped Lu Song withstand the attack from behind. However, the next second, one of them's head was cut off, and a large number of people suddenly jumped out from all around. The mutants had already broken into the dormitory. Lu Song immediately jumped onto the roof, followed by eight mutants.

"You bastards!"

Lu Song had underestimated the enemy just now and almost suffered a big loss. However, at this time he saw other mutants massacring the members of Section 12. Lu Song rushed over angrily, and 8 mutants swarmed forward. Lu Song was a little embarrassed. To deal with it, he could only use speed to avoid the attacks of these mutants. At this time, Lu Song saw mutants rushing into the farmland.

Fire spread everywhere, and Lu Song immediately rushed down.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Agata was just about to use telekinesis to catch the director in front of her, but the other party had already rushed into the midst of the mutants under her. In an instant, several mutants who rushed into the farmland were solved by Lu Song. Lu Song didn't know that it was now What is the situation, but a signal flare must be fired, but it seems that the situation in the town is not optimistic.

Looking at the mutants chasing after him, Lu Song glanced at the farmland behind him and rushed out immediately. In an instant, he waved his fists and red scabs gathered all over his body. He could only attack while looking for opportunities. The entire experimental base was in chaos, with shouts everywhere. However, for some reason, no one fired a signal flare. Lu Song became a little anxious. Now he could only use speed and the cooperation of these mutants Zhou Xuan. He was very clever and would constantly use telekinesis to prevent himself from breaking through. At this time, Lu Song saw two mutants ejecting towards the town. Lu Song wanted to pursue them, but was trapped.

"Hurry up, you idiots."

Agata shouted, and many of his subordinates rushed in. They immediately took out weapons with heavy firepower and attacked the experimental base. There were rumbling sounds and bursts of fire shooting into the sky.

Lu Song became anxious, watching the crops in the agricultural experimental fields being destroyed, and the metal walls being blown open by the violent explosions. However, he was still being pestered, and a large number of department staff had died.

"Kill you!"

Lu Song was furious, and a large number of red particles had overflowed. After finding a gap, Lu Song punched a mutant in the abdomen. He screamed in pain, and Lu Song's concentrated telekinesis dragged him Seizing the mutant's body, he smashed his fist down furiously. The moment he was about to be surrounded by the telekinesis of five people, Lu Song immediately jumped back.

The five people looked very surprised. The mutant who had been punched several times by Lu Song had his entire chest dented and lay motionless on the ground.

Lu Song gasped and saw that these five mutants had no intention of attacking. When he was in the Academy of Gods, he had experienced this kind of combat training countless times. The gods would always be by the side of those extreme life and death situations. Watching and letting the students fight freely.

"You bastards, I will kill you one by one."

Lu Song had already rushed over as he spoke.


There have been a lot of casualties in the town. The two council officers have been separated by some mutants. Each of them has to face more than 10 mutants who can use red particles. The situation at the scene is extremely chaotic, and there are screams everywhere. .

No one knew what happened. These mutants suddenly rushed in and began to brutally massacre everyone in the base.

A motorcycle was speeding on the land in the barrier area, and a criminal had already seen the Eastern Guard Station in front of him.

"Please stop now or we will open fire!"

With a crunching sound, the criminal stopped his motorcycle, raised his hands, and shouted.

"Something big happened over there at the experimental field. Someone raided there. Send people over there quickly. Hurry up."

Within a few minutes, a small take-off and landing plane slowly landed.

"Hurry up and get there. Something big is going on over there. Hurry up."

The criminal screamed exhaustedly, and several officers immediately reported it.


Lu Song was already a little exhausted. Seeing that the three guys in front of him had begun to retreat, he no longer had the strength to catch up. The three experimental fields had been destroyed. He got up and chased after them in anger. These sudden changes The mutant people who attacked began to retreat.

"Wait a minute bastards, you bastards, I'm going to kill you."

Lu Song roared angrily, and Agata was still shouting for everyone to evacuate. One of her arms had been broken by Lu Song, and she was hit on the chest. Blood was constantly flowing from her mouth. The men who had hit her had already Most of it was lost.

Soon Agata came to a take-off and landing aircraft. Everyone quickly got in. There were still some subordinates who had not come over, but at this time everyone saw a large number of take-off and landing aircraft in the sky in the distance. It flew quickly towards this side.

"We can't wait any longer Agata, we have to leave, otherwise we won't be able to leave."

Agata looked at his men who were still running towards this side, and immediately entered the take-off. In an instant, three take-offs carrying less than 100 people took off, and soon disappeared in the air. The men who ran out were dumbfounded. They began to disappear and ran wildly in the wilderness.


Osman and Ling Hong stared at everything in front of them. There were wails and screams everywhere. There were very few enemy corpses, but the corpses of the business department and workers were all over the ground.

Ling Hong clenched her fists. At this time, he saw Lu Song being carried over. He had suffered serious injuries in many places on his body. The same was true for the other two council officers. They were entangled by the enemy, and Emergency contact signals have been sent hundreds of times, but there has been no response.

"Check, check thoroughly!"

Ling Hong looked around as she spoke. More than 30 criminals who were still wailing were being escorted over. They were all begging for mercy.

"Find a way to keep them alive."

After saying that, Ling Hong ran straight away, and Osman immediately chased after her.

"The enemy has already run away. They can launch the attack silently. It is certain that they have already planned it. Don't pursue them anymore."

Ling Hong gritted her teeth and looked at the tragic situation in front of her. At this time, there were many criminals wandering around the barrier area. They were helping, and some witnesses also began to talk about the whole process, from the attack to the retreat. These criminals It only took the soldiers 20 minutes, but there were at least thousands of dead people in this base.

A lift slowly landed near the destroyed agricultural experimental base. The members of Section 3 who were conducting inspections found a large amount of chemical residues. They used high-energy chemical explosives.

The lift slowly landed. Ye Chunwang came out of the lift with a solemn expression. Looking at the charred experimental field, he swallowed. Osman walked over and was about to say something. Ye Chunwang had already taken out the testing equipment and entered. In the test field, testing began, and time passed by.

"it's over!"

As Ye Chunwang said, everyone present fell silent. Section 3 had dispatched a large-scale search force and began to search. From the more than 30 arrested criminals, they only knew that they were from the Alatan Ula Mountains. Yes, but they didn't know the specific location. They also said that only the bosses knew, and that there was a huge base in the mountains.

Ling Hong stared blankly at the information given by the criminals, and couldn't help feeling a chill running down her spine.

Osman clenched his fists and closed his eyes. A large number of dead people were being identified. No one knew what would happen tomorrow. Ye Chunwang just looked at these corpses quietly, feeling an indescribable discomfort in his heart. After rising, Ye Chunwang soon joined the team carrying the corpses.

Lifts and landings are constantly passing by, and where the cave base in the Alatan Ula Mountains is is, it must be found now.

However, in this huge and desolate land, trying to find the base in the huge mountain range is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. This is clear to everyone. More and more lifts are falling, and some lifts are falling. It began to fly into the distance, and 100 lifts and landing aircraft were dispatched from the Eastern Security Station to investigate the nearby area.

"what to do!"

Osman ran to Ye Chunwang and asked. Ye Chunwang shook his head because he didn't know what to do. He had already confirmed the DNA of some criminals. They were all criminals who had committed major crimes in the city in the past.

Where the enemy has gone is what everyone present wants to know, because as long as the location is known, immediate extermination is the most effective method.

The soldiers in the guard tower were killed directly without knowing it. Many of them died before they even had time to react.

"what to do!"

Osman asked again. Ling Hong stared quietly at the barrier area in the distance. There were different opinions. Some criminals nearby were talking about some things they knew in the past, but these things were arrested in the last military operation in the barrier area. The criminals have already confessed that from time to time, people do drive trucks to deliver supplies, including weapons.

But if you want to investigate such a huge barrier area, there is no other way than a large-scale march-carpet investigation.

"Give me some people!"

Ling Hong jumped off the roof at this time, and Osman looked at Ling Hong's furious look.

"You will always find it, as long as you find a little bit of information."

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