Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1790 We meet here (Part 1)

November 11, 2223


A slight noise came from downstairs. Tang Rao opened his eyes and climbed up from the bed sleepily. Her face was a little solemn. She didn't know why, but she recalled the past again. Tang Rao pressed her hand There was a vague feeling of uneasiness in his chest.

"It's been a long time since I've felt this way."

Tang Rao took a pack of cigarettes from the bedside table next to him, took out one, lit it and took a puff. He drank too much last night. Tang Rao put on his gauze pajamas and went straight downstairs. On the flower stand, Jill was sitting Taking care of a pot of flowers.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Tang Rao asked, and Jill yawned.

"Master Tang Rao, I am going to attend a dinner party at Qin Xiaoxuan's house today. I couldn't help but promise her a long time ago."

"I think you and her are very suitable. How about you get married by mistake?"

Tang Rao sat on the stairs. Jill would look over from time to time while she was still busy. Tang Rao put her hands on her chin and smiled. She just couldn't worry about this child now.

"Stop joking, Mr. Tang Rao."

Gil said disapprovingly, and Tang Rao put away the smile on his face.

"Every man I've ever been in contact with is dead."

Gil put down the flowers in his hand and looked at Tang Rao with some confusion.


"Are you interested? Let's hear about my past."

Jill was a little confused, but she put down the flowers in her hand and leaned over. Tang Rao turned around and went upstairs. Jill waited for a while before following her. Tang Rao had already changed her clothes. She sat on the sofa with her head raised, her hair Clothed and barefoot.

Gil poured two glasses of water and sat down aside. Tang Rao looked a little different today. The city was now peaceful. There had been no incidents of mutant rampage in the past ten days, so Gil took a vacation.

Every time he takes a vacation, Jill will come to the flower house to accompany Tang Rao. Recently, Jill is very happy because for a long time, Tang Rao has been handling some 5-department matters within 5-department. Alpha finally returned last month. Cone.

It is the happiest thing for Jill to work with people she likes to respect.

It's just that Tang Rao looks a little melancholy now. She smokes silently, with a touch of sadness on her expression.

"What's wrong? Jill, don't you want to hear me, an old woman, talk about the past?"

Jill smiled awkwardly and shook her head.

"In my mind, Mr. Tang Rao, you are the most beautiful. Please stop saying that you are an old woman."

Tang Rao chuckled, and then the smile on his face disappeared.

"I was born into a not-so-good family."

Tang Rao said and suddenly stood up and shook his head.

"It's better to forget it and wait for another day. I'm not in a good mood today. You should go there early and don't let Qin Xiaoxuan wait."

Jill hummed.

"Then next time, I really want to ask Mr. Tang Rao about your past, but I don't know how to ask. But I asked the principal once."

Tang Rao frowned slightly.

"What did the bastard say?"

"The principal said that you have a beautiful and sad past."

Tang Rao laughed loudly, stood up, walked to Jill, and helped him adjust his collar.

"You have to give people some face, you know?"

Jill nodded.

"I know, for sure."

After Gil went downstairs, he straightened his suit in the mirror and went out. Today he was going to attend a child's full moon banquet held at a cousin's house of Qin Xiaoxuan, but many people going to the banquet were in groups, so Qin Xiaoxuan could only take care of herself. , Jill also agreed.

Tang Rao stood at the window, looking at Jill who had disappeared, and smiled bitterly.

Privately, Tang Rao had approached Qin Xiaoxuan many times. Qin Xiaoxuan also said that she had actually liked Jill since she was a student, but Jill always only had eyes for Tang Rao.

Tang Rao also gave Qin Xiaoxuan a lot of ideas, but Gill still didn't respond at all. Today's matter was also Tang Rao's idea for Qin Xiaoxuan.

Seeing how old Jill was, Tang Rao was a little helpless and just hoped that there would be some results tonight.

"Have fun little guys!"

7:13 am

Tamai was already sitting in the office and started to deal with things. This is what Tamai does every day now. He gets up at 5:30 to start exercising, and then starts working after breakfast at 6 o'clock.

Tamai knows very well that he is not like those people who are quick-witted and flexible. When dealing with some things, they always have knots in their heads. Therefore, they can only spend more time to deal with many things than others. Originally, he didn't go to work until 8 o'clock. But Tamai is the same hour every day.

During the lunch break, I rest for half an hour at most, and then I start to deal with the affairs in the area. I also cancel most of the entertainment activities in the evening. I work until 9:10 and then go back to my place of residence to hang out with my girlfriend Baleka. Then he would go to bed early, basically every day. Such boring and distressing work made Tamai feel stressed.

In particular, various issues in the film and television area are very troublesome to deal with. The area has been much better than before after the last large-scale review, but many issues here are very troublesome to deal with.

Tamai receives a large number of invitations to banquets every day, but he never goes there once. He only occasionally goes to Peristan's house to have a drink with him, but now Peristan rarely comes back and is on the ground floor with Xingyuan. Things are going on in the orphanage.

What Tamai does most outside of work is to promote some capable people under his supervision. Many people will come back from the recent holidays and want to invite Tamai to drink. Tamai always recommends these people directly to the section chief Alpha. , and they were quickly deployed to the place recommended by Tamai.

Most of the people who can work in District 16 are veteran officers. Tamai once thought that the system of the administrative department was fair, but later found that sometimes it was not the case, especially in such a system, unless the extremely smart people , otherwise it will take a lot of time and energy to continue to climb up, and those who are a little capable often do not want to climb up, but have already compromised on such a system.

Time passed by, and when it was approaching 8 o'clock, Tamai finally heard the noise below, and most of the staff came to work.

When he first came to work here, Tamai was extremely uncomfortable. Even the people under his command who were temporarily cobbled together from other districts seemed to be in disarray, and their daily work efficiency was very low. In desperation, Tamai could only Being able to remind his subordinates of certain things over and over again, although it feels a bit bitter, it is obvious that this stupid method has worked.

This is what Perestan told himself, using the stupidest method, although it is very tiring, but it can be rewarding. Now Tamayi will kindly remind some of the work problems of the staff every day, and as time goes by, everyone Everyone thinks he is nagging, but this nagging will continue.

You have to be very careful when working in such a place where powerful people gather. In the first few months of his arrival, Tamayi has received several calls from his boss, director, asking him to handle many things properly, and handle them properly. Tamai has never been sure of the dividing line between these four words.

This may be Tamayimuna's place. His girlfriend Baleka did provide Tamayim with a lot of advice, and the month passed peacefully without any calls from the director above.

The current situation in the 5th subject makes Tamai feel worried, because Alpha is no longer as strict as before, and the entire 5th subject is a lot looser.

Basically, various factions have formed in the areas in charge of the directors, and everyone has different methods of dealing with problems. The current situation in Section 5 always gives Tamai a headache. Although he wants to talk to Alpha about it. , but didn’t know how to say this, and Tamai also knew that the directors and Alpha were classmates.

Tamai didn't know what to do. There was a rapid beeping sound, and soon Tamai opened a light and shadow screen, which showed a murder that occurred on East 3rd Street. After taking a look at the situation at the scene, Ma Yi stood up immediately and planned to go there in person.

Soon Tamai came to East 3rd Street, which is a street with a Victorian architectural style. Many movies and TV series were filmed here. In the filming scene of the lobby, a woman's body lay , is a popular actress. The cause of death still needs an autopsy to be known, but after people from the 4th Department came over, it was initially determined that she died of poison.

Tamai watched several people from the criminal case handling team discussing, and then leaned over. Everyone on the set was controlled, and they began to interrogate and investigate them, and the information about the deceased's life was also collected.

"What are you doing?"

A grumpy voice came out. As soon as Tamai looked over, she saw Mansha sitting in the corner, holding a cigarette in her mouth, and several department members were explaining to her.

"Miss Mansha, I'm really sorry. Because we were at the scene of the crime, this is just a routine process. I hope you can provide an alibi."

Mansha said angrily that she had no grievances with the actress at all, and she had no alibi. She was just participating in the movie as a friendship and just appearing in the scene. She came alone this morning and just happened to catch up. When the incident occurred, the deceased happened to be next door to him, and he usually liked to be alone.

Tamai walked over and said politely.

"Miss Mansha, I still hope you can briefly tell me what you were doing when the crime occurred?"

"How can I remember so many things clearly?"

At this time, Tamai noticed a woman who seemed to have just walked out after being investigated. She was still wearing makeup, but she looked familiar.

"Miss Chense, I hope you won't go out for 48 hours after you return. We may summon you at any time."

Tamai then remembered that it turned out to be Chense, the actress who became famous for "The Queen" in the past, but I heard that she is now taking on some small roles, and she has completely lost the popularity in the past, and even many No one knows her very well.

According to the investigation at the scene and the current investigation, no suspect has been found. Everyone is at a loss. However, some of the actress's past life experiences make everyone feel that she may be resented or provoked by someone. who.

"Miss Chense, go over there and wait first. We may have something else to ask you later."

Chense nodded and walked into the green room of the filming location next door.

At this time, Mansha was still noisy, and finally Tamay had no choice but to let her go to the lounge next door.

As soon as Mansha walked into the aisle, she started running quickly. She stared coldly at Chense, but soon Mansha laughed and walked behind Chense.

"I know you did it, bitch."

Chense glanced back at Mansha unmoved, and said with dull eyes.

"Miss Mansha, please provide evidence if you say such a thing."

Mansha sneered. She grabbed Chense's hand and pressed her against the wall.

"I saw you go into that bitch's room last night."

A trace of panic flashed in Chense's eyes, and she immediately explained.

"I just went to give her something, and I have no grudge against her, and"

"You think I'm a fool. I've been to this set several times. I'm very good at observing. I've seen it several times. Your expression of wanting to kill her right away and your unconscious eyes don't lie. "

Mansha said, stretching out a hand and tapping Chense's eyelids, but Chense remained unmoved.

"I don't know what you're talking about Miss Mantha."

Chense said and quickly returned to her lounge. Although most of her now are just inconspicuous supporting roles, she is still an actor and can have her own rest room. Mansha watched Chense go When she entered, a slightly complicated smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Only the people in the film and television area know about the things in the film and television area. Mansha knows everything. Most of the people here know about it. Especially this Chense, who started to fall since she refused other people's banquet that night. , fell all the way, and now she has to rely on being a bitch to continue to gain a foothold here.

The woman who died outside was also a complete bitch. Mansha knew very well the behavior of these guys, because they were just mortals. In Mansha's view, they were all a bunch of people without any strength and could only rely on some back-up. There are countless such people in this film and television area who use dirty tricks to obtain opportunities for advancement.

Mansha had also been harassed, but at that time Mansha kicked the opponent's balls and exploded them. She paid a lot of money for this, but the guy was also imprisoned.

Mansha is very aware of her talents. After she became successful, before anyone tried to control her, Mansha had already gone solo. Now she has her own music company. Everyone only serves herself. Mansha doesn’t want to promote anyone. Newcomers, but people in the entire company are all serving themselves.

Mansha has seen many capable new singers, but Mansha doesn't like these people because she wants to consolidate her position in the city's music scene, and the best way is to suppress the new singers.

The effect is outstanding. There are only a few who have taken the lead in recent years. Mansha knows the rules of this area very well, better than anyone else.

All this is because Mansha has a good teacher. In the past, what Dean Reed said to everyone before every training was that drama is an exaggerated expression of human contradictions, and the truth can be seen in drama. of humanity.

People outside were still investigating, and Mansha stood in the long corridor disdainfully. If that bitch dies today, many people will be happy because the protagonist's position has been vacated.

Relationships, money and willingness are the only rules to survive in this circle. Although Xingke had cleaned up this area on a large scale before, everything in the area soon resurfaced in another form and could not calm down at all.

For some reason, Mansha became a little interested in this morning beauty. She wanted to have a good talk with this woman. As for why she killed the bitch outside, it was no longer important. This woman was once very popular. , but like a shooting star, it quickly passed by. I was just in my early 30s. It was obviously still the peak period of my career, but it was difficult to get up again.

Mansha walked to the door of Chense's room and knocked on the door. After a long time, Chense opened the door. Looking at the red eyes in front of her and the endless pain in them, Mansha smiled and stepped in. .

"Miss Mansha, I want to rest."

"Why are you crying?"

Chense shook her head, her stubborn profile showing sadness.

"They will find you soon. After all, the business department is not a vegetarian."

Chense's face was still expressionless, she sat back on the chair, took a sip of wine unmoved, and Mansha closed the door.

"I have decided to report you."

Mansha said, Chense still didn't speak, Mansha turned around and opened the door.

"You are definitely the one who killed the person. I know this very well. There is another point that you absolutely cannot avoid. I know where you put the thing."

Mansha said and looked around. She was still testing the morning light, but this woman was like an iron wall, nothing would show through. Mansha looked at the morning light quietly and said with a happy smile.

"I was kidding you."

After speaking, Mansha left the room. At this time, several people from the business department came over, and Mansha walked up to them.

"Last night I saw this woman entering the deceased's room."

Chense came to the door and looked at Mansha blankly, but Mansha turned back and smiled evilly at Chense.

Chense still didn't say a word. Several people from the field immediately entered Chense's room and started investigating. Mansha folded her hands and leaned against the wall. She was eager to see this woman's plight, although do not know why.

However, nothing was found in Chense's room. She was taken away anyway, along with Mansha. At this time, many actors in the room came out.

Mansha insisted that she indeed saw this woman entering the deceased's room when she went back last night. The two of them were taken directly to a patrol car, and Mansha did not find a lawyer.

After the car started, Mansha looked at the morning scenery next to her with a smile. She remained silent, but at this time her hands on her knees were moving and she was already getting nervous.

As long as the business department is willing, they can investigate something. Mansha began to recall this woman's experience, and there was one point in it that made Mansha feel suspicious.

This woman's attitude now is completely different from her attitude after the fire. Others wanted her to accompany her, but the woman refused and eventually lost her career. But those who refused at the beginning would also refuse later. Mansha felt that this woman Maybe she is the same type as myself, so I care about this woman so much.

It's just that this woman is a little different from me. She is really ordinary in appearance. Although she can be considered beautiful, she is not a very beautiful type.

The two were soon taken to the Public Security Bureau for formal questioning and investigation.

"By the way, I just want to take back my statement. What I saw last night was not this woman, but another one. Because she was also at the scene, so I can only say that I saw this woman. In fact, I saw It’s Xiaoxue.”

As soon as they got out of the car, Mansha suddenly changed her words. For a moment, Chense's face had violent mood swings. Mansha laughed loudly. Several officers who escorted them over to prepare for formal investigation were stunned. Soon they contacted the scene.

The two were temporarily placed in a suspect waiting room. Mansha crossed her legs and looked at the silent morning scene next to her. She took out a cigarette, lit it and blew out a puff of smoke into the morning scene. gas.

Chense coughed and gasped a few times, and time passed by. Soon a female team leader came in and took Mansha out.

"Miss Mansha, please give us another testimony."

Mansha glanced at the vicious woman behind her. From her observations in the past few days, Chense hated two people. One was the deceased, and the other was a bitch named Xiaoxue.

"Miss Chense, I'm very sorry, you can go back now."

Chense got up and left accompanied by a female clerk. Mansha glanced at Chense again.

When she returned to the street again, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning. She was walking on the street in the morning light, as if she were a walking corpse. This state had lasted for many years, and she had finally waited for this opportunity.

Chense didn't expect that she was not in jail. She didn't know what happened. Those who accused her finally withdrew the charges, and she was able to continue living in this place. However, the place has not changed. Although most people have been cleaned up by the administrative department, It suffered, but the prosperity of the past was quickly restored.

And those guys who killed Chense's favorite people in the past can still live in this place openly. Chense is desperate. The only way to deal with all this is to do it himself. Chense has been waiting for this opportunity for several times. Months, in these months, Chense continued to use his body as an exchange, and finally got the opportunity to enter this movie, and the two enemies were also there. Chense planned for a long time before finally making the film last night. Halfway through the audio shoot, I found an opportunity.


Chen Xi was leaning in the corridor. She didn't even have the strength to stand. In front of her was a small apartment on the edge of the film and television area. Many young actors lived here. In this kind of land where every inch of land is precious. In this place, the monthly rent for a small apartment of less than 20 square meters is 1,000 yuan. Chense climbed up little by little, holding on to the wall, and opened a room on the third floor.

There was nothing in the room, only a small bed for sleeping, and a few light and shadow bracelets placed on the ground, all of which were used to store clothes. Chense lay on the bed tiredly, looking blankly at the curtains. A glimmer of light came through.

"What on earth am I doing for!"

The humiliation and unwillingness of these years began to turn into tears, and they kept flowing down. Chense thought that the materials collected could send those people to hell. However, that seemingly vigorous large-scale review of the business department was nothing more than Just like acting, Chense couldn't stand it anymore. The only thing he saw as hope was the acting department. In Chense's view, it was just a group of existences as vicious as the people here.

After the review, Honghong approached Chense and asked Chense to keep quiet about some things, and provided Chense with some generous resources, but Chense refused on the spot.

Most of the problems brought up in this place are trivial. Chense lives in despair every day, exhausting all his energy to seek revenge, but he has just destroyed two enemies, and he is almost unable to hold on. Living.

In order to take revenge, Chense knew that he could not accept the generous resources given to him by Honghong. He had to become an inconspicuous little actor in the entertainment industry like a ghost in order to complete his revenge.

Chense was a little tired, she closed her eyes, and soon fell into confusion, but when she was half asleep and half awake, Chense suddenly sat up, and she thought of Mansha, but at this time there was a knock on the door. Voice.

Chense climbed up from the bed, wiped her cheeks, and ran to the door. At the door was a man wearing a big hat and sunglasses. Just as Chense hesitated, this man suddenly came in.

"Sir you"

"You live in a shabby place like this?"

Mansha walked in, took a casual look, and closed the door directly.

"What do you want?"

After Chense asked, Mansha threw away her sunglasses and wig, took off her disguised men's coat, and sat directly on Chense's bed.

"I said I knew you did it."

Chense pointed to the door.

"Please get out, Miss Mansha, or I will report the police."

"Okay, call the people from the business department, and I will definitely prove to them that it was you who killed that bitch."

Chense became furious for a moment and ran over, trying to drive Mansha out of her home, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, Mansha grabbed her. Then Chense felt dizzy and was already lying on the bed. Mansha looked at the morning with a smile.

"Tell me what happened!"

Chense overexamined her, but the next second she was stunned, and was gagged by Mansha. Then after a period of struggle, Chense gradually calmed down, and she felt a trace of warmth, and bursts of warmth. I haven't felt anything for a long time. This cold body seems to be melting.

Without any words, the room began to heat up. There were only two pairs of eyes looking at each other affectionately, and a murmuring sigh that seemed to come from late at night.

The streets in the film and television area were extremely lively in the afternoon. News broke that an actress was killed by a fellow actress, but such a thing did not cause any sensation in the film and television area, as if everyone was used to it.

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