Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1794 The Edge of Collapse: Overflow (Part 2)

"The dean is not good. Jielin is crazy. Go and have a look quickly."

Frye looked at the strangely dressed Crystal in front of him. She was half a nurse in this hospital, but she also had some mental problems. Frye quickly came to the second floor, facing a room in the cemetery. The light was on inside, and Jie Lin was naked and huddled in the corner. The room was in a mess. She was like an enraged beast, scratching the wall with her nails.

Looking at Jielin's bloody fingers, Frye quickly walked over and picked up Jielin, but soon Frye was faced with punches, kicks, and a biting feeling on his shoulder. Crystal was so frightened that He didn't dare to come in at the door, trembling, seeing that Jie Lin had bitten Fry's shoulder until it bled, but Fry remained unmoved.

"If you've vented enough, you can calm down, Miss Jie Lin."

At this time, Jielin bit Frye's shoulder with less force. Jielin gasped violently and looked very painful. Her ten fingers were all bloody, and some of them even had their fingernails gone. Frye put her down He reached out to Jielin and held her hand. At this time, Jielin seemed to have lost her strength and her face was expressionless.

"Bring me the medical kit, nurse lady."

Crystal ran up with a smile. Crystal was happy in this mental hospital because she was the head nurse and managed the patients, and these strange patients felt very interesting in Crystal's eyes. Crystal was friends with many of the patients. , and I have fun every day. The most important thing is that I am free. No one will find it strange to do whatever I want or wear whatever I want. This place is like a paradise for Crystal.

Frye smiled helplessly, listening to the joyous songs floating in the corridor. She also had a headache for this girl who was overly enthusiastic and had some mental problems. She loved taking care of patients, but sometimes she went too far. She gave it to patients several times. When giving medicine, some patients almost died because they took the wrong medicine or the wrong dose.

So now Frye only needs her to help cook and clean the rooms of some patients who cannot take care of themselves. She is happy every day and is also very enthusiastic, which Frye likes very much.

Soon Crystal came back, carrying a large medicine box.

"Crystal, if you are sleepy, just go to bed."

"Dean, I'm going to play with Xiao Tao and play chess with him."

Frye nodded and began to handle Jie Lin's fingers.

"If you hurt yourself like this, your hands may be unable to play the cello for the rest of your life. Miss Jielin, I hope you won't torture your fingers next time."

Jaylin regained consciousness at this time.

"Help me chop off these hands."

Frye smiled slightly and shook his head, looking at Jielin's painful look. She was the same as a patient that Frye had treated in the past. She was also Frye's old friend. Frye had treated Jielin countless times. Father Reed, every time Reed went crazy, Frye had seen his desperate and crazy behavior many times.

At that time, many medical staff shunned Reed. Before Reed's death, Frye suggested that he come directly to Frye Mental Hospital, but Reed refused.

There is a kind of hereditary mental illness that is very serious. There happens to be such an example in Reed's family. Now his daughter Jielin has also started to suffer from it. For this girl, for many years to come, it will be more uncomfortable than death. torture.

Based on his mental observation of Reed, Fry found that when this kind of mental illness attacks, the whole person will become extremely manic, very angry, and at the same time very desperate, very aggressive, and his speech will be disordered. Patient Fry is here too, but not as serious as Jaylin.

The only way now is to let Jielin vent it out every time she has an attack, and then cooperate with psychological counseling and treatment to find a way to first preserve the part of her consciousness that fights against the crazy part in her heart.

This kind of hereditary mental illness is caused by mutations in human genes. These genetic mutations cannot be changed because they are already present in your DNA when you are born. Frye has also seen people with a genetic history of mental illness in the past. The final fate of the family is very tragic.

"Let me die, okay doctor!"

"You are only temporarily ill. If you really want to die, you will not resist death. There are many ways to die. I did not put a straitjacket on you. You can die at any time, but you die again and again. Resisting."

Jielin whimpered and curled up on the bed. Frye carefully applied the medicine to her and then bandaged her fingers. Frye did not use tranquilizers for Jielin, as most patients in the mental hospital did. If this kind of drug is Long-term use will cause irreversible damage to the brain, and it will end up like a piece of wood and lose everything. This is far more terrifying than death.

Most mentally ill patients do not voluntarily commit these crazy behaviors. Their brains and bodies are uncontrollable. If no one controls them, they will die quickly.

And Frye discovered a big secret through years of research on mentally ill patients. All mentally ill patients are not low in intelligence and are not fools and idiots as everyone said. Frye taught some mental patients some knowledge and found that they learned better than ordinary people. are faster and generally have better memory.

These people are obviously valuable, but they are ruthlessly abandoned by society because there is no system to realize their value, and Frye intends to build this system.

Nowadays, one of the smartest patients in the hospital has independently manufactured a mechanical spraying device, which saves a lot of manual care of the farmland outside.

Frye has studied many things. He is not just a doctor. High-end subjects such as physics, mathematics, and engineering are all things he learns and comes into contact with every day in the Academy of Gods under the orders of the gods.

Most of the students in God's College are like this, but it's just a matter of proficiency and understanding. Fry and his classmates once built a lift and landing machine with the help of some students in Section 10.

Frye relied on some past memories and a high-level textbook compiled by Whit to teach these patients bit by bit. Many of them had good memories and could write down these things very well.

Knowledge, as the summarized essence of human daily life, is the concentration of human self-care ability. After receiving knowledge, the conditions of these mentally ill patients miraculously improved. This is the direction of Frye's future research, but Frye does not intend to make this plan public.

Frye only rescues those in need, or those who are homeless. This may be the same as when he was rescued by Monica in the long past. Patients from wealthy families can usually get a lot of treatment in large hospitals. With good treatment, it is now possible to stabilize the emotions of some mentally ill patients through surgery, and slowly allow these patients to return to normal lives.

But in Frye's philosophy, it is always believed that physical therapy for mentally ill patients is not feasible, and those wealthy families will not send patients to this place. They will only consult, and Frye will give them serious treatment. Suggestions and treatment plans, and charge a certain fee for diagnosis and treatment to maintain the expenses of this hospital.

After watching Jielin fall asleep, Frye stood up and walked out of the room. He did not clean up the messy room because he knew that Jielin would take the initiative to clean it the next morning when she opened her eyes.

Frye is conducting a large-scale treatment. He does not treat any patient as a patient, but treats them like ordinary people. The effect is also very good. He gives the patients a certain amount of respect and keeps a distance from them. Let them complete their own things bit by bit. Although the whole process is very slow, the effect has been highlighted.

In the past, Monica taught Frye that when you are mentally repelled and disgusted with something, you often cannot see many things. Frye got along with these patients equally, so Frye learned a lot. Things, every patient file is quite detailed.

Relying on these things, Frye achieved amazing curative effects. After Frye closed the door, he began to make rounds. The hospital was always filled with strange sounds. These sounds may be noise to the ears of outsiders. It even feels scary, but Frye doesn't think so. This is the normal voice of patients. Understanding and tolerance, as well as equal treatment, are the three most important points for a doctor. This is what Frye learned from Hua Shen. , how to become a real doctor.

In a ward where the lights were still on, there was a crystal and a man's laughter. He walked over and looked at the two people playing chess. He smiled and nodded. The two were just playing chess in the air, not really. chess, and Crystal played very happily with this man every time.

"Go to rest early, Miss Head Nurse! Don't play too late."

Frye said and walked slowly. He came to the yard again. Crops were planted on a lot of land. Frye squatted in front of a corn, stretched out his hand and touched the green leaves and the fragrance of the crops. This time it's not fake, it's real.

The tragedies of the past, for Frye, still come to mind from time to time, but this only strengthens Frye's belief, because what he wanted to do from the beginning has never changed.

Didi didi

Frye's phone rang and he picked it up. The call was from Hua Shen.

"What's wrong? Happy New Year Huashen."

"Happy New Year to you too Fry!"

Frye smiled and walked under the streetlight at the main entrance of the hospital.

"I'll be here in a few days. By the way, four medical schools are about to open recently. They will be recruited from universities with medical departments in the city and I will teach them. I hope you can come over and be a special lecturer in psychiatry."

Frye hesitated for a while and then shook his head.

"I'm sorry Huashen, I can't leave for a moment due to the situation here."

"I will bring medical students to your place for internship."

Fry laughed.


After hanging up the phone, Frye looked up at the lights outside the high wall and took out a cigarette in a comfortable mood.

"I always need your help, I'm really sorry Huashen!"

2:38 am

Ran Qiu sat quietly on the sofa, surrounded by people from Section 2. In front of him was a female section member with sinister eyes, staring at him. Ran Qiu didn't know what was going on, or he had known it for a long time.

"Have you really never met your father?"

Ran Qiu shook his head.

"My father has been missing since my mother died."

Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly. His home was still being searched by people from Section 2. His wife and son had not returned yet and had gone to a relative's house. However, Ran Qiu was still very aware of the sudden appearance of the people from Section 2. Although he did not know his father What he was doing all these years was probably not a good thing. After his mother became a vegetative state, Ran Qiu also clearly felt that his father had changed.

Mo Xiaolan was still looking at this man's every move. He didn't seem to be lying, but Mo Xiaolan still planned to continue. The criminals arrested in the Alatan Ula Mountains had confessed that one of them didn't seem to be a barrier. People from the district often come here. Based on the oral statements of all the arrested people, they have found a match. Ran Zhi, who has been missing for nearly four years, is very suspicious.

Everything that has been investigated about Ran Zhi is legal. After his disappearance, his son Ran Qiu and daughter Ran Yu inherited Ran Zhi's property. They also went to the home where Ran Zhi lived with his wife before to investigate, including nearby investigations. Unfortunately, nothing could be found, so Mo Xiaolan suspected that Ran Zhiren was now in the barrier area, or had been killed by the mastermind behind the scenes.

Finding clues about Ran Zhi is the way to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. Mo Xiaolan is still looking at Ran Zhi's son Ran Qiu. It has been half an hour. Now the department staff member is talking to Ran Qiu. Sure enough, Ran Qiu has been exposed. Flaw, he was obviously lying.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ranqiu, and thank you for cooperating with our investigation, because your father may be involved in a serious murder case. I hope you can contact us if you have any information about your father."

Mo Xiaolan stood up as he spoke, and the people in Section 2 also put some things back in their place. As soon as Mo Xiaolan walked out of the room, she saw K talking and laughing with several female staff, and she left unhappily. past.

"You bastard, keep a close eye this time, if something goes wrong again"

"I know, lazy guy."

Mo Xiaolan glanced back at the mansion behind him.

"Surveillance 24 hours a day, day and night."

Mo Xiaolan said and walked quickly. She had to deal with a case. Now that Jean was not in the city, only Section 2 was responsible for handling these dark cases, and they could only handle them with caution.

Because of Jean's departure, no one can take the blame for Section 2. Many crimes hidden in the shadows have begun to appear on a large scale again, and there is no one who can do the extremely secretive investigation like Jean. of.

Mo Xiaolan has been miserable recently. He has retrieved all the information about Ran Zhi's past. He was very close to the Hillman family in the past. Mo Xiaolan has not relaxed his vigilance against the Hillman family in these years, but he wants to Finding evidence is very difficult.

At this moment, Mo Xiaolan raised his head and looked at the top of a building opposite. It was a company of the Hillman family. Mo Xiaolan looked at it for a while and then walked slowly.

"It's time to leave, hurry up."

Ran Zhi said, and a mutant behind him dragged Ran Zhi with his telekinesis, and then he sat straight on a lift. Soon the lift took off. Ran Zhi knew everything about his family, and even more 2 Coe will definitely find his own, and this is the beginning of the next step.

Section 2 will definitely find the clues, and then follow the clues to find the end point, but that end point is a blockbuster set by Ran Zhi for Section 2. As long as Section 2 continues, they will definitely find this bomb.

"How about wise man, I think your son is too young and should have been exposed."

Erwin said from the side, Ran Zhi smiled and nodded.

"There is a little girl in Section 2 who has a very sensitive sense of smell. She has solved many cases in the past by herself. She doesn't have to worry about anything. This sensitive sense of smell will drag the entire Section 2 into the abyss."

Ran Zhi said with a smile, and Erwin nodded. He and Ran Zhi had a very good relationship. Ever since Ran Zhi brought him back from the Alatan Ula Mountains, and after the two talked, Erwin felt that the wise man was really a wise man. A very powerful criminal, not his loyal cousin Eddie, the head of the family, but Erwin will not betray the Hillman family. He will only cooperate with wise men to make the Hillman family's huge plan come true.

Ran Zhi smiled and closed his eyes happily.


Erwin expressed doubts and Ran Zhi nodded.

"The most vulnerable department now is the 4th department. It only needs a light touch to collapse. Didn't a new type of nano-medical technology be launched this year?"

Erwin nodded.

"It is indeed a very powerful medical technology."

"The cost is not something ordinary people can afford, and what do you think will happen if something goes wrong for the rich? And Marcus, the secretary of Section 4, has been secretly doing something in prison."

Ran Zhi grinned excitedly and glanced back at the dark and distant Hillman Company building behind him. A flash of scarlet flashed above it. Ran Zhi smiled and waved over there.

"What are you doing, lazy?"

K was carrying Mo Xiaolan on his back, and Mo Xiaolan kicked K after landing.

"You idiot, please hurry up, everyone is leaving."

K looked around and saw no one at all.

"Can't you see, there should have been a takeoff just now."

K became even more suspicious. When Mo Xiaolan just raised her head, she felt something strange. What she saw was the flashing indicator light at the edge of the building. This kind of indicator light was only used when the take-off and landing aircraft were looking for a landing place. The flashing light is a signal recognition device and is something that falls under control.

"Is there a problem?"

K asked.

"It's Chinese New Year. There are basically no employees in that building. Only the lights on the bottom floor are on. Why did the lift land on the top of the building?"

Mo Xiaolan said and asked K to turn on the light and shadow screen, and soon saw through K's authority that a lift had landed on the rooftop of the Hillman family's company building just half an hour ago.

"Perhaps one of their executives forgot something and had to come back to get it."

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"You're such an idiot."

At this time, the surrounding indicator lights stopped flashing, indicating that the lift had gone away, and the place where the lift was going was the Hillman family estate.

The city's control over private lifts is not as strict as for cars on the ground. Rich people have lifts in their homes. What Mo Xiaolan can't figure out is that tonight is the Chinese New Year, so no matter how important it is, there should be no one there. Drove the lift over, and most importantly this company, is a design media company.

The more she thought about it, the more strange she felt. She noticed that the lift was on the way out. After checking, it was found that the lift landed at the top of the building 5 minutes before their investigation, and when K jumped with her on his back, When they came up, the lift had just left 1 minute before they arrived.

Mo Xiaolan turned on the lighting equipment and carefully checked some traces on the ground. Sure enough, someone had been here, and there was obvious soot.

"Bring the evidence collection equipment here."

Mo Xiaolan carefully checked everything on the rooftop of the building. What made Mo Xiaolan suspicious the most was that the number of times the helicopter landed on the top of the media design company building was 12 times in the past three years, an average of 4 times a year. After checking the records of those who landed, they were all senior executives of the Hillman family's parent company. When they came to hold regular meetings, one of them was because a senior executive of the parent company had negotiated a big deal for the subsidiary. Bring the guests over directly.

People have inertia, and this is the same no matter who they are. This idea is a bit far-fetched, but Mo Xiaolan only thinks that this timing is too coincidental, and from here, if observation equipment is used, the following The rich areas can be seen clearly.

From the past to the present, Mo Xiaolan has been solving many cases by getting clues from these small things that seem far-fetched, but in fact, after careful investigation, some traces will always be found.

Because ordinary people don't think about these things at all. The helicopter landing on the rooftop of the company headquarters seems to be a very ordinary thing, but at this point in time, on such a holiday night, and with only 12 sorties in three years The landing time of 12 of the sorties was more than three hours, but this time the time was very short, and it also coincided with the time when Section 2 entered Ran Qiu's home to investigate.

Soon K and his crew took the equipment up on a lift, and Mo Xiaolan carefully collected some traces on the ground.

"Collect all the human hair."

Many people in subject 2 are reluctant because they always feel that Mo Xiaolan really messes with people sometimes.

K could only order the staff of Section 2 to start collecting human hair from a large area. He didn't know how long it would take, because Mo Xiaolan asked to inspect every inch of land.

In an era where NDA testing technology is so advanced, as long as you find an NDA test, you can compare it in the NDA library. But I don’t know how many people have been to this rooftop, and I don’t know how many dead NDA items there are. It needs to be restored and analyzed. The workload is very large, and there are even bacteria, which is too difficult to distinguish.

"We may be exposed tonight, we have to find a way."

As soon as the helicopter landed in the hangar behind the Hillman family manor, Ran Zhi said, and Erwin looked at Ran Zhi in surprise.

"What's the meaning!"

"Based on what I know about Mo Xiaolan, she likes to get into things very hard. No matter what method she uses, she won't stop if she doesn't get through the problem."

Ran Zhi began to think deeply, thinking about what methods Mo Xiaolan would use.

"There is surveillance at the top of the building. Call it out first."

But Ran Zhi said immediately.

"Don't call the surveillance. If they check the network and there is numerical transmission, and the source is here, someone will come to investigate tomorrow."

But soon Ran Zhi started laughing.

"It seems like I was too worried and they couldn't find anything."

Ran Zhi laughed, and then got up comfortably and planned to go back to a comfortable room underground to have a drink.

"If you want to play, continue, and we won't accompany you. There are still many things waiting for us to deal with."

As K said, Mo Xiaolan looked at the staff who had stopped angrily. Everyone looked at Mo Xiaolan with strange eyes.

"You bastards, you might find the key clue now, so..."

"Collect human skin scraps? Sweat? Hair. No cases have occurred here, right? And how many people have come to this rooftop? Take a look for yourself. Is this number possible?"

K pointed to some tables and chairs, and even some black marks on the ground. Some barbecue parties and some large-scale employee events had been held here. There were many tables, chairs and benches. It would be impossible to find them all even if it took a month. Then restore the NDA and then compare it with the NDA library. Such a huge task will increase the workload of subjects 2 and 4.

Seeing the members entering the lift one by one, Mo Xiaolan was about to explode with anger.

"As long as we find some evidence, that's all."

K dragged Mo Xiaolan away without saying a word. Her aggressive temper was the norm, so the best way was to tie her away by force.

"I'm speechless for you idiots."

As Mo Xiaolan said, the staff in the lift seemed a little dissatisfied. During this Chinese New Year festival, many people felt very tired when they had to accompany Mo Xiaolan to conduct such a meaningless investigation. .

"Our enemies are really lucky because I have a bunch of simple-minded teammates around me."

"Shut up, Mo Xiaolan. You are just an ordinary clerk. You have only solved a few cases and you really think you are."

Mo Xiaolan suddenly stood up, glanced around and said.

"It's not just a few cases, to be precise, there were a total of 1,284 cases."

Mo Xiaolan said, K grabbed her and blocked her mouth.

The New Year's event is still going on. It's already 3 o'clock in the morning, and the city is still hot. Many people plan to stay up all night. Perhaps the light in the city is too dazzling. No one noticed a red light spot falling from the sky in the distance. .

There was a loud roar, accompanied by violent fire, splashing gravel, and the spontaneous combustion of a large number of black and red plants covering the ground. A blazing fireball was constantly changing color, and was gradually revealed. Original exterior metallic color.


As the hatch opened, Gene walked out of the hatch in one step, then yawned and lit a cigarette.

"Have I come back? After many detours, I finally came back."

Gene looked at a flash of light in the distance and smiled happily.

"The Mars plan failed!"

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