Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1801 The Edge of Collapse: Split (Part 2)


After the fierce battle, the originally dilapidated venue took on a new look. However, some of the seats in the stands looked a little strange and the sizes were not as original as they were. The venue had basically returned to its original appearance.

Alpha sat on the edge of the ring, smoking silently, Latis stood aside, Osman was sitting on a chair opposite, looking at some things reported by Section 3 on the light and shadow screen, Ling Hong sat With their heads raised to the side and a cigarette in their mouths, everyone's expressions were not very good, but they were no longer as serious as before.

Because everyone knew that Jean was back, although they didn't know why, the four of them could feel some relief, especially Alpha, who had been feeling uneasy since early this morning, but now he became extremely calm.

"The principal will probably find a way to handle the matter. Alpha, should we go there first?"

Latis asked. Alpha didn't nod or shake his head. He was still silent. Ling Hong raised his head and looked over.

"This time things will be serious, especially for the young man you assigned."

Latis doesn't need to say these things, Alpha naturally knows very well that the future should be quite bad for Tamai.

Because Tamai is just a local regional officer, after the incident is over, he will probably feel quite uncomfortable in District 16. He may be criticized or even make things difficult for him. These are just minor.

"You're too impulsive Alpha! Why don't you discuss it with everyone!"

Osman asked, and Alpha shook his head.

"There are some things that cannot be explained clearly even after discussion, and may even be worse."

Alpha said, Ling Hong laughed bitterly, exhaled a long puff of smoke and stood up.

"Everyone has changed, or everyone has grown up."

Ling Hong looked at Alpha. She knew that Alpha was hesitant now because her relationship had made the business department extremely chaotic today. Everyone in the general affairs department should be busy now.

"Come on Alpha, we have to go deal with the problem now."

Osman said and Alpha shook his head.

"Wait a little longer."

All three of them noticed the guilt on Alpha's cheek. Over the years, many students have become more and more alienated from Alpha. This sense of alienation is the root cause of some of the current problems within the department, but there is nothing that can be done about it. No one can go back to the past, and there is no regret medicine to take.

Osman walked up to Alpha step by step and pressed on Alpha's shoulder.

"No matter what the problem is, let's sit down and talk slowly after today's matter is over. What do you think?"

Alpha stood up, nodded, and the four of them walked quickly. Latis looked at Alpha's back, a little dazed. Alpha was different now than usual, and her fragile heart had begun to waver. Latis is very clear about this, because the actions of the gods and the fact that various subjects do not support Alpha's actions have caused Alpha to begin to waver.

A person can endure loneliness, but he cannot endure loneliness forever. Latis walked to Alpha's side.

"No matter what happens, you can talk to me Alpha, no matter what it is."

Alpha stopped, pursed his lips and smiled before running quickly. Latis looked at Alpha who was already on the lift with a solemn expression.

4:39 p.m.

"I think everyone should be clearer by now. If we don't unite, there will be no future."

Eddie smiled and held up a glass of wine. Two hours ago, Eddie sent an invitation to most of the businessmen in the city. In less than two hours, nearly 400 businessmen from all walks of life in the city came over. .

This is the large banquet hall used by the Hillman family to entertain guests. Most of the businessmen who came here were those who were impacted by the two operations of the business department today. They came from the eight major associations.

"I think we all need to reach a consensus."

Eddie said, and an old businessman stood up and bowed.

"Thank you very much for your capital injection Mr. Eddie."

Many people stood up and spoke with gratitude. In just two hours, Hillman Financial began to acquire most of the businessmen's stocks, stabilizing their stock prices.

Some people came because of the sudden big gift from the Hillman family, while some people came just to see what the Hillman family planned to do. There were many people from the family present. Although Eddie was also interested in other people. The seven major families sent invitations, but all seven major families declined.

"For a long time, we businessmen have been thankless. Obviously, without us, the city would not have been able to develop to this day. We have devoted our blood and sweat, but the people only think that we are greedy capitalists. The same goes for the citizens, and the councillors. Also, we need to worry about the review of the administrative department all the time, please the legislators, and kowtow for the people. Obviously, the city's economy can develop to this point, and we have contributed a lot."

For a time, many businessmen expressed their agreement. Some people felt that the current situation was extremely bad for businessmen. Once a line of production capacity was disconnected, it would be very difficult to restore it and continue to operate stably, efficiently and normally in a short period of time. It is difficult, and with the large-scale actions taken by the business department over the years, as well as the behavior of the council members messing around in the area, the businessmen have suffered terribly.

A large number of businessmen feel that in recent years, profits have not been as good as before. They have finally begun to show some improvement, but the business department suddenly made such a big move today, and the businessmen are miserable. Some businessmen They were already scolding them because they were suspected of manipulating the mutant competition, and later even had to report to Section 5 to be reviewed.

"The little girl from the Angus family really doesn't know what's wrong with her. If she does this, it will also indirectly affect the Angus family. Everyone is obviously making money. Now that it's better, everyone is thankless. , what is this called?"

A family businessman stood up. Many businessmen present talked about the situation of the Angus family. Everyone felt that the Angus family would definitely be doomed in the future, because each of the two daughters was serious and had no regard for Alpha. Many people didn't want to talk anymore, or they had nothing to say and could only complain. But it was different for Niya. Many people began to laugh and criticize Niya's various misdeeds.

Not only the businessmen within the family, but also some ordinary businessmen know something about Niya. If it weren't for being a member of the family, she would have been caught long ago.

Eddie smiled and walked among the businessmen's seats. He finally waited for this moment, and problems within the business department broke out.

We have received exact information. There should have been an extremely fierce fight in the headquarters venue of Section 5. Prometheus has already calculated in detail how the Business Department handled the situation throughout the day. Eddie was sure that Coe was teetering on the edge of collapse.

The efficiency is low. There has been a certain amount of friction between various departments when dealing with some things today, and there is not much such friction.

It's chaos from top to bottom. This is what Eddie wants to see most. Eddie feels that the time has begun to mature. Next, Eddie will begin to implant a microchip into most ordinary people. Although Personality implantation has not yet been successful, but this kind of brain control chip can make people realize that all this is caused by God.

Eddie just wants to see the huge voices gather together. As long as people keep mentioning them, slowly in a few years, these huge and powerful voices will gather together, and then the city will only become more chaotic and hopeless. Most of the people will definitely cause some problems one after another.

Eddie saw that it was almost done, and he turned up the amplification equipment again.

"Everyone, please forgive me for leaving for a while. I invite you to have a good time at the banquet tonight, but please don't forget that if we cannot reach a consensus, the same situation will only happen again, and we will always be exhausted. It’s just us, and this kind of thankless work is a huge harm to us! We can’t let the business department continue any longer.”

For a moment, there was applause in the room. Eddie smiled and left the banquet hall step by step. He walked directly through the corridor.

"Are you ready?"

Eddie asked, and Erwin smiled and nodded.

"All the doctors have been prepared. You may feel a little sore the next day, but it's not a big problem."

Eddie showed a sinister smile. He planned to implant brain-controlled chips into all the businessmen who came to the banquet. Not only the people at the bottom, but also the voices of the people on the upper, middle and lower levels needed to be gathered together, as well as the business experts. The same goes for people.

Erwin smiled excitedly. He knew very well that the long-standing plan of the Hillman family had finally begun. It seemed that it was within easy reach to establish a country belonging to the Hillman family in the future.

"Thank you for your hard work, Erwin."

Erwin smiled and shook his head, bowing slightly.

"It's not hard at all, patriarch, our Hillman family will definitely succeed."

The two quickly returned to an office on the third floor. The wise man was looking at the news on the light and shadow screen, with a happy smile on his lips.

"It came much faster than expected."

The wise man said, picking up the wine glass on the table, and the three of them drank a glass, showing happy smiles.

"We must let them all have a great time tonight."

Ran Zhi said and Eddie nodded.

"Don't worry, I have already prepared a group of slaves for the guests to have fun with."

Eddie said and Ran Zhi nodded.

"Again, are you sure you will only feel pain the next day?"

Ran Zhi asked, and Erwin answered immediately.

"Please rest assured. We have done this experiment countless times. When you wake up the next day, you will only feel like you are hungover and your head will hurt. Generally, there will be no problems."

"Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed."

Eddie said and Erwin nodded. The entire Hillman family currently has more than 3,000 controlled medical experts. There are only less than 400 people for operations. It is more than enough to complete the surgery. Eddie has already done it long in advance. They were transported over and are on standby in another underground facility in the territory of the Hillman family. Today they will dress up as servants of the Hillman family. As long as some guests have a good time and fall asleep, they can perform surgery immediately. An operation only takes half an hour at most.

According to Prometheus' calculations, doctors will implant this kind of brain-controlled chip into at least 1 million people in the city. The chip will begin to continuously send signals that the brain can recognize to their brains, thus making everyone's brains The consciousness that all this is God's fault, that God should not stay in the city, and that the city should be returned to humans, to be managed by humans, arises.

Such research has been completed through countless personality implant studies on Billy, a man with multiple personality disorders who has had his personality implanted countless times.

Next, just do all these things well, and then wait for the release of the mutant violent potion. Under the double pressure, the gods will definitely do more cruel things, and these things will be known in the end.

"Obsession is really scary, even for gods."

Eddie said with a smile and Ran Zhi nodded. It is true that the gods built this city with their own hands and watched the city develop and continue to this day. It is impossible for them to destroy the city.

No matter how powerful the power is, it is useless in the face of obsession. Unless they are completely emotionless existences like AI, this would be an extremely terrifying thing. However, according to Eddie, the gods in the city are just like humans, and they have Emotional.

"Won't you tell me what God is like?"

Ran Zhi asked again. Eddie had never told Ran Zhi about this matter. Eddie said with a smile.

"The gods I know are probably relatively gentle, like humans."

Ran Zhi stopped asking, because he knew that it was impossible for Eddie to tell Ran Zhi what the gods looked like, and Ran Zhi suspected that the gods lived in this city and lived like normal people.

At this time, there was a burst of cheers downstairs. Ran Zhi walked to the window and watched the sexy and enchanting beauties walking in with food and wine. For a moment, the businessmen in the banquet hall became excited. .

"They all look good, where did you find them?"

"Would you like to select some wise men to accompany you?"

Ran Zhi smiled and shook his head, Erwin added.

"There are too many women like this in the city, and many of them are missing, right?"

Ran Zhi nodded. He turned around and walked to the desk and sat down. He looked at the news on the light and shadow screen. Now many people are questioning whether the mutant competition can continue tomorrow because of what happened in the city. It's a big thing. Many people have been looking forward to this event for a long time. Human beings are creatures that only focus on the present.

Although the ugly problem has been exposed, most people are more concerned about whether their entertainment arrangements for tomorrow are properly arranged. Everyone is a vested interest, because the demand for entertainment is the biggest demand of people during the Chinese New Year. , but after the long-awaited entertainment was brought to an abrupt end, many vested interests began to speak out.

"There was a guy who often told me that poison that penetrates deep into the bone marrow is the scariest thing, what do you think?"

Eddie asked, Ran Zhi smiled and nodded.


In a room in the Hillman family's newly built underground facility, X's head was rusty and there was a red light in his left eye.

X is still conscious at all times. He is always awake, but every time he shuts down his consciousness, X falls into darkness. Eddie will still regularly replenish his soaked brain with nutrient solution. Get in touch, it’s been so many years.

Every time he floats in this dark space, X feels very at ease, but this peace of mind is only limited to the fact that he can still feel that he is still alive.


There was a clear sound of opening the door in the darkness, and X's eyes widened in shock. He actually saw a light in such a self-awareness space, and this light was getting closer and closer to X.

X watched in disbelief as a gap appeared in the dark space in front of him. After the light approached, X's eyes widened and what he saw turned out to be a white door. However, the next second, A white carved door with golden phoenix carvings on the upper and lower sides, surrounded by patterns of immortal flowers.

There was a gleam of white light in the door, and X didn't know what was going on.

"Am I going to die?"

X looked at the door in front of him in disbelief. He pushed it open gently. In just a moment, A piece of grass that has been rested and a flower bed beside the courtyard wall include a young woman wearing a white pleated skirt and carrying a kettle to water the flowers.

X couldn't believe his eyes, but the next second, he saw his own hands, which were human hands. He was wearing a black and white plaid shirt and a watch. He looked like he was 30 years old.


In a daze, X heard the sound of the whistle behind him. He turned his head in disbelief and watched an old car passing by. , The high-rise building where I live is in the city 10 kilometers away from the villa area where I am, and it is where I work.

"Am I dead? Is this heaven?"

The moment X finished speaking, he heard a voice behind him.

"My dear, you are back. I made seafood pizza tonight. My uncle and aunt are coming over today."

X turned around and saw a young and beautiful woman with a shiny forehead. She smiled and hugged him, kissing X on the cheek.

"What's wrong? Did something happen in the research? What do you think about letting people from your cloning research team come to your house for a party next time?"

X nodded, swallowed, and took out a work ID card from his pocket, which clearly read Lynn

The woman in front of her held X's hand. After entering, she closed the door with a smile, walked to the phone, picked up the white old-fashioned phone, and played on the wheel.

X walked step by step. What he saw in front of him was too incredible. He knew that he might be dead, and the woman in front of him was his wife, Aurora.

"Maybe you're not dead!"

At this time, With that, X was instantly furious. Just as he was about to run over, X fell heavily to the ground with a crunch.

The next second, Later I would talk to my wife about a lot of things, the difficulties in research, and everything.

"Who are you!"

The moment X's voice just fell, the entire space was like separated building blocks, moving in pieces. X saw that his wife had disappeared, and there was a cloud of black smoke and human-shaped smoke floating in front of him. Everything around him has returned to normal, but his wife has disappeared.

"What do you want to do?"

"How about we trade? Lynn.X. Redl!"

X didn't know why the thing in front of him knew everything about him. The data in his head was written through layers of encryption programs, and it couldn't be cracked so easily.

"I need you to do me a little favor, and you can get your freedom. How about this? It's not a bad deal."

X nodded.

"what do you want?"

"After you are free, I just need you to hand this thing to Alpha Angus, the chief of Section 5!"

In an instant,

There was a small black blind man in the sky. X found that he could move now. Then he stood up and his mechanical body returned to its original state. The moment X took over the black box, a large number of light-speed streaks appeared on the surface of his body. Numeral symbols, it soon became clear to X that these were everything the Hillman family had done over the years, and were all the evidence of their crimes.


The smoke figure in front of him laughed, his head shaking.

"Not now, but when I need you to do it, and if you don't do it, I will."


X's eyes widened as he watched his dull-eyed wife appear next to the smoke figure again, and the smoke figure directly enveloped his wife.

"Eat her!"

X's heart trembled.

"I can know everything about you, and I naturally have a way to eliminate everything about you. For creatures with feelings, there are the most beautiful things in their hearts. I will eat up every bit of this beautiful thing and leave it to you. All you have is darkness and endless pain.”

"I'll do what you say."

X said, walked over step by step, stretched out the mechanical arm, and wanted to touch his wife Aurora, but as soon as he touched her, Aurora disappeared.

"If you want to see all this in the future, or even come back here, I have a way. You can live here all your life, with your favorite wife."

X nodded. At this time, the surrounding space began to collapse, and all matter was broken down into tiny particles and began to slowly disappear.

"Listen, when I need you to do this, you must execute my order. No matter what, you must hand over these data to Alpha Angus."

Everything returned to darkness again, and at this time, X began to check. There were many things in the criminal records of the Hillman family that X did not know.

"What on earth is it! Is eating something that the Destroyer of Worlds once said!"

As dusk approached, the light disappeared little by little. Alpha stood on the lawn of her home. She looked a little troubled because she didn’t know how to tell her parents. Today’s problems have had a huge impact on Angus Construction. Alpha Instead of going to the General Affairs Department, he sent the three people there and then returned home.


In an instant, Alpha's fist was like thunder, and it struck out. There was a roar in the air. There was nothing in the air. Alpha stared at everything in front of her. She seemed to see a faint human shape, but when she looked again time, has disappeared, and I have always been a little nervous recently.

At this time, Alpha saw his sister Niya running out in the distance, and she leaned over with a helpless smile.

A few minutes later, where Alpha had just stood, a plume of black smoke appeared, swirling on the lawn.

"I don't believe you would ignore the city and refuse to save Ellie! The cry when the city collapses should be wonderful, you should be able to hear it, Ellie!"

The smoke quickly dispersed. At this time, the sun's rays suddenly became stronger and shone on Angus's lawn. Alpha stepped into the door. Just as he was about to say something, Violet had already walked over. Holding Alpha's cheeks with both hands.

"What on earth are you doing, daughter? Why did you choose this time?"

Father Avano also looked a little helpless, Niya said with a smile.

"Don't worry about when, that kind of cheating in the ring competition, if it were me, I would definitely beat up those guys who were cheating."

Violet glared at Nia. Nia had been wearing skirts at home recently and looked much more feminine. Alpha scratched his head helplessly.

"I can't help it, I'm sorry."

Violet patted her daughter on the shoulder helplessly.

"Uncle Gene is back."

Alpha said, and both Angus and his wife were a little surprised, but Violet soon returned to her smile.

"There is nothing in this city that Mr. Jean cannot solve. You have obviously grown up with him, why can't you learn from Mr. Jean's way of doing things?"

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