Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1812 The Edge of Collapse: Blood and Sand 3 (Part 2)

"It's really not necessary. It's not necessary."

Tamai kept saying thanks, but many people from Section 12 had already come over. Everyone was congratulating Tamai on his promotion to Section 5 secretary, because this was unbelievable to most people. Yes, even something to be happy about.

Because this is unprecedented. In the more than six years since the establishment of the Acting Department, no staff member who was not from the School of God has ever been promoted to the top of the Acting Department, but Tamai's sudden promotion to secretary, Let most of the staff see the light, especially those at the second and third levels.

There were endless voices of celebration, and several nearby regional officers of Section 12 even proposed to hold a banquet in the Agricultural Section cafeteria tonight to congratulate Tamai on his promotion to Section 5 secretary.

The breeze blew gently and hit Tamai on the cheek. He is still in the farm labor punishment period. Even if he is promoted to Tamai, he still needs to complete the remaining punishment time. Until now, Tamai still can't believe it. , I was really promoted to become the secretary of Section 5.

"how come."

Tamai was sitting in an office on the second floor of the Middle World Tower at this time, and saw the major events happening in the city today, including the large-scale rampage of mutants and the report of the death of Jill, the former secretary of Section 5.

"Lord Gill!"

Tamai looked at the news in shock, and at this time, a striking report made Tamai feel extremely uncomfortable. It was some information about Tamai in the past, which had been released by the Business Department, and many people were He criticized Alpha for making such a reckless decision and directly promoted a person with no achievements and abilities to the position of secretary.

In addition to being shocked, Tamai also felt sad, because in his past work, Tamai had contacted Gil many times and felt that he was a gentle boss who was also very capable and very strong. Tamai didn't understand what was going on.

The chaotic thoughts made Tamai feel extremely tired. He was not suitable to think about unnecessary things, and he did not like to think about these complicated things. Tamai had only served as a regional officer for a short period of time. , already exhausted.

At this time, what Tamai thought of most was Baleka. Sure enough, some news media had exposed Baleka's affairs. Tamai stood up angrily and clenched his fists, but soon Tamai tightened his grip. The clenched fist was unclenched, and a feeling of powerlessness spread throughout Tamai's body.

Tamai knew what would happen, but was unable to stop it, because there were always people with ulterior motives who liked to do things secretly, especially since Tamai had offended many powerful people before.

"What are you doing?"

A serious voice sounded outside. Tamai stood up and looked out the window. It was a director officer of Section 12. At this time, the team leaders, regional section officers and ordinary section members gathered below dispersed. Tamai He turned around hurriedly and as soon as he stepped out of the room, he saw the director below coming up. He had his hands behind his back and stared at Tamai sharply.

"Have you finished your work today?"

Tamai bowed hastily.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao."

The director officer looked at the director officer who hurried downstairs and clenched his hands into fists behind his back, squeezing them tightly. Alpha suddenly promoted such a person to such an important position. It caused quite a stir here.

Tamai quickly returned to the bottom. Many staff members were still happy and looked at Tamai with smiles and respect.

Tamai returned to the shed and began to work. At this time, there was another commotion behind him. Just as the previous director came down, another senior executive from the business department also came over, Gene, the section chief of Section 13.

Tamai was a little surprised because he hadn't seen Jean for a long time.

"Zhao Ting, go and do your work."

As Jean said, Zhao Ting immediately bowed and looked at Jean with some reluctance.

"What exactly does the president think?"

Jean smiled and shook his head. Zhao Ting had no choice but to turn around and walk away. Jean walked directly into the shed.

"Lord Jean!"

Tamai immediately stood up straight and bowed.

"I just came to talk to you, relax."

Gene said, took out a cigarette and handed one to Tamai. Although Tamai took it, he still hunched over.

"Keep your head up."

Tamai straightened up awkwardly, and Gene patted his arm.

"Lord Jean, can you let Lord Alpha take back his life?"

Gene was a little surprised. Looking at Tamai's extremely embarrassed look, he probably knew what Tamai was thinking.

"Tell me what you think."

Tamai felt a little more relaxed and had been in contact with Gene many times. Tamai knew very well that Gene was a very gentle man, as gentle as the breeze. Tamai was also willing to have a good talk with Gene.

"Lord Jean, I'm afraid I'm not qualified for the position of secretary. Now I just want to go back to the bottom with my girlfriend and get married."

Gene nodded, lit a cigarette, and sat down next to Tamai easily.

"Not everyone is suitable from the beginning!"

Tamai shook his head.

"I've been very tired lately Sir Jean. I can't even handle my own life well, let alone the things that Section 5 Secretary has to deal with now."

"How about trying harder?"

Tamai lowered his head and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"I'm really not suitable!"

Tamai knows very well what it means to be the secretary of the administrative department, and he is the secretary of the 5th department.

"Then have you ever thought about why Alpha wants to promote you!"

Tamai hummed. The specific reason was not clear to Tamai, but it was certain that Alpha wanted to break something. Complex thoughts appeared on Tamai's face. He was still thinking, regardless of Anyway, Tamai has no intention of taking over the position of secretary.

"Lord Jean!"

Tamai stood up and bowed deeply.

"I hope you can tell Master Alpha that I'm really not suitable!"

Gene nodded.

"There is less than half a year left, you can think about Tamai."

Gene looked at this young man and knew what he was thinking and what Alpha wanted to do. The most effective way to break the solidified system was to use forces outside the system.

It is very difficult to do it. Now the entire city's system has been solidified. The speed is unimaginable to Jean. There is nothing that Jean can do.

During the time when Jean returned to the city, he was thinking about how to solve the current internal conflicts in the department. However, one after another serious incidents occurred, causing everyone's situation to become extremely tense.

The current problems cannot be solved by some simple and crude methods in the past. Coupled with the two major events that happened today, Gene began to reflect on what the products of the elite education system are.

This is also where Gene used to argue with Ellie. From the beginning of the city's establishment, Gene and six others decided to cultivate a group of elites for the city to manage the city.

But now it seems that such an elite system is neither a success nor a failure. The city's technological level has indeed grown explosively, but the quality of life of ordinary people has begun to deteriorate.

This is a very difficult question in itself. If urban science and technology wants to develop, elite education is necessary. Only by uniting these elites who are at the top of the cognitive, knowledge and work levels can we achieve success. Rapid urban development.

Gene held up his uniform with one hand and strolled on the road between the fields. He came here with another purpose: to see the mother and son that Ye Chunwang had mentioned.

Among all the students in the past, only Ye Chunwang was not a product of elite education. In the past, Gene and several other guys wanted to teach Ye Chunwang more things, but in the end Ye Chunwang selectively refused. He only studied biological planting. It was under his leadership that the agricultural base developed to its current scale.

Comparing the past students with the current students, there is not much difference. Hawke and Ye Chunwang were both the first generation students of the gods before the establishment of Brilliant City. Later, after the establishment of Brilliant City, they were the second generation students of the gods. As the cornerstone of the city, this dazzling city began to take shape under the dark night sky, and the city developed very well. Finally, the city was handed over to the hands of the third generation students of the current gods. They are better than Students of all generations want to be the best.

Gene has also seen a lot of different things recently. The Seungde Girls' College founded by Whit, who has a different concept of elite education, has become famous now. The education method adopted by Whit is not elite education, but long-term education. Material education is more about guidance in life.

As a result, the female students who graduated from Shengde were all excellent. Although their abilities were different, they all showed their talents in their fields after graduation.

Jean has always been very strict in teaching students. Jean has asked himself countless times, is he really a qualified teacher? It's just that Gene still can't answer his question.

Gene looked at the experimental dome in the distance, where a large number of members of Section 12 were busy. Gene walked slowly over, and after nodding with some members who came out, Gene stepped into the experiment. In the plantation, the smell of soil and crops filled the air, which was very fresh.

Soon Jean saw a mother and son recording data in front of a pot of crops. Bayek and Larry, mother and son, now lived in an independent apartment in Section 12. Bayek was a special recruit of the Business Section. Although the clerk did not pass the official examination of the business department, he was officially hired because of his excellent crop cultivation skills. His son Larry followed Bayek in planting crops every day.

Jean stood aside quietly and watched, without interrupting the mother and son. Both of them were treating the crops very carefully, conducting research on crop slices, analysis of soil particles, and the humidity and temperature of the crop environmental film. adjustment.

The mother and son did these tedious and heavy tasks very meticulously. Jean casually glanced at the researchers in the other 12 departments. Although their movements were fast, the delicacy and precision could not be compared with that of the mother and son.

Jean's heavy heart was relieved by the smiles on the faces of mother and son. Jean didn't think about Jill's matter for the time being because he didn't know how to think about it. Tonight is Jill's funeral at 12 o'clock. The students all go there, and it's in the cemetery behind Frye Asylum.

At this time, the mother and son completed the work at hand, and then noticed Jean beside them. Bayek immediately patted the dirt on his body and walked over with his son in his arms.

"Sir Jean, please forgive me, I was with my child just now."

"Sorry for interrupting your work, please continue your work."

Bayek pressed his son's head, and little Larry also imitated his mother's bowing movements seriously. He looked at Jean curiously.

"By the way, can I ask a question? Ms. Bayek."

Bayek seemed a little embarrassed, but she still lowered her head.

"Obviously these tasks can be completed quickly, so you don't need to be so careful."

Bayek looked at Jean in surprise.

"If you don't do well, you will be expelled."

Bayek said and bowed again, pulled his son Larry to the next pot of crops, and started working. Jean also realized that it had ruined the good atmosphere between mother and son, and he turned around helplessly and walked away. When he woke up, Jean probably understood what Ye Chunwang wanted him to come over and see.

"Just explain it directly, Xiaoye."

Jean walked out of the plantation house with a smile and looked at the city in the distance. Directly opposite here is District 29. Jean did not come back for just half a year, and District 29 seemed to be reviving again.

"Really excellent!"

Jean looked back at the mother and son behind him again. Jean had read their information. He did not degenerate into crime because of poverty. Although it was difficult, he still lived tenaciously. Although he seemed to be living a humble life, he still lived tenaciously. This tenacity and resilience made Gene feel powerful.

Jean did not go far, but continued to watch the mother and son working, which was very similar to Ye Chunwang in the past. At this time, Jean thought of a person, the tenacious and tenacious Niya.

"Is this what you want to tell me, Xiaoye!"

Gene turned around and walked away with a smile. Gene knew countless such people, and many of the friends Gene often visited were like this. They were tenacious and perseverant, and were not crushed by the various unsatisfactory life experiences.

Jean quickened his pace and looked at the city in front of him. At this time, what Ye Chunwang had said to him before came to Jean's mind: to cultivate the next generation.

"Maybe this is a new kind of fun! Xiaoye."

3:08 pm

Niya stared at the news blankly. She had just woken up from a hangover. She had a great time drinking with some of her uncles last night, so Niya slept until now.

"how so!"

Tears fell down Niya's cheeks, and soon they burst out like a dam.

"Just don't cause any more trouble, Niya, otherwise I would have to make a trip every time, which would be very tiring!"

Niya climbed up from the bed and looked behind her in a daze. Over the years, every time she got into trouble, Gil would come over from time to time. Niya would also talk to Gil about anything and have dinner together from time to time.

At first, Nia thought that Jill might come to see her from time to time because of her sister.

"I think you are very interesting Niya, and it is a pleasure to get along with you. This is the reason why I come to you for dinner."

Niya wiped her tears. She felt extremely uncomfortable at this moment. She immediately grabbed the phone on the bedside and pressed the 0005 number.


"Have you just woken up?"

Niya hummed dully.

"Why so"

"Sorry Niya, I'll tell you later, I'm busy now!"

The phone was hung up, and Niya sat on the edge of the bed at a loss. She couldn't accept it, couldn't believe this fact.

"One of my friends is gone!"

After a while, Niya murmured, looking in front of her with sad eyes. Niya had just met Gil a few days ago. Gil also promised to bring Ling Hong over next time. Niya really wanted to let Ling Hong teach her. Fighting skills, because although my sister is very strong, I am too stupid to understand what my sister said.

Niya stood up, walked to the cabinet, took out a bottle of wine from it, and drank it gurglingly. This bottle of wine was given to her by Li Ang. Niya originally planned to wait until the next time Jill brought Ling Hong over. I took it with me when I was there.


Niya kicked the cabinet and broke it. She looked at herself in the mirror angrily.

"If I had known earlier, I would have taken it out to drink! Hahaha, I am really stingy."

The corners of Niya's mouth in the mirror turned down, sadness struck her again, she shed tears and drank the wine.


After the bottle shattered, Niya staggered open the window, jumped directly from the second floor, jumped directly out of the courtyard wall, and ran wildly on the street.

4:03 p.m.

"are you awake!"

Ling Hong looked at Qin Xiaoxuan who got up from the bed, her eyes were dazed, and there were tears on her cheeks. This was Qin Xiaoxuan's dormitory. At the place where Jill died, Qin Xiaoxuan was extremely excited and finally passed out. Ling Hong sent her away Back in school, Ling Hong and Qin Xiaoxuan had a relatively good relationship.

After Qin Xiaoxuan got up from the bed, she stumbled and fell to the ground. She clasped her fingers on the ground and tried to get up but seemed to have no strength at all. Tears welled up again and flowed on the ground.


After Qin Xiaoxuan stood up, she took off her uniform and the torn uniform fell to the floor.

"I've had enough! If the president hadn't put Jill in charge."

Qin Xiaoxuan sobbed softly, Ling Hong said nothing and smoked silently. Something big happened in the business department, and most people were extremely dissatisfied with Alpha's appointment of a new secretary two hours ago.

Ling Hong also felt extremely annoyed, and no one knew what to say. After Ling Hong saw the order to appoint a secretary, she immediately wanted to call Alpha, because everyone felt that Qin Xiaoxuan should be able to Taking over Jill's position is something that everyone thinks is reasonable. The relationship between the two is no longer a secret, and many classmates see it.

"I still have many, many things I haven't said to him. He got drunk after kissing me that night. If it were me"

Ling Hong walked over, helped Qin Xiaoxuan up, hugged her and comforted her, Qin Xiaoxuan was still crying.

What makes Ling Hong feel even more uncomfortable is that many directors in the executive department have submitted their resignations. This started to appear after Alpha announced the new secretary of the 5th department. Hundreds of people have submitted their resignations. Jill's death is like A huge wound was tearing open the business, and Alpha's actions were nothing more than adding salt to the wound.

"What on earth do you think Alpha!"

Looking at Qin Xiaoxuan crying, Ling Hong felt the same as her at this moment. Ling Hong didn't want to stay in the business department anymore. She took out her mobile phone and quickly submitted her resignation.

This feeling makes everyone extremely uncomfortable. Everyone has grown up together since they were very young, and then worked together for many years. Jill is also actively running among the classmates, hoping to ease the relationship between everyone and Alpha.

Didi didi

A phone call came through.

"What do you mean?"

Zijuan's somewhat annoyed voice came, and Ling Hong laughed.

"I don't want to stay in the business department anymore. I'm tired."

Ling Hong said and hung up the phone. Qin Xiaoxuan also took out her mobile phone at this time and submitted her resignation directly. The next second, they both felt chill at the same time. Qin Xiaoxuan's resignation had been approved, and Alpha directly agreed.

"Does she even have the slightest bit of knowledge?"

"Stop talking, let's go have a drink now."

Ling Hong pulled off her uniform, closed her eyes silently, and exhaled a puff of smoke.


"Why is this happening!"

Frye lowered his head and was sitting on a chair, crying. Huashen opposite him was leaning on the sofa with a sad expression.


Huashen didn’t know what to say. All the classmates knew it, only Frye, so Huashen came over in person, because Jill’s funeral will be held here tonight, and Huashen didn’t want to go anywhere. He just wanted to stay here, and there was obviously a chance, but Huashen couldn't find any way to save Jill.

Time will not go back, let alone give the living any chance to correct the past. Huashen is very clear that the situation in the business department will be terrible next. Alpha suddenly issued the appointment letter of the new secretary and passed the 5 The resignation of some directors of the department has caused an uproar among the top management of the entire department.

At this time, Frye's mind came to what the clone Lolita once said. Lifespan vaccines are not things that humans should have. No one knows what happened at the scene. What is certain is that Jill's alienated genes appeared. question, he stormed off.

The tragedies caused by life-span vaccines are happening scene by scene. Human time has been extended, and the pain has doubled.

"Come on, I'll help you prepare. Everyone will be here tonight."

Frye wiped his tears and nodded and stood up. Huashen patted Frye on the back.

"There is one thing I can't decide right now. What do you think I should do?"

As soon as he arrived at the door of the dean's office, Hua Shen spoke. Frye was a little surprised and he shook his head.

"Follow your heart! This is what you taught me before, Huashen."

After Huashen nodded, his originally gloomy eyes became brighter again. Just a few hours ago, Huashen received an order from the gods to let the directors of all four departments participate in a top-secret research. Live mutants conduct experiments to find out the reasons why mutants go berserk and find a solution.

Huashen still doesn't plan to get involved this time. Although he still can't find the reason and solution, Huashen has gradually cleared up the fog. It all started with the ordinary person named Li Ang who carried the alienated gene. of.

Huashen believes that it won't take long for him to develop a drug that can solve the problem of mutants going berserk.

"Thank you Fry!"

Frye shook his head and looked down at the ground beneath his feet.

"We can never go back."

Fry said, Huashen stopped and nodded.

"There's no going back!"


The hot temperature still dropped, the wind blew through the lawn, and Alpha lay quietly on the lawn. It was obviously the most difficult time for Section 5, but Alpha still didn't go back. She just wanted to be alone quietly. Don't be bothered by anyone.

There was a sound of footsteps. Alpha opened his eyes and looked over. His mother came over.

"Go back to work Alpha, what you did is so inhumane, and"


Violet squatted down next to Alpha and stroked her daughter's forehead.

"Why don't you talk to everyone?"

Alpha shook his head stubbornly.

"Because no one wants to hear it."

Violet was very worried about her daughter's situation. Her former classmates and teachers who remembered the past were all standing opposite her daughter. Even Jean was the same. In other words, Jean was as always, neither objecting nor supporting her daughter. Whatever I want to do, I really want to give everything to my daughter.

"Let's eat early, Alpha. You can go back early later. There should be a lot of things waiting for you to deal with."

Alpha took the test.

"I don't want to go back today. I will go to Frye later."

Alpha continued to close his eyes after speaking, but recently, for some unknown reason, whenever he closed his eyes, he would see Eddie's sinister and cunning face, and a surge of anger would well up from his heart.

Violet stood up helplessly and looked at the artificial sun that was starting to turn yellow. The next step would also be a huge test for the Angus family as a whole. The northern part was too severely damaged, and the funds that could have been used to complete the construction had been exhausted. Because this disaster is over, the money was originally enough to support the completion of the construction, but now let alone construction, even the Angus family may no longer exist.

Although Violet has already told Avano that the only way now is to sell off all the assets of the Angus family except Angus Construction in order to allow Angus Construction to continue to survive.

What Violet is most worried about is that there will be opposition in the family. Everyone should not agree to this kind of thing. And if everything is sold, the Angus family will exist in name only. This will be the last step for the Angus family. foundation.

Avano walked over from a distance, his expression looking extremely solemn.

"I have notified the entire Angus family to hold a meeting, and they will be here shortly."

Violet hummed, Avano looked at his nervous wife, walked over and hugged her gently.

"I support your decision, and my daughter's, no matter what happens!"

The couple looked at each other and smiled. Alpha had already fallen asleep. The couple walked over and stood quietly behind Alpha.

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