Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1818 Countdown to Collapse: Master (Part 2)

12 noon

In an alley on the ground floor, several men were chatting and laughing, but their eyes looked to the street from time to time. At the alley entrances on both sides, there were men and women who seemed to be waiting for someone.

At this time, a man carrying a big bag appeared on the street. He seemed to be a salesman. There were many small things in the big bag. The salesman looked around and saw several 5-year-olds on the street. After the clerk walked into a restaurant, he walked towards the alley.

After the man at the entrance of the alley nodded, the salesman, who looked a little slovenly and panicked, walked over. When he passed a few men, he immediately opened the big bag. At this time, at the entrance of the alley on both sides, these men and women were chatting and laughing. It blocked the entrance of the alley.

"100 in total!"

The salesman said, swallowed, and hurriedly took out a bag. Inside the bag were black grenades the size of eggs. The other party immediately took the bag. The salesman hurriedly pulled up his backpack, turned around and walked out. The alley.

A man took out some towels and put them in his pocket, and a group of people carrying the bags began to disperse and leave the alley.

Soon the man carrying the bag walked into a tavern. He looked nervous and ran to the back kitchen at the signal of the man at the bar. After arriving at the back kitchen, the man quickly piled up miscellaneous items one by one from the side of the kitchen. He passed the place where the things were and entered the basement.

"Head! I got the stuff back."

There were a bunch of people playing cards in the basement, and some gathered in twos and threes at the sofas, tables and chairs nearby. A burly man nodded at the card table.

"Have you been targeted by anyone?"

The man carrying a bag of grenades swallowed, looking uncertain. The man came over angrily, slapped the man carrying the bag, and with a clicking sound, a bag of grenades rolled out.

"You idiot, if something happens to you, you can go to jail alone."

Many people in the room laughed for a while. This was a gang member in District 101 on the ground floor. There were nearly 100 people. They had a good relationship with the local regional officers. They would give some to the local regional officers every month. As a bonus, they operate some casinos, loan sharks, and special service stores.

Now, members of this gang have started black market transactions again. In the past two years, this gang's industry has become unstable due to the overall economic impact of the city.

It was at this time that someone pointed out a way for the leader of this gang to trade with the criminals in the barrier area, exchanging weapons for raw materials in the hands of the criminals in the barrier area.

The leader was a little surprised at first, but after exchanging it once, he also realized that this was a relatively good business. There was a trading point in the northwest of Montenegro, and one transaction required 1,000 or more. cost.

The raw materials brought back can often be sold for thousands to tens of thousands according to market demand. Now there are many small weapons processing workshops in the city. The leader was also suspicious at first, knowing that the review of Section 5 is so intense. Big, but these small weapon workshops still exist, but the boss doesn't think about unnecessary things, as long as there is money to be made.

"Move quickly."

The leader shouted, and a group of people started to pick up the grenades scattered on the ground. The leader was very shrewd. Weapons can be exchanged for materials, but they cannot be kept by themselves, because once they are found by the operational department, it will be a felony. Although the subordinates Some people suggested that the leader leave some weapons behind, but the leader knew very well that once the matter was revealed, he would be doomed.

Many low-level gangs have been doing this recently, and everyone has made a lot of money, although I don't know where the criminals in the barrier area got the raw materials.

The process of bringing goods is also very troublesome, because problems can occur if you are not careful. Most of them give these weapons to some ordinary people, let them bring them over in batches, and then trade them.

Most of the people who take weapons out and bring back goods are mutant people from the north. It is very easy to enter and exit from the area on the west side of Montenegro. Although Section 3 patrols every day, the chances of going out are limited. If you have strong physical strength, A small amount of mutants can directly cross the Black Mountain.

At this moment, there was a noise from above the tavern, and a man wearing a waiter's uniform ran down in fear.

"My head is bad, I'm a professional."

The leader immediately put away the things quickly, turned around, went to a wall at the bottom of the basement, and opened the secret door.

"Move quickly, from here"

"I'm sorry. Please all of you put your heads in your hands and lie on the ground. Otherwise, we will kill you without mercy."

A man in a chef's uniform with a relaxed expression but sharp eyes spoke. The leader looked at the man in front of him in shock. He remembered that this man was a new chef who had just arrived at the shop opposite last month.

"I am the special investigation officer of Section 2. I now suspect you of possessing weapons, smuggling raw materials, and committing gang crimes. Please all lie down on the ground with your hands on your head."

The leader was still hesitating. The contents in the bag were all grenades. If they were discovered, it would definitely last for more than 30 years. During the hesitation, the leader squatted on the ground with a smile, and everyone in the room lay on the ground with their heads in their hands.


Jean looked at a light and shadow screen. A chemical production company had its business license revoked half an hour ago. A special investigation team dispatched from the headquarters immediately began to investigate.

For some large-scale enterprises, once a problem occurs, the headquarters of each department will dispatch special personnel to investigate, instead of the local department. As expected, big problems will arise as soon as the investigation is carried out.

Because this company's raw material acquisition volume and product sales volume are completely inconsistent, and the error range is very large, but such a company can survive for a long time. Now, according to the people in the company's purchasing department, Another low-level criminal was involved who regularly provided them with raw materials.

According to the latest information from the current investigation of Section 5, 100 high-explosive grenades were found in the basement of this criminal gang.

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room was tense to the extreme. The relief on Jean's face disappeared, and no one on the scene dared to look at Jean.

No one could have expected that such a thing would involve so many things. Members of Section 5 from the three districts adjacent to District 101 have been transferred there urgently. They are looking for the man who regularly provides money to the gang. Although the man who provided the weapons was found on the video, he was not in the population database and was determined to be a gangster.

Didi didi

Gene glanced at the number, 0005, and it was a video call, and Gene picked up the phone.

"You bastards!"

Alpha cursed directly.

"Let's find out the matter, principal. How many problems are there? I will personally lead people there now to destroy those mules!"

In just a few minutes, the arrested leader confessed something. In many places in the north, there are some mutants who help criminals in the barrier area and gang members in the city. They all have a code name called Mule.

A large-scale arrest was about to begin. The arrested gang began to confess, and many people were confessed. Even the local law enforcement department provided them with some help, although such help was provided without their knowledge. case provided.

"I know, I'll figure it out."

Gene said and hung up the phone, then continued to check.

"Li Ting, come here."

As Jean said, a female council officer came over.

"Principal, I did take benefits from these companies. I will hand them over. I'm really sorry."

Jean raised his head and glanced at her.

"It seems like this isn't something I can solve alone."

Gene said, turning around and walking to the window.

"Continue processing, I'll be back in 5 minutes."

In an abandoned area near a ravine on the outskirts of the southwest, a man carrying a large bag smiled and hugged a woman.

"You won't do anything perverted later!"

The man immediately laughed.

"The money has been paid to you. What can I do? Didn't we agree from the beginning that I am a gangster and can only go to the place where I live?"

The woman was still cautious, and the man took out another 100 yuan.

"Take it, I won't do anything to you."

After the woman took the money, she was still a little worried.

"Call your sister. If you don't worry, if I really do something to you, I won't be able to run away, right?"

The woman hummed, took out her phone, and after talking for a while next to an abandoned house, she continued to walk over. The man put his arm around the woman's waist and became dishonest.

"Let's talk about it when we get to the place. This place is extremely dirty."

The man laughed, and after a while the woman covered her nose.

"Boss, it's a shame you can live in a place like this."

"Isn't it the same for you?"

The man joked that the woman was a little angry, but soon she saw a small house. After the man took the woman into the house, he opened the entrance to a basement. The woman was a little scared, but in the end she left under the persuasion of the man. Got in.

There is a small room on the ground floor with some pretty good furniture and all electrical appliances, including a bathing area.

"Okay, come on, it's time to start. By the way, you'll come over at about o'clock. Remember to come here secretly."

The woman started to get ready with a smile. She took out some clothes she had prepared in advance and was about to change into them. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps above.


When the woman was about to unbutton her clothes, she was startled when a man wearing a ghost mask walked down.

"Boss, today's mission has been successfully completed."


As a streak of red particles floated by, the woman's eyes widened in horror, and a bright red blush appeared on her neck. Then she instantly lost her strength and fell into a pool of blood unable to speak a word. The man was so frightened that he sat on the ground. .

"Boss, I did nothing wrong."

Soon several people wearing ghost masks came down. Before the man could remember to speak, his neck was broken. Then a masked man took out a sharp dagger and patched the dying woman's neck. With one blow, a group of people began to tidy up the scene.

"Remember to create the scene of murder and escape. Move quickly. We have ten minutes at most. People from the business department will be here soon."

More than a dozen people in a room began to work. The weapons workshop here was 3 kilometers away from where this man lived, so it was not easy to find.

Soon the scene became messy with a bunch of people. One of the people wearing a mask had already brought the dead man to the edge of the ravine and threw him directly.


In District 77, located in the north-west, the temperature is not too high. It is not even different from the morning temperature. This is the case in most areas in the north. Even at the hottest time at noon, the temperature is always the lowest in the entire city. , the hottest time is only from 3pm to 4pm.

Most areas in the north are still being repaired. A large number of mutant workers are repairing street houses at some construction sites on the streets. They are not rebuilding, but using stone recycling machines and adding rock coagulants. They were rebuilt on the original damaged foundations, and most of the rebuilt houses look very strange and inconsistent, as if broken things are glued together again.

Although Congress has promised to build dilapidated houses for residents in the north, they will all be based on the lowest construction standards. Many businessmen from the building association do not want to take on such a project with almost no profit. In the end, the building association A designated company came to build it.

Apart from the cost of recycling raw materials and the cost of workers, there is basically no money to be made. You must strictly control the cost of workers to make a profit. Otherwise, you will even suffer losses. Many businessmen are dissatisfied. It is basically like working for nothing. No different.

A sharp flute sounded, and many mutant workers who were still building houses stopped their work. Many of them looked listless. In order to save labor costs, most builders only thought of working in three shifts. The mutants in a shift are all the same, but they can only get a mutant salary because the working hours are even in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Work starts at 10 o'clock in the morning and shifts change at 1 noon. The mutants on the changing shift start at 2 o'clock and get off work at 5 o'clock. Then the mutants on the third shift start work at 6 o'clock and get off work at 9 o'clock. There is another advantage to having three shifts, some are at night. The work site requires lighting equipment, and the use of electricity for these equipment can receive an electricity subsidy from the region.

Basically, there are people from the construction company responsible for three shifts at the construction site. This has another advantage. In response to the mutant unemployment subsidy issued by Congress before, the subsidy was issued by Section 7, and this idea is also from Section 7. Come up with it.

In this way, mutant people only work 30 days a month, and it is difficult to get the full unemployment subsidy. Although many mutants are extremely dissatisfied, most mutant people now work for less than 1,000 yuan a month. , and the subsidy is only one or two hundred yuan at most, but in order to survive, most mutants can only swallow their anger.

At this time, several mutants who were off work ran towards a street near Montenegro on the edge with secretive expressions on their faces.

"Can you take one with me, Brother Yong!"

At this time, a thin mutant followed. He saw that these mutants did not look sad when working every day. Instead, they would gather together to drink and call some women every once in a while, so this mutant Know what shady things they do privately.

"Xiaomu, we have to go back to rest. What do you want to bring?"

The mutant named Xiaomu looked at the more than 10 mutants and followed them.

"Please, Brother Yong, I still have an old man and a wife to support at home."

In the end, the mutant, whom everyone called Brother Yong, nodded.

"Come with me Xiaomu, don't tell anyone about this."

Soon Xiaomu followed Brother Yong and a group of others to the blocks near several mines in District 77. It was very lively now because the mines were restarted and most of the mutants were making a living here.

The streets are full of mutant vendors selling food and drink. Many shops that were destroyed before have been opened. Many mutant people are now eating. Xiaomu followed a group of people into a crooked alley and entered a In the courtyard, Xiaomu looked at the courtyard in shock as soon as he entered. There were some weapons piled everywhere, and some mutants were tying these weapons and ammunition with ropes, then put them in bags, carried them on their backs and went out.


Soon the mutant named Xiaomu learned about the situation here. The weapons produced in the weapons workshops in the city were used to trade raw materials extracted from minerals with the criminals in the barrier area, and they were responsible for delivering them. For goods, it costs 100 yuan to deliver goods. You only need to take the goods to the barrier area outside Montenegro, and to a town closer to the front.

Xiaomu looked at everything in front of him, and fear soon took over his heart. At this time, he was thinking of his parents, wife and children.

"Brother Yong, if you don't want to forget it, I"

At one time, more than a dozen mutants looked at him angrily.

"This is 500 kilograms of ammunition."

Brother Yong directly took a large linen bag and asked Xiaomu to carry it on his back. Then he began to give instructions. He quickly took 1,800 yuan from a man in the room, and then distributed the money to the people he brought. Every mutant, but Xiaomu was a little confused because there were only 13 of them in total.

"Hurry up. We can go back and forth three times a day, which is 300 yuan, and at least 9,000 yuan a month. Don't be afraid, just take things out and bring back the corresponding things."

"Is it really going to be okay, Brother Yong?"

Many mutants in the room laughed, and then a group of people started on the road. They bypassed the edge of the northwest mine and came directly to the vicinity of Black Mountain. Only then did Xiaomu know that they had been doing this for four months. Okay, no wonder he spends his money and alcohol.

"Because we are a group transport, we get a commission and can carry a lot of weapons and ammunition at one time. Hurry up and finish your food and set off. Please hurry up. There are two more trips today!"

Later, Xiaomu learned that because it was Luo Yong who brought these mutants into the industry, all the commissions would go to Luo Yong, and Luo Yong would regularly arrange for everyone to have a good time and drink together, and no one had any complaints.

"You can't do this for the rest of your life. There will definitely be risks over time. We can only quickly accumulate funds now. Who is willing to do this when the situation gets better?"

A bunch of people were talking and laughing while walking on the rugged mountainside path. Xiaomu had been paying attention to the surrounding situation. The barrier area could be seen 8 kilometers away, and everyone speeded up.

But Xiaomu's heart was still a little numb. In front of him was a mountainous corner. According to Luo Yong, after passing through, it would be flat ground. When the time comes, people would have to run. Basically, everyone was carrying more than 500 kilograms of weapons and ammunition.

As time passed, Luo Yong, who took the lead, shouted with a smile.

"Speed ​​up as soon as you go out. It's only 20 kilometers and you'll be there in half an hour. Brothers, I called seven or eight girls here tonight."

For a moment, many people laughed, but the next second Luo Yong was dumbfounded, and a pocket of firearms he was carrying fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with Brother Yong?"

someone asked. Suddenly a voice came from the other side.

"Please lie down on the ground with your hands on your head."

In an instant Luo Yong turned around and shouted.

"Run! He's a professional."

The 13 people immediately threw away what they were holding, turned around and shrank down from the mountain. Xiaomu was already at a loss. However, in the next second, several directors with red particles flashing jumped over. All of them Everyone was restrained by telekinesis.

"Sir, this is my first time, I just..."

Xiaomu looked dumbfounded at the mutants who were handcuffed and squatting on the ground. In front of him were people from Section 3, nearly a thousand people, and many people from Section 5.

2:29 p.m.


An S-class mutant standing on the roof widened his eyes and saw that the red scab on his abdomen was directly smashed. He covered his abdomen and fell to the ground. There were noises all around, and a large number of mutants He was pushed directly to the ground, and police sirens blared all around.

Division 5 management vehicles were speeding along the streets, and lifts and lifts were flying over in the sky.

Alpha took out a cigarette. Weapons and ammunition were placed everywhere in the yard, and in the basement, there were a large number of raw materials for refining.

"This is no longer a small problem."

Alpha muttered, and many mutants defended themselves. He was just delivering goods and did not participate in any behavior that harmed the city. Alpha looked at the many mutants below blankly.

It is understandable that it will become like this, because the lives of mutant people have been seriously threatened, and all of this is caused by the violent gene in mutant people.

As more and more things were told, Alpha was shocked. This was an incident of dereliction of duty by the entire department. Alpha didn’t know how many weapons and ammunition had been transported to the barrier area, but it was certain that the criminals in the barrier area now, They are already equipped with a large number of weapons.

"What the hell are you doing Uncle Gene."

Alpha has heard about the special inspector in the barrier area led by Jean, but why is it that such a big problem has not been reported by any inspector.

There are always people who want to make profits through some special methods. People from Section 2 have already gone to investigate the source of the weapons. Section 2 started investigating two months ago, but they have never been able to determine the source of the weapons. Now 9 people have been found. There was a small workshop for producing weapons, but the people inside were missing, and a lot of machines for producing weapons were confiscated.

It is unrealistic to realize the comprehensive use of light and shadow materials. There are not so many light and shadow materials in the city. Looking at the S-class mutant in front of him, Alpha still remembers that he was a top 8 player in last year's mutant competition.

Many of the mutants below were still saying that they had never participated in anything that harmed the city. Some mutants cried and complained that they committed crimes because they really couldn't live any longer.

Alpha is still thinking that if this matter ferments in society, the status of mutants will be even more dangerous, but if the investigation is not continued, the city will be in danger again. There are many armed forces outside the barrier area.


Alpha glanced back at the top of the city behind him. From here, he could only see the eastern corner, which was the territory of the Hillman family.

No matter how much they investigated, there was still no evidence of the Hillman family's crime. When Alpha went home from time to time recently, he would go outside the Hillman family's manor, sit quietly for a while, and stare at everything inside.

The gods have repeatedly reiterated that the problems of the Hillman family are left to the gods to handle, and that Alpha should not interfere. This is what makes Alpha the most angry. Even if there is no evidence, many problems ultimately point to the Hillman family.

Today is another extremely difficult day. The foreign parliament has issued a statement that no reporters are allowed to enter the investigation of black market transactions, but the problem cannot be concealed.

Alpha didn't know how to make a decision. For the first time, Alpha began to feel confused. It was a simple question. Anyone involved in transporting and selling weapons would be convicted of urban endangerment. This was very clearly written in the law.

The crime of urban endangerment is the most severe crime in the city. Generally, the starting term is 30 years, and the sentence will be increased based on the actual harm caused to the city and the possible impact on urban society in the future.

Once what happened today is exposed, the lives of mutant people who were not involved in crime will become even more difficult in the future.

Didi didi

Alpha answered the phone.

"What are you going to do!"

Jean's voice sounded more serious than usual.

"Always criminalize crimes based on urban hazards."

"What will happen! I told you so."

Alpha hummed.

"If they turn a blind eye to these crimes just because they are forced by life, or because of problems with the system, I can't do this Uncle Gene. If nothing is done, this city will have no future! "

Alpha hung up the phone. She felt a little heavy at this moment. The inaction of various departments finally contributed to this situation.

"The monster is raised little by little, and now the monster's appetite is getting bigger and bigger."

Alpha said, turning on the light and shadow screen. Many merchants or companies were being investigated due to qualification issues.

Alpha clenched her fists. She knew very well that even if it was cruel, she had to do this because sin began to come out of the shadows uncontrollably.

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