Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1850 Tears of the Age 4 (Part 1)

The sounds in the city began to calm down

11 o'clock sharp

"The Hillman family intends to subvert the city. Their numerous crimes have begun to be published on the Congress page one after another. All citizens of Brilliant City can view it. Congress will publish more subsequent evidence one by one. Please don't worry. Congress is currently Solutions are being introduced that will give every citizen affected by the Hillman family's crimes a reasonable solution. Please don't be anxious, don't be afraid, and go home. Congress will come up with a solution within today! "

Locke quietly stared at the reporters in front of the camera who looked incredible. Locke knew very well that the people in front of the screen were the same. After the shock, they were probably at a loss.

Because this is unimaginable to everyone, beyond everyone's imagination, Locke has announced everything, the entire incident of Alpha's massacre of the Hillman family.

"Finally about Fifth Security."

Locke's expression was heavy, he paused and continued.

"Regarding the cruel crimes committed by Alpha, the former chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section, the factual evidence is clear, and the direct trial method has been initiated. For crimes that have a significant impact on the situation and the factual evidence is clear, crimes can be directly convicted without any trial. , and Alpha’s conviction has been reviewed by the judicial branch, parliamentarians and 100 professionals in the legal field, and he will be imprisoned for 100 years!”

Locke looked at the camera with a cold expression. At this time, his heart was sad and sour. He knew very well that if this issue could not be handled well, the laws of Bright City would be criticized like never before in the future. If possible, Locke wanted to cover it up, but there was no way to cover it up.

Locke pressed his hands firmly on the table. He was still restraining his excitement. There was obviously another way to do it, and he could blame all the crimes on the Hillman family, but the gods chose to take the responsibility for the city. practices that minimize harm.

According to the law, Alpha did do something unforgivable, and the position she was in did not allow her to do so. Locke wanted to refute something to the gods, but when the words came to his mouth, he could not say a word. Unable to speak.

Locke didn't know what to say, because he couldn't find an effective way. The reporters on the scene were also aware of Locke's emotions, and they were all waiting for Locke to finish.

"Please believe in Congress! Please don't feel despair because of the problems caused by the Hillman family's crimes. Our Congress will definitely learn from this lesson in the future and nothing like this will happen again. Bright City has already gone through half the process." We have experienced countless disasters over the centuries, but we have still made it to this day! I believe that every citizen of Brilliant City, please let us join hands to overcome the difficulties before us!"

Locke said and bowed deeply. The reporters immediately stopped the live broadcast. Locke turned around and left the conference hall. As soon as he stepped out of the conference hall, there were many directors from various departments and general affairs department standing in the corridor. some of the directors.

"Let's go!"

Locke said and walked quickly, and everyone followed him. Soon a group of people came to the section chief's office. Six gods were already dealing with some things in the office. As soon as they entered, everyone came to their feet. Around them, things began to take care of themselves.

The most urgent thing now is to let everyone have money. The 10 departments have used light and shadow generation systems to generate 30 banknote printing machines. The most serious problem now is the raw material for printing banknotes, which has been asked to all parties. Big material suppliers issued big orders.

The only way is to distribute money based on everyone's income and consumption records in the past year, but the review of these records is a very critical link, the workload is very large, and it will definitely be different from the actual income and expenditure. Yes, problems will definitely arise, but what we need to do now is to make most people who have deposited their money in Hillman Financial have money in their pockets.

The gods have decisively issued an order to first distribute an undetermined amount of money to every family in the city. It is limited to those who have opened an account with Hillman Financial. Although the data in Section 6 is not accurate, fortunately, in Hillman Financial , we can find some customer information.

The disbursement standards have been announced on the Congress page: 300 yuan for the lower class, 600 yuan for the middle class, and 900 yuan for the upper class.

The distribution work is carried out by the local public security management office. The network has been basically repaired, but it has not yet been opened. Once the network is opened, the situation will become serious, but the impact can be mitigated. For those who do not have information records, they can only first Receive a relief fund of 100 yuan and wait for confirmation before it is distributed.

For some businessmen who have invested in Hillman Financial, they need to wait for a period of time, temporarily close their business, and wait for the joint review of the business branch. No matter how much the businessmen invested, Congress will return the investment money to the businessmen. our.

All people in the business department have received 24-hour rotation work orders. Locke quietly looked at the citizen network. Previously, citizens could only access the news video network and saw some news reports. The network will be fully opened in more than 100 seconds. , and most AI management systems will begin to gradually recover, and the first thing to recover is traffic.

Car traffic will be completely banned for the next half month because repairs cannot be completed in a short time.

"Little Fatty, rather than being in a daze, it's better to get into work quickly."

As Li Chu said, Locke shook his head, uneasiness rising in his heart.

Watching the time approaching, the uneasiness in Locke's heart became more and more obvious. He had clearly explained everything, the causes and consequences, and the fact that the Hillman family planned to kidnap Alpha's sister Nia as the trigger. , and they were also clearly told to the public.

"here we go!"

At 0 seconds, Locke saw that the citizen network had been restored to normal, the transportation network and the telephone network had also been restored, and Locke immediately tuned to a TV channel.

Instantly, angry voices were heard on the street. Locke looked at a chaotic street. Some people had lost their minds and started to do some extreme behavior. People from Section 3 and Section 5 had already begun to suppress them.

More and more reports on problems from various places were being submitted, and Locke clicked on each report. Although the broadcasts were broadcast on the streets and alleys, and Congress did not have a penny solution for most people, riots still occurred. .

Locke closed his eyes helplessly and sat on a chair. He didn't know how long such a riot would last, but he was certain that the situation would be very bad.

"It's all your fault."

One of the angry crowd roared and threw the things in his hands.

More and more people began to have conflicts with people in the business department. Without any warning, conflicts still occurred after Locke announced the incident.

A large number of riots occurred on some middle- and lower-level streets. What started as one or two people turned into a group of people, and finally the whole street broke out. Many people seemed to want to vent everything they had suppressed for a long time.


On a street, along with a burst of gunfire, several people who were struggling with a member of Section 3 stopped what they were doing. The member of Section 3 who fell to the ground held the gun in his hand in fear, and In front of him, a man who was beating himself fell to the ground, and blood was slowly flowing along the ground under the man.

Chaos began again, flames ignited in some places, and angry crowds began to attack most places.

Members of the administrative departments in various places began to retreat in an orderly manner, began to obey the orders from above, and continued to retreat.

Jean stood quietly on the top of a building on the upper floor, overlooking the city in front of him. Streams of black smoke and dust were rising, and the city began to become chaotic. It could be seen on most streets from top to bottom. Angry crowd.

This may be related to the brain control chips implanted in some people's brains, but not all of them. Things that have been suppressed for a long time have begun to burst out. Many people have lost their minds, or are willing to take advantage of today's situation. A big event to vent all your dissatisfaction.

Jean hunched over. The only thing he could do now was to go to the streets where riots had occurred and assist the people in the administrative department to suppress them. Casualties had begun to appear everywhere.

This city that has been moving forward in mistakes for a long time may come to an end today. The steaming flames have been released, and this flame will engulf most people and things in the city.

"Hurry up! Take it, now is the time."

A man said with a smile. Hundreds of people behind him looked at the man quietly. In front of him was the entrance to a basement. The man quickly led these people into the basement. There were a large number of weapons and ammunition inside. Many people entered the basement and picked up weapons and ammunition. The man who brought them looked at the chaotic streets outside with cold eyes and showed a cruel smile.

This man is a peripheral member of the Hillman family lurking in the crowd. He knows very well that he has no way out, but the only thing he can do now is to make the whole city more chaotic, so that he can have a chance to escape in the chaos.

Looking at these guys in front of them, they resolutely picked up their weapons. This peripheral member of the Hillman family showed a happy smile. They were selected by Prometheus a long time ago, a bunch of helpless people. People, by giving them a little relief every month, these people are willing to help the Hillman family.

"Please don't come any closer, if you come any closer"

A regional officer looked at the crowds running around on the street and gave a stern warning. However, the warning seemed to have no practical effect. Only a small number of people were confused on the street, and more people chose to go back. family, but the number of this small group of people is still unusually large.

Chaos filled almost every corner. Most of the members of the administrative department could only retreat steadily. With the help of the mutated people from the administrative department, they went around to the outside of the chaotic streets to blockade them. This was something they had learned countless times in school. , and practiced countless times after formal work.

At this time, the chaos in some areas quickly subsided. Many people chose to go home or take shelter in the public security management office. Some individual agitated people who caused chaos were also subdued.

A helicopter flew across the sky, heading towards the north. At this time, the situation was most serious in the north. Public security management offices in multiple areas had been captured, and a large number of mutants were making a fuss. There have been fierce conflicts with people in the business department.

Mutated people have been squeezed out of their living space time and time again due to policies issued by Congress, and now most mutant people can no longer endure it.

"Forget it, it's better not to continue."

In a public security management station, the bodies of many members of the administrative department were lying around. Many mutants stood on the top of the building and shouted. Although Congress said it would come up with a bill to solve the problem of mutant survival, as of yesterday , still failed to fulfill this promise.

A mutant who looked a little cowardly said, but immediately another mutant spoke.

"If we don't do something, nothing will change in the future."

More and more mutants are joining the chaos, and there is no mutant as the leader. The mutants are just wreaking havoc unscrupulously and fighting fiercely with the people who work in the field.

Dialogue has no effect. In the past few years, the lives of mutant people have suffered an almost devastating blow. Many mutants have difficulty finding suitable jobs from the beginning to the end of the year. More mutants can only rely on I survive on the little relief food I receive every month.

"It's all those bastards at the top. It's all their fault."

At this time, a mutant shouted. He no longer wanted to endure it. Because he could not survive, he and some friends participated in the transportation of weapons to external parties. As a result, they were all convicted. In the eyes of many mutants, , all they saw was despair.

Repeated patience has made the overall living environment of mutants more and more difficult. Most mutants have become unbearable. Once the violence starts, it is difficult to stop.

In the past few years, the lives of the more than 100,000 mutants concentrated in the north have been riddled with holes. At this time, a large number of mutants have poured into the middle streets of the north, and there are crying people everywhere.


With a loud noise, the door of a company was kicked open, and several mutants rushed in. One of the mutants soon saw a shivering man hiding under the table. He laughed wildly and jumped over. , landed next to the man with a rumble, and directly pulled the man out from under the table.

"I'll give you the money and pay it off right away, you"

"Save it and spend it in hell."


Accompanied by the screams of a female receptionist, the company manager's neck was directly broken, and several mutants rushed towards other people in the office.

Due to the problems caused by mutants, many people are very harsh on mutants, and salary deductions often occur. It is obvious that many mutants cannot survive, but no one has ever thought about this problem.

The streets in the northern middle level are already in chaos, and this chaos is advancing towards the upper levels with overwhelming force. A large number of business directors have intervened, and Jean is also on a street, stopping some mutants who are causing destruction. .

Jean knew very well that no matter what he said now, it was useless. Looking at the angry mutants in front of him, the only thing Jean could do was to continuously knock down these mutants.

In Gene's mind, there were obviously many opportunities to change the status quo, but these opportunities were wasted time and time again because of lies.

The problem of mutants has always been a big problem, and the city has abandoned the interests of the minority for the benefit of the majority, and now this minority has become the city's biggest threat.

Jean quickly passed through the streets, trying his best to knock down the mutants one by one. However, the entire north was like broken water pipes in many places, and the water kept flowing out, which was impossible to stop.

Bloody conflicts inevitably broke out in Brilliant City once again, and many of these mutant people who acted unscrupulously had only one idea, to go to the top as much as possible.

"There is revenge, there is grievance and complaint."

A shouting mutant looked at an area close to the upper level in front of him. He looked angrily at the tall buildings. He had come here to work before, but the guys on the upper level had never looked at him. .

Many mutants came one after another, and most of them were determined to die. Many of them had no jobs for almost a year, and only had the minimum food security every day, and could only beg for mercy. food.


With a loud noise, a luxury vehicle parked at the entrance of the building was lifted up by an angry mutant and smashed into the door of a company. Some mutant security guards inside began to retreat at this time. A large number of mutants People have already flocked to this commercial street, and some mutants rushed directly into some companies.

Screams continued to sound, and at this time, many mutants were still rushing towards the upper level in the north. Even though some loudspeakers on the street were still playing Locke's repeated words, they would compensate these mutants. And a stable job, but most of the mutants seemed to be unable to hear it.

The flames burst out, and a company ignited a raging fire. People kept running out of the company, still avoiding the pursuit of mutants. However, everything was in vain. Most ordinary people were too overwhelmed in front of mutants. Powerless.

More and more people flocked to the area near the General Affairs Department. A large number of administrative department personnel got off the lift and quickly approached the upper blocks to the north with weapons in hand.

At this moment, Locke was quietly watching everything on the screen. The decisions of Congress were shrinking the lives of mutants again and again. Most of them were living a very bad life.

"Aren't you going?"

Locke looked at the gods. The six gods did not stand up, but were still issuing orders and conducting command in various places.

"Didn't Jean pass by already?"

Li Chu said with a serious expression. Locke Jiahui clenched his fists. He didn't know what to say at this moment.

After Jean knocked down more than a dozen mutants, several nearby mutants rushed over. Jean easily knocked down several mutants who attacked him.

"It's all you, it's all you!"

Jean looked at the mutant who was still standing in front of him. White particles were floating wildly on the surface of his body. Jean quickly passed over the mutant and hit him in the abdomen instantly. The mutant fell to the ground. On the ground.

The northern sky was covered with black smoke and dust. Jean stared at the chaos around him quietly. He could only continue to run forward quickly.

"Kill them, kill everyone in sight."

A mutant shouted. At this time, hundreds of mutants had poured into District 10. Everything in this area, where most of the family members of the top executives of the executive department lived, was anger to the mutants who entered this district. of.

"Please stop such stupid behavior immediately!"

A congressman stood up, and behind him were people fleeing and members of the administrative department approaching. However, the congressman's neck was twisted in the next second.

Mutated people began to pour into the block. In an instant, the whole block was filled with screams, fierce gunshots and explosions. The weapons in the hands of most of the members of the acting department who entered were useless to many mutants. It has no effect.

No one could have imagined that the chaos would spread so quickly, in less than an hour.


Hawke gasped. He stood quietly on the top of a high-rise building in the middle of the east block, his face was charred. After he received the news that the riots had begun in the north, he rushed north as soon as possible. At this time, Hawke was most worried. It's the wife.

Hawke jumped between the buildings quickly. He was very tired. He was exhausted after dealing with the fire in the north, but now Hawke had to rush to his home.

The situation everywhere is chaotic, and no one knows what will happen next. The angry mutant groups have started to wreak havoc on some streets in the upper levels of the north.

"You bastards!"

Locke couldn't sit still anymore. He turned around, threw away his cell phone and took off his uniform.

"Everyone, follow me and go to the north to stop as many mutant people as possible."

The directors in the room stood up one after another. At this time, the situation in various places was already very chaotic, and the situation in the north was the most serious. Locke couldn't stand it anymore.

"That's not to say I won't get rid of Xiaochuang."

Tang Rao said and stood up. After issuing the last order, he stood up and followed. The other gods also stood up. Soon everyone left the section chief's office and ran towards the north after leaving the General Affairs Section. .

A large amount of black smoke was rising in the sky in the north. At this time, Jean was still knocking down the mutants. He didn't know how many mutants participated in the riot. It seemed that there were countless mutants constantly knocking down the mutants. Pouring out, no matter how many mutants Jean knocked down, their numbers still did not decrease.

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