Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1884 The fledglings’ 6 (mid) way out

"You bastard, in the middle of the night."

Mo Xiaolan kicked Jean angrily. She had just been woken up from her sleep by Jean, and Jean woke her up beside her bed.

"You actually invaded a young girl's room. If you are that kind of pervert, I will really be killed by you!"

Gene stood quietly on the top of a building, which was the tallest building in District 101. He was still watching the news and the murder that had just occurred less than an hour ago, but the news was already overwhelming.

Some people have been woken up, and this matter has begun to ferment on the Internet. Tonight is the last night of the festival, and some people will continue to drink until dawn. Along the way, Gene has discovered that some entertainment venues have already Someone is talking about it.

Protests have begun to appear overwhelmingly. Various human rights associations have begun to speak out, and they have spoken out overnight, including some well-known people in society who have appeared on the program.

After Gene quickly read some rumors, he was basically sure that some of the rumors were true. There was indeed a small group of businessmen who were taking advantage of loopholes, cooperating with some gang members at the bottom, and trying every means to get some of the people in the prosperous areas. Shop, try to squeeze out some low-level merchants, and quickly monopolize a part of the market through money and power transactions, because this is the most stable and efficient way to make money.

You can also get some favorable subsidy policies in the local area, as well as quickly complete all procedures and other conveniences, and all of this is reasonable and legal under the close money and power transactions.

It was just turning low-level operators into migrant workers. Jean had already investigated and punished them, but he didn't expect that the effect would be minimal.

"What do you think!"

Gene asked, and Mo Xiaolan said with a wicked smile.

"Half, if it's really this man named Quite who did it, what do you think I should do?"

Gene shook his head.

"I'm just responsible for helping you open the permissions, and you are the one handling the case."

This incident that suddenly started to ferment, Section 13 has taken over the full authority to handle the case. At this time, a helicopter from Section 3 has arrived not far away.

"Move quickly."

Gene squatted down, and Mo Xiaolan climbed on Gene's back, and the two quickly moved towards Section 5.

At this time, in the 5th Section Public Security Management Office, the local regional section officer looked at the order in front of him with a pale face, while some team captains around him were confused.

"The situation is very bad. Let's tell the leaders first."

However, just as the officer finished speaking, a team leader said that the phone was no longer working. At this time, the regional officer had realized the seriousness of the problem. When he looked at his authority, he found that it had been blocked. , and at this time many members of the department gathered over, and everyone found that their mobile phones could not be used.


With a sound of landing, everyone looked at Jean and Mo Xiaolan next to him in shock as they landed in the courtyard of Section 5.

"Get everyone up."

A helicopter from Section 3 stopped outside Section 5, and many members of Section 3 with guns and ammunition came down. After a while, after all the 687 people from Section 5 arrived, Gene took a loudspeaker and announced got up.

"Now you are all criminal suspects and have been temporarily suspended from all rights as members of the practice department. You do not have any right to seek a lawyer. According to the internal punishment regulations of the practice department, once you are found to have committed any criminal behavior, tonight will be convicted, and will be sent directly to prison tomorrow morning. This investigation is open and transparent. I will not wrongly accuse anyone, and I will not let any criminal go! Please follow the instructions of the personnel of Section 3 Arrangements will be made for temporary questioning of each person based on the investigation status of the case."

At this time, several lifts from Section 5 landed. Some criminal case personnel temporarily transferred from Section 5 from the middle area quickly came out of the lifts and began to follow the orders they had already received and move towards the incident. The starting point has passed.

Some investigators also began to investigate the suspect, and Mo Xiaolan walked to the hall of Section 5.

"I'm going to get some sleep first. After the recording of almost all the suspects' confessions is completed and the investigation of the scene is released, I will start working on the case."

Mo Xiaolan walked directly to the office of the regional section officer. Gene looked at the ashen-looking members of Section 5. It was not the first time that he had done this. The media reporters and some people who had received permission to watch were The people came in, and the councilors from the local district office were also brought over.

This kind of scene is not what Jean wants to see. No matter how many times it happens, he only feels heartache. This is very similar to the era thirty or forty years ago.

Watching the times get better before his eyes, and then quickly fall, and start to regress back to the past era. There is no way to stop it, and the feeling of powerlessness has been bothering Jean all the time recently.

Looking at the scared and sad faces in the courtyard, Gene just stood quietly in the middle, muttering quietly. Although the reporters wanted to come over for interviews, they did not dare to come over because everyone felt that Gene's usually gentle and pleasant expression had disappeared, replaced by a sense of solemnity and a coolness emanating from his whole body.

Times have changed, but what remains unchanged is the human heart. In the past, when dealing with these problems, there was always blood and violence. They could be dealt with very simply, but in that era the law was still being perfected. , there are too many loopholes to exploit, and the laws of this era are already moving towards legalization. It was only after experiencing the era of blood and tears that a legal system that conforms to the city was finally created under order.

For most people, relatively fair laws and a civil hierarchy are indispensable and inevitable in order to promote the process of human civilization and society. The gods have now begun to gradually plan to return rights to humans, except In addition to making decisions when dealing with some things, the development of most cities is the role of observers, listening to the various voices of human beings in the halls of Congress.

The city can recover so quickly because the law, a tool created by humans, is becoming more and more perfect. However, it is always humans who implement the system, and humans are the most uncontrollable.

Jean could choose to let these people go, but it was a pity that he chose to deal with the situation in accordance with the law, but he could not change anything. The inherent system was like a bottomless whirlpool that was spinning downward all the time, turning those on the edge. Everything is sucked in, spinning endlessly.

The case itself was not complicated. Even the moment he saw the case, Jean had already determined it. In fact, Mo Xiaolan had also determined that the murderer was Quite.

After reading Quit's information and his entanglement with this gang, Gene has almost made up his mind, because people are often irrational, and he has enough reasons and motivations to kill those people. gang because they had harassed the Quite family many times over the past few months.

Some people nearby even broke the news that the gang was eyeing Quite's wife and daughter, and they always threatened Quite that if he didn't pay, they would have his wife and daughter work in the special service industry to pay off their debts.

It was impossible for Quit to endure the threats of verbal violence and the insults and provocations against his family. Gene had seen this happen countless times, and had tried to dissuade them from losing their minds countless times, and finally took up arms. Those who planned to commit crimes, and helped these parties, caught those who had harmed them, and gave them extremely severe punishments.

At this time, there was a commotion outside, and many people on the street immediately cheered. As soon as Jean looked over, he saw more than 30 people from Section 5 guarding the door being sprayed with white, brown, and red particles. He moved away, and then the door was violently kicked open.

"Get in!"

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, Gene looked over. Niya bit her cigarette and threw in the two guys who had been beaten to a bruised face.

For a while, many people from Section 3 looked over, but no one moved.

"You guys are useless, you can't even arrest them. Fortunately, I and we are nearby, and we have already arrested them for you."

One mutant after another was thrown in, and at this time some personnel from Section 5 from other districts came in to explain that they were arresting a criminal gang of mutants hired by the gang member who was killed tonight. When the relevant personnel were contacted, they encountered resistance and many people from Section 5 were injured. When the incident began to unfold, some related criminal gangs were already planning to run away.

Because this is inevitable. In the past, Congress would never be lenient when dealing with such a big issue that suddenly grew.

The smile returned to Gene's cheek. He looked at Niya, who was wearing baggy pants, black Martin boots, and a sports vest with long hair. She walked over with an annoyed look. On her left arm was a striking black skull. , red lightning bolts surrounded by crossed tattoo designs.

There were already bursts of clapping outside, and Niya walked over in one step and punched Gene's chest with her right fist.

"Idiot, aren't you the section chief of Section 13? Aren't you running around the city every day? What's the result?"

Gene didn't say anything. Niya turned around while retracting her hand, spit out the cigarette butt with a pop, put it out, waved her hand, and then walked slowly away.

"You taught my sister before, right? You told me too! If there is a problem that can't be solved, just use your fists to talk, so I beat them up hard. They should not dare to bully others in the future, haha Ha ha!"

Nia laughed and walked away. Olivia at the door smiled and scratched her head.

"You idiot, if you are involved in our arrest, I will definitely beat you up."

Eric at the door was about to say something when Niya slapped his mouth shut. Niya said with a naughty smile.

"When you meet an unreasonable guy, you have to beat him into submission first. Besides, when they were fighting with the people in the business department, it affected me. I finally took a vacation and was in high spirits. They suddenly came in, I just fought back, left, and continued to find a place to drink."

Many people outside took the initiative to go over and say hello to the Lightning Skull people. They can be seen on many streets on the ground floor. They only charge very cheap fees to help citizens, and they will always see gang members. He took action when bullying others and caused a lot of trouble during this period.

Most of the gang members don't want to have any quarrel with this mutant guild, because they are a bunch of bastards who don't know the importance of their actions.

Looking at Niya leaving, Jean's expression gradually became warmer. He smiled helplessly and lit a cigarette. Niya was now very reassuring, and Jean had not been there for several months. Went to see her.

In the past few months, Jean has been dealing with many crimes hidden in the dark in the city, dealing with them day and night. However, the result is still the same, but he has been struggling with the problem for several months. Now Jean has seen It's very open, because the next generation of the city is growing up vigorously.

"Only children are the hope for the future, right Ellie!"

Gene turned around and walked towards some reporters who had been waiting for a long time.

4 a.m.

At the door of a tavern, many people were watching. The criminals were taken out one by one by people from Section 3. A joint examination by other sections had already begun.

In several areas near Area 101 on the ground floor, many people woke up from their sleep. Everyone came to watch the excitement. Some people had already gone to bed, and some had just finished drinking and planned to go back. Everyone at home was stunned by the jaw-dropping sight in front of them at this moment.

Joint criminal investigation is not unfamiliar to many people, but what is unfamiliar is that it has not been seen for three years since Alpha left, and such a large number of criminals have been arrested.

In some places, there were even conflicts between criminals and criminal departments.

"Please everyone in the house give up resistance immediately and surrender. Otherwise, even if you are arrested in the future, you will be expelled directly."

In the building physics of the backstreet in front of us, there are more than 20 criminals. They have launched a round of attacks. They just want to break through the siege and hide on the ground floor. There are too many places to hide on the ground floor now, plus and We have good relationships with some local business people, so it is not difficult at all to continue to survive.

"Boss, how about we surrender?"

"Idiot, if you surrender, you will go to jail. We are all open fire. The minimum is 20 years. If you want to surrender, just get out."

The two sides were still facing off. The people in Section 5 did not take action, but were waiting for reinforcements. The criminals inside were armed with heavy firepower weapons. Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, a huge figure suddenly appeared from behind. The pile rushed in.

"what are you doing?"

The officer on the scene shouted, but he seemed to understand the next second. The guy who rushed in had red particles overflowing from his body, like a truck crashing into him. There was a loud bang, and the wall was directly broken.

Bursts of gunshots rang out, but within 3 minutes, everything about architectural physics calmed down, and the huge figure came in carrying two guys who were already foaming at the mouth.

"That's it."

Xiong Dabiao smiled disgracefully, put down the thing in his hand, and many people from Section 5 rushed over. Xiong Dabiao patted the dust on his body with a smile.

"It's you Xiong Dabiao again."

"I can't stand it anymore. Okay, you guys take your time and deal with it. I'm going to continue drinking."

Xiong Dabiao said and left amidst the clapping of many people. The scientific officer sighed helplessly. The guys from the Lightning Skeleton would always do this kind of thing, and he was already used to it.

This night, for most people in the districts near District 101, it seemed as if they had seen the dawn of hope in advance, because the social security at the bottom level has been really bad in the past three years, but the administrative department has done nothing.

But now many people are concerned about Quite's brutal arrest. Many people have already chanted and went to District 101, hoping that the administrative department will give a positive response.

5:01 am

Mo Xiaolan silently stared at the little girl Lillian in front of him who had a head injury and had been treated roughly. All the testimonies about Kuite had been collected.

Some guests in an illegal tavern that provided special services gave testimony that Quite had indeed been looking for the same woman frequently in recent times, and the woman Quite was looking for was suspected of perjury at first. Finally, after Mo Xiaolan's questioning, Then he confessed honestly that every time Kuite would go to her house, he would do nothing but tell her to lie to the outside world and stay here all night.

And Kuite also had his own explanation for why he asked this woman to help him commit perjury. He and his wife Chen Qin often quarreled and were under too much pressure, so he wanted to do this. But he gave up every time and walked alone on the street. Take some time to relax and go back home.

A few hours ago, Kuite did go to see Zhou Ping, but he just hoped for an extension on the repayment date, and then returned home.

As for the finger injury, Quite also said that when he and his wife had a fierce argument before, he accidentally bumped into a chair and was injured when he was excited.

Quite's wife and daughter both said this, and Quite would tell the woman this just because he wanted to make his wife angry and make her care more about him.

Everything seemed to be logical and logical to Mo Xiaolan, but Mo Xiaolan saw some doubts from this series of testimonies.

"Little sister, how do you want your sister to explain to the outside world?"

"I don't know what you're talking about sister!"

Lilian looked at Mo Xiaolan with some horror. Mo Xiaolan put her hands together and dragged her chin and giggled. She was very interested in the girl in front of her. She had read her information and found that her academic performance was quite excellent. However, Mo Xiaolan looked too good.

Mo Xiaolan has read everyone's testimonies. These testimonies don't seem like much at first glance, but if Lilian's testimony is excluded, these testimonies seem a bit messy. But once Lilian's testimony is added, these testimonies are connected. They met together, so Mo Xiaolan suspected that this girl was paying attention. At first, he thought that she was just a little girl who was close to 11 years old, so she shouldn't be like this. But at the first sight of Lilian, Mo Xiaolan was sure Well, it was this little girl who used the established fact to fabricate another established fact.

"By the way, Lilian, I asked the team leader who pulled you before, and he remembered it clearly at the time. He didn't pull you into the house with a force that would make you fall, and there are anti-slip measures at the door, right? ?, but you still fell and hit your head on the cabinet."

Lilian immediately replied angrily.

"I'll find a lawyer."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"It has nothing to do with me. You can just find a good lawyer and file a lawsuit against the person who treated your department harshly and ask them to compensate all parties for their expenses. It's totally fine."

Lilian didn't look at Mo Xiaolan, but tilted her head in annoyance. She didn't intend to say anything more to the woman from Section 2 in front of her, because Lilian had clearly sensed the danger. This woman had found something harmful to her father. Evidence, no matter what the other party asks now, don't answer, you have to be patient.

Lillian was still thinking about what was wrong in her mind, but no matter how she thought about it, the confession she had discussed with her parents in just over ten minutes had effectively fit everything her father had done. Point, the other party cannot find conclusive evidence, unless the other party can know the source of the gun in the father's hand, and can also prove that the father purchased the gun.

Including the clothes that her father destroyed, but this is obviously impossible. The reason why Lilian desperately stopped people from Section 5 from taking away her father was to create the current situation, because Section 5 could not let this matter be exposed. Those who come out will only be dealt with internally, but once the father is interrogated, there will be many loopholes. In addition, the father has indeed been there, and as long as the woman says something unfavorable to the father, plus the grudge between the father and the gang, it can completely constitute the father's crime. reasons.

The last step was to arrange a witness to prove that his father purchased the gun. Lillian had thought of all this early on, so she tried her best to seize the opportunity. The result was the same as she thought. The dissatisfied people spontaneously came to help.

This is all because my father is a good person and is kind to the neighbors. In the past few years, when the economy was bad, my father not only did not increase the prices but also lowered the prices of some goods. This is the grocery store. Due to poor management, some nearby neighbors may even be given credit.

"The person who sold your father the gun has been arrested. He has confessed that your father did purchase the gun."

As soon as Mo Xiaolan finished speaking, he saw the eyes of the girl in front of him move slightly. This was the first reaction of panic. Many people will blink when they encounter some problems that they cannot bear. This is the most direct manifestation of a person's subconscious.

Mo Xiaolan has interrogated countless criminals and naturally knows this. Ninety-nine percent of the criminals are like this. In fact, no one has been caught selling guns, because this kind of assembled and modified guns is different from the past Hill The weapons stored in various places by the Mann family are very similar.

Recently, there have been a lot more weapons of this kind in some lower-level neighborhoods. It is certain that the personal workshops that used to process and produce weapons for the Hillman family have begun to operate again, hoping to use guns to make profits.

So it was very difficult to figure out the source, but the girl was obviously panicked.

"Little girl, I advise you to tell the truth honestly. Now I suspect that you and your parents have colluded to confess. If you are unwilling to tell the truth, you will also need to bear legal responsibility. In Bright City, as long as you have a confession Those who know their abilities need to bear legal responsibilities. There is no distinction between adults and children. The only difference is that your fault will be borne by your parents, and you may have to say goodbye to your current school and need to enter a special school for counseling."

Lillian panicked, she didn't know what to do, but suddenly Lillian felt something was wrong, and she immediately figured out that this woman was testing herself, if she really found the person who sold guns to her father , there was no need to ask herself, Lilian laughed when she realized that she had been deceived.

"Sister, then you can convict my father based on the evidence. You don't need to ask me. I just stated the facts I know truthfully."

Mo Xiaolan glanced at the time. It was already 5:46 in the morning, and it would be dawn in more than 10 minutes. She decided to end this farce.

"I'll ask you one last time, little girl, what do you plan to do, what kind of result do you hope to get, if you are willing to tell me honestly, I will consider it carefully, and have the right to decide the severity of your father's crime. In your hands."

Lilian didn't say anything and planned to remain silent, but Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Your father went out to find that woman at 0 o'clock, and today your mother and your father had a fight at night, right?"

Lillian nodded.

"Unfortunately, your father was not at home at all last night, but went somewhere. You missed a key point!"

For a moment, Lillian felt horrified. Her memory began to search for the missing part. There was indeed a missing part, but where exactly it was, Lillian could not think of it at all.

"It's the door of the store. Most merchants who open small supermarkets or grocery stores will install a customer entry recorder to get the value of customer flow. From these recorded values, we can know what time of day there are more customers. When there are few customers at any time, each person who enters the store will be recorded once. Even if it is a family member or some friends who come over for business, they only need to exclude some people every day and subtract the total number of entries from the total number of entries and exits. It's basically accurate, but your family hasn't opened a store in the past few days, and the surveillance in the store has been adjusted so that you can't see the corridor from the front desk to the stairs upstairs in your home. Your father's explanation for this It reduces the number of monitors. Because they can be seen at the cashier, there is no need to install them. After all, monitoring requires a certain fee, which is very reasonable, so we will check them one by one, including recording the time of entry and exit. "

Mo Xiaolan said as he walked step by step in front of Lilian and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Your mother has been quarreling with your father recently. I asked you specifically that your family has not opened a store in the past few days, and the neighbors can also prove it. Then let's take a look at the customer entry recorder. Your father today How many times have you gone out in total? When did you go out? How long was the interval between going out and coming back? If your home has a store, this record is difficult to check. Let’s check the records from yesterday to today, and then By narrowing down the scope a little bit, we can definitely know how many times your family of three has been in and out, and how many time intervals there are. If these intervals are different from the testimony of your family of three, we can slowly investigate. After all, you and your family Your mother clearly said that at 0 o'clock, your father said he went to meet friends for a drink, and he went out after 0 o'clock today. Okay! It's 6 o'clock sharp now."

The blood-like red light instantly turned the window into blood red, but at this moment, Mo Xiaolan laughed and put his cheek against Lilian's.

"Don't ignore such loopholes next time, because no one would think that a loophole can be found in a simple entry and exit time recording system like a grocery store. You are very good little girl, but... there will be no next time!"

Lilian looked at Mo Xiaolan blankly. She didn't say anything, she just turned and walked away. In fact, Mo Xiaolan had thought of the answer and knew it early in the morning.

"Just keep what I just said to you in your heart, little sister. It's dawn. As long as it's dawn, it will be full of life!"

After Mo Xiaolan opened the door, Gene stood silently aside.

"What are you going to do?"

Gene said with a relaxed smile.

"You are the one handling the case, but the people need the truth!"

"The truth is."

Mo Xiaolan glanced back at the little girl who was sitting on the chair in the dim light coming through the cracks in the blinds, feeling a little uncomfortable. She was trembling slightly.

"It was done by hostile gang forces and is currently being investigated. There can no longer be any bloodshed in the city! We have no way to go back, and we cannot go back. If the angry people know the truth, their anger will only be vented, and All the administrative departments in this area may face punishment, and the people will become less and less trusting of us!"

Mo Xiaolan walked slowly and then stood where he was.

"Obviously this family has done something they shouldn't have done, but why don't you give Alpha a way out! Why!"

Gene blew out a puff of smoke and walked to Mo Xiaolan's side.

"Because she is Alpha Angus!"

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