Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1889 Winged Niya’s bad roots (Part 1)

Chapter 1889 Wings. Niya. Bad roots (Part 1)

"I told them!"

Bonan and Gao Jin stared at Ran Zhi angrily, but at this time several people were in the backyard of a medium-sized hospital near the Public Security Management Office, including some of their close men.

"Mr. Wise, what do you mean?"

Gao Jin was the first to ask. He felt that something was unusual tonight. He covered his mouth with several broken places, but his confidants actually went to notify Bonan's men.

But just now the wise man actually told them that it was the wise man who told those residents that they were deceived.

"Can't you understand? If they wait until they realize that they have been cheated, they will not go to the administrative department to report the case or complain to the councillors. Instead, they will directly pick up weapons, rush to where you are, and fight with you at all costs. Work hard, and when the time comes, all of you will be dead if the Business Department investigates."

For a moment, the anger on Gao Jin's face disappeared, and Bonan laughed.

"The wise man is still thoughtful."

"This is natural. Do you remember what I told you when I told you how to defraud the residents of their land deeds?"

Both of them nodded. They prepared a fake cooperation contract and a land sale contract, and Ran Zhi asked them to strictly keep these land deeds in the place designated by Ran Zhi. , only two ringleaders knew that place, it was absolutely safe, and the fake cooperation contracts and house purchase contracts were also placed in different places.

The fake cooperation contract has already been prepared with a receipt, and it only needs the signature of the local Section 9 to be officially effective. The other land purchase contract has already taken effect, but the purchaser is a legal investment company controlled by two gangs.

"Yesterday I went to Gao Jin and told him that he must make up his mind. But it seems that Xiao Gao, you may have misunderstood. What you understand is to make up your mind to find someone to kill Bonan."

For a moment, Bonan stared at Gao Jin angrily.

"Haha, you bastard, you."

"There is no need for meaningless quarrels. This is a simple test, and none of you passed it. But you should understand the truth of life and death. If you just think about getting one more share all day long, no matter how long it takes, , you will always go to destruction, do you know why I told you from the beginning to keep the contract properly and let the businessmen invest in the construction first before showing them the land deed?"

The two looked at the wise man in confusion, and Ran Zhi laughed.

"Have you never thought about taking over that area by yourself? The area has been established now, hasn't it?"

The two of them figured it out for a while. Ran Zhi turned around and looked at the stunned gang members. The reason why they didn't find any criminal evidence tonight was because when the wise man came here to help them make suggestions, They have been asked to hide all criminal evidence, and everything is reasonable and legal.

"Currently, the funds invested by businessmen in construction are about 10 million. This is the first phase of construction, and the second phase of decoration construction has not yet been invested, but it is enough. It has saved you 10 million. After all, you two The sum total of all the industries of this organization is less than 10 million, which is an astronomical figure for you, and the dividends that the businessmen promise to give you are after profits are made, but you both want more, so there is friction between the two parties. It’s been so long.”

Gao Jin and Bonan looked at each other in confusion. For a moment, they were speechless. They both knew that what Ran Zhi said was correct and there was no need to refute it, and Ran Zhi's intention was already clear.

"Obviously, the land belongs to the lower class, so why should it be given to the upper class businessmen and let them make money while lying there?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Ran Zhi walked up to them.

"From now on, I will divide it for you. Don't have any more disputes. After all, harmony brings wealth."

"Then, wise man, what should the merchants do? Now that the acknowledgment contract has been given to the residents, in the future."

Before Gao Jin finished speaking, Ran Zhi started laughing.

"I have expected it, so as long as there is an investigation, this is an opportunity. You can tell the businessmen that this matter has been investigated and the residents are already protesting. As for the demonstrators, you find some of your own people and some Obedient people, just put on a show when the businessmen come. This project will be delayed indefinitely, and if you only need to ask the local officials to let the businessmen come to cooperate with the investigation, the upper-level businessmen will You will not get stained with sewage for these 10 million. Over time, the promises you and the businessmen made will be wiped out. The reason why the businessmen dare to cooperate with you is because they know that you are just a group of gangsters who are greedy for petty gains. As long as you have Just make money, the subsequent construction and the entry of merchants and a series of other tasks are not something that little gangsters like you can do!"

For a moment, both Gao Jin and Bonan were laughing from ear to ear, and the subordinates around them also seemed very happy at this time.

"As for the residents, they have been reassured now. When processing the receipt contract, they only need to delay it. When the time comes, let them return to the newly built place that originally belonged to them. It is just a cooperative relationship. In the past, you had to rely on Only by some means can we receive money from some merchants, but now?"

The two of them kept swallowing, and immediately understood what Ran Zhi said. Just by going around in a circle, they could legally and legally receive a steady stream of dividends from this newly built 2 square kilometers area, while the residents were completely They became migrant workers, because the houses had been built for them, they did not need to pay any penny, and they also received some compensation money, so naturally they would not have any complaints. In the end, it was the upper-class businessmen who suffered the loss, but what about them? They won’t even say it.

"It's really like magic, Mr. Wise Man."

Ran Zhi nodded.

"After the storm subsides in a few days, I will help you plan well. At the same time, when the residents come back, I will also help them plan well. As long as everyone lives happily in this area, it belongs to you and to us at the bottom Isn't it a wonderful place for people? This is the happiness that everyone longs for."

The two leaders were completely convinced at this time. They knew that everything Ran Zhi said was correct. They could rely on this incident to easily obtain the newly built area. They would only need to carry out the follow-up work. After operating, they can get stable profits.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the past."

Bonan said and stretched out his hand to Gao Jin next to him. Gao Jin hummed, and the two held their hands together. Ran Zhi showed a happy smile, but his eyes were still sharp. He knew very well that he wanted to enrich the lower level. To stabilize everything at the bottom and build a world that belongs to the people at the bottom, we need to rely on the capital from the top who want to enter. As long as there is capital, the bottom will become more and more abundant in the future.

"Now you can take good care of your injuries. Just wait until this matter slowly subsides and follow what I said step by step. There is no need to rush."

Ran Zhi said as he picked up the hat that was placed on the edge of the bench, put it on and walked towards the back door of the hospital with a smile. As soon as he walked out, he turned around and disappeared, Andur and Thom. Taking Ran Zhi and jumping directly to a roof, the three of them looked at the two groups of people in the courtyard who were already talking and laughing with each other. Everyone present fully understood what Ran Zhi meant.

"What a bunch of simple-minded guys."

Andur said, Ran Zhi grinned slightly, nodded and said.

"Whether it's simple or complex, people will never be able to see clearly everything around them in the face of interests, especially when it concerns their immediate interests in the future. The bottom level is such a place, just like those residents who are making trouble, tomorrow morning When summoned, they will only unconsciously agree on the same tone."

Tom asked with a solemn expression.

"What about Wu Huan? Do you want it?"

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Even if you leave it alone, it doesn't matter, because everyone has vested interests. As long as there are more vested interests, everyone will naturally reject that family. Even in the Hall of Law, do you think the judge will choose to believe a person? , or the majority of people, after all, there is no evidence that this contract is fake."

"It's really scary!"

Andur said and Ran Zhi nodded.

"It's scary for sure. In this incident, the only people whose interests were harmed were the upper-class businessmen, but for them, such losses are just a drop in the bucket. Let's go, we can go to the next district. When areas at the bottom are connected one after another, it will be the best era for people at the bottom!"

7:03 am


With the sound of the iron door opening, Niya opened her eyes. Xiong Dabiao and Olivia, as well as Niya, Eric, Sissi and Chen An were called out.

After everyone was put on collars, they were taken directly to a hall on the first floor. Several team captains in charge of the case had already recruited a large number of local residents from the stench area.

"What's the meaning?"

Olivia said, looking at some residents who had some impressions of what they had seen yesterday. Some members of Section 5 were filming the live confrontation.

A team leader has clearly told several people that the other residents have not entrusted them to do these things at all. The only entruster is Wu Huan, and Wu Huan suffered an accident before and became disabled. A psychiatrist had already come to the door. A health diagnosis report was given and Wu Huan suffered from a certain degree of persecution delusion.

At this time, a paper receipt contract was placed in front of Olivia. The contract was a cooperation contract as the residents said, and it was submitted to Section 9 for approval. As for the so-called land deed, many residents had said , which is a prerequisite for cooperation between the two parties. It is kept by two local companies to ensure that there will be no problems during the cooperation, and that everything is legal and compliant and is being processed.

Niya stared blankly at the residents who were afraid to look at each other in the venue. The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and Xiong Dabiao looked at the team leader in front of him with an angry face.

"I would like to apply for a second investigation, and the administrative department will send a joint team to investigate this matter."

Eric said, and one of the squad leaders smiled.


As he spoke, the team leader took out the application form for the second investigation and told Eric that all he had to do was fill it out. Once the investigation content was consistent with the original case content, Eric would have to defame the local affairs department. crime.

Olivia grabbed Eric and shook her head at him. She knew very well that they had prepared everything long ago. No matter what went wrong, the evidence would be impossible to find.

The most important thing is that the residents in front of them suddenly betrayed them and lied that they were not entrusted with it at all. As for the box of money as evidence, the residents also said that it was just a donation to help Wu Huan's family. As for Wu Huan's family, Huan entrusted them with the lightning skeleton, but the local residents said they had no knowledge at all.

Olivia knew that in just one night last night, the residents should have benefited. This benefit was enough for them to completely change their story and deny that they had been defrauded of the land title. Everything became reasonable and legal.

"How much did you charge them?"

Nia stretched out a hand and covered Olivia's mouth. She closed her eyes with a smile, then took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it and took a puff.

"It's really cheap. If this is your decision, then it is too cheap!"

Niya turned around as she spoke, with a look of anger on her face. Thinking of being begged by the residents five days ago, Niya felt like a fool now. Now she and Eric All need to be charged with violent injury.

The reason why those two groups went there was because they wanted to develop it and build a garbage recycling transfer station. They had submitted the application six months ago. Their excuse was that they went there that night to discuss this. It was a matter of fact, because the local public security was not very good, so I took people and bodyguards there.

The current behavior of the Lightning Skull can be seen as the entrustment of Wu Huan, who has mental problems, and he sympathized with Wu Huan and acted in an extreme way.

The confessions had been sorted out one by one. Niya watched quietly. At this time, Xiong Dabiao walked over and signed his name without hesitation. Then he looked at the team captains with a smile, and then the other members of the Lightning Skeleton People were also brought in. At this time, the residents who came over did not dare to look over.

At this time, accompanied by bursts of noisy footsteps, the local regional officers from Section 1, Section 5, Section 7 and Section 9 all ran over.

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, take them out."

A squad leader approached in confusion, and the section officer immediately spoke.

"Close the case! Did you hear clearly?"

"Head, what's going on?"

The officer from Section 1 immediately spoke and asked the people from Section 5 to remove the collar of the Lightning Skeleton and release him immediately.

In the end, only Niya and the Lightning Skeletons, as well as a few regional officers, were left in the entire conference room.

"Oh, Miss Nia, I was promoted when Lord Alpha was in office. I don't think there is any need to bring this matter to the top. In fact, it is a very simple problem. This time it is a misunderstanding. We are already prepared. Food, I hope Miss Niya will appreciate it and let’s have a meal together.”

Niya didn't say anything, just smiled.

"So...can we go?"

"Ok, Ok."

Niya said and started walking.

"This matter has nothing to do with us anymore. It's up to you to do whatever you want."

Once again, because of Niya's relationship, the people in the Lightning Skull were able to step out of the Public Security Bureau without having to bear any culpability. Many people's expressions were not good-looking.

"Let's go back to the guild. Let's have a drink first."

Eric said.

"What the hell is this, those bastards."

One person cursed, and Niya raised her head and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Have you become corrupted to this extent?"

Now many people have woken up and have completely separated from the dream of being a hero who stood up for the weak. The reality is always cruel and ruthless. They have done so many things at great risk and not only almost went to jail, but they even couldn't even express gratitude. There are no words.

At this time, in the distance, Wu Huan's family of three came over, and everyone looked at them with solemn expressions.

"Let's appeal, everyone. As long as you find the evidence, you can definitely do it."

Wu Huan started coughing as he spoke, and at this time Niya noticed that Wu Huan's wife had an unusually solemn expression, and her son also looked extremely tired. Niya walked over with a smile.

"Just listen to them. Wouldn't it be great to cooperate with them and open a store? Although it is harder, you can survive."

What Niya is thinking about at this moment is her sister. If her sister were here, she would turn this district upside down and find evidence. She would not tolerate those scum who continue to exist in the business department and would definitely clean them up. go out.

But the price is that it will temporarily make life difficult for the local people. In the long run, his sister Alpha has never done anything wrong, because what her sister did in the past has made the local security very good. Those gang members It was impossible to survive, but now everything has changed.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you, and we can't help you anymore. If you want to survive, you can only choose to compromise."

"No, Miss Niya, as long as we find evidence, as long as..."

Niya's angry look made Wu Huan stop talking.

"Look at your wife, look at your son. If you continue, even if you win, you will only drag them to the grave."

As Niya said, Wu Huan looked blankly at his wife pushing him and his crying son. He lowered his head in annoyance.

Niya stood up, turned around and rushed into the Public Security Management Office of Section 5. At this time, several section officers were in the hall.

"Miss Niya, do you have any other advice? Why don't we have dinner together!"

Niya shook her head and said.

"The only thing I want to say is the future life of Wu Huan and his family. If I know about their misfortune one day in the future, I will definitely come over. If you like to talk with money and power, then wait When I came here, the top money and power in this city came here!"

After Niya finished speaking, she turned around and walked away. The four officers looked at Niya leaving with solemn expressions. They couldn't say a word. They didn't want to expose this matter. After all, if Niya really used it, If it's a relationship, it doesn't matter how many heads they have.

After Niya returned to the street, she saw that Wu Huan's family was still sobbing silently, and she walked over.

"It's a pity we can't help you."

Niya said, turning around to leave, while Wu Nan, who was still crying, sobbed.

"Sister, thank you, thank you!"

Niya smiled and walked away. Xiong Dabiao quietly glanced at the Public Security Office of Section 5. The other members of the Lightning Skull also left chatting and laughing, while Olivia looked around cautiously.

Niya walked beside Xiong Dabiao, whose expression was also relaxed at this time.

"Don't think about it, just go back and have a drink."

Niya hummed. Such a problem was in front of her, but she couldn't do anything. This time Niya finally realized why her sister would focus on work in the past. In those years, she felt that her sister put everything into work and didn't care at all. The feelings of the family, but now Niya understands.

It only takes a little while for these evil germs hidden in the dark to grow wildly, and evil will quietly brew in various parts of the city. No wonder Jean has been running around the city for so many years, but there is always always... Unsolvable things happen.

Niya smiled helplessly. Niya had never thought about these things in the past, because in the past, her sister would not allow such things to happen, but now the bloody facts have been revealed time and time again. In front of me, even if I don't think about it, these things are still in front of my eyes and passing by my ears.

At this time Olivia came over from behind, and Nia looked at her.

"What's wrong? You look so serious?"

"I think you should go to Nia who is in the business department!"

Olivia's words caused many people around to stop. Many people looked at Nia in confusion. Nia laughed and shook her head.

"I'm going to the Business Department? What are I going to do there? I can't even pass the most basic exam."

No one thought Olivia was joking. Niya's background destined her to be in the upper class, not in the lower streets. As long as the Angus family still exists in Brilliant City, as long as she is still Alpha. .Angus's sister.

Niya shook her head.

"Let's go back and drink."

10:09 am

Tamai pressed his forehead tiredly, unknowingly he had been sitting in this position for three years. Everything now is different from when he joined the company. He smiled to himself.

Nowadays, the top executives of Section 5 have very generous incomes. The entire Section 5, from bottom to top, can get a lot of extra money in addition to their salary. The city has also lived peacefully for a long time without any trouble.

Tamai just listened to the report of the section officer of District 111 on what happened yesterday. The incident itself is not a big problem. Tamai will know if there is something fishy in it, but as long as the life is peaceful, , the local business department and the local gang members can live in peace and mutual benefit, which Tamai thinks is good.

Only in a stable and stable era can the economy gradually improve and everyone's life be better. As for the ugliness hidden in this calm, there is no need to expose it. Tamayi's current attitude is no longer the same as in the past. completely different.

"Have you fallen?"

Tamai opened his hand and asked self-deprecatingly, but soon Tamai shook his head with a smile.

"If you don't fall into darkness, how can you see the light?"

Tamai stood up. Although he knew that this might be an excuse for some of his failures, the reality is that the city's economy has gotten much better now, and what Tamai wants to do next is to drive businessmen. We, let businessmen invest at the bottom and improve the economic situation at the bottom, so that people at the bottom will not have any complaints, and the middle and upper classes can be stronger.

Recently, Tamai received personal training from Gene. Gene did not say a word. Tamai also asked Gene about his own practices and suggestions on various aspects of work. Gene just asked Tama to Just do it well without too much interference.

Niya still likes to cause trouble as always, but in Tamai's eyes, all this is completely fine. In Tamai's eyes, there is no problem in such small fights. After all, the biggest problem in her life is The benefactor is Alpha.

Tamai is very clear that the only thing he can do is to prevent those capable people from being buried. This is the real role of sitting in this position. For some people he recommended, the chiefs of other departments also I will accept all the orders because the people Tamai recommends are indeed talented.

Didi didi

Tamai answered the phone.

"You haven't been here for a long time. Do you want to come over tonight? I'll prepare dinner of your favorites."

Tamai snorted with cold eyes.

"I'm sorry Baleka, I'm quite busy at work and I'm still working now, so that's it for now."

Tamai hung up the phone. He had to attend an important banquet tonight, meet some important people, and discuss the next steps with some colleagues. Tamai felt a little tired of his girlfriend. .

Many things in this world are relative. Tamai knows very well that he has begun to become more and more powerful and corrupt. All this is because this circle is like this. Money and power cannot be separated. , Tamai thought countless times that maybe she should think back on her past self.

However, when thinking about the past, Tamai even can't remember what he did in the past. Those are very distant memories. Recently, Tamai rarely recalls the past, because those past are no longer worth remembering. .

There was a contemptuous and arrogant smile on Tamai's face. He now held great power, and it was the same no matter where he went. There were only flattery, flowers, and respect. These feelings made Tamai intoxicated. He knew very well, I am enjoying this kind of life now.

In the past, Tamai, an ordinary clerk who patrolled the streets diligently every day, could no longer remember why he patrolled the streets so tiredly. It was unnecessary to get any benefits.

After leaving the office, Tamay saw Qin Xiaoxuan standing aside.

"Xiaoxuan, what's wrong?"

"Have you gone a little too far lately?"

Qin Xiaoxuan reminded, and Tamayi asked.

"Really? By the way, do you want to go to the banquet with me?"

Qin Xiaoxuan shook her head and walked slowly.

"Continue for one year at most. After one year, you can find someone else."

Tamai looked at Qin Xiaoxuan leaving, smiled and shook her head.

"I know, I will find a successor to the good secretary!"

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