Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1901 Niya falls with wings (Part 1)

Chapter 1901: Wings fluttering. Niya. Falling (Part 1)

"I won't leave. Let me go. It took a lot of effort for me to crawl here. I finally got through it. Let me go. Let me go."

A man was being held up by several workers. Most of the people in the logistics center had evacuated and had asked the business department to send a lift over because an unknown explosion could happen at any time.

It's already 9:49, and there are still 11 minutes until the time that the madman said. Niya knows very well that the bomb will really explode. The other party does not need to spare such a large circle and prepare for so long to lie to herself. .

The signal transmitters have no effect. A total of 21 signal transmitters have been found, and three people still refuse to acknowledge them alive or dead.

In several nearby areas, streets have been temporarily requisitioned as temporary resettlement sites for residents of District 60, and Section 3 has begun to transport large quantities of supplies there.

In just a few hours, everything in Area 60 turned into big news that shocked the whole city. A large number of reporters were still guarding the periphery of Area 60, and the mutants from the Special Task Force were still checking in the area to see if they had left. people.

Niya couldn't stand it anymore, so she walked over and knocked the shouting man unconscious. Then she watched the last group of workers get on the lift, and they went directly to the tallest building with Xiong Dabiao beside them. We can only continue to wait to see where the explosion will appear.

Although some people have suggested that the explosion is very likely to be mixed with the goods in the logistics center, because it is too difficult to inspect the goods here. Many goods are picked up by one hand and placed before distribution is confirmed.

Even though every cargo will be inspected, there are so many loopholes in so many cargos that it would be very difficult to find if those lunatics mixed explosives into the cargo.

Now there is no time to investigate. It is already very difficult to evacuate people in the area today. Many people are still unwilling to leave because they are worried that their family's finances will be damaged. In the end, Congress can only come up with a congressional compensation package. The bill caused most residents to leave District 60.

At 9:58, Niya and Xiong Dabiao returned to the rooftop of the commercial building. More than 20 people from the Lightning Skeleton stood quietly on the rooftop, looking around at everything. Everyone was looking at O The time on Livia's light and shadow screen is still 1 minute.

"Oh, don't hide your face, everyone, it's okay."

Xiong Dabiao muttered happily. Everyone was exhausted last night. When they found those people and heard their stories, everyone felt uncomfortable because everyone could only listen to them. There is no way to change this.

I don’t know how many more things like this happen in the dark, and how many people fall into the abyss of helplessness and can only watch and do nothing.

"Go to the Business Department, Niya. With your family status, you will definitely be able to climb up."

Olivia said, and Nia smiled bitterly.

"Time is up."

Xiong Dabiao put away the smile on his face, and everyone stared blankly as a light lit up in the logistics center two or three kilometers away from them, followed by a rumble and the sound of broken glass.

Everyone watched this scene with lingering fear. If they had not run to the logistics center to dissuade those people, they would be dead now.

A lift and a large number of cleaning robots have already moved towards the logistics center. Screams were heard all of a sudden. You could hear the sounds of mountains and tsunamis outside Area 60. The reporters on the news were working hard. While reporting all this, the sudden explosion was clearly captured in the picture.

Flames and billowing smoke immediately burst out, but buckets of fire extinguisher had been thrown in, and the smell of burning was in the air again, and Niya clenched her fists.

Because of the preparations made in advance, the fire was under control in less than ten minutes. There were still some small-scale fires and explosions in the logistics center, but this special fire-extinguishing material would not allow the fire to spread. As we drove up, we could see a vast expanse of white in the distance under a large amount of light.

"Is this thing over?"

Niya muttered and sat down. The burning smell in the air had reduced a bit. Other members of the guild also rushed towards this direction. Many more than 50 people stood on the top of the commercial building, watching. Where the lights gathered in the distance, a large number of members of Section 5 had entered the area and began to conduct a carpet-like investigation.

A large number of instruments and equipment were brought in, and a comprehensive inspection of the entire Area 60 was required to ensure that there would be no other explosives.

I don’t know how long the entire search will take. What is certain is that it will not end in a short time. The harm has been controlled to the minimum range. It’s just that everything in front of you is not something to be thankful for, because the most important thing is that the person who caused all this is The madmen can't even be found.

"Andur Hillman!"

Niya muttered, and once again retrieved the information that Mo Xiaolan had passed on to her before. He was a branch of the Hillman family and had no talent. He only served as some important person in the Hillman family. There is nothing particularly impressive about the city's bodyguard work, but the Hillman family's criminal information records countless evil things Andur has done secretly.

The mastermind Mo Xiaolan had already said today that it was not this guy named Andu'er, but someone else. Every time she recalled that night, Niya felt uneasy, and this guy was very strong. The most obvious thing is that when Niya rushed forward in anger and planned to entangle the guy, she felt an attack from the side. This feeling was real but non-existent. , very uncomfortable.

"Have a good rest for some time!"

Olivia said, looking at everyone in the guild, what they saw was unacceptable to everyone. Their entire guild has always been based on helping those in need, but Now looking at the reality in front of us, the powerlessness and anger, as well as the helplessness after the anger, will probably make everyone feel uncomfortable for a long time.

Olivia is most worried about Nia. There have been too many things that have made her at a loss over the years. She really wants to do something, like her sister Alpha, but she can't do anything.

11:19 p.m.

"What happened in the city again!"

Ling Hong was leaning against a wall that was about to collapse, holding a cigarette in her mouth. Gene beside her just smiled and shook his head. Both of them could clearly see the flames rising over the city.

"Why are you so slow, boy?"

Ling Hong stood up irritably, and Gene held her down with only one hand.

"Maybe he fell asleep on the road."

Ling Hong spit out the cigarette butt, and at this moment a flash of light appeared in the distance. She immediately looked over, and then looked at Jean.

"It's better for you to go back. It's not difficult for you to go back. It only takes a few minutes. What are you running away from?"

Gene smiled and shook his head. At this time, the roar of the engine was getting closer and closer, and Gene looked over.

"That's the young man who sold information to you, right?"

Gene looked over and saw a young man in his early 20s running quickly towards this side. Ling Hong was holding a reddish signal baton in his hand.

"Where's the stuff!"

Gene looked at the tightly wrapped young man with sharp eyes, took out a machine from the leather bag he was carrying, and handed it to Ling Hong.

"I need food, and weapons and bullets."

Ling Hong directly brought up a light and shadow panel, and soon saw some videos and documents. She nodded with satisfaction and pointed to a large bag placed behind her. The young man walked over and took it, holding it on his shoulder with gritted teeth. , but almost fell down the next second, Gene stretched out a finger to press the big bag.

"If you can't lift it, you can divide it twice."

The young man turned back and glanced at Jean, as if he was confirming something.

"Are you Jean?"

Gene nodded.

"You boy!"

"My name is Tianhen."

Jean's expression turned serious for a moment.

"Want to go back to the city?"

Jean asked, and Tianhen nodded immediately.

"I will help you. I only have one request. Let my sister and I return to the city and eliminate all my criminal records."

Just as Ling Hong was about to say something, Gene laughed.

"That depends on how long you can do it. Will you not be discovered if you come out like this?"

"I have already made preparations. If I am discovered, there will be a scapegoat."

Tianhen said as he struggled to carry the big bag to the side of the motorcycle and drove away on the motorcycle.

There are many people like Tianhen in the barrier area who are willing to assist the Executive Branch in exchange for conditions for returning to the city, but some are already dead.

Now the executive branch plans to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the western part of the Alatanula Mountains. The area near the Alatanula Mountains in the west of the barrier area has become a large area. These criminals have gathered together, which is quite dangerous.

A special inspector has been killed, but the operations department has not yet taken any action.

"There is something that has to be resolved in the city. Jean, you should go back quickly, otherwise things may change. Freya can't hold on much longer. Even I already know about it. You don't know about it, right?"

Gene hummed.

"I know, just be careful."

Ling Hong laughed.

"In the entire Brilliant City, the people who can compete with me now are probably not born yet. As for those monsters or your gods, I, as a human, cannot compare with you."

Ling Hong said with a smile, and Gene turned around and walked slowly.

"I seem to like this land a little bit."

"Of course, power is king in this land. The most important thing is that it is quiet. You don't have to think too much about things. If I were you, I would have been like several other teachers, except for a little processing every month. I have long since stopped doing important things in the city and just enjoy life. I can’t stand it, principal! But even if you can’t bear it now, hasn’t the thing you should do never changed?”

Gene hummed.

"I see."

"Go and see Freya. Don't wait until she dies. Every time you see your friends leave one by one, or the birds you cultivated fall off, it's hard, right?"

Jean lit a cigarette, walked slowly, waved to Ling Hong, and soon disappeared into the wind and sand.

Ling Hong knew very well the reason why Jean didn't want to go back. Freya had been diagnosed with blight last year, and she didn't have much time left in her life. Some of the people Jean knew had also passed away, and Ling Hong and the others The first batch of students have already passed their golden age.

The section chiefs of Section 7 and Section 9 will soon be replaced. Section 7, led by Jin Mian and Vivian, and Section 9, led by Brandon and He Lei, are the two sections with the most serious problems.

Ling Hong had already heard Zijuan talk about it. Every time there was a city meeting, the councilors would focus on these two subjects. Gene had never stepped into the hall of Congress once. The only time he stepped in was for Alpha.

"You're really partial, Principal! You're really too partial to Alpha."

In the dusty sky, Jean was jumping up and down, and the city was getting closer and closer to him. However, Jean knew very well that the biggest problem he would face once he returned was not the bombing, but the medical problem.

Jean knows better than anyone what it means once Freya collapses. The medical system has gradually lost control in recent years because Freya is exhausted. Zhou Xuan is in great pain in the entire medical system. one thing.

When Jean approached the city, he looked to the east with some confusion. From the day he took over Alpha, the only thing he taught Alpha was justice, and he also told Alpha that justice requires a price.

If he continues to teach the next generation of some cities, Jean does not intend to guide these people excessively, but intends to let them make free choices.

"No matter what, we need to face it. Either go back to the darkness of the past and bury everything, or"

Gene threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, looked back at the wilderness behind him, smiled and shook his head.

"Still nothing!"

December 23, 2234

5 am

Didi didi

Amidst the hurried calls, Niya opened her tired eyes and glanced at the number. It was her mother calling.

"What's wrong? I was very tired last night and went to investigate many places."

"Come home right away."

The mother's tone was a little serious, and Niya became more sober.

"Did something happen?"

"I'm going to attend the funeral at 8 o'clock later."

Niya became a little confused.


"The Abron house opposite."

Niya's expression turned serious for a moment.



Her mother's tone was a little sad. For a moment, Niya thought of the serious-looking little girl Michelle she had seen several times. She was colder than when she was a child, but there was always a touch of sadness in her eyes.

"I remember Michelle is already 18 years old."

"Anyway, please come back quickly. We are neighbors. Mr. Charles came to inform us in person a few hours ago."

After Niya hung up the phone, she got up and ran to the bathroom. She felt a little bad for a moment. Freya used to come over to her house often. She had a good relationship with her sister and her parents.

An inexplicable sadness quickly welled up in Niya's heart. Although Niya didn't like Freya very much, she lived opposite her home, especially that child. Niya knew the pain of losing a family member.

After a while, Niya changed her clothes and went out directly. She did not choose to run there because she had just taken a shower and planned to take the subway there.

In the past few months, the city has been stable since the last explosion in District 60. Mo Xiaolan also said that this explosion was just to deceive others, because once one point is discovered, other points will It is also easy to expose that those madmen just used this explosion to do a lot of things behind the scenes, making it impossible for the business department to find any clues.

At 6:03, Niya stepped into the door of the Angus family. The entire Angus family had already come over. As soon as Niya passed by, several uncles and aunts came over. They started to greet each other, but Niya was helpless. Answer them something.

Everyone was wearing funeral attire, and the lights of the Ablon house opposite had just been extinguished. There were many people on the lawn. Niya was standing at the door and did not go back to the main house. She saw the people standing there. Michelle, who was at the gate of the Eberron family, was dressed in black, holding her hands reservedly in front of her body, and bowed slightly to the people who entered.

The streets were almost full of cars, and people kept bringing funeral bouquets. Almost all the prominent people in the city came over.

"come here quickly."

Violet came over and took Nia's hand.

"Second Miss, the dress has been prepared for you. Please change quickly. You will stay there all day today."

Niya hummed and looked around.

"Mom, where is Uncle Gene?"

Violet shook her head.

"I already called him and he just said he got it."

"It's so callous. I remember my sister said before that Uncle Jean and Freya have a very good relationship."

Niya muttered something and followed her mother and Micah back to the main building. Her father Avano was still sitting on the sofa, talking to relatives.

"came back."

Niya waved her hands and followed her mother and Micah upstairs.

"That girl must be feeling very uncomfortable, and that kind of thing happened the year before last."

Nia muttered and Violet frowned.

"When you go to the funeral later, don't say anything. Watch your mouth."

"I know, I can still tell the difference clearly when the occasion is."

Niya only read about a major event that happened the year before last in the report. A friend of Michelle's dormitory died. He was a member of the Su family. In the end, Michelle found the murderer. The report also reported this incident extensively. , because the dead girl was a member of the Su family, and it was Michelle who solved the case, this incident caused a great sensation that year.

The special service industry has once again been brought to the forefront. Michelle's friend was killed because of a woman in the special service industry.

Soon Niya changed her clothes and followed her mother out. It was almost 7 o'clock. The Angus family was arranging each other's clothes on the lawn, and then took their respective bouquets. Under the leadership of the Angus couple, He walked towards the Ablon family on the opposite side.

Niya was following behind her parents. When entering the gate, her mother gently held Michelle in her arms.

"My condolences, Miss Michelle!"

Niya glanced at Michelle, her eyes were cold, Niya could only signal to her, and then Michelle nodded slightly and bowed.

As soon as she entered, Niya heard some gossip, saying that Michelle did not shed a single tear when her mother died. The people who said these words were relatives of the Ablon family. Niya met many acquaintances, including people from the entire family. Everyone came over, no matter how big or small, and Charles was still wiping his tears while greeting some guests.

Soon Niya saw Su Li in the crowd, and she immediately approached her. Su Li was a little drunk, and she smiled helplessly.

"I thought you wouldn't come!"

"I just found out, it's true, hey!"

Niya sighed, and more and more people came in. Everyone was waiting for the burial ceremony, chatting with each other at some tables and chairs that had been arranged long ago. Niya squinted at the guys from the Medical Association. , several businessmen with happy faces were talking, and she walked over angrily.

"Can you please keep your voice down? What's there to be so happy about?"

For a moment, several businessmen looked solemn and immediately put away the smiles on their faces. Just as Niya was about to speak, Su Li grabbed her from behind.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Niya snorted coldly, and then she and Su Li came to a corner. Su Li looked at the backyard of Ablon's house.

"Where are those guys in the business department?"

Su Li laughed and said.

"They came last night. Before Freya left, including the MPs from other factions, they waited until Freya took her last breath before leaving. The death of both the princess and the queen really made me Saw the worst of times.”

Niya stared at Su Li sideways, and Su Li smiled helplessly.

"I'm sorry, girl, what should you do if you don't have a plan? These are the worst times. Freya's death has an impact on the city no less than the collapse of the Hillman family."

Niya didn't think much about it. It wasn't her turn to intervene in this matter. The only thing Niya was helpless about was what Suli said just now, about her sister and Freya.

"Niya, there will be a bloody storm in the city in the future, especially in the medical industry. Do you still plan to continue to hang around?"

Niya couldn't answer Su Li's words, she didn't know what she could do, but Niya was watching around at this time.

"Isn't Uncle Gene here?"

Su Li shook her head.

"I don't know about this. I rushed here immediately and saw Freya for the last time."

Su Li then looked at Michelle at the door and said with a smile.

"That girl will definitely reach the top in the future. She has talents similar to your sister, as well as talents that your sister cannot have."

Niya looked at Michelle quietly. Judging from the way she stood, she could not feel the slightest sadness. She mechanically bowed to the guests who entered.

"Maybe, that little girl is a genius!"

Niya turned her head and looked at the guests. Many of them seemed to be just here to take this opportunity to chat and get to know each other.

"By the way, Niya, if I die one day, I'll leave it to you to hold my funeral. You must help me hold a happy funeral."

Niya said in a weird tone, and Su Li patted her shoulder. She probably knew what Freya was pursuing in her life, but in the end everything was just a dream, and reality would never go as imagined. spread out.

In the last few years of Freya's life, Su Li would persuade her from time to time to enjoy her life and there was no need to continue to be serious, but every time Freya just said a bunch of things, leaving Su Li helpless. Talking back, it is certain that after the incident with the Hillman family, Freya continued to reform the medical industry and wanted to completely control the medical industry.

It's just that Freya can't see all this. The medical industry has become very chaotic now. At this time, Suli saw what Niya seemed to be thinking.

"what's on your mind!"

"I'm wondering why everyone refuses to take a step back. If everyone took a step back, this city might be much better."

Sully giggled, hugging Niya and pressing her cheek.

"You've pricked your hands, but you still haven't grown up?"

Niya pushed Su Li's hand away.

"But this is fine, the childish way of doing things is not bad either, Niya!"

Su Li said seriously.


"It's nothing! I just feel that life has suddenly become very difficult, and I have no children. No matter who I leave my family property to in the future, I don't trust anyone. I might as well just leave it to you."

Niya groaned.

"You're kidding me."

"I'm not joking with you. If you like anyone in our Su family, you can marry him. Then I will give the Su family to you."

Nia immediately laughed.

"Why don't you find someone to marry?"

Su Li shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who I choose. I just want to leave the Su family in the hands of a kind person. This is my only criterion for choosing a successor."

Nia stopped talking, and Charles came over. He was still crying. Nia had never seen such a fragile Charles. Suli walked over and patted Charles on the shoulder.

"It's okay Charles, at least you and Freya have been together for decades."

Charles wiped away tears and kept shaking his head.

"Mr. Charles, can I have a look at Ms. Freya?"

As Niya said, Charles hummed and ordered the housekeeper to take Niya upstairs.

As soon as she arrived on the second floor, Niya saw a man, Huashen, leaning at the door of Freya's room from a distance.

After Niya just nodded, she looked into the room. In the coffin piled with flowers, Freya was lying quietly in it, looking very haggard. Even though she had put on makeup, it could still be seen that her The body is shriveled.

Niya bowed solemnly, then turned and left the room.

"Still unable to find a solution? Dr. Huashen?"

Huashen hummed.

Nia said with a smile.

"You should be able to find a cure for blight disease one day. You are the best doctor in Brilliant City!"

Huashen froze and nodded.

"I'll find it, someday, before my life ends!"

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