Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1907 Winged Niya Red Thunder 1 (Part 1)

Chapter 1907 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 1 (Part 1)

April 1, 2243

"Hurry up! Or I'll kick your ass."

Niya opened her tired eyes, and the quilt was lifted directly. She rubbed it angrily, pressing her aching forehead, and pressed a lit cigarette to her mouth.

Gene opened the curtains, and it was 6:13 just now. Gene was leaning against the window, looking at Niya with a furious look on her face, with bruises on her cheeks.

"Didn't you say last night that you would be able to get up this morning, so it would be okay to drink as much as you want?"

"He actually broke into the room of an unmarried girl and then lifted the quilt of the unmarried girl."

Jean stared at Niya sideways, then smiled and looked at the city illuminated by the light outside the window.

"Asshole, can't you be gentler? I'm a woman."

Niya grinned and pressed her cheek. There were many bruises on her face and body.

"Hurry up, or do you want me to wash your face?"

Gene looked over with fierce eyes. Niya scratched her head, flicked the cigarette ashes, stood up and walked into the bathroom. After taking off her sports vest and shorts, she quickly rinsed her scarred body. This was so close. One year was simply hell.

Gene would take him to practice battles every few days, either with Gene or Ling Hong. Every time, he was the only one who got beaten up, and so did his friends. Although there is no problem now, but because before thing, she was still working on the farm in the east, and she had been recruited by the Acting Section a month ago. Now Niya is a specially recruited Section 5 member of Section 5, but she still has to pass the exam of the Acting Section. .

The one-month exam starts today, which is a disaster for Niya. She doesn’t want to take the exam because Niya knows very well that it’s okay to get points in the combat part, but basically 0 in the written test. The possibility of points is very high.

And the most important thing is that this exam has already made the news because of the participation of another woman, Michelle, the 27-year-old genius of the Ablon family, and the second daughter of the Angus family who has been a loser for thousands of years.

"By the way, Tianai seems to be going well now."

Niya asked, but Jean outside did not reply. Niya sighed and raised a finger. A crackling red thunder and lightning appeared on the fingertip, but it quickly went out. Niya looked at it with a serious expression. He sighed, and then sighed. This power of his was awakened a few months ago. It is the same as Ling Hong's power, but he still cannot master it until now.

"Take care of the situation on the ground floor, otherwise I will strip you naked and hang you upside down at the door of the Congress Hall."

As soon as Jean finished speaking, Niya felt shuddering. In less than a year, Niya finally recognized Jean again. This guy is a devil. Niya suspected that he tortured others for fun. interest.

Especially when it came to entering the legal department, Niya was quite opposed to rejection, but she still obeyed in front of Jean's fist.

After a while, Niya washed herself and put on a clean Section 5 uniform, but she looked very casual. Jean directly carried her to the mirror.

"Today is the exam, at least get organized."

Gene said and helped Niya tidy up her uniform. Niya looked at it with disgust. Gene took another comb and helped Niya comb her hair.

"You idiot, why don't you comb your hair yourself? After all, you are a woman, right?"

Gene said, Niya immediately turned her elbow, and Gene moved away easily.

"You also know that I am a woman, so next time please don't be so perverted and add wounds to my cheeks."

"After all, if you are willing to talk nicely, I won't do anything. But rather than talking, I think it's better to do something."

Gene smiled, put down the comb and patted Niya on the arm.

"Do it well. If you don't do it well, I will definitely throw you into the wastewater in the gully area and drown you."

"You are a personal threat!"

Niya smiled and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked very energetic. She was still wearing this black uniform that she used to be very repulsive to. Niya's expression looked a little helpless, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes. Although it was not The name of the person who failed the guild exam, but as the second young lady of the Angus family, she is bound to be compared with the genius eldest daughter of the Abron family.

"What! Is it embarrassing?"

Niya smiled, took out a cigarette and bit it in her mouth, lit it, turned around and jumped directly to the window.

"Embarrassed? I have been embarrassed so many times in my life."

Jean nodded, and then Niya jumped directly, quickly jumped to the top of a house, and flew towards the headquarters of Section 5.

The meeting will start at 8 o'clock. The written test will end on the first day, followed by the combat test, followed by the practical test that lasts until the end of the month. Candidates will be assigned to 120 districts, and the local business department will be responsible for taking the candidates. Conduct live practical exams.

Niya has been wandering around the middle-level streets for a month. She does not need to take the practical exam. She only needs to complete the written test and the combat test, and then she will be directly assigned to the bottom level.

Today's practical exam system has become more and more strict. Most candidates have no idea where they will be assigned during the practical exam. Once cheating is discovered, there will be very serious consequences. For written exams, Although the scores are fixed, there is a chance to get extra points in the practical exam. Many people did not do well in the written exam, but they all added to their scores through the follow-up practical exam that took nearly a month and finally passed the exam.

The admission passing threshold for the Acting Department has been different over the years, and will be determined based on the situation of the previous year and the candidates this year. There are only more than 7,000 people taking the exam this year, but the passing threshold is still very high, 92 points.

Gene knew the passing score very early, but never told Niya. Because of the special recruitment, Niya had patrolled the streets in advance. Fortunately, she didn't cause any problems and got the practical bonus in advance. 11 points.

As long as Niya has more than 40 points in the three subjects of written examination, economics and law, and more than 30 points in combat, plus 11 extra points, it will be easy to pass this exam. With Niya's current mutant strength, combat It is not impossible to get full marks for the subjects, and familiarity with weapons is basically a piece of cake. Getting 20 points is not a problem.

This graduation examination system for students, which has been set since the days of the School of God, was introduced after Alpha's detailed improvement and refinement. It is a very scientific examination system.

The practical exam can make up for the scores that many people have missed in the written exam. It can also determine which subjects some candidates are suitable for. During the entire practice process, the candidates' abilities can be known. For some talented candidates, special recommendations will be given. , there have been many talented people in the industry over the years. Although Tamai has shortcomings, he has always been able to put some people in the right position.

In recent years, many people have failed in the written exam, but with their seriousness and hard work in the practical exam, they have made up for their failure in the written exam and successfully passed the exam. Some people took the exam for the second time after failing the first time. The bonus points will be adjusted based on the previous year's practical exam. Most people can get higher bonus points and pass the exam as long as they work harder than the previous year.

Nowadays, subject 5 is a relatively popular subject, especially many subjects are not opposed to working at the bottom level, because they can make money, which is very attractive to most people, and the last thing many people want to do is to go there. 3 subjects.

Now in Section 3's barrier zone operations, there will always be problems with friction with criminals.

Didi didi

Gene picked up the phone.

"What's wrong?"

"Remember to tell my sister, I may not be able to go back in the near future."

There were bursts of laughter on the phone, and Gene snorted.

"Xima, Owen, move quickly! Qin Dong, you idiot, pack your things quickly."

The phone hung up, and Jean lay by the window with a smile. Tianhen passed the business examination last year. He went directly to Section 3. At the beginning of this year, he was promoted to squad leader. Jean just felt happy. The man who used to be in The boy who lives with his sister in the barrier area is right to bring him back.

Then Gene dialed the phone, and Hawke's somewhat twitchy voice came after a while.

"What's wrong little Jean!"

Gene smiled awkwardly.

"Where's Tian Ai?"

"Ai Ai, she is getting ready to participate in the singing competition."

Jean nodded happily and told Hawke that Tianhen would not go back in a short time, and then hung up the phone. In the examination of the business department last year, several younger people appeared. Xima and Qin Dong were the youngest. He passed the professional examination at the age of 20. Jean will pay attention to these two people, including Owen, who is 3 years older than these two people, because the former is a survivor of the first fortress march in Jizhigrad and is the leader of Ling Dynasty. The child Hong brought back and sent to the orphanage was Qin Xiaoxuan's nephew.

Jean had gone to see Qin Xiaoxuan before, and it was Qin Xiaoxuan who recommended Qin Dong to go to Section 3. Jean asked why, and Qin Xiaoxuan also said that this child was too weak, and going to Section 3 would be a good exercise.

Gene took a look at the time. It was already 7:01. He planned to go to the school area. He had made an appointment with Ye Jiao before and would take her to watch a movie.

7:13 am

Niya landed at the gate of Section 5. The candidates had already entered one after another. The reporters on the street rushed over like crazy when they saw Niya.

"Miss Niya, are you sure you will pass the exam this time?"

Questions came one after another, and Niya roared angrily.

"I'm here to take the exam, not to talk nonsense with you. Get out of here!"

The reporters were stunned for a moment, and many candidates snickered. Niya strode in directly. Now she needs to be inspected and her identity confirmed. She will enter the examination room at 8 o'clock, and the examination will last until 10 o'clock. , 2 pm to 4 pm, and 7 pm to 9 pm, three exams, rights, economics and law.

As soon as Niya entered, she noticed Michelle who was passing the inspection not far away. She was dressed in white loose clothes and her hair was tied up. She looked beautiful, but her expression always remained cold, making her look unapproachable. Niya walked over directly.


Michelle also noticed Niya, then bowed slightly, and continued to look forward after giving a signal with her eyes. Niya scratched her head. This little girl is still the same, and she is even more unapproachable than before. Now there are people in the family circle There are rumors in many families that there may be something wrong with Michelle's orientation.

It's just that Niya doesn't think so, but it comes from many families who hope to marry the Abron family. Michelle's father, Charles, has also changed a lot in recent years. Niya has also heard from her mother that Charles doesn't know how to marry now. Bring up marriage in front of Michelle.

The two of them have completely become the focus of this exam. The candidates around them looked at the two with strange eyes. Neither Niya nor Michelle cared about anything.

"By the way, which subject do you plan to go to?"

Nia asked, and Michelle answered neatly.

"4 subjects."

Niya looked at Michelle in amazement, and many candidates around her did the same.

"I qualified as a doctor at the age of 20!"

Michelle added, and Nia scratched her head.

"It's really amazing!"

Niya knows very well how difficult it is to become a doctor in Bright City. You need to remember a lot of medical things. When Niya was in school, she took medical-related courses. After just one glance, Niya felt like her head was getting big. , this is not something humans learn at all.

Finally, both Niya and Michelle passed the checkpoint. Under the arrangements of the staff from Section 5, they entered the huge examination room. It was a temporary examination room that could accommodate tens of thousands of candidates. Everyone was looking for their place. , the first exam is right.

These are all things from the textbooks on behavioral science, things related to rights, and most of them are basic questions. Niya can only memorize them by rote in the past few months, and even hired Leona to help her with tutoring, but The effect is so-so.

Now Leona is already a well-known digital genius in the city and the mainstay of Section 6. Everyone is spreading rumors that Leona is the next section chief of Section 6.

Niya found her seat, and after sitting down, she adjusted a light and shadow screen. Niya didn't know how many points she could get in the 20-point rights subject, but when she thought about the knowledge that gave her a headache, Niya felt her head ache. Confused.

The exam officially started at 8 o'clock. Questions related to rights appeared on the light and shadow screen. Scores would be awarded based on comprehensive answers. There were 100 questions in total. Niya could only grit her teeth and start doing it.

After a whole day, at 9 o'clock in the evening, Niya walked out of the examination room tiredly. Many candidates were crying, and only some of them looked very happy. Niya scratched her head, looked around, and planned to have a drink. But no one can be found.

"Want to go have a drink together?"

Nia finally asked Michelle, but Michelle shook her head.

"I have an exam tomorrow."

Michelle said and walked directly towards the door. Niya scratched her head and looked at the headquarters of Section 5. Then she found a deserted corner and jumped up quickly along the balconies.

Soon Niya came directly to the section chief's office. As soon as she entered, she saw that Tamai was still working.

"How about today's exam?"

Tamai asked with a smile, and Niya scratched her head.

"I guess it would be good to get 20 points, a 60-point question."

Tamai laughed, stood up and took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet on the side. Then he called the canteen and asked them to bring some food.

“If it doesn’t work this year, next year, and if it doesn’t work next year, it will pass the year after that.”

Niya sat on the sofa tiredly. The exam was simply torture for her, and the exam in the business department was so difficult.

"Tomorrow is the combat exam. Is it okay for you to drink so much?"

Tamai said, Niya shook her head, grabbed the wine in Tamai's hand, twisted it open and took a big sip.

"How does it taste? A businessman gave this to me. I kept a lot of it privately."

Niya wiped the corners of her mouth and shook her head.

"Generally, the best wine I ever drank was at the house of a former classmate of mine. His family owned a winery."

Tamai smiled, took out another bottle of wine, and sat next to Niya.

"Just do your best and I'll pick you up later."

Niya scratched her head.

"If I cause any trouble, I'll probably be fired soon!"

"How about you have a little more confidence in yourself."

Tamai walked around behind Niya and pressed her shoulders. Niya sighed.

“It’s hard to say what’s going on at the bottom right now.”

Tamai knew what Nia wanted to say.

"You are free to do what you want, just don't go too far. This is all I can do, and I have almost done it. If you want to do something better or more reasonable, there is nothing I can do. The current situation in the city You should be very clear about the situation, even if you can’t put it into words, you should know it better than anyone else.”

Niya didn't answer, just hummed. After a while, some dishes were served, and the two of them started to drink.

"Are you okay at work?"

Looking at Tamai, who was already a little drunk, he laughed.

"What's the problem?"

The two laughed and continued eating and drinking.

Early morning of April 2nd

Niya got up from a dormitory in the 5th Section Headquarters. She pressed her forehead and immediately rushed to the bathroom and started to vomit. Then Niya could only rinse quickly and planned to go to the examination room. Although her own The test number is coming later, but Niya is now more and more interested in fighting.

In the past, Niya thought that power was something that only needed to be mastered to a certain extent, but now Niya didn't think so. It had to be really effective to defeat the opponent.

The desperate scene from the past once again appeared in her mind, but it wouldn't happen next time. Niya knew very well that her power was getting stronger and stronger.

Soon at 8:31, Niya entered the examination room, and many candidates who had taken the exam number at the front were already standing on the prepared platforms to take the exam.

Today is the combat test, and tomorrow is the weapons and firearms familiarity test. Niya is confident in today's test, even if her opponent is an S-level mutant Niya, she will have no problem at all.

At this time, Niya noticed Michelle, who had already changed into combat clothes and jumped directly onto the stage. The opponent was a female officer from Section 3 and a grade A mutant.

As soon as she came on stage, Niya saw the light red particles overflowing from the surface of Michelle's body. She attacked directly after the exam started. It was obvious that the other party was more experienced, and the fight between the two attracted the attention of many people.

"It's really amazing!"

Beside Niya, several guys who had a contemptuous attitude at the beginning were stunned at this moment. Michelle's gentle and rapid attack had completely suppressed the female officer opposite, but the other party still seemed to be able to do it with ease.

Niya laughed, and it could be seen that Michelle was getting impatient, because the test was based on knockdown or knockout time to determine the score.

Three minutes have passed, and Michelle on the stage is still attacking hard, completely suppressing the opponent, but it is a little difficult to win. Niya knows very well that it is almost impossible for Michelle to win. Yes, the opponent is obviously more experienced than Michelle and knows how to save energy in combat.

The battle between mutants is very exhausting. Sure enough, it lasted until 15 minutes. Michelle was sweating profusely and formally bowed. The officer opposite smiled and nodded. She also looked extremely tired.

In the end, Michelle only got 10 out of 20 points in the combat test. Niya noticed the unwillingness in Michelle's eyes. Niya smiled easily and lit a cigarette. At this time, many people's eyes were focused on On one's own body.

Finally at 10:03, it was Niya's turn. Niya clenched her fists and stepped directly onto the stage. Many people around her came over, including Michelle.

Niya smiled and looked at a new director officer from Section 5 who came up from the opposite side. Niya hunched over.

"Please don't smoke during the exam. Put your cigarette away first."

"You can start anytime!"

Niya's whole body was tense, and the director opposite also stopped driving. Niya closed her eyes, and in her mind were images of herself being knocked to the ground countless times by Ling Hong and Jean. She smiled easily. laugh.



Following the shouts of the examiner on the sidelines, Niya instantly ejected. The opponent had already formed scabs on his arms. Niya kicked him in the air, her body spinning in mid-air, and with a bang, although the opponent received the kick, He hit his own flying kick, but his body was already unstable.

Niya grinned. The moment she landed, her left leg hit the ground. There was a loud crunching sound, and the metal ring was dented, with cracks appearing on the surface.


Following Niya's side kick, the opponent blocked it with his arms crossed, but the scab on his arm had broken into pieces. Niya smiled easily and stood up. Several nearby council officers had already joined forces to attack. He caught the director who was kicked away by Niya.

There was silence all around. Michelle in the crowd looked at Niya blankly. Niya flicked the ashes of her cigarette and then looked at the examiner on the sidelines.

"Full marks!"

Niya raised her hands and jumped off the stage, and the people around her got out of the way.

"Ordinary S-class mutants should no longer be your opponent!"

Niya still remembers what Jean said a few days ago, and now it has indeed come true. Niya knows very well that her strength is indeed growing. Although she exercised in the past, her desire for strength was not strong in her heart. .

Rose also told Nia that the power of mutants is affected by emotional fluctuations. The stronger the desire for power, the alienated genes in the body will respond.

When Niya started exercising crazily and fighting against Ling Hongjin, Niya also awakened to the legendary power of God. She had seen this power countless times, but she only looked up at it, especially her sister's body. Niya was extremely excited when she thought about the two kinds of divine power in her. She always felt that the distance was getting closer little by little.

Then Niya walked out of the examination room, came outside and pressed the number 0013.

"The combat test has been passed, with full marks."


Niya laughed.

"Where are you? Come and drink with me."

"Sorry, I have a date with a young lady today."

The call was immediately hung up, and Niya snorted angrily. At this time, Niya noticed someone approaching from behind.

"Can I ask you something, Miss Niya?"

Michelle looked at Nia seriously, and Nia hummed.

"You have a drink with me, and I'll tell you how you failed!"

Michelle's face suddenly changed. The word "failure" seemed to be forbidden to her. Niya hugged Michelle and laughed.

"If we pass the exam, we will be colleagues, and we will all be members of the business department from now on. Do you regret it?"

Nia asked, and Michelle shook her head.

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