Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1912 Wings Niya Red Thunder 2 (Part 2)

Chapter 1912 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 2 (Part 2)

On June 14, it was just dawn, and a hawker pulled his cart out to go to the vegetable market.

There is not a single person on the street. This hawker usually goes out at dawn at 6 o'clock in order to attract more customers who get up early to buy vegetables every day before other hawkers come to sell vegetables and make more money.

The vegetable market basically doesn’t get busy until after 8 o’clock every day, and many vendors don’t go there until 7:30. However, this vendor found that many store operators would come early to buy some vegetables and fresh meat, because then It's not crowded at that time, but there are very few vendors in the vegetable market before 7:30.

The hawker discovered that the people who came to the shop early to buy vegetables would buy even some vegetables that were not of good quality. The hawker yawned and walked lazily across the street and became energetic.

The hawker saw the vegetable market from a distance. There was no one inside. He immediately pulled the cart and started walking quickly. After all, he could still sleep after arriving and sell vegetables when there were people around.

Not far away, there was a pool of red liquid at the entrance of the vegetable market. The hawker was suspicious for a second and then stopped paying attention. After all, the entire vegetable market was dirty and messy. But when the hawker passed by the arch of the vegetable market, suddenly, After stopping, some water dripped on his head, and the hawker wiped it casually. But the next second, under the dim light of the sun, the hawker was dumbfounded, and his hands turned bright red.

The moment the vendor subconsciously raised his head, he screamed.

7:19 am

Niya stood quietly next to a management vehicle, looking at Sun Liu lying quietly in the body bag with a painful expression and pale face. Sun Liu was hung on the door of the vegetable market and then cut Many places on the body have been injured, and with the weight being hung, the wounds will not heal. Because of the weight of the body, blood will continue to flow from the wounds until excessive bleeding is lost.

Looking at the marks on Sun Liu's mouth, tears still hanging on his cheeks, his legs broken, and signs of violent struggle on his hands, it was estimated that the time of death was around 5 a.m.


Niya silently exhaled a puff of smoke, then threw away the cigarette butt in her hand, and walked slowly towards a shop outside the market. With a loud bang, Niya kicked the door open.

A man who was watching behind the door flew out with him. For a moment, several gang members who seemed to be awake in the store looked at the furious Niya in horror.

"Tell me, did you see anything last night?"

"Sister Niya, we were working in the tavern last night. We came back around 1 a.m. and fell asleep. I really didn't see or hear anything."

Niya walked over and grabbed the gang leader's hair and pushed him down on the table. More than a dozen people in the room shrank into corners for fear of being accidentally injured by the furious Niya.

"Call all the gangsters and gang members near the market. I'll give you half an hour. If you can't find them, I'll let you squat there for a few days."

For a moment, everyone in the store started to move. No one dared to neglect. After all, Niya held the key to his crime and had been beaten violently by Niya.

"what do you want to do!"

Li Li looked at the furious Niya and quietly moved a chair in front of the store. Within 5 minutes, many gang members and some gangsters came over and stood aside fearfully and respectfully. Niya Stare at them.

"Sister Niya, this matter has nothing to do with us."

"I will ask them one by one later. If any of you know, tell me. If anyone dares to lie, once I find out, don't blame my fist!"


Niya smashed the table next to her with a punch. A group of people lined up in a long queue and accepted Niya's interrogation one by one. Li Li and other department members could only take notes on the side.

Everyone present knew that Sun Liu had a good relationship with Niya, and they would drink together from time to time. He was just an unemployed vagrant before, but Niya helped him find a job and got rid of his bad habit of gambling.

Niya angrily interrogated one gang member after another until after 11 o'clock. After interrogating everyone, nothing came out. Later, some eyewitness information included Sun Liu's figure captured by some surveillance cameras. It was possible to confirm that Sun Liu was Liu went home at 9 o'clock last night and didn't come out during that time.

The gang members who had issues with Sun Liu before are still in prison. Niya doesn't know who killed Sun Liu so cruelly. She must find this guy. If he can't be found in this district, Just go to another district, even if the entire Brilliant City is turned upside down, Niya still has to find someone.

But Niya vaguely realized something at this time. Although she had a little idea, Niya didn't think about it. She stood up.

"Try to go out with a gun at night. Don't go out alone. Be careful. I will look elsewhere."

Niya said, turned around and walked away, but at this time Niya's boss, the squad leader, ran over and told Niya not to investigate beyond her authority. If you want to go to other districts to investigate, you must get permission from other district officers. Niya Didn't listen to his nonsense.

"What I want to investigate has nothing to do with you. Why haven't some surveillance cameras around here been repaired yet? Why are the annual equipment maintenance fees not enough!"

Niya glared at the team leader fiercely, and he smiled awkwardly. Then Niya jumped directly to the roof of a building, took out the phone and pressed the number 0013.

"I need you to give me an investigative authority that is not restricted by any district."

"What's the big deal?"

Niya squeezed the phone angrily and said with an angry expression.

"One of my friends was killed! Just a few hours ago."

"Just don't mess around. Remember what I told you."

Gene said and Niya hummed.

After Niya left, Li Li felt a little panicked. Li Li was also hesitating about what Niya had said to her last night. She didn't want to go on like this, but when she thought of doing something , and can't do anything, because I'm already in too deep. Many of my colleagues around me are the same, and my team is also the same. Everyone has their own hardships, and there is no way to go all out like Niya. run.

“It’s really hard not to forget your original intention!”

At this time, Li Li saw many squad leaders talking to some gang members who had just been interrogated on the street. Many gang members were obviously very angry.

Li Li could only take members of her team to greet some familiar gang members.

"Li Li, you have to think of a way. If that thorn keeps doing this, we really won't be able to do business. Being beaten is just a trivial matter. We are having a hard time now."

Li Li comforted her with a few words, then turned and left. She was a little tired, because Niya's arrival in the past two months had disturbed the bottom 100 area and the surrounding areas.

Li Li even heard some gang members saying that Niya should be killed if they found an opportunity.

The current situation is very unfavorable for Niya. Everyone knows about Sun Liu's death this time. Maybe it was a warning given to Niya by some gang members. Suddenly Li Li remembered something. When she was a while ago, When I was drinking with Niya, I once mentioned that the leader of a certain gang was clamoring to kill Niya.

"Should it be"

1 p.m. sharp

Niya had just eaten in District 101, and she strolled towards the streets on the west side of District 101. Although Niya's expression seemed leisurely and contented, her eyes were indeed a bit scary. Many people on the street were When I met Niya and said hello to Niya, Niya just responded casually. The further west I went, there were many gang members gathering together.

Niya stared at the surrounding shops quietly. Two weeks ago, when Li Li was drunk, she blurted out that a certain gang wanted to kill her. Niya later investigated and found that the gangs were in areas 100, 101 and 99. They all have business, because Niya's sudden investigation led to the investigation of three of their stores in District 100, and more than 60 people were arrested. It is a medium-sized gang.

Soon Niya came to a back street in the west of District 101. There was a market in front of her. It was just a market made up of some small warehouses. There were people selling all kinds of things here, many of which were illegal. What leaked out was a place that looked like a market on the surface but was actually a black market behind the scenes.

This gang gathered here and controlled a large part of the market. As soon as Niya passed by, she noticed many people at the entrance of many small warehouses, bargaining with the gang members.

Many people noticed Niya, and also noticed that Niya's clerk number was not from District 101. Some gang members recognized Niya, and their expressions immediately became serious.

As soon as Niya walked over, some gang members gathered between the two warehouses gave way. Some gang members had already begun to leave in a hurry, and some closed the warehouse and terminated the transaction. A relatively large warehouse appeared in front of them. People were coming and going inside, and as soon as Niya walked over, several gang members approached, including some mutant bodyguards.

"Miss, if you want to investigate, please produce a search warrant."

Niya lowered her head and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, bit it in her mouth, lit it and took a puff. Many people in the gang snickered. Niya knew that they should have already taken a cigarette. He started to get excited about things that touched the law, and he was already prepared to deal with the search.

Niya opened the light and shadow screen and took out an investigation order issued by Gene, the chief of Section 13. It did not require the permission of the local section officer. For a while, the people at the door could only get out of the way in disappointment.

"You can look at Miss as you like, we are in serious business, and"

Niya didn't wait for the guy next to her to finish speaking, she grabbed his neck and pushed him in front of her.

"Stop telling me this, let your boss come over."

Niya said, and for a moment she was stunned by the man holding her neck.

"I want to sue you, sue."


Niya unceremoniously flattened the man's nose with a direct knee strike. For a moment, everyone in the factory was stunned. Some people immediately shrank into a corner, and the bleeding man whimpered.

"I didn't understand what you just said!"

The man whose neck was held by Niya shook his head in horror, crying, and blood was still flowing. Niya directly used telekinesis to lift him up in the air.

"Let your boss come over, I don't want to say it a second time."

Suddenly, Niya raised her hand, and a violent red thunderbolt crashed towards a square table in front of her. With a loud crack, the whole factory was filled with the smell of medicine.

"Everyone get down, I'll only give you 10 seconds. Those who are still standing after 10 seconds, get ready to taste the floor."

As soon as Niya finished speaking, a bunch of people were frightened. Someone at the door was about to run away, but Niya threw the guy she was holding in her hand, and instantly ejected over, grabbing the necks of the two guys with both hands. , easily lifted them up and waved them around.

There was a banging sound, and several people who were trying to escape were knocked off their feet. Some mutants were just about to escape, but Niya had already chased them. In an instant, several mutants who wanted to escape were hit by Niya's fists. Flying out directly, the goods on the trading tables were scattered all over the floor, and many people lay on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Seeing that no one was leaving, Niya walked up to a table and kicked it directly. There was a loud bang, and a strong smell of medicine suddenly emitted, completely covering some vegetables placed on it. The smell of meat.

In the past, when Niya was still wandering the streets, she had seen this kind of table with a hollow center with some normal trading items on top and some controlled substances or black market items hidden underneath. She didn't expect that it was still in use now.

"You guys, let your boss come over."

Niya squinted at the person lying on the ground. A man stood up in a panic and quickly dialed the phone.

However, after waiting for half an hour after the call ended, the leader of the gang had not come yet. What came over were the local officers from Section 5. Everyone was arrested. The local officer ran over with a smile on his face. .

"Thank you very much, Miss Niya."

Without saying anything, Niya suddenly hugged the officer and took him outside.

"Tell me, where is the leader of this gang hiding now?"

The officer was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Niya pretending to be suspicious.

"Miss Niya, how could I..."

"You just told me secretly in private. No one else knows. It's up to you whether you tell me or not. If you don't tell me, I will arrest you now for the crime of private money and power transactions. Your home should be nearby, so I guess you should." You can find a lot of interesting things."

The officer was startled for a moment, and his expression became slightly angry.

“I’m asking you, where is the leader of this gang now?”

Niya angrily grabbed the officer's collar and smashed him against the wall. The officer looked at Niya in shock. He also knew that a vicious case had occurred in District 100.


"I'll give you 5 seconds to think about it, 5"

The section officer nodded, then stepped on his feet and whispered in Niya's ear. After Niya knew the location, she turned around and stared at him sideways.

"When did you give up yourself?"

Niya looked at the embarrassed-looking officer, smiled helplessly, jumped directly to the roof, and immediately headed towards the address she had just obtained. The one further to the west of the market was ostensibly a tavern, but was actually a tavern. An underground casino place.

Niya recalled that the officer repeatedly told her that he hoped Niya would not involve her, and he was very frightened in his words.

"What are you afraid of!"


When Niya fell into an alley, she punched the wall. Cracks appeared in the wall, and then red particles flew up. There was a loud boom, and in an instant, the wall in front of Niya was shaken by huge force. It collapsed in an instant, and with a loud bang, the Niya people rushed in.

A bunch of people sitting in the tavern looked at Niya in shock. The Niya people had already rushed over. With bursts of red thunder and lightning flashing, people fell to the ground one after another. Niya grabbed a guy by the collar.

"Where are you bosses?"

There was a wailing sound, and the man who was grabbed pointed down.

Niya threw him away, suddenly jumped up, turned her body forward, stepped on the ceiling with both feet accurately, there was a loud bang, and with the ceiling shattering, Niya's whole body was covered in red Wrapped in electricity, her fist hit the ground directly.

With a loud boom, accompanied by a shocking red lightning, the floor of the entire room was split into two. A large amount of house materials were scattered in the air, but were crushed in an instant.

With a loud bang, Niya had fallen into the empty underground casino, and there were more than 30 people there. Niya saw the leader sitting at a table, drinking wine leisurely. He was obviously shocked.

"Hey, I'm here. Didn't you say you wanted to kill me? I'm right in front of you now."

Immediately, the leader's men rushed over, including a hired S-class mutant bodyguard. Niya roared and ejected directly, and her fists flashing with red lightning instantly dissolved the scabs on the S-class mutant's body. Using physical defense, he hit him accurately in the abdomen.

With a loud bang, the S-class mutant bodyguard smashed into the wall and became motionless. Those who still wanted to take action were dumbfounded and stood there in shock.


Niya casually used telekinesis to catch someone and punched him directly in the cheek.

"What's wrong? You don't want to kill me."

With a bang, the ring in the leader's hand fell to the ground. He immediately shook his head in horror, and Niya raised her fist on the leader's shoulder.

"I never said anything like that, really, I."


Accompanied by a burst of red lightning, the moment Niya's fist gently approached the leader, the meat on his shoulders exploded, and even the exposed white bones instantly became charred black, and a smell of burnt meat instantly appeared. Out loud, the leader screamed in pain and rolled on the ground.

"Everyone lay on the ground with their heads in their hands!"

As soon as Niya finished speaking, one person hurriedly hugged his head and lay on the ground. Niya squatted in front of the leader who was already sweating profusely in pain. He covered the torn and burned place on his shoulder with a pale face and looked at Niya. Ya shook her head.

"A friend of mine died this morning. Do you know anything?"

The leader immediately shook his head.

"I really don't know, really."

The leader looked at his knees held by Niya in horror, and he kept shaking his head.

"Do not you know!"

With a bang, the leader let out a violent scream and passed out. Niya stood up, took out a cigarette, laughed, lit it and took a puff.

Niya stared at some people sideways and grabbed one at random.

"do you know?"

"Sister, I don't know, I really don't know what you are talking about."

Niya sneered and smashed the man onto a table, smashing the table as well.

"Remember it well, if you have any grudges or grievances, come against me. No matter how many of you there are, no matter what methods you use, just don't get caught by me. If you are caught by me, I will definitely beat you up again." I can’t even get up.”

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Niya stood quietly on the street and watched the officers who entered. All of them were arrested. They were suspected of selling drugs privately and would not be released from prison in the short term.

Niya was still talking to the local staff about something. After a while, Niya jumped on the roof. She planned to go back to another place.

3:11 p.m.

Along with a scream, more than thirty people were already lying down in a mansion, and more than twenty people were standing in the corner shivering.

"Sister, I really don't know, really."

Niya dragged a leader whose face was covered with blood, sat on the sofa, exhaled a puff of smoke, and then laughed.

"I'm in a bad mood today. I can only blame you for your bad luck. I happened to catch you."

A bunch of people looked at Niya in astonishment. Niya yawned and looked at something on a light and shadow screen. This was some video information. It was information about their transactions with people from the business department. They even publicly humiliated and beat some people. Staff photos and videos.

"come over!"

Niya waved to a fierce-looking man standing in the corner, and he walked over with sweat on his face.

"When you beat this female section officer, you used that hand!"

The man shook his head in horror.

"I don't dare anymore, no."

Niya suddenly grabbed his right hand, and with a burst of screams, the gang member whimpered and fainted as he looked at his hand that had turned into a ball of meat, black and smoking.

At this time, a large number of section officers came over, and the previous section officer also came over. After seeing some photos on the light and shadow screen on the table, he looked at Niya in horror.

"Such evil incidents have already occurred in the area, why don't you care? Where is this female section officer?"

"She was transferred to the upper level a few months ago."

Niya took a deep drag on the cigarette, and then suddenly spit the cigarette butt on the officer's cheek. She walked over. For a moment, the gang members standing on the wall begged for mercy in horror. Niya put the cigarette butt on the officer's cheek. Gang members were arrested one after another. For a while, all the staff standing in the room looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

"Okay, get the doctors here quickly, otherwise it will turn into a bigger case. How to deal with the problem is your business."

Niya patted the officer on the shoulder, turned and left the compound.

When it was close to 6 o'clock, Niya returned to her dormitory. She was a little tired, or tired from anger. She really didn't know that the acting department had been corrupted to such an extent, especially the people in the 5th department. .

Niya was lying on the bed, her legs hanging from the side of the bed, smoking silently. At this moment, Niya just felt heartache, extremely heartache. Niya had known these ugly things in the past, but the real situation was far worse than What I think is much uglier.

After a while, Niya felt a little tired and fell asleep. In her confusion, Niya saw her sister, who was always walking in front of her bravely. Niya could only chase after her, but no matter how hard she chased, she could never catch up. .

"You loser!"

Suddenly, the sister in front of him suddenly turned around, staring at him with dark eyes, smiling contemptuously at the corner of his mouth, and his expression looked a little evil.

dong dong dong

There was a rapid knock on the door, and Niya woke up. It was already 8:31 pm.

It was Li Li who opened the door. She looked at Niya anxiously.

"Kim's shop was burned down, and many people were injured."

Nia's eyes widened.

"Who did it?"

Li Li shook her head with a solemn expression.

"Where's Jin?"

"in hospital."

Niya ran quickly, and before Li Li finished speaking, the person was gone. Li Li looked at Niya's dormitory with a solemn expression.

As soon as she arrived at the hospital and found Jin's ward, Niya rushed in. People from Department 5 were asking. Jin had just undergone surgery. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and wounds could be seen in many places on his body.

"Who did it?"

"A bunch of people wearing masks."

Jin said, and Niya walked over.

"Remember carefully who attacked you."

However, as soon as Niya finished speaking, a team leader said with a solemn expression.

"Three department members were attacked."

Niya immediately took the light and shadow screen and saw the situation at the scene. Three dying department staff were painfully carried on a stretcher.

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at Niya, who clenched her fists.

"I will find him!"

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