Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1914 Wings Niya Red Thunder 3 (Part 2)

Chapter 1914 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 3 (Part 2)

8:03 pm

Li Li hasn't come back yet. Niya clasped her hands together and sat quietly in Li Li's dormitory. Looking at the steaming tea on the table, she still didn't want to believe that she was indeed going to investigate the organization tonight. Ji En has already issued himself a document with full authority to investigate this case.

It's just that before Niya's investigation tonight, she had already said hello to the gang members who were under control, and they cooperated very cooperatively. One of the gang members had property in District 101, so they directly sent people to keep an eye on it. The gang members to be investigated tonight.

Not long after Niya went out after talking to Li Li, she received a call from the gang member who was watching over there. In an instant, Niya figured it out. After going through everything in her mind during this period, Li Li The impression becomes clearer and clearer.

Think about it, every time he drinks, Li Li will persuade her to do something, and she will ask about some things about the investigation, and who she is investigating, etc. Niya also tells Li Li bluntly, because Niya still believes her, but Everything now makes Niya feel very uncomfortable.

Niya didn't know how to face Li Li later. She hated this kind of thing extremely. She did one thing in front of others and another in front of others, and on such a critical issue, people from 5 subjects in District 100 were already raped. On such a serious issue as killing, Li Li chose to turn a blind eye and continue to cooperate with those gang members.

Others Niya might not be so excited, but only Li Li's actions in this matter made Niya feel extremely heartbroken.

Mo Xiaolan has made it clear enough. If this continues, Niya will not be able to find the source at all.

As time passed, Niya felt more and more anxious. After getting along with each other for several months, Niya really regarded Li Li as a very good friend.

"Maybe it's just me who thinks so!"

Niya took out a cigarette, lit it with a wry smile, and her expression became serious, and her eyes became extremely sharp.

At 8:31, Li Li came back with a bunch of things.

"Come on, eat it while it's hot, and let's have a nice drink tonight."

After Li Li sat down with a smile, Niya opened a bottle of wine and drank it.

"Don't just drink alcohol, it's not good for your health."

Li Li said, holding some skewers and handed them over. Niya did not eat them after taking them, but continued to take a sip of wine, and Li Li started eating by herself.

"By the way, next time I have a vacation, I'll tell your captain to arrange our time together. How about we go shopping together? Go to the newly built circular street on the middle floor. There are a lot of food and entertainment there, and "


Niya put down the bottle and uttered three words coldly.

"No need."

"What's wrong, Niya! Are you in a bad mood? It's okay. Someone will be caught."

Li Li sat next to Niya and said comfortingly. Niya suddenly glared at her.

"Caught? How? During this time, every time I make a surprise investigation, someone will always know about it in advance. I have prepared all the means to deal with it. How do you ask me to investigate."

Li Li smiled awkwardly.

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, there are many people at the bottom who are close to the gang members."

"no way?"

Niya turned her head and looked directly at Li Li.

"Someone died."

Li Li's expression became serious, she lowered her head and hummed, Niya laughed, and then hugged Li Li.

"I am indeed a young lady who is inexperienced in the world. My understanding of the bottom level is still superficial."

Li Li hummed.

"I told you a long time ago, Niya, the situation at the bottom is very complicated. If you messed around like this from the beginning, you might be able to do something, but many things can't be solved by just making such a fuss. The overall atmosphere and situation It’s all like this, and many people have their own sufferings.”

"how about you?"

Niya looked at Li Li seriously. She subconsciously avoided the blazing eyes, shook her head and said with a smile.

"I'm afraid of poverty. When I was a child, both of my parents were workers, and it was hard for me to go to school. I worked very hard to get into the Business Department. I originally wanted to go to the 7th Department, but I couldn't get it. The practical exam My grades were not good, so I was assigned to subject 5.”

Niya grinned slightly, looking very angry. She suddenly turned her head and stood up.

"How much do you want?"

Li Li frowned slightly.

"What's the meaning?"

"I can give you any amount of money you want. How many millions? Tens of millions? Or hundreds of millions? I can get this little money right now."

Li Li's eyes widened, her expression suddenly turned angry, and she stood up.

"Niya, are you drunk?"

Niya laughed bitterly.

"Are you afraid of being poor? It is true that many people at the bottom are poor, but there are also people who are not crushed by poverty and are living hard. If you want money, I will give it to you. You can have as much money as you want. Don't do this again. Something has happened, and I don’t want to arrest you with my own hands one day.”

Li Li instantly slapped her with a furious slap, but Niya blocked it instantly.

"Are you crazy? Niya, I, I."

Niya grabbed the wine on the table, took a big gulp, then smashed the bottle to the ground with a bang, turned around and waved.

"I'm going to raid that gang now. Although you can inform them, I will still go. Money is indeed very important. You may not have everything if you have money, but you absolutely can't have it without money. But how much do you need to fill the gap?" To flatten the hole in your heart? How much does it take to satisfy you?"

Li Li didn't say anything and looked at Niya with a blushing face, but she still tried her best to argue.

"I don't know what you're talking about Nya."

"Just listen to my complaints or nag."

Niya walked to the window.

"During this period of time, I was very repelled by this kind of working atmosphere at the beginning, but then I spent a few months happily. Thank you Li Li, you are a very good friend!"

Li Li watched Niya jump directly to the window sill. She walked over quickly and wanted to grab Niya, but Niya still jumped down.

"Can you listen to me first? Niya, listen to me first."

When Li Li looked towards the window, Niya could no longer be found, and she could only see a red light passing by in the distance.

Li Li choked with sobs, tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't know how to explain to Niya, or she couldn't find any explanation at all. She sat down on the ground softly, mechanically ran to the bed, and got out of the bed. She took out an old-fashioned black mobile phone from the small cabinet below and quickly entered a series of numbers. However, when pressing the dial button, Li Li hesitated.

Niya's smile kept popping up in Li Li's mind. During this period of time together, Li Li did regard Niya as a friend. However, if he wanted to be transferred out, he would need money and a comfortable life in the future. At this juncture, Li Li just wanted to get a little more.

After a while, Li Li started to sob. She covered her mouth and moved her thumb away from the dial button. The black phone in her hand fell to the ground with a clatter. After flipping and sliding for a distance, it stopped. Li Li looked at the phone with dull eyes, then closed her eyes and raised her head.



Along with the sound of collisions and screams of terror, the gang members fell to the ground obediently with their hands on their heads.

There was a banging sound, and bullets were fired one after another. Niya rushed over angrily. In an instant, the bullets melted directly under the red lightning, and the gang members holding guns screamed in horror. .

With a loud bang, the floor shattered, and Niya fell down. There were people running around in panic. Niya was not polite to them, but quickly used fists and electricity to make one gang member after another fall to the ground.

The moment she raised the gun, Niya no longer thought about those things. She just wanted to arrest as many people as possible. The entire gang was stationed in a large area, which was a block. One after another, the gang members could only escape. stand up.

Under Niya's impact, many things were exposed. At this time, several mutants had jumped to the top of the building. The leader of the gang looked angrily at the red lightning flashing on his territory. He gritted his teeth and punched On the ground.

"Boss, please leave quickly. If you don't leave, we will be doomed if we are caught."

"That bitch Li Li."

The leader was very angry. At 8 o'clock, Li Li called the leader and informed him that Niya would not investigate for the time being and would find a way to hold her back. The leader also wanted to conduct another transaction tonight and get his hands on her as soon as possible. After getting rid of his things, he has found many buyers. Now those buyers are also involved. He is completely finished in this world. Even if he hides, he will still have to face the pursuit of people in this world.

Didi didi

The leader's phone rang, and he quickly took it out. After answering the call, the leader's eyes widened.

"Sir, wise man."

A dry laugh came.

"People make mistakes and horses make mistakes. It's okay. It's just a small accident. I will help you settle it. Now you just need to survive and wait for my contact. Next, you have to do what I say. If you do it, you may survive.”

The leader nodded repeatedly and listened carefully, and several of his close men came over.

At 9:31, a large number of Section 5 of District 101 surrounded the entire area. Many people looked at the gang members lying on the ground one after another in shock. They all suffered varying degrees of injuries, but Not a single gang member died.

Niya stood quietly near the small lighthouse in the center of a cross street, with a bunch of people lying beside her. In less than half an hour, Niya had subdued all the gang members she saw.

The local officer kept swallowing and looked at Niya with cold sweat. He stood more than ten meters away from Niya and did not dare to lean over. He seemed to be still thinking about what to say, but Niya had already taken the initiative to come over.

"Miss Niya, you'd better inform us first next time, so that we can cooperate with your raid investigation and provide effective support, after all."

After Niya lit a cigarette, she smiled and shook her head.

"I have obtained permission for the investigation. I will leave it to you to handle this matter."

After Niya finished speaking, she jumped directly to the top of a house without waiting for the officer to speak. The officer below seemed to be relieved. He swallowed and looked at the arrested gang members. He could only follow the law. It should be dealt with according to the law, especially those gang members who took out guns, which is already a felony.

Niya quickly returned to Area 100 and stood quietly on the top of a tall building, looking at the neon lights in the distance in a bad mood. Niya knew very well that she had to find the prisoner.

Niya, a member of Section 5 who was attacked to death, has learned about them. They are marginalized people in the lower-level administrative departments and are excluded at work. The same is true in life. From time to time, they will conflict with gang members. .

Niya knows very well that if the root is rotten, it can only be uprooted. However, in the bottom 60 districts, Niya's energy is limited. She can only achieve certain results by relying on such surprise investigations, but the situation remains the same. No change.

At this time, far away, Niya noticed a flash of dazzling scarlet suddenly appearing in the night sky in the distance. Niya looked over suspiciously.

August 31

Niya saw the small note tucked into the crack of the door early in the morning.

I'm getting transferred today. How about we have a meal together?

Niya knew it belonged to Li Lisai. She crumpled up the note and threw it directly into the garbage disposal. Niya was on vacation today, and Li Li was going to be transferred to a middle-level behavioral science academy as an instructor today. You can take a month off and then officially start working as an instructor.

In the past twenty days, Niya basically didn't say a word to Li Li. When they met, she just walked over like a stranger, although Li Li would say hello to her from time to time.

The progress of the investigation of the case is still as deadlocked as ever. Even though local gang members have been asked to put on a show and deliberately cause some riots, and some people from Section 5 came to stop it, in the past few months, no members of the section have been attacked.

Nowadays, everyone is discussing one thing. The actions of Section 3 in the barrier zone. On the surface, Congress told the public that Section 3 only carried out a large-scale marching exercise mission. In fact, the news coming out of Section 3 was that , Section 3 launched a clearing operation against the barrier area, and now everyone in the society is talking about it.

There are already rumors that many people were killed in this operation of Section 3, and the Congress has concealed the specific number. It only released the number of dozens of people, but this number is false. The family members of the deceased have already broken the news, but this The revelations quickly disappeared.

Niya sat quietly in the room. She didn't know whether she wanted to have a drink with Li Li today. She still wanted to go, but in the end Niya decided not to go because she no longer planned to say anything to Li Li. .

But soon Niya opened the dormitory door and walked to Li Li's dormitory door. She raised her hand and wanted to knock on it, but in the end she hesitated.


The door to the room opened.


Niya said and stretched out her hand. Li Li looked at Niya with some surprise. She was not wearing a uniform today and was wearing casual clothes. She was dressed beautifully. Li Li hummed and stretched out her hand to hold it.

"sorry, I."

Niya shook her head, let go of Li Li's hand, and walked away with a smile.

"I want to go somewhere during the day, at night!"

Li Li seemed to be relieved and hummed. Watching Niya leave, Li Li was a little excited, but also a little scared. She didn't know what to say when having dinner with Niya tonight.

But Li Li soon gave up such an idea. No matter how much she said, it might be useless. She could only stay away from it all. During this period, Li Li no longer had contact with the gang members. She very much hoped to get along with Niya. After clarifying the matter, serious Niya apologized, but she might not be able to say such words for the rest of her life.

The feeling had completely changed. Li Li knew very well that Niya was just shaking hands with her from the perspective of a colleague and congratulating her on her transfer.

When it was close to 12 o'clock, Niya came to a canteen building in Section 12. From a distance, she saw Xiong Dabiao clashing with the people in Section 12 because he was dissatisfied with the food rationing. Others from the Lightning Skull were also there.


More than a dozen people from the Lightning Skull Guild were sitting in a field outside, devouring food while Niya smiled awkwardly.

"You idiot, you still know how to come see us."

Olivia stared at Niya angrily. For a moment, a group of people looked at each other and laughed. They would be released from prison soon. After Niya sat down, she talked about some recent developments with her friends. Xiong Dabiao shouted. Yawning and half-squinting his eyes, the others looked at Niya with serious expressions.

"Don't come into contact with that kind of person Niya, this is my advice to you."

Olivia said bluntly, and Nia smiled bitterly and hummed.

"When you come out, come and help me investigate this case. It's really difficult for me to do it alone."

"What did Mr. Jean say?"

Xiong Dabiao asked, and Niya nodded.

"He gave me full responsibility for the investigation."

Niya really couldn't find a solution. She did find a lot of DNA information about those who attacked Section 5 personnel in District 100. They were all wanted criminals. They were hiding in the lower-level neighborhoods. Mo Xiaolan also said , the matter itself is not complicated, what is complicated is the intertwined problems at the bottom. If you want to catch people, you must find talents, and these guys are sneaking around in secret and can't be found at all.

"After we go out, we will help you investigate. We can go out on January 1 next year. During this period, you can be patient for the time being and investigate in secret. Don't cause too much trouble."

Olivia reminded, Nia hummed, and then after they had eaten, Nia planned to leave, because she didn't want to affect their lunch break. After all, they had to do heavy physical work in the afternoon, but all this was not suitable for the Lightning Skeleton. For the mutants in the guild, it was very relaxing. This time Niya came and found that everyone's expressions had changed.

This is what makes Niya the happiest. In the past, everyone always had inexplicable confusion and unspeakable bitterness in their eyes, but now everyone looks very confident, all thanks to Jean.

During the days when Niya was locked up at home by Jean, she had to endure very severe pain every day, and Jean would go to Section 2 every day, where the members of the Lightning Skull Guild were imprisoned. Everyone should not be harsh to Jean. After repairs, we finally got out of that incident. Now everyone is bathing in a different sunshine than before.

After getting on the subway, Niya called Gene.

"Where are you now? I want to tell you something."

"Sorry, I have to prepare for the city meeting another day."

Before Niya could finish her words, Gene had already hung up the phone. Niya looked at the phone angrily, but she noticed that Gene's tone today was different from usual. He became much more serious. Niya wanted to I called my mother to find out what was going on, but I was stunned because my mother might not go to Congress to observe.

Niya thought about Locke again, but it was even more impossible for Locke to tell her. In the past, Niya also took the initiative to call Locke to ask some questions, but Locke always tried to pass him by.

"By the way, that guy is qualified to step in."

Nia smiled and pulled up the phone book and found Leona's number.

"You will give me a phone call. It's really rare in a hundred years, Niya."

Niya laughed.

"By the way, I heard someone said that you have already taken the secretarial exam?"

"Of course, you think I'm you and mess around."

Leona said dissatisfiedly, Nia smiled and hummed, but then said seriously.

"Congratulations Leona!"

"Is that the only thing you can say? Should you treat me to a meal? Do you know how much I have helped you with?"

Nia was a little surprised, but soon Leona told Nia that in the process of arresting some criminals, some of the things that Nia obviously violated the law and the internal management regulations of the practice department were all done by Leona After the correction, I logged into the database of Section 6.

"Thank you very much. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

"Do you want to eat? The only way is to give me a single-family villa with a front and back yard covering an area of ​​500 square meters!"

Nia was a little surprised, but soon Leona burst into laughter.

"I'm kidding you. Now that your identity has gradually become known, you can take care of yourself. The daughter of the Angus family occupies the family's power, is lawless, and creates chaos in the city."

Niya looked at the phone confused.

"These reports have just been published and they were suppressed by Section 1. You are really awesome. What is going on?"

"Is there anything important at this city meeting?"

After Leona was silent for a while, she finally sighed and said.

"There is indeed something extremely important. I heard that Mr. Gene, the chief of Section 13, will also attend."

Niya hummed.

"What exactly happened?"

"It's always a big deal. You'll know later. The city will probably continue to be rioting for a while, because this matter is related to Section 2."

Niya became even more suspicious.

"Can't you just tell me something?"

"This is a decision about the future of the practice department. After all, many people in today's society regard the law as a weapon, which makes it impossible for the practice department to investigate many issues in detail. You will always know in a few days. It is definitely enough. This is a big event that shocked the whole city. Well, I still have a job. By the way, let me tell you that I have been appointed as the secretary of Section 6 and will officially take office on March 1 next year!"

Niya swallowed unexpectedly.

"It's really amazing."

"How about you, hurry up and climb up? After all, 5 subjects have serious problems. If no one fixes them, the future will be very bad. You don't want to see the 5 subjects built by Alpha collapse!"

After Niya hesitated for a while, she laughed.

"I'll forget it. I'm not this material. After all, I can't even solve such a trivial matter."

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